View Full Version : Drawings by Saeyan

2011-05-09, 02:43 AM
GDPR Removal Requested

2011-05-09, 09:41 AM
Yay, this means that you will post updates here right?

2011-05-09, 03:03 PM
That reminds me good old times of crack-pairing thread :smallsmile:.
I like your style of drawing, and the new picture of Vaarsuvius in the garden is simply awesome.

2011-05-09, 04:19 PM
Oh em gee SQUEEE!

Love the one in the garden and the one with Polozius/Zee! Especially that last one, because I could never get around to drawing the more obscure/secondary characters and you're doing a flaming job at it. Nice to see these things in colour, too. :)

2011-05-10, 07:59 PM
Yay, this means that you will post updates here right?

I suppose so. I've been thinking about drawing someone who's not V...but I can't decide on which one.

2011-05-11, 12:16 AM
I suppose so. I've been thinking about drawing someone who's not V...but I can't decide on which one.

Make Roy working out?

2011-05-11, 08:33 AM
You have very cute art and very nice colors! :smallredface:

2011-05-13, 10:10 AM
Glass Mouse responded to Garden Elf V with this:

V getting stung by a bee and swearing never to touch such "time-wasting nonsense!" again
And of course it was too good to pass up. But it seems sequential art just isn't my thing.


If confused by messy lines, this should make things clearer. Transcript:

Panel 1: (V stands in garden)
Panel 2: (V mops brow)
(Bee approaches with stinger extended)
Panel 3: (Bee stings V)
SFX: CHRK (I dunno, it sounds like a plausible mutant bee-sting sound...)
Panel 4: (V's eyes grow wide, flush appears on cheeks)
Panel 5: BOOM!
Panel 6: (V stands amongst smoldering ruins of garden)
Panel 8 (inset): (Ashes of bee smolder)

2011-05-14, 09:26 PM
I love your art, Saeyan. You're so talented. I also love seeing more fanart of Vaarsuvius. :smallbiggrin:

Glass Mouse responded to Garden Elf V with this:

And of course it was too good to pass up. But it seems sequential art just isn't my thing.

http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b229/krysjez/oots/erm-small.jpgHaha, that's fantastic! I think it turned out great!

2011-05-15, 02:16 AM
Try coloring it.

2011-05-15, 06:03 AM
You! I remember you!

Yay. :smallbiggrin:

I sing? I take photos sometimes?I demand you take a picture of yourself singing a song about V.

2011-05-16, 12:03 AM
You! I remember you!

Yay. :smallbiggrin:
I demand you take a picture of yourself singing a song about V.

Or filming?

2011-05-19, 11:07 AM
??? must be Sabine.

2011-05-20, 02:58 AM
Awesome. I love the soft and rough (makes sense, yes?) shading and brushstrokes on the robe and the hair... And what little I can see of the face looks very well-done to me. However, if the lighting is meant to be moonlight, the colour of the skin shouldn't look nearly so warm, and there should be some deep, all but impenetrable shadows present. Moonlight isn't generally bright enough to create decent refractory lighting. (Although technically this is fantasy and a different, fantasy world at that, so everything goes. ;P )

2011-05-20, 07:45 AM
And what little I can see of the face looks very well-done to me.
thanks! But if only you could see the rest of the face T_T

Although technically this is fantasy and a different, fantasy world at that, so everything goes. ;P )
The laws of optics remain the same despite V's insistence on shelving physics under 'fiction'. You are, of course, perfectly entitled to doing that (considering what I did in your thread!) and right on all counts.

My defence will be that the background was an icon texture I blew up and threw in there because white looked too boring and didn't show up ???'s dress properly.

refractory lighting
Did you mean: reflected lighting

2011-05-20, 01:51 PM
The laws of physics DON'T have to remain the same in this case above all others because the composition and size of our moon and thus the brightness of the light reflected by it are entirely happenstance. :P It would be perfectly plausible for a fantasy-world moon to shine more brightly by just, I dunno, being BIGGER, I suppose. XD

...and yes, I probably did mean reflected lighting. O_o

2011-05-24, 08:39 AM
The laws of physics DON'T have to remain the same in this case above all others because the composition and size of our moon and thus the brightness of the light reflected by it are entirely happenstance
But the light being reflected and all that is still due to physics. Yes but I get what you are saying :P

Not OOTS, but here's a little almost-tutorial about drawing stick figures that I made for Thanqol and first posted in his thread:


2011-05-31, 08:49 AM
That's right, it's a horse! a pretty badly drawn one too...

2011-05-31, 01:03 PM
I like it.

2011-05-31, 03:17 PM
*le gasp*!

Okay, the horse is dodgy. But V's pose and the colouring are just amazing, like straight out of a comic book or something. Squeee!

