View Full Version : How would you make the perfect "Super Mario Brothers" movie?

Green-Shirt Q
2011-05-08, 01:34 PM
I thought crossed my mind the other day. See, the Mario Brothers did get a movie a while back (two if you count the animated, Japanese one), but those were made back when Mario had only, like, 1 or 2 games in the series and not a lot was known about it.

I think now that Mario has, like, over 50 games to his name and is one of the biggest media icons of all time (and certainly the biggest video game icon) I personally believe he deserves another chance at success on the silver screen.

But really, how would you possibly adapt the weirdest video game of all time? :smallconfused:

My opinion? It would need to be animated. Whether traditionally or with CGI, I don't care, but live action is completely wrong for this source material. And, I don't think it should be dark, per se. It should be true to the source material and be fun and light-hearted, but I think it should have some dark-adult moments to appeal to the wide age range of the fans. A movie that both kids and adults can enjoy that has plenty of high stakes. I would also base it more on the Paper Mario games, Super Mario RPG, and The Mario & Luigi games more then anything. And I would put all kinds of shout outs to the Mario games. At least one tiny shout out in the background for every single (mainstream) game. Lastly, I don't think anything should be changed, but for a series that spans dozens of games, most of the information on the setting, the politics, the science, and all kinds of other information has been mostly left up to the imagination of the player. I would recommend using all the information already given in the games without contradicting anything, and would build on it to make it a semi-believable world.

Oh, and there would be a lot of action scenes (Mario-kung fu), Mario would be a silent protaginist who speaks only Italian when he does speak and Luigi translates, and there would be many power ups. The villain would, of course, be Bowser. Sequels would use RPG villains like Count Bleck, Dimentio, Smithy, and Fawful.

What do you guys think? What would make the perfect Super Mario movie?

2011-05-08, 03:02 PM
Hard question. Since the Mario games are usually all about game play, they don't really translate to a strictly story-telling medium well. I'd have huge problems with it.

Lord Raziere
2011-05-08, 03:21 PM
I would base the movie off of one of the paper mario games. They are the most story-based and therefore the most adaptable.

2011-05-08, 03:24 PM
It would HAVE to be animated. That's all. Personally, I don't think anyone director could pull this off.

2011-05-09, 06:09 PM
See, the Mario Brothers did get a movie a while back (two if you count the animated, Japanese one), but those were made back when Mario had only, like, 1 or 2 games in the series and not a lot was known about it.

I'm not going to comment on the rest of it, but this needs correcting.

The Super Mario Bros. movie came out in 1993. By then, we already had Mario Bros., Donkey Kong, Wrecking Crew, Super Mario Bros. 1 - 3, Super Mario Land 1 & 2, Dr. Mario, Super Mario World, Super Mario Kart, Mario Paint, and Mario is Missing (not to mention all the various games where Mario has made a cameo appearance, such as Punch Out! and Donkey Kong Jr.).

The characters (both good and bad) had already been developed pretty well by then.

2011-05-09, 08:05 PM
I agree with Lord Raziere, it would pretty much have to be based on the Paper Mario games since they have more story. the franchise itself is gameplay based and therefore, all its elements don't really have a good writing angle (I think that's a big problem with the Super Mario Bros. live-action movie, they had to come up with everything themselves).

2011-05-09, 08:54 PM
Actual it's kind of ironic because the original Super Mario Brothers was loosely based off the novel Alice in wonderland which is why lots of flowers and mushrooms are involved in the gameplay.

And Alice in Wonderland has been adapted to the screen successfully several times.

Aside from that most of the plots do involve Mario rescuing a princess. Lots of movies and plots come from something as simple as that. Peach can't help being kidnapped.

You're real problem is what kind of movie it should be. Are we looking for action adventure? I can see Mario being a lighter version of Indiana Jones, running off to save the princess from Bowser and random fighters getting him through different levels until he finds her.

Or maybe more comedy? A shrek type of movie with lots of stereotypes of characters running around and Mario is a simple plumber who gets caught up in a whirlwind plot of saving the princess, only to fall in love with her and rescue her at the same time?

