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View Full Version : Feats for Spellcrafters [P.E.A.C.H.]

2011-05-03, 05:10 PM
Salvage Essence [Item Creation]
You can salvage the magical power in an item to create a new item.
Prerequisites: Caster Level 5th, Any one other Item Creation feat
Benefits: You can spend one day to extract the essence from a magic item to gain XP that can be spent on creating magic items, at which time the item is destroyed. The amount of XP you gain depends on the item and if you have the correct Item Creation feat. If you possess the Item Creation feat of the item you gain its full XP cost to create, if you do not possess the Item Creation feat of the item you instead gain half its XP cost to create. Charged items (such as wands) have their XP cost divided by the number of original charges then multiplied by the number of remaining charges to determine the amount of XP you gain. You can instead choose to not destroy a charged item and instead drain charges from the item, gaining XP for the charges drained.
A caster can store a total number of XP equal to their level x 50 to a maximum of 1,000.

Based on the Retain Essence class feature of the Artificer. May be better than it but this is meant to help replace the artificer in a campaign setting i'm making.
Brew Greater Potion [Item Creation]
You have learned to brew potions of higher level spells.
Prerequisites: Caster Level 7th, Brew Potion
Benefits: You can brew potions up to 6th level.

Brew Superior Potion [Item Creation]
You can brew potions of incredibly powerful spells.
Prerequisites: Caster Level 13th, Brew Greater Potion
Benefits: You can brew potions up to 9th level.

Based on the master alchemist prestige class from Magic of Faerun.
Brew Archpotion [Item Creation]
You can brew potions that contain multiple spell effects.
Prerequisites: Caster Level 6th, Brew Potion
Benefits: You can brew archpotions, potions that contain more than one spell, usually with a specific theme. Archpotions follow the same rules as potions except they have an effective spell level equal to the highest level spell plus half the total level of each additional spell and a minimum caster level equal to the minimum caster level of the highest level spell in the archpotion.

No idea why this wasn't done earlier, just an obvious idea, though this can get expensive with a large number of spells in a single potion
Artisan Spell Knowledge [Item Creation]
you know how to make items using spell you yourself do not know.
Prerequisites: Any Item Creation feat, Knowledge (arcana) 4 ranks, Spellcraft 4 Ranks
Benefits: You gain the knowledge of a number of spells equal to your total ranks in Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft for the purposes of item creation, these spells are not added to spells known or added to a spellbook. The maximum spell level of the spells you can learn is based on the number of ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or Spellcraft (whichever is higher) as shown below.
{table=head]Ranks|Max Spell Level

Ideas for additional feats to add would be much appreciated. I'm making these for an alchemist i'm making for a solo game, hence all the potion based feats, but I am willing to expand into other types of magic items.

2011-05-03, 05:20 PM
I like these a lot. I was worried with the first as it seemed you would be stealing free EXP but I misread it.

Question about archpotions:
Could you have several of the same spell? Like 10 cure criticals in one potion? A very expensive but quick full recovery potion would very useful for meat shields everywhere.

2011-05-03, 05:28 PM
Question about archpotions:
Could you have several of the same spell? Like 10 cure criticals in one potion? A very expensive but quick full recovery potion would very useful for meat shields everywhere.

Hadn't thought about that actually, i'd say yes. It's not likely to be a problem since most spells don't stack with themselves (only healing spells really do so)

2011-05-04, 02:46 PM
Added another feat, need input on it.

2011-05-04, 04:55 PM
Artisan Spell Knowledge [Item Creation]
you know how to make items using spell you yourself do not know.
Prerequisites: Any Item Creation feat, Knowledge (arcana) 4 ranks, Spellcraft 4 Ranks
Benefits: You gain the knowledge of a number of spells equal to your total ranks in Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft. The maximum spell level of the spells you can learn is based on the number of ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or Spellcraft (whichever is higher) as shown below.
{table=head]Ranks|Max Spell Level

Not sure if i should limit this to a lower spell level, like 6th level instead of 9th, but i think this could be useful. Input is welcome.
Ideas for additional feats to add would be much appreciated. I'm making these for an alchemist i'm making for a solo game, hence all the potion based feats, but I am willing to expand into other types of magic items.

I understand this is for Sorcerer and maybe even Bard crafters but the way you word it, it seems they actually have these spells to cast. And on a related note, how can you have knowledge of a spell, not acually be able to cast it, but still use it in item creation? Thats why Sorcerer crafters buy scroll (or wands for items that would take that long) to craft things. Admittedly more expensive but Sorcerer's are already feat taxed as is. Theres a reason why Wizards get free item creation feats. Its because they are designed to be able to craft anything with a Wiz/Sorc spell as a spell component.

2011-05-04, 05:24 PM
I understand this is for Sorcerer and maybe even Bard crafters but the way you word it, it seems they actually have these spells to cast. And on a related note, how can you have knowledge of a spell, not acually be able to cast it, but still use it in item creation? Thats why Sorcerer crafters buy scroll (or wands for items that would take that long) to craft things. Admittedly more expensive but Sorcerer's are already feat taxed as is. Theres a reason why Wizards get free item creation feats. Its because they are designed to be able to craft anything with a Wiz/Sorc spell as a spell component.

Not for sorcerers/bards, they're partially for a 3rd party class called the specialist (an expert with bonus feats essentially) and it's casting PrC the spellcrafter, though if you relook at the feat prereqs you'll see it can be taken by non-spellcasters. I will fix the wording problem.

As for the knowledge of the spell, look at the artificer.

EDIT: Made a pair of changes to the feat, fixing the wording and redoing the table to include 0-6th level only

2011-05-04, 07:40 PM
As written, there is no reason to take Brew Greater potion if the game starts at 13th level or higher (assuming that you are a full caster), and anyone who takes it in an earlier-starting game should respec out of it as soon as they hit 13th, if possible. Was that intended?

2011-05-04, 08:01 PM
As written, there is no reason to take Brew Greater potion if the game starts at 13th level or higher (assuming that you are a full caster), and anyone who takes it in an earlier-starting game should respec out of it as soon as they hit 13th, if possible. Was that intended?

Actually i forgot to make it a prereq, will fix that in a moment

2011-05-04, 08:03 PM
Actually i forgot to make it a prereq, will fix that in a moment

Yeah, thought so.
Hey, someone needed to say it!

2011-05-04, 08:13 PM
Yeah, thought so.
Hey, someone needed to say it!

I thank you, i'm glad you took enough interest to point them out.