2011-06-06, 09:49 AM
thanks. I overdid the spot blacks on V's robe because I haven't got a clue about a) inking and b) drapery.

O mighty Kaytara, please share your equine-drawing wisdom with me!

2011-06-06, 03:21 PM
The horse isn't too shabby! You managed the hard part, which is making the rider look the right size. x) Nice background, too.

2011-06-08, 11:10 PM
O mighty Kaytara, please share your equine-drawing wisdom with me!

I shall try. :P

It's simple - not necessarily easy, but simple. You just lack knowledge of horse anatomy. Study horse anatomy the way you study humanoid anatomy, and then apply.

The horse in your picture is pretty good, except for the shading and the three-dimensionality, especially when contrasted against the excellent inking work on the rider.

Horses from above look like this: (left side, obviously :P)


They're very... barrel-y. Shade a horse's torso the way you would three consecutive spheres, with the middle one being the biggest. Really, the entire equine body is like that. Spheres upon spheres. They're very... curvy. Curvaceous, even. xD Look at some photos, particularly from in front and from the back, and you'll see what I mean. Even their legs are all curvy. When you're ready, move on to more refined things like muscles and stuff.

2011-06-14, 05:30 AM
thanks very much K!

I didn't know if I wanted to post this or not because it's not really the kind of thing people go for around here... but anyway


2011-06-25, 09:52 AM
changed the thread title because...well, it's the sad truth innit


I'm not quite sure what "V" is doing with hir arms...

2011-06-25, 12:40 PM
Aaah, I was afraid that this would happen. Now you're stuck with Horse! as your thread title because you waited for too long before changing it!

oh well, at least now people will know that you like horse :smallbiggrin:

and that watercolor drawing is gorgeous. I love watercolor, it might be my favouirte medium. I haven't drawn anything with it for years though...

2011-06-25, 10:57 PM
Now you're stuck with Horse! as your thread title because you waited for too long before changing it!

Oh no! Are you serious? Is there anyone I can ask to get it changed to "Drawings by Saeyan" just this once?
I don't like horses...not yet...

I love watercolor, it might be my favouirte medium.
I know! first paint I used, still my favorite. Sucks if you try to use it without proper supports though. BTW that is actually gouache, but I'm so used to diluting that it came out like watercolor.

2011-06-25, 11:00 PM
It is very beautiful. :smallsmile:

2011-06-30, 04:17 AM
Oh no! Are you serious? Is there anyone I can ask to get it changed to "Drawings by Saeyan" just this once?
I don't like horses...not yet...

I know! first paint I used, still my favorite. Sucks if you try to use it without proper supports though. BTW that is actually gouache, but I'm so used to diluting that it came out like watercolor.

Well, indeed the only ones who can change it are the mods now. Maybe you could ask one of them to change it?

2011-07-05, 09:26 AM
Lo and behold, it is changed! What a pleasant surprise to log back in to. I feel kind of silly for not thinking of that...

Now a question: which character to draw next? I'm thinking of an Azurite but not sure who exactly.

Also, do you prefer 100% manga style or this current cross-breed prouct of my transition to realism?

2011-07-05, 10:25 AM
Lo and behold, it is changed! What a pleasant surprise to log back in to. I feel kind of silly for not thinking of that...

Now a question: which character to draw next? I'm thinking of an Azurite but not sure who exactly.

Also, do you prefer 100% manga style or this current cross-breed prouct of my transition to realism?

Lien and cross-breed.

2011-07-07, 10:31 AM
someone who might be Lien in #709

Extra points if you recognize the pose.

2011-07-08, 04:27 PM
...I don't recognise the pose...

But it's wonderful! I lack - and envy - the ability to do things quickly and messily and still have them look coherent and amazing.

I think I like the face and the eyes best. Very... full of personality and thought.

2011-07-10, 03:34 PM
someone who might be Lien in #709

Extra points if you recognize the pose.

Why does she have that in front of her mouth.
And for the pose: the one on 709?

2011-07-20, 09:42 PM
the pose - no, though that's also an answer, I guess.

V doing something. From earlier in the year.


2011-08-08, 04:31 AM
I come bearing a picture of V! Put a little more effort into this one because I haven't posted for so long.

sorry i deleted it :(

2011-08-08, 07:40 AM

...Yeah, it's kind of telling that the moment I read "Dominated", my mind jumped to the Crack Pairings thread. XD

Love the expression. Very cheeky. :D And I think it's wonderfully drawn. Particularly the hair.

2011-08-09, 02:53 AM
Why did you delete it?

