View Full Version : Maps in pbp

Jukebox Hero
2011-05-08, 04:11 PM
I was just wondering if maps are a necessity in pbp gaming. I've dmed successfully over skype without using maps, but that was only because the players were able to ask question which would recieve prompt answers - something of an impossibility over pbp.

In short, how bad would it be to not have maps in a pbp game?

2011-05-08, 04:20 PM
It depends if it's very combat lite you could get away with it, but a map will make any combat run much smoother.

2011-05-08, 04:24 PM
You can have maps. Make something in your favourite paint program and and everyone downloads it and copy and pasts a marker onto the grid, detailing their position, this is updated eveby every player This will get image intensive, but a simple line drawn compresses pretty tightly in PNG or GIF format. To reduce the server load still further, everyone should delete their version once a turn is over, leaving only the most recent version.
Also, I hear there is dedicated programs for PbP that include a mapping function.

2011-05-08, 05:14 PM
I use Google docs these days.

Here (https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdDVnQ0tJT0g3aWQ3ZVJiRy03UHUxM Wc&hl=en&authkey=CJiCncQC) is an example of an old map.

2011-05-08, 05:16 PM
it's tough without some way of mapping. Just knowing where each PC is in relation to doors, BBEG's, etc. is much easier to do with some kind of map/graphic.

2011-05-08, 05:39 PM
I use Google docs these days.

Here (https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AnrwSTVjG0mhdDVnQ0tJT0g3aWQ3ZVJiRy03UHUxM Wc&hl=en&authkey=CJiCncQC) is an example of an old map.
Pretty much this. I used to do Excel and copy/paste screenshots, but Google docs made that obsolete in a good way. :smallsmile:

Jukebox Hero
2011-05-08, 09:50 PM
How would you put the google doc onto oots? The buttons confuse me and my technological ineptitude.