View Full Version : Bears [IC]

2011-05-04, 06:56 PM
It is another quiet Tuesday in the DARK FOREST, and all the bears were having their weekly bear meeting.
"Boy, I'm really sick of DAVE, DARK EVIL LICH SORCER OF DOOM ruining the DARK FOREST", Says one of the bears.
"I hear he's not only kidnapping and messing with animals, or deforesting it, he's also started using his DARK EVIL LICH SORCERER MAGIC to make everyone miserable throughout the world."

"Yeah", says another. "We should do something about this. Curse his damage reduction against bears! Whatever can we do?"

"I know!", says another bear coming out of nowhere, named Berskan. "We must assemble the LEGENDARY GOLEM OF OLD, and defeat the SEVEN GUARDIANS OF DAVE, DARK EVIL LICH SORCERER OF DOOM which are guarding the parts. Then this LEGENDARY GOLEM OF OLD will be able to defeat him!"

"Sounds good!" Says one of the bears. "what time is it, anyway?"


You may now act freely. You are all chilling in the DARK FOREST, and have decided to team up in order to defeat DAVE, DARK EVIL LICH SORCERER OF DOOM.

2011-05-04, 09:05 PM
"Hold, brothers." A rather hairy, but otherwise completely normal in appearance, man spoke up, astride a brown bear, and with a black bear at his side. "The LEGENDARY GOLEM OF OLD would indeed be a powerful force against Dave, and would secure our victory. But do we know of the location of the parts of this GOLEM? And if not, how shall we discover them? For I do not possess knowledge of the old lore of magi, as a simple warrior." The bears at his side rumbled in agreement. Arthur MacMahon spoke truly.

2011-05-04, 11:28 PM
After crying a manly tears of manliness, which flooded an ant farm, over the loss of his venerable barrel of mead and the last page of his newly purchased childrens' book, Jarl buried his head in the sand until by unlikely happenstance, he heard a voice from below. It was Crom! The super-hyper-extra-hardcore earth deity of badassitude face-punched Jarl out his onstrich hole and told the furry halfling to grow a couple pairs and kick some evil lich sorcerer of doom ass. The uber deity that Jarl didn't even worship told him about the LEGENDARY GOLEM OF OLD and THE SEVEN GUARDIANS OF DAVE and who his future cohorts. the cohorts he arbitrarily knows already. Crom hit Jarl with his TENNIS RACKET OF MIGHTY WALLOPING and sent him reeling into the future.

Twenty minutes of watching 'The Twilight Zone' re-run passed before Jarl finally rolled off the exit ramp of the time-space continuum and landed in the rest stop area of DARK FOREST, where he suddenly appeared above a gathering of bears and fell furiously to the ground. THUD!

Bojangles the black bear was flung out of Jarl's bag of holding and tumbled out onto the forest floor as a result of this micro-tunguska event..

2011-05-04, 11:53 PM
"Ahh, DAVE the SORCERER," a furry man-bear thing stands and moves near the person called Arthur. "He kept me in a prison of his own sick imagination. In this place, I learned something important; something that could affect us all," the bear looked at the group and said in a solemn voice. "Blood has is now been declared a winter color, completely throwing all these warriors in to disarray. Now this may not seem important in this upcoming uprising, but it is. We must disrupt them with rumors of us attempting to retrieve the GOLEM, and draw them to us so they can protect their leader. Then, we must disguise one of us as undead and tell them that blood is now a winter color and send them back. This should throw them into chaos, making this an easy victory with the GOLEM on our side."

A voice pipes up from the back of the crowd, "Or you could just destroy the minions when you get there."

The bear-man poses thoughtfully, "Hmm, to crush our enemies, see them driven before us, and hear the lamentations of their women? PERFECT!!! And it will be wonderful to see the look on DAVE, DARK EVIL LICH SORCERER OF DOOM's face when he sees what else I obtained in that realm; MY HAMMERS OF BADASSERY! he holds his hand up high and giant, truly BADASS mallets appear in his hands, shimmering with total BADASSERY!!! He lets go and the hammers and they folded in on themselves, disappearing.

Lol, two Conan references in a row. Completely accidental

2011-05-05, 04:45 AM
Pine'er looked down and up at the bearlike creatures. "So many of natures warriors gather to fight the chains that bind them. I too shall go." Pine'er will reach over to a nondescript edible berry tree and hand out nondescript edible berries to everyone. "Where are we going? I vote we head to the nearest town and see what we can scrounge up there." Pine'er will point in the direction of the town, hopefully.