2011-08-27, 02:42 PM
Nice shading.
As for the joke:
*Throws myself on the floor, laughs maniacly*
*Stands up*
*Remember that i can´t read Chinese*

2011-08-27, 05:38 PM
I don't quite buy the center boob lines there, but that might be a stylistic choice. :smallwink:
(As far as the shoulder guards go... i suspect they need to be more plastic, to give the impression of actually being hard enough to protect your shoulders. Right now they look a bit clothy.)

... a pity i can't read chinese. ._.

2011-09-15, 08:27 AM
Sorry, been busy...
V's tat reads "wtf is this" because everything below their chins is drawn so poorly. Why is the book floating? Why is V reading a constructive anatomy text with magic circles in it? mysteries, mysteries

Domo: Thanks for calling me out and you are right on both counts. "Style" is not an excuse I can use yet.

2011-09-15, 08:42 AM
Okay V picture is back out from NDA ^_^

2011-09-15, 12:35 PM
Ha! It's such a cute idea. I'd thought that you'd make the kobold cuter though :smallbiggrin:

2011-10-13, 02:20 AM

I absolutely love this design. It just hit a lot of my weakspot, you know :smallbiggrin: .

2011-10-15, 02:03 AM
That Haley is quite nice.

2011-10-23, 08:44 AM
Thank you, Fri and Ninjaman. Fri, I plan to revise her design somewhat (but I have no idea what to do with her after that.)

ok let's see...I have some Pokemon fanart
And this borked little thing.

2011-10-23, 11:23 AM
I am amazed that she's even willing to hold that pokeball without worry of breaking her nail. :smallbiggrin:

2011-11-02, 09:28 AM
my economics notes made me do it

Also, Domochevsky - her Pokeballs are specially made to match her manicures, it would be a shame not to show them off.

2011-11-02, 10:09 AM
Ah, of course.

So studying causes people to propose marriage to you, hm? Eenteresting.
(Those were the days back then...)

2011-11-03, 04:21 PM
Great. :D Now post the ones of Blackwing in a hat and V and Belkar and heroism potions and Haley and V and ponytails and tears.

Yeah, I just randomly discovered your tumblr. You've been holding out on us!

Dark Elf Bard
2011-11-06, 01:10 PM
Saeyan, I have been a longtime fan of yours and I am BEGGING you for some Vaarsuvius x Zz'dtri loving. Possibiy a marriage scene????????


Dark Elf Bard
2011-11-11, 02:01 PM

I now worship Saeyan.
As for the marraige thing, what if whaen they get to Ivyleaf with the rest of the order, they decide to have a traditional elven wedding! (Story from Crack pairings)

2011-11-12, 02:24 AM
Glad you like :)
I still dunno about the marriage thing. The story was cute and cracky but when doing serious illustrations I like to make them at least a bit believable, and the idea of V having a whirlwind romance with Z, then going to Ivyleaf and getting married there is a bit too far off the scale. Maybe when Z gets more character development in the comic. We'll see.

Dark Elf Bard
2011-11-12, 10:40 AM
Alright. Hey, I copyed and pasted your thread link in your sig, but it didn't have the link anymore. HELp!! I want to link this thread in my sig but the link disappeared!

2011-11-13, 03:27 AM
Um I'm not sure what's causing that but the code in my sig is just:

[U RL="http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=10952081"]drawings by saeyan[/U RL]
Without spaces

Dark Elf Bard
2011-11-13, 05:03 PM
Fixed, thanks!!

2011-11-16, 08:13 AM
40 minute break from studying. Figuring trees out. Still don't get them.
This sketch comes with a process video on YouTube (hopefully it's useful for someone): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBASYXUcxwU

It is very beautiful!
Thank you very much. I want to try this very much! :smallsmile: :smallredface:

2011-11-30, 10:30 AM
posting this here because it has a V in the corner

2012-01-05, 08:38 AM
Yes. Wonder what's with Inky's expression?

Notice the placement of v's hand.

2012-01-07, 12:25 PM
Kyrie's expression: in my headcanon Kyrie fell for V first, then tried to hang out with/appeal to V more, so here is probably in the early stages of their acquaintance.

V's...hand? /confused

I livestreamed/recorded the process of making page 3 of my nuzlocke if anyone is interested: here (http://www.livestream.com/jessicayang/video?clipId=pla_12f5059b-104b-47f4-9e82-d11bb65d3d8c)

2012-01-20, 10:32 PM
Made a new signature image with this one too.
Unbeknownst to many, Ivyleaf is home to some of the finest blazer-makers in the world.


Dark Elf Bard
2012-01-21, 12:53 AM
Kyrie's outfit looks a little modern, but I LOVE IT!!!

Dark Elf Bard
2012-01-21, 12:54 AM
Hey, do you consider V and Kyrie a boy/ girl?

2012-01-27, 10:16 AM
Well I am fine with both of them being any gender really. My headcanon considers V to be androgyne and Kyrie to be either male/female (which exactly is flexible).

