View Full Version : Help With Paladin Build

2011-05-06, 04:02 AM
Hey all. I'm attempting to join yet another PbP game, and would like some help making my character work. The idea behind the concept (which can be ignored) is thusly:
There have been 3 ideas or misconceptions floating around that I would like to address in character form.

1. That girls shouldn't be allowed to play Dungeons and Dragons because they'll just want to play pooncy elf princesses riding around on unicorns (yes, this has been used, and even on these forums).
2. That unicorns are pansies and girly and wussy.
3. That Paladins are stick-up-bum killjoy liabilities.

I want to demonstrate that:
1. even if a girl does play a pretty elf princess riding around on a unicorn, that doesn't mean it can't still be a solid, useful and hardcore character,
2. that unicorns rawk! and
3. that Paladins can be played as valuable, positive party members with devotion to their cause without being stupid about it.

My character would be the following: an elf princess Paladin with a unicorn mount. The unicorn is to be tough and combat-ready and -willing. She has a clearly defined moral code which she does her very best to adhere to. She encourages others to strive to meet it, or their own, but believes in leading by example, not by the nose. She believes in second chances, but accepts that third chances are impractical. She prefers to defeat enemies and render them harmless rather than killing them, but accepts that it is not always - nor even usually - possible or practical. She finds those who choose to do evil quite baffling. Creatures such as Evil dragons and fiends she finds deeply sad. It breaks her heart that they have no choice but to do terrible things, that they exist only to be slain by heroes with no hope of redemption, that they will never know the pure joy of helping another with no expectation of return.
In the shortish term, she aims to gain access to a way (geas) to make Evil and misguided enemies serve a Good temple for a year and a day in hopes that it will cause them to mend their ways. In the long term, she hopes to find a way, some spell or rite, to sever a creature's personality from their essence, allowing them to truly make moral choices and forge their own destiny, to make ethical judgements independent of their instincts and biological/metabiological foundation. In game terms, a way to change an "Always [Alignment]" creature into an "Any Alignment" creature with the ability to change alignment if they so choose. In mechanical terms, something kinda like Sanctify the Wicked, except it doesn't force them into any alignment (and, preferably, not so awful), but rather gives them the ability to change.
She is a little vain, but she is no wimp. She can hold her own in a fight, and can squish her own spiders thank-you-very-much. She is strong, confident and independent, but also genuinely enjoys the company of others. She acts the way she believes to be best and encourages others to do the same, but believes that no action has real meaning unless it is done of their own free will. She believes that forcing someone to do something will simply make them hostile to it. Persuasion is always superior to coersion - but, obviously, one must first survive the initial disagreement before one can sit down and have a proper talk.

I was intending to make her a Core Paladin, but the way the character description's gone she's probably better suited to a Paladin of Freedom :/ If I went with a normal Paladin, there would be things like:
- She observed the success of human civilisation, and watched as it forced her own people further back into the wilds. She sees merit and value in the order of those peoples, in the ways their well-structured societies provide a solid, secure foundation that allows them to grow. She believes this order reflects the natural state of the multiverse, from which elves have become increasingly distant, and which can help the elves to protect even the very freedoms they hold so dear.
- She does not seek to punish the pauper that steals for his supper, but rather to forge a world in which such an act is never necessary.

which I think would be pretty interesting character traits, but wouldn't be necessary for a Chaotic character. Unfortunately, I'm afraid Paladin of Freedom defeats the purpose of the character idea. Buuuuut, I guess, character quality comes first. *le sigh*I would quite like some input on the concept, her personality and ideology, and in particular any opinions on the Paladin/Paladin of Freedom issue, but it's no big deal and can be ignored.
Basically, what it comes down to is, my character needs:
- at least a few levels in Paladin or Paladin of Freedom
- a unicorn mount - preferably a really tough unicorn mount
- elf race (or at least mostly - I'm considering part-fey to really drive home the poncy bit)
- significant martial prowess, particularly an ability to deal good amounts of damage and look cool doing it.

The campaign is starting at level 5.

I'm leaning towards Paladin of Freedom because it suits the character better, but I have misgivings and I'm happy to hear arguments in either direction.

