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2011-05-03, 08:30 AM
if earth in D&D is Abeir-toril or just toril than what is thay? what are the names of other planets on the material plane?

The Boz
2011-05-03, 08:36 AM
Thay is a country, there are no planets, Toril is a flat plate.

2011-05-03, 12:04 PM
No space!!!? no aliens!!!? no Cosmonauts!!!? :smalleek:

2011-05-03, 12:06 PM
It's called the Astral Plane, and they're Gith.

2011-05-03, 12:16 PM
If the material plane is infinite then there must be space and other planets there is no reason to have an eternal atmosphere of nothing. I am DMing a campaign and I wanted to put ederron and Darksun on other planets. should I make them alternative material planes instead?

Morph Bark
2011-05-03, 12:17 PM
If the material plane is infinite then there must be space and other planets there is no reason to have an eternal atmosphere of nothing. I am DMing a campaign and I wanted to put ederron and Darksun on other planets. should I make them alternative material planes instead?

The atmosphere isn't endless. If you go far enough you just encounter Toril again. It is on the inside of an infinitely large sphere.

2011-05-03, 12:21 PM
That's a question I asked myself often and yeah, that's pretty much the solution I came to. Ebberon, Darksun and other game settings are paralel universes. How you get there is left to your imagination as DM.

Personally, my bet would be on Elminster screwing up something. The old coot probably got too drunk and tried to experiment :smalltongue: Or maybe he and his college buddies were playing truth or dare :smallbiggrin:

Morph Bark
2011-05-03, 12:24 PM
I think somewhere in Spelljammer (which I presume you will no doubt be using considering SPACE!!) it was said that Eberron, Faerūn and Dark Sun exist in a triangle of connected Material Planes. You could simply refluff that into them being different planets in the same system or such (whether it is a star system or the same galaxy).

I always figured the Astral Plane was the "outer space" of fantasy settings. It could easily be mixed with the Ethereal Plane too (ectoplasm! Ghosts in space!), or the Plane of Shadow for Hyperspace.

2011-05-03, 12:32 PM
I believe Eberron predates Spelljammer by a long time, and I don't think there were any Spelljammer books that came out after Eberron premiered.

Eberron is confirmed to be spherical. Toril is... I dunno. One of the level 18 Wizards who tends bar probably knows more than I do.

2011-05-03, 12:40 PM
You are perfectly fine to put Eberron and Darksun as different planets on the same Material Plane.

Just becuase it's the Material Plane doesn't mean it has to have stuff in it. Our Universe is the real life equivilent of the Material Plane, but it's practically empty.

There doesn't necessarily have to be atmosphere in the in-between-bits, but there can be if you want, since, you know, you're in charge.

Always wanted to read the Spelljammer stuff. I've heard many great things about it.

Personally I like to keep my campaign settings separate. I wouldn't want any of that Faeunian sissy-crap messing up my Eberron.:smalltongue:

2011-05-03, 12:51 PM
I believe Eberron predates Spelljammer by a long time, and I don't think there were any Spelljammer books that came out after Eberron premiered.I think you got the first part of your post backwards...

And IIRC in Eberron if you keep flying up you enter another plane of existence. Maybe that's just when it's "close".

2011-05-03, 12:58 PM
Technically, Realmsspace is a crystal sphere in Spelljammer's Phlogiston, which contains a planet called Toril. Or at least the Spelljammer fansite tells me so.

2011-05-03, 12:58 PM
okay so I have 18th level players and we have played on almost ever plane but ederron and darksun. so I'm trying to figure how 2 get to these

2011-05-03, 01:00 PM
Both Eberron and Athas are isolated from the other planes by magical barriers. Neither the ethereal nor the astral connect there normally. You could try shadow, faerie or mirror, all of which canonically connect to "strange realities".

2011-05-03, 02:06 PM
I think you got the first part of your post backwards...

And IIRC in Eberron if you keep flying up you enter another plane of existence. Maybe that's just when it's "close".