It couldn't really be a thriller, drama, or mystery movie... so comedy or action is all we got, or some combination thereof.

The Rundown works. Action, comedy, kidnapping, evil boss you can love to hate, lots of minions and some cool backdrops and ruins to play around with.

Peter Berg. I think he could direct this kind of movie and have it be successful.

2011-05-09, 09:02 PM
The original adaptation was pretty awesome. I'm not the only one who thinks so. (http://www.destructoid.com/why-the-super-mario-movie-is-an-underappreciated-masterpiece-29694.phtml)

2011-05-09, 10:58 PM
I think it would have to start with a maybe 2-5 minute intro scene while the opening credits (if any) flash at intervals. Mario (maybe Luigi too) running through Bowser's castle, dodging spinning firebars, dashing past a series of falling thwomps and rushing through a handful typically elite enemies (dry bones, maybe a few hammer brothers or a magikoopa). There would then be a quick confrontation with Bowser that is won more through intelligence and quick thinking than brute force (it could do a callback to collapsing the bridge and dropping him in the lava or something new like tricking him into smashing something that traps him away from Mario and Luigh if hes there). The whole intro scene would be an fast paced "Rescue the Princess" segment, done entirely with rule of cool in mind.

After this, it would get into whatever the REAL plot of the movie is... With some lighthearted and comedic moments at points, but overall an epic and indepth plot that might have Bowser as an antagonist (he PLANNED for Mario to rescue Peach!) or maybe someone new entirely.

The entire thing would need several references to the various Mario games... Subtle ones sprinkled throughout. It should also showcase the large cast of enemy types from the series... Even if some only appear in the background at various points. Mario's/Luigi's powers should be limited to Super, possibly Fire, and maybe Star at during the final battle.

2011-05-09, 11:04 PM
I think it would have to start with a maybe 2-5 minute intro scene while the opening credits (if any) flash at intervals. Mario (maybe Luigi too) running through Bowser's castle, dodging spinning firebars, dashing past a series of falling thwomps and rushing through a handful typically elite enemies (dry bones, maybe a few hammer brothers or a magikoopa). There would then be a quick confrontation with Bowser that is won more through intelligence and quick thinking than brute force (it could do a callback to collapsing the bridge and dropping him in the lava or something new like tricking him into smashing something that traps him away from Mario and Luigh if hes there). The whole intro scene would be an fast paced "Rescue the Princess" segment, done entirely with rule of cool in mind.

After this, it would get into whatever the REAL plot of the movie is... With some lighthearted and comedic moments at points, but overall an epic and indepth plot that might have Bowser as an antagonist (he PLANNED for Mario to rescue Peach!) or maybe someone new entirely.

The entire thing would need several references to the various Mario games... Subtle ones sprinkled throughout. It should also showcase the large cast of enemy types from the series... Even if some only appear in the background at various points. Mario's/Luigi's powers should be limited to Super, possibly Fire, and maybe Star at during the final battle.I was prepared to say that it could not be done. I was wrong. This is pure brilliance. Bravo, sir.

2011-05-09, 11:08 PM
And all I did was give a rundown of the intro to the movie and rather vague guidelines for small nostalgia bits sprinkled throughout the rest. Yay!

2011-05-09, 11:10 PM
Well, considering some of the movie pitches in Hollywood that get green lighted...

(what if we make a movie about Paris Hilton's dog?)

You're doing pretty well for yourself.

2011-05-09, 11:17 PM
Yeah, we can get writers to fill in the details. We're...producers!

Soren Hero
2011-05-10, 12:10 PM
personally, i loved the live-action Mario movie

i don't know if you guys saw the "new mario bros movie trailer" on youtube by the gamestation

i believe it is made using GTA IV, but it is epic...it gives the mario story a new twist


2011-05-10, 01:21 PM
I think it would have to start with a maybe 2-5 minute intro scene while the opening credits (if any) flash at intervals. Mario (maybe Luigi too) running through Bowser's castle, dodging spinning firebars, dashing past a series of falling thwomps and rushing through a handful typically elite enemies (dry bones, maybe a few hammer brothers or a magikoopa). There would then be a quick confrontation with Bowser that is won more through intelligence and quick thinking than brute force (it could do a callback to collapsing the bridge and dropping him in the lava or something new like tricking him into smashing something that traps him away from Mario and Luigh if hes there). The whole intro scene would be an fast paced "Rescue the Princess" segment, done entirely with rule of cool in mind.