As far as I'm able to tell, the only way to get a unicorn mount before 6th level is by taking the elf Paladin substitution level at 5th. This means it will have to be a straight 5th-level Paladin. I'm intending to multiclass out, though, probably to Crusader or possibly Cleric, so feel free to advise on that score.

I can't think of any weapon that works particularly well with the character concept, fluff-wise, so I guess that leaves me with the question of which weapon is best for a unicorn-riding elf?

Ability-wise, I'm thinking average Intelligence, average or slightly below-average Wisdom, high Charisma (it is for a beauty-based campaign, after all...), decent Constitution, and Dexterity and Strength depending on the weapon I take. I think I'd prefer high Strength and decent Dexterity. It's 36 point-buy.

Armour-wise, the DM recommends the use of Chainmail Bikini (why yes, it is that sort of campaign). I'm unfamiliar with this, so again, advice is appreciated. I picture her having armour something like this:
Not stripperiffic, but not exactly practical, either.
Probably not relevant, but I thought I'd put it out there anyway...

So. How does one go about making a unicorn-riding Paladin work?

2011-05-06, 04:16 AM
Use a lance while mounted perhaps? Take levels in mounted combat PrC (Cavalier, Kishi charger, or similar) later on.

For coolness when not mounted: a really big hammer? Japanese fighting chicks seem to prefer oversized weapons...

2011-05-06, 04:26 AM
Quick extra addition: apparently this game has an excess of bruisers, so I'll lean her towards healing capability.

2011-05-06, 04:28 AM
Keep the lance regardless. It matches the unicorn horn...

2011-05-06, 04:43 AM
Originally, I was planning to point out that I prefer Clerics as paladins, but then I noticed goal number 3. :smallbiggrin:

Consider a Cleric dip. Just one level, and mainly for the domains. Check Complete Champion and Complete Divine for Domain Feats that you can access once you grab Cleric 1.

Also, in both of those books, there's quite a variety of Divine Feats; things you can grab to find alternate uses for TU attempts, for upgrades to your spellcasting, etc.

Mounted feats are never a bad option, either.

I realize this sounds like a lot of feats, but hear me out: There's a Paladin ACF called "Holy Warrior". You give up spellcasting in exchange for fighter bonus feat progression, with a choice of feats off the mounted tree, the two-handed weapon tree, or any of the aforementioned divine feats.

I realize that giving up spellcasting isn't necessarily the best option, but with a Cleric dip early on (and I recommend Cloistered Cleric, unless you're using fractional BAB) you can hop into a PrC that progresses spellcasting and end up with better spells than you would have had if you had stuck with straight Paladin.

Also, Paladin of Freedom sounds better than core Paladin. I'm AFB right now, so I can't confirm this, but I think Unicorns are CG. Maybe NG. Not sure.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents.

2011-05-06, 04:44 AM
I'd keep it too, but if you are not fighting mounted logic dictates a weapon such as a scimitar or a rapier to fluff your character better.
If you want to heal with a below-average Wisdom... mhm, I guess you want Sacred Healing from CD.

She sounded more like a Paladin of Freedom at first glance, but feeling sad for the baddies because they can never know the joys (?) of being good and looking for a way to compel (geas) them to change is hardly a PoF at all.

2011-05-06, 05:09 AM
I realize this sounds like a lot of feats, but hear me out: There's a Paladin ACF called "Holy Warrior". You give up spellcasting in exchange for fighter bonus feat progression, with a choice of feats off the mounted tree, the two-handed weapon tree, or any of the aforementioned divine feats.

I realize that giving up spellcasting isn't necessarily the best option, but with a Cleric dip early on (and I recommend Cloistered Cleric, unless you're using fractional BAB) you can hop into a PrC that progresses spellcasting and end up with better spells than you would have had if you had stuck with straight Paladin.Hmm... That might work. Where's the Holy Warrior?
She sounded more like a Paladin of Freedom at first glance, but feeling sad for the baddies because they can never know the joys (?) of being good and looking for a way to compel (geas) them to change is hardly a PoF at all.I thought of that too. She is, though, just compelling them to work for a Good temple for a while out of hopes that they will choose a virtuous life of their own accord after being given an opportunity to live it. It's also just leading up to this goal of giving Evil creatures the chance to choose their alignment if they want to.
...but that was come up with while assuming I'd be playing a Lawful Paladin, so I'm open to other possibilities.

