View Full Version : The Hawk, the Snake, and the Stars

2011-05-06, 05:56 PM
”An open mind is like a fortress with its gates thrown wide open.” -White Cloak Chaplain

"An open mind is a window to the future." - A saying of Mayene

A wind rose in the east among the crushing waves of the Shadow Coast it screamed among the fjords and twisted toward Ebou Dar. The gull carried ships out of harbor to sea, sailors scrambled to keep their sails trimmed against it. As it whipped white foam off the crest of the swells out to sea. Into the open sky it blasted and arced across open waves of blue and ships small enough to appear like pin prints on a map. As it came down water gathered with it forming hail. As the hail fell it hit muggy warmth of a tropical land. The hail was firm but started to melt. The globules of softening ice drifted further north over a city and a temperate rain forest and became thin flakes.

Snow flakes like ash fell from a clear sky even as the afternoon sun shined brightly over a party of horsemen and women as they plodded along a forest road. The flakes were gray like ash as they alighted along the light periwinkle cloak of a tall broad shouldered woman with ebony hair and olive skin. The shaggy brown mare she sat side saddle across shook its mane and snorted before resuming its plodding pace. Like wise the flurry of snow flakes fell across the rest of the party in waves. They spotted a patch of forest that seemed to shift and a man's face looked up craggy with many lines not all of them scars. He regarded the snow for a moment before pulling up the hood of his slowly shifting cloak. His mustang a paint splash pattern of brown and white hair never showed a sign of noticing the weather.

The flakes brushed against the bare chest of a slender Andoran man who followed a pace behind the first two. Grey eyes squinted against the bright day his light brown hair combed back for the first time in a while. He seemed slightly uncomfortable in his clothes. Cut in Mayener fashion the white tunic had long billowing sleeves that ended in snug cuffs, bound at the waist with a soft brown leather belt. The tunic collar laid flat leaving the neck bare and most noticeable feature was a plunging V in the front to the belt at his waist line. Silver embroidery chased the neckline and collar. Hard muscles showed in a shirt cut like that but it breathed air in the smothering heat. A sword is belted to his waist. The tails hung untucked over loose white breeches were tucked into white leather calf riding boots. The rest of his equipment hung from saddlebags of the trim grey gelding he rode. He seemed lost in a day dream.

Next to the white rider a beautiful black haired woman sat side saddle on her black mare a gray cloak draped over her shoulder was lined with an azure liner of silk that hung open to reveal a blew dress of Mayene. Though similar to tunic the V plunges narrowly to just below her bosom of her empire gown, the sleeves end just above the woman's wrist exposing copper skin without any cuffs and hang open deeply. Her smile is luxuriant and she seems at home in the guise.

Followed by the second pair come another two paces behind those ahead. A Tairen man with a fastidious air about him sits astride a light gray mare the flakes blend right into her hair but stand out against his dark olive skin. Large green orbs scan the forest around him while he tugs nervously at the black garment cut in the same fashion as the Andoran man ahead of him but chased in gold embroidery and a black half cape his flung over his left shoulder. A black belt with a gold buckle is strapped around his waist a sword in scabbard hang from it. His dark hair is speckled by the snow before it evaporates. The heat doesn't seem to bother him at all, he almost seems cold and sometimes pulls the front of his tunic closed though it hangs open again like the Andoran's the moment he lets go. Occasionally he glances over his shoulder at the wagon in the rear of the group where a lance juts out the back of the cover.

Next to him rides a Tairen woman of average looks she looks slightly of age with the woman at the front, at times young looking but her eyes have a knowledge in them that doesn't match her face. Her dark eyes are fixed to the front at the ageless woman in pink. Her light brown hair bobs with the silver and white gelding's plodding pace. Her dress is cut in a similar fashion but of bright red silk. Like the man beside her the heat doesn't seem to bother her as much as the Northerners.

Following the group of six a Boarderlander dressed in the same fashion as the other men but in colors of deep forest green. A bow sicks across his thighs as he rides an arrow nocked but the string not drawn. His boots are brown. His face seemed to have been recently scrubbed and his unruly hair fluffs up around his neck. He rides a black stallion that moves powerfully under him. A sword is belted to his waist in a plain brown leather. He seems the most alert of their surroundings.

A group of soldiers follow the group dressed in mail and doublets of the Tower Guard. They march in a double row of five. Following them two servant sit astride a wagon pulled by two large brown Durhams. The crink of metal and rhythmic thud of marching feet breaks the peaceful stillness of the woods around them. The road bends ahead and the group comes before a low wall and a gilded iron fence thrown open to an expansive green. Before them looms a mansion three stories tall. Long and rectangular the left end is taken up by an immense dome on fluted marble columns. Across the yard performers, acrobats, and servants move around to the sound of music from a harp playing on the porch. A group of twelve men and women dressed in the similar garb of the riders waits to greet them. A young man stands with a noble woman with amber eyes and short cut hair, she is draped in a fine silk dress with a large square cut bodice.

At the head of the group is an older man stands with his arms held wide in welcome. He bows putting a foot back as the woman in pink rides forward at the head of the group. His silver hair his cut short his eyes gleam darkly with warmth he wears a blue tunic and white breeches with soft black shoes a wide red sash hangs loosely across his chest. His skin is a dark olive. His rich voice fills the air as he speaks.

"Be welcome to House Batano Alysa Sedai." He walks forward and helps the darkly pretty woman dismount from her horse as the man in the shift cloak sweeps down and takes her horse. She smiles warmly for him.

"Luis Batano, High Seat, your welcome is a refreshing break from what I have received on the journey. May I introduce my guests, young nobles in training at the Tower. Whom are here on a well deserved break."

She beckons her followers forward and introductions are made among the group between the guests and the Batano family. Several more nobles join the crowd from the party and from inside the villa. Luis Batano stands aside with Alysa Sedai engaged in a cordial conversation.

The road from Tar Valon has been a long one made miserable by a lingering winter, after sailing from Gordan to Mayene this is the first time you all have felt warm outside in a very long time. Servants take the horses and stable them to the east while the wagon trundles east towards the servant's entrance of the mansion. The guards more with the horses and equipment, but two who break off and stand guard at the grounds entrance with two dashing armsmen from the House Batano. The night before the guests stayed in at an inn Mayene and cleaned up from their journey. Just a few hours before Alysa Sedai presented you all with garments for the party fashioned from Mayene tailors, they all seem to fit with unerring accuracy. Servants bob around with trays of wine glasses while several nobles stand in clusters of conversation. The two apprentices and Tower trainees stand together with the middle son of Luis Batano and a charming young noblewoman from another house of Mayene. You all remember Alysa Sedai's stern advice from the night before.

All except Darius and Beriita
You're here to represent the Tower at its best, but remember something is afoot in Mayene and we are here to find out what is going on. The current First has not left his palace in two months we must find out what is causing the instability among the nobles. You are envoys of the White Tower I expect all of you to be on your best behavior. Luis Batano is the most powerful noble in Mayene after the First do not offend him. The Mayeners may not be Cairhein but they know Daes Dae'mar well.

The Villa
The Villa itself is a large three story rectangular structure, its runs east to west on the long end, with the main entrance facing south. Most of the servants quarters, stables, and barracks of the family armsmen fill the east half of the grounds. To the West joined to the Villa is a large vaulted domed with tall columns surrounding it that overlooks the city and the bay. It rises two stories taller than the mansion and the flag of House Batano flies from its top. A field of red over a wide stripe of blue, three silver horses rearing in a row march across the banner. Only a few other mansions and the palace of the First outdo the Batano Villa's dome. It is host to many Balls and State functions, there are several hidden entrances join to the kitchens and various workrooms on the North side of the villa that one does not see approaching from the chest height wall that surrounds the ground for a acre out well manicured grass and hanging lanterns with bamboo shades bracket the crushed gravel path to the front entrance. Three large steps rise to Caihien style double doors that rise two stories up but open soundlessly on well oiled hinges. A massive team of eighty servants keep the Villa spotless and perfectly shined from gardeners, maids, and cooks, to woodsman, winekeepers, and architects.

2011-05-07, 02:26 AM
Tomas shakes himself out of his reverie well before arriving at the mansion of the Batano's. During the ride there he had alternated between watching the surroundings as he should, feeling uncomfortable about his clothes and a few,short lapses where he started to stare ahead without exactly seeing anything. The last part bothers him the most and he almost winces when he imagines how Hammar Gaidin would have handled situation. Thumping him over the head with a trainingsword or club most likely. Hard. Aside from giving him a telling to that would make him wish the powerfully built warder would just continue hitting him. Or that he was dead.
But as soon as he stops his daydreaming the reality of what he wears comes crashing back. When he had realized that he was supposed to pose as a noble, something he still had his doubts about that to say the least, he had still complied quickly. He had even gotten a new set of clothes fit for meeting the Queen herself! It was a good coat, green wool with oak leaves in gold thread, but now it was neatly folded in one of his saddlebags. Alysa Sedai had been right about honouring other people's ways, he knew that, it would showing respect for the mayeners. But the mayeners' way of dressing still left him feeling as if he wasn't fully dressed yet. It was worse than the part about masquerading as a noble! Fool notion but he couldn't shake the feeling.

Now as they enter the Batano compound the lanky andoran straightenes in the saddle, making himself not scrub a hand through his short, light brown hair. He dismounts, but to begin with he doesn't say much aside from short, pleasant greetings in response to those who greets him, everyone accompanied by a quick, short bow. He wasn't even sure where to begin right now and hoped that the more lively Accepted would show him the way. Myra was a domani, after all, she should fit in perfectly here.

2011-05-07, 11:31 AM
Myravan took a moment to stretch after she was off her horse, feeling just a bit sore after the ride. As an initiate, the backbreaking chores hadn't left any free time for learning how to properly ride a horse. Still, she had made no complaints about her sores or the cold, bearing all of it as best she could, attempting to emulate the calm, collected, serenity of the Aes Sedai. She just hoped that she wouldn't do anything foolish to embarrass Alysa.

Once within the grounds, she gently pushed the cloak back, taking a moment to compose herself. She smoothed out her dress, glancing up to notice a wandering eye here and there, though it hardly bothered her. Mayener dresses were surprisingly similar to her own choices in Domani fashion. And after what felt like an eternity in a white Accepted's dress, she was thankful for even the simple pleasures, running a hand over the fabric again, luxuriating in the feel before moving to approach her traveling companions.

She offered a warm smile and slight bow to those that greeted her on her way. Her largest smile was saved for Tomas as she noted the discomfort he seemed to be feeling, leaning slightly closer and speaking softly. Myra kept her advice short, lest Alysa decide that perhaps she had become infatuated with one of the Tower Guard, "Relax. Be confident. Or, at least, seem confident. One is as good as the other."

Looking to the others, she offered another slight bow to the young nobles, smiling at the Mayener noblewoman with the short dark hair and amber eyes. Myra silently admired the other woman's regal bearing, and her beautiful dress, "Greetings, my lady. What brings you to House Batano, if I might ask?"

2011-05-07, 11:55 AM
At the domani Accepted's word of encouragement Tomas straightens somewhat and nods wordlessly. She were right, if he was going to seem uncomfortable the people here would notice and wonder why. Confident. Remembering something he had heard once or twice from his time training with the gaidin he suddenly slouches again, but not uncomfortably any longer, instead he assumes the posture for Cat Crossing the Courtyard, confident on the point of arrogance maybe. But most nobles who came to train with the gaidin were arrogant beyond reason until the warders beat it out of them. And even then most of them continued with the practice when there were no warders around to see. With a friendly attitude that should give just the right blend of arrogance and diplomacy to simply be confidence.
Strangely enough it helped with making him FEEL more confident too, despite the clothes. A little.

2011-05-07, 04:23 PM
Initially worried at the idea of Aes Sedai visiting, Darius is very pleased to see that there is only one Sister, and she isnt wearing red. This means they are very unlikely to be looking for him. Now of course the best way to completely allay suspicions is to be friendly, after all, any other wilder would be hiding in a corner when they came. But any other wilder was not Darius Batano.

Even so, he feels it might be in his best interest talking to one of the Aes Sedai's contingent rather than the sister herself. Eyeing the group, the Domani lady clearly stands out. She is beautiful, and obviously knows it, but it appears she is a tiny bit out of her element in Mayene, a perfect place to start making introductions.

One of the noblemen walks up to Myra, he is handsome, six feet tall, with shoulder length black hair and clean shaven. Perfectly self confident, he flashes a charming smile as he says "You are a long ways from home my lady, I am Darius Batano, and I hope we can make your stay most enjoyable."

As he speaks, he dips in a tiny bow, as to an equal, before gesturing widely with his hand to encompas the Batano estates.

2011-05-07, 11:45 PM
Ifran couldn’t denie there were some pleasures in being this close to home. It had been long since he had traveled south and the warmth felt good again- it would have felt better if not for the traveling snow but he was no one to complain. If nothing else it alerted every brigand, bandit, local guard and Tinker that even if they killed off all the armed men- they would still be quite sorry of that atacted this party.

Despite years of training himself to look and dress like all his fellows. It felt good for once to see his fellows in something he didn’t have to train himself to enjoy whereing.

On the other hand there where things that he could tell right now would be problematic; like keeping himself from calling Mayne a Provacne of Tear, not getting knifed for being Tearn, and- well no that was about it really. That’s not too bad.

A genuine Smile crosses Ifran’s face, it’s been far too long since he’s attend a party. True this was about gathering information and playing the Game. But then What function was not?

He made the appropriate abeyances to the High Seat, every inch indicating his own standing and his reverence for one who stood above him. this was a powerful man and Ifran would give him the resacpt he was do.) Befrore engaging in the party itself.

He surveys the festivities with an intrigued clam- taking wine if such is offered by the servants but not before, and siping it thoughfuly,) and looking to find someone who looks intriguing to talk to, his eyes still scanning the place from time to time- just in cause anything absurd happens, and one for the man’s rivals has Black veiled Aeilmen maskedaraiding s serving girls or something. Six years of tower training can do odd things to your mind Ifran…

Finally he wanders over to his fellow Tearin. Isora he blives her name is. “Lord Batano is quite a gracious host.” He sayd of handly, still smilling. For once he doesn’t feel too awkard- hes in his elamnt here. By why is his he here? Probably as a disctration so the others could so something useful.

”Still it seems to strange dose it not- to be so close yet so far from home?” He just hoped scold him for distracting her she was half an AesSedi after all, and oddly even after all this time- Aes Sedi still kinda frightened him.

OC: I hoke that ok Snark... I think he'd graveate towards his own.Uh Ifran's very dark for a Tearin but has Allfain eyes- huge and green.

Alth Falath
2011-05-08, 11:13 AM
Balim spends most of the last day of travel sighing and picking at his clothes. Forcing me to wear scents and wash. Do they want to kill me off? Hopefully not. He bows as appropriate to the other party, though not as gracefully as the rest of the party. He watches Tomas stiffen, and then relax, and follows his advice. Bit like encountering wild animals then, show weakness and they get scary. Almost unnoticed, he steals a drink from a passing waiter, and keeps it handy to discourage conversations. At least there some lovely ladies to look at who won't burn me for appreciating beauty.

2011-05-08, 12:03 PM
For those that made introductions:
Alysa Sedai briefly introduced each of you to Lord Batano and a couple standing at the lord's right hand side. Lord Batano gave you each a cursory greeting and a polite welcome and he introduced the couple at his side as his eldest son Tyburn and his wife Melalindra sur Paendrag. Their children run around the grounds amongst the party guests though their eldest dose try to put on some form of a decorum; Luis II, Alyna, and Ben. More minor nobles are gathered around the fringe of the party.

