View Full Version : Building a Divine Caster

2011-05-05, 10:12 PM
Specifically, an Archivist. Due to work bogging me down lately, I haven't had time to look through books as closely as I'd like, and my google-fu is weak, having turned up no real Archivist Handbooks. What are some good races for an Archivist? Obviously, bonuses to Intelligence and Wisdom are great, and I'm planning on dumping (as much as you dump any stat) Strength, Dexterity, and Charisma (Charisma less so). I'd like to avoid Constitution penalties, but I know that's unavoidable sometimes. The only thing I've really come up with so far is the standard Dragonwrought Kobold base, and I've recently used that for a Sorcerer build, and would like a little variety. Humanoid would be best, so I'm thinking some type of Elf, as there's a bazillion types of elves, spread over as many books.

I'm also thinking up Divine Metamagic for Quicken Spell, but Archivist doesn't grant turning. Is there any PrC *other than* Sacred Exorcist that grants Turning and doesn't lose caster levels? I'm planning on LN/TN, and Sacred Exorcist requires a good alignment.

Thanks in advance.


2011-05-05, 10:18 PM
Archivists actually don't need wisdom if you take the right feat. I know, this sounds totally crazy, but wisdom can be a total dumb stat for an archivist IF you take a special little feat from an obscure sourcebook at 1st level. The feat in question is Academic Priest from legend of twins(or whatever that book was called). What the feat dose is set your divine casting stat to intelligence for everything except spell DCs, this includes your bonus spells. Since, unlike a cleric, everything except bonus spells are int based taking this feat makes your bonus spells also based on int, meaning you are now SAD. The feat can ONLY be taken at 1st level, however, which is why I would recommend human as a race. With no need for wisdom/FAR less MAD you won't need the int bonus as much and if your blowing one 1st level feat to become SAD having an extra feat at 1st level is nice.

As for turning, I recently asked the same thing but for rebuking instead of turning. In that thread somebody posted a list of classes that can grant turning or rebuking and it may be of help to you. The thread link is right here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=197701)

2011-05-05, 10:30 PM
Illumians (Races of Destiny) are a fine choice, because Archivists use Int (save DC's) and Wis (bonus spells) as their caster stats, but the Illumian can pick Str or Dex for their bonus spells instead via the right Sigils, making for a solid ranged or melee fighter (with the right buffs) for when you want to save your spells.

2011-05-06, 12:12 AM
As regular forumgoers are doubtlessly sick of hearing, I'm in, like, my fourth week of building a 7th-level archivist for a game that keeps getting delayed.

Archivist is (in my opinion) probably the single best class in the game. Just getting that out there.

I'd consider not dumping dex- just for the sake of ranged touch attacks, of which you can find some downright gorgeous examples.

For feats, I strongly recommend "Knowledge Devotion" and "Jack of all Trades". The former gives you an attack bonus with a succesfull knowledge check, up to +5 for a 36, which has wonderful synergy with dark knowledge. (If 36 sounds scary, look a the spell "Lore of the Gods." And laugh. And laugh.)

Jack of all Trades lets you use untrained skills- if you mix that with a few lovely divine spells (Divine Insight, Fleeting Fortune and Wieldskill, all of which stack) - you can hit the upper twenties on an untrained skill check, with no ability bonus and a natural one on your roll.

Make *sure* you do a *thorough* read through as many sourcebooks as you can find for spells. (First figure out a rough estimate of what your DM will make you pay for such). Depending on starting lesson, consider Boccob's Blessed Book to eliminate spell-copying fees (you still have to find the spells to copy, though).

Take careful note to read over domain spells... this will A: get you some spells you'd already get, but at lower level, B: get you some of the best sorc/wiz spells in the game, and C: get you the occasional domain-only spell that nobody bothered to balance cause only a few percent of clerics would ever be able to cast it anyway. (Read the "Hunger" spell line, and weep for your enemies, knowing the humiliation they will soon endure.)

I'd suggest investing heavily in utility magic- Dark Knowledge alone is enough to make you pull your share in combat, and a few well-chosen spells will do more than that. Divine casters, especially druids, get some incredibly useful utility magic. When you look at the number of things you can do to spy/sabotage/influence/assassinate someone, I promise you'll be impressed. And then you'll notice that you can do all that using 1st-level druid spells, and a few "untrained" Craft: Poison checks.

I advise Lawful Neutral- BVD and BED both have spells you're likely to want, so get the best of both worlds. Plus, wizened old academics look awesome when they sprout demonic wings composed of pure darkness and start flying around on them.