2011-05-06, 05:12 AM
Holy Warrior is out of Complete Champion. Cloistered Cleric is UA, which (though at this point common knowledge) I only bother to add as a "just in case you were unaware".

2011-05-07, 10:35 AM
I've thought about it, and I don't think I want to sacrifice my spellcasting at this point. Your advice was greatly appreciated, though.
Okay, this is what I want my character to be able to do: Charge in on her noble steed, stab the bajeebus out of someone (the unicorn at the same time, preferably), run on past, turn around, charge back, stab them again, check on the party, gallop over to anyone injured, heal them, strike down anyone threatening them, maybe give myself a bit of a boost, then charge over and stab someone else.
What's the best way/s to do this?
I'm thinking I will go with the lance, by the way, as well as some other back-up melee such as a two-handed sword and ranged, probably a longbow.

Jukebox Hero
2011-05-07, 11:15 AM
I've thought about it, and I don't think I want to sacrifice my spellcasting at this point. Your advice was greatly appreciated, though.
Okay, this is what I want my character to be able to do: Charge in on her noble steed, stab the bajeebus out of someone (the unicorn at the same time, preferably), run on past, turn around, charge back, stab them again, check on the party, gallop over to anyone injured, heal them, strike down anyone threatening them, maybe give myself a bit of a boost, then charge over and stab someone else.
What's the best way/s to do this?
I'm thinking I will go with the lance, by the way, as well as some other back-up melee such as a two-handed sword and ranged, probably a longbow.

You're going to want to take some feats that prevent you from provoking attacks of opportunities when you're charging through. You're also going to want to invest in mounted combat feats, specifically, ride-by-attack and spirited charge...so...unless you're willing to be human, it'd probably be best to take the Holy Warrior variant as previously suggested (and maybe dip into cleric).

2011-05-07, 12:07 PM
You have a few options when it comes to getting a Unicorn companion.

1. Leadership

2. Beloved of Valerian prestige class. Class features are simply, a unicorn mount. Book of Exalted Deeds.

3. Ranger/Paladin with Exalted Companion (BOED) and Devoted Tracker (Complete Adventurer). That should get you a Unicorn animal companion that also counts as your Paladin special mount.

4. Fey Bloodline feats from complete mage. One of them grants SNA 4 as a spell like ability, that allows you to summon a unicorn.

due to the abilities of the creature, you're unlikely to be able to pick any of these options before 8th level, the most potent option (3) does not come online before level 9.

have fun playing My Little Pony.

2011-05-07, 12:12 PM
Elf Paladin substitution level isn't on your list?

And don't be silly, there's no humanoids in the My Little Pony world :smalltongue:

2011-05-07, 12:56 PM
You already mentioned it. Should still work with option 3 if you still want to do elf. Only difference is that you will not require the exalted companion feat. Multiclass to ranger at level 6, then you immediately qualify for the devoted tracker feat. Any companion you would normally gain is lost, instead your unicorn is advanced.

As for mounted options, if you have Spell Compendium you can get some decent spells. Of note, Rhino Rush, which combined with mounted charge multipliers is just ridiculous for a swift 1st level spell.

You may want to alter the feats your mount has, as Alertness and Skill focus are not that good. As for what you should alter them to...I am at a loss.

edit: The addition of Ranger syngergises with the other features of Elf Paladin. Archery style should let you fire off a couple of smites if you need to, then switch to melee and charge on in.

2011-05-07, 01:25 PM
If you have a willing DM, perhaps a variant Druid that replaces the animal companion and wildshape with a unicorn mount, lay on hands, and smite evil? It seems like a fair enough trade, and you get far better spellcasting (including healing) than as a Paladin. Your character doesn't seem overly lawful or chaotic either, so NG would apparently fit just as well.

It may not help the Elves-as-Hippies stereotype, though.

Beyond that, I'd recommend a lance, shield, longsword, and longbow. Lances can be used with shields, after all, and the Rider's Shield (Races of Stone, might need a feat) gives that shield bonus to your mount. You can always two-hand the longsword for about as much potential as a greatsword. The longbow is for ranged attacks, since you have it anyways due to being an elf.