If you wanted a more specific answer, in my head usually I think of things in text rather than images, and V usually gets assigned a 'he' pronoun. Kyrie tends to be given 'she' but 'he' is not uncommon when I picture them.

btw thanks! I like Kyrie's blazer too :)

2012-02-06, 07:45 PM
I really like your style. And I assume V is your favorite character? :smalltongue:

Also, I love your Mary-Sue parody on your tumblr.

Do you take requests?

2012-02-06, 08:59 PM
COFFEE!! haven't seen you in a long time! (well, I've seen you about the forums, but not talked to you)

I really like your style. And I assume V is your favorite character?
Well no, actually my favorite is the Ancient Black Dragon, it's just a coincidence that 96% of my OOTS pics feature V :smalltongue:

Do you take requests?For you, yes :smallsmile:

Said Mary-Sue is below. Shield your eyes...

this is my original character sapphirecrystal meadow-rhodes-miyazaki, she is the secret 7th ordr of the stick member specialy recruted by roy when they were going to that country with all the blue people (whats’ it called again?????). her super power is that her hair changes color according to her mood, then it’s magical propertys also change, like when it is red, she can kick bad guys asses, when it is green, it cures all their injurys so durkon doesnt’ really have much use anymore! lol!! and because sapphirecrystal is ultra sweet and caring,they all like, really like her a lot, even belkar (he stops killing innocennt animals because she talked to him about it beacuse she is an ANIMAL LOVER? like duh!). also they are all secretley in love with her,but they dont’ know it yet, (later i’ll write some fanfics about they’re love triangles/love squares lol!!!)

2012-02-06, 09:13 PM
COFFEE!! haven't seen you in a long time! (well, I've seen you about the forums, but not talked to you)

Well no, actually my favorite is the Ancient Black Dragon, it's just a coincidence that 96% of my OOTS pics feature V :smalltongue:

For you, yes :smallsmile:

Hi to you too, Saeyan!


...Really? :smallredface: Thank you. I'm sorry if I sound like a narcissistic attention whore, but I would kinda like to see my Murphy's Law characters in your style. If it's not too much trouble, of course.

2012-02-06, 09:30 PM
Sure! But...which characters? There are so many...

2012-02-06, 09:47 PM
Sure! But...which characters? There are so many...

Whichever you want...Though I'd like to see Team Gale. Especially Serrin (with Fir) and/or Matt. Please. And thank you!

2012-02-06, 09:53 PM
Do you have direct links to a pic? (I'll need them pointed out...)

2012-02-06, 10:03 PM
You've never read the comic? Here's three (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/GenkiIfThereEverWasOne.png) links that (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/AdCampaign.png) should help. (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/NotSoMuchSingingAsScreaming.png)

Serrin's the half-elf wizard who might as well be the patron saint of sunshine and lollipops. Fir is her familiar, who has a higher Wisdom score than Serrin. Matt's the sarcastic rogue with the bow, red tunic, and dyed blue bangs tied up. Radic's the druid with the riding dog, green dress, and leather blue vest. Tinder's the green dragon in human morph, Janine's the dark-skinned cleric with the purple cape, and Lloyd's the paladin with the halberd.

Dark Elf Bard
2012-02-06, 10:22 PM
i likies your piccie!

Is V wearing...


2012-02-15, 09:08 AM
I just really want to see more of Kyrie in the strip again :smallfrown:

Probably not until the end. :smallfrown:

I really like V's robe. I guess (s)he was on vacation?

2012-02-15, 09:51 AM
I've been watching the thread for a while but I don't have a lot to say so I've not been saying stuff. :smallredface:

The V and Kyrie pic where Kyrie has a bazer on is really interesting - I like how it looks like Inkyrius is stepping out of the sketch and everything...

And the Mary Sue piece is pretty funny, I like how they've given the jelly bean shape body to Durkon (who I cannot draw either, except sorta in stick figure form) but not Haley. The written description should get a Pullizer prize or something... :smallbiggrin:

Aaaand the next piece is pretty funny too. The expressions and the outfits and everything are great, but I found myself being amused by the fact that Vaarsuvius's intricate work is just a bunch of tally marks (except without the fifth tally) which make perfect sense to him.
I mean, uh, him or her. ...Whichever V happens to be. I don't have a clear opinion either way... Honest.

Whichever you want...Though I'd like to see Team Gale. Especially Serrin (with Fir) and/or Matt. Please. And thank you!

Visual details specific to Serrin and Matt which don't (or usually don't) show up in the comic:
Serrin wears sandals.
Matt's blue hair is his fringe which is clipped up in those pictures with a lock pick, which is why it sticks up like that. He has worn it loose on one occaision in the comic and it just looks like a regular full fringe.