After this, it would get into whatever the REAL plot of the movie is... With some lighthearted and comedic moments at points, but overall an epic and indepth plot that might have Bowser as an antagonist (he PLANNED for Mario to rescue Peach!) or maybe someone new entirely.

The entire thing would need several references to the various Mario games... Subtle ones sprinkled throughout. It should also showcase the large cast of enemy types from the series... Even if some only appear in the background at various points. Mario's/Luigi's powers should be limited to Super, possibly Fire, and maybe Star at during the final battle.

You ever play a game called Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars?

2011-05-10, 07:41 PM
i don't know if you guys saw the "new mario bros movie trailer" on youtube by the gamestation

i believe it is made using GTA IV, but it is epic...it gives the mario story a new twist


I wish that was a real movie. The sequel looks awesome as well. :smallsigh::smallamused:

2011-05-10, 08:45 PM
I see it like this. We stick with the pure original storyline of mario brothers and just add in details to explain it. Mario and lugi are the castle plumbers. They are in charge of maintaining the sewer systems of the entire kingdom, and while their job isnt glamorous, they are fairly important people, somewhere above servants but below noblemen id say. Mario strikes up a friendship with the young princess. They each have a crush on the other but neither can admit it.

Suddenly there is an attack on the castle! The Koopa Kingdom has attacked the Land of Peachtopia. (Please come up with a better name) They manage to storm the castle and grab the princess before making heir escape. Mario is of course devastated, and gets his brother luigi to join him on a mission to save the princess! the problem is, the kingdom is overrun by Koopa Troopers, so they come up with the cunning plan of using a variety of above ground, and sewer travel to infiltrate the various strongholds, defeating bowsers lieutenants one by one as they go.

The various powers can be included by making this a magic based reality. Sword and sorcery, that sort of thing. Mario finds a ring that lets him shoot out fireball boogers, (im kidding, but honestly, thats what it always looked like to me) and luigi might even find a hat that lets him do that really strange flying raccoon thing. (just make up an animal that can do those things) Its less heavy combat, and more stealthy sneaking and navigating various trap filled areas. Hey, they are plumbers not warriors!

2011-05-10, 08:47 PM
If technology were not a limiting factor, I would travel back in time, kidnap Captain Lou Albano and Danny Wells, then put them in costume and film them doing whatever the hell they want for two hours. Those guys are Mario and Luigi in my mind.

But I can't do that, since nobody has gone and made a time machine within my limited means to acquire. So, I guess that pretty much rules out live-action entirely as far as I'm concerned.

An animated film would be the way to go. I'm torn whether to go with a hand-drawn style like the 80's cartoon, or something more like Pixar's style. Either one would work, I suppose.

I'd definitely make the movie an action comedy. I like TheSummoner's idea of starting the movie with rescuing the princess, then moving on to something else while still keeping Bowser as the eventual antagonist. I like the idea of having Wario team up with Bowser, but one could argue that should be saved for the inevitable sequel.

After being rescued, Peach would not be portrayed as a damsel in distress. Instead, she'd a competent character who, while not acting as an action heroine herself, still serves some sort of function in the story other than being the MacGuffin that Mario needs to save.

Toad would be in the movie as little as possible. He's seriously annoying and I'd rather not include him at all, but he should probably be in there at least a bit. Maybe he'll be the Butt Monkey (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ButtMonkey) for a scene or two, and then fade to the background.

Waluigi would not appear because he is a stupid character who should not exist.

2011-05-10, 09:16 PM
After being rescued, Peach would not be portrayed as a damsel in distress. Instead, she'd a competent character who, while not acting as an action heroine herself, still serves some sort of function in the story other than being the MacGuffin that Mario needs to save.

