View Full Version : Cheese Please

2011-05-03, 06:42 AM
So I'm playing a Pathfinder (with as much 3.5 splat as wanted) game where we are starting at level 4, but facing CR 7-11 enemies. The GM has no pretense of roleplaying since we are already playing a traditional pathfinder game, so this is basically as much cheese without game-breakingly stupid. (Pun-pun and Chuck and Leadership abuse stuff not allowed)

My character is a dragonspawn abomination, with its sorcerer skills rolled to max, so while it is technically a level 3 sorcerer with 3 HD, it has level 10 sorcerer capabilities and can cast one level 5 spell. The GM is going to adapt each dungeon to our playstyle, so I am concerned because sorcerers aren't usually super versatile.

Any suggestions for spells known and even cheap feats? Keep in mind the CR 7-11 and that cheap tricks to sneak through the dungeon will be needed. Basically, heat up the fondoo!

So both 3.5 and Pathfinder cheese suggestions welcome. :)