2011-05-07, 06:55 PM
The calvary archer is personally my favorite image in anything ever, so I'm going to be a bit biased when I suggest using the elf's ranged smite with a longbow as your weapon.

I have to mention that you didn't mention turning undead as a goal. If that's the case, have you considered mystic fire knight? I'm not sure if you can take both substitution level feature trades at the same time by RAW, and actually the whole mystra thing doesn't seem to quite match your character concept, actually, but if you can I could see some decent synergy with elf paladin's ranged smite (Mystic Fire Knight can deter spell-casters with smite evil).

I know people don't care for the paladin's spellcasting, but keep in mind lesser restoration is a level 1 spell for paladins, and it can seriously come in handy.

Also I have to say I'm seriously in love with your character concept.

2011-05-07, 09:10 PM
Heavily re-fluffed Ruby Knight Vindicator might be helpful, for progressing cleric and crusader goodness simultaneously

2011-05-07, 11:13 PM
I'm actually intending to stay away from ranged except as a back-up, I'm afraid. Assuming I can, I'm just going to take the 5th elf substitution level.
I guess I'll still have Lay on Hands, and I can always stock up on potions or something... Alright, lets have a look at this variant thing.
Where's Mystic Fire Knight?

edit: Seeing as you drew attention to it in another thread... :smalltongue:

If you have a willing DM, perhaps a variant Druid that replaces the animal companion and wildshape with a unicorn mount, lay on hands, and smite evil? It seems like a fair enough trade, and you get far better spellcasting (including healing) than as a Paladin. Your character doesn't seem overly lawful or chaotic either, so NG would apparently fit just as well.That deviates way away from the point of my character, even more than going Paladin of Freedom instead of normal Paladin. Not the sort of character I'm looking for, either.
I'd forgotten you can use a shield with a lance. Thanks for reminding me.

2011-05-08, 06:12 AM
A suggested build that's paladiny, has a chance to be girly for a while(before your gish prestige builds), and should play quite effectively, especially in a few levels.

Paladin 2/Sorc 4/Spellsword 1/Abjurant Champion 5/Sacred Exorcist 8

The sorcadin is a tried and true gish build, and is at least worth mentioning, even if the arcane flavor doesn't work.

2011-05-08, 09:30 AM
Healer (MiniHB) gets an unicorn mount, and there are some who maintain the class isn't quite deserving it's reputation (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?PHPSESSID=24pi8so57p2btqgoch9lpgcn01&topic=6849.0). Not very badass, but unicorn should be pretty "rawk". Prestige paladin could be added to get the paladin in, and it'd also round up the spell list, with several decent spells for mounted combat and the like.


Where's Mystic Fire Knight?Champions of Valour. Also in the wizards' page (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/iw/20051104a) (scroll down).

2011-05-08, 10:33 AM
Healer still needs one level of cleric or some other source of turn undead in order to qualify for prestige paladin, not to mention it requires two cross-class skills.

2011-05-09, 04:31 AM
Hey, rules-check: how does the ride skill, riding feats and things like charging go with an intelligent mount? Can the mount charge of its own accord and the character attack separate to that? If a mount takes, say, Spirited Charge...uh, how do I put it? Does the mount charge, or does the character, and if it's the character does the mount still get its extra damage from Spirited Charge, and... so on.

2011-05-09, 09:43 AM
You win at D&D. This a brilliant idea that I've always wanted to try. In addition to being beautiful and awesome, unicorns have a pile of relevant mechanical abilities. Remember the continuous magic circle against evil effect because that's a potent full-party buff. It gives flat bonuses against evil creatures, stops domination effects cold, and ward off non-good summoned creatures.

2011-05-09, 10:16 AM
What book is the Elf substitution from? I need to see what all it does to give advice. Does it require a specific type of elf? Elves are varied, so there could be lot of choice there.

My suggestion for stats is: Focus on Strenght and Charisma. Wear Heavy Armor for AC. If you want to use Chainmail Bikini, take Exotic Armor Proficiency (underwear) and get Full Plate Bikini. For your other feat, take Mounted Combat. For flaws, if any, look at Power Attack and Divine Might, or some of the Domain Feats.