Um... if you want more, I'd be happy to post my full spell list, which includes sources, levels and brief descriptions.

2011-05-06, 08:48 AM
One minor point, but don't forget to look into crap PrCs and casting classes for spells since they do turn up the odd gem earlier than would otherwise be the case.

My own personal example: the Blighter PrC. The PrC sucks like a vacuum cleaner, but it gets Antilife Shell as a level 5 rather than standard level 6. Archivist awesomesauce doesn't just come from the range of spells, it can also come from the fact they can access them early if they get the right PrC to scribe them ;)

2011-05-06, 08:54 AM
Lowest level versions of spells (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19872558/Lowest_level_versions_of_spells) which an Archivist can learn.

You get Scribe Scroll for free, so hire a Warlock 12+ (or get Leadership) to use his Imbue Item ability to assist you in creating a scroll of any divine spell you want, whether from the Divine Bard list or the Mystic Ranger list, various domain lists, prestige class spell lists, etc.

2011-05-07, 12:49 AM
Thanks for the replies. I did know about Scribe Scroll cooperation with other spellcasters, though I had forgotten that Warlocks could craft any item (including divine scrolls) given the right feat and a high enough skill check. And I've played several warlocks. Shame on me. I had figured that I would have lots of roleplaying opportunities to deal with uncooperative churches and quest lines to get access to rarer spells. (I know it sounds sarcastic, but seriously, thank you, I'll have fun doing what I described, but when will I ever actually run across a Divine Bard/Mystic Ranger/Blighter in an average game? Warlock with Imbue Item is a lot more convenient.)

FreakyCheeseMan, I did plan on taking Knowledge Devotion (this is probably one of my favorite feats ever, and it seems tailor made for an Archivist), but I don't know Jack of All Trades. Source? I haven't done an in-depth reading of all the domains, but I did notice the Hunger Domain. I don't remember all the spells, but it sticks out, because one of the spells lets you eat people. Even if it's not an optimal choice, you get to eat people. That's something to talk about. If you're willing to post your experiences with an Archivist, certainly feel free. I'm not stopping you. Any and all help is appreciated. Especially since something I may have not made clear is that, despite having been involved with D&D for a number of years now, I've never made a Divine Caster before. The closest I ever came was a True Necromancer build that had three levels of Cleric (this was before I recognized how bad True Necro was. I was young and stupid. Really stupid, apparently).

Again, thanks for all the assistance.


2011-05-08, 11:32 AM
I don't really have a lot of experience playing my archivist yet- the game keeps getting delayed. Mostly, I just have a solid idea of how useful their level 1-4 spells are.

My own spell list below- apologies for the length, and the poor organization (I only ever organized it for my use.) All of the level-dependend spells are assuming a 7th level caster.

Oh, if anyone else feels like reviewing it, please do- looking for all the advice I can get.

Emanuel Grey
Spells by Level and Effect


Damage Dealing

Level One
Snake's Swiftness (DR1, SCP) - Target ally makes single attack.
Chill of the Grave (Deathbound 1, SCP) - 40ft, 3d10 cold damage.

Level Two
Light of Mercuria (CL2, SCP), 10m/l, Personal, 2 2d6 rays, double v. undead
Mass Snake's Swiftness (DR2, SCP) All allies make a single attack.

Level Three
Call Lightning (DR3, PHB) - 1m/l, 170ft, 7 bolts, 3d6 reflex half, storm 3d10
Flesh Ripper (CL3,BVD, evil) - 40 ft, 1d8/l w/touch attack, crits apply/bleed

Level Four
Dismissal (CL4, PHB) - 40ft, Banishes outsider vs. will save, DC+7-Creature HD
Flame Strike (DR4, PHB) - 170ft, 10ft radius, 1d6 damage per level, half divine, reflex half.

Buffing (Self)

Level One

Longstrider (DR1, PHB) - 1h/l, Personal, +10ft
Aspect of the Wolf (DR1, SCP) - 10m/l, Personal, Become a Wolf
Sign (CL1, SCP) - 10m/l, +4 on next initiative.
True Strike

Level Two

Master Air (DR2, SCP) - 1r/l, Personal, Fly 90ft w/ 60ft maneuver, fall safely
Mirror Image (AD2, PHP) - 1m/l, Personal, 1+2d4 mirror images.
Primal Instinct (RA2, DrMa) - 24h, +5 init

Level Three

Righteous Fury (PA3, SCP) - 1m/l, Personal, +5hp/lvl, +4 STR (Sacred)
Demon Wings (BL3, BVD) - 10m/l, Personal, Fly at land speed.

