View Full Version : Best Sourcebook for a Gold Dragon///Sorcerer Gestalt?

2011-05-06, 09:45 AM
In an upcoming gestalt game on this forum I am going to be playing a Gold Dragon///sorcerer(/something)gestalt, with my Gold Gragon side using this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9260930&postcount=187) homebrew monster base class instead of the typical LA/Racial HD rules. The Gold Dragon side will use the cleric list for obvious reasons, but there is one issue. Other then the completes and Core, we are allowed only two extra sources, including homebrew classes. As a result one of my two outside sources will be the Gold Dragon class. I, however, am note sure what I should choose for my other source. Third party and even other homebrew can be chosen as well as official materal, too. Thus, I ask, what is the best sourcebook outside of the Cores and Completes, including third party and homebrew, for a Gold Dragon///Sorc gestalt to have access to?

2011-05-06, 09:54 AM
One thing that comes to mind is that Dragon Magazine made a 1-20 Progression class for Gold Dragons in one issue. I know you have your homebrew one already but its an official one and pretty well thought of too I think incase you want to go that route :smallsmile:

Taking a few levels of Paladin can really help, with your Charisma it will boost your saves to something stupid. I believe the Battle dancer class also from Dragon magazine gives Cha to AC from a 1 level dip. This (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=125732)may be of use to you as well to get the most out of the crazy Gold Dragon Charisma.

Hope that helps!

2011-05-06, 10:07 AM
The various "metabreath" spells in Spell Compendium are good for putting out high-DC effects with your low-level spells.

2011-05-06, 10:32 AM
I was actually thinking of using the spell conpendium as my second source as it's great for any caster, even a draconic one. Also, I kinda want Gold Dragon 20 and don't want to make my sorc side lose more then one CL, so a Paladin dip pre-epic would be out.

2011-05-06, 10:36 AM
Thats fair enough, but with a Sorcerer remember you always want to Prc out as soon as possible in a class that keeps full casting as you get absolutley no class features as a Sorc.

2011-05-06, 10:40 AM
The Draconomicon can also help in building your character with feats, equipment, and more you might need for a draconic character.

2011-05-06, 10:43 AM
Yeah. In all honesty I'd rather have wizard on my other side but I wanted a cha-based caster class on the other side and sorc was the best option. There ARE other cha-based caster classes that I could take, but none of them fit as well as sorc. The Favored soul works great fluff-wise but mechanically it falls short as it's class features mostly deal with weapons, which I don't care about since I have more then enough natural weapons on me as-is. Shugenja is rather weak in general and dose not mesh with my characer/lacks the right flavor. Spirit Shaman is decient, but it too clashes with my character concept as I am not going for a nature-based character here. I also, remember, have acssess to all the completes in addition to core and there may be some kind of useful PrC in some of those.

Keld Denar
2011-05-06, 10:46 AM
Dragon Magic has some fun stuff. Spells like Firestride Exhalation are pretty cool. I think there was some other stuff in there.

Dragon Magic has the ever popular Entangling Exhalation, as well as the amazing Wings of Cover and Wings of Flurry.

Draconomnomnomnomnomnomicon has nearly all of the [Metabreath] feats, along with Rapid Strike for more attacks/round.

Its a tough choice. I'd personally go with Spell Compendium for sure as one source, and then probably the Draconomicon for the 2nd. It just has the most to offer. Combine Heighten Breath with SpC's Blinding or Stunning Breath spells for nearly irresistable disables!

2011-05-06, 10:48 AM
True, though no matter what I'll use up one "book" just to be a dragon, even by offical wizard's rules as savage species would take up a book slot just like the gold dragon class would. So I have just one book I can take(seeing as being a dragon requires me to use one of the two free books.) and between spell compendium and dragnomicon(both great books for this character) it's a very tough choice.