For gear, just decent armor + lance and maybe Cloak of Charisma +2 will eat substantial chunk of your wealth. Use what's left of your wealth for utility items. For healing: at this level, especially with these class choices, your own class features are going to be woefully inefficient for healing. Instead, see if you can spare 750 gp for Wand of Cure Light wounds. Remember to check that no-one else has used money on the same item, though. :smallwink:

2011-05-09, 11:06 AM
Races of the Wild. I'm just taking the 5th level, though.

Focussing on Str and Cha, wearing heavy armour, got Mounted Combat, others from that tree, and Force of Personality.
Got a fancy lance, back-up weapons, barding and fancy shoes for my unicorn, and extra stuff.
Can't use a wand with the no-spell version :/

Does the rider having ride-by attack allow the mount to attack as well? If not, how would I go about getting that?

2011-05-09, 11:20 AM
Can't use a wand with the no-spell version :/

If you somehow have skills to spare, you could plug ranks into UMD. Your Pally's charisma will help make up for the cross-class ranks. Not ideal, but whaddayagonnado?

2011-05-09, 11:23 AM
If we're really low on healing, I'll do that. But, hey, I gots a unicorn...

2011-05-09, 11:25 PM
Another rules check: Rider has ride-by attack, mount does not have spring attack (yet...). Two enemies, A and B, are in a straight line, say, 15 and 30 feet respectively from mount and rider. Mount and rider charge. Rider uses ride-by attack to hit A. Mount and rider continue on to B. Mount attacks B as normal for end of charge.
Is this legal?

2011-05-10, 12:36 AM
If you take all 3 levels of Wild Plains Outrider, you can full attack them both as long as the second one is charging distance from the first. I think.

Otherwise, yeah, I'm pretty sure that's kosher.

2011-05-10, 10:20 AM
Are you going to roleplay the unicorn too? I suggest it be deeply cynical.

2011-05-10, 10:25 AM
I'm actually going for "slightly creepy and perverted/obsessed". You know how unicorns like virgins? Well, the Paladin is one, but not by choice. He's one big fuzzy rooster-blocker...
And somewhat cynical too, yes. Actually, now I think about it... I think there might be a bit of a smattering of "nice guy", "why does she only like jerks?", "I hate being in the Friend Zone" type thinking.
People from the Relationships thread: That's coincidental, I swear.

2011-05-10, 10:26 AM
If you take all 3 levels of Wild Plains Outrider, you can full attack them both as long as the second one is charging distance from the first. I think.Wild Plains Outrider doesn't allow full attack on charge.

2011-05-10, 11:04 AM
Here's what I've got:

Eleusipa Thothervain (http://pifro.com/pro/view.php?id=6581)
I am Ael (Knight) Eleusipa Thothervain, champion of freedom and free will, companion to the wilds unicorn Laidepadaer.

When I was but a girl on the cusp of adulthood, I wandered away from home chasing butterflies and got lost deep in the woods. Darkness fell, and the forest took on a sinister veneer. Evil eyes peered out from every shadow, branches snatched at my clothes like skeletal claws, nightbirds shrieked... Panicked, I stumbled along, tripping over roots and skinning my knees. Finally, exhausted, I collapsed in a clearing. Staring up at the stars, I did something that always makes me feel better: I sang. A fox, drawn by my voice, came and sat and listened.
Then, something beautiful happened: a glow appeared deep in the forest, and crept closer. I kept singing, inviting it in, and finally I could see it clearly: a beautiful silvery horse with a long, gracefull horn thrusting from his noble forehead. It paused at the edge of the clearing and gazed at me, so I intensified my song and it stepped shyly towards me. He nuzzled me with his soft, velvety nose, and I patted his warm neck as I sang softly to him.
My hand on his neck, we walked through the forest together, and in what seemed like just a few minutes the lights of my village were visible through the leaves. After giving him a hug and a farewell verse, I returned home.

After that I kept going into the forest whenever I could after that. I called him with song, and he always came. After a while, as our friendship deepened, he taught me a birdcall to whistle to call him with more secretly.
The months and years went by, and he grew to trust me. He told me his name: Laidepadaer. He showed me the secrets of the woods, of what true freedom is. Eventually, he even let me ride him. Together we roamed the wilds, girl and horse, moving as one.