Level Four

Divine Power (CL4, PHB) - 1r/l, Personal, BAB=Level, STR+6 (enhance)
Holy Sword (PA4, PHB) - 1rd/lvl, Personal Weapon, +5, +2d6 v. Evil, M.C.A.E.
Aspect of the Earth Hunter (RA4, SCP) - 10m/l, Personal, *many effects*
Glibness (Treachery 4, Dragonlance/PHB) -

Buffing (Single)

Level One

Bless Weapon (PA1, PHB) - 1m/l, Touch, Weapon +1/good v. DR, Auto-Crit v. Evil
Sanctuary (CL1, PHB) - 1r/l, Touch, Save required for attack/hostile action.
Resist Energy (RA1, PHB) - 10m/l, Touch, Resist 20 spec. element
Spider Climb (Spider 1, PHB, SCP) - 10m/l, Touch

Level Two

Cat's Grace (DR2, PHBO) - 1m/l, Touch, +4 DX (Enhancement)
Barkskin (DR2, PHB) - 10m/l, Touch, +3 natural armor.
Burrow (DR2, PHB) - 1m/l, Touch, burrow at 30 ft
Luminous Armor (SA2, BED) - 1h/l, touch, +5 AC, -4 to hit, daylight.

Level Three

Fly (Travel 3, PHB) - 1m/l, Touch, Fly 60ft, good maneuver. Fall safely.
Undead Bane Weapon (PA3, SCP) - 1h/l, Weapon Touched, +2 attack, +2d6 v. undead
Displacement (Illusion 3, PHB, SCP) - 1/l, Touch, 50% miss chance
Crown of the Grave (CL3, PHBII) - 1h/l, Touch, Command dead 1/m as per spell. Action?

Level Four

Polymorph (AD4, PHB) - 1m/l, Touch, change to equal or lesser HD creature.

Buffing (Party)

Level One

Hide from Undead (CL1, PHB) - 10m/l, 1 ally/l, undead can't see, intelligent get save.
Linked Perception (RA1, PHBII) - 1m/l, 20ft emanation, +2 spot/listen per ally (+12)

Level Three

Recitation (Purification 3, SCP) - 1r/l, 60ft burst, +2 Attack, Saves, AC (luck)
Mass Burrow (RA3, SCP) - 1m/l, 1c/l, Burrow at 30 ft.


Level Two

Blinding Spittle (DR2, SCP) - 40 ft, Ranged touch attack at -4 blinds.
Entice Gift (Greed 2, BVD) - Subject makes will save or walks to you and hands you whatever they hold.

Level Three

Ghoul Gesture (Hunger 3, SCP) - 1r/l, 170 ft, paralyze, for save sickens

Level Four

Enervation (Suffering 4, PHB, SCP) - 40 ft, Ray deals 1d4 negative levels.


Level One

Resurgence (CL1, SP) - Touch, ally gets second save vs. ongoing effect.
Warning Shout - (PA1, SCP) - Immediate action. Allies cease to be flat-footed.

Level Four

Last Breath - (DR4, SCP) - Reincarnate fallen ally at -1 but stable. 500GP


Level One

Entangle (DR1, PHB) - 1m/l, 400+ft, 40-ft radius, reflex save, half speed, etc.

Level Two

Entice Gift (Greed 2, BVD) - Subject makes will save or walks to you and hands you whatever they hold.
Gust of Wind (DR2, PHB) - 1rd, 60ft, Creatures save or are blown away, take penalties.
Drifts of the Shalm (DR2, PHBII) - 1rd/l, 1s/l, 2 move to enter, snow 3 cold, ash 3 fire, leaves burn 2d6

Level Three

Deep Slumber (Dream, PHB, SCP) - 1m/l, 40-foot burst, 10HD of creatures sleep, will save.
Plant Growth (DR3, PHB) - Permanent, 400+ft, 100-ft radius w/holes, speed drops to 5 ft, 10 for large or bigger.
Dispel Magic (CL3, PHB) - Opposed caster checks.

