View Full Version : Non-Cleric Exclusive PrC that grants rebuking?

2011-05-03, 09:23 AM
Yes. I am looking for a PrC for a divine caster who is not a cleric that grants rebuking, NOT TURNING. That means usual suspects such as that church inquisitor/whatever it's called class that grants TURNING is out. The reason is I am looking for a way to get rebuke undead on Archivists, favored souls, shugenjas ect.. who are evil. No druid-based classes, though...unless a non-druid can qualify for it. 3rd party sources are fine, too. So, any class that fits the bill?

2011-05-03, 09:26 AM
Ur-Priest does that, but I suppose is not what you want. You're looking for something that advances existing casting, right?

2011-05-03, 09:30 AM
If third-party sources are fine, why not just homebrew exactly what you want?

Evil-ify the Raidant Servant of Pelor and start from there, I'd say.

2011-05-03, 09:35 AM
From the Lists of Stuff (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19871954/Lists_of_Stuff):

grants turn/rebuke undead - anything that grants turning generally stacks
Cleric 1
Paladin 4
Blackguard 3, ecl, command or rebuke only
Sacred Exorcist 1, ecl 8, Complete Divine, turn only
Ur-priest 2, ecl 7, Complete Divine, rebuke only
Divine Mind 4, Complete Divine, class variant (here)
Dread Necromancer 1, base class, Heroes of Horror, rebuke only
Death Delver 1, ecl 6, Heroes of Horror, rebuke only
Chameleon 3, ecl 8, Races of Destiny, see text
Master of Radiance 1, ecl 6, Libris Mortin, turn only - unclear whether you gain turning or if it only stacks
Tenebrous, vestige, ecl 7, Tome of Magic, unlimited use but see text
Knight of the Raven 3, ecl 7, Expedition to Castle Ravenloft
Apostle of Peace 1, ecl 8, Book of Exalted Deeds
Soldier of Light 1, ecl 6, Deities and Demigods
Deadgrim 1, ecl 6, Magic of Eberron - unclear whethero you gain turning or if it only stacks

levels stack for turn/rebuke undead (ie: requires turn/rebuke to qualify for the PrC)
Radiant Servant of Pelor, ecl 7, Complete Divine
Warpriest, ecl 6, Complete Divine
Eldritch Disciple, ecl 6, Complete Mage
Paragnostic Apostle, ecl 3?, Complete Champion
Ordained Champion, ecl 4, Complete Champion
Master of Shrouds, ecl 4, Libris Mortis - rebuke only
Sacred Purifier, Libris Mortis - turn only
True Necromancer, Libris Mortis - rebuke only
Purifier of the Hallowed Doctrine, ecl 6, Heroes of Horror - turn only
Death Delver, ecl 6, Heroes of Horror, rebuke only
Bone Knight, ecl 5, Eberron Five Nations, rebuke only
Deadgrim, ecl 6, Magic of Eberron
Eye of Horus-Re 1, ecl 7, Player's Guide to Faerun


Greater Turning
Sacred Purifier 1, ecl 6, Libris Mortis

Special Mention
Cleric 1, Azurin racial substitution, Magic of Incarnum - gain Channel Incarnum instead, but counts as turning for feats
Cleric 1, Dragonblood substitution level, Races of the Dragon, turn energy instead, counts as turning for feats
Spirit Shaman 2, Complete Divine - chastise spirits, see text
Exalted Turning, feat, Book of Exalted Deeds, turned creatures take 3d6 damage
Druid Domains, Sun (UA, House Rule sidebar, pg 68) but only 1/day
Bone Talisman (Drd 2) spell online at Earthmother's Weapons (Druid Spells from the Moonshaes)
... I don't know what whoever put Deadgrim on that list was thinking. The text is quite clear that it only stacks, not granting the ability if you don't have it.

Sadly, everything that isn't Turn-only or non-evil-only requires at least one level that does not advance existing casting ability.

2011-05-03, 09:35 AM
Glaring Servitor of the Burning Hate?

2011-05-03, 09:37 AM
Keep contemplative in mind as a way to obtain domains for access to classes like, say, master of shrouds. The only reason I have not used that was because it's a crappy class to take at a high level(which you would have to if using contemplative to meet domain requirements) and the IDEAL build would be archivist/rebuke class/contemplative. The rebuke here is not to actually be powerful/considered high level because I want it to A) use divine feats and B) qualify for undead mastery and zone of animation at epic.

Third party is also welcome, so if anybody knows some good third party classes, please, shoot.

2011-05-03, 10:10 AM
Not a class, particularly, but the Orb of Evil artifact from BoVD grants rebuking. If you somehow get a hold of that, you're set, no matter what class you are.

2011-05-03, 10:33 AM
I've used death-delver for this. Losing some casting hurts a little, but Archivists are already full-progression murder factories.

2011-05-03, 11:19 AM
I guess one CL loss is not 100% that bad on an archivist, though it would kill a shugenja or favored soul. I suppose for the latter, however, that I could use some kind of third party class if I can find one. Either that or wait until epic to take a level in a rebuke-granting class since I'll have 9ths at that point anyway and I am more concerned with Undead Mastery + Zone of Animation then divine feats.

Also, don't like the item idea at all. I don't want to be forced to always hold an item to use my feats and if the item is allowing me to qualify for my feats then I'd assume without it you could not use those feats. I rather despise the idea of losing my feats when I put down an orb to use my hand, thank you.

I do like the idea of Archivist 5/Death Delver 1/Archivist 4/Contemplative 10, picking up the deathbound domain and the necromancer domain/whatever domain grants control and command undead Yeah, my rebuking will be very weak but it's only being used for feat qualifications and an archivist can pick up control undead + command undead fairly easily due to domains...and contemplative can ASSURE I will get it if the GM won't cough up the scrolls I want. All and all a fairly good necromancer who actually feels like the black-cloak necromancer arctype instead of clerics who walk around in full-plate all the time and such

2011-05-03, 12:44 PM
Death Delver has crappy prereqs. If you are going to drop a casting level, dip Dread Necro, instead.

Nevermind: I was thinking it required a feat.

Keld Denar
2011-05-03, 04:17 PM
Awww, you'll be missing out on Archivist 11...the best level of Archivist! Stunning/dazing people with your move action is awesomesause...

2011-05-04, 08:21 AM
True, and I suppose I could shave a level off contemplative to fit that archivist level in as the contemplative capstone is nice but not necessary to the build.

2011-05-04, 10:33 AM
If you can find a class which requires rebuking but still grants it (not merely stacking on top of what is already there), you could use the item until you have the class, whereafter it would qualify for itself.

I do not suppose there are any of those, however.

2011-05-04, 11:14 AM
Horned Harbinger dose that and dose not require rebuke to enter. It, DOSE, however, still make you lose a CL if you dip in it but a horned harbinger dip dose look more attractive then a death-delver one since in addition to rebuke it gives you permanent deathwatch and the death domain, which while not all that great is still a bonus domain which ups your domain count to 3(two from contemplative and death from the horned harbinger.