A dark eyed man and a pale skinned woman with long black hair walk up to the Tairens. Tyburn Batano the eldest son of the house and his wife both look in their prime dressed in a similar though slightly more conservative fashion than his father or the other party guests. His face already shows a few of the lines his father's does, his eyes are kindly but have a sharpness to them that speaks of intelligence.

"You'll have to forgive my father, he is not always used to the ways of Aes Sedai." Tyburn bows his head slightly.

"This is my wife Melalindra, it is a pleasure to meet those of the Tower we hear of many strange rumors my wife begs to deny or confirm."

2011-05-08, 12:41 PM
Myra responded with a similarly slight bow to the young Batano nobleman, her smile growing as she gently adjusted one of the golden bracelets on her wrist, attempting to appear demure for the young man's sake, "Simple respite from the road has proven most enjoyable, thus far. I am Myravan Suldani, my lord. Thank you for your hospitality, and the hospitality of your father, as well. You are most generous to share your home with us, if only for a short while."

Myra played at being coy, in part for her own amusement. Being flirtatious in any manner in the Tower would have resulted in severe punishments, and it had been so long since she had put what she had learned from her mother to use, "Tell me, Darius, is it true that the First of Mayene has gone into seclusion?"

2011-05-08, 01:20 PM
Bowing slightly deeper to Tyburn and his wife than they had to him Tomas quickly considers the situation. They had come to get answers, not hand them out. But surely currying favour with the son of their host would make it easier to do their part. So he gives the pair a friendly smile and nods. We are indeed grateful for the hospitality shown, Lord Tyburn. And I'm sure that between us we might see to most[ of those rumours. Ask and we'll answer what we can. His voice is a deep bass-barytone and quite steady and dependable-seeming. This is a familiar subject, after all, and what he didn't know he could honestly answer as such.

2011-05-09, 07:27 AM
Roll Diplomacy

Tyburn opened his mouth to reply but before he can utter a word the dark haired woman broke off from her husband's arm and speaks to Tomas. Her eyes are large dark orbs that seem to solely focus on him with an intense heat for their smokey oak color. She leaned forward as words tumbled out of mouth with a slightly musical accent her ample bosom is quite obvious in Mayener dress. A jeweled necklace of sapphires the size of your thumb joint nestle closely there.

"Do they really make you take an oath of chastity when you... when you join with one of them." Melalindra spoke with a soft whisper but seems entirely curious at the same time.

A swarthy man with a reddish mustache and sideburns approached Balim who stood slightly apart from the rest of the group. The man wears a loose navy blue jacket and a white shirt done up to his collar bone and a trim pants tucked into shined black boots but his clothes lack any of the embroidery or scrollwork the rest of the nobles have. His belt is wide and sand brown from where, some parts are still the chocolate brown it once was but various belts and straps weighing on it over time had change the color, a sword-in-scabbard hung of it, the navy blue wrapping on the handle indicated it was more than just show.

"Aye, you can take the man out of the boarder, but you can no take the boarder out of the man. I knows your no noble fopin'jay."

He approaches Balim with a flask instead of a wine glass and an easy smile. He extends his hand in greeting, his handshake is rough with callouses and old scars.

"Jym Tromeon, I head up the Lord's guard."


Alysa Sedai looked over her shoulder as stepped away with Lord Batano, her eyes widened for a moment reminding you all to be on the hunt for information.
Spot Checks / Listen Checks

2011-05-09, 07:36 AM
With a bit of an effort Tomas manages to meet the mayener noblewoman's eyes, and keep his gaze there. Light, the people here and their strange ways! In Baerlon she would have been chased off by an angry mob of women most likely! He can even feel a slight blush setting in. Well, there's no avoiding that and he'd be willing to bet good money that any young nobleman with years of experience of the Queen's Court would still not be prepared for this! "Ah... eh, I know nothing about any oaths of chastity, Lady Melalindra. But if you told me of who you mean by "them" it might help, maybe?"

[roll0] (Edit: Uh-oh. :smalleek:)

2011-05-09, 12:55 PM
Interesting, she sees herself and an equal, that could mean a couple of things, this should be fun, Darius thinks to himself as he responds. "Well, he does have quite a lot of duties to attend, and I cant say that I keep very close track".

Darius decides to keep non-committal and see why that subject was so rapidly broached, lets see how she responds to a change of subject "Have you ever had a chance to try the Botano wine? Its quite famous, you'll not find better in the country"

He offers her a glass if she does not already have one.

Not sure its relevant for me, but heres my spot and listen checks:
[roll0] spot, and [roll1] listen.

2011-05-09, 03:00 PM
Myra's eyes traveled over the area, trailing across several of the entertainers and acrobats, and she paused for just a moment to admire them. She was pulled from her reverie by the young Lord Darius, turning back to him and then looking down at the drink he offered. She accepted it graciously, smiling again and taking a small sip, savoring it, before giving the man a satisfied nod, "It is quite good, thank you."

She glanced away to keep an eye on the other members of their traveling party, noticing that Tomas seemed to be trapped in a conversation, while Isora kept to herself as she had for the bulk of their time on the road, "I am afraid I do not know much of Mayene, Lord Darius. Though.. thanks to you, I have learned that their wine is excellent."

2011-05-09, 06:55 PM
Pol watched the nobles chat and mingle through the swinging door of the kitchen. Then it swung shut again, and he got down to business. In a manner of speaking.

"Crowns again! Looks like I win this roll." He raked the pile of silver and copper coins across the wooden table. He flipped a fat gold Tar Valon mark to one of the serving girls with a wink as she rushed toward the party carrying a tray of drinks. Her warm smile almost made him feel bad for pilfering one of the silver goblets filled with a spiced Batano wine.

He took a deep draught and scrubbed a hand through his dark red hair as he scooped up the dice into the worked leather cup. "It's been too long since I've been in Mayene," he said in passing to the other players, all servants of the house or one of the guests. "Tell me, is what they say about the First true?" Pol tossed a few silvers into the pot. He always said a game or two of dice is always a small price to pay for the information men let slip when tongues and pursestrings were loose. He may even let them win a round or two.

He let the dice fly.

Gather Information [roll0]

Alth Falath
2011-05-09, 07:13 PM
Balim shakes the hand, relieved to meet someone who had a bit of military bearing about him. He seems even more relieved when the man's hand shows that the sword wasn't just a loan.
"Aye, someone has to keep an eye on things so others can party. Names Balim, tracker and guide. What brings you to the party then?"

[roll0] Spot
[roll1] Listen

2011-05-09, 08:45 PM
Darius leisurely glances over his shoulder with an eyebrow cocked and a smile on his face, to see who it is thats coming up behind him.

2011-05-10, 01:55 AM
"Why Aes Sedai of course! My cousin said the First's adviser does not favor men. But of course you probably don't want to talk about it, so young to be sworn to a monkish life, following one woman around the rest of your life. Though the stories do make Warders out to be very grand I can't imagine a life on horseback across half the world has very many opportunities to settle down. She says with a smile for Tomas.

Jym laughs for a second at Balim's question, "Tracker and guide, eh? Did you no hear me the first time. I command thy Lord's Company I hardly ever leave the Villa these days. There have been problems lately from the North."

Darius turned around face to face with a tall gorgeous olive skinned woman in a dress of periwinkle, cut in the Mayene fashion but with no sleeves, she laid a hand on the youth's face. At this close its almost impossible not to see her ageless face; her cheeks are smooth, her lips are lush almost pouted for a kiss, her hair curls loosely around her shoulder in deep waves of onyx, but her eyes it was like staring into two deep holes rimed with green moss there was a knowledge in them that did not match her years. Those green wells sparkle for a moment and the hairs on Darius' foreman stand on end a flush of coolness runs through his body then the Aes Sedai drops her hand.

"Quite the odd specimen you have found here, Myravan. Take care with the young Lord Batano." Turning to the man she just accosted, "By your leave my Lord."

As you chat with Jym the Aes Sedai strolls past heading int the direction of Lord Batano's manner you can just hear her talk under her breath, "Is it forced conjunction or random manifestation?"

"Why uh, what da ya mean Pol?" One of the servants replied before he scrambled to his feet snatched some of the coin and dashed out the back. A shadow darkened over the dice table. Vilhin, Alysa Sedai's Warder, loomed over the young servant his presence made the dice game disappear faster than rats in a burning barn. He grabbed young Pol and hauls the lad to his feet by his collar. He leans close for a moment.

"Work ain't done yet, go unload the wagon and take the gear into the guest rooms in the manner. One of the servants will show you the way. "

2011-05-10, 02:39 AM
Malien laughs as her escort comes to the end of a rather long-winded story involving a hunting trip at a friend's estate. Smiling, she adds softly, "Indeed, I've heard Lady Sarella is more interested in fresh young piglets than wild boar. Her new pageboy is said to be very handsome." Amid the too-loud laughter that answers her sally - several of the young nobles present had clearly started drinking before arriving at the party - she kisses her escort on the cheek, and murmurs, "The wine is exquisite, I think I will have another glass. Shall I bring one for you as well?" At his assent, she glides away to find a server.

Having obtained her two glasses, Malien steps back against the wall for a moment, taking the time to catch her breath and collect her thoughts - although she maintains the bright smile she has worn since arriving. House Batano is a long step above the nobles she is used to, dissolute younger sons and daughters of minor Houses. It will be a long time, if ever, before she and her family are invited to a reception like this in their own right. Being here is an opportunity to meet and study the most powerful men and women of Mayene; she will owe Serrial a considerable favor for putting her in touch with the young man who needed an ornamental partner for the evening.

Malien's long black hair is done in one of the latest fashions, but deliberately less elaborate than the coiffures most of the noblewomen are wearing. Her gown is the best she owns, finely cut silk of an azure so pale it is almost white, but in a simpler style and without the lavish embroidery of the nobles' dresses. It is always a careful balance, to flatter the nobles' taste without seeming obsequious; to show respect for the occasion without any appearance of seeking to rise above one's station. Mostly, she enjoys the game.

Scanning the room, she notes the new arrivals with interest. Foreigners, clearly, and of very different backgrounds. The majestic woman in pink silk - there's something oddly familiar about her face - and the younger one in the blue dress seem comfortable with the setting, but the other members of the party are distinctly less self-assured. Important foreigners, though, to be invited to a Batano party.

Returning to the group she was conversing with, she hands one of the glasses to her companion, and takes a sip herself. Content to listen to the conversation for the moment, she keeps her ears open for any interesting phrases drifting over from the other clusters of people.

Taking 10 on Sense Motive, which gives me 20, for the party so far, to see if Malien has had any interesting hunches, e.g. certain nobles being uneasy or unusually pleased with themselves.
[roll0] Listen check to see if she hears any interesting snippets of conversation.
[roll1] Gather Information to see if she learns anything interesting while bantering with the nobles she's entertaining.
[roll2] Intelligence / untrained Knowledge (Arcana) check to remember that the ageless face indicates Aes Sedai, on the off chance that it's common knowledge. She did spend her childhood in Tar Valon, but that was quite a long time ago now, so not expecting to get anything with this.
EDIT: Okay, yeah, she has NO clue on the last one.

2011-05-10, 02:40 AM
A slight sound makes Tomas look to the heir of their host and he quickly blanches. Oh, Light! He must think I'm flirting with her! Blood and ashes! I knew this was a bad idea." Fighting regain his balance mentally he takes a step back with a slight shrug, trying to be courteous, well-mannered and ANYTHING but flirting. "Ah. I see, Lady Melalindra. I have never heard of any such oaths, no. I do know that Aes Sedai seldom marry at all. Some of the Green Ajah do though, so if there's any oaths involved they can't be mandatory like the Three Oaths are." The comments about his views on monastic living, settling down and the like he's not touching with a ten foot pole if he can avoid it.
Turning to Tyburn he makes a new, slight bow. "And you, Lord Tyburn? Do you have any questions I might help answer?" he asks, trying to shift the focus to between the two of them. Both to avoid "flirting" with the his wife and because he fears he needs to get on a better side of the young man.

New diplomacy check?

(Please be something good)
[roll0] (Edit: Well, at least I hopefully won't make anything worse. :smallsigh:)

Alth Falath
2011-05-10, 08:42 AM
"Ah, so you're here as the captain. Says a lot about your lord that he respects you enough, or that he's nervous. Our trip here was pretty uneventful, but the forest did seem a bit wrong. Pity, means more work then either of us probably want." Balim shrugs, then drinks heavily from his glass.

2011-05-10, 08:49 AM
Darius tries very hard to keep his cool, this close to an Aes Sedai. What if there is some way they can know? cant they read mind? God I hope not! A thousand thoughts race through his head in that instant. Luckily, due to his composure, the only outward signs are a surprised blink, a momentary hesitation, and a dampened smile.

"..Alysa Sedai, it truely is an honor to the Batano family, you are too kind in your praise."

Glancing nervously towards Myra, he seems just a little less sure of himself, but composed enough that many less skilled would not even have noticed. "I would of course be most willing to help the lady Myravan with anything she might need while in our fair estates."

As he thinks to himself, perhaps I am in deeper than I thought, but theres really no way to go but forward, at least shes good looking...

Just out of curiosity, lets see how his composure holds up: [roll0]
Not so well it seems, consider the above signs a little more obvious than described :)

2011-05-10, 09:36 AM
Myra bowed her head to the beautiful Aes Sedai, humble and reverent towards her, "Yes, of course, my lady."

As Alysa passed by, the Domani Accepted looked upon her with an awe that she reserved only for the Aes Sedai, wishing that she herself might one day reach that same state of grace, seemingly eternal beauty, and boundless wisdom that only a full sister possessed. She was lost in her own thoughts for a moment, wondering on what it would be like to be full Aes Sedai, to command the respect of kings and to be capable of shaking nobles with a mere touch.

Turning back to Darius, she offered a comforting smile,"She can be quite.. intimidating, can't she?"

2011-05-10, 01:08 PM
Pol was about to stop the servant running from the table when he was hauled to his feet. He was on the verge of pulling out a dagger when he saw that it was Alysa Sedai's Warder.

"Of course, Vilhin Gaidin. Right away," Pol said quickly, knuckling his forehead. Blood and bloody ashes! Another minute and I would have actually accomplished something, burn you! He quickly pocketed the rest of his coins and his dice and headed out to the stables.

The Light illumine me, maybe I can catch up with that fellow who ran off, he thought as he tried to find a servant to show him around. He stopped and pet Jak's nose, offering his horse a handful of oats. "I did alright, Jak," Pol said, jingling his coin purse. "See? You haven't seen any of the wool-heads who serve here, have you? No? Oh well. A man's work is never done, is it Jak? I'll see later you tonight. I doubt the Aes Sedai will let me stay with them up in the manor!" He gave Jak one more pat on the nose before unloading the supplies from the cart.

"Hey! Can anyone tell me where the guest rooms are?"

2011-05-11, 10:50 AM
Darius just nods mutely, watching the Aes Sedai walk away.

While he is flustered, his mind is racing 'what did she do?, did she lay a weave on me? mark me for later? and a million more worried thoughts.

He snaps out of his deep thoughts a minute later, "Yes... you could definately say that." He replies, considerably more reserved than earlier.