2011-05-05, 12:50 PM
A big, big bear sits on a tree-stump, strumming on his instrument as he nods sagely. "We could. Give me a week and I've also got a spell that could help us locate the golems, but it still is sorta seven days of waiting for it too, and time is important for you mortals isn't it?" He spreads his mouth into a smile, showing off his bedazzling smile to all around.

2011-05-05, 02:46 PM

A regal-looking bear in an incongruous pink tutu, who had been lurking in the shadows, now emerges. He moves with a strange precision, as though he were following choreography only he'd been told about.

"There is no need for such a spell. I know that if we simply wander the land, performing good deeds for no adequately-defined reason, sooner or later a series of increasingly improbable coincidences will lead us to stumble upon what we seek. Faith manages."

2011-05-05, 10:28 PM
The tree will nod in agreement with Bčrtolome. "Isn't that always how it works?" His nodding causes a few leaves to fall from his branches.

2011-05-05, 10:33 PM
"I love helping people. Especially with my music. If I play long enough, everyone always becomes happy and gives me useful things. Maybe they'll give us pieces of the LEGENDARY GOLEM OF OLD."

2011-05-06, 05:27 PM
"Legendary pieces of old, huh, I've heard of those, but I thought there were just legends. I doubt ordinary people will have them lying around. We need to find Dave's enemies and kill them, and take the pieces they might have collected already!! ............... Anybody know anybody who might know somebody who might know more?"

2011-05-07, 10:56 AM
"The notes I found didn't specify where they were. They'll have to found the hard way."

2011-05-07, 12:21 PM
"Then what are we waiting for? Let us begin our quest."

2011-05-07, 12:53 PM
Stepping out of the forest, you all notice a large train track. It comes from the north, curves off to the east right by you, and then goes off into the distance.

Its existence is proclaimed by a small sign: Dues Ex Railways

2011-05-07, 01:10 PM
"Hmm, a railroad. That can only mean one thing; PLOT!" The manbearpig smiles and starts walking on the railroad. "It is time to begin our quest!" he shouts, materializing his HAMMERS OF BADASSERY and raising them in the air.

Mabuhay: taking railroad plot to the next level since January 2010.

2011-05-07, 04:53 PM
"Indeed, good sir! Forward for greater justice!" Arthur, mounted upon Saul, thrust his axe forward in the general direction he thought of as forward. Saul began barrelling down the side of the tracks, followed closly by Simon, the black bear. It was time for the hunt to begin.

2011-05-07, 05:09 PM
"Sweet, awesome, cranberry juice!! Let's get to it!! .......


Uhm, can someone give me a ride?", the poorly dressed peasant looking guy says.

2011-05-08, 12:52 PM
"Don't worry. Let me just cast Summon Magic Train From Setting Whose Name Must Not Be Mentioned and we shall be on our way. Choo choo."

2011-05-08, 03:22 PM
Looking down at the train tracks and then up and down the railway the tree speaks slowly with the wisdom only seen by someone who has seen ages come and go. "When did this get here?" Shrugging he follows the group. Looking down at the small peasent looking fellow he nods. I can get you a mount. Looking around for a decent coniferous tree he spots a small maple tree and points at it. "You, come here, he needs a lift."

Casting animate trees which i get at will but i can only animate one tree and have full command over it.

what would be really funny if it was inhabited by rabid half-dragon dire squirrels.

2011-05-08, 03:58 PM
The maple tree slowly uproots itself, and comes to join the party. A strange, unearthly chittering noise comes from the upper branches.

You all begin the long journey down the railroad. After a day or so of traveling, you hear very bad music coming over the horizon. You can't see where it might be coming from, but the track seems to be heading right towards the source.

2011-05-08, 06:51 PM
"Instrumentation. Clearly a sign from the Powers That Be that something important is about to occur."

2011-05-08, 07:19 PM
It is worth noting that the music is not ominous- rather, it is poorly composed and poorly performed.

2011-05-08, 08:54 PM
"Normally, I'd agree with you, brother. However, the Powers That Be seldom use such disgusting music as a sign. This seems to me more along the lines of an annoying side-encounter." Arthur grimaced at the memory of his first side-encounter. A group of unwashed minstrals, extolling the virtues of love, decency, and peace. But mostly love. They had tasted surprisingly good.

2011-05-09, 10:59 PM
moving a little bit further along the line, you see that the music seems to be originating from a small town off in the distance. The track seems to go straight through it.

2011-05-10, 08:48 PM
You continue farther along, and soon approach the town. Once you're about a quarter of a mile away, a group of hunters calls out to you, coming out of the woods and running towards you.
As they catch up to you, they say You coming to town?

2011-05-11, 02:36 PM
"Depends. I'd love to go to town, but only if my friends and allies agree that we should go into town and play and sing for everyone."