I mention it merely because I remember both points coming up when those characters were drawn in fan art in the past.

Dark Elf Bard
2012-02-15, 10:50 AM

...but why did you crosshatch his hair?

2012-02-15, 11:12 AM

...but why did you crosshatch his hair?

My guess'd be that it's 'cause that's how it was in the initial sketch, judging by the lines round the book which are still there. As to why Saeyan would have crosshatched the hair in the first place... My guess is that she was having trouble defining the scalp/hair shape; if you look at the lines at the top of the head they're kinda rough and repeated... filling the shape in would help to give it some body and make it easier to know if it's 'right': the direction of the hatching in the pony tail follows the general direction of the hair, for example.

Personally, I tend to struggle with knowing whether I've allowed enough room for a head under hair and if that head is vaguely the right shape for a head and whether or not the hair would be painted onto that head/ have about 800% more body than the fullest hair on earth. Heads are weird, man.

...Just convoluted guessing from a fellow curious person. I really like the textures of this piece and the way it looks like a doodle cut out and put up on a corkboard. Is it 100% digital or was the initial sketch scanned/ photographed? Feel free not to answer my nosy questions. :smallredface:

ETA: [Eleanor_Rigby] squints. I call 'scanned/photographed' I think I see pencilled course work in there. :smallbiggrin: Does that mean the corkboard is real too? :smallconfused:

2012-02-15, 01:10 PM
Very cute :smallsmile:

V's forearms look rather flat, and I'm not sure the perspective of the table matches V and Kyrie.

That said the colouring and shading is very nice and the pic almost made me squee. And I do not squee :smalltongue:

2012-02-17, 09:45 AM
I will respond later but this is just a post to let y'all know I'm livestreaming me starting a new picture of V (surprise) at www.livestream.com/jessicayang right now. for a lilttle while, then I have to sleep.

2012-02-17, 09:56 AM
[E_R tunes into livestream]

waaaaiiitttaminnit... I thought cintiq's were tablets? :smallconfused:

Ack, missing the video! :smallsigh:

ETA: [Eleanor_Rigby has just discovered the popout function and is feeling a little silly]

Livestreams are interesting but I don't think it'll be a while before I'd be confident enough to do one myself. So, props to you on that, Saeyan. It's very informative, watching another artist at work. :smallsmile:

2012-02-27, 05:29 AM
ok livestream hates me no stream for now


I really like V's robe. I guess (s)he was on vacation?
ah, don't mind the robes. I have a veritable wardrobe of robe designs for V which I pull out at random. Need to think of some for Kyrie (instead of stuffing them in blazers!!) and the rest of the Order though...

..but why did you crosshatch his hair?
What Eleanor said.

I call 'scanned/photographed' I think I see pencilled course work in there. Does that mean the corkboard is real too?
What? you can see the text? How?! It's a photograph (my scanner has been broken for almost two years) and it's actually just a piece of paper. The kind that is used sometimes as backing for cheap foolscap pads.

V's forearms look rather flat, and I'm not sure the perspective of the table matches V and Kyrie.
Right on both counts, thank you. I did a drawing of the person who sits opposite me at work right after reading that and noticed quite a few issues other than the ones raised. But it will take more reps for the pose to sink in.

Serrin wears sandals. Matt's blue hair is his fringe which is clipped up in those pictures with a lock pick, which is why it sticks up like that. He has worn it loose on one occaision in the comic and it just looks like a regular full fringe.
Cool thanks! I know how I want the Serrin picture to look in my head already but I am stuck getting a good pose. For Matt I'm still stuck. Group shot ideas?

2012-02-27, 11:29 PM
Mmm, Saeyan, do whatever you want; I know I'll love it! Hm, maybe Matt showing off his excellent freerunning skills (he's got max ranks or close in Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Jump, Move Silently, and Tumble) or failing hilariously at something, since he's got terrible luck.

2012-03-01, 07:30 PM
Hehe okay. My first try at an action pose will be Matt then.
Serrin is coming along. I can't get her face right. And I can't really draw cats either.

New Art

I'm super excited to finally be able to share this series of paintings from last year! They've been sitting on my hard drive for half a year. Have a look and tell me what you think :smallcool:

2012-03-02, 07:16 PM
That new art's pretty incredible, Saeyan. :smalleek:

It's hard to know what to say about the specifics of the collection though because it is clearly pretty personal stuff and also because some of my responses to it were pretty personal as well. They're really evocative pieces and you should be very proud of yourself for being able to pull them together. I'd really reccommend following those links and viewing all six pieces to anyone else following this thread because that artwork packs quite a punch.