Sorry, you are correct. Sometimes I channel the Far Realm and backwards speaking begin.

I don't recall anything about flying up into different dimensions in Eberron. You do fly into the ring of Siberys, but that's no more a different plane than Khyber, which is no more a different plane than FR's Underdark.

There are some interesting parallels between Eberron's 13 moons and 13 planes, not to mention 13 (now 12) Dragonmarks, but I don't think the moons actually ARE the planes. There's some weird errata for the ECS which confuses the issue even further.

2011-05-03, 02:16 PM
there are no planets, Toril is a flat plate.

Not true! The Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting goes into significant detail about the other celestial bodies in Toril's solar system, as well as the orbits of toril around its star and it moon around the planet. This can be found on Pg 230 in the section "Beyond Faerun."

2011-05-03, 03:25 PM
Lords of Madness details several races that have mastered space travel. The Mind Flayers and Slave Takers both travel between planets, as well as between planes. That said, I don't think there are any first party sourcebooks for inter-stellar travel in D&D, most people prefer to travel the planes, which are much better documented.

2011-05-05, 01:33 PM
I thought there were other planets! I have that book two. I am going to have my party team up with the mindflayers to stop Atropus (elder evils) because mindflayers hate zombies and the dead and they want to rule the world as well. so my Pc will go up and have space battles! In nautiloids and it gives me my boyfriend a chance to play the game as he will be a traitorous Mindflayer necromancer. The objective is to kill Atropus and his 10 generals and one is every planet including Selune even thought it is a moon! the 2 dawn herald planets are Anadia (Darksun) and Coliar (Ederron)

2011-05-05, 03:19 PM
The spelljammer website (http://www.spelljammer.org/) has basic Spelljammer info and a breakdown of Realmspace (http://www.spelljammer.org/worlds/Realmspace/).

There is a Spelljammer wiki that has a breakdown of the celestial bodies in Realmspace. (http://spelljammer.wikia.com/wiki/Realmspace) Not a lot of info, but will give you the basics of each planet.

I know a lot of people don't care for Spelljammer, but I love it.

And the sphere for Athas is officially sealed (can access through a few portals in the elemental planes as I recall, but not the astral, ethereal, or phlogiston). Spelljammer had long been gone by the time Ebberron came about and, with its different cosmology, it wouldn't really fit very well, anyway (kind of like trying to fit it to Planescape and the Great Wheel). Of course, in 3rd edition Forgotten Realms is no longer on the D&D cosmology so Spelljammer might not be applicable anyway depending on your campaign.

2011-05-05, 07:03 PM
I don't recall anything about flying up into different dimensions in Eberron. You do fly into the ring of Siberys, but that's no more a different plane than Khyber, which is no more a different plane than FR's Underdark.There's a "sky" plane, and manifest zones... Um...

2011-05-05, 07:36 PM
Personally, my bet would be on Elminster screwing up something. The old coot probably got too drunk and tried to experiment :smalltongue: Or maybe he and his college buddies were playing truth or dare :smallbiggrin:
Elminster has commented (in either a novel or a sourcebook) about how one of his continual annoyances is that followers of Gond (the god of technology) have picked up a habit of observing a parallel crystal sphere, infinitely larger than that of Toril, and are collecting all sorts of advancements to their gunpowder and other technological devices from it as a result. The parallel sphere is strongly implied to be our world.

Additionally, one place that definitively links all the various worlds together is the World Serpent Inn. It was given the 3.5 treatment in Dragon #351, and canonically contains doors that lead to every possible plane. That includes Eberron (it has a few doors, one of which opens into Aundair as I recall), Faerun (opening into Arabel, in Cormyr), Athas (usually shut and locked, but it can be opened to drop you into the desert near a town, the name of which I forget), Oerth (a city for which I forget the name), and yes, even Krynn (opening to Istar a few days before the Cataclysm). It also has some doors that lead into Sigil, IIRC.

So you can always use the World Serpent as a base for your plane-hopping adventures.