View Full Version : How much damage would a chicken deal as a thrown weapon?

2011-05-07, 01:56 PM
I've been working on a theoretical character build with the Chicken Infested flaw and the Throw Anything feat and would like to know how much damage a chicken would deal as a thrown weapon?

2011-05-07, 02:00 PM
How many range increments is it to throw across the road?

2011-05-07, 02:08 PM
Are we talking normal chickens, Zelda chickens, or Super Ultra Mega Chicken?

2011-05-07, 02:12 PM
I'd assume you'd have to determine how much damage a chicken would deal as a melee weapon first, since the Throw Anything feat only converts it from a melee to ranged.

Also, standard lane width in the US is like 12 feet, so it looks like you're going for 30 feet of range when your weapon wants to get to the other side.

2011-05-07, 02:15 PM
You could use the Cat Fu Fighter (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9233762&postcount=4) as a basis for your chicken damage.

2011-05-07, 02:16 PM
Are you attaching iron claws/beaks first?

2011-05-07, 02:24 PM
Is the chicken trained in martial combat?

Because if it is, I'd like to show you my build for Donkey Monk, the awakened donkey warrior of awesome.

If not, I'd say the chicken (wielded via the neck) acts as a light weapon that deals 1d2 for a small creature and 1d3 for a medium with a 10' range--and remember to add your strength damage to it.

Edit: And you should probably cast greater magic fang.

2011-05-07, 02:24 PM
Upon further reflection (and googling), you'd first consider it to be an improvised melee weapon, so you'd find size and refer to the weapon tables. Given your average chicken to be somewhere in the range of 6-8 pounds (we'll go with well-fed chickens rather than the emaciated variant), you could probably make do with the heavy mace as an analogue. This is all assuming you want to consider chicken damage as bludgeoning.

So 1d8 with a 4 point penalty to attack rolls. Not bad for a chicken-chucker.

Trained battle-chickens are a whole different ballgame, though.

2011-05-07, 02:26 PM
Is the chicken trained in martial combat?

Because if it is, I'd like to show you my build for Donkey Monk, the awakened donkey warrior of awesome.

If not, I'd say the chicken (wielded via the neck) acts as a light weapon that deals 1d2 for a small creature and 1d3 for a medium with a 10' range--and remember to add your strength damage to it.

Not a Monkey Monk?

2011-05-07, 02:33 PM
Upon further reflection (and googling), you'd first consider it to be an improvised melee weapon, so you'd find size and refer to the weapon tables. Given your average chicken to be somewhere in the range of 6-8 pounds (we'll go with well-fed chickens rather than the emaciated variant), you could probably make do with the heavy mace as an analogue. This is all assuming you want to consider chicken damage as bludgeoning.

So 1d8 with a 4 point penalty to attack rolls. Not bad for a chicken-chucker.

Trained battle-chickens are a whole different ballgame, though.

I don't think this adequately factors in how soft a chicken is versus how soft a mace is.

2011-05-07, 02:34 PM
I don't think this adequately factors in how soft a chicken is versus how soft a mace is.

Sure, but then you're forgetting the bonus to Cholesterol and Allergen damage.

2011-05-07, 02:37 PM
Oh, I was leaving those out. I figure a bunch of monsters are going to be naturally resistant.

2011-05-07, 02:43 PM
Less than you'd think.

The real reason Beholders tend to hide away underground? MAD pollen allergies. Each and every eye gets all bloodshot and they look like hell.

2011-05-07, 02:44 PM
Could you wield it from the feet instead to get piercing damage from the beak?

2011-05-07, 02:52 PM
Could you wield it from the feet instead to get piercing damage from the beak?

Probably, though their talons probably do just as good as a job.

Also, as someone who has actually been hit in the face by a live chicken, I can tell you that it sucks pretty hard.

2011-05-07, 02:52 PM
Not a Monkey Monk?

Nice. I like the idea.

Yeah, Donkey Monk was created with the specific intention of surprising enemy combatants. He'd always be eating carrots and pulling carts..until he was needed. He'd be a folk hero for farmers. Basically the most endearing form of awesomeness.

Monkey Monk would be a wicked protege though! Monkey Monk would be a natural ranged attacker...you know...with the monkey's flinging poo thing.

2011-05-07, 03:29 PM
Probably, though their talons probably do just as good as a job.

Also, as someone who has actually been hit in the face by a live chicken, I can tell you that it sucks pretty hard.

So wait...did someone actually throw a chicken at you, or did some chickens decide to go all Legend of Zelda on you?

(By the way, I remember the first time I got swarmed under by chickens in Ocarina of Time. It was amazingly hilarious.)

2011-05-07, 03:37 PM
Well. A sling is 1d4, and that's a deadly war-weapon. A chicken is certainly less aerodynamic. I'd say 1d2, at the very best. Probably just 1.

Divide by Zero
2011-05-07, 03:41 PM
Well. A sling is 1d4, and that's a deadly war-weapon. A chicken is certainly less aerodynamic. I'd say 1d2, at the very best. Probably just 1.

Don't forget the bonus damage.

:thog: thog chicken attack for 1d2+567 damage!

2011-05-07, 03:41 PM
Of course. You can also build a d2 crusader with chickens :smallwink:

2011-05-07, 03:45 PM
So wait...did someone actually throw a chicken at you, or did some chickens decide to go all Legend of Zelda on you?

(By the way, I remember the first time I got swarmed under by chickens in Ocarina of Time. It was amazingly hilarious.)

The former. As a kid, my sailing buddy also raised a buttload of chickens. We'd often goof around with said chickens, and occasionally I would get a face full of feathery vengeance.

2011-05-07, 03:54 PM
Going off the rules in Complete Warrior, 1d4 points of nonlethal damage if the chicken weighs at least 4 pounds.

2011-05-07, 09:32 PM
well lets be real here, you arent going to be wielding chickens in a fight unless you are drunk. which is the point in a sense, because you obviously are a drunken master, and have taken measures to beef up your unarmed strike damage (you did, didnt you?)

because at Drunken Master 1, the improvised weapons you wield will deal your unarmed strike damage+1d4.

Divide by Zero
2011-05-07, 10:03 PM
Need to combine this with a Fell Animate greater consumptive field and Destructive Retribution, though. Throwing chickens just pales in comparison to throwing exploding undead chickens.

2011-05-07, 10:30 PM
I'd say 1d2 non lethal. x2 Critical.

2011-05-07, 10:45 PM
Monkey Monk would be a wicked protege though! Monkey Monk would be a natural ranged attacker...you know...with the monkey's flinging poo thing.
Remember, you can only flurry with special monk weapons or unarmed strikes. Flinging poo is a natural attack, and wouldn't qualify.

Otherwise, I endorse the idea of a monkey monk.

2011-05-07, 10:45 PM
Need to combine this with a Fell Animate greater consumptive field and Destructive Retribution, though. Throwing chickens just pales in comparison to throwing exploding undead chickens.

Slightly related to the undead chicken that explodes--I had a character who created an army of zombies with destructive undead once. The plan was to use my teleporting, floating keep to drop these undead over a city that prided itself on 'goodness' as a massive carpet bombing of negative energy. Unfortunately, the campaign ended before it could be unleashed.

2011-05-07, 11:58 PM
Chickens are a lot larger than maces and yet much lighter and softer. I'd say 1d1-1+str, minimum 1 damage. Though if you can full plate all your chickens that'd help.

2011-05-08, 12:15 AM
1d3 Damage, Targets must save against Chicken Infestation...