2011-05-11, 11:41 PM
Beritta, daughter and heir of Lord Araluen sur Fasciare adjusted the azure sash around her gown of the deepest purple. A colour she thought must have been carefully chosen to avoid any confusion or her own status, for she was not Aes Sedai merely accompanying them. The sash was her own and represented her houses colour, and she hoped that no one would take it to indicate that she herself favoured the Blue Ajah, for in affairs of the Aes Sedai she had a strictly neutral stance, favouring the Brown if any at all.

She felt a triffle foolish seeing so much in the clothes she herself, and those the others wore. Back at my delving of the drowned lands I could wear anything I wanted, and no one woul have raised an eyebrow, no matter how fine the silk or how course and unseemly the britches.

Aes Sedai she thought to herself as she slipped her the black pearl combs, recovered from the drowned lands north of Mayene into her hair. Lord Batano... she tried instead as she slipped the second part of the set, a necklace finely inset with a larger black pearl on a silver chain. "What on earth is the exact protocol, have I been without civilised company for truly so long?" she though darkly as she finished the ensemble with the ring, placing it carefully onto her finger. Another sign that she was not one of them, but not to be discounted either. A ring could say a lot about a person.

She approached Luis, while the Aes Sedai were perhaps easier to offend than the nobles, once this mission was over she would have to deal with consequences should she offend their host. "Your Lordship. Your estate is most beautiful, while I had always heard that it was, and sorely regret never taking the chance to visit before." she intones, as she curtseys deeply to him.

2011-05-12, 05:27 AM
Isora welcomed the expedition at first, if for no other reason than that it allowed her to ride again for the first time in... far too many years. Her family had raised horses, and while she'd never been as passionate about them as some, she was a fair rider, and enjoyed it. But the brief pleasure of reacquainting herself with the saddle had quickly grown old as they trudged through cold rain and muddy snow, and by the time they reached Mayene she was simply thankful to get off the road. At least the climate here was decent.

She was less enthusiastic about the clothes, though those were just as familiar as the heat. Tear and Mayene often had similar fashions—nobody wanted to cover themselves to the neck in a southern summer—and she remembered these dresses from her childhood. But it had been a long time since she'd worn them, and she was discovering that she didn't much like them at all. Oh, they were pretty enough; Alysa Sedai and Myravan and some of the Mayener nobles pulled them off excellently. On her... well, it worked, actually, but Isora couldn't help but feel that the neckline was designed to keep men from paying too much attention to her face.

It was irritating, and she had to resist the urge to try and pull the neckline up. (That didn't work with a properly tailored dress; you just looked fidgety or embarrassed or both.) Most of her fellow Accepted would have gaped or laughed to hear it, but she missed her plain Accepted's dress. She liked not having to worry about clothes.

She greeted Lord Batano with a curtsy (not too deep, she was an initiate of the Tower, but enough to show respect), lowered eyes, and a murmured introduction. Likely he had never heard of her family, which was just as well; a Tairen family would hardly win favor here. With her obligation to the host met, she drifted away towards the edges of the gathering, watching the others mingle.

It was a slight relief to be approached by one of the Tower trainees—Ifran, she recalled his name was—before anybody else. She wouldn't find anything out, but she didn't have to watch her tongue either, and after weeks on the road he was a familiar face, at least. "I suppose it does," she said, though Mayene did not feel terribly close to her home. It wasn't just distance; the rolling farmland and country manors of her childhood bore little resemblance to this place, no matter how much her father had wished otherwise. "Truth be told, it's been so long since I visited, I think of Tar Valon as home now. But it is nice to have good weather again."

Talking about the weather and your age. Lovely conversation there, Isora.

2011-05-12, 11:41 PM
Malien continued her chat with the nobles, it was the typical blather about estates, marriage prospects, and who and just taken up doing something with whom. She didn't need anything special to tell that most of it was just bluster. Though by the pink flushes in one woman's face and a small leer on the face of her companion there might of been something true to the last set of rumors. Then one noble, a slightly shorter man of a more minor house dressed in forest greens he had not spoken much before but the drink had seemed to loosen his tongue.

"That, of course is nothing but insubstantial hyperbole," He added to something you missed, but it sounded like words he was using from his tutor. "I have been part of a great hunt for Tairen bandits in the Drowned Lands."

The others in the group pause for a moment to regard the black haired man before turning their attention to the minor noble.

"See we had been getting word of some disappearances from some of our outlying farms. Queer things had been going on, people vanishing, animals stolen, stockhouses empty. So myself and a few of my arms men went up into those fetid swamps to find out what was going on. Well we found a malinger up there, a whole group of bandits who were stalking and preying on the land up there. Well he we found there hide out lined up gave em a good charge and sent those Tairens to the Pit where they belong in." The nobles around Malien suddenly rise up with a weak hearted 'huzzah' for the younger noble

"Of course this was the same day that lightening struck the servant's wood pile and started a fire in our family mansion. But before I struck the bandit's head from his shoulders with my sword he gave me this scar." The man pulls down his collar a little bit and reveals a rather horrid knife scar still puffy and angry. The woman who had been sending pink blushes stiffens and falls over in a faint, Malien's companion is immediately beside the woman though servants already seem to have it handled. The story's spell broken chatter resumes and the black haired man slouches off muttering about a drink. For the moment Malien was quite alone except for the new comers that were migrating into the party. Oddly she could remember sunning outside that same day the noble described to a cloudless day.

Tyburn's face seemed impassive for a moment as he looked over Tomas before becoming a slow smile, his wife demurly had stepped back and straightened just a hair. Somehow her appearance did not seem so scandalous in the eyes of the young Tower apprentice anymore.

"Quite a few, but I would be failing as a host, if I did not let you wet your throat after entertaining my wife so." He barely makes a gesture seemingly from out a solid mass of people two servants appear trays of tall wine glasses. Tyburn and his wife take one while another servant bobs in front of Tomas somehow a goblet of spun glass is in the young warrior's hand before he could even politely decline

"I have heard the Tower guard stepped up recruiting, because of Ghealdan do you fear it will be another war young Master Tomas?" His entire body posture changed and he seemed seriously engaged in the young man's opinion. Tomas can almost feel like he was being tested.

"Aye," Jym's gaze falls on the young group of nobles who start a small commotion with the young Lady's fainting spell, the Captain's eyes follow the man in the forestgreen as he slinks off toward the entertainment. For a moment Balim's gaze met the eyes of a raven haired woman in azure silks who had been listening to the story. The Captain grunts for a moment, "I've told that man one already about his stories, he's still chalk full of what happened. Can't blame the lad for not wanting to remember what happened but to downright lie is disgraceful. I should make sure he doesn't dunk his whole face in the brandy."

With that the armsman begs off and leaves Balim to follow the younger noble.

Luis sweeps a bow for the Lady Beritta, though shallow he smiles and reveals a surprising grave in an old man's frame and as he clasped hands with her for a moment she notices the roughness to his callouses and a strength that had not yet waned with his age. Though the solid silver in his hair proclaimed his past his prime. Luis seemed a lion at the head of the pride.

"I had no idea the Lady Fasciare tended flowers of such rare beauty, your presence truly is a garland on the head of House Batano Lady Beritta. Be welcome."

Servants appear from the crowd with fine spun wineglasses and a pitcher, they top off Luis' glass before presenting the young lady with House Batano's hospitality.

"I shall have to take the honor of dancing with you tonight my Lady Beritta as my wife favors my youngest daughter in Tar Valon tonight and it seems you have yet to catch a husband in the Drowned Lands yet." His fatherly smile takes any bite out of his words though behind that his eyes have a sharp appraising look.

2011-05-13, 02:47 AM
Grateful for the glass of wine, and the few seconds he can stall by raising the goblet in a toast to the young lord Batano, Tomas thinks furiously. It was obvious that the man tested him, but why? Because of the "slip" with his wife or was the Game involved? Again feeling out of his element Tomas hides his insecurity by sipping the wine. And pondering Tyburn's questions helped shoving the insecurities to the side.

Now... thankfully the increase in recruiting was something he was well aware of, being part of the Tower Guard and all. There had been a LOT of speculation in the barracks about it. When men are bored they speculate, which is rather natural.
And unlike most guardsmen he had the extra insight from his lessons and even socializing with warders and warders-in-training. "You're talking about the news about the False Dragon who has proclaimed himself there I take it? I can hardly see how things could go differently, lord Tyburn. False Dragons are always a scourge to the lands they tread and they need to be dealt with. I heard that a coalition is being formed to deal with this one and Tar Valon will surely be part of it." Tar Valon always was when it came to False Dragons. When Prophecy was involved it meant Aes Sedai had to respond and when someone claimed to such a thing as being the Dragon born again, well if Tar Valon didn't step in it would mean panic among the nations. Or the Children of the Light stepping in, which would be worse in his opinion. There was something more though, rumours that no Aes Sedai would confirm OR deny but send the one inquiring away with a new found fear of the Light in him. Which to many were confirmation enough. Tomas hesitates a bit but if it's true, and it seemed so to him, then it would be known all over the world soon enough anyways and he needed the man on his side. "There might be more too, lord Tyburn. They say the man can Channel. If that is true then it will mean war. And it will mean that not only Tower Guards will be sent. The Light help the ghealdanin." A war with the Power involved, it was enough to chill the spine of anyone, himself Tomas felt torn between hiding away in the farthest reaches of the known world, Mayene suddenly seemed a bit better to him being about as far away from Ghealdan as one could go without entering the Waste, and an urge to join the war. He feared that his friends and comrades would die no matter how many Aes Sedai went and he felt a traitor for not going with them. He knew it showed, and hoped the man would think it a young nobleman's wish for Glory. Come to think of it, that wasn't entirely untrue either. In the end the man would be pulled down, the Light send it so, and then those who had part would forever be heroes. A part of him wished for that too.

Alth Falath
2011-05-13, 10:25 AM
Best of luck to ya. With that, Balim stands alone for a bit. Feeling a bit isolated, and worried about getting trapped by an insipid noble, he quietly walks over next to Tomas, hoping that he can avoid being drawn into the conversation as long as he nods at the appropriate points.

2011-05-13, 12:11 PM
The commotion among one of the groups of nobles causes Myra's attention to drift, eyes traveling over the gathering before stopping and going wide. She saw the telltale signs of a weave, but couldn't be certain who it belonged to. It was quite likely, though, that it was one of Alysa's creation.

She let her attention drift back to Darius, his reaction to meeting the Aes Sedai was not entirely what she had expected. Then again, those outside the White Tower often had a very different opinion of the Aes Sedai than she did, "What do you think of the Aes Sedai, Lord Darius?"

2011-05-13, 01:58 PM
Malien's eyes narrow slightly, her gaze following the man in the green coat. She knows little of him or his family, but something seems not quite right about that story. Lightning? Not unless the weather is very different in the Drowned Lands...

Interesting, though, what he had said about bandit activity. She wonders whether that story was a cover for something more sinister - or if there had been bandits, whether they had really been dispatched. Something to look into, certainly. Perhaps she would be able to corner the man later in the evening, after he had consumed a bit more wine, and see if she could discover any more.

For the moment, though, her companion is fussing over the girl who had fainted, and she finds herself at a loose end. Glancing around, she briefly meets the eyes of two of the foreign visitors - the small, quiet brown-haired man and the beautiful Domani woman in blue - but they are both engaged in conversation with members of the Batano family, and she has no intention of annoying that House.

On the other hand, the more subdued woman in red and the darkly handsome man in black are standing off to one side and speaking quietly, and do not appear to have been approached by any of the other guests. With a pleasant smile on her face, Malien glides over to them.

"Greetings, my Lady, my Lord. Are you enjoying the party?"

2011-05-13, 03:29 PM
"One would wonder, if present problems were not demanding so much of my attention I would consider even riding forth myself. My father road in the Blood Snow against the black eyed Aiel I am oft to wonder at times if given such an implacable foe how I would fair. Tairen pirates and bandits make for little more than hunting and skulking like for deer at times. I'm sure the Aes Sedai will settle this man quickly they always have in the past. We are not so fortunate here." His eyes narrow for a moment. Melalindra grips his arm tightly for a moment as she looks at her husband her lips down turned for a moment and her eyes flash.

"Come this is a party do not spoil the evening with ill tidings. Dance with me." The Mayene Noble leads her husband away with one hand though the eldest Batano looks over his shoulder for a moment at the two Tar Valon trainees with affable smile for his wife, but the hard look in his eye says something else.

Tomas & Balim
Roll Sense Motive

The soft chords of music begin to play near the grand dome of the mansion. Much of the festivities still continue.

In the Stables

"I can show you the way!"

A short lad pipes up, his fine silks drape below his knees and soft leather shoes but there's still hey in his hair and dirt on cuffs. Pol followed the boy and spent the intervening time unloading the party's chests and baggage from the wagon to the various guest rooms in the manner. The rooms are all located on the third floor of the manner at near the middle of the mansion just below the third floor the grand entrance stairs that sweep down from the second floor to main entrance, two side stair cases wrap around the walls going up to the third floor. Vilhin occasionally helps you as you both take the servant's stairs located at the far end of the Villa from the dome.

The last load takes almost half as long as the rest together, Vilhin helps you move a large chest that you can occasionally hear the clank of armor and the clink of coins from to Ifran's room. The Warder mumbled something extra training for lads you thought they could slink about like noble whelps. With the last possession stowed away Vilhin lead Pol back outside to wear the edge of the party was. There a small group of entertainers and servants stood together either appearing busy or watching the party. The Warder drinks from a waterskin before passing it to the young Mayener.

Pol you are fatigued. Among the group of entertainers you can notice a gleeman, a contortionist, and a few acrobats all of them appear to be from the area except for the gleeman. Vilhin stands aside watching and a moment later pipe smoke curls up where he stands.

2011-05-13, 07:55 PM
Ifran pasta moment before speaking pondering her words a moment more. “Funny, I don’t recall the last time I ever really stopped to think about was home anymore and what wasn’t.” his eyes scanned the room in theory perhaps the two of them together would have a better chance of gathering news, after all it was more normal for people to carving crowds, a loan individual was suspicious. On the other hand she was An Accepted, and it would seem presumptuous even to propose an idea to one it was halfway Aes Sedi. “Burn me.” He murmered, “I wish could get away trying to find a knot of decent fellows who are spending this party just playing cards.” Actually he thought that wasn’t a bad idea, sort of fellows who played cards were also a sort of fellows who took to their wine and there was a chance of one of them when something slip. “Do you play cards lady Isora?” an odd question he supposed, but some girls did. Either that or his friends had simply been outright scamps. Both might be true. “It might be an interesting diversion if we can find a game.”
OC: she doesn’t have to come if you want her to, and of course is no way of knowing if there will be a game. But I figure it gives them something to do other than talk about the weather. I’m not sure how ladylike card games are considered.

Talking about the weather and your age. Lovely conversation there, Isora.[/QUOTE]

Alth Falath
2011-05-13, 09:26 PM
Balim watches the couple go, cursing internally. Well, I'm still someone isolated. Oh well, at least Tomas is here, hopefully he'll draw away attention.

[roll0] Sense motive

2011-05-13, 10:56 PM
The commotion among one of the groups of nobles causes Myra's attention to drift, eyes traveling over the gathering before stopping and going wide. She saw the telltale signs of a weave, but couldn't be certain who it belonged to. It was quite likely, though, that it was one of Alysa's creation.

