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2011-05-31, 02:55 PM
They were going to hit Jerusalem.

A hush settled over the crowd. They would have turned the Dome of the Rock into a zombie's playground. No. This is unacceptable. We have to... hang on. There's going to be a speech.

Mr. Sufe, his normal neat suit carefully bulked out by a bulletproof vest, stands in the middle of what is recognizable to some as the heart of Damascus. Today is a day of bittersweet victory. Today we have liberated another nation, called out another group of freemen from the boot of tyranny. The main Syrian armed forces have been defeated. The Alliance will administer elections as soon as viably possible. Rejoice, Solaris, for we have won.

However, our enemy proved his true colors today. Faced with the inevitable, he lashed out, and provided SCUD launchers to a terrorist group, and directed them to strike at Cairo, Jerusalem, our brave soldiers, and Tel Aviv. Then he heaped infamy upon infamy, for he armed these missiles with a true coward's weapon, the Z-Virus. A joint Israeli-Solarian strike, backed by Underground intelligence, were able to stop three missiles, but not the fourth.

Solaris, Israel, humanity. At this time, in this place, our struggles must transcend the petty wars of the past. We are brothers now, free and human and alive and betrayed and assaulted together. This land is holy, this land must be free, and safe. It is time the Alliance took over the administration of the West Bank and Gaza, and helped our Palestinian cousins hold free elections. It is time for Solarian troops to once again defend Jerusalem and the Levant from a horrific invader. To this end I offed the government of Israel the full weight of the Solarian military, to use as he wishes against this terrible threat.

Last, I address the world stage. The doctrine for deterrence must hold. The Alliance lacks, and has no desire to acquire, the capacity to respond in kind. So we ask the world this; like for like, death for death. No power should do what has been done today with impunity.

distant quasar
2011-05-31, 03:14 PM

RISCA, Japan, China, Australia, Emanations of Sancrosti (RISCA's esp)
Our recent attack on the Great Hunt went surprisingly well. They are weak and disorganized now. If we can organise an attack force together, we can wipe them out once and for all.

2011-05-31, 03:14 PM
Emanations of the Sancrosti

We are still unable to find the Naga and so have been unable to turn the full furry of our might upon them. We do however have a powerful weapon at our disposal capable of causing massive destruction to anomalies. Who most requires our one use of it?

2011-05-31, 03:20 PM
Consensus of the Council on the Matter: The Great Hunt is reeling, perhaps a strike now would put them down for the count.

Otherwise, the demons of South America could use a good pasting. We'd recommend zombie killing as well, but we're likely a bit of a biased source. (Anyone nuking any zombie aligned facilities would, however, as of that last speech, have our blessing. No First Use of WMD's is no longer an issue.)

The Lycan's are, for now, disreputable but acceptable. (Also, lawl, full furry of your might.) We'd prefer it if they ceased to pursue their Lycan-as-first-class-citizen-human-as-second-class, but so far, a group that should be treated fairly. These Anubis folks have apparently eaten our diplomats, but not the Coalition's so... that's something. The other rift, is meanwhile just straight up eating people. So if you wanna turn it on that, we won't mind.

Edit: Right, Nazi Zombies. Kill them to.


2011-05-31, 03:30 PM
EU to Sancrosti

We require aide with the Anomaly forces that have taken control of the nation of Germany, however we do not wish to endanger the lives of innocents who may not have been able to leave the nation.

2011-05-31, 03:38 PM
Mashimoto (GM)
My superweapon, we are still going with the it can be tunned thing right? Could I tune it to not harm humans? I thought it already did that but I just wanted to be sure.

2011-06-01, 03:46 AM

Renegades, The Illuminated Emanations of the Sanscrosti, Japan and China
Greetings, It is time to finally eliminate the Hunt. The Renegades have struck already, and should have provided safety for Japanese and Chinese forces to reach the ocean, merge, and move in. If the Emanations would provide artillery support, then we are sure things would go fully well for our side. We will be providing additional infomation about their battle plans as we gain it. Can we expect everyone's full assistance at this late juncture?

distant quasar
2011-06-01, 02:44 PM

RISCA, Emanations, Cina, Japan
You will of course have our support. We also reccomend the Hunt for the Sancrosti's superweapon they speak of.

Kommisar Engel
2011-06-02, 12:01 PM
Empire of the Rising Sun

A Japanese naval strike force armed with the latest in beam technology is assembling at Okinawa. Upon receiving the command, the navy will depart to the south to aid in any action against the the Hunt.

To RISCA, Renegades, The Illuminated Emanations of the Sanscrosti, China, and GM
Deploying ++++ Military to assist in the bug extermination

2011-06-02, 12:14 PM
Illuminated Emanations of the Sancrosti

As before the vast geomantic energy of the island of Atlantis was brought together in a single point.

In Indonesia, at the largest concentration of Hunt Bioforms, at the place where the guiding intelligences and breeders, were something happened...

There was a great and terrible stillness.
There was a great and terrible noise.
There was a great and terrible stillness.

We will contribute what military forces we can, but are currently involved in the final extinction of the Great Hunt.

2011-06-02, 02:07 PM
The Followers of Anubis deny that they are responsible for the disappearances in northern Africa. The Solaris Alliance has noticed roving bands of Anubis warriors scouring the desert.

Southeast Asia
The region collapses almost overnight as major cities in Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand are besieged by swarms of giant insects. Thousands of locusts, three-meters across each, descend on cities and feast on vegetation and flesh for hours before vanishing back into the jungles from which they came. Huge swaths of missing jungle help identify the locations of the swarms, but they have vanished again by the time local military arrives.

The military of the Peoples Republic of China is scrambling from the coast to the southern border, and the Chinese are forced to withdraw their commitment against the Grand Hunt.

New Anomaly Faction
Southeast Asia
Giant swarms that flood the sky, blocking out the sun, long enough to devour almost everything in their wake before scuttling off again to the distance.
Military: +++++
Economy: ++++
Evolution: ++++
Espionage: 0/++++
Order: +++
Anomaly Opinion: ++

New England
A thick fog has spread across New England, from Nova Scotia in Canada to the North to Massachusetts in the south. The mist rolled in like a wall, and besieges the cities and small communities. So far, a handful of deaths--mostly traffic related--have been reported.

The Fourth Reich has begun deploying gas weapons to the front lines. Artillery-powered gas canisters spread a deadly poison across the last vestiges of the German military, solidifying Reich control of the fatherland.

The Saskatchewan police is reporting disappearances from the frozen north. Thousands flee south in fear.

2011-06-02, 02:13 PM

Massive fans are set up along the border of the Fourth Reich, to blow the gas back towards Germany. Meanwhile, a message is sent into Germany telling it's citizens (and undead nazi bastards) to either surrender or face complete destruction.

2011-06-02, 02:46 PM
Camaradas de Armas
Widespread protests, led mostly by the religious movement, urge the government to advance against the Legion more aggressively.

Zombie swarms from Ecuador move into Colombian territory, where Colombian drug lords struggle to maintain order while also keeping the civil war in Venezuela from spilling over.

2011-06-02, 02:59 PM

World Announcement

The European Union is proud to announce that, today, they have made the first steps towards eliminating the problem of Mutually Assured Destruction. A highly advanced nanobot, dubbed 'Ambrosia', has been developed to clean radiation from both organic and inorganic materials. Offers are being made to nations to produce this nanobot for them, for the prevention of nuclear strikes.

2011-06-02, 05:18 PM

To GM Only

I'd like a + of my Z-s in Australia to star washing up on the shores of New Zealand. I won't be able to move the entire force quickly, but it also would mean, they'd have to mantain constant watch over the shoreline.

(Z-s don't swim, but they don't drown).

2011-06-03, 05:12 PM

On Atlantis Island, HARP agent Rodney McKay was busy. Lines of cables ran from the small metal outpost that they had set up, a relay station to the satellites that HARP had access to. These cables ran into the strange 'defense' guns that the Sancrosti had, uploading the complex targetting data into the guns. He was able to translate some of the data stream coming in from the weapon to workable code, and from there upload the information from the targetting relays.

He ran into the command room, sweat dripping from his head. Why did it have to be so damn hot? "Alright. Uh, we should have a strong upload to the NATO satellite system. They'll be looking over Berlin within the next... Four hours?"

2011-06-03, 05:20 PM

Samuel of the silver was working as a coordinator and liaison.

"We shall have to thank the Japanese for working on this interconnection system. I must wonder, aren't you Canadian? How did you end up with HARP?

Also, remember, these guns have not yet been upgraded with the new tuning feature. Please prioritize targets as you would with conventional artillery."

2011-06-03, 05:47 PM
"Uh, well, funny story actually. Heheh, it seems that you can't get fired for knowing more than your superior officer, but they can sign you up for an agency on the other side of the world. Not that I don't find HARP an interesting uh, experience, but I would prefer to be somewhere a bit um.. Warmer." He was typing into a datapad as he spoke, which might explain his odd talking habit, "Alright, I have set up a map of the largest concentrations of the Nazi Zombies located inside of Germany. Shall we, uh, call down the thunder?"


Using my Espionage to lock onto the largest areas that the zombies are located and send the information to the Sancrosti.

2011-06-03, 06:45 PM
Outside Ammasalik, Greenland

Aaron strummed the three chords he knew on his acoustic guitar while his girlfriend layed out on the grass, enjoying what few rays of sunshine managed to enter Greenland in the summer. His parents, investment bankers, had been able to afford passage out of Britain when the rockets were flying and tickets to Greenland were tens of thousands of euros apiece.

His girlfriend--native Greenlander--shot up suddenly, pale arms wrapped around paler legs.

"Do you really think," she began. "Do you really thing this is the end?"

Aarons fingers stalled on the guitar, and he rose his eyes to hers. He could see tears welling in her too-blue eyes.

"Nah," he said eventually. "Everything's going to be alright."

Immediately behind him and a few miles above his head, the sky rippled with a massive, thunderous crack. The clouds shot like bullets towards a singularity in the sky, and then a resonating crash shattered all glass within five hundred miles. Aaron and his girlfriend were killed instantly when their eardrums exploded and their brains were whipped to mush.

A flash of light burned shadows into the charring ground. Hurricane winds whipped entire cities off their foundations as a thick, bloody tear ripped in four dimensions across the sky.

[Radiation seeps from the chasm, blowing in clouds towards Europe and into North Africa]

The Commonwealth loses + economy.
the EU loses - economy.
The Solaris Alliance loses - economy.

New Anomaly!
Chasm. A Chasm is like a rift, only...bigger. Much, much bigger. Thousands of miles across, a chasm is a blasted hell-scape where the laws of this universe cease to apply fully, or at all.

United States
A great panic fills the United States, as reported incidents of Z-Virus infection ripple throughout all corners of the country. The infection is eventually traced back to tainted meat.

The United States loses + economy.
Z-Virus gains +- military in United States.

The Union of Soviet Socialist Lycanthropes blames the chasm on some kind of nuclear incident caused by the Americans and calls for an immediate removal of The Sword government from power. Coupled with the chaos from the zombie outbreak and massive widespread food shortages, protests quickly develop into riots and outright confrontation.

The Second American Civil War has dawned.

2011-06-03, 06:51 PM

Across Europe, planes and trucks were being loaded. Aluminum canisters, carrying a precious cargo of the scrubber nanobots. The planes began to take off, heading into the stratosphere, to deploy the canisters and the nanobots into the winds. The trucks, meanwhile, were headed for major cities and the coast, to stop the radiation before it did too much damage.


I despise you :smalltongue:

Deploying all available stocks of the scrubbers across Europe.

2011-06-03, 07:41 PM
The Fivescore Fellowship

02 stood, at the top of the skyscraper that served as the Fellowship's base in *Redacted*. He closed his eyes. Suddenly, he moved his hands and feet into a strange stance. Moving faster now, he became a blur, as the energies of the unvierse bent round him.


2011-06-03, 08:25 PM
Sam was about to say something when he stopped and looked north.

"May their spirits be refreshed. Grant peace to those who must and endure and strengthen them, for those tasks yet undone...

McKay, this has taken on a second purpose. A twenty one gun salute seven times seventy times repeated."

From the high inclination of the guns mighty columns of fire and light rose up. They were like a cathedral of light, fitting considering the last organization who had tried to produce a similar effect.

It was slow at first, but gradually picked up. It started to hit in a few places, then many. On that day, the sky rained fire. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABWX6n97S2Y)

2011-06-03, 08:49 PM
The Holy Rose

Minds are fascinating things, truly astounding. For instance, the average mind never has access to the foundations of its sense, trusting to the processes that lurk on the boundary between brain and mind to feed it information. Ultimately, no matter what a mind does, seeing is believing. Seen in that light, it was merely a trick of believing harder, and this man could believe harder than all the world if he tried. A few thousand zombies didn't even bring a sweat.

With him came a crate, labelled in bright colours, which he believed was immune to gravity. He knew, of course, that he was wrong, but he believed that it floated with him, and so it did.

If any eye could see without input from the mind, it would have seen a tall figure in a robe, with a brightly coloured box floating along behind him. If it could read as well, it might have noticed the words written on the crate.

But no such eye existed, or was ever likely to, so the man strode into Berlin unheeded, the crate gently gliding behind him. As he moved, now, the lid sprang off, and the apparatus inside began to assemble itself. By the time the man paused, an extremely intricate device had arisen from its interior.

The man turned, and with a gesture believed that the fuses were lit. They burned brightly, in that unlit piece of hell on earth, and it was only by a miracle that they went unseen.

The man smiled. Miracles were second nature to him by now.

Suddenly, the fireworks leapt into the sky, five, ten, a hundred, more. By rights, they should never have fit into that crate, but why should fireworks be different than bread? Both served their purposes when they needed to. As the sky began to fill with a massive, blazing cross, the man's smile faded, and he spread his arms and believed.


2011-06-04, 03:32 AM
Undisclosed Location, 11.32 PM

''You have seen the news?''
''The Sword is done for. And it was much faster, then we expected.''
''We really have the devil's luck on our side.''
''You have no idea.''
''Will you be returning Doctor?''
''Yes, I don't think you'll need me here for much longer. But I think I'll make a slight detour first.''
''Something new has come up?''
''Yes, a new idea. I'll also need Trent to play an ambassador.''
''You are going to contact them?''
''Yes. We will need their help, if our plan is to succeed. Anyway, in a months' time everything will be far easier. Great Hunt and Fourth Reich has bought us enough time.''

Doctor Qusling put on his light jacket, before opening the door to the street. He stopped stared at the sky. It was beautiful.

UZSA, All States except Hawaii

The civil war raged. Various factions bled their men, spent their ammunition and ate their last scraps of food. But one faction was gaining numbers. One faction didn't waste ammunition. One faction didn't need to eat. Their victory was going to be only a matter of time.


''Uncle Z-am Needs You. Join UZSA Army.''

A non-descript man to Russian Federation (Esp. +++++ ++-)

У меня есть предложение для господина Путина, которое может сильно повлиять на судьбу Российской Федерации.
(I have an offer to Mr. Putin, that might greatly affect the fate of the Russian Federation.)

I'll include my message in EoT.

2011-06-04, 11:07 AM
Global Food Riots

With the disruption of the United States federal government, already existing food shortages have been made painfully apparent. Shortages have led to riots in many countries.

[All nations with less than +++ econ lose - order. Per turn.]

Food shortages, coupled with ineffective response to the Solaris-Israel invasion of Syria and decades of oppression have transformed widespread Iranian protests into violence. Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has begun openly firing onto crowds outside the national capitol.

2011-06-04, 10:29 PM

A woman appears, having calmly bypassed the Hunt's guards. It's unsure how she did that, but she did. Perhaps she parachuted in - but then, you would have expected someone to see. But then again, the Hunt has never been particuarly observant. There are ways. To tell the truth, it's not impossible that a guard sold out. After all, morale has been dropping after the recent defeats.
But that's beside the point. Somehow a woman dressed in a black suit is standing next to the Primal Voice. with a knowing smile on her face. In the moment of shock before the guards around can react, she speaks, and such is the magic of her voice - is it magic, or simply incredibly practised charisma? - that they hear her out.
"Hail, Primal Voice. You know the grimness of the situation you are in. I come bearing a message. If you will turn your focus from humans, then we can arrange for them, in turn, to spare you. We can provide you with targets to hunt, of course. In South America. If you turn your gaze from the Pacific and strike - with our assistance this time, instead of against us - the abominations known as The Legion, then I can gurantee your safety and survival. Are you willing to take this offer, Primal Voice?"

2011-06-04, 10:35 PM
The Underground

United States(GM)

If I'm not getting no election victory, then I'm at least stealing what esp I can by taking with me all the data (and willing officials) from government intelligence agencies and the like I can.

Meanwhile, I'll again be trying to organize people to resist the zombies and not fight amongst themselves.

2011-06-04, 11:25 PM
Grand Hunt
You come here and tell me to make more enemies? Promising safety to the perfect being? I laugh at you, you hmans are all arrogant and weak. We will not be your pets, leave, we will solve our own problems. Adversity is nothing new to us. We will overcome.l
The large, fierce form of the voice flexes and the other Hunters growl angrily.
We do not appreciate your time. We will take our chances.

Imperial Psycho
2011-06-05, 05:30 AM
Commonwealth of Nations
A large part of the Commonwealth Armed forces is deployed to Canada, leaving mostly naval and air forces, and a Home Guard.

To the EU
I don't suppose we can get access to those scrubbers? We were the worst hit, after all.

Have my forces stationed at the rift seen any activity?

(++-) mil deployed to Canada to join the (-) stationed there.

2011-06-05, 06:29 AM

''Congratulations, Gentlemen. Operation Munchies was an astounding success. But this isn't the endgame. This was an opening move, that gives us all the opportunities we need. Now is the time to step up our efforts, if we wish to prevail.''

''The operation Munchies should continue. We can't let our adversaries to catch their breath. The operation Salvation has been approved and should produce results soon. The preparations for operations Phalanx are almost finished. And of course our future is with the NP Project.''

''Let us toast to the success of all of our endeavours. Let the next months be as productive, as these ones.''

To GM Only

Well, you've heard Commonwealth (unless it's a clever misdirection). If they send most of their forces to Canada, New Zealand should be open for my grabbing and biting.

(OOC - Not very inspired, but I didn't want to post just GM only message.)

distant quasar
2011-06-05, 08:35 AM
Renegades to Great Hunt
"We urge you to consider the RISCA's offer. If you turn your attentions to fighting those who deserve, it, you can e assured that we will no longer trouble you. It is not to late for us and the human's to stop this war against you. But if you refuse this offer, you have our assurance- you will be wiped out."

2011-06-05, 09:44 PM

The woman shrugs, and replies.
"If you reconsider, send a message. If not...
And then, she is gone. Nowhere in particular, just gone. It is as if she had never been there.

To Japan, the Renegades
We tried. Our consciences are assuaged.
RISCA will provide elite forces on the ground, and infomation, if you can follow it up otherwise. Moving together, we have roughly a three:one majority. We should be able to complete this within the month.
Shall we finish this, gentlemen?

RISCA declares it's extension into the realms of Aid, and has mass purchased a large number of cargo ships. As the first major action of these ships, they pick up food in the areas still producing well and ship large quantities of food into North Africa.
Transfering - temp econ to Solaris to avert food crisis.

2011-06-06, 12:02 PM
Part Four
September-November 2013
Humans Alive: 89%

Rift opens near Indonesia
Three rifts open in the Greenland Chasm Area.

As Limpeza troops enter the Venezuelan capitol, the government is overthrown by the war. Much of the military deserts its posts or escapes on government ships across the Atlantic ocean. The Venezuelan Refugee Fleet, as they call it, is seeking either asylum or a safe place to harbor their ships.

The Syrian government is transferred over to a temporary military tribunal presided over by former resistance leaders while democratic elections are prepared. Syria joins the Solaris alliance during the interim period.

Civil war has broken out in Iran. While, yes, there was an internal movement, most analysts insist it could not have developed into war without outside interference. The Iranian government is taking nothing into consideration except maintaining power, using aircraft and heavy armor assets to slaughter crowds an enforce a strict curfew every night. Citizens caught on the street during the night are presumed guilty and arrested. Resistance to arrest is considered act of war.

United States
Spoiler is flavor. All can read.

Sacremento California, 0400 Hours.

Smoke and gunfire. Smashed windows and blaring car alarms. Zack had found California the same way a freight train might find a stalled car on the tracks. The president was off in a bunker somewhere, surrounded by distanced Generals, and barking orders like a madman while the country went to hell.

The small column of Humvees smashed through the already-fallen police barricade. The 50-cal machineguns on top hadn't been changed since deployment, and they were still loaded with armor-piercing shells that blasted zack into swiss cheese. It wasn't hard to tell if you'd hit the head or not--either there was a head left, or not.

The governors mansion had thick gates , but they were no match for the armored grills of the Humvees or their growling engines. Soldiers piled out, rifles in hands, and kicked down the door of the mansion when nobody answered. They raced to the bedroom upstairs, where they found the governor in his desk with a bullet through his head. Cold fingers gripped a revolver.

The commanding soldier, a Lieutenant, shook his head and gave the hand signal to leave. As they boarded their humvees, a military helicopter descended on the front lines, and two soldiers climbed out, followed by a giant of a man in a a suit. He had a massive, square jaw, and every soldier recognized him when he pulled off his sunglasses.

"Arn--" the Lieutenant said. "I mean--former governor Schwarzenegger?"

He coughed and spoke in his grave Austrian drawl.

"Yes. Where is Governor Brown?"

"Dead," the lieutenant said. "Shot himself. "You gotta get out of here, president sent orders to firebomb the city. There'll be jets in the air any minute."

"No there won't," the former governor said, casting a look at the governors mansion. The lieutenant gave an incredulous look. Schwarzenegger continued. "I've spoken with General Baker. The government back east has gone mad. We don't answer to them any more."

"But--that's treason!"

"Perhaps," Schwarzenegger said as sirens blared past the mansion. "But this is America, and Americans don't bomb their own cities. At least not on this side of the Mississippi."

Former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has organized the governors of many states to cede legally from the Union as The Swords militant response to the zombies carries out of hand with its widespread dissent. Declaring himself President of the confederate states in the New American Republic, President Schwarzenegger presides over a board of several state governors and their respective military forces west of the Rocky mountains.


USSL troops swarm across the bearing straight on recommissioned Russian warships and aircraft carriers. A quick bombing campaign of military outposts followed by a ground invasion to seize the pipeline and ANWAR oil assets. The premier of the USSL declares that this move was preemptive, to prevent the "disruption or destruction" of energy resources in the ensuing war. The USSL remains neutral on the war.

Negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians have officially begun, presided over by the Solaris Alliance.

Argentina has been absorbed into the Limpeza Chama.

Colombia has been overrun by marauding hordes of Zombies. The drug lords previously keeping order have used their connections and money to flee and take refuge on the Venezuelan fleet.

Atlantis has expanded. Slight tremors marked the Atlantic region as fertile lands rose from the depths of the sea to join the island.

Commonwealth of Nations
Your research facilities at the south pole are requesting immediate military evacuation. Supply ships have not been reaching their destination, and supplies are low.

War on Grand Hunt
The Japanese and Renegades launch a joint taskforce against the Grand Hunt, entrenched on their radiative islands.

The strike does +++- damage to the Grand Hunt.

The Hunt, entrenched and fighting for its very survival, deals ++- damage to the Renegades and ++ to the Japanese.

Southeast Asia
Border clashes with the Locusts devastate the Chinese military. The Locusts will soon overrun the border.

As Camaradas troops watch South America devolve into chaos across deeply entrenched lines, hostile ships sailed in the dead of night. Through bribes, guile, misdirection, and lies--Legion forces have completed a long-held goal of circumnavigating the Camaradas blockade.

On the east coast of Mexico, Legion Overlords strike with deadly precision at the grainbelt of the region, burning fields and firebombing factories. Caught unawares, local police struggle to resist the invasion. On the west coast of Mexico, freighters smash into dockyards, delivering their payload--the bulk of the Legion--which begins to spill down the coast of Mexico, leaving a path of destruction and slaughter in its wake.

Finally--to the horror of sailors--wild attacks by tentacled dragons and snapping jaws of a hundred-thousands teeth begin to assault ships in the Carribean region. The Naga have returned.

The surprise attack deals + military, +- economic, and + order damage to the Camaradas.

Solaris Alliance
Mr. Sufe entered his office after another long day of travel. He had just returned from a refugee camp where he had been photographed in front of a recently build soccer field. A soccer field surrounded by a thousand tin-roof shacks--what a joke--but the soccer field made it into the newspapers, and that was what mattered.

He bid the soldiers accompanying him farewell and stepped into the office.

Standing at the other end of the room, a tall man, almost naked, and practically blending into the shadows. Mr. Sufe stepped forward several feet with the light on before he noticed the intruder, and froze in his steps. Shocked, he turned round to run to the door or shout for his guards but, to his horror, the almost-naked man was now standing on front of the door, not the slightest hint of emotion across his face.

