View Full Version : Fallout 2: EPA

2011-05-07, 04:47 AM
Hi everyone,
I've recently started playing Fallout 2 again and I downloaded The Fallout 2 Restoration Project and The Unofficial Fallout 2 Patch.

One of these has given me the EPA Map however I can't seem to do anything. Google has suggested that there's some doctor I have to talk to, or a vent I can climb through but I can't find either of these.

Should I abandon the EPA, or am I missing something?

I am running:
Fallout 2 v1.02.27.3
Restoration Project v 2.1.2b
SFall v2.13b

2011-05-07, 06:39 AM
Ah, I remember the hair-ripping frustration of the EPA. Show's why they cut it out. If I remember correctly about the vent, on the 2nd(3rd?) level with the vents in the wall, somewhere to the north of the map there's a vent that isn't moving. On the ground floor(outside the actual building) somewhere to the right of where you enter the area there's a garage(or something along those lines). Somewhere on the floor of that garage is a pipe you have to pick up off the ground; it's a bit of a pixel hunt. You go to the vent on the lower level and use it on that; that let's you get into the level below.

You should be able to manage the rest and I can give some advice if you need it, but I wasn't able to get to the very end of it(theres a cave with Wanamingos/aliens, can't remember which, and a forcefield that I just could not for the life of me get past. I'm not sure if there was a switch or you had to lockpick itvor what.) If I recall correctly, you may need high repair and/or science skill to get past, I'm not sure if Myron/Vic have high enough science/repair to get you through a few other bits in the EPA; don't quote me on that though.

Oh, and a word of warning; the only guide I remember seeing out there is for an older version of the EPA, so some things are off(like said pipe+vent situation, and something involving repairing a computer). Hope that helps.:smallbiggrin:

2011-05-07, 09:24 PM
The guide is here (http://hem.bredband.net/darek1/f2rp_wt.htm) if you want it.

On ground level there's an elevator shaft that you use a rope on. When you climb down, there's a malfunctioning vent in the north that you have to use a metal pole on.

There are several different levels below that; you need to repair a number of computers, and do a couple of quests, and eventually you can revive some pre-war companions, who give you some skill bonuses.

You can also get the solar scorcher, although you need Int 6+ and a high science skill. It's a really good weapon, but unfortunately by that point most battles are indoors.

2011-05-08, 09:15 AM
Yeah, that's the guide I was talking about. A few things are off in it, so if you're following every single step in the guide(which you'll have to do pretty much half the time) and something doesn't work, it's most likely the guides fault and not yours. Although, re-reading through the guide, I may be getting just as much wrong by misremembering, so take both our help with a grain of salt. >_>