View Full Version : Need to build a lieutenant for these troops

2011-05-03, 04:48 AM
As the title. I've got an army of these guys (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=265125) in my campaign, and I need to build a lieutenant for them. First the backstory:

About a hundred years ago, a massive army of champions did battle against the Tarrasque, and won, imprisoning a beast they couldn't kill(no wish or miracle available). They built a city over the beast's prison, and lived there as wardens. Over time, they grew....experimental. One such successful experiment is these. Mass produced constructs, ritually infused with the spark of life and draconic power, then trained to harness their minds and commune with the magical beasts.

On the whole, the process has been a success, but their minds are immature, and full of raging emotion. They need leadership.

That said, the city of Kintarra is populated by about 600 '1st generation' citizens, all of whom fought against the Tarrasque. Since then, the population 'boomed' for about 100 years, and these children were born into a society that never lacked, but required strict training.

1st gens are all at *least* lvl 8, but no higher than lvl 14, while younger citizens are probably no higher than lvl 10 or 12, and average out around lvl 7.

Now, I want something that'll provide both a tactically interesting addition to these melee monsters, but at the same time, feel like a 'leader' to them, rather than their artillery. I thought about bard, but bard's main schtick with being an NPC leader is providing a damage boost, which isn't currently needed, since these things deal enough damage to 1-shot most of my party on lucky rolls.

Most playable races are available, and *all* wotc classes(no homebrew please)

2011-05-03, 05:12 AM
Psiforged with a lot of battlefield control? Or maybe a seer? Go with a flaw to pick up adamantine body, too, cause full plate casters forged for war are sweet.

2011-05-03, 01:50 PM
Psiforged? Where's that one from?

2011-05-03, 03:52 PM
Psiforged? Where's that one from?

Magic of eberron? It turns the warforged into a giant capacitance crystal. Don't know how you feel about psychic robots, but I always liked the idea, especially given the mechanics for casting in armor.

2011-05-03, 08:57 PM
So what are you looking for in Lt. Dan, anyway? What's "interesting" depends on what your party is composed of. What are the party members?

2011-05-03, 09:01 PM
If those are the basic soldier, i'd say a fullcaster of some kind. Maybe with mind-control theme (or just spells) in case your "emotional instability" thing is a capital-I issue.

2011-05-04, 01:38 AM
So what are you looking for in Lt. Dan, anyway? What's "interesting" depends on what your party is composed of. What are the party members?

The PCs are all level 5, and we've got:
-Swift Hunter, specializing in archery(He's got the rogue skill list for scout)
-Wizard 4/Crusader 1, going gishy, but still has decent spellcasting
-Warblade, focusing in damage output(Typically only 'boss' level enemies survive two attacks from him)
-Swordsage, new, but he took my advice on feats, and found a fun little combo about how SA dice work with ranged touch attack maneuvers.
-Rogue 1/Druid 4, going Daggerspell. Not effective the way he wants to play, but when he's backed into a corner and decides to start casting the good stuff, watch out.

As for what I'm looking for, I want something that makes thematic sense. Outside that, it is kinda hard to put a finger on. The psiforged are a great idea, but don't work as a 'lieutenant'. I'll probably build one to use as a 'battery' psion, to refit soldiers for redeployment without requiring a day's rest.

If those are the basic soldier, i'd say a fullcaster of some kind. Maybe with mind-control theme (or just spells) in case your "emotional instability" thing is a capital-I issue.

The emotional instability issue is more of an explanation for why a robot can now *RAGE* than anything else.

2011-05-04, 02:19 AM
Maybe warblade?

2011-05-04, 02:21 AM
What's your take on JaonK's analysis (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=3065.0)?

2011-05-04, 03:37 AM
What sort of trope are you going for with the leader? An emotionless stoic, standing bravely on the battlefield like a WWII british officer, dialing in artillery support, calmly firing his armbow while directing his troops? Does he lead by example, charging up and out of the trenches shouting "come on you apes, you wanna live forever!?" Perhaps a "WAAAAARGH!!!"? Does he command by fear and force- he's bigger and stronger than the others? Or do his men respect him and his qualities, and he leads as a good leader ought? Or does he "handle" his men, psionically linked to them, constantly tempering their emotions with whatever arcane science is used to control out of control angry soul robots? Or perhaps he's fresh out of school, full of Academy ideas, has little actual experience, and demands he be followed because he has a higher rank?

These guys don't look like they'd be good on an open field- fairly easy to kite. Their tactic looks to rely on shock, awe, and brutal melee. I imagine them charging into an enemy, trying to close as fast as possible while trying to inflict as much psychological damage as possible. The buzz and hum of psionic energies that would crackle around them would certainly be found upsetting by anything unfamiliar with such displays. Plus, getting big gives you a +4 to intimidate checks.

I imagine the Lt. far better armored than the others, looking like the bastard offspring of a space marine and a steel predator. He emanates a terrifying battle presence (some way to get swift intimidate + never outnumbered+ aid another from his allies) to auto-scare everything the group is about to charge at. The Lt. has no problems with charging into combat and slaughtering everyone. I'm thinking straight levels of duskblade. Duskblades make great NPC antagonists, I have found, because they are full of surprises for players- invisibility, flying, channeling damage, some quick casts. Good action advantage, as they can cast spells and do damage at the same time. Plus, they mesh nicely with casting and being in full plate.

You could also go psion gish. Use psi-crystal, share pain, vigor to get a huge amount of HP. Force Screen and Defensive Precog get you good AC (as well as adamantine body). Levels in Slayer get you the needed BAB. Then all of a sudden you open up with 14d6 of energy damage in a cone, or a crap ton of energy missiles or what have you. I love surprising players like that.

2011-05-04, 03:51 AM
What's your take on JaonK's analysis (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=3065.0)?

Read it before, and makes sense, but I'm not statting a 'born leader', but rather a middle-management type officer. Think less Captain Tagon, and more Lieutenant Theo Fobius or Lieutenant Commander John Der Trihs from Schlock Mercenary.

2011-05-05, 03:53 AM
What sort of trope are you going for with the leader?

Er, I'm not trying to stat a singular NPC. Think more in terms of designing an RTS army, I guess.

You could also go psion gish. Use psi-crystal, share pain, vigor to get a huge amount of HP. Force Screen and Defensive Precog get you good AC (as well as adamantine body). Levels in Slayer get you the needed BAB. Then all of a sudden you open up with 14d6 of energy damage in a cone, or a crap ton of energy missiles or what have you. I love surprising players like that.

Yeah, I'm thinking about adding in a psion tank now, which when combined with the 'battery psiforged', gives me two additional NPC types, so ty for both.

2011-05-05, 04:02 AM
Ohh, ok, need leaders, not a leader. I was wondering why you were statting out such a low ranking officer.