"There will be no need for that," the man said. "Please, sit down, we have much to discuss."

Upon sitting, the man begins to speak.

"I am lucky to have made it here. Those desert Jackals are hunting us down like dogs. But it is important that I have come--for this world, and many others, are in grave peril.

"Your neighbors to the south have signed a deal with, as you might call it, the devil. The Followers of Anubis are a dangerous cult bent on summoning a monster so great as to make all on Earth today seem trifles. They have embedded themselves with your neighbors, we fear. The Anubites must be stopped at all costs, as well as any government harboring them.

For want of a better term--you may call me a Follower of Set."

New Anomaly Faction

Followers of Set
A counterpart to the Jackal-headed Followers of Anubis. A race of humans, though perhaps larger than ordinary humans of the day, who inhabit the deserts of Northern Egypt and are at war with the Followers of Anubis.

2011-06-06, 12:10 PM
Solaris to Set, Sufe's private office. You no lookie:

Sufe sits himself down, pat the silent alarm for forms sake (he seriously doubts it had been over looked) and opens a bottle of whiskey. Would you like some? I was planning on having this last me through the Israeli negotiations but I can always open another. For his part he pours a criminally small amount, grimaces at it, and then downs it. So are you the reason my people have been disappearing, or the other reason my people have been disappearing.

Disregard EoT re: Anubis until this kerfuffle settles itself.

2011-06-06, 12:15 PM
Set to Solaris
The man flicks his wrist and a glass of deep red liquid appears in his hand. He drinks, but does not sit.

"We have had to keep our presence here...somewhat hidden. The Anubites send continuous raiding parties against us, and we are doing everything we can to hold them off. When, as it unfortunately happened, citizens of your Empire saw our skirmishes, we were forced to take action. It is something we feel deep regret towards. We are still learning the customs of this world--our cultural ignorance was our greatest fault.

"But this was but a handful of times. As to the majority of the disappearances...we believe the Anubites have not satiated their blood-lust with the Coalition tribute and are expanding. We must--I cannot press the importance of this-- stop their ritual at all costs."

Kommisar Engel
2011-06-06, 12:18 PM
Empire of the Rising Sun

To China
We are sending in some of our troops to aid in your defense against the locust plague, if you're willing to accept them.

2011-06-06, 12:37 PM
Limpeza Chama

To Venezuelan Fleet
Do not be afraid of some retribution from us. We never wanted to depose you or put on trial. You have done nothing wrong. The people simply wanted us to help and we obliged them. We didn't want to displace, quite the opposite. We want you to join us in our holy crusade.

Now is not the time to be fleeing. South and Central America are in dire need of assistance. If you seek refuge elsewhere you will leave thousands of your own brethren behind. Come back and join us in this fight. Together we can overcome this new Legion assault.

Will you run and leave all your comrades behind. Leave the people you have sworn to protect. Or will you return and fight the good fight. Elsewhere you would simply be refuges, a drain on the resources of the good folk who would take you in and have their own troubles. Here you could make a true difference.

2011-06-06, 02:28 PM
Outside the All Alliance Courthouse:

This is Yasmine el Tayib reporting on the first day of trials here in Alexandria. Already some shocking revelations, high level officials in collusion with terrorists, handing them the advanced missiles systems they needed to launch biological warheads provided by a third party. Details have been sketchy so far in the proceedings, but so far a long list of charges have been laid against many of these men.

@ GM, Secret:
But first... we ask some questions of these men. Like 'Who gave you the warheads?' and 'Where do we find them?'

To Israel:

You have a choice. Stick to the bargain we made and we'll help you in Tel Aviv, we can help dethrone the Ayatollahs, we can go zombie hunting of either the Nazi or currently attacking us kind, either way works for us.

Welch out now and you can go twist. Carrot and stick, but we don't have time to play games. If the Palestinians are being obstinate, that'll be our problem.

To Palestine:
Hopefully, Israel will be coming to the table with acceptable terms. Hopefully, you will find them acceptable. But this is no time to play games. You'll get what you can get out of this, and it should be much better than the status quo, much better than you could get with our help. Your people are free to vote as they choose, and we'll respect that decision. This is not to say there will not be consequences for turning your back on a longer peace and unity in the face of these unholy abominations.

To Set:

Sufe leans back. Perhaps you should explain in detail. What the consequences of not doing as you say are and why should I trust you?

2011-06-06, 03:04 PM

Military Movement (To GM only!)
French, Spanish, and Belgian forces move to secure the western border of Germany. Polish and Lithuanian forces move to secure the eastern boundries. Czech, Slovakian, Italian, Austrian, Hungarian, and Ukranian forces move to secure the southern borders. Meanwhile, Danish and Scandanavian militaries are on alert. All navies from the European Union countries are to maintain a blockade around German waters. Special operations infantry are armed with bolter guns, while grunts are armed with laser rifles.

To Iran
We will be removing our citizens from your nation and removing the embassies. Should you make an attempt at agression towards them, we will respond with retalitory strikes.

At an online chatroom...
[JimmyBoy has entered the chat.]
JimmyBoy: We're pulling everything we've got out of Iran.
JimmyBoy: Things are heating up too much for us down there, and we've got our own problems to worry about.
JimmyBoy: If you've got anyone locked in Germany, tell them we'll be coming and we're gonna bring some big guns.

2011-06-06, 03:28 PM
Grand Hunt

An emmsiary in the form of a Shade is sent to North to seek aid.


Hail comrade. We of the Hunt are having difficulities, and despite certain issues of pride, require assistance. Our population dwindles drastically and we need to relocate to a safer location. Would you be able to provide an area for us to stay in Russia until we can rebuild. We will of course provide compensation if it is nescasary, we are to weak to continue fighting the oncoming threats, plaese respond promptly.

2011-06-06, 03:34 PM
The Underground


The white room that was shown in the video is now a meeting place for a very different show. The good thing with everyone dying is that still-functioning MMORPG servers weren't full anymore, and there was practically no lag.

"We're in real trouble. The Nazis and the Werewolves are both acting up, Russia's doing nothing, EU is barely holding the border, Greenland just blasted the entirety of Northern Europe and hell, I barely got off the way of the clouds. The worst part? This is what's going on in the most safe, peaceful and tranquil part of the world."

"I know, Aaron. US is history. Can you believe it, Arnie seceded from the States? We're working on consolidating what we can, but poop is hitting the ventilator in the New World and I'm not sure there'll be many of us left once it's done."

"And the locusts in Indochina are approaching our borders here as well. Government, as usual, has their heads up their behinds and aren't even mobilizing properly. Meanwhile, the Mid-East is fighting with itself and no-one knows what the Egyptian God-people are up to."

"In a sign of good news, the Hunt is gonna be wiped out soon. But it cost a lot of good men, and we've got worse coming up all along. Legion invaded Mexico, helped by the Naga. Locusts heading up China too. We're going to crumble sooner or later without the support of everyone, and the Premier is still being an ass."

"People. Mentlegen." The cool pistol-wielding Avatar of Sensei in flowing, grey-ish camouflaged clothing stood up and raised an arm. "We're screwed if we keep going like this. We can't just help the people and ask the governments to cooperate. It's time for us to become what's needed for this world now."

A huge man with a two-neck guitar and a warhammer stood up as well. "****. You're right. I've known it all along, and made the preparations in America."

"I can get it done on my end. I assume TooFast can hold the fort with his HARP allies. Rani, we'll drop you support once we've consolidated."

"Okay. I'll do it. We must."

"Hm." A blonde man with a hunting rifle sighed. "I don't like it. But desperate times et cetera. If you say that's what we must do, then that's what we're doing. General Robotwallah."

"Oh, cheer up. There's always time to smile at all the chaos. Rise'n'Shine, it's HAMMERZEIT!"

The others glanced at the newcomer. After a short moment, they also burst out laughing. "Yeah. This is what we're here to save. Thanks, Vizard."

"Any time you need a reminder. I've got our stuff set up in Minnesota. Let's get to it."

"I'll do our PR while you work on the RL stuff, kk? Good luck, Wallah. Everyone."

Documents are publicized about the Sword's deal with RISCA. Apparently, the United States government gave this nongovernmental organization a number of nuclear weapons in exchange for technological support against the Anomalies and the clause that they were to be used to kill the major demons in South America. RISCA went back on their word, taunting the US government and hiding the nukes without providing any information on what they were supposed to be working on.

The Sword remotely detonated the warheads (OOC: What happened with the whole retconning thing?) but there was no apparent result. Except, theorists state, the Chasm's appearance in Greenland along with a lot of radiation.

The United States government has confidentially stated that they consider RISCA an enemy of mankind, traitors to our species.

New Video
Complete with fitting imagery, real video footage and artful music, another beautiful piece of propaganda is released by the Underground to the public.

The world is under threat.
Humanity is under threat.

Every single one of us is under threat.

There are many who have shown feats of great kindness, mercy and justice. There are those of our species who have sacrificed their lives, their everything for helping everyone else survive.

In a different time, we would give these people medals and call them heroes, having gone beyond the call of duty in their commitment to their tasks.

In this time, they are still heroes. But they have not gone beyond the call of duty. Duty calls, and our duty to our species, our friends, ourselves is to give our everything for the cause, the ultimate raison d'etre: Survival.

There are those who have failed us. China. Russia. Venezuela. Iran. The RISCA. If these people are in power, we will not win. We will not survive. Anyone who is not willing to give their all not only to survive himself, but also help his neighbour or any other human being on the planet survive, is a traitor to our species. Everyone has their weaknesses and their faults, but those who fight to overcome them are our heroes and heroes are our only hope. If there is a traitor in power, he must be removed from the path of survival. Order, unity and cooperation are the keys to victory.

There are humans, people like you and me, who collaborate with the Fourth Reich in Germany, slaughtering innocent people to help the undead horde grow.

There are people, just like us, who spread the zombie virus on purpose just to see the world end in death and fire.

From here on, we will not consider any such being a human. From this day onward, let no man consort with hostile alien powers, and to any anomalies listening I have this to say: We will have victory! We clawed our way out of the mud with our own hands, and we are not going down without a hell of a fight. The final act of the final human being under the last flag of the last stronghold on this planet will be to smash his rifle against whatever passes for the head of the abomination attacking him.

As of this day, we declare war on hostile Anomalies. This is not just the kind of war we have seen until now. This is a war of utter annihilation. This is a war of inexhaustible wrath for the sufferings we have been caused. This is the end of any sort of backsliding. If you are to raise an arm, a claw, a tentacle or whatever appendage against the united will of humankind, you are in for a fight you will never forget.

Look around. There are nearly seven billion of us, and every single one is better than any of them. Now, there aren't but couple million zombies in the whole world, can you dig it?

Some of us cannot fight. But every single one of us can do something. Every single human being is capable of strengthening our blow against the unholy hordes of demons and monsters. And everyone is needed.

This is, truly, our finest hour. Our history shall reach into the stars and last for thousands of years from this point, but the deeds of us who live now will never be forgotten.

Anomalies. Oppressors. Tyrants. Monsters.
Remember - humanity is more than just a bunch of organisms. Humanity is an idea. And ideas are not only bulletproof, but also immune to whatever you can think of to throw at them.

Here we stand.
Do your worst.

We are the Underground, and this is our manifesto.

New Zealand

Zombies landing on the shores of the island nation face with a lot of things. They face with what they would expect if they were capable of expecting anything. They face with screaming civilians, surprised policemen and suicidal newscasters.

What they didn't expect, however, and probably wouldn't have expected even if they could expect something, was a large amount of camo-suited squads, working well together, moving around in civilian helicopters and army APCs with funky paintjobs and wielding laser weaponry, military hardware, hunting guns, shotguns, fire axes and lots of other things, organized effectively via a variety of failsafed mechanisms and each member having watched enough zombie films in his/her life to not commit any typical newbie mistakes.

X-Com was here for the rescue, collateral be damned. Not that they had much in the way of explosives to cause collateral with, but hey, the Zeds didn't have Chryssalids so it was still even.

Central United States

Arnie on one side. Sword on the other. And in the middle, thousands of people nobody really cared about. They were just as American as anyone, but everyone had their own troubles and were too busy to bother. Meanwhile, the zombies kept spreading, blasted farmland left people jobless and homeless and rumours of even worse things to the north kept children awake at night.

The United States were going down the crapper. At times like these, people laid their hopes and trust on their communities, families and loved ones.

However, when the zombies attacked, lone policemen could not hold them off. Many small groups of people tried to protect themselves but didn't know how. Some turned to crime and took from their neighbour what they didn't have for themselves. After all, who was going to stop them?

But the social outcasts, zombie squads, LARPers, nerds and geeks. They had networks of like-minded people. They knew who to talk to, who to trust and who to get weapons and training from. And, thanks to the Underground, they were all over doing everything they could to help people. The new Project Paperclip survival kits were distributed to people so that they could help themselves and others.

The slowly crumbling infrastructure of a working society was reinforced at critical junctures. Civilians worked where the military could not. After all, it was everyone's right to bear arms, and everyone's duty to shoot zombies.

In the name of Pirate Party of the United States, a new Order was born from the chaos of the formerly united States of the central USA. After all, if the governments couldn't protect them, they'd simply have to do it themselves.

The internet had many names for this phenomenon. Solid State. New Order. Pirate Order. However, the movement was that of the Underground, and they refused to let the nation splinter any further. Unity was needed, not more secession. And so, they remained the United States. However, in effect, the area was now under the protection and control of the Underground.


She snuck out of her hiding place. It was safer during the day. The zombies could find her even at night, at day she could at least see. Only the collaborators were more of a threat at day.

She'd rather have stayed in, but she needed to find food anyway, and Creed had told her that the EU was finally about to respond. They'd need all the intel they could get.

She had heard from some other survivors that there was a large nazi tank group nearby. With her binoculars and knowledge of the city, she'd scouted out a few good vantage points and was now heading to one to see if she couldn't count herself some tanks. Any information is good information.

She never noticed the blonde skinhead, watching her from the second-floor window of the building on the other side of the street. The man grinned as he pulled the trigger. "Caught another rat. I wonder why they're moving so much..."

Anna Neumann would never relay any information to the troops gathering over the border. She never felt the impact or knew of her lifeblood flowing on the stones of this small town near Munich. But hundreds of others like her would succeed. They were willing to die to help liberate their homeland from the oppression it was once again under. Many died, but more lived. Piece by piece, information filtered out of Germany.

To GM: Using 4 Esp on relaying info on the Fourth Reich army to EU.


She sighed, stood up and stretched. Making sure her parents were still sleeping, she slipped outside, making her way to a small room, more like a bunker. More machines... more work.

To Japan:

Sensei: We need to meet. Things are moving. It's time to move ourselves, or be left underground forever. This is gonna be big, so try and get us a time and place ASAP, and be prepared with a few hours of free time.

To EU:

2F4U: Good news. We're moving as well, elsewhere around the world. Get things done here quick, and let's bring this war back to our terms as soon as we can.

2011-06-06, 03:51 PM
Look, heaven's knows I'm as much a fan of the Underground as anyone, and I think they're doing a really good job, but they've missed the mark some. Nonono look she shoots the other pundit across her desk a look. They characterize us as just 'fighting among ourselves' with out acknoledging in anyway their own feelings on what needed to happen in Syria, nor the great strides we've made in the last few months. A primarily Arabic Muslim army working in concert with an Israeli one to bring down a tyrant? Muslim troops returning to Israel not as destroyers but heroes? A very real chance of a free Palestine in the near future? They give us short shrift. And you know, I think they gave the RISCA a bad rap as well. Look, I know as well as you that the RISCA has been distributing food in the refugee camps we've got springing up all over. Yeah, maybe some dicey stuff happened with those nukes. Point remains that they went off inside a Rift. You think the RISCA put them there to make friends?

2011-06-06, 04:03 PM
((OOC: The first part is totally OOC knowledge for all of you, and you don't know anything about what the Faces were talking about in a private conference.

Also, there was no rift in Greenland before the explosion. And nobody knows it was caused by the nukes, it's just a theory.))

2011-06-06, 04:07 PM
((You're an open society and Yasmine el Tayib happens to be very close to a certain Underground member who is at least well enough in touch with the Underground to get the general drift of opinion within the group.

Just a very plausible theory. And who knows how Rifts work. Maybe the Chasm was a proto-Rift containing the Frost Giants or something. We don't know.))

2011-06-06, 04:22 PM
Limpeza Chama

Somewhere below the Venezuelan Fleet
Captain Basurto gripped the arms of his command chair in frustration as he considered the situation. There were naga everywhere. It was all he and his fellow captains could do to fight them off. And for what to protect those cowards who hadn't had the courage to stay and defend their homes.

Reading his orders once more the captain grimaced. He and his fellow submarine captains were to shadow the Venezuelan fleet and keep it safe. Crumpling the paper in his fist Basurto glared at the ceiling as if he could see through the metal plating and hundreds of meters of water to the ragged flotilla far above.

Those fools didn't even know what was going on. They thought they were safe, when in reality it was all he and his fellows could do to fight the Naga off and keep the convoy safe. It was only because the majority of the Naga were in the Caribbean that they could do it at all.

There were better things for Limpeza Chama submarines to be doing than this. Sighing Basurto shifted into a more comfortable position. Ah well it was Father Hjalmar's orders. And he would follow Hjalmar into hell itself if necessary. Protecting a couple of fools was the least he could do.

Send my + of subs to escort the Venezuelan Fleet

2011-06-06, 05:15 PM
China to Empire of the Rising Sun
"We are very appreciative, thank you."

Venezuelan Fleet to Limpeza Chama
"We thank you for our amnesty, but we are uninterested in our homeland. Whether we would be serving angels or ruling devils--it is no longer in our fate.

Perhaps we shall never find land, but drift forever in oceans that remain calmer than any of these lands.

With Limpeza escorts through Naga territory, the fleet finds the western coast of Africa where it drifts slowly south, going ashore only to trade or work for fuel and food.

Solaris Alliance
The prisoners refuse to admit anything more than that the chemical weapons were supplied by groups labelled by the west as "terrorists." Where the weapons came from beyond that, or where they were armed, is beyond the knowledge of the commanders launching them.

Israel to Solaris Alliance
"We are tryingto help as much as we can, but you must understand that this treaty is shaky. Tensions mount with the Palestinians, and surrendering this land would put is in dangerous footing. To proceed with the negotiations, we would need a promise from you to protect us against attack."

Palestine to Solaris Alliance
"Thank you, Arab brothers. What you have helped secure for us this day is the very first step on a bumpy road. I pray we can travel together."

Followers of Set to Solaris Alliance
"It is a long story...told best in dimensions your species cannot fully understand. There are shades of gray, certainly, and depths I cannot explain at length...but...it is a story of great, terrible, unadulterated evil.

The followers of the devil-god Anubis have played a terrible rouse on the government of the African Coalition. Their hearts are black, and they serve a chaos God which they are now attempting to free from a prison dimension. Even now, he rises from the depths of his slumber. We must stop them."

Iran to EU
Of course we will follow your request. We only urge that you use what influence you have to keep outside influence out of this matter. We are shutting down these cells of dangerous, foreign-funded terrorists and requesting all the help we can get. If you assist us, when this conflict is over we guarantee military and economic assistance in Europe.

USSL to Grand Hunt
We would be honored. So long as you can prove a beneficial addition to the Soviet State and you are willing to devote yourself to the glory of Communism and Brotherhood, we would be more than wiling to offer you a state in our Union.

The USSL declares itself a state opposed to xenocide of any form. No problems can be solved with mass extinction, the premier declared. The USSL promises to harbor any "endangered intelligent lifeforms" who fear the extermination of their kind.

The USSL is sending a fleet southward to carry any peaceful Grant Hunt to Siberia, where they will be granted territory.

"These are not monsters," the premier declared in an interview with the State-run news service. "They are not abominations, as some racists have presented. They are intelligent beings who share our universe, and they deserve respect. They are not here to slaughter, nor are they here to be slaughtered. They want merely the simplest thing which we must all desire--a place to call their own in a foreign land.

"We intelligent beings have not come to this world of our own volition. We are plagued with fear and strike our as frightened beings do. There is hope for us to live in peace and harmony, if only the racist and xenophobic governments will relinquish a fraction of their power and land to us. We are sending a fleet to rescue as many of the Grand Hunt from extinction as we can. An attack on our Fleet is a declaration of war against us. That is all."

The USSL publicly disapproves of the Fourth Reichs treatment of humans, calling it "extreme." The USSL urges the Fourth Reich to settle their territory peacefully. However, this is simultaneous to a signing of a non-aggression treaty between the two nations.

European Union
The governments of Finland and Switzerland have agreed to join the European Union in the face of the undead menace. Switzerland also agrees to join NATO.

2011-06-06, 05:59 PM
Limpeza Chama

Caracas, Venezuela
Major Alberda scowled as he read the dispatch from the Venezuelan fleet. Those blasted cowards, how dare they abandon their own country in its time of need. The legions were ravaging the Mexican countrysdie and there was absolutely nothing he could do about it. There was an entire host of undead between him and Panama. And his battalion hadn't been meant for active duty. His men were mostly recuperating veterans sent up to where it was supposed to be safe. Staring out to the west where he could just imagine the demons and undead turning once fertile land into a blasted hellscape Alberda grimaced. All he could do was hope that the main Limpeza Chama force could get here in time.

Somewhere in Southern Argentina
Colonel Fernando was humming to himself as he read the latest reports. His men had almost completed their sweep of Argentina. Soon they would turn west and hit the demon strongholds in Chile. He frowned as he got to the casualty lists. He was all for less losses, but these numbers were absurd. Entire demon outposts being captured with no casualties. Only light damage to the supply convoys. No demons were that weak.

Frowning Fernando flipped back to the first page of the reports to read them again just to make sure. However before he could do so an aid came running into his tent. "Colonel a new dispatch has just come in. It's marked urgent."

With a contemplative look that soon turned into one of horror Fernando read the dispatch. "Those blasted demons, no wonder there was so little resistance."

Running out of his tent Fernando began shouting orders. "Turn he trucks around and prepare to move out. We have 6000 kilometers to cover and no time to do it." Pausing Fernando mumbled a short prayer. Surely it would take a miracle from God for them to get there before the demons wreaked more havoc.

The + in Venezuela gets ready to move as soon as reinforcements arrive.
The +++++ + in Argentina heads back north to link up with them. ++ will actually split off and head to Suriname which I'll mention in my next IC post.

2011-06-06, 06:40 PM
Solaris to Israel:

If they join the Alliance, their military will answer to us. If they decide not to, then we intend to maintain a peace keeper zone around the current zone and treat an attack by either you or them as if it were an attack on us. Please, make the offer.

Solaris to Palestine:

Let us help that road be as smooth as possible. The Alliance only demands free and fair elections. It does, however, expect that those elected can behave responsibly, and we do hope that you'll join us in the Alliance. If we all play along you might just get your own state.

Solaris to Set:

Oho. Sufe kicks off his shoes and rests his feet on his desk. You'd be suprise at how I'm good I am at grey. Try me. I'm going to need the whole truth, or I might just have to keep doing what I'm doing.

The Alliance would like to make a statement regarding the USSL and it's policy on the Anomalies.

First, let us say that the Council agrees with the broad strokes of the USSL statement. There have been a few, if not many, Anomaly groups friendly to humanity. Blanket condemnation of any one or the other group is morally wrong and will get us nowhere besides.

That said, we believe that Anomalies should be held to the same standard as any native life form. The same barriers of sentience apply, the same expectations of behavior apply. Whether they are seeking a home or not does not excuse the displacement of previous inhabitants. And to cry foul to the threat of extinction for a group that had shown naught but intent to reciprocate cries hollow. We hope that the USSL can rehabilitate this 'Great Hunt,' but we will never forget Indonesia. The USSL accepts responsibility for the Hunt now. We warn you to be wise in that.

Note: The Alliance's official stance on the USSL frowns mostly on their blatent favoritism of lycanthropes over other members of society, and considers the ejection of those unwilling to submit to the bite somewhat a kin to ethnic cleansing. The fact that the Alliance has courted some of those refugees and that the USSL supported Syria have, of course, nothing to do with this.

2011-06-06, 09:08 PM

We extend the Invitation of the Sancrosti to the Venezuelan fleet.

2011-06-06, 09:14 PM
Grand Hunt


Of course comrade! Long live the Soviet Ideal! May we request this spot we have learned of called Chernobyl? It will play to our new adaptations.

2011-06-06, 11:12 PM

To All
It appears we need to defend ourselves. We were given nulcear warheads by the Sword government under instructions to use them on Rifts. Several months ago, we managed to locate a rift in Greenland. The Chasm is, and we apologise for this, either the results of us attempting to kill whatever anomaly scum was inside the rift or some form of retrebution from whatever was there. We can say, however, that whatever was there is definitely dead.

2011-06-06, 11:26 PM
Sancrosti to Fivescore Fellowship
Be more careful next time.

We have an offer though. Would you wish to study the loom and the threads of fate therein? Would you offer us assistance in return?