Did you see the arnold schwarzenegger movie commando? I picture peach being sort of like alyssa milano was in that flick. When she gets kidnapped, she is constantly trying to escape, and generally causing problems for bowser and his people. Thus allowing mario and luigi the chance they need to save her.

2011-05-10, 09:20 PM
The Koopa Kingdom has attacked the Land of Peachtopia. (Please come up with a better name)

Er... Hasn't it always been called the Mushroom Kingdom? Granted, it doesn't have a king, but that's still the official name.

Unless, of course, the rightful ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom is, in fact, King Bowser! Peach is a mere pretender to throne! These games glorify high treason!

2011-05-10, 09:29 PM
Did you see the arnold schwarzenegger movie commando? I picture peach being sort of like alyssa milano was in that flick. When she gets kidnapped, she is constantly trying to escape, and generally causing problems for bowser and his people. Thus allowing mario and luigi the chance they need to save her.

Even better if you can get Alyssa Milano to play Peach. :smallwink:

2011-05-10, 09:57 PM
Hard question. Since the Mario games are usually all about game play, they don't really translate to a strictly story-telling medium well.

What? It's a story about an Italian Plumber eating mushrooms to power up while killing turtles to save a fantasy princess from a dinosaur. It's a classic tale as old as time.

2011-05-11, 12:05 AM
I wouldn't. :smallwink:

2011-05-11, 01:35 AM
The perfect Mario Bros. movie consists of two hours of anyone who suggested that a Mario Bros. movie be made being nibbled to death by goombas.

It is such a spectacularly bad idea that there can be no other response.

2011-05-11, 01:42 AM
You ever play a game called Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars?

Yes. And Paper Mario. And Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door. And Super Paper Mario. And most of Bowser's Inside Story... But not the other two Mario and Luigi RPGs... Atleast not yet.

An animated film would be the way to go. I'm torn whether to go with a hand-drawn style like the 80's cartoon, or something more like Pixar's style. Either one would work, I suppose.

Agreed. Personally leaning a bit towards Pixar-style... Full 3d animation, heavily stlylized.

I'd definitely make the movie an action comedy. I like TheSummoner's idea of starting the movie with rescuing the princess, then moving on to something else while still keeping Bowser as the eventual antagonist. I like the idea of having Wario team up with Bowser, but one could argue that should be saved for the inevitable sequel.

Nah, leave Wario out of it. Maybe put him in a sequel, but if that happens, don't make him share the spotlight there either. While Bowser doesn't necessarily have to be the antagonist... It just seems right that he get the spotlight. This is the Super Mario Brothers movie, not the movie of one of the RPG spinoffs (which are good, but the point is BOWSER is the villain here.)

The most important thing is to portray Bowser as competent for once. Maybe he isn't quite as fast as Mario and Luigi. Maybe he isn't as quick witted or as good at thinking on his feet... However, Bowser is MUCH stronger. Bowser should be portrayed as cunning... Not so good at adapting to the unexpected, but quite capable of coming up with schemes that would easily net him control of the Mushroom Kingdom if not for a certain pair of plumbers. Bowser should be portrayed as a good tactician. He has an army of loyal followers and while goombas and koopas may not be the best shock troops, he should be able to make it work better than anyone has the right to expect from such lowly mooks (and the capabilities of his elite forces should be something to be feared). Bowser is nigh invulnerable. Drop him in lava, crush him under rubble, impale him on one of the spikes jutting out of those giant statues he has of himself (if the spike doesn't just break off against his shell)... He'll get right back up and keep fighting. The best you can hope to do is temporarily incapicitate him.

After being rescued, Peach would not be portrayed as a damsel in distress. Instead, she'd a competent character who, while not acting as an action heroine herself, still serves some sort of function in the story other than being the MacGuffin that Mario needs to save.

Agreed. Furthermore, Bowser's interest in her shouldn't be played for comedy as it often is in the RPGs... Maybe he knows that the Mushroom Kingdom wouldn't dare resist him when their princess is at his mercy... Maybe his plan involves some ritual that requires the sacrifice of a princess... Lots of possibilities.

