View Full Version : can I qualify for the PRC using this?

big teej
2011-05-07, 10:17 PM
greetings playgrounders,

having gotten tired of rolling base classes (around 30+ characters waiting to be played at this point)

I'm rolling up prestieged characters.

so, I was rolling up an eldritch knight (the plan being fighter 1, sorcerer x)

and then it occured to me.

"there's a mixed arcane/psionics class"

so I'm wondering, could I go fighter Psychic warrior 3, sorcerer 4, eldritch knight off of that, and then dive into cerebramancer

now, ignoring how unoptimized that build probably is.

can I use eldritch knight like that?

or is this little thought experiement of mine flawed at a most basic level that I'm missing in my post-exam week haze?

thanks in advance.

2011-05-07, 10:25 PM
You can do that. The better question is why would you?

Psiwar20 is going to be better than that without even trying.

2011-05-07, 10:27 PM
I'm confused, what are you trying to do with Eldritch Knight and why is it in this build?

You need Sorc 6 to get the 3rd level spells Eldritch Knight requires, and you need Psychic Warrior 4 to get the 2nd level powers Cerebremancer requires.

big teej
2011-05-07, 10:28 PM
You can do that. The better question is why would you?

Psiwar20 is going to be better than that without even trying.

I'm conducting an experiment on my group.

their reaction to me showing up with more than 3 classes written down on my sheet.

I'm aware that the psychic warrior alone is much stronger than this, but I'm not building to strength.

2011-05-07, 10:30 PM
Okay if your intent is to see if the group kneejerk bans a multiclass that is inherently weaker than something core, yes this works.

big teej
2011-05-07, 10:35 PM
Okay if your intent is to see if the group kneejerk bans a multiclass that is inherently weaker than something core, yes this works.

it's actually for the bug eyed look I'm going to get for rattling off that many classes for a character with an accompanying sheet.

I have twisted moments, humor me, I'm having one :smallbiggrin:

when I get around to ACTUALLY following this concept, it'll be too seperate characters, an eldritch knight, and a cerebramancer.

but for now, I want to mess with my players.:smallcool:

2011-05-07, 10:35 PM
Okay if your intent is to see if the group kneejerk bans a multiclass that is inherently weaker than something core, yes this works.
Not with that few base class levels, it doesn't. Psychic Warrior 4/Sorcerer 4/Cerebremancer 2/Eldritch Knight 1 is the earliest you could get all 4 classes in without tricks to Heighten spells above your actual highest level slot, and those would only reduce the Sorcerer levels required.

2011-05-07, 10:36 PM
Well if that's what you're going for, throw in a splash of Warblade and Jade Phoenix Mage, 2 more classes, and a 3rd resource system for the character.

The Glyphstone
2011-05-07, 10:39 PM
If the only intent is to get a reaction from groupmembers, go whole-hog absurdity and bring a Ex-Barbarian 1/Ex-Bard 1/Cleric 1/Ex-Druid 1/Fighter 1/Monk 1/Paladin 1/Ranger 1/Rogue 1/Sorcerer 1/Wizard 1.

Divide by Zero
2011-05-07, 10:50 PM
How about dwarf fighter/dwarf paragon/dwarven defender/deepstone sentinel/whatever? Be sure to take levels in Stoneblessed to become a double dwarf.

2011-05-07, 10:56 PM
How about dwarf fighter/dwarf paragon/dwarven defender/deepstone sentinel/whatever? Be sure to take levels in Stoneblessed to become a double dwarf.

And now I have my next character! Thanks /0 :smallbiggrin:

big teej
2011-05-07, 11:11 PM
If the only intent is to get a reaction from groupmembers, go whole-hog absurdity and bring a Ex-Barbarian 1/Ex-Bard 1/Cleric 1/Ex-Druid 1/Fighter 1/Monk 1/Paladin 1/Ranger 1/Rogue 1/Sorcerer 1/Wizard 1.

I thought about it,
struck me as too obvious. :smalltongue:

it needs to sound like a believable munchkin build.

2011-05-08, 03:29 AM
I thought about it,
struck me as too obvious. :smalltongue:

it needs to sound like a believable munchkin build.

I don't follow. What's munchkinly about something so painfully blatantly unoptimized (no offense, but I'm hardly the first to mention it) as what you're suggesting?

2011-05-08, 03:56 AM
You want something that looks like munchkinry?
How about this?
Martial Rogue 1/Druid 1/Bard 1/Wizard 5/Ur-priest 1/Sneak attack rogue 1/Sublime Chord 1/Fochlucan lyrist 9
It has plenty of classes and is functional with double 9's and a lot of other good things.

2011-05-08, 04:36 AM
You want something that looks like munchkinry?
How about this?
Martial Rogue 1/Druid 1/Bard 1/Wizard 5/Ur-priest 1/Sneak attack rogue 1/Sublime Chord 1/Fochlucan lyrist 9
It has plenty of classes and is functional with double 9's and a lot of other good things.

Except for the part where you can't multiclass Martial Rogue and Regular Rogue. They're both the rogue class, so they're just rogue level 1 and rogue level 2, and the Martial Rogue ACF doesn't let you take it on only some levels.

2011-05-08, 11:24 AM
Except for the part where you can't multiclass Martial Rogue and Regular Rogue. They're both the rogue class, so they're just rogue level 1 and rogue level 2, and the Martial Rogue ACF doesn't let you take it on only some levels.

This would be legal
Martial Rogue 1/Druid 1/Bard 1/Wizard 5/Ur-priest 1/Sneak attack rogue fighter 1/Sublime Chord 1/Fochlucan lyrist 9

2011-05-08, 12:39 PM
Except for the part where you can't multiclass Martial Rogue and Regular Rogue.You might be able to, depending on DM interpretation of the following:
Multiclassing And Variant Classes
Multiclassing between variants of the same class is a tricky subject. In cases where a single class offers a variety of paths (such as the totem barbarian or the monk fighting styles), the easiest solution is simply to bar multiclassing between different versions of the same class (just as a character can't multiclass between different versions of specialist wizards). For variants that are wholly separate from the character class—such as the bardic sage or the urban ranger—multiclassing, even into multiple variants of the same class, is probably okay. Identical class features should stack if gained from multiple versions of the same class (except for spellcasting, which is always separate).

In any case, only the first version of a favored class is treated as favored; a halfling rogue/wizard who later begins gaining levels in the wilderness rogue variant class can't treat both the rogue and wilderness rogue classes as favored, only the class gained first (in this case, rogue). Under no circumstances does spellcasting ability from multiple classes (even variants of the same class) stack. A character with levels of bard and levels of bardic sage has two separate caster levels and two separate sets of spells per day, even though the classes are very similar.

2011-05-08, 02:43 PM
You might be able to, depending on DM interpretation of the following:

I went on the interpreatation of taking a level in martial rogue and rogue is allowed. You need it for the skills really and to just give you some free skill points.