2011-06-07, 01:20 AM
The Fivescore Fellowship to Sanscrosti
Indeed. With your permission, we would like to take a look at this structure of yours. What would you like in return?

Imperial Psycho
2011-06-07, 05:17 AM
Commonwealth of Nations

Divert (-mil) of naval forces from English channel to escort transport for Antarctic team.

2011-06-07, 09:04 AM
European Union "heartless", says German escapee
A German woman arrived in Rome today, bearing a 9-year old child. She was wearing scraps of a mans clothes she claims to have found inside a partially firebombed apartment outside of the undeath camp where she was held by the Fourth Reich for the last 7 months. Her and the child weighed a collective 90 pounds. This is because they refused--as many prisoners do--the food provided by the Fourth Reich, as it is impossible to tell whether it is tainted with the Z-Virus or not. They survived on scraps of food remaining in the city before it was sealed off and, eventually, the dog-sized rats which came to feast on the countless dead.

The Fourth Reich, the woman claims, was only one of the tribulations of living in an undeath camp. Frequent zombie outbreaks which had to be shut down by the ever-dwindling human population, starvation, and conventional disease took the lives of thousands. Roving bands of living Aryan Nazis provided the woman, who is black, the greatest trouble.

The escape was not easy, as the Fourth Reich forces use the rampant zombie hordes to sniff out humans living outside the undeath zones. The woman claims that the European Union was doing nothing to save the presumed 30-60 million imprisoned Germans from their living hell. She accuses EU leadership of "sitting on their asses and giving up Germany and every German life for dead."

The EU loses - World Opinion.
The EU loses - Order per turn it does not take action.

Underground now above ground, sources say
The group of hacktivists known collectively as the Underground have found a solid home in the fractured Union of the United States.

In emergency post-breakdown election, the states of Minnesota and Wisconson have voted in a large number of candidates from the Pirate Party International, The Undergrounds political party of choice.

Creating a haven for political activists, the Party begins a revitalization process to solidify the two states into a semi-independent nation of its own.

Underground gains + economy and + military.

British ships arrive with their hair on edge, and shivers rushing up their arms that had nothing to do with the cold. Unusual dreams occurred on the ship among sailors, who reported unilateral stress-based terrors.

The scientists and their equipment is loaded onto the ships, and the fleet returns to Britain without incident.

Z-Virus Airborne in Japan!
Several of the larger cities in Japan are experiences mass panic as hospitals overflow with tens of thousands of patients displaying the early symptoms of Z-Virus. The panic is further exacerbated as additional, previously healthy citizens seem to adopt the symptoms merely from proximity of infected.

Empire of the Rising Sun loses + order.

USSL to Grand Hunt
That particular plant is beyond our territory. However, if radiation is your environment of choice, we will be able to accommodate a habitat safely on our northern islands.

Follower of Set to Solaris Alliance
"Perhaps," the giant man says. "Perhaps I can only show you." He raises his hand. A circle with an X through it is scarred onto his palm, which he places on Mr. Sufe's forehead.

Mr. Sufe sees without seeing. Blinding lights and crushing darkness. British ships above a frozen sea. And beneath...beneath...

Chanting in alien tongues. Words that go beneath words. Beneath an endless sea...a sea of black...space? A thousand suns exploding...our sun blotted out in eternal darkness...an eye beneath the water, in a hidden city...


That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die.

2011-06-07, 10:00 AM
Limpeza Chama

To Commonwealth

We have noticed that you have been having some troubles lately. Between the Greenland Chasm, the Canadian disappearances, and the global food riots you must be spread fairly thin. And that can't be good for your people.

We are not yet a global crusade so there is not much we can offer you, but we do propose this. Let us take care of our fellows in Guyana. We are already protecting much of South America from the Legion, we can easily handle protecting them. And not having to worry about it will help you to consolidate your own forces and better attend to your remaining territories.

2011-06-07, 10:30 AM
The Underground

Topic: ~Vizard Elected M1RS0~ Thanks for Voting!

Dawg148: Hey herd wassup?
Mihail: Man. Maaaan. Heard the news?
KHAlorael|Drinking: w00t this is hueg
Dawg148: Wutwut?`
Mihail: Viz did it man. We got our own state now.
KHAlorael|Drinking: 2 of em
Mihail: Yup. Minnesota and Wisconsin went for the PPI like we tried. This is big, man. If we make it work, we'll have a haven.
Dawg148: wow. Rly? Nice job guys! We're tryin' our best on this end but things are tough lately.
Mihail: Ya, I hear you. But we can do this, man. We can really do this.

Wind swept the island, the sounds of the motors disappearing into the distance.

The foliage bent with the wind, creating ripples that looked like a sea on land.

One spot, however, did not move right. It bent, but shuddered and then returned to it's original position. A glint of light revealed an observer in a ghillie suit, using binoculars to watch after the boats.

"The heck? They just... boarded those Soviet ships and left?"

Another guy stood up from the brush, next to the previous figure. "Seems so. Wanna go take a look?"

"Well... they might've left someone that we haven't spotted. But it sure looks clear."

"Yeah. Let's go take a look. If we die, it won't be the first time. Nor the last."

The first man chuckled and snuck down the path towards the now-abandoned nest of the Grand Hunt.


"Looks like they really are gone. Funny... what's all this trash?"

The two guys were walking amongst piles of old human stuff. Plastic, twisted pieces of wood and metal, random broken electrical appliances.

"I've no idea... what would the Hunt do with this stu-"
Cut short, the first man stood agape looking at something behind a pile of wrecked cars. "...oh my god is that...?"

"What? What'd you find?" The other man ran over and then stopped as he also saw what had made the other man gape.

"The trash is now DIAMONDS?!?" Crouching at the ground, the man ran his hand through a pile of the shining gemstones. Man, we're rich!"

The other man bapped him over the head."Nnnnope. But this money is going to go towards making sure the guys killing zombies have guns and bullets for the task. We're the Underground, and we pirate only software, ok?"

"Yeah, yeah. I know. But damn, man. Look at this stuff."

"Call the airvac. Tell 'em we got something nice for 'em."


The green wire? Or was it the red? It was the red. Yeah.

The last metal cylinder was buried into the snow behind the rocks. Three men in white camouflage nodded to each other and began skiing away from the site. A few miles out, they gathered their equipment on a sled pulled by a white snow buggy, and began driving away.

As the night began to fall, they were getting cold and tired.

"Maybe we shouldn't have taken your 'shortcut', man. I don't like the look of this forest."

"When we get outta here, we'll grab some hot chocolate and get ready for tomorrow's job."

"When? More like, if."

Suddenly, a roar from the side of the path eclipsed the sound of the motor. A beast leapt at the two men, crashing at the side of the buggy and flipping it over. The men fell into the snow, screaming.

As the beast leapt over the wreck and began ripping one of the men apart, the other pulled a laser rifle from his back and began firing madly at it. Annoyed by the burning flashes of light, the beast threw aside the ragged corpse it had been mutilating and rushed towards the man with the rifle.

"Ooooh crap..." He threw the gun at the beast's face and turned to run, being cut down where he stood by a massive claw before managing a single step.

But wasn't there three men? Oh, right. The third had been sleeping in the sled when the attack woke him up and threw him into the snow under the collapsed sled. Watching the beast sniff around, he grit his teeth and snuck his arm away from his all-too-fragile shelter. Farther, farther, towards the body of the first man the beast had killed... There. Drag him closer, slowly. The pocket... it was the front left jacket pocket, right? Right. Fingers clasp around the cold metal of the detonator.

The beast notices something weird going on. Turning towards the remains of the sled, it roars and begins it's final approach.

But the third man has the detonator. He smiles grimly, opens the cap and pushes the small, black button. *click*

...wait. What? *click*

Where's the, you know, boom? *click click*

Oh crap. Knew it was the green wire. That was his last thought in this life.


A creature approached the weird cylinder. It smelled good. Wonder what's inside... but it doesn't open. Hmf. Maybe he'll bring it to the others to see. There's a weird yellow symbol on the side. Stupid humans, with their marks. Why not just use smells? Whatever.

To IcemanJRC and GM: (PM)

OOC: Well, here's my IC for the deal. If it's all OK, there's my goods. Five of them. 0,5 Perm Econ, was it?

2011-06-07, 11:08 AM

Press Conference, just outside Warsaw

"People of Europe, this is a dark time. The United States has fallen, shattered into pieces by the threat of the zombie plague. Russia has lost control of it's territory, losing half of it's territory to the creatures known as Lycans. All around us, the world is falling into chaos and shadows.

Who are we to turn to? We have allies. The Sancrosti, with whom our scientists have been working with, have provided invaluable assistance. The Underground, civilians who have little to no military experience, helping us when and where they can." Mengsk too a breath. It was obvious to anyone looking on that his time in office had aged him, his hair was turning grey and lines crossed his face. "But the greatest threat, right now, is this Fourth Reich. Undead bastards and their living allies who seek to destroy Europe from within! A victory against them will not be quick. It cannot be solved with rapid strikes or a single blow, to do so would leave ourselves open to greater threats.

Rest assured, this threat will end. But it will not be without bloodshed or tears. It will not be without loss of friend or family. It will be won by our strength of spirit and determination."

2011-06-07, 11:22 AM
Phalanx Foundation

To Emanations (Open Address)

''We implore Emanations to bring whatever aid they can to the people of Japan. Your cure can save millions of people now consigned to the most horrible fate. You have the Cure! We beg you to share it with the world!''

To EU and Chancellor Megsk (Open Address)

''The atrocities of the Fourth Reich are without count and I hope their reign of horror will end soon. However, I can't agree to the fact, that they are the greatest threat to the people of the EU. The Z-Virus has brought down USA, Australia and the outbreak in Japan is about to the same to them. Now it has devoured Germany and from there threatens to overwhelm the rest of your nation. You must protect yourself against the Z-Virus.

The Emanations' Cure is the only existing method of treating the infected. The Phalanx Foundation implores Chancellor Mengsk to dedicate all resources of EU to providing full coverage to every single citizen. Your people have a right to safety and now is the time to show them, you will fulfill your duty as their rightful leader.

And please. Do not say, you will deal with it after the Fourth Reich is defeated. You don't have that kind of time.''

Prof. Alexander Volkov

To GM Only!

Aaand another +++ points of WO to Phalanx preaching. Muahahaha.

2011-06-07, 11:44 AM
Kazakhstan joins USSL
Kazakhstan president and Communist Party chairman Nursultan Nazarbayev today announced that the Republic of Kazakhstan will be joining the Union of Soviet Socialist Lycanthropes following a long series of negotiations between president Nazarbayey and Lycanthrope premier Silas Kuznetsov. In exchange for joining the Union, the Lycanthropes offer military protection and packages for economic development, as well as tariff-free access to Lycanthrope oil stockpiles.

While announcing the joining of the USSL, a remarkably youthful-looking Nazabayev displayed with a smiling face the bite mark in his arm, which was open but not bleeding.

The president claimed he feels better than he has in years, and that the remarkable evolutionary process is virtually pain-free.

Within hours, Lycanthrope tank collumns were rolling across the border to parade down the streets of Kazakhstan. The same military parades were later used to shut down protests before they could emerge.

2011-06-07, 12:03 PM
Emanations of the Sancrosti

All nations
Our world is in peril. We call on all nations with spare research capability to work together to advancing the cure of the z-virus. We invite scientists to Atlantis to participate in this research. We will ferry them and equipment at our own expense.

2011-06-07, 12:53 PM
Phalanx Foundation to Emanations (Open Letter)
''You must have the Cure, even if it isn't completely perfect. The people of the Japan don't have much time and European Union is at risk of the infection at this very moment. You have helped many people in the past, please do not hesitate now. The cure must be delivered to the people right now. There must be no delays.

You simply can't refuse now, that the world stands at the edge of the abyss. Please send us the hand to keep standing!''

Phalanx Foundation begins a campaign in Japan, to send all Victims of Z-Virus to Atlantis for treatment immediately. Tens of thousands of infected children's pictures are gathered in a awareness raising initiative, depicting the Atlantis, place, where they will be saved from the Z-Virus.

2011-06-07, 01:18 PM
To Phalanx
We have nothing more to give. We are stretched thin, all over the world. If you truly wish to help people, instead of make platitudes, then help us.

Provide us with research facilities and economic resources. Anything else is like trying to draw water from an empty well.

2011-06-07, 01:35 PM
Phalanx to the World

(Emanation's Message included)

''From the moment our organization was established we were working to convince the world governments to implement the Emanation's Cure world wide. We ask you once more. Help us. Help the world.

The nation of Japan is about to be devoured by the beast of the Z-Virus. Tens of millions are people are about to suffer fate worse then death. We ask nations and private individuals to donate resources to construct enough of Emanations of the Sancrosti Temples to cure all people, currently sick with the Z-Virus. This is the time to make the choice, that will decide the fate of our world. Do you give up and die? Or do you fight and survive? Do we help each other and prevail or do we die one by one alone?'' Make your choice.''

Phalanx Foundation begins to gather donations to construct Emanations of the Sancrosti Temples in Japan. The work begins as soon funding is secured.

2011-06-07, 02:08 PM
To Followers:

So goddamn cryptic. You're lucky I know my Lovecraft. Sufe stands up. Again, why should I trust you? What do you offer me as assistance? So far I see a man asking me to attack his enemies. Later mythology on Set turned quite nasty towards the end.

2011-06-07, 04:06 PM
The Underground

To Russian Federation:

We realize your troubles with the USSL. However, the Fourth Reich, if they follow the historical pattern like they have so far, are going to be a big problem for you if they bowl over the EU.

Would you be willing to contribute some troops for the assault the EU and the Commonwealth are preparing against them?

To Balkan States:

If the Fourth Reich breaks out of Germany, you'll also be on their list. Could you contribute some troops to help the EU and the Commonwealth with the oncoming battle?

Forum Explorer
2011-06-07, 05:19 PM
Comaradas de Amras

People were being slaughtered as the early strike teams first hit the Legion forces. Collateral damage was huge as people were caught in the explosions and crossfires. People were scared and tired. They knew it was the end of the world and they had hoped to weather the storm but that didn't seem possible now.

Suddenly people's fear turned to anger. They knew these things could be killed. They knew they were vulnerable. The people were pissed. They had enough. It was the end of the world? So be it! But they were going to die on their own terms. They were going to drive the anomilies out of their country and back into the rifts no matter the cost.

For every life lost ten more would jump into the fray. A gun fell only to be picked up by eager hands. No trickery could stop the raw fury of the people who attacked the Legion in an unexaustable horde. Even in the oceans the people stuck. Sailing boats and old whaling vessels challanged Naga for mastery of this world. Using explosive harpoons, hunting rifles and even primative arrows and spears the people fought. Only utter annhilation of one of the sides could stop this rampage now.

I'm throwing everything I have at both the Legion and Naga.

2011-06-07, 05:22 PM
OOC - GM, Limpeza Chama, Camaradas de Armas, Emanations of the Sancrosti:

Okay, let's assume this is our assault. Put your backs into it now, all. And please don't calculate the results before everyone's posted their participation. :smalltongue:

2011-06-07, 05:53 PM
All around Atlantis the land was still. The defense guns were subdued as power was channeled away from them. Valleys full of seas of Mercury shuddered as geomantic energy was channeled into the encasing cradles. A smooth bulge formed in the center and the whole took on solidity until, at last, they were still.

Slowly it seemed, but only because there was nothing of that scale humans were accustom to, they rose, slowly spinning. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmnO8l0hwlg&t=20m0s)

Spiral grooves in their tapering hulls were filled with a shimmering of gold. At speed they crossed the Atlantic Ocean, flowing silently above the clouds of the Caribbean.

They were elegant weapons in function, but simple compared to the humans vastly complicated weapons of war. A column of diamond and gold at their heart broke the smooth expanse of their top. They could not yet be tuned, but soon; soon...

There development would make them formidable indeed. Geomantic power channeled into the distant cradles bridged the vast difference, transmitted by the living crystal.

Hope, faith, prayer, indignation, vindication, and many other emotions swirled up from the earth into the fortresses.

With a flash they fired, and waters were filled with force like a wind of fire with the roar of thunder. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HGad6jM3N4&t=1m0s)

OOC: All of my Mil against the Naga.

Engage the beasts at long range and establish air superiority. Only then move against ground targets. Prioritize AA.

2011-06-07, 05:57 PM
The Fivescore Fellowship

To the Emanations
So, would you be willing to permit us to set up a headquarters around this Loom? In exchange, we would of course end our might to the defense of the island.

2011-06-07, 06:15 PM

Amsterdam, Netherlands. 2300 hours

Raynor stepped out into the middle of the briefing room. Four hundred men, just in his unit alone. They were headed to Hanover. There were over a dozen other strike teams, just like his. They all had one goal in mind, evacuate the civilian population from Germany in preparation for the ground battle that was to come.

He bit down on his cigar, taking it out to speak. "Alright, listen up! At 0100 hours we are going to be landing hard and fast at the holding camps outside of Hanover. Our objective is to liberate as many civilians out of the camps as possible and evac them back here. This will cut off a large source of the deadites' possible food and reserves, as well as give the politicians something to spin. We're hitting hard and fast. That means no time for souvenirs Tysus."

The special operations team filed out of the room, heading to their Blackhawk and Chinook helicopters. The soldiers were armed with a weapon that had been put into production less than a year ago, the HK-66A6 Bolter Rifle, which had more than enough power to shred a human body in half.

Espionage operation to evacuate civilians from the border cities around Germany. Using ++++ Espionage to do so.

2011-06-07, 06:29 PM

We recommend you hold off on your offensive for the moment. Continue to evacuate civilians for now. Plans are in motion which should wipe out the 4R within a matter of weeks.

Fivescore Fellowship
I assume you mean use your Mil to defend Atlantis. Additionally, we would request that you do not monopolize access to the Loom and agree to defend the island against unwanted spying and to work with us on research.

2011-06-07, 06:32 PM
Limpeza Chama

Colonel Fernando lowered his binoculars. There were zombies everywhere. A vast horde between the Limpeza Chama army and the where the Camradas were desperately fighting for their lives.

Turning to where his men had gathered behind him he said, "We have come far. And now it may seem that our way is blocked. But remember our brothers are fighting for their lives and their very souls. The Legion are ravaging their lands even as I speak. And although we now face a foe every bit as dangerous as the demons we cannot leave them to their fates."

Thrusting his shotgun into the air he shouted, "We are the cleansing flame and we will overcome."

At his final words Fernando's eyes seemed to erupt in flames and he pointed towards the zombie horde. "ONWARD"

Move my forces through Columbia to link up with the Camradas and fight the Legion.

2011-06-07, 06:41 PM
The Fivescore Fellowship

To Emanations
This is acceptable. What sort of Research do you want us to work with you on?

2011-06-07, 06:49 PM

Fivescore Fellowship
The Sword of the World, headquartered in the Palace of the Sancrosti.

We wish to fully tune our weapons to damage only Anomaly.

If I do the project for my superweapon, would the effect also apply to my normal weapons?

2011-06-07, 06:55 PM
The Fivescore Fellowship

To the Emanations
What would working with you on this entail?

2011-06-07, 07:09 PM

Fivescore Fellowship
Combined research project.

See my last question.

2011-06-07, 08:31 PM
Follower of Set to Solaris Alliance
"We are not worshippers of your God Set. We worship...a more complex divinity, whom has manifested himself in this world as that god. Myths and legends twisted, since he visited this plane last. As to your incentive to help us... unlike our eternal Anubite enemies, we use our wealth to the betterment of our friends. If you assist us in putting a stop to their fell ritual, we promise an end to suffering in your dominion. From the sands we will weave enough food to satiate the hungry and water the thirsty. All we ask is you do what is righteous."

[++ perm econ]

Russian Federation

Vladimir Putin gives a world-televised speech on the situation in Europe.

"Seventy years ago--after the Great Patriotic War purged this Earth of the Fascist menace--all free people of this world made a pledge, It is a pledge whose simplicity and nobiility had never been seen before, and have not been matched since. We pledged, two simple words.

"Never. Again.

"The time has come for us to live up to that promise. Today, I place the Russian Federation in a state of absolute and total war against the undead abominations of Europe. Our forces are already being mobilized for command by the European Unions NATO Supreme Allied Commander."

[Russian Federation has +++ military]

Balkan States
The Balkans also pledge support to NATO.

[B]Sancrosti-Naga War

As Sancrosti troops move against the Naga, the sea-beasts are forced to lay off their assault of the Camradas naval defenses. Turning their attention back to Atlantis, they slog over several days through the watery depths to do battle with advancing Sancrosti forces.

Despite being outnumbered by the hordes of Naga, the Sancrosti defend their island as the monsters attempt to crawl onto shore. Not one Naga foot, tail, or tendril makes landfall before they are driven back. The battle was not without casualty, however, as many brave soldiers were killed.

[Sancrosti loses ++ military, Naga loses ++- military]
Very close roll. You won by 1 point, and were rolling with 1 less die.

Hope in Germany
At 0200 hours, multiple joint NATO strikeforce deployed behind enemy lines to liberate half a dozen of the smaller undeath camps in occupied Germany. Of these missions, 4 went off seamlessly. 2 were accomplished against resistance heavier than expected, with some casualties. As over 30,000 liberated Germans integrate themselves into the European war effort, attitudes are of hope and the coming destruction of the Fourth Reich.

Intelligence reports that, following these missions, the Fourth Reich is establishing more permanent and defensible perimeters around the undeath camps, preventing similar raids like these in the future.

[EU gains - morale and - world opinion]

Limpeza military forces slog through the abandoned cities and rugged overgrown jungles of Colombia, shattering the zombie stronghold on the region as they go.

However, the time it takes to clear the region of Zombies as the military cuts through prevents the Limpeza from participating in the first counterattack against Legion forces.

[Z-Virus loses - military in Colombia, and control of the region]

I'm a little reluctant to say that your weapons can't cause civilian casualties. I'd rather you just keep it to your superweapon.

2011-06-07, 08:35 PM
((Is that supposed to be Set to me?))

Sufe picks up his empty glass, and hefts it. "No tribute, then? No hooks, no crooks, no disappearances?"

Edit: Is Tel Aviv clean yet? 'Cause I did promise to help the Commonwealth after Battle of Britain II and I bet the Israeli's really want to join in the Nazi hunting.

2011-06-07, 08:41 PM
Follower of Set to Solaris Alliance
The emissary smiles. "None whatsoever. I shall leave you to meditation, for now. Consult your advisers, and I am sure you will come to the right decision." Mr Sufe begins to walk to his desk, and notices his reflection in the mirror against the wall. The Emissary is behind him, and Sufe's mouth falls open, stunned.

On his forehead, where the emissary had touched him with visions, a circle with an x through it, as if scarred, onto his flesh.

"It is the Mark of Set," the emissary explained calmly. "Simply wish it away, and it will vanish. Wish it present, and it appears. Press it with your fingers and communicate with me personally, wherever you are., whenever you are ready."

EDIT: Tel Aviv is clean, it was a clean sweep mission, few casualties thanks to the high training of the agents involved.

2011-06-07, 09:18 PM
Solaris to Israel:

Up for a Nazi hunt? We're headed that way anyway, at some point. Or do we want an Iranian intervention?

War tired, but war ready, the Revolutionary Guard sits in neat rows, looking at their commander. General Idir Massi had not seen much press time, in fact, but it seems that the normal face of the Council, Mr. Sufe, had locked himself away mediating the Israeli/Palestinian negotiations.

Or perhaps the Council had decided that a military man was the best an for this announcement. "Soldiers of the Alliance. Some time ago the Council proudly announced a defensive pact with the Commonwealth. In the interim, the Commonwealth has been beset by the undead, but we were needed in Syria. The connection between the Fourth Reich and the Z-Virus remains unclear. Our obligations are not. Our allies were attacked and remain under attack, and will keep our bargains as best we can. Our best option now is to see Europe freed again, to attack in unison and let the enemy die piecemeal. Today, the Council of the Alliance announces its intent to join the battle for Germany."

Solaris to Set:

Sufe taps his forehead. "Aye, then. See that the jackals don't catch you on your way out."

(Pledging some military to the German front. Exact amount pending.)

2011-06-08, 01:19 AM
The Fivescore Fellowship

To the Emanations
This should be acceptable... Two things: first, what is the magnitude of this research project? And, do we presume that as we commit ourselves to the defense of the island, we enter into a binding military alliance on both sides?

What exactly would a joint reseach project do? Since we would be, well, improving their superweapon, but the rules for joint research projects have the stats being split evenly...

2011-06-08, 04:20 AM
YßVirus, An Undisclosed Location

Doctor Quisling carefully folded the Nazi Officer Uniform and passed it to Colonel Darling.

''Please dispose of it. I’m glad this operation is finally over.''
"Really? But you looked so dashing in it, Herr Doktor Quisling''
"Would you just stop with that."
"I’m afraid you are going to have a collection" Colonel Darling smiled and pulled a box from the writing table. "Trent sent a little something for you."
Dcotor Quisling opened the box and took out an Ushanka with a big red star on it.
''Put it on Comrade Quisling.'' Darling teased him, half laughing.
''Have you got a Dracula costume, for my visit to Romania?'', replied Quisling.
''I think I should have one ready. You never know these days.''