Toad would be in the movie as little as possible. He's seriously annoying and I'd rather not include him at all, but he should probably be in there at least a bit. Maybe he'll be the Butt Monkey (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ButtMonkey) for a scene or two, and then fade to the background.

Think of Toads no differently than you think of Koopas or Goombas. Think of them as a species of redshirts who gladly serve the Mushroom Kingdom. Easily scared, but rarely will they abandon their duty even in the face of certain death. Incredibly loyal to their princess and their kingdom... Small creatures existing in a cruel world that without the Mushroom Kingdom would devour the lot of them.

Waluigi would not appear because he is a stupid character who should not exist.

Eh... I'm not convinced that Waluigi can't be done right. He could be worked into a Wario sequel easily, and it could work provided that he has a reason for being there other than being Bizarro-Luigi.

Er... Hasn't it always been called the Mushroom Kingdom? Granted, it doesn't have a king, but that's still the official name.

Unless, of course, the rightful ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom is, in fact, King Bowser! Peach is a mere pretender to throne! These games glorify high treason!

Eh... Hyrule doesn't have a king half the time either, but it's still a Kingdom.

And you've been reading far too many of those crackpot "Mario is communist propaganda" theories =P

2011-05-11, 04:38 AM
After being rescued, Peach would not be portrayed as a damsel in distress. Instead, she'd a competent character who, while not acting as an action heroine herself, still serves some sort of function in the story other than being the MacGuffin that Mario needs to save.

I'm reminded of one of the Paper Marios, on the N64. You had these segues between stages were'd you'd control Peach and sneak around the castle, messing up Bowser's plans and whatnot. All while remaining perfectly composed and ladylike, of course.

2011-05-11, 06:07 AM
I think it would have to start with a maybe 2-5 minute intro scene while the opening credits (if any) flash at intervals. Mario (maybe Luigi too) running through Bowser's castle, dodging spinning firebars, dashing past a series of falling thwomps and rushing through a handful typically elite enemies (dry bones, maybe a few hammer brothers or a magikoopa). There would then be a quick confrontation with Bowser that is won more through intelligence and quick thinking than brute force (it could do a callback to collapsing the bridge and dropping him in the lava or something new like tricking him into smashing something that traps him away from Mario and Luigh if hes there). The whole intro scene would be an fast paced "Rescue the Princess" segment, done entirely with rule of cool in mind.

After this, it would get into whatever the REAL plot of the movie is...The the princess is in another castle?

2011-05-11, 06:47 AM
Even better if you can get Alyssa Milano to play Peach. :smallwink:

I dunno, she might be a bit too old at nearly 40 to make for the proper type of princess. But then again, peach never exactly looked like a teenager in any game I can recall. So maybe it would be ok. Also, Oops, it was late and I forgot it was the Mushroom Kingdom. My bad.

2011-05-11, 10:24 AM
I don't know what you're talking about. Super Mario Bros. live action was already perfect.

2011-05-11, 02:29 PM
Has there ever been an explanation for why Bowser kidnaps the princess?

I mean, specifically kidnapping her and taking her up to his castle and leaving her tied up there?

You know... as opposed to killing her or eating her or just invading her kingdom and forcing her to sign a treaty saying his invasion was legal (Star wars flashback... whoah)

Maybe Bowser is just trying to live up to his own stereotype of dragons kidnapping princesses.

Green-Shirt Q
2011-05-11, 03:03 PM
I think Bowser should have both a serious AND a comical motivation for kidnapping Princess Peach. Mutil-layered.

Like, the Princess rules the kingdom, so taking her away would cause the kingdom to go into complete disarray and he can take advantage of the choas and gain control of the whole kingdom. The reason he DOESN'T just outright kill her is because he does have a crush on her.

He's still a legitimate threat, but he has some comical points to his personality. I think they handled it well in Bowser's Inside Story. He's still bad@ss, and he can punch his darker clone into the sun in an epic battle and gain the support of huge armies, but his motivation and the laughs he provides remain consistant with the other Mario RPGS.