She let her attention drift back to Darius, his reaction to meeting the Aes Sedai was not entirely what she had expected. Then again, those outside the White Tower often had a very different opinion of the Aes Sedai than she did, "What do you think of the Aes Sedai, Lord Darius?"

Darius pauses a moment to ponder the question before replying.

"Its hard to say m'lady. It can be hard to separate fact from fiction, we dont get a lot of Aes Sedai down here, but we have no shortage of rumors about them."

A short pause before continuing, as if picking his words carefully, which he no doubt is, knowing that Myran likely has a much more friendly view of Aes Sedai than the average person.

"Clearly they have many years beyond what a normal man is alloted, which gives them a different outlook on life than the rest of us, but at the same time I suspect they really are humans at the heart of it, one power or no."

"I imagine working with them you get to see past the mask a bit more than some, and see them for people rather than what the rumors would paint, which must be quite interesting for you."

All the while, his eyes dart around the room, keeping an eye on who is talking to whom, especially the Aes Sedai.

2011-05-13, 11:30 PM
Though you didn't get a chance to say two words to the Lordling you get the distinct feeling the man walking away wants to talk to you later.

2011-05-14, 01:35 AM
So there IS trouble here... Tomas is just about to ask about that, even opening his mouth when Tyburn's wife pulls him away, cutting him off before he can even begin to speak.
With a click of teeth the young warder-in-training closes his mouth and follows the pair with his eyes as they move away. Curious. Was that because she did indeed dislike such dark topics being discussed when they were to enjoy themselves or something more? The little knowledge he had of nobles and the Game told him that the more they seemed to enjoy themselves the more likely they were to discuss matters such as what the man hinted at...
Shrugging slightly Tomas begins to turn away. The man seemed to enjoy himself really, he had probably imagined things. The Light burn this Daes Dae'mar!

Sense Motive to see if I find out anything more.
[roll0] (Dovie'ande se tovya sagain!)
Edit: Nooo, I don't think so. Hopefully Balim had better success. I'll leave the post as it is. It reflects Tomas standing around feeling completely bewildered. :smalltongue:

2011-05-14, 12:33 PM
All you notice is a man of position (Tyburn) enjoying time with his wife.

You pretty much know a good bit about warfare: You can make untrained knowledge local checks about any news that relates to a war or battle. (Treat Kinda like an SU)

The party is in full swing all around you and the music seems to have drawn more folks from that cliquish conversations into the Villa's open green and dancing slowly to the music. A group of guests brush past you and Myravan.

"The Rooster crows tonight." The faint whisper penetrates the music and sound of festivities your not sure who said or even if they were talking to you. Another group of party goers sweeps past as the first group moves on and you loose all sight of the group and any chance of finding out who whispered it.

2011-05-15, 02:10 PM
Beritta grinned at Lord Batano, his flattering words pleasing to her ears, he was after all the most powerful after the first, in theory. Although Beritta did not see them as rivals in any sense. It was an arrangement that she thought perhaps demonstrated what separated Mayene from other nations. Nobles working in near concert still playing Daes Dae'mar but with the knowledge that anything that unbalanced the nation too much would be the ruin of everyone involved. Each contributing to the nation, in the area they were most capable based on both talent and inclination.

So the first contributed her ability to attract friends to Mayene, Lord Batano was able to contribute his abilities in administration. Her father's contribution, in her mind was calculation, his obsession with ensuring the Oil Fish harvest was successful helped provide a bounty that the nation surely needed. Her own contribution would be in the discovery of their lost history recovered from the deeps of the drowned lands.

"You know your Lordship, you are famed for both your elegance and masterful lead in affairs of state, I rather look forward to seeing how well those skills are displayed in dancing." A faint blush rising on her cheeks, the informal setting, and his warmth making her feel that it was alright to relax and be merry.

"You must tell me though, your Lordship whether my father has managed to sneak any suitors into this little gathering. Just last year, he tried to send a few to my explorations in the drowned lands. Giving them missives to deliver, sealed with his signet ring which upon opening I found to contain nothing but desciptions of the young man delivering it, and why he would be a suitable match. Of course I do intend to marry someday, but... there is no rush, after all what man would really be willing to spend such time in a swamp as I would like?"

2011-05-15, 04:55 PM
As Pol watched the group the makings of dice game began to take place. The gleeman though broke off from the game before it began and pulled his hood up while he murmured something about catching a wet chill in all the wat air the South had. His harp lay in his hands one lazily pulling the chords as he sauntered into the crowd of nobles.

Roll Spot & Listen

Luis smiled while Beritta talked of her experience with suitors though it slipped for a moment at the mention of the swamp. The old man's dark eyes were tight, though it could have been the simple constant stress of leadership or something more.

"The Swamp? My Lady sur Fasciare, Beritta if we may dispense with the titles. You might be surprised what lurks in the swamp. On the promise that none of your father's suitors are here tonight I would ask that you not go back into the Swamps until a certain problem has been resolved."


Lord Batano is Friendly / Helpful
Roll Spot & Listen

2011-05-15, 06:27 PM
Pol knuckled his back. The worst part of traveling with lordlings and Aes Sedai was the amount of baggage they carried. He had gotten by fine for years with nothing but his horse and the clothes on his back. Burn me, if I ever start prancing about with a bloody chest full of shirts!

While cooling his heels in a welcome spot of shade, he looked around carefully, taking in the other servants and the gleeman. After a time, some of the nobles started coming out to the courtyard.

2011-05-16, 06:54 AM
"Ah, no," Isora said, blinking. Were cards in fashion in Tear these days? Or was it something he'd picked up with the guards in Tar Valon? She didn't recall her father playing, but maybe the custom just hadn't made it out that far into the country; the Light knew they'd been out of touch enough for that. The Parare estate was very nearly in Haddon Mirk. "I'm afraid not."

She dithered for a few seconds over whether that sounded too stern—she didn't mean to rebuke him, but on the other hand she didn't want to be roped into gambling either—and was relieved to see someone else approaching. She turned and mustered a polite smile as the newcomer greeted them.

Isora had her mouth open to deny the title when she remembered that she was, in fact, a lady. The Tower had been very firm on the topic of leaving your old life behind and standing on equal footing with other initiates, be they farm-born or royalty. "It's very nice so far, though we've only just arrived," she said instead. "Lord Batano's estate is... nice," she finished lamely, catching the repetition a second too late.

In fact, she'd been rather spoiled by Tar Valon; the Batano manor showed wealth and was not bad to look at, but it couldn't compete with Ogier work either. But the nobles here didn't need to know that, and anyway, the grounds were nice. Still. Best to move on before she was asked to admire the estate in more detail... was that a weave?

She took a second, closer look at the young noblewoman: silk dress (unembroidered, but Isora wasn't sure if this was because Mayener fashion disdained ostentation or because she couldn't afford it), not much jewelry, either unaware of which party Isora had come in with or possessed of an enviable self-confidence... and yes, a fine mesh of Air, Fire and Spirit woven just over her face. Isora had no talent for Illusion, but she could recognize one when she saw one. Could this be one of Alysa Sedai's eyes-and-ears, perhaps? It wasn't terribly skillful work, but placing an Illusion on someone else was supposed to be a delicate business. Maybe if the Aes Sedai had been in a hurry...

Isora abruptly realized she was staring. "Ah... are you related to the Batanos, by any chance?" she asked, partly to deflect attention away from herself and partly in an attempt to ask who this woman was without being so blunt as to say so outright.

2011-05-16, 12:52 PM
"Upon my honour, I swear to assist you in whatever the little matter you speak of is, the secrets of ages past will not suffer a delay and you are both a gracious host and worthy of both my respect and trust." Beritta speaks from her heart, for both facts about Lord Luis Batano where true, although the fact her would ask her while she was already engaged in assisting the Aes Sedai Embassy suggested to her, that should his request touch on her other duties that her life might become rather more exciting.

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]
Also Innuendo to see if he is saying more than he is speaking [roll2]

2011-05-16, 01:19 PM
Shrugging Tomas turns towards Balim. Softly, too silent to carry beyond the two of them he mutters. "Well, that was a dead end, wasn't it? Have you had more luck elsewhere?

Alth Falath
2011-05-16, 02:09 PM
Alas no, all I've managed to get is more of the same indications of trouble nearby. The captain of the guard was present, which seems worrisome, though he's a good man. Balim sighs, disappointed about being drawn into intrigue again. Guess I'll have to play the game, at least long enough to get me paid again.

2011-05-16, 04:21 PM
Spot: You notice a man brushing his way through the crowd his hood is up just covering his eyes. The patches on his cloak and the harp in his hand mark him as a Gleeman. He seemed to be aiminlessly wandering through the party but you notice he only side steps one or two feet while making a bee line in the direction of Lord Batano and you. Roll Search Check

Innuendo: You do not notice any code or body language that would indicate Lord Batano is conveying anything but the honest information. The hardness in his eyes though makes you feel this is not a joke or scheme involving your Father's interest.

You see a glint of metal from under the gleeman's cloak and you notice the gleeman is lip-syncing not singing the song he strums on his harp. Vilhin suddenly looks up and drops his pipe on the ground and looks in the direction of the gleeman like a hunting dog on point.

"Hopefully a matter that will stay little, as I understand it you may have explored more of the Drowned Lands than anyone I know perhaps we should have a word later in my sitting room. But you'll have to forgive me I would not have the Aes Sedai thinking I scorn them by the neglecting their guest when they have done me a grand honor. It's not very often a non-ruling House gets visited especially in Mayene."

He makes a simple hand gesture and a liveried servant in the red and blue house colors with three silver horses marching in embroidery across her right breast of the long dress she wears proffered a tray with two crystal flutes.

"Please enjoy some of my finest selections of wine spirits grown here just over the back hill of the Villa."

As Tomas spoke to Balim you feel something bump against your elbow, looking down you see a tightly wrapped scroll no wider that a palm tucked into your sword belt. Likewise Balim you feel a prod in your back and a hand run across your belt as if to make sure your purse hasn't been cut from years of habit. Your hand clasped a neatly rolled scroll.

The Scrolls:
Meet in the Villa Sitting Room tonight one bell after the party has been completed. ~T

2011-05-16, 05:33 PM
Myra crossed her arms, her thoughts turning towards the past few days on the road with Alysa, "You would think so, Lord Darius, but Aes Sedai can be a rather.. mysterious sort. Even to those who travel with them."

She stayed close by the Batano nobleman, watching his gaze travel and attempting to follow it, making note of how he kept his attention focused upon the Aes Sedai. Not an unsurprising thing for a young man to do, but something seemed odd about it. She decided to make a note of it for now before moving around and back into Darius' view, smiling at him, "Would you like to dance, my lord?"

Alth Falath
2011-05-16, 09:03 PM
"Someone snuck up on me, that's disconcerting. Think this is a chance to lure us into a trap? Guess we have to pass this along. Darned noble games, they always make things too complicated. Balim sighs, then goes and finds another drink. He drinks it in one quick gulp, then sighs about not being able to get another. Gotta stay alert, it's more dangerous here then most of the woods I used to roam.

2011-05-16, 09:21 PM
Malien shook her head slightly in response to Isora's question, a small smile crossing her lips. "No, although you honor me by suggesting it! My name is Malien Aranthi, but please, call me Malien. I was invited by Lord Galon, of Sithern." She indicated her erstwhile companion with a slight tilt of her head.

Why was the foreign lady staring at her? She hadn't spilled wine on her gown or gotten some colorful fragment of a canape stuck in her teeth, had she? She resisted the urge to look down, and - with some difficulty - kept her confident smile in place, but she did raise her hand to tuck a few strands of dark hair back behind her ear.

"This is my first visit to the Batano estate as well, as it happens - it is very fine, isn't it? But you must be tired, if you've only just arrived. Have you traveled far?"

2011-05-16, 10:25 PM
Infran almost winced he should have known better- other than his small circle of friends who ever herd of a woman playing cards. At least I didn’t ask her to dice with me! No that he would dice here- 6 years in the practive years could not take that out of him.
For better or for worse- lucky a potential target (for information he hoped) just walked up. “Greeting to you my Lady as well. “ He added to the Accpeds greetings. “It’s a fine party the Best I’ve seen in many a year. “ He studied her thoughtfully. “Though I must admit I’ve been out of the Cirit for some time. Ifran’s my name.” He inclined his head. “An Honor to make your acquaints. We come with collages from Up north, it was an intriguing journey I suppose.” He smiles and Jerstoers any place they can sit down. “I have never had the pleasure of visiting Mayne before. You’ve a lovely country from what I’ve seen so far.” He chose his words carfuly.

OC: errr Sense motive? Can we do that for fellow players?

2011-05-16, 10:47 PM
Pol perks up at the Gleeman strolling by. He had always enjoyed watching them perform. He had considered apprenticing to one when he first ran away, but he had fallen in with the thief-catcher before he ever found a Gleeman. This one was even singing one of Pol's favorite songs, about Rogosh Eagle-Eye. There was something off about his performance of it, however. That Pol couldn't quite put his finger on.

Vilhin sitting up, alert like a wolfhound on a scent, helped Pol figure it out. The gleeman wasn't actually singing! He also noticed some odd metal object under his patched cloak.

The Warder's focus brought Pol to his feet, and before he had a chance to think about what he was doing, he was stumbling towards the gleeman. Slurring his words as though he was drunk, Pol stepped in front of the performer. "Hey, do you know 'Mara and the Three Foolish Kings'? I just love that Mara, so...hic so feisty!" The gleeman tried to sidestep away, so Pol took a step and pretended to stumble. He grabbed at the gleeman to try to steady himself.

Pick Pocket to grab the metal object the gleeman is hiding. (+4 -2 for fatigue +2 for Bluff synergy)
If it fails, use Dark One's Own Luck:

2011-05-17, 12:21 AM
Malien inclines her head to Ifran in return, and takes a seat in response to his gesture. "A pleasure to meet you, Lord Ifran, my Lady..." She pauses briefly, in case the other woman wishes to introduce herself, and then continues. "The honor is mine. I am so glad to hear you are enjoying Mayene: northerners sometimes find the heat oppressive, but you both wear Mayener fashions as if you were born to them." Her smile is warm, and more than a little admiring as she regards Ifran. She looks away after a moment, and takes a sip of wine.

"From the north, you say? I lived in the northern lands as a child, but haven't traveled outside Mayene for many years. Did you have any trouble on the road? I do hope "intriguing" isn't an euphemism for "difficult"." She laughs softly.

2011-05-17, 12:22 AM
Casting a glance on the message, and that's really all he need, Tomas quickly crumbles it in his hand, avoiding to look in Tyburn's direction. "Only one way to see if it's a trap: to spring it. But I don't think so. I can't say we've done something to warrant it. Yet," he smiles.
As to whether they should tell others, all the others or just a few, the warder-in-training thinks about it for a spell but shakes his head in the end. "Best keep quiet about this. If "T" wants more to come I'm sure he'll invite them and we don't want to offend him. Or scare him. We can always tell them later."

Draining half the glass of wine Tomas shrugs and looks around, just making sure where Tyburn had gone and not really looking at the man. "But for now... let's 'mingle'. We don't want to attract too much attention."
And with that he begins strolling in no particular pattern among the party-goers. Patrolling the party really, but with more smiles and pleasant greetings. trying to be at ease.

2011-05-17, 01:24 AM
Ifran laughs slightly. “Lucky I was born down here,” it was very tactful he thought of her not to mention he was Tarain- esacpaly considering the hisery of the two lands. But then again he had mothers Borderaldners eyes. He did not mention Isora home- it was an (amlost)Aes Sedi secret to tell after all. “Where Up north have you been If I may ask? I’ve been as far north as Afrafell- but I didn’t stay very long.” Too much information far too much.