2011-06-08, 05:00 AM
Underground, via their network:
HbH: Transcripts of Set convo. Feed back?

Go ahead and pop... the Set convo. It has Cthulu.

2011-06-08, 05:04 AM
The Underground

To Solaris Alliance:

BlackLotus: Hm. That's scary. But we still don't know which one's the good guys, and my bet is on neither. Gray-gray all over. We need more intel, and we can't provide yet. Safest bet might be a small commitment on the side of whichever seems weaker and get them to fight each other until we have clear superiority and more intel, neh?

2011-06-08, 05:15 AM

HbH- We're burning people to Anubis, and Set put us on a timeywimey limit. Basically, Set ain't asking much of us. And, uh, Code Name Suit (Sufe, basically) says that he 'has reason to believe.' Chalk it up to hoodoo. Look, we can help w/Zed, but if you can front us the names of some brave volunteers who wanna join the Jackal sacrifice and then make a nuisance, look out for our guys, smuggle guns, GPS tracking, whatever, we'd really appreciate. Guys have a wide open backdoor, time to crack it, dig? Trojans man, trojans.

2011-06-08, 05:38 AM
The Middle Eastern Peace Confrence

Miraculously, multiple Arabic leaders in industry and science have got together, demanding a confrence between Solaris, Israel and Palestine, with a view to deciding on a permanent solution to the problems that plague the region. They suggest the Iranian leaders attend this confrence also, to act as representatives of Islam. Furthermore, they advise that the Underground attends, as a representative of the world at large. Even if one or more nations refuse to attend, they suggest that the remaining leaders assemble to work around them.

To Iran
Attend and we can guarntee food supplies to your country. We need this to work, for the good of the world. Allahu Akbar.

2011-06-08, 05:47 AM
To Middle East Businessmen:

The Alliance releases a press statement approving the men's actions, but reminding them that talks are already in progress between legitimate heads of state. Private interests can now best serve the peace process by reminding their local elected officials that war makes for bad business because, thank heaven's we're all democracies now.

The Iranian government, as it is currently shooting their own people and the Solaris Alliance considers them no more legitimate as a sovereign power than these business men and pointed reminders about the fate of the Syrians currently processing through the courts in Alexandria.

Nolispe, his ESP
If these business men happen to be the same ones that gave so generously during the food crisis, then they are quietly reminded that they might have a favor to call in, provided they call it in first.

2011-06-08, 05:47 AM
To Solaris Alliance:

BlackLotus: Aight. We'll arrange something, but it'll take a few weeks. ('till after next EoT) We have plenty of suicidal volunteers for any task. I feel like a terrorist leader.
RaniX: Tell me about it. The charismatic enemy of the free world. :P
BlackLotus: Fight the good fight, ayoha. I'm off now. Siberia calls, say there's trouble. Alex messed up.
RaniX: dayum good luck on that front. Soviets...
*BlackLotus has logged off*

2011-06-08, 05:50 AM
The Coalition of Arabic representatives replies by saying that while Peace Talks are already in progress. the confrontational pose of Solaris is inefficent in terms of getting the best outcome for everyone. Therefore, they would ask that a relatively neutral party - Iran - is invited, in order to facilitate negotiations.
The Zeal displayed by Solaris is commendable, but will not achieve the best outcome for all here.

To Solaris
Yup. Consider us calling it in now.

2011-06-08, 05:59 AM
Solaris officials wonder whether these business have gone mad, suggesting that a staunch Israeli ally and yet incredibly Muslim, very pro-democracy, pro-self-determination power that has previously pledged to see a separate Palestinian state and currently has peacekeepers in the contested area ensuring nothing untoward happens could some how be less neutral than an Islamic theocracy that has refused to even recognize the existence of on (or more, depending on their stance towards the Alliance) of the parties at the table.


Pick something else, something less likely to cause riots in both the woo democracy and the woo kill the Jews and the Shia dogs parts of my country.

2011-06-08, 06:02 AM
To Solaris
Sure. I don't actually need you to attend. Just don't stop others doing so, 'kay?

2011-06-08, 06:03 AM
Wanna be less cryptic?

2011-06-08, 06:08 AM
To Solaris
I think I have a big enough stick to use on Iran, all the way back from turn one. And more than a few carrots.

2011-06-08, 06:11 AM
Phalanx Foundation

The Phalanx Activists in the Middle East join in with the Coalition of Arabic Representatives. The official spokesman of Phalanx, Naeem Zidane gives an interview in support of the peace conference:

''The use of Z-Virus as a WMD was an unforgivable crime. I feel the deepest sadness, that it happened in the Middle East. We owe to the victims of the Z-Virus to establish peace and unity in the Middle East. This is the time for all of humanity to work together, no matter our past differences or borders of states, religion and race.''

Kommisar Engel
2011-06-08, 06:26 AM
Empire of the Rising Sun

Chrysanthemum_Chair: Tokyo Imperial Palace, Suwa no Chaya. 1 day from now, 1800. If you're still interested.

Also... f*%^# zombies. We need your help in cracking them down.

Mobilize ++ to China to aid against locust. The other ++ to take out the zombies, quarantine the infected, yada yada, making sure they have gas masks.

Is it possible to use my Nanomachines to at least counteract the virus?

2011-06-08, 06:39 AM
Bowing to pressure, but unwilling to let the process slip into the control of outsiders, the Council has announced plans for a truly trans national peace conference. All states have been invited, even the Council's persona non grata, the Iranian's. The Alliance has made it clear that they consider this most egregious and would be happier if the Iranians staid home, but that there's nothing they can do to stop them. Much to their displeasure. The Iranian's, no doubt, will be showing up just to spite the Alliance. The Alliance has placed their chair as far from the action as possible, the better to ignore such petty gesture. They instead choose to make a point of who else they invite. Atlantis receives fairly high billing, for one. Notably, the Council also invites the Presinator to join, potentially alienating the Sword but, on the other hand leaving open the possibility of an Overground representative in the coming months, should the pirate party swing that way. The American splinter has, nevertheless, been relegated to a position next to the Iranian's and the Chinese. Also invited are the USSL, possibly an olive branch, possibly a reminder to them that they best respect international rules. Also placed among the full fledged nations: the Palestinian representative.

The Alliance kindly invites the Phalanx Foundation to piss off and die send an observer to the conference's new 'organizational' level visitor's section. Also present in that section, the Concerned Businessmen, a certain Egyptian news reporter, and an Underground representative. Notably, a blank area has been arranged in the lower tier for a new chair to be added, and it is right in front of where the Underground rep is penciled in. A show of support? A possible invitation? Also among those invited to the 'sub national' tier are the followers of Set and Anubis, though few think they will show their places just to sit next to snake oil peddlers and 'concerned business men.'

Regardless, the Alliance has also announced that there will also be 'sub meetings' for 'private and delicate' negotiations. Invited to these? Solaris, Israel, Palestine, and 'possibly' others.

Security, of course, will be incredibly high. All delegates will under go careful screening by the best tools available to mankind. Already shadowy men can be seen building the fortress like conference building... right next to the Alexandrian court house that is processing the public trials of the Syrian officers charged with launching the missiles. Another unsubtle-but-unstated jab at the Iranians? Or a reminder of the price of failure.

ooc- It's my fluffy, I can do petty if I want to. Fancy pants people, can I borrow scanners? I don't want to get half the world's diplomats infected by airborn Z.

2011-06-08, 07:23 AM
The Underground


The Overground figures that, considering many of their members have been very active in the area anyway, they might as well send someone to follow the talks. Samuel 'Vizard' Knox, a previously-unknown minor politician who quickly rose to great prominence in the Overground following the elections, is the one present.

Rani 'RaniX' Saswata, an Indian businesswoman (and a well-known hacker...) is the (un)lucky choice of the Underground.

The Underground also provides the meeting with the high-grade Anomaly Detectors, the specs of which they got from the EU.


To Japan:

Sensei: I'll be there.

Tokyo Imperial Palace

A group of people, dressed formally and mostly looking a bit uncomfortable with their surroundings, are escorted to the Palace area. The guards toss suspicious glances at one of them, a short cloaked figure refusing to show his/her face. S/he did pass both the Anomaly scanners and the ordinary ones, and top-level orders were to let the group in, but still... This person had something to hide, and that made the guards nervous.

((OOC: I figure it'll be more fun to do most of the RP here, but we should keep the most secret things in PMs. I'll drop you an OOC PM on those things now.))

2011-06-08, 09:02 AM
Phalanx Foundation, Mid-East

The Phalanx observer, Naeem Zidane is courteous and respectful to the delegates of the conference. He doesn't show and resentment for being relegated to ''Organizations'' chair. When talking to other delegates, he speaks with USSL, Emanations of Sancrosti and Underground representatives as well as fellow ''Organization'' of Arabic representatives.

Phalanx Foundation to USSL

''Your stance on Anomalies and prejudice against them is understandable and admirable. However, the Z-Virus is different. It's a senseless and brutal plague and the threat not only to humans, but to other Anomalies as well. We ask for USSL to support our Foundation against the Z-Virus and oppose the spread of Z-Virus around the world. This is something that both Humans and Anomalies can work together. Please, lend us your strength.''

Phalanx Foundation to Emanations

''I would like to thanks Emanations of Sankrosti for providing us with the Cure against the Z-Virus. The Phalanx Foundation will use your miraculous technology to fight Z-Virus all across the world, until there isn't a single cell of Virus remaining.''

Phalanx Foundation to Underground

''Your fight against the Z-Virus is admirable. We are planning to create a force, dedicated to elimination of the Z-s across the world. Can we count on support from you? The intelligence and experience Underground posesses would be invaluable in the fight against the Z-Virus. Let us work together to put a stop to this nightmarish threat.''

Phalanx Foundation to Coalition of Arabic Representatives

''We fully support a movement for peace in Middle East. We are all humans and we must stand united against irredeemable evil of such threats as Z-Virus and Fourth Reich. I hope you can support the good fight against the Z-Virus, the Phalanx Foundation is waging.''

Phalanx Foundation to Commonwealth

''We humbly ask for the Commonwealth to dispatch a military force to New Zealand, that is under attack by the Z-s. While Underground is fighting to hold the line, the people of New Zealand must see, that their government is standing in their defense as EU has show in their recent raid to free prisoners in Germany.''

Phalanx Foundation to European Union

''Our Foundation congratulates you on the success of your operation to liberate the prisoners of the Fourth Reich and inoculating the nation against the Z-Virus.
If it is possible, we humbly ask you to share your NanoBot Technology with Japan. They have suffered greatly from the radiation, caused by the nuke strikes against the Great Hunt and now the Z-Virus is threatening to plunge their nation in chaos. We are doing everything in our power to help the victims of the Z-Virus, but Japan has limited resources. If they had your NanoBots, they could use them to repair the economic damage caused by radiation and gain strength necessary to oppose the Z-Virus.

I know that this is an outrageous request considering the value of this technology and coming from a NGO, but in this dire time, humanity must stand together. EU has received aid from many nations. And now you can give something back.''

2011-06-08, 09:17 AM
Israel to Solaris Alliance
"Our people are understandably crying out for us to join the fight, but our defense ministers are unable to contribute troops until we can ensure stability at home. The Israeli military has not been more than 300 miles from Jerusalem at any point in our history. But now, we are on the verge of peace, and then we would be willing to contribute troops abroad.

Follower of Set to Solaris Alliance
"And one more thing--do not believe their lies."

Fivescore Fellowship
It would just improve their weapon, it would be up to them to allow you to use it. The research seems to be a tribute to them for permission to live in the safety of their island, anyway.

That said, two players working on the same research would still decrease the effectiveness of the outcome. Otherwise, one player could just tribute all their research to another for a superweapon.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad refuses to attend the peace conference until the riots on the streets have ceased and the few cities the rebels have managed to seized are returned to the Iranian military.

The rebels refuse, arguing that as soon as they give up their ground, their movement will be doomed and left in the hands of foreign diplomats. Either the Iranian government or the rebels require more coercion to get the Iranians to the peace table.

Solaris Alliance
The problem with using economics as an incentive to peace in the middle east is that the most valuable sectors--oil and manufacturing--are largely state-owned. Hell, the Saudi Royal family personally owns all the oil fields in the country. A movement to privatize the economies would be needed.

Private sector businessmen in the middle east join the cries of peace. The middle classes throughout the region are moderate and peace-loving. However, the most lucrative sectors--such as oil--are largely state-owned, so the influence of businessmen is limited.

Sancrosti religion spreads
Many conventional faith-leaders have noticed spontaneous, global outcroppings of religions dedicated to the Sancrosti and the island which has been called "Atlantis." Makeshift shrines in Sancrosti feng-sheu are a common sign in temples across the world. Private groups running these temples have also taken it upon themselves to, where possible, purchase Sancrosti Z-Virus cure technology from the Phalanx Foundation.

Underground widely loved
Though two years ago they were seen as a potentially dangerous collective of scum and villainy, the hacker group known as the Underground has since involved into a global phenomenon whose intelligence matches that of developed countries and whose common sense approach to dealing with the end of the world is rivaled by none.

TIME Magazine Person of the Year Shortlist
This award is not necessarily for the "best" person in the world, rather, for the person who changed the world the most.

Mr. Sufe, of the Solaris Alliance, for his steadfast commitment to democracy over ideology or faith.

Silas Kuznetzov, of the Union of Soviet Socialist Lycanthropes, for consolidating power in a remarkably short amount of time, as well as rapidly expanding.

"Sensei" of the Underground, for bold leadership of The Underground, whose decisions have saved millions of lives.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, of the New American Republic, for tearing away from The Sword and forming a country from scraps and refusing The Swords orders to firebomb infected cities. Whether this was a smart decision is still undecided.

Father Hjalmar, of the Limpeza Chama, for leading his scrappy nation to victory in one of the most blasted parts of the world.

Empire of the Rising Sun
At this state, the nanobots aren't ready to fight infection at the cellular level, they're just too clunky and the virus tends to wrap around them.

Peace Conference
Arnold Schwarzenegger (NAR) agrees to attend the peace conference.
Silas Kuznetzov (USSL) agrees to attend the peace conference.
The Sword refuses to send a representative.
Iran is on the fence (see above).
Israel agrees to attend the peace conference.
Palestine agrees to attend the peace conference.
Setites and Anubites refuse.
By the way--I might have missed it--where is the peace conference, anyway? I suggested Cairo when I thought it was just a mid-east deal, but it's snowballed since then.

2011-06-08, 09:22 AM

Atlantis sends notice that it will attend the peace conference. They also again offer to construct embassies to help spread the Z-inoculation. With the Alliance's permission they are willing to do some quick geomancy work and turn the meeting hall into a healing temple to provide immunity to all delegates.

2011-06-08, 09:40 AM
Phalanx Foundation to European Union

''Our Foundation congratulates you on the success of your operation to liberate the prisoners of the Fourth Reich and inoculating the nation against the Z-Virus.
If it is possible, we humbly ask you to share your NanoBot Technology with Japan. They have suffered greatly from the radiation, caused by the nuke strikes against the Great Hunt and now the Z-Virus is threatening to plunge their nation in chaos. We are doing everything in our power to help the victims of the Z-Virus, but Japan has limited resources. If they had your NanoBots, they could use them to repair the economic damage caused by radiation and gain strength necessary to oppose the Z-Virus.

I know that this is an outrageous request considering the value of this technology and coming from a NGO, but in this dire time, humanity must stand together. EU has received aid from many nations. And now you can give something back.''

To Phalanx Foundation

We have yet to receive aid beyond the pledge of military support from any nation, aside from the Sancrosti. We cannot give away our technology for free. We are struggling to provide adequate food for our population and inoculation is slow.

If the Japanese were willing to pay for our services, that would be a different matter. But as it stands, until we can stabilize our own lands, we cannot and shall not look to aiding other nations. And those who have already pledged their support for us shall be the first to receive our aide.

2011-06-08, 09:41 AM
The Underground

To Phalanx Foundation:

We're currently preparing various routes of spreading the Cure more easily once further development work on it is complete. Our people are also participating in the development projects all around the world.

Fighting the zombies themselves, we're mainly supporting local governments and sending X-Com to the worst hotspots. But the third vector, combating the spread of the virus, requires more assets than our organization currently has. We're doing what we call where we can, but the Legion and the Fourth Reich are both draining our very limited resources. If you could convince someone to donate additional economic support to our initiatives, we would be extremely grateful.

To European Union:

We would like to note that Japan gave you their laser-weaponry for free.

2011-06-08, 09:44 AM

To Underground

And we have given our Anomaly Detection Scanner and Bolter Technology for those who wish to use them.

2011-06-08, 09:47 AM
The Underground

To EU:

So you see the importance and usefulness of sharing what aid we can to help other nations combat the threats they face. :smallsmile:

2011-06-08, 09:47 AM
Nobel Prize Winners Announced!

Physics -- Dr. Lino Hatsuharu, a Japanese professor of quantum physics who helped crack many of the secrets of Rifts during the Russian-Japanese expedition in Siberia.

Chemistry -- Dr. Rodney McKay, of the EU, for his work developing anti-rad nanoscrubbers.

Medicine -- Doctor Jonathan Fremont, of the Phalanx Foundation, for his work circulating the cure for the Z-Virus.

Literature -- Maria Scorza, an American member of "The Underground" for her personal blog depicting the collapse of the United States as it happened. (a controversial choice)

Peace -- Mr. Sufe, of the Solaris Alliance, for his Israel-Palestine maneuverings

Economics -- A Sancrosti economist, for his genius work integrating Emanation-Human economics to make the installation of leyline technology possible.

2011-06-08, 10:27 AM

Euclid l'argent has declined the prize on the grounds that its was meant to honor achievement or advances in knowledge. As an emanation of the Sancrosti Dharma his knowledge represented only an increase in the understanding of his patron and not newly discovered understanding.

Fivescore Fellowship
OOC: Lets throw on a defensive esp alliance. Makes sense because you benefit from being on the island.

You are accepted to set up your headquarters on Atlantis.

2011-06-08, 01:05 PM
New England
As the fog shows no signs of relenting, scattered reports emerge over emergency radio broadcast from New England. A plague, so say the reports, is spreading like wildfire, killing thousands. The Sword has positioned troops along the New York state border to quarantine the region, and is recommending the Commonwealth do the same in Canada.

2011-06-08, 01:54 PM
Somewhere in South America

A man without a hand has finished cutting the wood. There were electricity shortages and food had to be cooked on open flames. The Order of Saint Thomas has been providing money for food, but their donations were dwindling, ever since the Australia was claimed by the soulless. Everybody had to pitch in, if they were to survive. Even a man with one arm.

''Mauricio, Mauricio!'' One of the orphans, Pedro, has run up to Mauricio excited. ''I heard on the radio. The Legion. They are killing the Comrades de Armas!'' Predro stopped, suddenly afraid at the sight of Mauricio's face. The one armed man spat on the ground. ''Good. Let them all die.'' He put down the hatchet, got up and walked inside the house, where a picture was hanging on the wall. There were twelve people in it, his parents, his siblings, his child. They were all dead. All he lost was one arm in the massacre the Camarades have executed, when the panicked refugees fled into their barricades. ''They have sinned that day.'' Mauricio looked back at Pedro and his eyes were filled with tears of sorrow and rage ''They have sinned and now the Devil has come to claim them''.


Okay, Camrades have WO (+). I would say Limpeza Chama hates Legion so much, so they wouldn't care, as long as they get to fight them. A faction like Emanations on other hand had accepted a lot of South America refugees, who would have few reasons to like Comrades.

Phalanx Foundation to EU

''We see little reason not to share technology with your fellow humans, in face of the common threat. It is not time to play the games of power and politics. It is time to survive. However, it is your choice and we will respect it.''

Phalanx Foundation to Underground

''We wish to help you from the bottom of our hearts, but out own resources are very limited and we are stretched thing. We will try to adress the outbreak in Japan and bring the Cure to the parts of the world, where Underground doesn't hold strong presence.''

Phalanx Foundation to Limpeza Chama

''The time has come to eradicate the Infection from the South America. We a preparing a campaign to save all those infected with the Z-Virus, before their souls are lost to this terrible plague. We ask for your assistance in setting up our Medical Centers.''

2011-06-08, 02:17 PM
Limpeza Chama

To Phalanx
Unfortunately we can not assist you. We must attend to the needs of all South Americans not just those infected by the zombies. Between the food shortages and the lack of stable governments we already stretched too thin.

Also you speak of people losing their souls to the z-virus, but you are misinformed. It is a horrible disease of course, but it does not affect the soul. If they believe in God then they're souls will be safe and it is only their abandoned husks that we are left to deal with. No the true threat are the Legion. Unlike the virus they do indeed actually steal souls, and so it is they who are the greater threat and to whom we must devote our full resources.

2011-06-08, 02:27 PM
To the Emanations
What precisely would this defensive espionage allliance entail?

To Mashimoto
Um. Right, so helping them on their research project is a complete and utter waste of time.
Anyway, what does a defensive espionage alliance entail?

Imperial Psycho
2011-06-08, 02:28 PM
Commonwealth of Nations

To Phalanx
Our military movements are classified, so we can provide no answer at this time.

To Limpeza Chama
We will allow you protect Guyana and it's population. We thank you for whatever aid you provide.

Military dispositons: + mil (Army) to remain in Canada, to quarantine plague areas and codorn off the rift.
++ mil (Mixed Naval and Air forces) to stay near Great Britain, and prepare to support assaults on the Fourth Reich.

+++ mil (Naval and Army) to hold New Zealand. Troops are given orders to be very careful about exposure, and to wear hazmat suits to protect themselves from the Virus.

Kommisar Engel
2011-06-08, 02:49 PM
Empire of the Rising Sun

Tokyo Imperial Palace

A man enters the room from the opposite end looking quite haggard. Still, it was the same man who handed the information regarding energy weapons.

"I must apologize for both my appearance and tardiness. The Imperial Family was affected by the attacks, and are in critical condition. As proxy for his Imperial Majesty, I'm granted full power to make decisions for him and the Diet.

You already know me as Chrysanthemum_Chair. In truth, I am Kei Kirisame, illegitimate child of one of the princes, someone who doesn't exist officially, and heir apparent due to the convoluted succession laws if the worse comes. There will be no need to tell me of your true identity if you wish, Sensei. Shall we proceed?"

OOC: Peace Talks? You really should bring a non-involved party to act as a neutral adjudicator for such things. Some random musings

And for some fluff, out of boredom, the gas got most of the Imperial Family.

To Mashimoto
Can I use my pathetic Espionage to counter them quislings? And would higher tiers of Nanomachinery allow me to counteract the virus?

2011-06-08, 03:18 PM
The Underground

Tokyo Imperial Palace

The other three people stay back a little as Sensei steps forward. Lifting the machine to her throat again, she bows deep and then speaks.
"Greetings. We are all extremely saddened to hear of the situation, and surprised at the honour we have been granted at this audience.

Forgive me for being so blunt, but time is extremely short, undoubtedly for both of us. Despite, and indeed because, of what's happening in Japan, it is imperative we discuss several matters.

Frankly, we at the Underground are global. But we're an NGO, and that's hurting our status and ability to get things done where they must be done. The Overground is a first step. We've got plenty of help elsewhere as well. But we've got a proposal for you."

She walks a bit closer, drawing more nervous glances from the guards. Raising her voice slightly, the distortion from the machine strangely makes it more recognizable as the same voice that has been part of so many broadcasts lately over the Internet.

"Work together with us. We'll be eyes, ears and, when necessary, a mouth for you abroad. More importantly, we'll use your resources and expertise combined with our sheer manpower and contacts to protect you from further attacks like the zombie virus. And yes, it was an attack.

We're pretty sure it's been brought into your nation on purpose. And we're going to ask you to help us track down the traitors to our species who would do such a thing.

The era of nations as we know them is over. It will be over, regardless of how humanity ends up once this Salvation War ends. Those who are first to realize and embrace this fact will be the ones ready to take advantage of the new era. Help us, help humankind, and we will help you."

2011-06-08, 04:04 PM

Re Economics as Incentives: Mostly that was just a response to mysterious forces convincing a bunch of 'concerned business men' to get all up in our business. Just reminding the concerned businessmen to keep their commentary to the peanut gallery. They (noslipe) wanted to start their own Israel, Palestine talks, only with Iran involved. The Alliance refused to allow just the Iranian's to join, so has instead opened the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations to the whole world, with the tacit understandings the private Solarian mediated, just Israeli and Palestinian talks will also be continuing.

I'm basically making it clear to Tehran that they can show up, and they'll be allowed to stand up and make all the hammy anti-rebel anti-Israel speeches they want, but that half the UN will get to do the same and that they're being seated far away from the Solarians.