Thane of Fife
2011-05-11, 03:08 PM
Has there ever been an explanation for why Bowser kidnaps the princess?

I mean, specifically kidnapping her and taking her up to his castle and leaving her tied up there?

I'm fairly certain that Bowser is in love with her and wants to marry her. I think that the time thing is because he's trying to get her to agree to marry him.

2011-05-11, 05:12 PM
I'm fairly certain that Bowser is in love with her and wants to marry her.

Easily. Heck, look at Super Mario Galaxy, wherein he gets one of his more serious portrayals. The Mushroom Kingdom doesn't factor into his plan there at all. He just wants Peach to be at his side as he rules the universe from his newly-created galaxy. If he weren't such a hopelessly twisted romantic, he could have completely ignored the Mushroom Kingdom and elevated himself to godhood before Mario knew anything was amiss. Same thing with the sequel: Bowser's goal is to consume the Observatory; Peach has nothing to do with anything, except that he wants her to be with him at his moment of triumph.

2011-05-11, 05:21 PM
Perhaps in the movie, part of Bowser's motivation could be to crush Peach's spirit. To make her realize the futility of opposing him. Sure, he could probably crush the Mushroom Kingdom beneath his feet if he wanted to... But he would prefer it intact. He wants to rule the world, not a pile of ash.

I don't think Bowser should be portrayed as comical in any way... So any turtle-love he may have for the princess shouldn't be a part of the movie. He can sill make you laugh... Much in the way that The Joker or Kefka can make you laugh... But you should never let his occasional snark or wit or dark humor make you forget that beneath it he is a serious threat.

If Bowser attempt to marry Peach in any form, it should be clear he intends it purely as political ploy... A way to gain control over the Mushroom Kingdom as easily, quickly, and cleanly as possible.

2011-05-11, 05:24 PM
Wow. That actually sounds kind of sad. Like he's hoping if he just gets enough money and power that he might actually impress Peach enough so she'll finally fall in love with him.

This is a pretty good villain actually. And it gives a legitimate reason to capture the princess, keep her kidnapped and allow Mario to rescue her.

This would make an awesome story.

2011-05-11, 07:04 PM
I think There Will Be Brawl covers what a good Mario movie should be. :smalltongue:

Kris Strife
2011-05-11, 07:30 PM
I think There Will Be Brawl covers what a good Mario movie should be. :smalltongue:

I was going to say get them to do all the costumes. That was an amazing Bowser costume.

Green-Shirt Q
2011-05-12, 06:18 AM
Perhaps in the movie, part of Bowser's motivation could be to crush Peach's spirit. To make her realize the futility of opposing him. Sure, he could probably crush the Mushroom Kingdom beneath his feet if he wanted to... But he would prefer it intact. He wants to rule the world, not a pile of ash.

I don't think Bowser should be portrayed as comical in any way... So any turtle-love he may have for the princess shouldn't be a part of the movie. He can sill make you laugh... Much in the way that The Joker or Kefka can make you laugh... But you should never let his occasional snark or wit or dark humor make you forget that beneath it he is a serious threat.

If Bowser attempt to marry Peach in any form, it should be clear he intends it purely as political ploy... A way to gain control over the Mushroom Kingdom as easily, quickly, and cleanly as possible.

Personally, I think that is perhaps a little too dark. This is Super Mario, afterall. A series most consider Children's games (I don't, because there's quite a large nostalgic adult fanbase since the series has been around for quite some time).

My favourite portrayals of Bowser have been with the Peach romance, as I think it actually makes his character go slightly beyond the deapth of your run of the mill fantasy villain trying to take over the world. Bowser should be a bit of a complex character, but he should also keep his comical persona too while remaining threatening.

Maybe a balence of both funny and threatening. Like Xykon or the Joker.

2011-05-12, 10:08 AM
I wouldn't mind seeing a movie which sets the premise for the games. I have a theory as to why Bowser repeatedly kidnaps peach.

