View Full Version : Dragon-themed PrCs for casters?

2011-05-05, 06:03 PM
Yes. I am wondering if there are any good PrCs for arcane and/or divine fullcasters with a draconic theme. The ideal base class for this would be wizard or archivist, but I am also open to PrCs made for clerics and sorcerers. I don't want any druid/nature-based spellcaster PrCs, however. As for the class itself, it must not make me lose more then one(Though if it has OMGAWESOME class features(thematically and/or mechanically) I MAY be willing to lose 2.) caster level, be open to good-aligned characters(Sorry, wearer of purple) and have a "dragon/draconic" theme. I have no specific abilities in mind and am only looking for a "Dragon-themed PrC that can be taken by a caster and not totally gimp them/make them lose a bunch of caster levels."

So, anybody got ideas?

2011-05-05, 06:18 PM
The only that jumps out at me that isn't Dragon Disciple would be Dracolexi from Races of the Dragon it's 9/10

Strife Warzeal
2011-05-05, 06:19 PM
Dracolyte (Draconomicon pg122) full casting (divine), free domain and capstone of being able to summon an adult dragon.

Dracolexi (Races of the Dragons pg79) 9/10 casting (arcane), gives some features to add effects to spellcasting, and gives access to the power word spells as a class feature.

Dragonheart Mage (Races of the Dragons pg89) gives 8/10 casting, a breath weapon and free draconic feats.

2011-05-05, 06:19 PM
Dracolexi from Races of the Dragon is a pretty good one from what I understand. It can be entered from either sorcerer or bard.

2011-05-05, 06:20 PM
Wyrm Wizard from Dragon Magic springs to mind. Magic of Eberron has Dragon Prophet, with 9/10 arcane (or artificer) casting and a bunch of thematic, selectable abilities tied to draconic deities.

2011-05-05, 06:50 PM
Thanks for all the ideas guys. Luckily, losing one CL is not that bad here since it's a gestalt game. I do love the idea of the dragon prophet from how you describe it as it falls in line with my concept of a mage/priest devoted to a draconic deity(ies). Most likely on my wizardly half I'll be taking that class and on my cleric half I'll be taking dracolyte or even just pure cleric.

2011-05-05, 06:58 PM
I do love the idea of the dragon prophet from how you describe itI looked it over, and it actually has pretty nifty class features, including an ability to steal spells as enemies cast them, as well as bonus feats. The capstone not only stops you from taking aging penalties (like druid's Timeless Body), but also increases your maximum age to quadruple of the normal. Not very useful in practise (unless your campaign features many timeskips), but cool.

The special requirement for entering requires you to have a dragon as a patron, though.

2011-05-05, 07:12 PM
I just looked at it too and it has some VERY nice abilities. The dragon patron thing is not that bad either as it makes for interesting RP. The main lure is it works with my concept since it's powers are based on deities and I am going for a divine/arcane mixture here and this class allows my arcane side to feel a bit more "divine" while still being uniquely arcane. So RP/fluff wise the class fits this character to a T'. Mechanically it has some strong abilities and dose not totally gimp my casting, so it's a win-win, really.

Aron Times
2011-05-05, 08:01 PM
The Dracolexi is powerful and flavorful, plus it flies under the radar because it's not incredibly broken, so it should be easy to get your DM to approve of it.

2011-05-05, 10:10 PM
Dracolexi from Races of the Dragon is a pretty good one from what I understand. It can be entered from either sorcerer or bard.

As its requirement is for spontaneous casting - Beguiler, Dread Nerco, Warmage and Duskblade can get in if they meet the other requireemnts

2011-05-11, 07:20 PM
As its requirement is for spontaneous casting - Beguiler, Dread Nerco, Warmage and Duskblade can get in if they meet the other requireemnts

Oh but dread necro is so easy to cheese out ;) Burn a feat on a damage dealing AoE spell and take fell drain. If it lasts a few rounds instead of instantaneous, so much the better! just think, freezing fog (1D6, "grease", etc, for 10 rounds per level), with fell drain metamagic. a bunch of undead are immune to cold damage and gain temporary levels as the party gains negative levels!

Warmage works well but you need take one of the two prereq feats and burn another to get a "language dependent" spell like geas or message. Oh and 4 cross class ranks in Perform (Oratory).

the last is actually easier for a Warmage than a Sorcerer since the Warmage gets 4 skill points per level instead of only 2.