One day we received word of a tournament being held by a neighbouring human kingdom. We were invited to enter our best archers and fencers. Several members of my family were chosen to compete, and so we all went. It was an experience - the sights, the sounds, the strange customs - but most of all I was entranced by the jousts. Men in gleaming armour galloping about on mighty - but mundane - horses, thrusting at each other with long sticks shaped almost exactly like my beloved Laidepadaer's horn. I watched them, and listened to the knights, and asked them questions about their craft. I heard them talk about their ideals, about chivalry and honour, obedience, duty, loyalty, and various vows to uphold law and order and the like. It got me thinking... That was all really, really dumb. Law and order doesn't need upholding, it's the stuff doing all the holding up. It's things like freedom, free will, the ability to make your own decisions and personal expression that are the things that need defending against all those who would try to fence them in and block them off. And it didn't seem fair that such stuffy people should hog that beautiful fighting style.

As soon as I got home I whistled for Laidepadaer. I told him about what I saw, and what I'd decided. He thought it was a good idea, and we spent the next several years learning and practicing together. But it was a long time before we had a chance to put it to practical use.

One day, while we had a break from practicing our technique, we heard a squabbling. They were making so much noise we had no trouble sneaking up on them. There we found a strange scene: 3 strange monsters like small white dragons or a gargoyle (white Abishai), and a sad, pathetic little creature, like a big sloppy lump with a primordial face (lemure). The dragon-things were tormenting the poor lump, poking it and prodding it and calling it awful names. They wouldn't leave it alone, and they acted as though they had every right to treat it that way. I couldn't stand it.
So, as each one wandered off on its own, Laidepadaer and I tried out our jousting technique on them, and picked them off one by one. Eventually, it was just the blobby creature left. When I approached, it tried to attack me. I ended up tying it to the end of my lance to lead it off to a safe place.
I kept it secret, treated it nicely, tried to teach it to be good. But it was no use - no matter what I did, it wanted nothing more than to tear the face off anything that came near. I became despondant, unable to eat or drink, as it sank in what I would have to do: through no fault of its own, this thing was pure evil, and would always be evil. The kindest thing to do, and the best thing for the world, was to put it out of its misery. Laidepadaer must have sensed this decision, as the next time I visited the creature he had mercifully done the deed for me.

I decided that day that it was a great injustice of the universe to condemn creatures to a life of evil without any hope of redemption, to force thinking, feeling beings to do terrible things regardless of their own desires, if those desires were not already predetermined. So I am determined to find a way to free creatures from fate, to allow them to forge their own destinies, make their own decisions. I am sure that, given the opportunity, all creatures will realise the beauty of freedom and goodness.

To do this, I need to expore the world, find new experiences and seek out the knowledge necessary to make this happen. So, to start me off, here I am - here *we* are - for this contest of worth.
Her mount, Laidepadaer (http://pifro.com/pro/view.php?id=6605).
I am the unicorn Laidepadaer, companion and mount to Ael Eleusipa Thothervain.

I met Eleusipa late one evening in autumn. I heard a horrific screeching in the woods, and, thinking some poor woodland critter had gotten itself trapped in a bear trap again, I sought it out. Instead, I found a little elf girl howling her head off. Some fox that thought the same thing as me - but hoping for an easy meal - sat nearby, confused. I stood there dumbstruck, but as soon as she saw me she started caterwalling even harder. Not sure how to stop the cacophany, I walked up to her. I nudged her, but she didn't take the hint, although she did get a bit quieter. She couldn't take her hands off me, though, and I eventually figured she must've been lost and screaming for home. So I lead her back to her village - a five minute walk through light woods. She hugged me, which was nice - she smelled of cinnamon and strawberries - but then she spoiled it by making that horrible noise again.

She kept on coming back to the forest to look for me. She'd screech and squark until I turned up, so I was pretty much forced to hang around or the other animals would complain. I eventually suggested that she whistle if she wanted me, instead. I tried to teach her a birdcall but she seriously has no ear for tunes, so I just got her to something close enough to make do.

Once we dealt with that little setback, she was alright. She... filled out. Grew up. Got... curvy. I liked her thighs. They looked soft. I was a little shy for some reason, but I eventually asked if she'd like to try riding me. I was right. They *were* soft... I realised that the more I talked to her and the nicer I was, the more she would touch me and lie on me and ride me, my sides firmly clasped in her strong, soft thighs... I started enjoying our time together, and did what I could to make our contact last longer.

