View Full Version : one of my players having a problem 3.5

2011-05-04, 12:05 AM
recently one of my players asked me if we could try it one session without any boards, I am fine and dandy with this but his reason was "It takes too long to set the board and figurines up." I said I mainly use these to trace where players are I told him "I don't mind not using a board but I need an easy way to track you guys." he then went onto say pondering if they could play without dice either now I think that this player really just wants this scenario as he only wants to play one class.

He just started the game but he wants all the best stuff his hand held and him never to learn anything, it to just be handed to him. do any of you have advice to tell him to basically relax and take your time playing, this game its not something you do quickly but it takes some well done time. I could probably say that to him but I am not sure if this game is for him. I am very conflicted on what to do, but I am sure not going to be giving out level like candy.

Also if any answer involves kicking said player its pretty much out as this is a close friend.

2011-05-04, 12:37 AM
Playing without a board I can kind of understand - in fact you could get around it if you had a laptop and built your battlefields in advanced using one of the programs available for that kind of thing.

Playing without dice simply isn't possible though - D&D is a dice based system. At best you could have him not roll dice while you do all the rolling for him.

I'd be polite but firm if he wants to continue playing D&D. Otherwise, consider running a game using a system that is more like what he is interested in.

2011-05-04, 06:32 AM
Yeah, if he doesn't want to roll dice, maybe D&D isn't for him.

If he still wants to continue, make him understand that the journey is more important than the destination. It's all about your character's struggles as they make progress through adventure after adventure. You can't just skip to the end.

2011-05-04, 08:05 AM
He should probably be playing Munchkin instead.

The Boz
2011-05-04, 08:18 AM
Yeah, but just don't use any level steals on him, he might throw a fit and leave.

2011-05-04, 10:00 AM
Not to overstate the obvious, but the first step is probably to talk with him and the other players (perhaps together) and ask why he might want to go without dice, making it a more freeform storytelling exercise rather than something bounded by the rules. Make sure he and the others understand what the implications might be - you'd still need to arbitrate whether what he says he does is actually possible - and see if the group is willing to actually try it out.

Some people really don't like the ruleset of D&D, and if he's a close friend and the others are willing to try it, maybe you do try freeforming the story for a while, and see if everyone likes it.

2011-05-04, 04:27 PM
Not to overstate the obvious, but the first step is probably to talk with him and the other players (perhaps together) and ask why he might want to go without dice, making it a more freeform storytelling exercise rather than something bounded by the rules. Make sure he and the others understand what the implications might be - you'd still need to arbitrate whether what he says he does is actually possible - and see if the group is willing to actually try it out.

Some people really don't like the ruleset of D&D, and if he's a close friend and the others are willing to try it, maybe you do try freeforming the story for a while, and see if everyone likes it.

this and many other things people said have been helpful, I think he would find something he doesn't need to think too hard on anything would be ideal I don't get his short patience. he often lays back because he has nothing to do but he just says "I follow that guy." and lays back (I think thats in his thought process) he isn't a bad player, just not with good knowledge and chooses to not read.