The photorealism in places just makes me unspeakably envious as well, I'll admit. There are aspects of it that worked out better than others but even the bits that fell comparatively flat are more impressive than what I can generally do with a good piece so...
I pretend I don't do photorealism because if you want photorealism the best place to go seems to be a photograph, but if I'm totally honest I'd have to say that the amound of effort you need to put into it plays a big part as well. I don't think I have half the dedication to art that you seem to!

I totally wish I did though.
[pulls out sketch pad]

2012-03-04, 11:28 PM
Beautiful work Saeyan, very emotive and superbly executed. Since you asked what people thought they were about they seem to me to be works of either someone who lost a child or sibling, or who is going to pass away before a child or sibling grows up.

The only down side to any of them is that the text, particularly the bottle pic (#5), looks very much pasted on. The perspective on the bottle seems also to be done like through a fish-eye lens, but not the rest of the piece. And I felt really bad criticising it as the work is so well done :smallredface:

2012-03-05, 03:30 AM
Beautiful work Saeyan, very emotive and superbly executed. Since you asked what people thought they were about they seem to me to be works of either someone who lost a child or sibling, or who is going to pass away before a child or sibling grows up.

[SPOILER]If we're going to go with broad interpretations for the series as a whole, then my guess was that the recipient was adopted, but the sender still had some contact with them. So maybe adopted by a family member who lives further away? Then I thought about it and wondered whether I hadn't got the sender and the recipient the wrong way round, then I thought; well maybe if that's the case then the sender changes over the course of the series (the girl depicted wouldn't have sent the first two, for example). I wasn't sure whether it would be a parent child scenario or maybe a sibling one. I guess another connection could be godparent - I know from experience that those often don't have as much contact with the godchild as one or both parties feel they should... but by that token, the same could be said of grandparents, I guess. Or maybe even seperated parents?

The photos possibly take on a turn for the supernatural if you assume that the girl in the photos has been lost to death, but then the last one and 17 do have a vague supernatural bent to them anyway (17 seems to have a very subtle mermaid tail, the last in the series is flat out two different faces and kind of a stretch to take literally even with the make-up). Either you have the sad scenario where a portion of the photos are imagined or you have the sad scenario where they've decided to send a parcel for every year this lost child was alive and then they're inevitably going to run out of years. Of course with the latter idea I suppose a parent would be unlikely to live to post the last letter/photo/parcel... actually, I guess that could be true with the former as well if they did every single imaginary year.

The time span covered in this series made me give strong consideration to the theory that the sender and the recipients were contemporaries in age but it does have a strong parental feel to it so...

The theory about a terminal illness makes a lot of sense to me and it's not one I thought of myself because I'm a bit slow. Perhaps the terminal illness could be an explanation for an adoption having gone ahead? If one considers the terminal illness theory then there's a strong chance that the recipient died over the course of the series and the sender just carried on anyway, because it helped them cope.

I guess another theory to suggest then is literal role reversal of sender and recipient, as in the sender started the tradition and died or was otherwise incapacitated where upon the recipient took it up. I think the description just said 'every year she gets a letter' which strongly implies the same recipient througout but it's theoretically possible that the description could refer to multiple 'she's. If the original sender died, however, I guess maybe the recipient took on both roles after the death.

Long story short, it's a mystery to me. 15 strongly implies to me that there's contact outside of these letters/ packages: the sender knows about some sort of depression or period of sadness and low self esteem and they possibly know that the recipient wrote into an advice column, or perhaps the sender did so anonymously on the recipient's behalf. It wouldn't make sense to me for the sender to wait a year to respond to these problems if they typically only correspond once yearly. Maybe they meet up sometimes, maybe they talk on the phone or maybe the sender has contact with some people the recipient has more frequent contact with. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me to send someone one of their own school photos telling them to cheer up though, unless possibly just getting into the school itself is an achievement? Perhaps the school photo is of the recipient to indicate solidarity?
...15 was one of the ones that I identified with most strongly, emotionally, but if I were asked to explain that story completely to someone I doubt I could do it.

The only down side to any of them is that the text, particularly the bottle pic (#5), looks very much pasted on. The perspective on the bottle seems also to be done like through a fish-eye lens, but not the rest of the piece. And I felt really bad criticising it as the work is so well done :smallredface:

This wasn't a qualm I had, to be honest, although my idea of perspective is seriously borked anyway so... Mph.
I am a bit surprised at this comment though: one of the things I noted about it was that whilst all the lines were really neat and straight, the lettering does yield to creases and depressions in the writing, I'm not good with perspective and stuff so maybe you're right about (#5)(Not trying to pick a fight here, just curious. :smalltongue:) I thought the lettering was pretty impressive... as in eerily so.
The others were mostly on flat surfaces, I guess I'd have to check about the bottle piece - I was mostly distracted by the lovely ambient glow of the liquid's shadow/reflection on the bed-linen (which is almost always cotton, isn't it?) or whatever it was resting on, so if the lettering perspective was off I wouldn't have noticed. Some of the general prespective looked a bit weird on the bottle but then we don't know what shape the bottle was and it was at an angle. Could be off but I'm not sure. I was enjoying the lighting. My thoughts on that particular piece was that some elements in it didn't look like they'd had as much attention given to their texture as some of the other pieces got, a lot of things looked maybe a little smoother than they should, I'm thinking mostly of the bag here.