2011-05-11, 02:44 PM
"We're on a mission. It led us to this town. So yes.

2011-05-11, 07:36 PM
Thank God you strong adventurers are coming through. I am the mayor, and I have a request for you. As you can hear, there is a band playing a concert in our town, and I just can't bear to listen to it any longer.

He covers his face in shame.

I've done everything I can, but I can't stop the music, all I can do is go hunting more to avoid it. Please run them out.

2011-05-12, 08:03 AM
Such mischief!! They will be punished!! Ooohhh, I tend to get so angry when I hear such disturbing minstrels.

I say, attack! Someone lead this charge of the bears.... and get me out of this tree.

2011-05-12, 10:32 AM
"I see. That is no good. I will gladly locate these terrible minstrels for you and show them how to play a real instrument." The massive ursinal plays a tune on his lyre and gives a quick nod. "And if they do not listen, I shall sit on them."

2011-05-12, 02:15 PM
Arthur jumps down from Saul, tossing his axe from one hand to the other. "Forgive me for saying so, brother, but I think these folks require something a bit more persuassive to show them the light. You are a fine musician, I am sure, but this seems to call for fang and claw and axe to be brought to bear." So saying, Arthur began his transformation. Fur began to grow across his bare skin, his body began to grow, and his teeth and nose elongated. As he shifted, Arthur's armor and axe also changed, growing to accomidate his new form. Where Arthur the man had stood, now rose Arthur the bear-man. Grinning a vicious grin at the mayor, Arthur spoke in a much lower, growling tone. "Do not worry, your mayorship. We will soon have these ruffians out of your town."

2011-05-12, 03:28 PM

Bertolome rests one paw on Arthur's shoulder. "Shouldn't we at least *try* talking to them first?"

2011-05-12, 04:32 PM
The tree just shrugs. "All music has its place. I think this music would go great in the middle of the desert with no one around for miles. Lets convince them on their error of choice of places to play."

2011-05-12, 07:21 PM
Moranica: You notice some small, beady eyes, glowing red, staring at you from inside the foliage of the tree.

The mayor smiles, overjoyed. Praise the heavens! Finally somebody can clear these hacks out. They need to be taught a lesson, I can bear witness to that. Here, I'll show you the way.

He heads down the track, expecting you to follow, and soon arrives at the city gate.

The gate is shut, and guards peering over the edge look at you all.

Open up! Yells the Mayor, but the guard shakes his head. No can do sir. Not with those people with you.

((Pausing to give you all a chance to interject in the conversation- you don't have to contribute for it to keep moving though.))

2011-05-13, 06:54 AM
"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!! there is something in this tree!!!! Kill it!!"

Hulkbear jumps out of the tree.

2011-05-14, 12:25 AM
The mayor seems upset. Don't be racist! The tree people aren't any different than we are!

The guard shrugs, and opens the gate to admit you.

He glares at the two trees as they go by. Just bear in mind, I'm watching you.

Welcome to my humble city, says the mayor, pointing off to the middle of town.The band is over there. Good luck.

2011-05-14, 05:53 PM
I plug my ears with grass.

2011-05-16, 02:02 AM
The treant will look over at the tree and nod. "There is life in all things. Yes, even in the tree and in you. There is something in all of us that allows us to do what we do, live." Pine'ar will nod and rub his chin thoughtfully, "Yes, something is in that tree just as there is something in you." Walking past guard, the treant will nod "Just watch in mind, I'm bearing you." The tree will stare off into the distance. When we look at the minstrels what do we see?

2011-05-16, 07:55 AM
The big lyrewielding bear waddles over to the ministrels and coughs lightly. "Hey. You guys should really stop playing this music you know. It isn't very well liked, so, yeah, stop?"

2011-05-16, 07:00 PM
The band is a trio of three elves. The two in the back are wood elves, and are playing music on a flute and a harp. The third is a night elf. As you speak to him, he angrily turns to face you as he stops singing.

You wanna start with me boy? I am 50 copper, and I ain't taking no lip from no honky bear. You get out of here before I pop you one.

2011-05-16, 07:45 PM
Arthur stepped up behind his bear friend, tossing his axe menacingly from one hand to the other, flanked by Saul and Simon. "Little brother, you should learn to speak with more respect. And perhaps a bit more of musical theory. It is not well to perform so horribly in a public place. Is there not a garage someplace you could practice in instead?" Arthur gave a grin, but he could bearly keep himself from removing the elf's right to bear arms. Specifically, the part of that right which includes having arms attatched to one's shoulders.