2011-05-06, 10:48 AM
I would say your best bet is to look up the usual sorcerer builds, there is no reason why your dragon couldnt be an Incantrix or Blood Magus ect. Just bringing this up as for the life of me cannot think of any Dragon Srocerer prcs.

Have you looked at Dragon fire adept btw? Its like a warlock but with breath weapons and fits very well on an actual dragon oddly enough. Im pretty sure its not charisma based but heck its worth a look anyway.

2011-05-06, 10:51 AM
I never said the sorc PrC had to be dragon-based. ANY PrC would do, it's more a matter of the book it comes from. If it's a Core PrC or from the completes that would be ideal since I would not need to waste my second book slot on a PrC.

2011-05-06, 10:54 AM
Oh I see, I miss read that. Cant find what book Incantrix is in at the moment but It could be Complete Mage or Complete Arcane. If its not I would say its worth choosing that book as an extra source as its probably the best class around for casters :smallsmile:

2011-05-06, 11:01 AM
Also, DFA is awesome and all but as of now the group needs at least one fullcaster as our party has only one right now who is a TOB class yet to be decided///wizard(or sorc)/abjurant champion. The rest of the party include an invocation-using homebrew class with an angeling theme///some templates and maybe 15 levels of sorc or some other homebrew class, and something melee(thats yet to be decided other then something melee). Looking at the party we need at least one other person with 9ths and since what we're most lacking is divine perhaps Favored Soul would be better then Sorc here? I mean, complete divine DOSE have some good divine PrCs so the fact that FS' class features don't help me due to my melee being based on natural weapons is mitgiated by taking, say, contemplative, or something that actually gives me useful class features? Likewise, I don't have to worry too much about wisdom as the cleric list DOSE have many good no-save spells. I could more or less focus on being a support-type caster who uses favored soul for no-save spells that focus on buff/support/other things and uses my gold dragon casting for offensive spells. The buffs from the cleric list also allow me to be even more scary in melee.

Keld Denar
2011-05-06, 11:16 AM
Incantatrix (check your spelling, thats probably why you couldn't find it) is actually in Players Guide to Faerun. It was in Magic of Faerun as well, but that's a 3.0 source.

As for Sorcerer PrCs, I'd look into ones that have REALLY low feat prereqs, since you'll want to spend most of your feats on being a DRAGON RAWR! That cuts out things like Mage of the Arcane Order, Initiate of the Sevenfold Veils, and Archmage. Fatespinner, Mindbender, Wayfarer Guide, and a few others don't have feat prereqs, and Divine Oracle has a trivial feat prereq because you can gain it via cash by visiting the Frog God's Fane (CScoundrel Magical Location). Actually, I'd recommend Divine Oracle. Evasion is handy, but the real gem is the level 10 ability, which is pretty much permanent Foresight. Thats incredibly useful for a dragon.

I'd stick with Spell Compendium. Seriously, there is so much good stuff in there. Metabreath spells are fantastically amazing, and it has some of the best Gish spells like Bladeweave and Blood Wind and Wraithstrike. Way too much good stuff to pass up.

2011-05-06, 01:36 PM
Thanks, and Divine Oracle would fit with the fluff anyway since all of our characters are avatars of deities and the class feels "divine" enough to be on such a character. Also, speaking of feats, out of core and the completes and spell compendium which ones would be the best for what I am looking to do? The reason I ask is simply so I can spend less time having to dig through loads of pdfs.

2011-05-06, 04:43 PM
One thing that comes to mind is that Dragon Magazine made a 1-20 Progression class for Gold Dragons in one issue. I know you have your homebrew one already but its an official one and pretty well thought of too I think incase you want to go that route :smallsmile:

For reference, it was Dragon Magazine #320 which had the Gold (and the other Metallic) Dragons 1-20 progression. #332 had the Chromatic 1-20 progressions.

2011-05-06, 04:47 PM
You could go for Favored Soul on the other side to gain access to healing and what not, and just use the dragons' native casting for arcane.