2012-03-05, 07:09 AM
[SPOILER]If we're going to go with broad interpretations for the series as a whole, then my guess was that the recipient was adopted, but the sender still had some contact with them. So maybe adopted by a family member who lives further away? Then I thought about it and wondered whether I hadn't got the sender and the recipient the wrong way round, then I thought; well maybe if that's the case then the sender changes over the course of the series (the girl depicted wouldn't have sent the first two, for example). I wasn't sure whether it would be a parent child scenario or maybe a sibling one. I guess another connection could be godparent - I know from experience that those often don't have as much contact with the godchild as one or both parties feel they should... but by that token, the same could be said of grandparents, I guess. Or maybe even seperated parents?

The photos possibly take on a turn for the supernatural if you assume that the girl in the photos has been lost to death, but then the last one and 17 do have a vague supernatural bent to them anyway (17 seems to have a very subtle mermaid tail, the last in the series is flat out two different faces and kind of a stretch to take literally even with the make-up). Either you have the sad scenario where a portion of the photos are imagined or you have the sad scenario where they've decided to send a parcel for every year this lost child was alive and then they're inevitably going to run out of years. Of course with the latter idea I suppose a parent would be unlikely to live to post the last letter/photo/parcel... actually, I guess that could be true with the former as well if they did every single imaginary year.

The time span covered in this series made me give strong consideration to the theory that the sender and the recipients were contemporaries in age but it does have a strong parental feel to it so...

The theory about a terminal illness makes a lot of sense to me and it's not one I thought of myself because I'm a bit slow. Perhaps the terminal illness could be an explanation for an adoption having gone ahead? If one considers the terminal illness theory then there's a strong chance that the recipient died over the course of the series and the sender just carried on anyway, because it helped them cope.

I guess another theory to suggest then is literal role reversal of sender and recipient, as in the sender started the tradition and died or was otherwise incapacitated where upon the recipient took it up. I think the description just said 'every year she gets a letter' which strongly implies the same recipient througout but it's theoretically possible that the description could refer to multiple 'she's. If the original sender died, however, I guess maybe the recipient took on both roles after the death.

Long story short, it's a mystery to me. 15 strongly implies to me that there's contact outside of these letters/ packages: the sender knows about some sort of depression or period of sadness and low self esteem and they possibly know that the recipient wrote into an advice column, or perhaps the sender did so anonymously on the recipient's behalf. It wouldn't make sense to me for the sender to wait a year to respond to these problems if they typically only correspond once yearly. Maybe they meet up sometimes, maybe they talk on the phone or maybe the sender has contact with some people the recipient has more frequent contact with. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me to send someone one of their own school photos telling them to cheer up though, unless possibly just getting into the school itself is an achievement? Perhaps the school photo is of the recipient to indicate solidarity?
...15 was one of the ones that I identified with most strongly, emotionally, but if I were asked to explain that story completely to someone I doubt I could do it.

Interesting interpretation, and you'd think given circumstances in my life are somewhat similar you'd think I'd have thought of it before you said it.

My main qualm with the critique was when something seems so personal saying 'hey, the text on the bottle is off' seems rather lame.

2012-03-10, 09:58 PM
My main qualm with the critique was when something seems so personal saying 'hey, the text on the bottle is off' seems rather lame.

Oh yeah, no, you're right there. This series kind of knocked me for six and I was terrified of saying anything about something that seemed as petty as a technicality with the art work. It seemed to me like this was a project that must have been stressed over and poked and prodded so much that the artist would be perfectly aware of any technical slip ups and they would already be glaring out at the artist anyway without me pointing them out. It's an enraging thing about art: no matter how long you spend on it, you're always going to know there's something that didn't come over on paper quite how it is in your mind. I read a reblogged thing from Neil Gaiman somewhere in a writing thread on this board the other day and he expressed that idea very well.

When you say 'the critique' you mean you're critique, right? That wasn't quite clear to me.
Anyway. Yeah, once you'd mentioned the stuff you had I was like: 'dur' of course that's a really good explanation. It's so personal and yet so easily personalised, this series of pictures. I see something new everytime I look back at it. Saeyan should be chuffed with it, I don't know if it's been graded yet or not, but I would be indignant if it had and it hadn't got a really strong mark. It deserves one and you'd have to be a bit mad, a bit bitter or incredibly stingy/restricted by a weird and secret marking schema not to give it one.