To accommodate this, the Alliance is setting up a brand new building, next to the courthouse being used to try the Syrians, as part what is evidently a planned block of official building that may some day become the 'official' Alliance capital, rather than the ad hoc, de facto set up currently centered in Cairo.

2011-06-08, 04:20 PM
To Iran
We can provide food, and possibly stop the riots. We have contacts with the people supplying them. Will you attend?

2011-06-08, 04:48 PM
Fivescore Fellowship
The player being attacked with espionage gets to add the other players flat espionage as a modifier to theirs.

New Zealand
Commonwealth and X-Com forces have managed to shut down the creeping zombie menace while it remained on the fringe of major cities. The fighting was not without losses, however, as many of the fallen troops rose again to fight with the zombies.

X-Com (Underground) loses - military.
Commonwealth loses - military.
Z-Virus loses + military.

Empire of the Rising Sun
You're welcome to try, it would be a standard espionage action which you would include in your EoT. Tier 3 nanotech I would say is medical, and it could be used to counter infection (make Thel pay more for the zeds he gets in regions with nanomedicine) but not stop it entirely.

Iran to Fivescore Fellowship
"Give us the name of the parties funding these dangerous terrorists, and promise us you will work with us to cut off that stream of funds, and we will attend your conference."

2011-06-08, 04:55 PM
To Iran
With any luck, we should be able to hand them over at the confrence. Not by this channel, however. There are too many eyes.

2011-06-08, 06:00 PM

New Zealand
It's over. It's finally over.

Many, many things have been learned during this first real battle of the X-Com. They thought themselves pretty competent for civilians, doing well in a raid here, a zombie cleansing there. But when the bullets were flying and the hordes of undead approached from all directions, when the retreat was blocked - not by physical means but the mental resolve to not let civilians fall prey to the Z - not everyone could keep their composure.

There were less (un)deaths than feared, but more than would have been necessary. That's how it usually goes. The X-Com had been through it's baptism by fire, and they had prevailed. From here on out, they were real soldiers. In the future, any time a professional soldier would sneer on an X-Com member for being a 'meddling kid', the only thing he had to respond was 'Siege of Wellington'. Their deeds would be remembered, and the ashes of their dead spread to the sea.

Those who had taken it as a game were being rooted out, leaving a core of people willing to die for their beliefs and to kill for the survival of their species.

The time of X-Com had started. It wasn't a joke any more. The Underground now had an army.

And that was one scary thought.

2011-06-08, 07:52 PM
The Fivescore Fellowship

Around the Loom of Ashka, roughly eighty men and women had assembled. Some had flown in from around the world, and others had simply stood up in the refugee camp and walked over. Around it, they scurried like ants, as the bemused watchers stared. They were doing something, but the exact trick of it escaped the eye.

2011-06-08, 10:19 PM
Iran to Fivescore Fellowship
We maintain that we cannot send diplomats to the conference until funding to the dangerous insurrectionists is cut off. We wish to display forthright that no negotiation may be had until these terrorists unilaterally lay down their arms, or have their arms taken from them.

2011-06-08, 10:27 PM
To Iran
I am sure you understand that us entering representatives into your country would be an expensive and risky undertaking. I am also sure that you are aware of the danger to our Palestinian brothers and sisters if we permit Israel's lackey, Solaris, to continue with thier ramapge. We ask you to do your duty for Islam by stepping in in your rightful role.
If you do this for us, we can guantee our assistance in hunting down those who are supplying the arms.

Either way, we cannot send operatives into your country at the time due to A: the lack of mutual trust that that would imply, and the negative concequences on morale were something to go wrong, and
B: the chance of the rebels waylaying our representative.

If you would prefer, I can meet with you in person to work this out. Your country will endure, as it has done for decades, with you gone for a week. If you would not like to conduct the handing over of infomation in close contact with Solaris and suchlike, then we would be more than happy to set up a meeting between our leaders on neutral ground. Possibly in the African Coalition's territory?

How does this sound: We meet, at a neutral location in the AC. We exchange data on those funding the irrsurectionists, and we coordinate our strikes against them. Armed with this knowlege, you supress the traitors, and then attend the confrence to work out the current crisis.

To Solaris
Do you need another - econ this turn?

2011-06-09, 02:35 AM
The Bishop of Caelia

The man was old. Very old. Just now, he couldn't quite remember how old. He couldn't quite remember anything at the moment. So old. So tired. So many minutes upon hours upon days upon months upon years upon decades upon centuries, all piling up, all making him old insiduously, second by second. He realized, with a dull kind of shock, that he couldn't actually remember his name. He was fairly sure that was unusual.

All of this went on deep in his mind, as he walked, the deep, abiding faith that had sustained him so long beginning to ebb. It was an effort, though not a physical one, to take each step. He wasn't sure where he was going any more: believing that you know things takes a great deal of energy, energy that he no longer had. But one foot in front of another, ah, that was easy, that was simple, that was mechanical. He kept walking, kept moving, kept juggling a thousand mental plates in an infinitely large sky to stop himself from falling over, stop himself from sinking, stop himself from being seen, stop himself from bursting into tears...

And suddenly, he was there. He was sure of it, and for him that was the same as it being true. He stood, surrounded by the buildings of this place. A name floated into his mind. Sydney? In... he struggled for this word too, before it came. Australia? Why he was here, he wasn't quite sure, but some part of him knew, and suddenly the thoughts, the beliefs, the Faith, began to peel themselves away, leaving only the task before him. Heads, half-decaying, turned to him as he suddenly leapt from the background, but it was too late. He was flying, free, ascending, no longer held back by this burden of flesh, and something clicked in his mind, and all of a sudden everything around him was free as well. Every slightest particle of nature released from its surroundings, fire and light and sound filling the air in a process that a small group of physicists had first isolated barely more than half a century ago. The mind that had been the Bishop exulted for a moment, then vanished.

Who says we have no nukes? Also, good game everybody, but I'm pulling out. Consider this my goodbye and resignation.

2011-06-09, 05:07 AM
The Reclamation Crusade

The report of the strike against the Z-Virus in Sydney wasn't the top story. Australia was old news, its fall already forgotten, while the world focused its attention on the events in Europe, Mexico and USA. The living had little time to think of the dead. Yet there were some who remembered.

Phalanx Foundation, established by the refugees of the forsaken continent to make sure such tragedy never happens again. They have worked tirelessly around the world to stop the Z-Virus. But their thoughts never left their home. And their hearts always held the hope of return. And now it was finally happening.

In other news, Phalanx Foundation has announced its plans to organize a Reclamation Crusade, to bring Australia back to the Humanity. The volunteer forces are being organized to fight the Z-Virus and take back their continent, city by city.

The official spokesman of Phalanx Foundation, Alexander Volkov made the following statement:

''We ask all people, who wish to fight Z-Virus to join our volunteer Corps. Anybody who signs up will be granted citizenship of the New Australia, a nation we will win by strength of our resolve.''

Italy, Phalanx Foundation Office

A ragged looking, unshaven man walked in the recruitment office of the Reclamation Crusade. He got the form and quickly filled it. The clerk accepted the form and give it a quick look. Her eyes stopped on the name.
''Prime Minister Glatt?''
''Just Thomas Glatt now.''
''Everybody thought you were dead!''
''I wished that much. But death seemed like an easy way out, after all I've did. I don't believe in afterlife, but I know of at least one hell on Earth. And I want to go there.''

Phalanx Foundation to USSL

''We have asked many for aid, yet everybody tells us that they have no resources to spare. You are our last hope. We ask you to aid us in reclamation of Australia and its rebirth as New Australia. The Z-Virus a true threat to the world and somebody must stop it. We would be forever in USSL's debt, if you could lend us your strength''.

Phalanx Foundation to Coalition of Arabic Representatives

''We ask for your support to retake Australia. It was once a rich and prosperous nation and, if you aid us, we will generously repay you. This isn't the time to slink in shadows and hide. It is time of opportunity - to strike and win.''

Phalanx Foundation to Commonwealth

''Your operation in New Zealand was a brilliant show of force. For the first time the marauding hordes of Z-Virus were denied their prey. We understand your forces are stretched thin, but if your navy could provide support to our initiative to reclaim Australia, you can help us eliminate the threat to New Zealand at its source.

Phalanx Foundation to All Refugees and Venezuela Fleet

''Phalanx Foundation seeks to build a new home for all displaced, where you can find peace and prosperity. We seek to reclaim Australia to Humanity and we believe we can gather support to achieve it.''

Phalanx Foundation to Renegades

''You have signed a defensive pact with Australia once, yet you haven't fulfilled your obligations, when the need was most dire. Will you help us to reclaim Australia and restore your Honor? We ask you to fulfill the obligations of that old Alliance and help us liberate Australia from the horrors of the Z-Virus.''

Phalanx Foundation to Holy Rose (now an NPC without OOC knowledge)

''We humbly ask you to provide whatever help you can to our Crusade to restore Australia to the Light of God. For to long have being losing ground to the Anomalies. It is time to take back what's ours. Australia can become a new stronghold of faith as the refugees from South America would be granted a new home and bells would ring in Churches of Australia once more.

I truly believe, that the Sydney Cleansing of Z-Virus was a sign of God. He wishes us to fight. And with him we will win.''

To GM Only!


I don't expect many people to follow, but with that thing, that's supposed to bring me WO, there will be some volunteers and I should get enough military/economy support to pull my plan off. Let's see if my gambit pays off.

Also, I understand my supporters don't have that much WO, but considering how everybody I've asked turned me down, saying they have too few resources, people should understand Phalanx Foundation has no choice, but accept any help they could get.

distant quasar
2011-06-09, 07:16 PM

Great Hunt
The Hunt is no longer a serious threat to civilised life. Not compared to some other abominations in this world; the Fourth Reich, the Z virus, the Legion, all sweeping across the world. To continue our war against the Hunt would be folly; not to mention extermination.

Phalanx Foundation
As you are undoubtedly aware, our efforts were concentrated against the Great Hunt. But we signed to protect your government from foreign threats; not threats originating in your own land. We sypmpathize with you, as you have suffered the consequences of your governments bad desicions. But we will not give you Military aide. Instead we will help the search for a cure, which will do far more for you than military intervention.

Our military can better help humanity in other ways for now. When we have a cure, however, we will send our military to help distribute it and reclaim Australia. We hope that when that day comes you will set up a wiser government.

We woul be interested in working together in the search for a cure to the Z virus.

2011-06-09, 08:23 PM
The Fivescore Fellowship

**Deep within the newly constructed citadels of Shambhala**

01 was sitting at a table. Across from him was a chessboard. Scattered across it were pieces, still, but less now than before. The game was drawing to its conclusion. 01's hands were steepled, as he looked at the board with the intensity that in days gone by had held audiences of millions inraptured. He didn't blink. He didn't move. To someone looking at him he appeared to be a perfect statue, unless you looked closely, upon which a skilled observer could determine that he was breathing. When others were around, they would stop him at regular intervals to remind him to drink and eat, but he was alone. And so, the minutes stretched to hours, the hours stretched to days, and the days stretched to weeks. Until, finally, he stirred. He looked up from the board.
The room was an impressive room. It was over three miles wide, and the celling rose further than the eye could see above the floor. All around him, in the blank grey hall, were thousands upon thousands of similarly set up boards, each with a different game portrayed on it. Each was carved out of the same grey marble-like rock, each set into the tables. The entire room, down to the tables, the chairs, and even the chess sets, was formed out of a single seamless piece of stone, somehow. Even the chess pieces were rooted in the same piece of stone. An ordinary person would never have been able to make a move. After a few minutes, 01 smiled, and looked down at the board once more. Slowly, with infinite care, he picked up a single piece - stone parting like water beneath it - and placed it down on another square, where the stone again flowed around it, instantaneously merging with the piece as if they had never been apart. And then, to no one in particular, he said
Slowly, he got to his feet. He looked around the room, his eyes alighting on another table, with it's game, over five hundred meters away. He walked deliberately towards it, until he stood at one end of the table. With care, he sat down, steepled his hands once more, and turned his formidable gaze on the board. Within a few minutes, the faint movement of air caused by his passage had abated, and the great dome was perfectly silent once again.

To the Renegades, Japan
We agree with the Renegades. It's time to turn our focus to another group. Ideas?

2011-06-10, 06:30 AM
To the Renegades:

Taking out one Anomaly at a time seems to be the best tactic. Using overwhelming firepower, of course.

Currently, the Legion and the Naga are giving some trouble to the coalition of Camaradas de Armas, Limpeza Chama and Emanations of the Sancrosti. We are sure some support would be well-received.

2011-06-10, 11:56 AM
The Soviet educated Prime Minister of Mongolia and leader of the Mongolian Peoples Party, Sükhbaataryn Batbold, announced today official intentions for Mongolia to be absorbed into the Union of Soviet Socialist Lycanthropes. This was a shock to American educated president and leader of the Democratic Party, Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj, who claims that discussions about joining the Union have ceased in the negative.

The president is attempting to have the prime minister declared legally insane and removed from post as the Lycanthrope military rolls across the border.

USSL to Phalanx Foundation
While we cannot at this time offer military assistance, we see a bright future for the reconstruction of Australia, and we believe Socialism is the natural policy for a post-reconstruction Australia. After it is reclaimed, we would be willing to invest in it's economic and political security.

The Flotilla (formerly Venezuelan Fleet) to Phalanx Foundation
We have considered your offer, and we are willing to lend what assistance we can, but not for free. From what we understand, the Australian navy has, by and large, been abandoned halfway during the repair process after skirmishes with the Grand Hunt. The Australian dockyards have been abandoned for almost a year. We want free reign to salvage spare machinery munitions, and fuel from them. Additionally, we want a strip of the island to establish as a semi-permanant dockyard for our fleet.

Vatican to Phalanx Foundation
Our forces are needed to shore up Rome, we are unable to contribute. You have our blessings.

Kommisar Engel
2011-06-10, 02:32 PM
Empire of the Rising Sun

Kei watched the mysterious woman (probably). He was the underhand of the emperor, so to speak. Running his thoughts on the matter, voiced his thoughts on the matter.

"Salvation War? There was a story titled that on the forums. It was a war between humanity, Satan, and God. We won, is the gist of it. And your voice, underneath that distortion reminds me of the videos you released. Schoolgirl, perhaps?"

"We already know it was an attack. Despite our substandard intelligence agencies, we're paranoid enough and given the incident with the Imperial Family, you have confirmed our suspicions."

Kei took a short pause to examine his options. In the short span of a few seconds, he made his decisions.

"Anything you need that we can provide, we'll give. You are trustworthy enough. If nothing else, we want the bastards who attacked the Imperial Family. What do you need?"

2011-06-10, 02:52 PM
The Underground

Tokyo Imperial Palace

((OOC: Well, Sensei's broadcasts also use distortion and don't reveal anything about her.))

"I know. I haven't read it, but a lot of people have. Never had the time.

In any case. The people I have with me are experts on various practical matters we will need to discuss. They'll need to meet similar people from your side and talk about matters. But it's up to us two to decide that things must get done, before they can get to their task of actually getting them done.

I'd like a moment of private conversation. If we are, as you say, trustworthy. I'm pretty sure the security here will have a fit, but can we arrange for a short time of no cameras pointed at my face? Or recorders? I'll talk quietly."

Kommisar Engel
2011-06-10, 03:06 PM
Empire of the Rising Sun

Tokyo Imperial Palace

"I would suggest my bedroom." Kei chuckled. "Sadly, with the gas and the unfortunate implications, that wouldn't be wise. Still, I know one room where it meets your requirements though I would never imagine having to actually use it. Your choice of restroom, Men or Women?"

2011-06-10, 05:12 PM
The Underground

Tokyo Imperial Palace

Laughter. "Which is closer? It'll only be a moment."

Whichever room they end up in, they're back rather quickly. You already know via PM what you now know IC.

2011-06-10, 07:16 PM
It was a large chamber. The lighting was dim, sunlight coming through a dome made of blocks of quartz. A balding slightly out of shape man entered. He saw tiers of seats spaced evenly around the room.

At each one sat a man or woman, their heads recently shaved, dressed in white robes. Their eyes were closed and they chanted and prayed softly, a bowl of incense before them.

Little waterfalls of pure sparkling water poured down each tier through grooves in the floor raising a slight mist. Above, a wreath of smoke and cloud obscured the roof.

Beneath a twenty meter long golden needle at the center of the room stood one of the silver race. He was watching a shallow bowl under the needle.

"I have been expecting you doctor McKay. I am glad your study of our leylines is going so well."

The Canadian didn't answer. Or rather, he didn't have time to.

"Its titration. The bowl contains an ounce of the blood of an unborn. Don't make that face, the girl was born healthy three days later. It contains a known quantity of pure hate. We are testing how much forgiveness is required to neutralize it.

The holy water flowing through the room is at a known level of sanctification, the incense is identical, and everyone here is saying the same prayer of forgiveness. It condenses on the special needle."

As he spoke a tiny little drop began to form on the hanging tip. The silver one bent down to watch closely.

"Humans have already learned the lesson that hate can be drowned in blood. An adult does not contain anywhere near enough to contain that much hate. Yet the pure, those who have never known hate, are better able to cover it. So much as is contained here would drive us all into a murderous rage, ending only when the last man or woman, having murdered the rest, rips themselves apart in self loathing."

McKay's citrus face wasn't even this upset. Once again he was interrupted as the drop finally fell and the liquid, which had been red with writhing black turned clear as water.

All around the room was a collective sigh of release. It had taken three days of prayer to reach this point.

"It is worrisome doctor, that such a large quantity of good intentions is required to remove such a small quantity of bad. There is a lesson there I think."

distant quasar
2011-06-10, 07:31 PM

Underground, Fivescore, Japan
We believe the Legion should be next in line. They seem to be the largest threat left currently.

2011-06-10, 10:12 PM

To The Renegades, Japan, Underground
We agree. An attack by us on the pacific coast of Mexico and south america would complete their encirclement.

2011-06-11, 02:27 AM
The Underground

To RISCA, Renegades, Japan:

Well, anything that can be contributed to this fight should.

But let's not forget the other anomalies either.

2011-06-11, 09:35 AM
Phalanx Finds Cure!
Senior executives from the Plalanx group have announced they've found a cure to the airborne infection in Japan which is safe and effective. It was designed by slightly modifying Emanation temple technology. If widely employed by the government, Phalanx believes it is possible to prevent the infection from ever leaving the island. Air travel is slated to return soon.

[Phalanx Foundation gains + WO]

Kommisar Engel
2011-06-11, 10:34 AM
Empire of the Rising Sun

Tokyo Imperial Palace, Women's Restroom

"I never thought I'd be here. Makes me wonder what women do here." Kei commented inside.

2011-06-11, 11:34 AM
South America

The Phalanx Foundation has started opening medical centers on the border with the Colombia and Ecuador, where the population could get medical checks for Z-Virus. They were using the most advanced of the Underground and Emanations technology to locate and cure every single infected in South America.

''And Underground has captured those states, becoming the Overground. They are working to unit the USA.'' Pedro went on excitedly. The kid sure liked listening to that radio. Mauricio was as glad as anybody would be to know less of the soulless roamed the earth, but he didn’t feel much for that ''Underground''. The Underground will help you. If you could afford a laptop and broadband connection. Us, poor folks have to fend for ourselves, he thought bitterly.

''Did you hear? Phalanx Foundation has opened a medical centre in the village. They will be checking people for the plague.'' Pedro changed the subject to something closer to home. Mauricio considered the news. They said Phalanx Foundation has saved people in Japan. That it was going to retake Australia from the soulless. Everybody around him looked hopeful, so he smiled as well. There was no point to bring everybody’s mood down by being grumpy. Yet he was burned once and he wasn’t going to trust the kindness of people that easily.

''I… I really don’t know, if I should go. What if they say I’m infected? What will happen to me?''

Father Thomas, from the Order of St. Thomas, smiled his most reassuring smile. He has lost weight and earned a few scars since his mission in South America began. Things went really bad for the Order, once the creatures began rising from the dead. He managed to survive and worked tirelessly to save as many people as possible. The news that Australia has fallen led him to bottle and he spent two weeks barely staying conscious from drink and a fever he pick up. But he managed to pull himself together and return to work. And now finally, things were changing.

''Don’t worry. The Emanations have given Cure to the Phalanx Foundation. You’ll be safe. And people around you will be safe. Trust me.''
Father Tomas wasn’t certain, what to think about Emanations of Sancrosti and their new religion. They gave people the Cure and hope. What was he to believe now? His hand momentarily squeezed the cross and then let go. He had to sort his thought out.

Phalanx Foundation to Renegades
Z-Virus has hardly originated in our land, considering the infections in Japan and South America happened at the same time. It was an invasion, as much as Great Hunt’s attack on Indonesia. We will await your military reinforcements, but please, don’t take too long.

Phalanx Foundation to Limpeza Chama
We have started an initiative to locate all people with latent Z-Virus infection. If you have any resources to spare, to help us establish medical centres and direct people to undergo Z-Virus screening, please direct them to us.

Phalanx Foundation to Japan
We request you aid, in our effort to reclaim Japan from the Z-s. This way, you can end the risk of infection finding its way to your shores and aid the global fight to put an end to the horror, that claimed so many of your citizens.

Phalanx Foundation to Venezuelan Fleet
Your terms are acceptable. Let’s work together.

2011-06-11, 02:17 PM
Emanations of the Sancrosti

We have not yet checked the purported cure to the Z-virus the foundation has released. While we applaud their efforts, it is possible they may have, in ignorance, disrupted the delicate harmonies of the crystals.

Until such time as we have done such checks we cannot condone or support the cure.

2011-06-11, 06:01 PM
The Underground

Tokyo Imperial Palace - Women's Restroom

"Oh, plenty of things, I'm sure..."

Sensei glances around and breathes, then moves her hood back and removes her eyeglasses. She looks straight at Kei, assuming that, after a moment, he'll recognize her. "Hey. Funny thing. I'm Yuki Shiino, you might've heard of my father. As the future Director of Intelligence I should probably get used to this." She sounds slightly anxious, speaking without her distorter.

"But yeah. I need to go to the media soon, but please don't reveal me yet." She bows, before putting the hood back on. "And, that was all, really. I'll need to get one of our genius scientists to talk with yours, and all. There's a data dump from our side, and we'll ask for some of your results we've heard of, too."

2011-06-14, 11:04 AM
Part Six
Humans Alive: 85%

Nuclear subs stolen
Several ballistic missile submarines armed with nuclear warheads have been stolen from under-attended naval bases on the eastern coast of the United States. Sword officials refuse to comment.

Quislings across the world are dropping dead from assassination. You lost - esp.

New Z-Cure!
Thanks to the research efforts of The Underground, The Emanations, The Renegades, and The Empire of the Rising Sun, advancements have been made on the Emanations Z-cure [tier 3]. However, too many cooks, as they say, spoil the broth--and convoluted research projects in many languages with thousands of doctors have resulted in a cure whose effectiveness is muddled in layers of rushed complexities. The cure is an absolute improvement on previous cures, but it is by no means perfect.

2011-06-14, 11:44 AM
Emanations of the Sancrosti

We celebrate the work improving the Z-cure. Hopefully their scourge will soon be gone from the world.

However, this is not what we have come to announce. We have made a refuge, a strong tower that shall not be cast down. In this hidden city all people may be free from the harm of the anomalies.

We again extend our offer of sanctuary to all people. Come to Atlantis and you will not be turned aside. We will shelter you in the light of the Mighty.

2011-06-14, 11:48 AM
Phalanx Foundation

The Discovery of the Cure

The Foundation rushes the newly discovered cure to the people in South America. Hundreds of thousands people, identified as infected with the Z-Virus, by the rigorous Phalanx Foundation medical screening, recieve their salvation.

A global media campaign to raise awareness of the victims of the Z-Virus and funding to save them.

This is Maria.
She is seven years old.
Maria is infected with Z-Virus.
She will die in one months time.
Is this the End?

You can change the world. You can save a life. Donate to Phalanx Salvation Fund to end Z-Virus once and for all.

Phalanx Foundation to Renegades

''Now that you have the cure, we are waiting for your military assistance in Australia.''

Phalanx Foundation to Japan

''Once again, we humbly ask for you ro provide assistance in reclaiming the Australia from the horrors of the Z-Virus. The victory was always withing our garsp. With this cure, it will cost us far less.''

Kommisar Engel
2011-06-14, 12:24 PM
Empire of the Rising Sun

Through the Heart of a Nation
Prime Minister Naoto Kan has released an immediate broadcast.

"My fellows, today, a great tragedy befalls our nation. The Imperial Family, despite the best efforts the joint research effort, has fallen to the virus and has been laid to rest."

Naoto tensed, trying to announce the deaths of the Imperial family as diplomatically as possible. It was a stressful week for everyone in the know; the Imperial Family's condition deteriorated as the research for the cure progressed. In the end, the virus won the race against time.

"All flags will be raised half-mast and a week of mourning will be alloted. The funerals for the Imperial Family is being arranged, and an heir is being searched by our genealogists."

