View Full Version : Iron Man vs. Project "Gun Metal"

2011-05-06, 02:20 PM
Okay, so I found the game Gun Metal again a few days ago, played through it, and started to wonder about a good vs thread match-up against it. Hope this is a good/fair battle.


Contestant A: Tony Stark, Iron Man. I'm fairly certain most everyone here knows who he is. You may use any canon version of him, but no combinations of different continuities.

Contestant B: Project "Gun Metal": A large, mechanized armor-suit capable of transforming into a jet. Has a total of 24 different weapons, but can only carry eight at a time, four as a suit, four as a jet. It also can carry a huge payload of short-range missiles. For the purpose of this vs thread, let's assume it is carrying its basic amount of these, six groups of four for each mode.


1 )Contestants are declared the victor if the other is forced to retreat, the other is destroyed, or if the other is unable to continue fighting in any way.

2) The battlefield is a fairly open area on Helios. Conditions include: Desert terrain, setting sun, open area above a canyon system, no interference by either side's allies.

3) Any and all equipment is allowed so long as it can be established to be from the same continuity and is compatible with other equipment currently in use (Iron Man) and usable at the same time as the other equipment (Gun Metal). In other words, Iron Man cannot be using stuff that is on one suit with an entirely different suit that would not have that addition and "Gun Metal" cannot use both the Phoenix and the Photon Storm.

Iron Man has found himself on Helios somehow with only his suit. Because the area is not familiar, he takes off to examine the area. Meanwhile, Project "Gun Metal" is on patrol in the area. They come across each other and determine that the other is not friendly.

Who will win?

2011-05-06, 02:41 PM
Whilst I'm suspecting that this all goes Tony's way in basically anything but the Mk. 1, due to the fact that a human sized target capable of moving at mach 3 is going to be difficult for a giant robot/plane transformer to effectively target, allowing him the use of any armour is going too far. The Extremis armour, for instance, allows him to remotely control any technology with an external interface. Congratulations, Gun Metal, your radio just shut you down. GG.