The story starts like this - Bowser is the ruler of Mushroom kingdom. After years of dating Peach and Bowser are married with kids (lots of them as the game shows) and rule over the kingdom. Then while Bowser is out one day Peach seems to have some issues and calls a certain plumber over - Mario. When Bowser returns he is shocked to find that this "plumber" and peach are enjoying "some cake".

This discovery brings to light many problems within the relationship and causes Peach to file for divorce - but having a good lawyer leads Peach to getting the kingdom and getting rid of the kids that don't even look like her anyway. Seeing Mario as the reason behind his divorce and his throne being usurped he kidnaps Peach in hopes that his tricks and traps will kill him in an attempt to rescue her. He hopes that with Mario's death Peach will come back to him, letting him be king once more. The kids are eager to help in order to "bring Mommy and Daddy back together again!".

2011-05-12, 10:42 AM
Make it a romance flick.

There's Mario the plumber, your average joe (hahahahahahaha) who just goes about his job. He's in love with Peach, his dream girl. He's never seen much of her, but he knows, in his heart of hearts, that she's the one. She's the ideal, made perfect by their separation.

And then the mushroom came along, a spunky, no-nonsense kind of girl, who gets Mario into trouble, but the two of them get out of it together, and become stronger for it. But this girl is also trouble. In lusting after her, Mario would at times become inconvenienced, embarrassed, or even put into mortal danger. Even so, he begins to question whether his feelings for Peach, who hardly even notices him, and doesn't even bother to show up at agreed upon times. The sordid romance continues to play out, until it culminates into an ending that surprises everyone.

I think this best captures the spirit of the original games.

2011-05-12, 10:48 AM
Is the twist ending that "the mushroom" is a drug-enhanced hallucination caused by Mario's dissociative identity disorder?

Because I'd watch that.

2011-05-12, 10:57 AM
What discussion of a mario movie could neglect to mention this video?

2011-05-12, 12:30 PM
Personally, I think that is perhaps a little too dark. This is Super Mario, afterall. A series most consider Children's games (I don't, because there's quite a large nostalgic adult fanbase since the series has been around for quite some time).

My favourite portrayals of Bowser have been with the Peach romance, as I think it actually makes his character go slightly beyond the deapth of your run of the mill fantasy villain trying to take over the world. Bowser should be a bit of a complex character, but he should also keep his comical persona too while remaining threatening.

Maybe a balence of both funny and threatening. Like Xykon or the Joker.

Most people consider the Kirby series children's games as well... Yet for all of its sugarbowl happiness, the series has a pretty high number of eldritch abominations and nightmare fuel, including one boss whose eye ended up ripped out, spurting blood everywhere.

Making Bowser humorous is one thing, I just don't think he should be comical... He can make you laugh, but you should never forget that he is someone to be taken seriously... no silly antics or cheesy would-be romance. Most of the humor in the movie should come from the protagonists, but Bowser can still have his moments.

You said both funny and threatening and mentioned Joker and Xykon... Good examples. However, if either of them had a cheesy crush on the protagonist's girlfriend, would you take them seriously?

I wouldn't mind seeing a movie which sets the premise for the games. I have a theory as to why Bowser repeatedly kidnaps peach.

The story starts like this - Bowser is the ruler of Mushroom kingdom. After years of dating Peach and Bowser are married with kids (lots of them as the game shows) and rule over the kingdom. Then while Bowser is out one day Peach seems to have some issues and calls a certain plumber over - Mario. When Bowser returns he is shocked to find that this "plumber" and peach are enjoying "some cake".

This discovery brings to light many problems within the relationship and causes Peach to file for divorce - but having a good lawyer leads Peach to getting the kingdom and getting rid of the kids that don't even look like her anyway. Seeing Mario as the reason behind his divorce and his throne being usurped he kidnaps Peach in hopes that his tricks and traps will kill him in an attempt to rescue her. He hopes that with Mario's death Peach will come back to him, letting him be king once more. The kids are eager to help in order to "bring Mommy and Daddy back together again!".

There are so very many things wrong with this...