I hope its ok Isora that I went an posted....

2011-05-17, 09:32 AM
Darius smiles as he replies, "It would be truly foolish not to take the hand of a lovely lady when offered". As he takes her hand graciously, and with a slight bow, then leads the way to the dance floor.

While Darius appears comfortable, he is clearly not a trained dancer, and he sticks with the easier maneuvers for now. Even so, he pulls them off flawlessly.

OOC: Hmm, didnt exactly have a lot of points for perform skills.. lets hope for a good cha roll :)
1d20+2 (19) on perform dance. (from ooc post cause I screwed up the roll syntax on accident)

2011-05-17, 01:17 PM
Pol quickly rebounded off the stunned gleeman. "My apologies, good Master. If you'll kindly excuse me..." he said, wandering off and humming a few bars of an old drinking song. As soon as he got out of the gleeman's sight, Pol sped up and ducked behind a tree.

Now let's hope the old goat doesn't miss this...

Pol glanced around and then reached into his pocket. He pulled out the object recently 'acquired' from the gleeman and examined it...

2011-05-17, 01:32 PM
The Object in your hand is a Finely Crafted Silver Flute.

2011-05-18, 02:58 AM
"Arafel? Truly? I have never been that far north - along the Erinin, yes, but never to the Borderlands. Such a long journey. But you had no difficulty on the road? One of our fellow guests spoke of trouble with bandits - quite discommoding some of his listeners." Malien indicates the woman who fainted with a slight tilt of her head. "Your business in Mayene must be important, to bring you so far in these troubled times." Her voice holds just a hint of a question.

"Born down here". Tairen, he must be, with those looks and that hint of an accent. She had decided to share a hint of juicy information, but perhaps it would be best to elide the details of the "bandits". And she would have to avoid mentioning childhood memories of Tar Valon: Tairens could be so distrustful of anything even touching on Aes Sedai, even though most of the great city's inhabitants had little or nothing to do with the Tower.

2011-05-18, 10:03 AM
"It would be a pleasure to speak further Luis" Beritta murmers, her eyes tracking the gleeman's approach. She takes one of the glasses in hand, holding it in her left hand while placing her right on his shoulder foer a moment. "You are right about the honour of Aes Sedai" she continues, stalling for time with politeness while trying to discern what the stranger is up to. "And I should of course mingle too, we must of course make the best possible impression for all Mayene."

Search [roll0]

I'm slowish but assume this is a roll to determine if Beritta saw the scroll change hands?

2011-05-18, 03:39 PM
Vilhin walked up to the young servant, Pol, and looked down at the boy's find. He snorted for a moment in disbelief. There is something of an appraising look in his eyes now as if for the first time seeing something more than just the human cattle servants were to him.

"Fast hands lad to steal a Gleeman's flute, though I don't think you should keep it for long. That one had a look on his face that said he might do quite a bit to get that back."

Malien you feel someone brush past you and you notice your right slipper is standing on something, it smooths out easily. A slight rip can be heard like paper.

Ifran you look down in your glass then look up a young noble walking past fumbles a deck of card and drops them. After he walks off you go to take a sip and feel something slide further down your sleeve.

If you pull it out of your sleeve its a Sleight of Hand Check to do it without the others noticing.

Roll a weavesight check.
As you examine Malien's face closely someone brushes past, "The Rooster sends his regards." Is the faint whisper and startles you for a moment as the speaker is gone before you even turn hour head over your shoulder.

"Of course, of course, but tonight I must attend to my others guests. Speak to my son Tyburn and his wife Melalindra they are both eager to meet more new faces."

With that Luis gently if not strongly reached up and squeezed Berrita's hand before pulling her soft hand off his shoulder and sweeping a bow before her. As he bows Berrita you stare straight into the hooded face of the gleeman, his harp is gone. He stands loosely his hands hang at his sides and he stares directly at you with a broad smile on an olive skinned chin, his hood hide his eyes. You don't have to be much of mystic to sense the this might be a very dangerous man, though he offers no threat.

"By your leave, My Lady Berrita." Luis intones the unnecessary dismissal and unfolds straight up looking over his shoulder a moment before going back to looking at Berrita he gives her a fatherly smile then departs with a rush of Nobles heading off the common lawn toward the dome.

The gleeman is nowhere to be seen.

Darius is an excellent dancer, who the crowd applauds under the dome.

2011-05-18, 08:17 PM
"Well, burn my eyes, Vilhin. I could have sworn he was up to something sneaky." Pol turns around to find the gleeman again, but he seems to have disappeared in the milling mass of nobles and courtiers.

Not able to return the flute, Pol examines it more closely, turning it over and over in his hands while moving toward the stables. It's a beautiful flute, silver, and finely worked. If he were a less honest man, he could live quite comfortably by selling it. If he were less honest; or if Vilhin hadn't seen him take it.

After a few moments, his curiosity gets the better of him, and Pol brings it up to his lips and blew softly into it.

2011-05-19, 01:09 AM
Irfan had to admit that he was perhaps a little rusty in the game. As soon as he reached for the message , he became certain he should’ve waited. But walking around with a paper in your sleeve risk losing it and he didn’t think there was anyone here other than the Tower party that he knew. Which meant he was most likely simply another stone in somebody else’s board.

Well, that was normal enough. The message itself the though was what threw him off. It was either a very bizarre form of cipher, or death threat. But perhaps the King really was really was in trouble and this is a warning, a call for help, a threat, or even an attempt to frame him for something. Any or all could be the case, and at this point he couldn’t even stack which ones with the least the most plausible. He turns his attention back to the party, “I suppose times are bad enough all around for bandits and cutthroats like- fortunately one of the advantages, apart from great honor itself, but traveling with The Aes Sedi- is that One would have to be quite foolish to attack the caravan.” There is no point in denying it, after all. And The Game was in many waysa matter of commerce- there was implied “give” with anything you took. From the corner of his eye he keeps an eye out for the young noble. If for no other reason but to be able to recognize and next time.

(if given the chance Ifran will wait till one of the hired help –whom giving a tip to a party would not be unseemly, walks by- and will attempt to pocket the note at the same time as going out appropriate amount of coin.)
(Err Spot, diplomacy, sense Motive, and Gather info cheeks If I can do that many at once…)

2011-05-19, 11:11 AM
Pol as you place the flute to your lips you taste something foul with faint whiff of fennel.

Make a Fortitude Save

Alth Falath
2011-05-19, 11:15 AM
Balim wanders around the party, keeping to the edges of groups to avoid being isolated. He eventually wanders out of the main room for a bit, to catch some fresh air. He sighs a bit and relaxes, not having to keep up an air of social grace. He sniffs the air.Who in their right mind uses that much scent.

2011-05-19, 01:13 PM
As he wanders the party Tomas starts feeling a bit more comfortable with the whole situation. The glass of wine helps a bit, of course, but he doesn't opt for another one. Instead he walks around with a refill without actually drinking more than a few drops for any time he must. Now, with a newfound confidence he starts exchanging a few words here and there, never staying too long in any company so as to not risk giving away that he's not really noble. And always taking what chances he get to put in a good word or two for the training he had received. He did remember that part of Alysa Sedai's instructions well enough, after all.
And he also keeps an eye out for trouble. You never know...

I dont' want to be left out of the game here. :smallwink:


Edit: Bleh, not really going to find anything out here, I think. :smallyuk:
Good spot check, though. :smalltongue:

2011-05-20, 12:07 AM
Malien chokes on her glass of wine. She fishes in her belt pouch and retrieves a handkerchief to wipe her lips, for a moment completely distracted from her surroundings. Her cheeks flush slightly as she goes to put the handkerchief back in her pouch, and perhaps it is that embarrassment that makes her instead drop it on the floor. She purses her lips in a moue of annoyance and reaches down to retrieve it from next to her slipper. Sliding the handkerchief back into her pouch, she sits back up and meets Ifran's eyes, a rueful smile twisting her lips.

"I do apologize, Lord Ifran. I'm not usually so clumsy." She takes another sip of wine. "An honor indeed, to travel with an Aes Sedai. The Batanos must be delighted to have such a guest." Malien's gaze shifts to Isora. The red-clad woman has been quiet for most of the conversation so far, observing silently. Light! If she is Aes Sedai... can she tell?

Trying to pick up whatever she felt under her slipper, under cover of retrieving her handkerchief. Bluff? Sleight of Hand? Both?
EDIT: Oh, and for anyone who can roll Sense Motive higher than Malien's passive take-10 Bluff check of 16, you can tell:
Malien was quite startled by the mention of an Aes Sedai, and the emotions she's concealing behind a mask of calm include at least as much anxiety as excitement.

2011-05-20, 02:27 PM
Pol coughs for a moment and suddenly vomits mostly missing anything in particular though the stench of the human waste is quite powerful. Vilhin immediately is standing next to the young lad laughing and telling some of the guests you turn to look how such weak stomachs young lads had for Mayene wine.

Take [roll0] Non Lethal Damage

Bluff by Vilhin:[roll1]

Balim and Tomas work their way around the party's perimeter to where a small gathering of people seem to look on concerned. Pol, the group's local guide and servant, seemed to have taken ill. The big Warder whirled around as the two approached at the same time.

"Quick help me get him into the kitchen before we draw much more attention."

The kitchen he referred to was nearby and with out much trouble the four of you are settled around a servant's table in the kitchen's store room a bucket in front of Pol and the flute laid on the table. Occasionally a maid ducks in for something and always seemed shocked to see the two nobles checking on their servants though the Warder barely has to look up to send them running.

"Perhaps you were on to something after all Pol. What did you see again?"

Berrita stood idly by only momentarily before a red haired man vageuly reminiscent of the elder Batano approached her, he had the older's man's confidence and breadth in shoulders but he lacked the earthiness of the elder man. His smile seemed to say thing more than just hello as he introduced himself.

"My lady Berrita, allow me introduce myself I am Tyburn Batano, my father's eldest son. I also have the pleasure of introducing Alysa Sedai of the Blue Ajah." The man flushes for a moment looking between the young noblewoman and the stately Aes Sedai. Alysa favors him with a warm smile before smiling at the girl before her.

"I have heard you are, quite familiar with the Drowned Lands Lady Beritta. Some of my travels may require guidance through the northern territory. If you are amicable I would like to call on your service at an early as possible convenience."

Alysa stood a head taller than the other young noble but her stately grace turned what might of been an imposing dominating physical force into a quiet delicate diplomat's stride.

2011-05-20, 04:51 PM
Myra blushes at the compliment, clutching his hand lightly and returning the bow with a curtsy before beginning to dance. However, there was never much time for dancing in the White Tower, and what skills she learned when she was still being taught by her mother seemed to have lapsed greatly. Still, she does her best to keep up with the Batano nobleman, offering him an apologetic smile.


Alth Falath
2011-05-20, 05:14 PM
Balim struggles a bit, but manages to help get Pol into the kitchen. His face flickers quickly between relieved and worried. On one hand, he's free of the party, but on the other, his friend is sick. Odd that someone would get sick at the party, thought most warders were made of tougher stuff then this. Then again, poison at a noble's party is pretty bold. He keeps a close eye on Pol, trying to figure out a way to keep him from getting sicker. He closely inspects him, hoping for signs of a natural poison, one he might know the cure of.

[roll0] Knowledge (nature)
[roll1] Heal

2011-05-21, 01:52 AM
As soon as Tomas pitches in and helps Balim there isn't much struggle in half carrying, half dragging Pol into the kitchen. They're both strong men after all. After that he hangs back a little, studying both Pol, with a blend of curiosity and concern, and keeping an eye on who comes or leaves. Not much reason to worry, really, not with an Aes Sedai so close by. The main reason to worry would be that it would attract more attention. In a hushed voice the andoran states rather than asks: "I take it this isn't a simple upset tummy."

2011-05-21, 02:14 PM
Pol looked up woozily from the table, the faces of the three large men peering down at him. Never a good thing to see in the best of times, but now he was grateful for the Warder and his trainees.

"I'm not sure what's wrong, to tell true, Tomas. I feel like I've been dragged through the Pit of Doom, though." Pol retched again into the bucket. "I saw the gleeman strolling around, singing some song or the other. Only, he wasn't singing, exactly. I heard his voice, and his lips were moving, but it was all a bit... off. Then I saw this flash of metal under his cloak. If I learned anything from the thief-catchers, it's to trust when something feels wrong, so I filched this," he pointed to the flute, flushing a little with embarrassment. He may get into trouble on occasion, but he's no thief. At least, he doesn't have to be proud of it.

"It's a nice flute, so I tried to play something on it. Next thing I know, I go from 'Tinker in the Kitchen' to emptying my stomach in the hay. At first I thought I was letting my fancy run wild, but now...?" Pol spit into the bucket, trying to get the taste out of his mouth while he thinks. What could it all mean?

2011-05-21, 05:19 PM
After a minute or two Balim successfully determines that Pol is not in any further danger of the toxin, it seemed his reaction to it kept all of it from being ingested. The smell still hung around the flute is sweet with a harsh edge to it like hot metal in the forge. Vilhin leaned in and examined the flute for a moment but leaned back after refusing to touch it if he gleaned any more information about it he deigned not to share it with the rest of the men. His eyes shifted to the entrance and a moment later Alysa Sedai swept into the room her slippers barely made a sound on the wooden plank floor her cheeks were flushed. Without a word she moved straight to Pol seated at the table and took his forehead in her hands, she gave a small sniff for the bucket, then focused on Pol her deep brown gaze locked with his. After a moment she let go of the boy and moved to the last empty seat at the table seated with the three men, Vilhin moved to her back with an eye on the door.

"You are lucky, boy. The poison did no damage that a good night's sleep cannot fix. I heard most of what you said, what did the man look like?"
Wisdom Check for Pol

As she finished speaking Vilhin coughed and a man stepped into the room making the cramped storage room seem overcrowded. With red hair and a mustache his navy blue jacket is a bit ruffled and his white cotton shirt unbuttoned from the top two buttons, his shined black boots and scuffed with mud. Balim recognizes him as Jym Tromeon.

"I heard the gossip among the guests of one of the Aes Sedai's servan'ts falling ill?" Jym's gaze takes in the room at once; the flute, the Warder, the Aes Sedai, and the two nobles and the boy. His eyes narrow for a moment. Vilhin simply leaned back casually against the shelves on the left wall lined with food stuffs and bottles of wine and other alcohols he seemed completely relaxed except for the fact his sword hand stroked the hilt of his blade. Jym cast the Warder a weary look but otherwise focused on Pol, Balim, Tomas, and Alysa.

"Forgive me for interrupting Alysa Sedai, but as head of my Lordships guard matters that threaten his well being pique my interest."

"I was just about to have young Pol Becket describe the possible assailant for us, if you please Master Tromeon." Alysa spoke though some the concern in her voice drained out as she spoke to the Illianer.

Malien successfully stuffed the note into her pocket a bit breathless from the surprise and though the paper can be heard scrunched up in her fist beneath her handkerchief as she stuffed it in her pocket. Isora seemed in a stupor of thought at the moment luckily for her, and Ifran seemed likewise preoccupied with his own attempts to conceal a scrap of something from his sleeve to a pouch. The whole scene was a little comical as a serving girl tops off all their drinks at the table a small smirk on her red painted lips.

