View Full Version : Where can I find good, cheap 3.5 minis?

Mr. Zolrane
2011-04-30, 11:14 PM
So I'm getting tired of using dice to represent my character, and I was wondering if perhaps anyone knows where I can find some nice minis. Specifically, I'm looking for some common PC minis, at least one for each core class. Some drow minis would be good too, as I'm going to be playing in a drow campaign next semester. I would also like to know where I can get them fairly cheaply. Anyone have any pointers?

2011-04-30, 11:18 PM
My group uses Legos. We can build our own to look like the characters and larger models can be built for larger size categories. Use Legos

Mr. Zolrane
2011-04-30, 11:49 PM
My group uses Legos. We can build our own to look like the characters and larger models can be built for larger size categories. Use Legos

The fact that you recommend Legos makes me like you better as a person.:smallamused:

2011-04-30, 11:59 PM
I remember that I used to use card cutouts of characters...

Not quite "good", but definitely cheap.

You draw, or find on the internet, a picture for your character. Shrink it down, print it out on an index card (if you draw it, you can do a front and a back.

Then cut it out and... um... I got the idea from Cardboard Heroes (http://e23.sjgames.com/item.html?id=SJG30-2101), and if you look real closely, it has an image of how you cut them out and fold them. And if you're not feeling creative, apparently you can even buy them for cheap enough, but I'd rather make my own.


I'm planning on using nes sprites for the mini theme of my next game. Old Final Fantasy Characters, Legend of Zelda monsters, and the like.

2011-05-01, 12:13 AM
Get yourself a box of those cheap, green plastic army men. Then you'll always have enough mini's for the horde of zombies....

2011-05-01, 01:31 AM
Get yourself a box of those cheap, green plastic army men. Then you'll always have enough mini's for the horde of zombies....

Which you can still find at most dollar stores

2011-05-01, 02:25 AM
If he is tired of using dice Im sure he will be just as discontent using green army men. Its usually one end of the spectrum for most people. Either use whatever you can find or use something that closely represents what you want. It's like that for me anyway.

I would for just YOUR character you should check out reaper minis, that way you can buy one figure that looks VERY close to what your character is and paint him however you want, it will be more special that way.

As far as just buying a surplus of miniatures to have as other NPCs and monsters, check ebay, craigslist, amazon, troll and toad, all the normal places.

2011-05-01, 03:03 AM
Between dice and minis there are tokens. Buy some sort of cheapo plastic poker chips, or if you are feeling fancy somewhat nice poker chips. Print tokens with exactly the character you want on them. Attach to the poker chips using whatever meets the standards set. Call it a day.

2011-05-01, 03:15 AM
My group uses Legos. We can build our own to look like the characters and larger models can be built for larger size categories. Use Legos+1

Seriously, if you have even a moderate amount of Lego pieces, they become customizable. Also, I love Legos and they need your support. You can eschew traditional battlemats for standard Lego boards. It looks pretty cool, too.

2011-05-01, 07:29 AM
If he is tired of using dice Im sure he will be just as discontent using green army men. Its usually one end of the spectrum for most people. Either use whatever you can find or use something that closely represents what you want. It's like that for me anyway.

Well then one could always find some one unloading all their old MageKnight (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mage_Knight)stuff on E-bay...they're going pretty cheap.

2011-05-01, 07:52 AM
Well then one could always find some one unloading all their old MageKnight (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mage_Knight)stuff on E-bay...they're going pretty cheap.

MageKnight is unfortunatelly not compatible with D&D's scale. The base is too big.

2011-05-01, 09:32 AM
This (http://www.abprices.com/Products/Game/Dungeons_Dragons_Miniatures) is a good site for comparative D&D minis pricing.

2011-05-01, 01:00 PM
I got most of my mini collection on Ebay. In general, I shoot for a $1/mini price point, which is usually achievable.

If you just want to bulk up the size of your collection without picking specific minis, Troll and Toad offers random minis (http://www.trollandtoad.com/p140275.html) (albeit one does tend to get lots of doubles. Though if one doesn't like doubles, they're still good for trading with friends, one has any). They used to be $1/mini; looks like they've bumped that up to $1.49/mini, which is still not a bad deal.

2011-05-01, 02:43 PM

Buck Rogers or D&D. The D&D one are one dollar for two sprues.

2011-05-01, 02:50 PM
If you can find one of those old Milton Bradley "Hero Quest" games, they come complete with a set of four hero minis (Barbarian, Elf, Dwarf, Wizard) and a ton of generic monsters, plus some interesting accessories (treasure chests, tables, torture rack, trap tiles). The new D&D 4th ed board game is rather pricey, but it also comes with a solid set of minis. Plus, hey, board game!

I just use the figures from a Risk box, but I've come to terms with the idea that my minis will never represent reality ;)

2011-05-01, 06:22 PM
You could get these: http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/f/fieryDragon

They are designed for 4E game but should work in any version of D&D.

2011-05-01, 06:24 PM
my group just uses random figures we find but I hear some people use tiles bought at a hardware store.

2011-05-01, 06:30 PM
If you have a laptop PC or a desktop and there is suitable TV where you play there are a number of minature "simulator" programs which you can use to keep track of each battle.