Not really, we already have an heir. Naoto thought. It's only for formalities sake, and to prevent the truth about the parentage being leaked ot.

"It is a dark and trying time for us, but we must endure. Those responsible for this atrocity will be found, and they will pay."

OOC: Yep, I'm really bored. I'm expecting riots or something to happen just because of my actions while bored.

To Phalanx Foundation
We are unable to provide any assistance at the moment.

distant quasar
2011-06-15, 08:21 PM

Legion situation
The Renegade military has been redirected against the Legion, in an effort to complete encirclemnt of them. ((working in joint with Japan and RISCA?:smallconfused:))

We are still occpied dealing with the Legion. We believe finding the cure has helped you much, but that fighting the Legion will help humanity as a whole more than supporting Australia. We will be at your side as soon as we are able, to retake your land for you.

2011-06-16, 04:20 AM

"Dubaku Ihejirika"



"Thank you lieutenant. The waiting room is down the hall. Here are your papers"

The lieutenant took his papers off the desk, and walked down to the waiting room. The walls were a surgical white. He seated himself on one of the seats by the table, and opened the papers. While he was reading a woman came down the hall and seated herself on one of the other chairs.

Non-Disclosure agreement:

What is to follow for you in the next few days, is classified under the highest security levels of the African Coalition. Very few people beyond you will ever know what is being done in this facility. Before you continue you must agree never to reveal these secrets to anyone. If you agree to this, and then betray our trust, you will be given the maximum sentence of life imprisonment. If you can't agree you may still leave now.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I do solemly swear to keep the secrets I am to learn safe, and accept the punishment if I fail in my duty.



Dubaka put down his pen, and thought. He still wasn't sure what he was getting himself into. When he was approached six months ago he was told it was some new kind of combat enhancing drug, but that was six months ago. Since then he had undergone the most extreme mental and physical examinations of his life. One in a million people passed. He almost hadn't himself, but here he was.

The woman across from Dubaka put down her pen, dropped the disclosure agreement in the bin, and walked out the exit.

Dubaka almost did the same himself, but his curiosity got the better of him. He had come this far, he wanted to see what this Project Paragon really was. He signed the agreement. Almost immediately a white cloaked doctor emerged from one of the waiting room doors.

"Ah excellent, you're ready. Lets begin"

2011-06-19, 08:05 AM
Panama through Nicaragua were occupied territory. Honduras, Guatamala, El Salvador, and Belize are a gray zone, though Camaradas forces are gradually retreating.

The Legion forces from the north had slipped down the central American spine and ransacked the Camaradas border defense. After days of chaotic fighting with unclear lines--their positions had switched, with the Legion in the South pushing the Camaradas north in a series of excruciating battles that pressed the resolve of Central America with every advance.

The Panama Canal is inoperable. The fighting destroyed the freighters in the Canal at the time, leaving thousands of tons of rubble and broken floodgates which much be repaired before inter-ocean shipping can be reestablished.

Rumors began to swell the loose ranks of the Camaradas forces. Legion troops had shapeshifted into the massive refugee trains, and even into the looseknit, unorganized militia ranks of the military itself. Anyone with an unfamiliar face was a potential Legion spy. And familiar faces too. Soldiers were being reported left and right for strange behavior.

The engineer corps had their own rumors. The Legion--or some force in their control--has now gained the ability to posses and damage complex machinery. Hundreds of tank commanders reported anomalous "ghosts in the machine" as computer equipment flickers and stalls. Two military jets and six civilian airliners have crashed over central America during the crisis, and "ghosts in the machine" are to blame.

[other factions are okay to arrive in Mexico now]

New Anomaly Faction
Microscopic creatures that feed on electricity and silicon components of computers. Biological equivalent of nanobots. A member of the Legion Confederacy of Species, Gremlins have been sent to Earth from one of the Legion's conquered dimensions to assist in the war effort.

TIME Magazine names Underground leader "Sensei" Person of the Year, 2013
It's been a busy year for Time Warner Company. Constant pressure from the Sword have forced a quiet censorship which was only broken when the news conglomerate made the controversial move to abandon it's previous corporate home in Atlanta Georgia for the west coast, where President Schwarzenegger promised to, without exception, hold up the First Amendment.

Since their relocation, they have resumed printing TIME magazine, which now includes survival strategies alongside it's regular news and commentary. It's end of year issue proclaims the elusive "Sensei" of The Underground the Person of the Year. In a rare interview, the magazine attempted to get a revealing look at the anonymous spokesperson.

Linda Clemont conducted the interview, which was carried out live. Sensei spoke into a microphone from an anonymous location, which was then translated immediately into text for Linda to read.

"Greetings, Ms. Clemont. My alias is Sensei, and people tend to call me a leader in the Underground although the proper term is 'Face'. I do not lead as such, I'm just generally listened to. Technically, I'm not a real 'Face' either. The term originated to mean those whose identities are widely known in meatspace[1] thanks to their work in the Underground. Mine isn't."

"Your group has received a lot of flak for its insistence on anonymity. A lot of people correlate that with a sense of no responsibility. How can you legitimize the efforts of your group and your leaders when none of them can be held legally--or even personally accountable?"

"Well. First of all, we have people out there whose identities are known. Nordberg, Kerison, Saswata[2] and others. But most of our people are anonymous, yes. If someone wanted to breach their identities, they could do it, but our decentralized structure means it's unlikely to really matter except in a few special cases like mine. Every one of our members is legally, and personally, accountable for his own deeds. If someone claiming to be of the Underground robs a bank in France, the Underground won't shelter him and he will be caught and tried by the French police. Our members are supposed to follow the laws of the nation they're in. That said, we believe in the legitimacy of actions, not legality. If we do not believe a law is just and right, we will break it to do good. Laws should be the will of the people, after all. We're willing to risk it and face the consequences if we're caught, though our organization is going to do whatever it can to help people who are persecuted for speaking out against the government in, say, China. Both humankind and the Underground are a collection of individuals, and the combined morals and ethics of us all form the basis for the laws of society."

"Any chance of discovering your true identity in the near future? Surely you've heard the speculation. We here at TIME have had furious discussions ourselves."


"Well, there have been some developments. It's possible I'll need to give up my secrecy soon. I expect it'll be full of lulz[3]."

"Do you have any contact, personal or professional, with Julian Assange?"

"Me specifically? No, never met him. But Wikileaks is an organization whose aims I generally support, and there are a lot of Underground members who also do. We don't have any organizational agenda as such but a lot of our people share certain views, of course."

"It's a little difficult to nail down the political, or even philosophical position of your organization. There are some who staunchly insist that the Underground is a socialist group, others who claim they're libertarian."

[more laughter]

"I'd like to see people succeed at nailing down the position of the Internet. Some call us anarchistic. Generally, we're just a collection of a lot of people who hold differing views, differing ideals and differing values. What holds us together is the fact that most of us agree on a few simple points. Humankind is in danger as a species. Something must be done about it. Freedom of speech is important. Madagascar needs to stop shutting down it's harbor every single time somebody coughs in Brazil... that was a joke[4]. Anyway, we believe something must be done, we've proven capable of getting things done where necessary. Human beings generally share a certain sense of morality and ethics. The specifics differ. But we're doing the best we can to save lives and make things better for people. Everyone can get behind that, no?"

"The Underground has proved to us all that the line between nation-state and club is much finer than any of us could have expected. What do you think your rise to prominence means for the old paradigm of nationhood?"

"Well, a nation is an entity that holds the right to set laws within it's sovereign territory and punish people if those laws aren't obeyed. So, we're not a nation. But I believe that the concept of a nation originates from history and is quickly becoming outdated in this world. Economy works globally, over borders. The police and the law mostly work globally, over borders. Criminals work over borders, and nowadays even military action is international. Humankind has been on the road to unification for a long time now, but the appearance of the Rifts has sped that up. We're reliant on each other now, and so we cooperate out of necessity. I believe that after we win this war, we won't go straight back to the old system of nation-states. What better way to unify old enemies than a common foe and a difficult struggle? We can be more than we are, and we will."

[1] The Analog World. Underground members have some problems with the common phrasing "real world" preferring two realities--one digital, and one analog.

[2] For additional information, see http://www.time.com/world/underground

[3] Internet slang. "lulz" is a corruption of "lol" which stands for Laugh Out Loud. The Underground is well known for it's ever changing deviations of internet culture. Within the group of hacktivists in particular, "lulz" is a substitution for motivation, as well as the reward for various cyber attacks.

[4] A reference to the internet flash game series "Pandemic" in which players control a disease trying to infect the world. The game is notoriously difficult for island nations, such as Madagascar, shutting off their borders early on, preventing the player from winning.

2011-06-19, 10:14 AM
The Overground

Divided States of America

Two SUVs were driving down the road, painted black with an X-COM insignia. The drive had been particularly dull, so far, and the people at the back were feeling disgruntled.

"What's up with this raiding stuff anyway. Sit around for ages, then leap out, see nothing and go back."

Rubbing his rifle, a nearby man called out. "That's how you want your wars to be, man. If things get heated, you'll miss the boredom."

"Yeah, right." The first man yawned.

"Damn Helms, keep telling us off. We're not 'official' security and aren't supposed to protect people. What'd they do here, protect some goddamned stone faces instead of the people? What, do they think the Zeds are gonna eat Lincoln's brain?"

The voice of the Sergeant in the front cut through their chatter.

"Okay, shut up and get ready. There's something in the town up ahead."


Having parked the SUVs, the men were walking towards the clump of buildings ahead. Not much of a town, but they were silent and wary. Despite their complaints, each one had seen death before.

And this time, their caution was rewarded. "Confirmed. They're Zeds. Get to position, surround the town and be careful."

Eight people followed the command, circling around the site. Meanwhile, the others kept advancing. Soon enough, the zombies spotted them and began lumbering towards the prepared soldiers. It was a massacre - in bright daylight, on open terrain, the soldiers armed with lasers quickly put down the corpses with shots to the head. Four hours later, they were finally certain that nothing undead remained in the area. Gathering the bodies into a pile, they burnt it to ashes.

Surprisingly, this town had still had people, hiding from the Zeds. Not many, more had arrived from the surrounding woods after they saw the smoke and heard the battle. They all gathered around the squad.

"Okay. We're from X-Com, security forces in the Overground. Have you got any intel for us?"


Soon, the people were gathering what they could from the ruins of their town and mostly heading to the State border. The soldiers were moving towards a larger town, where they'd heard of a zombie infestation. And the word was being spread.


The helicopter landed, and the VIPs inside hopped out.
"Hey." A young man called out to the watching guards. "We're the representatives from the Overground. I believe we had a meeting scheduled with President Schwarzenegger. Might you lead us there?"

Okay, maybe the country was going down in flames, but this kind of unformal attitude was against what the gravity of the situation called for. Still, that's how Mat Kerison rolls, and the guards were all aware that he had personally fought both zombies and criminals despite having no official military training, and used his charisma to help organize aid to thousands of people all over the States. The fact that he was an 'Enemy of the State', as declared by the Sword, didn't hurt his reputation either. They'd overlook the lack of a suit and a formal entrance, this time.

2011-06-19, 11:11 AM

The Reclamation has began in Sydney, where the mysterious phenomenon smote the Z-Abominations. Many religious people thought it was the sign of God and Order of St. Thomas was working with the Vatican to officially recognize it as a God's Miracle.

The Reclamation Force moved slowly, establishing a safe zone, preparing the escape routes and setting up detectors as well as Emanation Cure Temples. The wiz kids of the Phalanx Foundation have recalibrated the detectors to better locate the Z-s, lurking in the city. A single Z missed behind the barricades could spell disaster.

The majority of the world's nations refused to aid the Reclamation, neither Renegades, who once promised assistance, nor Japan, which was just recently saved by the work of the Phalanx Foundation. Everybody was scared of the Z-Virus. The Anomalies had everyone scared and thinking only of defence. True, Great Hunt was beaten, but only by the use of nuclear weapons and the land, soiled by the nuclear fallout, was abandoned.

Apart from Phalanx Foundation, only the Underground and Limpeza Chama have tried to take the offensive, but they had more resources, more allies. It was sheer madness to try and take the continent back, with the meagre resources Phalanx Foundation managed to gather and aid of a rag tag band of fellow refugees, the Venezuelan Fleet. The USSL promised support, but the Reclamation Forces had yet to see a single wolf.

But the world was watching. Everybody knew that. They had to show the power of the human will, of the human determination. The world had to see, that humanity could prevail against impossible odds. Because those aware of the true state of things, knew, the chance of humanity's survival was just that - near impossible.

Undisclosed Location

In a small, sunlit cafe, the two people were talking to the third, a middle aged man with a well-kept beard, dressed in a plain grey suit.

''Professor, you are going to help the world. Save lives. I understand that we are asking you to take a considerable risk, but somebody must do it. The humanity is finally striking back, but only because various nations have started working together. We need to cooperate, to unite our strengths, if the human race is to survive. Many of the governments, bureaucrats and so called politicians, are still living in the past. They can't get around their heads, that the times changed and we need to change with them.''

The man making the speech pointed to the fresh Times issue, featuring the article on the Underground.
''You see who the man of the year is. This sort of courage and initiative the world needs, if it is to be saved.''

To GM Only!


European Ploy

Edit: Ok unforgotten it is.

Undisclosed Location

I'm trying to steal Nano Technology from EU. My ploy - approach a scientist, preferably German and convince him, that the people of Japan are suffering from the nuclear fallout, but EU government refused them Nuclear Clean Up Nano Tech, unless they pay an insane amount of money. Which they can't pay, since nuclear fallout is killing their economy. It would be the most humane and good thing to do - give Phalanx Nano Tech, and we will give it to Japan, as well as use it to clean up Australia, we are liberating.
Why it would succeed:

1. Phalanx prompted EU to rescue the prisoners in Germany, by saving that woman from the camp. That's why I'm approaching a German scientist.

2. Also, Germany is really anti-nuclear. They are closing nuclear plants, due to events in Japan IRL. An opportunity to do a good deed and spread anti-nuclear tech across the world.

3. Underground in Times magazine works right into my hands. They are famous for sharing the information and their technology on the internet and they are getting praised for it. The whole - ''legality'' and how unjust laws can be broken also works in my favor.


As I've said. Slow and steady. I'd rather get less, then lose men. If things go bad - evacuation. I don't know if my ''ally'' is going to support this venture, but without him I doubt I'll manage much. Still, just a bit of Australia for PR purpuses, would be great.

2011-06-19, 01:09 PM
New American Republic soldiers greet Mat Kerison as he climbs out of the helicopter outside the Government House building in the temporary capitol of Santa Catalina island, just off the coast of southern California.

The island is covered in checkpoints and barbed-wire fences. Green canvas of military tents cover the beaches, and thousands of soldiers wander the streets, unsure of what to do while their commanding officers engage in secret meetings across the island. At Government House, a former 5-star hotel, the Republic Congress--a fifty-person governing body formed of former state representatives--works on the mundane tasks of creating a government, spending 12-hour days officially ratifying hundred-year old former United States legislation. President Schwarzenegger works, fittingly enough, from a presidential suite at the top of the hotel, signing legislation as it comes to him in piles every hour.

Twice a day--at Lunch and Dinner--he meets with and recognizes foreign dignitaries. The table in front of the president's desk is already set with roast pork on silver plates by the time Mat Kerison is let in. Armed soldiers overlook the meeting from the door.

Schwarzenegger, wearing an unbuttoned white shirt with no tie, looks up but does not stand.

"I hope you're not a vegetarian," he says in his thick accent. "Please, sit, speak your mind."

I have not forgotten.

2011-06-19, 01:28 PM

"Thank you very much." He sits down gingerly.

"I was picked by the Overground to come here due to a matter of some urgency, since Knox is currently in the Middle-East at the conference. You know we've got de facto control over a poorly-defined area centered around Wisconsin and Minnesota. We don't want to secede or anything, but we needed to organize things and fight off the zombies and whatever else hellspawns terrorize the people, since Sword wasn't doing it."

He sighs.

"Well, that's how it was. But since we also work abroad, you know, in Japan and Germany and so on, and we've been 'raiding' in surrounding areas, killing zombies and spreading the word about safety shelters and food stores, it appears the so-called 'real' Government of these Divided States of America figured we're a threat to their authority, and declared us illegal.

Now, I think not just the US but the entire world is going to hell in a handbasket and if our nation isn't there to defend freedom, liberty and so on, who will? The Chinese? If we want to survive this, we need to fix things up, quickly.

So, we'd rather join you than those who'd give up the Constitution to save themselves. How's that sound?"

2011-06-19, 01:48 PM
The Leylines vibrate... It is not done by intention...
Shambhala is a mighty engine, its many relieved cries resonate that the world should know its bliss.

Behold the celestial city, supernal in its majesty.
Indeed how glorious its wonder, like the stars in heaven.

Like a rain of crystal song rise its splendid towers,
Echos the music of its fountains, ringing on crystal steps;
Brazen and many its chimes, moreover of silver and sweetly.

Of adamant are its foundations laid, deeply graven with gold.
A mighty firmament stretched over it, shining with seven billion stars.
Have you seen it? The gossamer strands?
Behold our fates, together are we bound.
Constellations yet unseen, demarcating this; a new age.

Dance free people upon the green, newly grown the ancient glades
Beneath the Daystar yet unseen, delight in the glass clear waters.
How fragrant the perfumes of ten-thousand flowers,
Ah how sweet their mingling scents.
Linger now in this last of human joy, this age of sorrows ends.
Yet bittersweet must be your rejoicing, in these the dying days of strife;
We came not to see your ending, but to give you abundant life.

Atlantis was nearly empty. The living crystal still sang the joy of life, the leyline constructs were still there and guarded; but there were almost no people.

Factory cathedrals had been moved stone by stone through the Shambhala gates. Towers over a mile high nearly touched the dome of the sky. Children played in wide open spaces, that sang their joy to be places of joy. Adults worked and prayed in the opalescent shadows of soaring edifices all Gothic and Khmer; at once sacred and secular.

This was Shambhala, a refuge for all mankind, the golden land behind the Aegis of the Sancrosti. It was not yet large enough, and could grow no more, till another of the nine gazed upon Holy Terra.

The song crystal of Atlantis was not inert rock as some believed. It lived, and gave life. In Australia where the Phalanx Foundation had been so dedicated to spreading the curative effects, it had proliferated.

In order to power the temples, each a massive concentration of the crystal, the Foundation had been forced to implement geomantic engineering. The energy of the Earth was neither electromagnetic nor chemical nor kinetic. Life breathed it and made it grow. It surrounded the world and united it.

Though may forgot it, planets lived even if no life was upon them. From a womb of fire it had been born. Its searing heart spun and thereby circulated great torrents of molten rock, its vital essence. The skin of its crust was continually made new and destroyed.

It was potential, not like the rock on the mountain top, the ability of what might be. From it was life born and into it life returned. Even stars were born and reborn in the great cycles of living time.

Amid the music of the spheres the strings of fate and sympathy vibrated. Yet these were but the middle range of a great symphony. At the tiniest places they sang, in the vast spaces the galaxies were strung upon them.

This was the power of geomancy, this was the power of the living universe. It was not some arbitrary arrangement of trees, hills, and roads; it was an art of symphony and creation. The living crystal of Atlantis was no great innovation, not great triumph of technology; it was as simple as life itself. It was simply the space where the music began to hear itself. That was all sentience was, the universe beginning to know itself.

As the Foundation spread the crystal they also spread the knowledge the planet had of itself. The music of the living world echoed against itself and so rebounded to a higher and mightier triumph. So it was that in distant Atlantis the crystal song resounded mightier still. The power of the leylines all over the world grew stronger.

This was neither an end or a beginning, it was merely a sign of what was to come.

distant quasar
2011-06-19, 05:13 PM

- The Renegades Military has been but down a lot by the recent fighting against the Hunt. Bu those who remain make up for that. More than make up for it. The countless aeons that had passed since the last war had left the Fighters out of practice. Now they were up to par again. The Veterans that remained not only had new magics with which to pretect themelves, they had a sense of unity. They lived, breathed, and fought as one. Nothing else was natural for them.

They marched in perfect unison againt the Legion, unafraid. And though their once grand columns of troops had been vastly reduced, those that remained more than made up for it, their armor shining, their swords flashing the light of a thousand suns as they swung; their healers would stop wounds that once seemed mortal, regrow missing limbs and organs, and keep the troops moving; very few lives would be lost now.

And even among those who were lost, some would be awoken...

- The ability to Restore life came a surprise to the Magical researchers. Although they had been looking for it for some time, it still shocked them, to see dead bodies arise and talk again. The Magic was low and time-consuming, requirng an elaborate ritual; but already it could be used to ensure no major officers would be lost to war, no prize mages lost to enemy fire. And the mages were working ever harder to increase the functioning ability of their new prize spell...

Kommisar Engel
2011-06-21, 10:47 AM
The New Heir

The Imperial Palace was full of people, mostly journalists and guards. A press conference has been called regarding the heir for the Chrysanthemum Throne.

"The Imperial Palace has announced that a suitable male heir has been discovered by the genealogists. While they refuse to comment on his lineage citing classified information, an anonymous source stated that he is an illegitimate child. Such speculation has not been confirmed nor denied."

A man emerged from the door and stepped to the podium.

"Good Evening, my name is Kei Kirisame. I am the proclaimed heir. The theories about my parentage are correct; I am an illegitimate child. I have known that I am of Imperial descent and his majesty Akihito knew about my lineage, yet I was content to live my life in peace and anonymity, serving the family as retainer. However, with the death of my family things have changed.

The Chrysanthemum Throne is a symbol of our nation. The Imperial Family is an unbroken line, stemming for countless generations; it must not remain empty. Some of you may question my motives, citing that I am nothing more than a power-hungry bastard who usurped the throne. These claims are false. I have served my family for years in the shadows, many of the guards can testify to that.

I do not seek power, nor fame. It is by simple fate that I carry the blood of the imperial family. If there is another heir more suitable than me, one who's lineage is unquestionable, I would immediately step down. But there is no one left but me. I take the mantle of Emperor for my love and duty to my country, my family, and the people of Japan."

2011-06-21, 11:32 AM
Southern Honshū, the Shiino mansion

"Yuki, hurry now. We must leave."

"Yes mom. Just a moment!"

A black-haired girl looking to be sixteen or so, dressed in beautiful traditional high-class Japanese clothing, nervously paces around in her room taking out things and then putting them back. "What if I need this... no, no, relax now, Yuki. Relax, breathe. You can do this."

"Yuki! Come on! We cannot be late!"

"I'm coming!" Stopping for one last moment in front of the mirror, breathing deep and sighing, she forcibly calmed herself down before walking downstairs, holding a small bag.

"Yuki, what... oh never mind, there's no time. We must go at once."

"Yes, mom..."


Tokyo Imperial Palace

The crowd was gathering for the Imperial Enthronement. Most of the Shiino felt at home among the high-class families, mingling in for little chats with friends rarely seen. Yuki, however, felt nervous, skittering around and trying to avoid attention.

"You feeling okay?" A vaguely familiar voice called from behind. She jumped in surprise before turning and apologizing. "No, not at all. It was my fault. But if you're feeling ill, you should probably just take a rest. The ceremony isn't starting yet."

"N-no." She stammered. She knew she should've remembered his name, but she barely remembered her own at this point. "Sorry. I'm fine."

Catching the silent plea, the boy made a small bow before withdrawing. "If you say so."

Left alone again, she looked back out the window at the rushing people. Sheesh... relax...

2011-06-21, 04:19 PM
South America

Everyday, people came to the Phalanx Treatment Centers. Thousands and thousands of visitors daily, entering the testing chambers and then directed to one of the two exists. One was for paperwork. Another contained the Emanation’s Cure. The process was put on conveyer. It looked dehumanizing and sterile. Clinical. But this was the only way to process the hundreds of thousands of potential Z-Virus carriers in the South America. Slowly, but steadily the vile plague was being eradicated. The Phalanx Foundation was winning over the Z-Virus.

Phalanx Wiz Kids

The Cure was a jumbled mixture of different schools of magic and technology. It was almost a miracle that it was working, which spoke in favor of the growing Emanation’s cult. The Phalanx Foundation had a far better grasp on Emanation’s magic, then on Renegade’s sorcery and Imperial Japan’s advanced medical science, but that only meant, they had to learn those as well. Phalanx Foundation didn’t have the resources of national laboratories, but they had several scientists and Geomancers, working either for pay from donations or pro bono, for the good cause. They had to discover, what made the Cure tick and how it can be made to tick faster and more precisely.

There were some surprising advances from the field workers, who somehow managed to use earlier version of Emanation’s cure to aid Japan and recalibrate the Underground’s sensors to better spot infected. The Phalanx was growing closer and closer with Underground these days, helping each other in the field, mastering the Underground’s superior technology, exchanging information.