A young noble dressed in Mayener silks of rich brown and silver embroidery of a crane in flight up the front of his blouse pulls up a seat at the square table and sets a tankard down, taking a look at the table he sets a sack that clinks together down on it and a deck of cards.

"I hear the sounds of opportunity, and chance. I am, Rein of House Ryoken, I believe I heard the mention of cards."

Darius and Myravan danced together in the ballroom. At first it was simple each partner lined up in a line with those of the same gender so all the women were on the left and the men on the right, at the first few chords of the violin the women curtsied and the men bowed with one knee and one leg slid back. Then the pace picked up quickly the men glided across the floor to the women and linked arms with them. They twirled once dipped and broke apart the women slipped past to the next man in line and the pattern continued with a quickening pace, each man at the end of the line used dramatic ballet like leaps to reach the end of the line before the next woman spun into his arms, the line curled into a circle with the women on the outside and the men on the inside. The music was a modern composition by a local Mayener composer who waved a wand furiously to the small band of players in the Eastern niche of the ball room.

A great chandelier hung down from the ceiling on a golden chain, the candles burned brightly from oil fuel stored in large fish shaped golden bowls. Gilded lampstands lined the circumference of the structure and lamps angled against the walls reflected the light across the room brightly. The walls were left largely undecorated the white marble was grande enough with out any trappings of grandeur to overawe it. The true work was the ceiling, a great dome of completely fitted marble construction not a joist or mortar seem showed. The illusion of one solid piece of marble resting above their heads supported by what seemed thin fluted columns gave the place a magical feeling, simple white silk banners hung down from the ceiling to add texture to the light given off.

The music stopped as the beads of perspiration decorated many young nobles and a few older ones some of whom went to the tables and rubbed sore feet as the music finished. Darius couldn't be sure but he was sure for a moments he had just managed to continue his performance when the Aes Sedai had spun into his arms in pink silks and a smile of pure zest. But instead of continuing to the next man she darted off in the middle just before she left Darius to the next man and was immediately lost in the crowd. Myravan for a moment danced with an older man in red and blue silks that catched her in his hands, a head full of silver hair and an older image of his son Darius this must of been the older Lord Batano. Though he danced much like an old father with his daughter at the end he gave her a scoundrel's wink. Darius and Myravan danced together and Darius even manged to perform and extra pirouette with Myravan in his arms before the song's end with her in his arms as he lowered the graceful Domani to her feet.

The elder Batano approached them with small beads of perspiration on his face and a glowing smile on his face.

"Ah, my son it is good to see you employing Mayene diplomacy so well. You two would look picturesque against the rising sun of Mayene's coast, surely you belong with us among the these paradise lands." His voice even sounds a bit like Darius but it has a richness, crescendo, and depth that really only a man who is completely at command of his life has. His eyes certainly seemed to have appraising look to them. The sounds of music strike up again and a worried glare crosses over Luis' face as he looked over Myra's shoulder at something beyond the edge of the dance floor.

"A pleasure, Mistress Suldani. Darius please see to entertaining guests there's something I must look into. You two have set a fine example so far, this world needs more of that with all this talk of the Dragon, War, and even Aiel stirring in the east. Bah! I'll take an old man's black thoughts elsewhere." Without out another word he smiles and squeezes Darius' shoulder before and heading off into the crowd.

2011-05-22, 02:14 AM
Ifran winced inwardly- how could I have forgotten exactly how terrifying Aesi Sedi are to others, after all I know exactly how it terrifying they still are to me. Best chance to focus-and remember the mission.
“it’s quite all right Lady Malien,; yes, it is indeed an honor to be allowed to travel with such company though, one can scarcely say I am deserving of. But please, tell me more of your homeland? I’m afraid in truth I am a fairly ignorant Tearin; of antagonistic background- but I would like I much to be-shed those notions-and understand the fair people of Mayen for whom they are not who my father would wish to be.”
Ifran flushed slightly, how was it even here he was completely unable to carry himself-without being a fool. This is without a doubt the worst place to mention politics of that degree even from taking the stance of his own people at the wrong in seeing Mayen as simply another province of Tear. Had he been in the game more recently he may have failed to make that mistake, but then having remained in the game he would’ve been thoroughly unfit for anything. “Forgive me, I’m overly foolish-at least according to my peers and teachers. I do hope at least I do not come across as and in-redeemably arrogant?”

He looks up suddenly as another novel approaches, and sits down. “And Honor Lord Rein, there was some mention yes- As for myself I can only hope I can provide you with a worthy opponent.” Ifran smiled eagerly. “ what is your game? Although I believe Lady Isora was not particularly enthralled with the idea. What about you lady Malien? “ he tried to give them a most charming smile.

2011-05-22, 05:14 AM
Listening to Pol's account of what led up to his poisoning Tomas tenses slightly. A poisoned flute? Why would someone carry such a thing here? Or, well, that was pretty obvious. A better question should be "Who was he going to poison with it?" So after a respectful bow to Alysa Sedai the andoran warder-in-training looks to the poisoned "servant" and asks in a hushed tone, and with due respect to the Aes Sedai: "Could you tell if the man was seeking someone in particular? That someone should be guarded from... more crude attempts."

2011-05-22, 03:20 PM
Malien flushes at the serving girl's knowing smile. Light, he must think I'm an utter fool. Get a hold of yourself, woman! She tries again to calm herself, focusing on the matter at hand. But to her surprise, the young noble doesn't take advantage of her too-visible emotions with a barbed quip or even a look of amused disdain, as almost all of her acquaintances would. "Foolish? Arrogant? My lord Ifran, these are the last words I would use to describe you." She smiles at him, laying a hand lightly on his arm. "I would gladly tell you of Mayene, as much as you would like to know."

Malien looks up as Rein approaches and inclines her head to him respectfully, but as he takes a seat, she rises. "I know little of cards, Lord Ifran, Lord Rein. I would be pleased to learn, if you do not mind tutoring a beginner, but I find myself feeling a trifle light-headed. Perhaps you can begin while I go outside to get a breath of fresh air, and when I return, I can watch for a while to see how the game is played." Inclining her head again to both nobles, she turns with a swish of silk skirts and walks toward the doors to the grounds outside.

Outside, Malien will find a discreet nook where she can extract the note from her belt pouch and read it.

2011-05-22, 07:44 PM
With the Aes Sedai's piercing gaze on him, and the full attention of the others, Pol describes everything he remembers (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11046006&postcount=127) about the gleeman, and as much as he can about what he thought the man was up to.

2011-05-23, 03:05 AM
Nodding Tomas listens to Pol's description of the man with the flute. No telling who the "gleeman" had been after, but at least there was a good description of the fellow. Looking at Balim the warder-in-training jerks his head towards the door back out and moves to leave. They should keep an eye on the man and see what else he'd be up to now that his flute was... taken care of.

2011-05-23, 04:57 AM
Vilhin moved to block the door looking at both Balim and Tomas until they shrink back to their seats, with the Captain Tromeon standing there the Warder expected a little more respect from two trainees sitting at the table with an Aes Sedai. His eyes promised some serious corrective training later. Alysa hardly noticed the boys as she focused on the flute on the table in front of all them. Without a sound the flute suddenly floats into the air as if by its own will, drifting toward Alysa Sedai's raised hand but it halts in mid air a foot from her. As if my by some phantasm all of the moveable peices on the flute suddenly starting moving back forth, the metal making soft clicking sounds as each part of the instrument is played by invisible hands. A slightly different sound comes from the flute and a tiny clasp slips free and the flute swings open in half on a hidden hinge. Out from inside the metal tube two glass vials fall out and drop a few inches before cushions of air catch them also. The glass is cracked on both of them and only a few drops of opaque syrup remain in each.

"It seems our man already put this device to use." She paused a moment ignoring every one else in the room, the flute tilted toward her and she examined the narrow slit of the mouth piece. "This was never intended to be a tool of assassination merely a conveyance of delivery if you notice the mouthpiece would allow someone to apply a dose slowly onto a hard surface, perhaps a dagger or arrow. You are lucky Pol you only got a trace amount, a full dose ingested would likely been fatal in minutes. So we have not completely foiled his attempt if he has already applied the poison he means to strike soon during the party."

One of the tubes tumbled toward Alysa Sedai and it splintered open as if an invisible fist crushed the middle section some pieces of glass fell to the table, though the woman was oblivious of them, she examined the globules of fluid in the container at last as if with a set of tweezers a tiny brown seed with rivets running up the middle floated out into her palm.

"White hellebore." Alysa's voice grew dangerously quiet. "But for whom?" She tapped her lips with her right hand. She rose to her feet and the floating pieces of the flute dropped to the table and gathered into a pile then she slapped the air above the pile and her hand made a hard smack as if against stone.

"That should prevent any attempt to destroy this evidence." At last her dark gaze took in the boys.

"Do not be hasty, if you start searching Luis Batano's grounds like his house has hidden treasure you will send our man into the shadow before we can illuminate him. Find the others, let them know, discreetly. Find Luis Batano and that noble he spoke with. Make sure their not alone. Don't go anywhere alone, we can not be sure one of you is not the target. Foreigners often mean many things in the Game of Houses, perhaps one of the other Houses feels threatened by Batano's strength tonight. I must inform my Sisters. You all must make up in my absence if the guests notice I am gone then our assassin might be tipped off, and there is no telling what back ups he has planned. I would rather leave you here Vilhin but taking an escort of guards would announce my departure." Her voice is firm and rapid with a ring of authority that grows stronger the more she talks, as if some habit momentarily slips past her mask of frozen calm. There is a heat in her eyes.

Jym opened his mouth in protest for a moment, "Surely you won't deny my men the chance to accost this fiend?"

"There is little that could be done without raising a scene your Lord would not appreciate, pass his description around and if the guards catch him alone we can take him unawares but sending your men into the party with halberds and swords bare will corner this man. We to catch him not push into something excessive." Vilhin broke in to silence the guard captain, his words a reflection of the Aes Sedai's. Alysa continued ignoring the interruption.

"Tell the Apprentices the same, do not try to flush this fellow out on your own, if you force his hand he may do something drastic but remain vigilant. You cannot let any harm come to Luis or Tyburn, or to any guest of theirs. Mayene hospitality is complex but if this simply a matter of the Game of Houses then it could upset a balance of power that is already dangerously precarious here. I have but a moment do you have any questions?" Her voice has a bit of a draw to it even as she breathlessly runs over any opposition from the boys her last pause is a chance for them to pipe up. Though from the look on Vilhin's face those questions had better be well reasoned and not a waste of time.

Rein Ryoken looked up with a bit of disappointment as Malien excused herself but he seemed to pluck his spirits back up quick enough. Putting the woman from his mind he glanced at Ifran with a rogue's grin.

"Well the game is Chop, but we'll only play once you tell your name, though the Ladies you have kindly graced me with are fair. I never play cards without a drink and a man whose name I know."

A passing maid sets a wine flute in front of him which he drinks half in one gulp with a pleased sigh he produces a pack from a pocket in his shirt of exquisitely painted cards.

"Well, my lord, you may call me simply Rein, we are equals here at least. Now your name?"

2011-05-23, 06:00 AM
"Tyburn of House Batano, Alysa Sedai, you honour me." Beritta smiles, giving each a curtsy of appropriate depth for their ranks.

Just how many people of power were at this little party, how many toes did she need to worry about stepping on, and just what was going on with the interest in the drowned lands.

"It would be my pleasure to assist you in any way you require, and I assure you my familiarity with the drowned lands is perhaps one of the most complete in Mayene."

To complete the conversation earlier, before I uh, missed my timing ;)

After the departure of the Aes Sedai, Beritta moves over to a wall of the grand room, leaning up against it, sipping on the quite pleasant wine she had been holding for quite a while.

Just what is going on here, Lord Batano, his heir and the Aes Sedai all interested in what is essentially a swamp filled with the secrets of a lost age...

Knowledge (History): [roll0]
To recall how much interest there has been in the drowned lands from either party in the past.

2011-05-23, 08:55 AM
Vilhin's look makes Tomas blush, especially his ears glowing brightly as he shrinks back from the warder. Light, he just wanted to try and keep an eye on the probable assassin and didn't want to interrupt anything the Aes Sedai in whatever she did, which obviously involved the Power, but you'd think he had tried to go against her authority. He knew that to be a bad idea with any warder of course.

When Alysa Sedai speaks the flush to his face and ears, which had begin to subside, reached new heights. She was right, Vilhin had been right. Didn't make him any happy about it, of course. Swallowing whatever he had wanted to say or suggest he just listens and nods to show that he understood. When she asked if they had any questions he quickly shakes his head. "No, Alysa Sedai. No questions. But... I was given this after speaking with lord Tyburn." Quickly he hands over the note given to him. "So whatever goes on does involve us in some way," he finishes with an air like he was about to knuckle his brow like a stablehand. But then, Alysa Sedai could have that effect on people. Even nobles.

Alth Falath
2011-05-23, 10:46 AM
Balim sighs, annoyed at his second mentor. Figures, he doesn't care that I was getting fresh air, just that I was "exploring." Good to know the Aes Sedai aren't the only ones with a bit of an ego. Probably coulda handled Jym better too, but so it goes. He looks at Pol again, and is relieved to see him seeming to get better. I got one of the notes too, as well as the idea the lord Tomas was speaking with earlier wanted to speak to us without his lady...friend in the way. Not perfectly sure, I just have a hunch from his stance.

2011-05-23, 11:57 AM
Blinking Tomas looks at Balim when he tells the Aes Sedai about the "hunch" he'd had about Tyburn. Somewhat because the man hadn't mentioned it before. But mostly because he really hadn't seen anything of the kind.

2011-05-23, 09:23 PM
When the Aes Sedai began manipulating the flute in midair, Pol felt a shiver go up his spine. He had known Aes Sedai were using the Power all over Tar Valon before he left, but he hadn't been this close to it before. He jumped up from the table and backed as far as he thought he could get away with.

He looked to the two trainees. He caught just enough of the writing on the note Tomas handed over. "I'm a little insulted that no one wanted to invite me," Pol said, his face splitting in a crooked grin.

2011-05-25, 03:17 PM
Myra found that she was having the time of her life, laughing and smiling as she danced, moving from partner to partner through the ballroom. For a brief moment, she felt like she was back in Arad Doman, the daughter of a powerful merchant, able to do as she pleased. She knew otherwise, of course, but even though they were here on important business, certainly Alysa Sedai could forgive her this one little indulgence. After all, it wasn't as though anyone was in danger.

Passing from one man to the next, she found herself in the arms of the handsome Lord Batano, offering him a slight smile and bowing her head. She blushed as he winked, moving away to once again dance with Darius, her blush only lessening in the slightest as the dance finished, and she paused to catch her breath and regain her composure. She turned upon hearing Lord Batano's voice again, offering him another bow, her smile growing deeper at his words, "You honor and flatter me. Thank you, Lord Batano."

She curtsied again towards him before he left, turning her attention back to Darius once he was gone, "Thank you for the dance, and for the company, my lord. It was most welcome."

2011-05-27, 04:05 AM
Isora had to admit, if only to herself, that it was just a little bit gratifying to see the cool, composed young noblewoman spluttering at the mention of Aes Sedai. Not that she had anything against Lady Arathi; it was only that it was reassuring to be reminded that other people could be nervous too. Nervous of her, even. Malien recollected herself quickly, but it did not escape Isora's notice that the Mayener's eyes kept sliding towards her. She wondered if the noble thought her Aes Sedai now; Ifran hadn't said so, but it would be easy to get that impression from what he had said. They'd arrived together, he was traveling with Aes Sedai - simple enough to conclude that she was one of the sisters he was traveling with.