2012-03-27, 09:50 PM
ah, wow thanks guys :smallredface: I got an A, Eleanor (was really afraid of getting a C actually - with art it's either A or C pretty much), and the rest of my grades were pretty good as well really happy haha

watercolor, painted yesterday. I could have pushed the saturation more, my watercolors always turn out wishy-washy because I'm afraid to lay down color :smallannoyed:


Murphy's Law pictures
perspective for Art Upgrade

2012-03-27, 10:29 PM
Congrats, Saeyan! And I rather like the bamboo(?) in the picture, though the girl's feet seem off.

2012-03-27, 11:49 PM
Congrats, Saeyan! And I rather like the bamboo(?) in the picture, though the girl's feet seem off.
ah yeah, they're like trotters haha :smallcool: yep, it's supposed to be bamboo.

Glass Mouse
2012-03-28, 05:24 AM
Aw, that's really cute <3 Very calm and peaceful. Her arms may be a little long, but that doesn't destroy the overall drawing :smallsmile:

Dark Elf Bard
2012-03-28, 06:12 PM

Are you taking requests? Because I really like V and Kyrie...:redface:

Mina Kobold
2012-05-17, 03:30 PM
That is so adorable and silly that I can do nothing but smile. :smallsmile:

V's shoulders look a bit off, but otherwise it looks as great as ever. Particularly like the lighting. ^_^

2012-05-17, 03:44 PM
It is really cute. I hope that even if V and Kyrie don't get back together, they can at least reconcile.

Mina Kobold
2012-05-24, 02:43 PM
I know I already commented on DeviantArt, but I will repeat it here: Looks amazing! :smallsmile:

The anatomy seems fine enough to me, but I am not exactly an expert on that. ^_^'

The Asexuality Carpet looks very comfortable too, I wish I had one. ^_^

2012-05-26, 09:00 PM
It's 2 AM, you're forgiven. But where's my Serrin pic? :smalltongue:

2012-05-27, 10:12 AM
I love the idea of V getting bullied cutely at home and putting up with it patiently haha
(click to embiggen)

That must be one of the cutest pic you've ever posted here.

Dark Elf Bard
2012-07-11, 10:43 AM
Ha. He looks like a grandfather who's going to the gym to hang out with the "cool kids."

2012-12-05, 05:14 AM
It is nice to see Saeyan. Welcome back. :smallsmile:
Actually it was thought recently about Saeyan. Please take care and please do your best!

2012-12-19, 05:24 PM
Actually it was thought recently about Saeyan. Please take care and please do your best!
My only new art is in my nuzlocke thread, but I really just wanted to say Thank you so much
<3 <3

Lady Serpentine
2013-01-02, 08:26 AM
*Stares at the pretty pictures*

You wouldn't happen to take requests, would you? Because your style seems to be pretty much perfect for a character of mine...

Dark Elf Bard
2013-01-02, 02:50 PM
Yay! Saeyan's back! :smallbiggrin:


2013-01-07, 12:11 AM
Yes! I'm back! Hi!
Personal WIP:

No requests right now, but I'm opening commissions for a limited time (http://remiya.deviantart.com/#/d5q8cou).

I just biked 16km on hilly terrain. I am extremely unfit. How I did it I'm not sure exactly. But god the entire lower half of my body...sitting on my butt hurts, but I can't stand either...

2013-01-15, 07:27 PM
It's okay Saeyan, I can wait! Also, you go to Yale?

2013-01-21, 03:33 PM
I think it might actually be faster for me to just redraw your thing instead of try and find what I had...also yes I do. I have some new photos of school actually, from last week when there was pretty heavy mist, but I haven't worked on editing those yet.

I have too many tragic headcanons about these two that are often closely linked to how I felt/feel about my ex:

"Sometimes at night, lying alone in a bed that's too empty, listening to the children's soft breathing, Inkyrius remembers, and wonders if any of it was ever fully true."

Overly detailed headcanon: yes, but Kyrie will never know, and V isn’t quite sure of it either. they’ll talk about it one day if V hasn’t been killed, and neither will be able to explain anything without getting angry, and they will play with the children instead; that night V goes to the master bedroom out of nostalgia. the old double bed has been retained for the children to snuggle with Kyrie when lightning and thunder strike. something happens and they probably end up either snuggling in silence, or V leaves for good, I haven’t figured this part out yet.

Arms kind of wonky on this one, but my excuse is that it was just an experiment in 'look'.

2013-01-21, 04:12 PM
It's okay, Saeyan, and I also hope V has some sort of reconciliation.

2013-02-14, 11:18 AM
Valentine's Day.