Undisclosed Location

''How is the progress?''
''Well, we have excellent access to Emanations of Sankrosti and Underground’s technology. Renegades don’t have a concept of keeping secrets. Japan’s and EU’s latest advancements should be in our hands pretty soon.''
''That’s pretty much everyone who matters. Although, if you could get a sample of Gremlins as well, that would be just perfect. Perhaps we should contact… them.''
''But can we utilize all that advanced science. We lack the capability to put it to use.''
''Lack the capability? Oh… but I wouldn’t say that. It’s all fitting together so perfectly and we hold the central piece of the puzzle.''

Canada, Commonwealth
Quarantine Zone-23

Two man approached the commander of the quarantine forces.
''They’ve been cleared, sir’’ reported the soldier escorting them.
''Anthony Darling’’, introduced himself the first man, smiling a wide smile. He was a tall, broad shouldered man and spoke with a slight cockney accent.
''Trent Steel'', introduced himself the shorter, rougher looking man. An American.
''Phalanx Foundation.'' said the commander, examining their papers. ''I thought you dealt only with the Z-Virus''.
''We are concerned about any outbreaks of viral infections.’’ answered Trent Steel. ''Can we have an access on what you know about this this plague and cooperation with our investigation?''

(OOC - Considering, what I did in Sword, I wouldn't be suprised, if a lot of people in USA turned to vegetarianism).

2011-06-21, 09:10 PM
Nine were the mountains which fell to earth. Only one rose again. Since the birth of the Emanations they had worked to bring hope to Earth. Now she was near.

The Ground shook, the earth groaned. The cask of hope could not contain it, around her sleeping form a crystal cyst formed, insulating the slow thinking Earth from a power that should rule over it.

Soon, soon, soon. Thrice promised, once fulfilled. The rumbling of the North Atlantic was not stilled. Closer, closer, her time has come.

Rings the crystal water, illuminated to the utter depths. The dark of the deem is dispelled and all who look upon the ocean see it as though a crystal of perfect clarity. On Atlantis' sacred shore nine golden figures stood. The whole of the first host of Dharma.

Nine times nine of silver stood behind at a distance of proper respect. All together they raised their song, an elegy for sorrow and the welcome song of Elpis.

At the hidden place the earth was rent. Those in darkness beheld a great light. A column all of rock and stone burst forth, and with terrible speed rose up; the mighty pharos, Elpis its beacon flame. When it broke the surface of the crystal waves and again the ocean grew dark. Yet a new light came out to greet the world.

Its cresting form spread across the sky. Those lost to sadness felt in their hearts a new hope kindled. Some of the walking dead ceased walking. Some of the legion fell decimated. The curse of the wolf left the bodies of some who had least desired it.

It changed nothing for the world, the numbers were too few. But for some people it changed everything; it gave them a future.

That was the promise of the Sancrosti, who now numbered two, a future for mankind.

And in a dark place, a breath was taken, and black lips dripping with blood spoke for the first time in centuries, "This time, I had better receive my satisfaction. "

Forum Explorer
2011-06-22, 05:35 AM
A small town a few Km from Panama canal

The scaly demon laughed at the last human left standing. Holding a metal pipe the man refused to give in.

"Give into dispair mortal! No one is coming to save you, let me taste your sweet pain and anguish. The demon taunted the man.

Screaming the man threw himself at the demon swinging wildly with the pipe. The demon could have easily ended this but instead took the blows, feeling little pain through his armoured skin. Once he tires I'll enjoy torturing him as he lies helpless. The attack went on for some time till the pipe finally broke.

The demon started to smile waiting for the man to collapse. But the man just smiled back and started to pummel the demon with his fists. What the? This is actually starting to hurt! The demon thought. Unnerved it started to defend itself and quickly broke the man's arms, leaving shattered bone sticking through the skin. Still the man attacking jabbing with the spurs of bone.

The demon fell back and the man began to laugh uncontrollably. No matter how the demon smashed his body he kept coming, attacking faster and more savegly with every blow. Finally the demon snapped the man's neck and crushed the back of his skull. The man died a smile on his lips leaving the demon battered and scared. Don't worry. This was a strange exception. No one else will be like that. It thought to itself as it rejoined the Legion.

2011-06-22, 12:35 PM
Australia, Outskirts of Sydney

Susilio Alatas clutched his rifle to his body. He was sitting in the empty room, barely illuminated by the few rays of light, that managed to slip through the curtains. A man in the priestly robes entered the room. A cross of the Order of St. Thomas glittered, as a ray of light fell on it.
''Father'' Alatas, called to the Priest, without raising his head. ''I know, why you are here.''
The priest remained silent.
''I just can't do it. I can't face those things.'' Alatas finger moved to the trigger unconsciously. ''Not after, what they did''.
''We must be able to forgive'' spoke the Priest.
''Why must they have our forgiveness? Do they feel remorse? No. I don't think they can feel anything.'' Alatas cursed and flung the rifle away. It hit the stone floor with a loud ''clang''.
''Son. We need to forgive. Even if they don't want your forgiveness, you must give it. For the peace of your own soul.'' The priest made a step towards Alatas, but the man stopped him with a gesture of his hand.
''I... I'll try'', Alatas got up, picked up his rifle and walked to the door.
''Your friends are worried about you. You should go talk to them'', called the priest after him.
''I will'', answered the man and emerged into the light. He turned his head to the sky and saw the flying shapes, approaching their encampment. The Great Hunt has agreed to send its ambassadors to negotiate with Reclamation Forces. The finally found their ally.

World Opinion

The news of the Phalanx Foundation's negotiations with Great Hunt spark a lot of interest across the world. The general opinion was of course, that Phalanx Foundation was making a mistake. Certainly the mindless beasts of Great Hunt would turn on the humans at first opportunity. The devastation Great Hunt caused in Indonesia wasn't forgotten as well. Of course many pointed out the fact, that Phalanx Foundation didn't have much choice in its allies, as all, but Underground have turned away its requests for aid. And some actually thought the Phalanx could turn yesterdays enemies of humanity into new allies. The Foundation worked miracles before. It could pull another one.

2011-06-22, 02:18 PM
Limpeza Chama

Columbia Border
As the long military transport convoy neared the destroyed border defenses and the prospect of fighting, Colonel Fernando was taking the opportunity to catch his breath after the agonizing process of clearing out all the zombies in Columbia. His contemplation of the desolate landscape was interrupted however by a chirp from his radio. Picking up the radio he said, "Alpha one here,"

As he listened to the response his face twisted into a grimace. "But sir it hasn't been tested. We aren't ready."

The next response made his expression sour even further. "Those self righteous bastards, don't they know the strategic importance of sticking to the plan. This will set us back months."

Finally his face formed an outright scowl, "Very well commander it shall be done."

Sighing the colonel reached over and switched to another specialized command frequency. "To all units this is Alpha One initiate plan Delta."

Sighing he put down the radio and rummaged under his seat until he pulled out a small box plastic box. Looking over at his driver he nodded, "Alright Sergeant you know the drill find us a good pace to stop while we do this." As the driver pulled to the side of the road stopping the convoy, the colonel reached back and thumbed open a small vent to the main troop compartment which he placed the box over. Flicking a switch on the boxes side he watched critically as a thin black mist began seeping into the back of the truck. After a few minutes he nodded as the mist completely emptied out of the box and at the same to time his radio chirped time life again with his subordinates acknowledging their readiness.

Flipping to the general channel the colonel began to speak with a slightly different tone, "Men you all know why we have come here. We have come to fight the oppressors; we have come to liberate our brethren. We have come to fulfill God's test. But you do not know is that we have been deceived. We all thought that the Legion was our enemy, that they were the blame for all the ill in this world. But we were wrong. Yes they have invaded and killed, but they were not the true threat. The true threats were the oppressive criminals and warlords that seized control of Central America. They did not do it to keep people safe, they did it for power. And they proved it when they massacred thousands of innocent lives at the border defenses. They proved it when they refused to send aid to the starving masses of South America. The legion may have the appearance of devils, but what is on the inside of these men is fouler still. And while the legions may be demons now remember that they were angels once. They have seen this oppression and their hearts have softened at last. They have joined our holy crusade to liberate the innocent. So onward m brothers for the time has come to cleanse this land once and for all."

Sighing he turned off the radio and put it down while the sergeant looked at him. "That was not a particularly inspiring speech sir.”

"Yes yes I know. But it's not like I had a lot of time to write one. And at least that's where Delta comes in. They'll lap up anything right now. Still send a couple squads down to the 6th battalion. Last I checked they weren't responding correctly, it would be best to nip that problem in the bud."

"Yes sir it shall be done."

A few hours later the convoy had moved out again. The only indication that anything untoward had occurred was a small pile of corpses by the side of the road. All shot through their head and with a look of utmost bewilderment on their faces.

Limpeza Chama Fortress Bastion
Tapping absently on his desk Father Hjalmar considered the situation. Plans were in motion and the wheels were turning, but it was all happening ahead of schedule. That annoyed him.

Making up his mind he got up and headed deeper into the fortress. Down through layer after layer of security into levels most didn't even know existed. Finally reaching his destination Father Hjalmar walked through one last door and looked at the person he had come to see. "Dr. Rodriguez, how are things coming along." Without turning to face him Dr. Rodriguez pointed towards the observation window she was looking through. "See for yourself."

Looking through the window Hjalmar saw what would have been a normal training ground on which soldiers with practiced ease. Not unlike the ones he had visited above ground if you could ignore the setting. "They look fairly standard, which is good if you consider they were civilians not too long ago."

"Yes sir project Delta is proceeding nicely. However I can't say the same about Project Beta, oh it integrates well enough. See over there." Pointing the doctor indicated where a sergeant was bellowing a row of recruits into line. "It works admirably for squad leaders and commanders, but so far only the control functions are working, we don't have the necessary power to reach stage two."

Hjalmar rubbed his chin, "Well that is problematic. How about the Alpha Project? It should solve some of our delays."

"The theoretical side is complete commander, but we haven't been able to finish construction yet. The current estimate is several more weeks, barring any delays."

"Good enough for now I suppose, but I'm afraid I have some bad news. Our allies have demanded our immediate support. I had no choice, but to acquiesce. Prepare Delta for general use."

Dr. Rodriguez winced. "But sir it isn't ready yet. Most of our stock was used ensuring the military's supply. At best we'll only be able to cover our internal territory."

"Yes you're not the first person to point that out today. But we don't have a choice in the matter. Prepare for distribution and fast track Project Alpha. We need that as soon as possible. Which reminds me; if the theoretical aspect is finished I want you to take it to our friend. We need all the support we can get."

"Very well sir, it shall be done."

Several Days Later
Deep in the Amazon Basin
Dr. Augusta Rodriguez grumbled as she pushed back another branch that had smacked her in the face. This was a very annoying place, she would much rather be back in her lab. Even with the two Special Forces agents clearing the way for her she still kept running into things. And the fact that the vegetation was growing more and more distorted didn't help.

Eventually however she entered the small clearing that was her destination. Walking into the center she took out a small trowel and began digging eventually uncovering a network of roots. Reaching in she grabbed one and then after taking a deep breath stabbed it into the palm of her hand. As she did she couldn't help but notice that the presence she felt was different, it was more alert this time, which was good. Nurturing it back to full sentience had been a major undertaking.

Smiling despite the small pain she thought in the specific patterns she had researched, "Hello Gaia, it is good that you are finally aware once more. We have a small problem we'd like you to help us with, but first I have something for you. A welcome back gift if you will." Unslinging her pack with her free arm Dr. Rodrigues reached in and pulled out a long black crystal, which seemed to absorb even the feeble light that penetrated the canopy. "This contains the full knowledge that we have developed. Far more impressive than the half hearted attempts we were able to give you before. With it you should be able to revitalize yourself. And now there are other things we must discuss."

All across Limpeza Chama Territory
In the cities special services were called as the priests preached a new and slightly different message to their flocks.

In the villages across the land certain normal citizens that ranged the gamut from old to young male and female began encouraging their families and friends to think about things a little differently.

In the farms various non-descript workers began exulting their fellows to follow a different path.

However it was distributed everywhere the message was the same, The Legion was not the enemy. Yes they had initially terrorized and destroyed, but they were different now calmer and more forward looking. It was time to change tactics to focus not just on the anomalies but on anything that threatened the lives of humanity. Starting with the suicidal craziness infecting their brethren in the north. Obviously they had been suppressed for too long under the warlords and tyrants. And now was the time to liberate them.

And wherever the message went so too did the twisting black mists creeping around the feet of those too distracted by other things to notice it.

2011-06-22, 02:59 PM
South America, Near Limpez Chama Border

Father Thomas emerged before the massive crowd of people. The Phalanx Foundation has attracted a lot of people with its promise of Cure to Z-Virus. And Order of St. Thomas was there to keep people calm and composed. Now he had to deliver the news, that would shatter this calm, destroy their peace of mind, by the news of the betrayal so vile, Thomas could hardly believe it. His assistant Horhe spent an hour convincing him of the truth, before he accepted the horrible truth.

Father Thomas has contacted the Vatican immediately afterwards. They had to excommunicate the Fjalmar. Was he a good man, seduced into darkness or did he plot it from the start? Father Thomas didn't know and he didn't want to think about it. He needed Vatican's authority to back him. At this point Order of St. Thomas was the only active branch of the Holy Church in South America, that was still in order and uncorrupted.

The Phalanx Foundation representative gave him an ambitious plan of how the refugees can be evacuated. If he could recieve authority and resources of the Vatican, they could save hundreds of thousands souls from the peril of damnation. He only wished the Rome would be swift and wise in its reaction.

Territorial Waters of Australia

The Venezuelan fleet has grown as the operation began. The clearing of the ships in the harbors from Z-s was a nerve wracking experience and a few sailors, kept reporting moans in the night. The tale of a Z-s in the walls, coming at night and infecting the whole crew were pretty common. That never actually happened, but somehow rumors persisted.
The newly appointed Venezuelan captain was admiring his new vessel, when the the message came.
''The South America just went to hell. The Limpeza Chama were corrupted by the Legion. Phalanx Foundation wants us to evacuate several million people to the safe zones of Australia and Indonesia.''
The shocked captain transmitted back ''What safe zones? We haven't progressed that much into the Australian territory.''
''Phalanx is confident, they'll manage with the aid of Great Hunt, by the time we make the trip back''.
''Assistance of Great Hunt? Has the world gone mad? And what about radiation in Indonesia? What are we going to do?''
''Our leaders are still discussing it. But just in case, have your ship ready''.

To GM Only!

If Father Thomas of the Order of St. Thomas can get a promotion from the Vatican, it would be super. He is a visible figure in South America, saving people from Z-Virus and all. The Church needs somebody around whom the faithful can rally, now that Fjalmar was revealed as a traitor. So, not sure if Vatican hands out field promotions, but Father Thomas sure can use one.

Plus, Father Thomas is reacting to the Limpez treachery a little faster, then others would (not too fast, so people won't think, something foolish, like he knew it was going to happen), so he would be the first to react.

I need responses from Vatican and Venezuelan Fleet.

2011-06-22, 03:35 PM
"Oh this is just great. Ridiculous! I figure South America is done for."

"Yeah. Nothing we can do right now."


The Rust Belt was coming to life. Once more, vast factory complexes were starting to churn out industrial goods. For if heavy industry was not so much in fashion nowadays, it was still necessary. Necessary for the Beast of War, necessary to bring out tanks, guns, ammunition.

And thousands, hundreds of thousands of people were working on similar projects all over the world. For it was no longer every man's right to carry a gun, it was every person's responsibility, their duty.

As laser rifles and cannons began rolling out from the manufactoring lines, they were driven straight to the fronts to be used. These weapons needed no ammunition, only energy, which the leylines could provide. These weapons needed no particular skill, just point and shoot on a level never before available. And these weapons were well-made for the purpose of eliminating enemies that normal ballistics couldn't beat.

For if one's fate was to die, let it be with boots on and a gun in hand.


The whispers were spreading. They were coming. The troops, the forces of the Free World were finally coming to save everyone. Some didn't believe it, driven to despair by the horrible conditions. But many saw it in the behaviour of their hated enemy.

The zombies were single-minded, true. But they were getting ever more brutal, ever more prone to dangerous action. They, on some primal, instinctual level, sensed their time was not now, and their doom was approaching.

The humans on the opposing side knew it too. They weren't angry, they were afraid. They didn't dare show it, hiding their fear beneath masks of rage and acts of terror. But little birds were singing, and the survivors huddled in their holes, praying for the coming miracle.

Many died, even in these last days of their battle. But many more lived, and waited.

((OOC: Come on, Tura...))


Cold, freezing wind, slicing it's blades into the men huddling around the fire. But the men didn't mind. They'd been through worse, each and every one.

They knew the location of the bunker. They knew the patrol routes, the strengths of the guards, and their weaknesses. They knew the plan, and were prepared to carry it out.

In the night, a small red blip appeared on the back of a Lycan's head. His squadmate stared at it in wonder for a moment. "Hey. Wait, wha-"

Three red flashes signified the end of this patrol.

Half an hour later, there was an explosion. Then, soon after, another. The second explosion was much larger, so powerful it shook the landscape, snow piling on the ground under the trees.

Then, silence.


Hundreds of small patrol boats skipped around in the waters in the middle of the Venezuelan refugee fleet. These boats had weird mechanical devices in the back. There were men aboard the boats, every so often boarding one of the vessels and then heading back.

To GM only:

In order:
1: 2F4U and M4tterH0rn complaining about South America.
2: Using all of my influenced territories and controlled territories to begin mass-producing weapons and handing them out to anyone willing to fight anomalies. Especially zombies.
3: Germany fluff, waiting for Tura to begin the attack already.
4: I'm sabotaging a few of the USSL nukes.
5: Making sure, with my scanners and the data I gathered with that gigantic espionage operation last turn, that there are no Zeds or Quislings aboard the Flotilla.

Forum Explorer
2011-06-26, 09:28 AM
An old man was sleeping peacefully when his door was suddenly kicked in. He was quickly pulled from his bed. The man screamed in panic.

"Don't worry Sir, we'll save you." A man in the mob quickly assured him.

"What the hell is going on?" The old man shouted in bemused terror.

"Demons. They almost got you. Thank God we got here in time."

The mob quickly descended on the old man's bed destroying it with sledgehammers and axes. When it was little more than splinters a cheer went up.

"Another job well done, You'll be safe now." The mob rushed off as quickly as it appeared. Judging by the screams and yells they were now after the bed of his next door neighbor.

"They've all gone loco...." The man collapsed against a wall and began to laugh.

2011-06-26, 11:17 AM
Tokyo Imperial Palace

Kei Kirisame, the new Emperor of Japan, had been through the Enthronement rituals. Japan once more had a leader. And once he arrived to the view of the people to give his speech, the people of the Empire cheered. The controversy surrounding the quick ascension was forgotten, as was the horrible omen of the deaths of the Imperial Family. For now, there was hope once more.

And Kei spoke, he spoke long about matters of state and of the world, of things both within and beyond the grasp of the ordinary citizen. He spoke of his goals for the nation and he spoke of the practical necessities that everyone would have to agree to.

The highest families of Japan were present at the Palace as he spoke. They were honoured, and they were stripped of some of their power. Those of them who were intelligent enough to understand the situation had already given their consent to this, for they knew it was necessary. In a way, the future of Japan relied as much on them as it did on the Army and on the Emperor.

However, as the Emperor spoke of changes in the government and the hierarchy of the military, the new appointments came as a surprise to many. Various political figures known for their opposition to the traditional ways were given important positions. New blood, capable of breaking open new ground and finding a new path to victory within the murky future, rose to power here.

And, as a shock to her mother, Yuki Shiino was called upon by the Emperor. She didn't seem surprised, just nervous, as she made her way through the crowd, followed by the cameras and the whispering but unhindered by anyone. As some of her family tried to follow her, the guards stopped them. The crowd held their breath, taken aback by this sudden announcement.

"Yuki Shiino. I am honoured by your presence."

This line caused another ripple of whispering to pass through the crowd. What was going on here? The eyes of the new Emperor and the little girl met, and she nodded slightly.

"Here is one, who has done more for our species than most. She has done more than anyone knows. And she has done it all asking for no reward, no recognition. Yuki Shiino, the Sensei of the Underground, the TIME Person of the Year 2013, will be taking the position of the head of the newly reformed Japanese Intelligence Section."

And those words broke the bank. No tradition, no rules, not even the omnipresent guards could have prevented the outbreak of noise. And the commotion in the hall was nothing compared to the flurry of activity of the media, TV directly relaying everything to millions of viewers all over the globe. It took minutes for the hall to quieten down, during which Yuki had accepted the symbols of her new rank from the Emperor, positioned herself to give a short speech and swallowed her nervousness. The reaction of the people had brought a small smile to her face, as deep down she was still one of the Underground of the past, before the Apocalypse had forced them to grow up, who enjoyed little pranks and the secrecy of being anonymous. This was really something, probably one of the largest upsets ever committed by one of their number, and though she might've done it for humanity, at that moment she would have sworn to anybody who'd have asked that it would have been worth it a hundred times over just for the lulz.

As the noise died down, she stepped up to speak.

"Yes, I am Sensei. And by Fate and events outside my control, because of the signs of our era, I have become an important figure in the Underground.

It is a true honour to be recognized by the Emperor, and the people of the World. In my own little way, I believe I have made this planet just a slightly better place for us all to live on. And with my newly gained authority, I will continue doing the same.

I must remind everyone that though I am Japanese, I am also one of the Underground. I will not work for the good of Japan over the good of humanity. I do not swear eternal fealty to this nation, I swear my loyalty to this species, Homo Sapiens. I will do my utmost to help us all, everywhere. This I swear and promise to you all.

Thank you."

The Emperor continued from there. Japan would begin a military build-up the likes of which the nation had never seen before. They would send the new Cure to Australia and anywhere else that needed it, and begin preparations for their Navy and Army to join both the Chinese fight against the Locusts and the Reclamation of Australia. Meanwhile, the Home Islands were to be cleansed of the slightest taint of the Z-Virus. Civilians would be armed, militias organized and scanners and checkpoints placed everywhere. There would be shortages, and there would be less liberties for the people. But the people would survive and not be turned into shambling undead. That was, to most, a fair trade-off.

2011-06-26, 01:43 PM

"Thank you very much." He sits down gingerly.

"I was picked by the Overground to come here due to a matter of some urgency, since Knox is currently in the Middle-East at the conference. You know we've got de facto control over a poorly-defined area centered around Wisconsin and Minnesota. We don't want to secede or anything, but we needed to organize things and fight off the zombies and whatever else hellspawns terrorize the people, since Sword wasn't doing it."

He sighs.

"Well, that's how it was. But since we also work abroad, you know, in Japan and Germany and so on, and we've been 'raiding' in surrounding areas, killing zombies and spreading the word about safety shelters and food stores, it appears the so-called 'real' Government of these Divided States of America figured we're a threat to their authority, and declared us illegal.

Now, I think not just the US but the entire world is going to hell in a handbasket and if our nation isn't there to defend freedom, liberty and so on, who will? The Chinese? If we want to survive this, we need to fix things up, quickly.

So, we'd rather join you than those who'd give up the Constitution to save themselves. How's that sound?"

Arnold speaks through ravenous forkfulls of food, draining a glass of milk in the process.

"We understand you. I wish we could help in a material way--but every death out there means another zombie on the streets. They're only going to get stronger, it's all we can do to shore ourselves up here. I've been advised not to deploy troops east of the Rocky Mountains. Not to mention we have our own outbreaks to contend with."

He twirls the fork between his fingers.

"And, more importantly, we can't do anything that would provoke The Sword. They're shaking in their bunker right now, lunatics who've lost half their kingdom and still have the most powerful fighting force on earth. If we look like we're trying to gobble up states in the midwest, it could mean outright war, and we can't afford that...yet.

"That said, I can offer my unofficial support. Go back to Minneapolis and tell your leaders whatever it is they want to hear. Tell them we stand by them, and pray to god that push doesn't come to shove. Is that all?"

Nubian Desert, Africa
Golden sands stretched to every horizon in unbroken waves carved through the elegant grains by smoothly shifting winds. Dunes broke and rolled along the horizon like dry waves of a slow-churning sea.

And in the middle, the Anubite work-city glistened with the sweat of thousands of souls beneath the oppressive sun, that infernal orb of Ra. The people formed a circle, a seven rings perhaps a quarter of a mild in diameter and staggered. A courtyard in the desert held them, amongst the glimmering, golden palaces which had been carved from the sand itself. Spires of glass and walls of twisted obsidian encircled the square, resembling perhaps a fort.

The seven rings of worshippers bent and prayed in unison, their heads touched upon the sand and their lips whispered the methodical spellcraft between shouted bouts of the strange, alien language of the Anubites. A dark statue in the center of the rings, an obsidian form in non-euclidean geometries channeled their power to their unearthly dimension. Atop the sand-palaces and obsidian walls, Anubite soldiers patrolled with jackal heads bowed, holding their swords and staff weapons in long, black fingers.

On the edges of the desert, unknown to the Anubite magicians or guards, Solaris and Coalition troops were massing while the armies of Set drew their final plans.