She went away for a little while with her stupid family and came back with all sorts of strange ideas. I wasn't sure what she was on about, but I figured anything that got us closer was a good thing so I went along with it. I didn't like the saddle that this new thing required - it got between my flesh and hers, and chafed terribly until she got the hang of putting it on properly. Eventually, though, the hightened feeling of moving together as one won me over. I got to enjoy our practices, charging together, our twin horns flashing in the sunlight...

Then one day we came across the horrible little monsters. I checked, and they were all beings of pure Evil. Nasty creatures. Together my elf and I caught each of them alone and took them down. It was glorious! Blood and gore everywhere! But then there was just one left, a pathetic lump, and she wouldn't let me kill it. She felt sorry for it, horrid thing, and wanted to somehow train it to be nice. I tried to convince her that it was no good, but she wouldn't listen. So she took her new pet, and tied it up where it wouldn't be seen by any of the pointy-eared monkeys.

She doted on that thing. Adored it, played with it, gave it treats... It was disgusting. And it didn't care. I don't think it was even capable of caring - I'm pretty sure it couldn't even think. One day it somehow caught a rabbit. Tore the poor thing to pieces. That was the last straw. I went nuts. I stabbed it right through its stupid ugly face. I was worried about how my little Eleusipa would react, but to my surprise she was relieved. I guess she was smarter than I thought, and had already realised her pet was untrainable. Lucky...

Not so luckily, the event gave her some sort of epiphany. She wants to "save" all the evil creatures of the world; something about free will and choice or somesuch nonsense. I don't think she has a hope, but I'll follow my girl - and those thighs - anywhere. Even into a city that stinks of apes.

But I don't like the looks some of these humanoids are giving her...

2011-05-10, 11:15 AM
I think this is a great concept. I wish my players put half this much effort into character creation and background :smallsmile:

You're starting at lvl 5 and you want a unicorn from the get-go. You might see if you DM will let you have an underpowered unicorn for the first level (treat it as a heavy warhorse and just fluff it) until you hit level 6.

To steal a plot from an old book, someone has cut off the unicorn's horn, robbing it of it's magic. The horn will regenerate, but it will take time. Or your pally could be on a quest to retrieve it. Or you could have just retrieved it and are looking for a ritual to reattach it. Many DM's love it when the players give them easy plot hooks.

Once you hit level 6, you complete the quest or whatnot and poof, you're unicorn is back to full power, his 'cornhood' having been restored.

Lance is good for charging. For a back-up you might consider seeing if you can get an Elven Curved Blade from Pathfinder. http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/equipment.html
In Pathfinder rules Elves get to treat it as a martial weapon.

2011-05-10, 11:44 AM
I know im a bit late to be suggesting this but... Have you considered using a polearm for her (I dont mean lance). Its just my mental image of an elf warrior princess looks kinda like this: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3544/3492425893_f4ff6b899c.jpg

In your place i might have picked up a glaive or some such with reach and focused on an AoO build to represent the whole elves have centuries of experience and training thing by having a fighting style that anticipates someones moves and counters them.

By prioritizing Cha>Dex>Con>Str you can have a good AoO build and synergy with a longbow. You can use the longbow to fire from horseback and wont really need to take the relevant mounted combat feats that may or may not be useful in a given situation. The Unicorn may be a big part of your character but its not to say you would always be able to fight on unicorn-back.

Edit: If you have trouble getting into character (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeJ6-gN0eB4)... :smallbiggrin:

2011-05-10, 11:45 PM
Great backstories.

2011-05-11, 12:20 AM
I have to say, I would love DMing this. I mean, the unicorn clearly has a thing for the girl while she's completely clueless. Can you say hilarious RPing? :smallbiggrin:

2011-05-11, 01:00 AM
Wild Plains Outrider doesn't allow full attack on charge.

Gah, you're right. It allows a full attack as long as the mount takes a single move action. Foiled once again by my (formerly) AFB status.

Figgin of Chaos
2011-05-11, 02:12 AM
The unicorn has so much personality, he could be another PC! That could be fun.

2011-05-11, 04:47 AM
Thanks guys :smallbiggrin: I think they came out pretty well. Not bad for 2am...