Level Four

Eye of the Hurricane (DR4, SCP) - 1r/l, 40-ft radius, 10-ft safe radius, fortitude save to avoid badness.
Summon Nature's Ally 4 (DR4, PHB 1rd/l, 40 ft, 1 lvl4, 1d3lvl3, 1d44+1 lvl2

Non-Combat Adventuring

Fleeing Fortune (Initiate of Tymorea 1, CoV) - +5 on skill check
Divine Insight (CL2, SCP) - 1h/l, expend for +12 bonus on a single skill check, declare before rolling.
Guidance of the Avatar (CL2, Web) - 1m/l, touch, +20 com. bonus to skill check
Knock (Greed 3, PHB, SCP) - unlock target door.
Lore of the Gods (CL2, CC) - 10m/l, +10 to knowledge checks, retry and reduce to 1m/l.



Detect Animals or Plants (RA1, PHB) - 10m/l, with concentration. Search for specific kinds of animals.
Comprehend Languages (CL1, PHB) - 10m/l, Touch.
Identify (Oracle 1, PHB, SCP) - 10 minute casting time, no cost.
Speak with Animals (RA1, PHB1) - 1m/l, Personal.
Speak with Plants (RA2, PHB) - 1m/l, personal. Plants don't know much.
Speak with Dead (CL3, PHB) - 1m/l, one corpse, 1 question/l, corpse of dif. align can save.
Lore of the Gods (CL2, CC) - 10m/l, +10 to knowledge checks, retry and reduce to 1m/l.
Demoncall (BL2, BVD) - +10 to one knowledge roll (planes, arcana, religion)
Chain of Eyes (CL3, PHB) - 1h/l, See through another's eyes.
Divination (Oracle 3, PHB, SCP) - 10 minute cast, 77% chance of good answer, 25 GP.
Scrying (Druid 4, Oracle 4, PHB, SCP) - 1 hour to cast, 1m/l duration. Puddle or Holy Water Font.
Commune with Nature (RA4, PHB) - 10 minutes to cast, 7 mile radius.


Hide from Undead (CL1, PHB) - 10m/l, 1 ally/l, undead can't see, intelligent get save.
Nysul's Magic Aura (CL1, PHB) -1d/l, Object, Changes Aura
Pass Without Trace (RA1, PHB1) -1h/l, 1c/l, no nonmagical tracking, no scent.
Shroud of Undeath (CL2, PHB) - 10m/l, Personal, Appear/Function as Undead
Secret Page (Rune 2, PHB) - 10 minutes casting, permanent.
Explosive Runes (Rune 4, PHB, SCP) - Permanent, 6d6 no save to close creatures, reflex half further away.

Base Defense

Alarm (RA1, PHB1) 2h/l, know when area is entered.
Consecrate (CL2, PHB) - 2h/l, +3 to turn, undead -1 attack, damage, saves.
Ghoul Glyph (Hunger 2, LM) - Permanent until discharged, 10m casting, paralyze 1d6+2
Plant Growth (DR3, PHB) - Permanent, 400+ft, 100-ft radius w/holes, speed drops to 5 ft, 10 for large or bigger.
Safe Clearing (RA3, SCP) - 1h/l, Area protecting by sanctuary.
Nature's Rampart (DR3, SCP) - Permanent, 10m to cast, 40-foot-square insta-fort.

Item Creation/Defense

Bless Water (Cleric 1, PHB) - 25 GP.
Unseen Crafter (CL2, RoE) -1d/l, crafts w/ your check.
Glyph of Warding (CL3, PHB) - Permanent, 10m to cast. 1d8/2l damage, or 3rd or lower spell. 200gp.
Sacred Item (CL4, CC) - Permanent. Item deals 1d4 damage to undead, evil shapeshifter, outsider. Scares undead.
Nysul's Magic Aura (CL1, PHB) -1d/l, Object, Changes Aura
Celestial Brilliance (CL4, BED) - 1d/l, object, light 120 ft, 1d6/r v. undead


Animal Messenger (RA1, PHB1) - 1d/l, Animal carries a note.
Charm Animal (RA1, PHB1) - 1h/l.
Divine Insight (CL2, SCP) - 1h/l, expend for +12 bonus on a single skill check, declare before rolling.
Tree Shape (DR2, PHB) - 1h/r, Personal, Be a Tree
Animate Dead (Cl3, PHB) - Animate up to 14HD of undead.
Mark of Justice (PA4, PHB) - Permanent, 10m cast, applies curse if conditions not held.
Reincarnate (DR4, PHB) - 1000gp, 1 week limit.
Tree Stride (RA4, PHB) - 1h/l, jump between trees 1/l. Range dependent on trees.
Mass Burrow (RA3, SCP) - 1m/l, 1c/l, Burrow at 30ft