She wasn't sure if that would be a good thing; the point of all this was to lie low and gather rumors, which she couldn't very well do if people began thinking she was Aes Sedai. And she wasn't sure how Alysa Sedai would react if she heard about anything like that. But right now, she thought, she wouldn't mind being it. It would be Red Ajah, by her garb; one of the hunters of the White Tower. Nobody would bother a person like that.

A whisper on the back of her neck jolted her out of her thoughts; she had to restrain herself from whirling around to see who it was. That would call attention. She looked around casually instead, hoping to catch them walking away; no such luck. When she turned back she found both Malien and Ifran distracted; Malien was tucking something into her purse, while Ifran was rather deftly palming a piece of paper (a letter) up his sleeve. The Mayener noblewoman made her excuses as another young noble—a man this time—joined them.

Isora watched her leave. Very curious. Not one of the Towers eyes-and-ears, unless she'd grossly misread the woman's reaction. But there was the matter of that weave. A wilder, perhaps.

She put on a polite smile as the conversation turned back to cards. "Oh- don't let me stop you, my lords. I'll be perfectly content to watch, and perhaps I'll pick up enough of the game to try it myself." But what she really wanted was a chance to get Ifran alone to ask him about the letter he'd tried to hide.

2011-05-28, 08:59 AM
Getting caught up in the rythem for a bit, Darius enjoys the dance, quickly picking up even the more complicated steps, as he slips from partner to partner.

With a grin Darius responds to his father, "Of course father, it is hard to imagine not enjoying the evening, considering the pleasant company, but I will try to keep the peace here"

As Luis leaves, Darius turns back to Myra, "The pleasure was assuredly all mine. But I should probably make the rounds while my father is busy, you are welcome to join me, but I fear it will be significantly less interesting".

At which point Darius will wander around and make sure the guests are enjoying their evening, playing the gracious host to fill in for his father.

Some checks:
Spot: [roll0] To see if I notice all the commotion with Pol
Listen: [roll1] to hear the same.
Gather information: [roll2] To listen to the gossip as I mingled through the dance and after.
(especially to see if I hear anything more about the message I recieved)

2011-05-28, 03:03 PM
Pol bows his way out of the kitchen. He makes his way out into the party, searching around for any of the Aes Sedai's party.

He enters the ballroom as a dance is finishing. He notices one of the Accepted dancing with a young lord. Pol certainly remembered Myravan Suldani, although he hadn't spoken more than a few words to her on the long road from Tar Valon. She was probably the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, with long, lustrous black hair complementing her coppery skin. He had never been to Arad Doman, but if all the women there were even half so lovely as this one Accepted, he doubted the Dark One himself and all his Forsaken could drag Pol Becket away.

Pol approached once the song finished. She was exchanging a few words with the young lord, a Mayener from his dress, so Pol waited to speak with her. Yes, it was certainly that, and not because he was nervous to talk with a pretty woman.

You are welcome to join me," Lord Darius told her, "But I fear it will be significantly less interesting."

Before she could wander away, Pol suddenly stepped up to her. "Excuse me, Myr... um, my Lady Suldani. I have an urgent message for you from Alysa Sedai." He darted his eyes toward Lord Darius, hoping that he would go. Pol doubted the Aes Sedai would approve of letting Lord Batano's son learn more than he had to.

2011-05-29, 10:07 AM
Myra looked from Darius to Pol, seeming perhaps just a bit conflicted before finally nodding, "Apologies, my lord, but if Alysa Sedai requires me than I am afraid you must 'make the rounds' without me."

Resting a hand on Pol's shoulder, she guided him away from the gathering, a small smile playing at her lips. On the journey to Mayene, she and Pol had barely spoken. She wondered if it was her connection to the Aes Sedai before, but now her suspicions lied elsewhere. He was a young man after all.

She couldn't help but smile to him again, leaning just a touch closer to listen, "What is her message, Pol?"

2011-05-29, 12:15 PM
Pol's ears grew hot as the Domani leaned in, her hand resting firmly but gently on his shoulder. He swallowed to get some moisture back into his mouth before glancing furtively to make sure they wouldn't be overheard. "Lord Batano is in trouble. Or maybe one of us is. The gleeman was hiding some poison in his flute, but I stole it. Alysa Sedai wants us to be on the lookout for him, but not to alarm anyone. We need to stick together, too." Pol looked up and managed to grin despite danger in his words and despite how foolish he knew he sounded, "Don't worry. I'll watch your back."

2011-05-30, 02:44 PM
Stepping out into the warm evening, Malien took a deep breath of the fresh air, and walked a little way into the gardens. She seated herself on a stone bench and put her head in her hands for a moment, closing her eyes.

Aes Sedai. Had that woman been Aes Sedai, or just another noble traveling with them? She'd been so serene, so silent. Red Ajah, by her gown, but surely she couldn't be there to hunt down... well. One of them. Not in Mayene. Although... Malien mentally replayed the story she'd heard. Lightning out of a clear sky? But no, it couldn't be. There had been so many tales of false Dragons lately, but only in distant lands. Not here. Please, Light, not here.

Malien opened her eyes and gazed out across the Batano gardens, unseeing. Regardless of the Aes Sedai's purpose in Mayene, her presence was a fact that needed to be taken into account. She would surely be able to confirm whether Malien could actually channel, or whether she had been deceiving herself. If the woman in the red gown was the Aes Sedai, perhaps she knew already; perhaps that was the reason for her searching stare. But she hadn't said anything - did that mean she would leave Malien to her own devices?

I don't know enough. She'd heard the horror stories, as a child in Tar Valon, of what Aes Sedai did to women who falsely claimed to be part of their sisterhood, but what of women who simply channeled outside the Tower's control? On the occasions she'd caught a glimpse of girls entering the Tower in the company of Aes Sedai, they had all been young, younger than she was now. Or so she thought - but she'd been a child herself then, and wasn't sure how much to trust her memory. If she could channel, and if the Aes Sedai found out, would she try to recruit her? Teach her? Forbid her from channeling? Malien couldn't imagine the Aes Sedai would be happy to learn of some of her earlier activities, before... that night. So make sure she doesn't find out, yes?

She sighed, and gave a small, resolute nod. For the moment, her course seemed clear: learn more. Perhaps Ifran and the others who'd come with the Aes Sedai's party would have information she could use. She would have to carefully eschew anything that might be channeling; if the Aes Sedai could tell just from looking at her, it was already too late for secrecy. And by staying close to the foreigners, she might have a chance to limit any... unfortunate disclosures from her acquaintances.

Would you agree to go to the Tower, if she asked?

Malien put the insistent inner voice away. The part of her that danced in excitement at the mere thought, that was the last vestige of a child's dream. She was a woman now, and her family needed her here. But still... something to consider.

She opened her belt pouch and extracted the crumpled paper from the folds of her silk handkerchief.

Still waiting on what's in the letter, but thought I'd post something introspective just for fun :smallsmile:

2011-05-30, 04:49 PM
Knowledge History:
The Drowned Lands have traditionally part of what keeps Mayene independent from its aggressive neighbor Tear, the land's natural swamp and jungle makes horse and foot travel hell at any time of the year few merchant caravan along the region's boarders near the coast where sporadic coastal villages sprout up occasionally taking advantage of the little dry ground. These caravans are hardly more than Peddlers, though Tinkers have been known to frequent the area because of its relative isolation and since Tinkers they only ones allowed to pass into the Aiel Waste unmolested. A small noted Mayener Explorer, Willan Rockbow lead a small group of cartographers and surveyed the region for the previous First of Mayene, his small note was the find of a few caches of cuendillar items leading many to believe some ruins of the Age of Legends might be lost in the Deep Swamp. During middle the War of a Hundred Years, Jak Redhands became a famous pirate king during the disintegration of the rule of law in Artur Hawkwing's Empire. During the Trolloc Wars a group of Aes Sedai disappeared near the Drowned Lands while traveling from Cairhien to Tear.

Alysa Sedai paused as the two spoke both. She briskly examined the notes both held after sending Pol out begin discreetly warning the others. A contemplative frown marred her face for a moment before she handed each lad back his note.

"This was not unforeseen. This whole region is rife with rumors from Tairen invasion to Aiel running amok again. Luis Batano may be a gracious host and more honorable than many Southern noblemen but he has a High Seat's eye for talent I think. Take whatever tasks he gives you though make no promises on their timely completion." She smiles for a moment but it more to herself than for any of the warder trainees.

"Be careful, now I must go, and you both must return to the party. Come Vilhin." She swept out of the room with the soft swish of her dress and slippers. Vilhin paused a moment giving both a measuring eye.

"If you see him, take him together away from the party, most wetknifes are cowards when confronted but don't press him to hard unless you want to find out how tough a man can be." The Warder's gravely voice had a soft chill to it before he hitched his sword belt and followed Alysa Sedai.

Rein looked a moment a disappointed frown on his face marring the pointed chin he had and long blond locks down to his shoulders.

"Well Chop doesn't exactly play smooth when there's only two men to play, and I'm no hand at Stones. Though I did hear a few fellows talking about a private game in one of the rooms in the upstairs of the mansion. It could be worth have a gander at."

He gives Ifran a conspiratorial wink.


The Prancing Dhurham is getting too interested. Strike from distance, beware the heron-mark. 1st floor grand hallway, look to the servant's broom closet left of the main entrance.
~Your Friend, Wyrmwood

2011-05-31, 09:31 AM
"Quite understandable of course, I do hope we get a chance to dance again." And darius gives a polite bow before he moves on.

And with that, Darius circles around the room, exchanging pleasent greetings and warm smiles with the gathered crowds, moving from group to group with natural social grace, chatting with nobles about all manor of friendly banter, seeming to aim for the prettiest ladys first, but no ignoring any of the guests, finally wending his way around to Beritta.

With a charming smile he says, "My lady, shouldnt a lady as beautiful as yourself be out enjoying the party rather than hiding here alone along the walls?"

OOC: as I move around, I will be continuing to look around for clues about the message I recieved, especially any mention of the rooster.

2011-05-31, 01:26 PM
"Yes, Aes Sedai," Tomas says quickly in that deep voice of his and bows respectfully for Alysa. You didn't live in Tar Valon at all without developing some maners. And you certainly learned to behave around Aes Sedai if you trained with the warders. Giving Balim a pat on the shoulder the andoran heads back out to the party. With an eye out for both the two lords Batono, senior and junior, and the possible assassin.
While he does so he continues to mingle. It isn't so hard really. Act as if the nobles were your peers and don't talk too long with any one and they all just assume you're one of them.

More checks?

Alth Falath
2011-05-31, 02:58 PM
Treat him like a wild animal, pressure is the same as wounded, got it. Balim makes a quick mental note, then nods as the warder leaves. Balim sighs. Once more into the brink. He walks back to the party, walking around calmly as if searching for someone, though what he really wants is another drink.

2011-06-01, 08:42 PM
Malien's eyebrows went up as she read the note. She had been expecting a tidbit of gossip that someone had hoped to spread anonymously, or perhaps a request for an assignation. But this...

This wasn't intended for me.

She hesitated, then folded the note tightly and tucked it into the very bottom of her belt pouch. She stood up and walked quickly back to the villa. Just inside the entrance she paused and looked searchingly around the room.

Spot check [roll0], looking for (a) heron-mark blades, and (b) people heading up to the first floor. Bluff check [roll1] to try to be somewhat subtle about it.
EDIT: Whoo, a roll above 10! Pity it wasn't on the Spot check :smalltongue: Oh well, that should at least be enough to let me notice people heading up the stairs without trying to hide.

2011-06-02, 01:41 PM
Myra grinned despite what she had heard, she didn't want anyone to see her looking worried, and there was the matter of young Pol and his adorable reaction to her presence. She nodded, idly brushing some stray hair back on Pol's head, "Well, then I am thankful that you are here to protect me. Where should we start looking for the gleeman? Where did you see him last?"

2011-06-08, 08:08 PM
Pol was acutely aware of Myra's fingers brushing across his hair. She had very pretty hands. I wonder if she likes to dance... Even as he thought it, he snapped back to reality. Pol Becket, get a bloody hold of yourself. She's a fine bleeding lady, and you still smell like a stable. The last thing Alysa Sedai would want is you causing a ruckus among the posh nobles. He quietly described where he last saw the gleeman, and what he looked like. "Are you sure you want to go after a man like that, though?"

2011-06-09, 06:26 AM
Darius made his lap around the party but found no further mention of gossip he was particularly interested in, for the most part he did an average job of entertaining his Father's guests but his effort seemed lack luster, and some of the more esteemed guests started to notice the lack of the Aes Sedai's presence. Clustered conversation began to dominate the room as the dancing wound down. As the musicians paused to change instruments and some men briefly rubbed sore hands and mopped brows wet with sweat the loud cry of a rooster broke the blackness of the night. Darkness had fallen swiftly in the few hours the guests and party-goers had enjoyed conversation and drink. The moon hung low in the sky casting a brilliant glow and giving the forest a fay like grayness to it.

As Tomas left the servants area with Barim you catch a glimmer of something dark heading down the south servant's passage toward the main entrance hall. The passage has not yet had its lamps lit by the wickboy who was busy making sure the party lamps stay lit outside. If he remebered correctly this leads down to the main entrance and if he continue on it brings a man right out into the main ballroom.

Malien strolled into the entrance way the french doors thrown wide open to tease in the hint of an evening breeze to cool the villa from the day's heat. Two guards stood at the foot of the ten steps up to the doors. To your immediate left and right passages break off leading into the next rooms over along the villa's front windows. Stairs to the second forth curl down from the catwalk above where a hall splits off on either side to join the rest of the house, a similar set up is repeated at the third floor with stairs curling down to the second floor catwalk. Dark paneled walls stretch up to a peaked ceiling three stories above. Another set of hallways lead off to the left and right on the far side of the room under the stairs, the back wall was taken up by silk streamers that hung down the ceiling a partition between the entrance and the balcony to the outside. A noble walked up behind Malien.

"Now what did you want to show me sweetling." It had been rather easy for the Mayener woman to troll the drunken noble along with her so she poke around the deserted entrance way without suspicion. Though the guards had snickered as she walked past, though they didn't know her exact background they knew she was no noble. Blushes touched the younger man's cheek as he leaned in close to her at the entrance.

As the young man leaned closer Malien could see the flicker of something dark approach from the right hand corridor beneath the stair well to the right and the echo of boots on polished floors coming from the immediate left.

The music struck up again as the dulcimer player, the lute, the two flutist, and the harper took u their instruments again beginning the notes of popular Mayener song, 'The March to the Red Dawn'.

Alth Falath
2011-06-09, 09:03 AM
Balim, spotting the figure, decides to roam after him, figuring heading to the main entrance hall is as good a place as any to keep an eye on people.

2011-06-09, 09:19 AM
The figure paused in the darkness of the entry into the grand hall almost invisible in the darkness of the faint light. He opens a broom closet and the door blocks whatever he does, though Balim could hear the soft tchunk of wood on wood and the whine of hinge under tension and a click.

Malien could hear some activity from across the hall but its hard to tell with the distraction in front of her.

2011-06-09, 12:17 PM
Malien puts her arms around the young noble and leans in close to him, seemingly resting her head on his shoulder, but her eyes are sharp and alert as she peers past him into the gloom.