What discussion of a mario movie could neglect to mention this video?

I believe it has been mentioned but just because that video is awesome, it doesn't make it the perfect Super Mario Bros movie. For one thing, it isn't true to the original games in any way beyond the character names and a few enemy type name drops.

2011-05-12, 01:06 PM
Is the twist ending that "the mushroom" is a drug-enhanced hallucination caused by Mario's dissociative identity disorder?

Because I'd watch that.


I believe it has been mentioned but just because that video is awesome, it doesn't make it the perfect Super Mario Bros movie. For one thing, it isn't true to the original games in any way beyond the character names and a few enemy type name drops.

Also: DK hitting Mario with a barrel.

I dunno, part of the reason it's so awesome is it does stay true to the original games, just with the setting redone. It's actually kind of compelling because of the complexities of the relationships of the various Mario characters that have sprung up over the years.

2011-05-12, 01:41 PM
Eh, I'm not saying it isn't good, just that I don't think a mafiaesque story about a drug war is true to the Mario games just because it is filled with references to the series.

Green-Shirt Q
2011-05-12, 03:01 PM
You said both funny and threatening and mentioned Joker and Xykon... Good examples. However, if either of them had a cheesy crush on the protagonist's girlfriend, would you take them seriously?

Why does the crush have to be cheesy? Don't you see anything serious about a giant, vile, killer, tyranical monster wanting your affection, and kidnapping you to get it?

I think if it was played with seriousness, it could probably be the scariest thing in the film.

Besides, even if it wasn't serious, there'd still be plenty of Bowser scenes that could be threatening to make up for it. He'd still be able to be taken seriously, because people wouldn't forget the horrible things he's done in the previous scenes. In fact, the audience might even feel bad for laughing with him in the comedic scenes because of how terrible he is.

I think an example to illistrate my point about how cheesiness and seriousness in a villain can come together in such a beautiful way is the current main villain from the TV series Chuck, Alexei Volkoff. He's probably the evilest, craziest mutha#$@# who ever lived, kills on a whim, and is established as one of the most bad@ss dudes in the show. Yet, he's funny and cheesy as HELL (examples include playing charades with the heroes, building an icecream parlor in his evil fortress-boat, and, ABOVE ALL, having a crush on Chuck's mom). Does this make it so we can't take him seriously? Heck no. He's all the scarier for his capacity to go from one extreme to another instantly. :smalleek: The point is, it can be done, and done well.

There's also the question of being true to the source material. Yeah, maybe a turtle/princess romance is a little cheesy, but it doesn't change the fact it's the fact behind Bowser's motivation. It's VERY important to the RPGs. It needs to be, at the very least, adressed. At the very least, faintly hinted at. At least once.

2011-05-12, 06:29 PM
If there was a live-action film made based one the Super Mario Brothers games, I'd like to see Ron Jeremy as Mario, so he (Ron) could get famous for something else than making "adult" films. After all, he has the looks.

Worst. Casting. Choice. Ever. :smallyuk:

2011-05-16, 07:52 PM


I stand by my original statement.

2011-05-17, 12:49 PM
Can we just drop that particular suggestion... Lets not forget that it sent the thread into a 4-day coma last time...

Green-Shirt Q
2011-05-17, 04:43 PM
Yes. Let's.

If it was live action, I can't imagine anybody who'd play him. Maybe Ricky Gervais, for some reason. I don't know why he came to mind. Don't ask. :smallconfused:

If it was animated, and Mario was voiced instead of being a silent protaginist, I'd probably go with Charles Martinet, the actual voice of Mario. For some reason, John Dimaggio also leaped to mind (OUTRAGEOUS!). If it was Charles Martinet, I'd prefer that he dial back the accent a lot for the movie. I mean, it gets kinda annoying when he voices Mario for an extended period of time longer then the regular "WHOHOOOS" and "HERE WE GO!"s of Mario's vocabulary. See for yourself! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFOLSTw7VZc)

H Birchgrove
2011-05-17, 10:02 PM
Deleted my posts.

Kris Strife
2011-05-17, 10:16 PM