2011-05-17, 02:56 AM
Berskan walks over to the elf and grabs him, pointingh his cannon-arm in the elf's face. "Is that so? Well, I'm the one with the cannon. They want you to leave. Leave, and I won't shoot you in the face."

Intimidate: [roll0]

2011-05-17, 03:00 PM
"So much for the diplomatic approach."

2011-05-17, 03:13 PM
"Hrm. It is sad indeed that you don't want to listen. If people don't want to hear your music, you shouldn't impose it upon others. That is rather rude you know and, well, I really don't like rude people, so I think you should apologize." The Ursinal speaks in a voice suggesting that his patience is wearing thin.

2011-05-17, 05:08 PM
"With all this grass in my ears I can't hear you, but if you don't drop your instruments in 5 seconds, I start tearing out eardrums."

2011-05-17, 06:11 PM
Fifty copper becomes visibly more pale at the sight of the cannon.

Let's go boys!
Him and the other two walk away, but slowly, as if they chose to do it from the beginning.

I'll be back with my boys, just you wait. I been shot before.

2011-05-18, 01:02 PM
"Hrm. Am I the only one who think we should follow him and make sure he doesn't get into some sort of trouble. Can't be up to any good if you go around bothering people with so called "music". I believe it's classified as torture where I'm from."

2011-05-18, 02:01 PM
"I wonder how old he is... Lets cut him in half and count his rings."

2011-05-19, 07:29 AM
"What? You better not say something hurtful!! And don't come back either!!"

2011-05-19, 11:02 PM
Continuing to walk away, he yells back to you.

Ya'll a bunch of sissies! You're lucky I ain't got my magic stick with me.

2011-05-20, 05:27 PM
"Okay. I've had enough." The huge ursinal suddenly disappears and reappears before the terrible musicians. He stomps the ground angrily as he reappears and glares down on the elf. "Now you listen up little man cause I have something to say. For starters, your music is actually terrible. That's not opinion. That's a fact. You are not cool, you are not tough, you are not sleek, you have no such thing as "street cred", you are not strong, you are not smart. You are a cowardly little bastard who hides behind talking smack, but doesn't have the courage to stand up against anyone who could in any possibly way pose a threath to you. That is why you are going to stay on the ground and not move until I give my okay, because if you do so, I'm going to stuff your sorry little hide into this bag of mine here and you won't be getting out until you've learned to not act like a complete and utter moron with no respect for those around you. DO I MAKE MYSELF PERFECTLY CLEAR?"

Manifest Dimension Slide as a move action. Manifest Stomp as a standard action. DC 24 ref negates. Manifest moral preaching as a free action (hey, talking is a free action) :smallbiggrin:.

2011-05-23, 02:08 AM
He grows very pale.
Yeah cool bro.

He turns away and starts walking very fast. Another dark elf in the same costume walks out from the bar as they passed and chuckles a little.

Howdy there. Running him out of town again?

2011-05-23, 04:09 AM
"Again?? What do you mean again? If we ran him out of town before, they wouldn't be back. EVAH!!"

2011-05-24, 10:47 PM
The dark elf chuckles. Oh, no, he winds up in town every 8 months or so.

Name's Luda, by the way. Luda Drizz't.

2011-05-25, 05:52 AM
Hmmm, never heard of you. You wouldnt happen to be a musician as well, would you?

2011-05-26, 01:36 AM
I am indeed. Used to be a partner of his, but he sold out, took his act on the road. Between you and me? I'm way better.

He winks.

2011-05-26, 04:30 PM
"That's not very hard. Stones play better music than him. Anyway, we're looking for the pieces of some old golem or something. You know anything about it?"

2011-05-26, 10:44 PM
Pine'er will look around at the arcitechture of the building and nod to himself as if pondering something in a very far off place. He will lift up stools and tables and some such in an appraising fashion.

2011-05-27, 04:58 AM
"WHAT!!???! Are your hitting on me?? You better not be or I'll start hitting you!!"

The peasant screams angrily.

2011-05-30, 02:37 PM
Well, actually, now that you mention it, I did conveniently happen to see some sort of giant bird with flaming wings fly overhead yesterday. He was going towards the large, ominous mountain over there.

He points at a volcano in the distance. Smoke pours out of it, and it looks like it could erupt at any moment.

2011-05-30, 04:00 PM
"Well, let's get going then."

2011-06-01, 06:42 PM
I'll see ya'll later then. You need any help?

2011-06-09, 07:12 PM

"We should be good, thanks. Faith manages.

If Fiddy Copper ever comes back, you have my permission as a Certified Saint of the Church of Bharrai to cleanse him with fire. Just saying..."

2011-06-10, 04:11 AM
Onto the vulcano!! ....... what am I saying ..... I hate vulcano's.