"I've been watching you all evening..." she murmurs, running her hand down his neck and shoulder. As she does so, her eyes dart around. No Aes Sedai in sight... She reaches within for that warmth, that shining strength, that sharpens all her senses and makes her feel truly alive.

She pulls back slightly from the noble's embrace. "Wait - did you hear something just then?"

Spot [roll0] to see what's going on
Listen [roll1] ditto
Bluff [roll2] to pull off convincing act
Embracing the Power.
If any of the women who came in with the Tar Valon group are in fact in direct line of sight, drop the "embracing the Source" bit, and I'll edit my post.
Her tentative plan is to make an enormous fuss and drag in as many witnesses as possible, since she's pretty sure the dark shadow is up to no good; embracing the Source is for self-protection if it all goes bad. If there's something about Mayener society/culture that I should know that would interfere with this plan - e.g. if such a thing happening at the Batano mansion would be enormously embarrassing to the Batanos, and better dealt with discreetly - then please let me know.

Alth Falath
2011-06-09, 01:55 PM
Balim sighs, and walks on. Another noble house filled with secret passages. Honestly, when will they learn that such works can backfire just as easily. After all, someone has to build them, and that person can easily be paid to tell others. He walks past the closet and into the main hall. He quickly scans the crowd, looking for a servant with more booze.

I rolled a common sense roll about following the cloaked figure into the hidden passageway. It's so dumb of an idea, but so tempting, especially for a bored woodsman.

2011-06-09, 02:34 PM
The young man breathed out for a second then the sudden clatter from across the room made the man jump, at the sight of Lord Batano walking into the room from the other way he jumps again and takes off out the front door down the front steps.

Malien as you lean over to look at the what is going on a Boarderlander man walked in front of your vision blocking the view of the shadow. Luis Batano happened to walk into the room at that very moment from the other direction almost running into Balim. The Boarderlander arrogantly brushed past the man Malien was trying to watch.

Even as he strode into the middle of the room Luis suddenly raised his voice in warning but never got out more than a cry as Balim felt something thunk into his chest from behind, everything fades for a moment as the Boarderlander staggered from the force the impact into the old man's arms, who drops Balim as he draws free his sword in two hands. A curse breaks the silence and the shadowy form darts forward, definitely a man in Malien's eyes in his youth but with a hard cast around his face with brown eyes and dark hair. The assailant ducked behind the set of silk steamers hanging down not a moment later the heron-marked sword of Luis Batano sliced a waist high slash through the streamers dropping some to the ground.

The guards run up from the front steps jostling Malien against the wall and running past their Lord out of sight behind the streamers onto the balcony as more cursing comes from that side.

Roll Initiative


UNKNOWN: Attack Against Balim [roll0]
Hit: [roll1] + [roll2]
A hit since you're not wearing your armor.

The Act is very convincing.
You don't hear anything other than the above.
You noticed the black silks of the man is cut like a gleeman's cloak, and an arrow sticking from the Boarderlander's back.

2011-06-11, 04:50 AM
As they see that dark figure skulk down a corridor Balim hurries after it but Tomas hesitates. They were to try and corner the gleeman assassin, or whatever he was, out of sight... but was that really the man? He suspected that all they would do was chase shadows. But still... if it was the man... they didn't want to miss a chance like that. Shrugging Tomas turns to follow his borderlander friend, the nobles could wait for later. Then he heard Luis Batono's yell and in a blink he's running, hand going for the sword. This might not be a wild goose chase after all.

2011-06-11, 03:13 PM
OC : I hope this is not too far behind....

IC:Ifran watches Malien worriedly, hoping things were not about become problematic, but then he turns towards his fellow cardplayer. Ifran’s smiled slightly, “my apologies, it seemed best to let the ladies introduced themselves first – dear light! I’ve been up North to look! My name is Ifran.”
“"Oh- don't let me stop you, my lords. I'll be perfectly content to watch, and perhaps I'll pick up enough of the game to try it myself."
“of course, if this is your first game-you’ll probably clean us all out.” Ifran suddenly hopes he has enough his purse and personal letters of credit – to cover this game- let alone any succeeding games. Still he was a brave face on-”If you make a mistake rest assured everyone else reminded of the rules. I do hope Malien is all right...”

"I don't know- it does sound tempting- Isroa- what do you think?" Ifran is more than content to let a student of the Aes Sedi take the lead here- besides it would be rude to wander off without concern for the people he was talking with. ( not that she has to come with him or anything from him to go just that he always found it insulting when peopl ran off to play with out tellign him. Burn Me! Play? What am I 7? all the other trainees will be gawffign for till next spring if they heard that.

OC just out of curiosity does Ifran know Chop- and Dose he have enough on him gamble for a bit safely ( assuming of course he has neither the dark one’s luck or errr funny the creators luck doesn’t seem to be the opposite..)
OC2: very sorry this took so long.
OC3: I swear I'm not meda gaming, not exactly I could not figure out who Malien was even talking to last post- as somehow I did not see A'den to after I wrote this.
OC 4: eddited so last pagrag is in the right place

She put on a polite smile as the conversation turned back to cards. "Oh- don't let me stop you, my lords. I'll be perfectly content to watch, and perhaps I'll pick up enough of the game to try it myself." But what she really wanted was a chance to get Ifran alone to ask him about the letter he'd tried to hide.[/QUOTE]

"Well Chop doesn't exactly play smooth when there's only two men to play, and I'm no hand at Stones. Though I did hear a few fellows talking about a private game in one of the rooms in the upstairs of the mansion. It could be worth have a gander at."

Alth Falath
2011-06-20, 01:06 PM
Balim curses and stands back up, he looks around for the archer, then heads towards him.

2011-06-22, 03:50 PM
As Balim stands Luis strikes with a wordless roar his sword slicing in a diagonal arc at the gleeman, who at the last moment turns and raised his crossbow in defense. The sword bites cleanly through the body of the crossbow sundering it into a dozen pieces as the bowstring snaps to the thunk of the sword. The guard left of the door charges past Malein and Balim to assist his lord a halberd in his hands but his armor restricts his movement and he makes it only halfway across the room before the assassin draws a shortsword hidden in his cloak and strikes at Luis laying a slash across the noble's left arm. A spray of blood splatters the streamers. Luis cries out but does not loose his footing or his grip on his sword. The second guard draws a light crossbow and pulls a bolt back.

Luis takes 8 damage.
Gleeman Heavy Crossbow SUNDERED
Guard 1 move up 12 squares
Guard 2 draws and loads a crossbow.

Player's Phase!!

2011-06-23, 01:34 AM
Malien lets out a stifled half-gasp, half-scream as she jumps back from the young man she is with, pointing across the room. "Look! Lord Batano... an assassin!" She presses herself against the wall as the guard rushes forward, and screams again in earnest as the assassin draws his sword and leaves a slash across the Lord's arm.

All her senses heightened by the One Power, she is suddenly acutely aware of the cool smoothness of the wall against her hands. It gives her an idea, and her hands grip the wall as if feeling for handholds, as she draws forth threads of light swirling Air and dark solid heavy Earth and weaves them into a half-familiar, instinctual pattern.

Shape the stone, but instead of outcroppings presenting themselves to a climber's reaching hands, let it grow to catch the running foot. Trap and hold the assassin. Like vines, growing up from the stone floor, twining around his feet and legs...

Weaving False Wall against the gleeman. What I would like to do is try to make "stone" grow up from the floor around his feet and legs - really stone-colored air, of course - to hold him in place, with the hope that even if he manages to avoid the bonds of air, the resulting uneven surface might trip him or at least make it harder for him to dodge or flee.

Can I do this, and if so, what casting level would it require? The spell unambiguously allows me to attempt to trap him completely when cast at L3, but Malien (a) is still a bit uncomfortable about being that blatant, and (b) has never used the weave in that way. If it would be easier for you, as a default I'll just cast it as L3, aim to trap him completely except for his head, and figure that Malien got slightly carried away and kept focusing on "stone vines growing upward" for a bit longer than she'd intended :smallwink:

Also, False Wall is listed as "no save" in the book, but I figured that was a typo as it says it's identical to Harden Air, which does have a save - let me know how you want to run it, A'den, but I have no objection to you making it Reflex to allow him to dodge free and not actually be trapped.

Save DC is 13+weave level, so 16 for the default case. With the +5 wilder bonus on overchanneling checks, I automatically make the DC 20 Concentration check to cast at a level one higher than the slot I use.

Alth Falath
2011-06-23, 03:35 PM
Balim runs up to the gleeman and attempts to punch him in the face, hoping to catch him off balance.

[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Damage

2011-06-26, 03:18 PM
He felt... strange wearing no armour and no shield. Not awkward or unbalanced... but relying equally on armour AND sword was Tomas' prefered fighting style and he didn't feel complete without it. Especially he missed having a shield and just simply wield the blade with one hand, he was easily strong enough for that. It was an archaic style, using the shield, but properly used it kept the enemy slightly unbalanced and was good for offense as well as defense. No matter, focus on the iron in front of you instead of dreaming of silver as Da would say. Charging the assassin Tomas draws his sword and yells on the top of his lungs. "We need him alive! Don't kill him!"

Not necessarily a Charge, I'm not even sure I'm close enough to get an attack this round. Preferably I'd do a Charge, if not then a simple move+attack. If neither works I simply move as close as I can.
In any case, all attacks made this battle will be with the flat of the blade for subdual damage to avoid killing the man, so a -4 for that.

Attack roll (unmodified for charge):
[roll1] (subdual)

2012-01-04, 12:40 AM
Ifni's weave caused the ground to surge at the assassin's feet even as Balim landed a glancing punch against the man's face while Calenstal charged in swinging but missed since he was trying to attack the man without killing him.

The veins of rock burst out of the wood in the floor and snared the assassin and held him firmly in place.

2012-01-04, 03:30 AM
Fearing to hurt the assailant too greatly Tomas hesitates in his blow and the assassin ducks under the not too graceful swing drawing a muttered curse from the warder-in-training. But then the stone itself bursts through the floor to hold the stranger's feet and with a grim smile the andorman takes half a step back gesturing at the man with the point of his sword. A clear advantage of having lived and trained in Tar Valon was that one learned to live with the One Power being wielded near without panicking and to Tomas' mind the battle was over. "We have you now, blackguard! Surrender."
Still, he kept a watchful eye on the man, not trusting him not to try anything stupid. Who knows? It might be a darkfriend ready to kill himself rather than betraying his superiors. If so he would be ready to stop the man quickly.

Ready an attack action to knock the man out cold if he tries anything. Also Calenestel is me, the player. My character's name is Tomas. :smalltongue:

2012-01-04, 08:39 AM
Darius is making his way around the room full of nobles, still trying to look for clues about the cryptic message when he hears a piercing scream.

He quickly rushes towards the source of the scream, hoping to see whats going on, and perhaps help.

Alth Falath
2012-01-04, 07:32 PM
"Burn me!" Balim cries as he jumps back. Wasn't expecting the Aes Sedai to help so bluntly. Best to stay out of the way

5' step back, full defensive

2012-01-06, 05:19 AM
For a moment, Malien almost loses her grip on saidar in shock. She regains her composure quickly enough, the flickering warmth of the Power steadying and burning brightly again, but she still can't take her eyes away from the twining stone vines. That had turned out just a bit less subtle than she'd intended.

The vines are real. She's done it. It's not just her imagination, not just good luck and skill and coincidence... she, Malien Aranthi, is a wielder of the One Power. She hadn't realized the comfort of that doubt, the pragmatic part of her insisting that almost certainly she couldn't really be channeling, until suddenly it was stripped away.

The men don't seem to have realized her involvement yet; they must be assuming one of the Aes Sedai is responsible. The Andoran seems very matter-of-fact about it all, to her relief: perhaps he's a Warder?

Of course, the Aes Sedai themselves would know someone else had channeled the vines. And they wouldn't have many candidates to sort through; she was the only woman in the room.

Malien bites her lip, but... it was probably inevitable anyway. At least the situation here would allow her to avert questions about how, exactly, she'd discovered she could channel - they might even be pleased with her quick action to save Lord Batano.

She takes a deep breath. So. In for a copper, in for a crown...

The vines coil upward as she clenches her fists, twining around the man's arms, binding his weapon-hand in place. Her hands twist slightly, one nail scratching against the stone wall, as she concentrates on the concept of permanency. A twist and catch in the threads of Power, like looping a thread around a hook. The mesh of Earth and Air stills, growing quiescent, but remains in place even as she releases the weaves.

Then she steps forward, rummaging in her belt pouch for the note. She needs to get rid of it now; it could be very bad to get caught with it at this point. Her voice is soft, trembling slightly, but clear. "Lord Batano, are you badly hurt? My lords, be warned, I have reason to believe there may be a second assassin." She holds out the note, to a point somewhere between Lord Batano and Tomas; she's carefully not getting too close to the assassin, or their swords. "This note looks very suspicious, and it was on the floor, he might have dropped it."

Tying off the weave (assuming cast at L3, based on my long-ago previous post), and taking the step+draw item+talk action described above.

Still embracing the Power, so will be all bright and glowy when the Accepted get here :smalltongue:

2012-01-06, 11:48 PM
Pol realizes that the longer he and Myravan stand there, the greater the chance people will start talking. Or worse, the greater the chance that he will start talking, and something altogether foolish will come out.

"Come along, my lady," he says, taking her hand for a moment before remembering himself. A stable boy can't go around grabbing at ladies in company like this. He starts toward somewhere, anywhere, before she can see his cheeks reddening.

He hopes she follows, as he tries to find the others.

2012-01-07, 05:55 PM
The two young noblemen were moving towards the stairs, the differences between Tear and Mayene already dissolving in the face of their favorite hobby. Isora drifted up the steps after them, then halted, feeling out of place here. Card games did not feel ladylike; she recalled that her father had considered them raffish and uncouth, the province of rakes, scoundrels and dissolute younger sons whose families were too respectable for anybody to object. Of course, that had been thirty years ago, but she felt sure Alysa Sedai would disapprove even if the lords of Tear and Mayene had changed their minds in that time. Gambling! That would put paid to any notion of her being Aes Sedai. No, she had no real desire to join the young lords in their game.

And Lady Arathi had excused herself just a minute ago (possibly to escape the imminent card game). Isora still wanted to know how and why she had been touched by the One Power. Perhaps she could catch up in one of the hallways outside, though she didn't know how she could bring up the subject without being terribly blunt...

... was that a scream?

It was. A moment later, Isora felt someone channeling elsewhere in the palace. She looked down at the ballroom below—some of the dancers had faltered, and a murmur was sweeping through the clustered nobles—but spotted neither Myravan nor Alysa Sedai. Had something happened to one of them...?

She opened herself to the Source—that much, at least, came easily to her—and walked in the direction of the scream, her steps uncertain at first but quickening as she went.

2012-01-08, 11:10 PM
Myravan nodded and quickly followed along behind Pol, the stable boy. She made a note that his hand was a touch rough, likely due to all the work he did, but not so rough as to scratch her delicate palm or to be uncomfortable. A small smile crept onto her features at the young man's.. skittish nature, "Yes, of course."

Her eyes widened and her brows raised as she senses someone channeling. It was likely to be Isora or Alysa Sedai, but one could never be too careful. Opening herself to the Source, the pleasant warmth seeming to wrap itself around her, she took a deep, steady, breath and hurried after the stable boy, hopefully going in the right direction.