Belgrade, Serbia
The ancient city, whom was old when the city of Rome was young, was lit up beneath the canopy of starlight. The city had changed hands a hundred times in as many wars, and had been razed to ashes on forty-four occasions.

Today, again, Belgrade burned.

The fires rose to the starlight in massive pillars, choking out the cloudness night with thick plumes of black smoke and breaking the summersong of crickets with wailing sirens and gunfire. The screams of women added flavor to the cocaphony.

As the night wore on, the wailing of the dead--guttural, throaty howls became the sound of Serbia. By the morning, the only noises were the crackling of fires and the cries of roaming dead.

[a biological weapon loaded with the Z-Virus has been detonated in Belgrade, simultaneous to hundreds of incindiary devices which levelled much of the city and burned the rest to the ground. The Serbian military, training with NATO forces on the French-German border is being rapidly recalled by whatever scraps of government managed to survive. Hundreds of other outbreaks are being reported across the Balkan]

Vatican City
The Pope, formerly a bishop of the Holy Rose,was troubled with the developments in the Americans. Perhaps, he asked himself, splashing water onto his ancient face one morning, the entire continent had been lost to darkness. Perhaps the world. Perhaps all mankind was swallowed in evil.

His weary eyes turned from the sink to the mirror, and he sees in the clouded blue of his eyes more than the face he had seen in every mirror since his birth. He sees, overlaid onto his own eyes--a separate pair. Dark eyes, chocolate brown eyes that held more love than the Pope could bear witness to, and none of his frustrations. Lips, above his own fail and wispy lips. Full and smiling. A brief glimmer of white teeth as the Pope's jaw dropped. Dark skin, and smooth above the Pope's own deep wrinkles and ancient scars.

"Gesù..." The Italian Pope mutters under his breath, raising weak fingers to the mirrored surface. A young hand, the hand in the mirror rose to meet him. He pressed his fingers against the glass, and saw in the mirrored reflection the scarred palm of a hand which was not his. "Gesù..."

The lips in the mirror smiled, and then faded into the mirror.

The pope turned from the mirror and left the bathroom. There was good in the world, he knew, and it was worth fighting through Hell to save.

The announcement to excommunicate Father Hjalmar came soon after. Father Thomas, of the Order of Saint Thomas is soon named by the Pope to be the "Sword of God" in the Americas. Archbishop Thomas is born.

[This isn't to say Jesus is actually appearing in this game. It isn't to say that he isn't, either. The Pope happens to be having visions of someone that the Pope believes to be Jesus, and that these visions are telling him what to do, including excommunicating Fjalmar and naming Thomas a Bishop.]

The Flotilla (off the coast of Australia)
Life on the Flotilla outside Australia wasn't easy or pleasant. The work of salvaging Australian shipyards was backbreaking, and barely worth the effort. Safe food from the Australian mainland was a rare luxury, with most of the fleet eating less than a thousand calories per day in vacuum sealed military rations despite backbreaking work.

Ships were dragged from harbors and scrapped by the crew, few of which were even remotely trained to decommission ships. Fuel was the first priority, and then electronics and food and emergency equipment. The scrapped hulls, with even bolts salvaged for parts, were then run forcibly onto the Australian coastline. There had been some talk of selling the ships for scrap metal overseas--but the cost of transporting them was just too great.

Apart from hunger pains and industrial accidents, rain was perhaps the biggest enemy of the fleet. The ocean still carried the deadly poison of radiation in it's churning waters. Fish, which were making a bigger and bigger part of the fleet diet, had to be prepared in such a way that most of the meat was wasted. Rainstorms served to recycle the deadly radiation. After a shower, the deck had to be scrubbed by men in suits with a surgical precision. Slight showers could mean six hours trapped below-deck, where work was impossible and the air was stale and salty.

The Lycanthropes had promised food rations in exchange for the rights to organize the government of the future Flotilla settlement in Australia, but like all their promises, the Flotilla only received half the claimed supplies, and six weeks late.

The news of the South American refugees came to the Fleet Director--a former Venezuelan admiral while he was above deck, watching his crew pick apart a particularly rusted, barnacle covered barge. He muttered something into the satellite phone about how Phalanx better "double the goddamn payment for this" and clicked it off.

Within two days, the Veneousandzuelan fleet would be crossing over to South America through the Pacific.

Derry, Maine
"I hate goddamn helo's." The Lance Corporal said, cradling a large rifle to his chest and keeping his eyes away from the open door. "They make me sick."

The blades whirred above them, chopping through the thick fog as a thousand miles of forest and unharvested farmland passed beneath them.

"Would you shut it?" the Gunnery Sergeant barked. "Just keep quiet and look out for activity." They were both wearing hazardous environment suits with gas masks that were hot as hell. They breathed recycled air that gave the Gunnery Sergeant a headache.


The fog shrouded everything under the helicopter. It was flying low, and the streets were only vague shapes beneath them, swarming with the impenetrable mist. Only staggered lines of crashed cars and the empty shells of dark buildings broke the monotony.

And the bodies. Lines of bodies on the streets where they'd fallen from the plague. In parks there were charred piles of bodies after mass-graves became too unworkable.

A spotlight on the bottom of the helicopter swept through the streets, making the mist glow and making everything under it a shadowy silhouette. Bodies. Smashed storefronts. A tank from the Maine national guard that had somehow been overturned. A childlike figure standing on a rooftop. Panels of smashed...wait.

The light flickered back to the rooftop and the pilot jerked the helicopter to a stall, swooping around the building in small circles.

"The hell?" The Lance Corporal asked. "Zombie...?"

"No..." Gunnery Sergeant muttered. "Even zombies can't survive in the fog for very long. Pilot, take her down lower...Might be immune..."

"God...she looks...feral."

The little girl, no older than eight, wore a tattered and ripped dress that probably hadn't been changed in months. Her face was smeared in dirt and what looked like caked blood. Her eye...glowed...as the spotlight swung towards her. She didn't look away from the blinding light, didn't so much as blink as the beam struck her large, luminescent eyes that reflected the light right back, like the eyes of a deer.

"Hello?" the pilot asked, speaking into a loudspeaker mounted on the bottom of the helicopter. "Can you hear me?"

The girls mouth opened like a snakes, and she screeched loud enough to make the soldiers' eardrums pop, even beneath their masks. The girl extended her hand, palm down, towards the helicopter, screaming all the while, and squeezed her fingers together. As her hand formed into a fist, the blades of the helicopter snapped and the metal squealed as it bent like a tin can before falling to the dead street in flames.

[Seismic activity has recently been reported in central Maine. As this is not on any known fault lines, it is curious and likely why this helicopter was sent to investigate]

2011-06-26, 01:51 PM

"Right. We understand. You probably don't have much capability to take in any refugees, either.

Frankly, I think we're running out of time. There's got to be some way to unify the States, quickly. We don't want to start fighting or anything, though. We could pull off all kinds of nasty things in the Sword, but that's just killing our own chances at surviving the zombies and whatever's going on in Canada and all the demons pouring up from South America.

We'll hope they don't push. If they do, we'll bend. But so long as they don't have the intention to help the people in Midwest, we'll be the ones doing that. The people can decide themselves who to stand with."

2011-06-26, 02:58 PM
Fort Bastion

Father Hjalmar stood in the command center of the fortress staring at a large screen showing a map of the world. As he contemplated it one of his officers came up to him.

"Sir, reports are that all Limpeza Chama territory has been covered. According to our observers we had a 86% success rate, and the cloaks were able to take care of the resistors."

Father Hjalmar's mouth twisted into a grimace. "Bah that is not good enough it should have been 100%, and it would have been if not for those blasted legion. Tell Dr. Velaz to go ahead with project gamma."

"Yes sir, also Dr. Rodriguez has sent word the first prototype for project alpha has been completed."

At this Father Hjalmar smiled, "Very good, send word that I will be down right away. It's deployment must commence immediately."

"Also we've received word that you have been excommunicated."

"Haha, completely expected. It doesn't matter at this point the facade served it's purpose. Send out a counter excommunication on the pope. We'll schism and break away. It might even convince a few outsiders to not believe the propaganda against us."

Still chuckling Father Hjalmar walked over to a small elevator. Ignoring the buttons he placed his hand on a certain section of the wall and concentrated. With a thunk the elevator closed and began plummeting downward. After several minutes it stopped and he walked out into a vast cavern hollowed out of the earth.

In the distance he could see digging machines tunneling away at the far end expanding the cavern even further, but he was far more interested in the swarm of workers busily putting the finishing touches on a tall black monolith. Approaching it he could make out the crystalline finish and the many runic symbols carved into it's surface. Carefully not touching it he leaned closer, but pulled back when Dr. Rodriguez came running up.

"How does it look sir. We'd still like a bit more time for testing, but it should be ready for deployment in a few days."

"Very good doctor. Don't worry about the testing too much, these things are meant to be quite stable. It's just too bad we've never been able to figure out how to bring one with us through the gates."

"Now tell me how are the other projects doing?" Giving one last look at the glistening black surface Father Hjalmar turned away and began walking towards a small command hut while Dr. Rodriguez listed off the latest figures and estimates.

2011-06-26, 03:03 PM
The Temple of the Emanations of Sankrosti

The seismic activity in the Commonwealth Quarantine zone was troubling, especially in the light of what was lurking in the mists. The fact, that the exact nature threat still remained obscured, only showcased how significant it was.
The regular methods to gather information have failed. But the new age has brought new ways of doing things.

Phalanx Foundation had a fair share of Geomancers, due to its close cooperation with the Emanations of Sankrosti. Most of them were working either on supporting the Reclamation Effort or maintaining Phalanx Medical Centers in South America. That changed, when the report by the Foundation's field agents Trent Steel and Anthony Darling arrived. Many Geomancers were pulled from their tasks to address this new threat.

Geomancy in the modern world was mainly used as a source of cheap energy. Yet in its heart it was the Magic of Divination and uniquely attuned to the flow of energy in the earth. What better way to investigate the seismic activity in Maine.

The Emanations of Sanrosti were petitioned to lend their expertise to the ritual, that could reveal the truth about the land, beneath the all-obscuring mists. The same request was made of the Geomancers from the Underground.

(OOC: This takes place slightly before the events in Balkans. And I really know nothing about Geomancy, except that it is divination magic of how dirt falls on the ground and something about geometric shapes.)

2011-06-26, 08:49 PM

When the Third Reich had been toppled, the unanimous decision of the world had been "Never again!". And, though there were wars, never again was there a war like that one had been. And though there was suffering, it had gradually been receding.

Now, the Fourth Reich had taken over Germany. Relics of a bygone era, outdated machinery kept running by unholy magic. Humankind had been taken by surprise, and pushed back. But now, they were prepared to counterattack.

The soldiers from a vast number of cultures and nationalities had gathered on the borders of Germany to show that their old promise still held. No more would the hideous fascist ideology be allowed to spread it's taint and corruption over the lives of innocents. They stood united to remove Hitler's legacy once and for all.

Side by side, German, Russian and Polish armoured battlegroups were ready to push into Germany from the East. The once bitter enemies shook hands before the battle, wishing each other luck.

Many miles to the West, French, English and Italian troops were preparing once more to plunge into the heart of Germany. Their forefathers had done it before, they wouldn't look worse.

Yet there were others. Solaris had provided troops for the conflict, thousands upon thousands of men and vehicles. Japanese technology had provided weapons for those present. Scandinavian countries had gathered their troops into Denmark, supported by the RAF. Concentrated against the Fourth Reich was the largest concentration of firepower in human history.

And then, the shot was fired.


A crackle of machinegun fire from the side street, and the squad jumped down, taking cover behind the wreckage of the collapsed building. The urban fighting against the zombies had been the most insane thing the troops had ever gotten into. The units were all mixed up, but luckily it was easy to distinguish friend from foe, by gait if nothing else.

Sergeant Lawson was clutching his leg behind a piece of a concrete wall. A ricochet from the MG position had struck it, and he was stuck there as the bullets slowly eroded the concrete protecting his back. The medic was nowhere to be found, and the soldiers on the other side of the street couldn't approach without being fired upon. Lawson grunted and quickly glanced over the obstacle at the enemy. It was one of the zombies, crouching behind an ancient-looking MG-34, another one feeding more ammunition into the machine. Not that it needed any - it was a ghost, like all of their equipment.

Ghost or not, those bullets were deadly. Swearing, Lawson picked up a grenade from his belt. He was unlikely to get a good throw off from this position, but it was his only chance. He closed his eyes, muttered a short prayer and prepared to pull the pin just as a surprisingly loud thud resounded from the alley, and the MG ceased it's constant staccato.

Lawson stopped his hand, looking over the piece of concrete again. It looked like... the wall of the house had suddenly collapsed on the zombies? The other men from his squad rushed to him, to help him up, and he saw that there was almost nothing left of his so-called cover. It wouldn't have survived many more seconds of the fire.

The soldiers raised their rifles again as a man leapt out of the recently collapsed building with a yell. Startled, they carefully lowered their aim as the survivor ran to the street, smiling at them. Finally, rescuers had arrived.

They took a moment to calm him down and then pointed out that the city was still in the state of chaotic skirmishing. They pointed the way to the west side of the city, on the outskirts of which the Allies had cleared a safe zone, and told him to try and head that way while avoiding being shot.

With a thousand thanks, the poor German began his trek westwards.


"Load HEAT."

A metallic clank. The turret turned, as the crew of the Leopard aimed it at the next German vehicle. This one was just a halftrack, but it sported an AT gun and the Fourth Reich armour had proven to be much, much more deadly than their technology would warrant.


A boom, a flash of fire and thunder and the shell impacted the enemy, ripping a large hole on it's side. It finally stopped moving, the smoking wreck looking like Thor had struck it with his hammer.

"Finally. Geez."
"Reload. There's still plenty of them out there."

Suddenly, two Panzer IVs rolled over the crest of a nearby hill. "Oh crap! Brace for impact! Fire at the one on the left, aim at the turret!"

Simultaneously, all three tanks fired their ordnance. The Leopard's shot impacted the barrel of the leftmost Panzer IV, the lucky shot twisting it into an unusable wreck. The first enemy shot struck the tracks of the Leopard, ripping through them like butter into the innards of the complex machinery needed to move the massive pile of metal. This pile of metal wasn't moving anywhere any time soon.

The second 75mm AP-shot struck the hull at an angle. It was reactive composite armour, with ceramic plates and metal both made to stop the penetration of such shells. It was the product of decades of development, and it should have been completely impervious to such an old and slow cannon. But somehow, defying physics, the shot pierced clean through the hull, passing near the head of the gunner and leaving a hole in the tank.

"Reload. Fire."

Not having enough time to realize how close death had just visited, the gunner did as ordered. But the second shot, striking the rightmost Panzer, deflected away. Not only were the vehicles of the Fourth Reich impossibly sturdy, their drivers weren't bad. Some of the WW2 'veterans' knew tricks that really put the greenhorns commanding the most advanced armour mankind had ever built to shame. These men had lived at the era of real armoured warfare, when there were no cruise missiles and jet fighters and helicopters. Just metallic beasts facing each other in the thousands. They knew how to kill tanks.

As the Panzer readied itself for another shot, the commander of the Leopard muttered a prayer. One good hit and they would be history...

And the 4R vehicles exploded in a ball of fire. A Russian Mil Mi-28 passed overhead after firing its S-13 penetration rockets. The crew of the Leopard whooped - a reaction that would've been rare from a German armoured unit to a Russian anti-armour attack helicopter before the war. Things sure were changing.

Four hours later, the patched-together Leopard was again in the thick of it. Having rejoined formation, they were approaching a new German city on a large open field. New field tactics called for multiple Leopards to focus their fire on one hostile vehicle at a time, annihilating it utterly in one salvo before switching targets. Coordinated fire was the only thing that made sure the enemy would stay dead.

To the horror of the crews of the tanks, a horde of Fourth Reich armour rose to meet them. PaK40 AT-guns, camouflaged on the edge of the forest, had been spotted previously by the advanced optics of overhead satellites and pummeled with aircraft and artillery, but they had somehow missed an entire armoured column.

Fire, reload, fire, reload and constantly keep moving, trying to force a suitable angle on the enemy and avoid being exposed to counterfire. The modern Leopards had superior range and what should have been superior firepower, but every hostile kill took multiple shots, some as many as dozens.

And then, the first Tiger II, the Königstiger, that they had spotted in the war began it's approach.

Instantly, the main focus of the majority of the Leopards focused on it. Dozens of shots struck its armour, and dozens of shots were deflected away.

"Heavy AP, reload, fire."
"It's no use! It won't die!"

The Tiger kept lumbering on. It turned it's cannon at one tank after another, as every shot it fired somehow not only destroyed the target but vaporized it in a massive explosion.

"Oh god we're all gonna die!"
"Calm down! Reload! Fire!"

Nothing pierced the hide of the Tiger. Behind it, the rest of the Fourth Reich vehicles approached unmolested as the King of the battlefield drew all of the attention.

"This is Battlegroup Theta, calling for airsupport. We've got a King Tiger here and our weapons can't harm it, over."

"Airsupport en route, stand by."

Explosions carpeted the battlefield as tanks were thrown into the air, flipped and wrecked utterly. Supersonic jets and high-altitude medium bombers were something the Fourth Reich was as of yet unable to respond to - they were hard to kill, but they weren't fast enough to fire back if the pilots weren't careless. But to the horror of the tank crews, from the smoke the lumbering form of the King Tiger kept on it's unshakeable approach.

"Mein Gott..."

The whistle of Russian artillery sounded over the battlefield, as the remaining Leopards began their retreat. More and more Fourth Reich tanks were pouring onto the field, Panthers and Panzers alike. There was no way to fight over such superiority. And so, they flooded the enemy lines with explosives, for air superiority was what made such massed tank formations obsolete.

A direct hit from a large artillery piece finally managed to jam the treads of the King Tiger, stopping it in place. It was still a threat, however. In the end, after the hours-long battle had finally ended, littering the field with wrecked metal from thousands of vehicles, they had to eliminate the single remaining Tiger with a large clump of plastic explosives moved next to it by a bunch of engineers. A satisfying explosion signalled the end of this terrifying weapon.

But 492 of them were built during World War 2. Not many of the soldiers knew that, and the few that did didn't want to think about it.


The Allied offensive from the West, South and North had proceeded well, liberating many towns and cities in Germany and saving thousands of survivors. However, the East front was faring worse. It appeared as though the majority of the Fourth Reich troops were concentrated there, and the combined Russo-German offensive had ran out of steam after just a little progress against the unending waves of enemies. Russian artillery and airpower had been very effective, but there wasn't enough ammo and supplies for the sheer amount of killing to be done. The withdrawal of the Balkan nations from the battlefield was sorely felt, as the weight of numbers and the undying fury of the Reich began pushing them back.

Something had to be done.

2011-06-27, 07:38 PM
During these years since the rifts opened, the Chinese government has kept a tight lip on what was going on within it, enforced with a press blackout on itself, with very few public announcements and the like occurring; things just seemed to happen with little offical explanation. Today however, that changes, for every station is displaying a speech being made by General Secretary Xi Dagata to a large crowd of people in front of the gates of the Forbidden city in Beijing (with members of the Politburo seated in the forefront), and by extension, everyone in China and all foreign nations. The observant may note that there are very few familiar faces in the Politburo from the last major broadcast before the rifts opened, when Hu Jintao was still General Secretary, confirming the widespread rumors of mass purges in the CCP. Behind Xi sits the President of the PRC Gao Liang, and the members of the Politburo Standing Committee, each of whom is a new face in Chinese politics.
Xi, clears his throat before giving his speech, which is then translated into 20 different languages for the many nations presumably tuned in. In english it goes like:
"People of China, and people of the world, I wish you all well, and offer my sincerest greetings. Times have been tough these past few years, since these rifts have opened, bringing much suffering onto the people of our world, and I fear that this storm will only increase in ferocity before it dies down into a calm. That is why I stand before you today, to make amends for the past, and to help ensure our survivale through these dark days. My people I break the silence this governemnt has shroaded itself with for you, to let you know that we have your survival as our top priority, that we do not forsake you with the absence of words. That is why we have already eliminated corrupt elements that have permeated throughout the government in the past, so that you can put your faith in us, and have assurance that this government has the best intentions for you, not to line its pockets with your hard earned taxes and bribes. Another pledge I make now that is already underway, is a moderization of the countryside, we have already comenced in building new infrastructure and providing farmers with modern farming equipment and sustainable farming techniques, without a cost to themselves, we will not allow any to starve within our borders. But we do not only seek to improve ourselves in domestic affairs, we also seek to rebuild our foreign relations, for over the past years they have soured. That is why we shall now open ourselves more diplomatically, and hopefully reestablish trade relations with our fellow humans which prove mutually beneficial. As our first act of this, we pledge our support to the European Imperium and any other nation currently fighting against the fourth reich, and will offer supplies and manpower in their struggle. Secondly, we will drop hostilities with Taiwan and withdraw most troops from the area formally known as Tibet, for the ravanging locusts are a more pressing matter that deserves the majority of our military attention. Finally we will open negotiations with the group refered to as the underground, as they fight for the same cause as we do, the survival of humanity. We are all in this together, so we must stop squabling amongst ourselves so that the human species does not die out, we must and we will perservere. With that my people, I bid you farewell for now, and offer you wishes of prosperity and happiness in these turbulent times."
His conclusion is met with thunderous applause, but only time will tell if these promises were hollow or not.

2011-06-27, 07:47 PM

Soon after the speech, a message comes in through political channels in Japan.

It appears that the Sensei, Yuki Shiino, both as a representative of the Underground and as the Head of Japanese Intelligence, and RaniX, Rani Saswata, an Indian spokesperson for the Underground, would like to arrange a meeting to negotiate an end to the atmosphere of hostility that had clouded the relations between China and the Underground as of late.

Saswata and Shiino are both currently extremely busy, the former in the negotiations in the Middle East and the latter in organizing the new governmental reforms in Japan, but they can squeeze out time for a short few days' visit to Beijing if you agree.

2011-06-27, 08:41 PM
Southern Mexico

The Demon camp broiled under the bloody red sunset. The light glimmered across the sand-streaked road and the smell of charred flesh wafted across the camp from the mass pyres in the open field across from the lines of tents. Demons crossed to and fro across the camp, brandishing their weapons and smiling sharp smiles at their spoils of war. A soldier delighted his friend with an iPod. Another had stabbed his red-dagger-sharp toes through a pair of Nike basketball sneakers.

The Demon Lords Baal and Beezelbub met that evening for only the third time since deployment on this wretched, blue-green world.

Beezelbub, a creature of impressive stature and size sat hunched over a metal table, gnashing his teeth against the open belly of a half-cooked, still bleeding pig. His skin was lumpy and covered in open sores that crawled with maggots. He swatted flies from his face as he ate.

Not far from the Lord of Flies, Baal--a handsome demon in a fine black suit, scowled and talked quickly into a cell phone. His features were decidedly more human than his counterpart. He had neither the claws of the horned demon Beelzebub, nor the claws.

"Boss--," he said into the line, hand on hip. "That is not enough. Our forces are stretched thin, and we barely control a tenth of this planets surface. The third parties have not provided the additional strength needed to conquer this world. If anything, the other damned creatures have pushed the bickering factions of this world together... we simply need more men!" a long pause. "Yes...yes...of course...I...yes, boss."

He slammed the phone closed and shoved it into his pocket. Beezelbub grunted from the table.

"Not go well?" he asked.

"You could say that," Baal muttered. He crossed his arms and watched a team of horned demons carry a thousand pound create of cannon munitions across the camp. "The boss is placing a low priority on this world. He is only sending the 719th Legion to relieve us. Hardly the army we were hoping for. He seems to think escalating the war in the Outer Plane is more fruitful."

"He's pushing a brick wall, there," Beezelbub croaked. "Has been for eternity."

"I know, brother. He claims he's getting close... that the walls are weak enough now...but I don't know."

"Aw," a roguish voice called from a distance. "Has your filthy lord abandoned you?"

Baal snapped up.

"Gabriel!" he exclaimed, eyes narrowing to slits. "I thought I smelled your stench."

Gabriel wore a buttoned leather coat that fell to his leather boots. His head was tipped down, and a stetson hat obscured all but his thick blonde beard, and the narrow cigar that hung from his smiling lips.

"And yet, not before I arrived. Perhaps your nose is old, foul beast. Perhaps it is failing you."

"Guards! Guards!"

One of the horned demons carrying the munitions relinquished the edge of the box, causing it to tumble to the ground with a crash. The demon sprinted towards Gabriel, who casually drew a long-barelled revolver from his hip and shot the demon dead.

"Is that any way to treat a guest?" he asked, smiling once more. A ring of demons formed around him and Baal, who were walking sideways, slowly revolving in a circle.

"Speak your piece, Planar scum," Baal demanded.

"Your master is losing his war against the Planar Kingdoms. He draws troops from every theater to fight his hopeless war. He will lose, as he has lost before."

"What is your point? Why in the Seven Kingdoms are you here?"

"Merely a messenger," Gabriel announced warmly, exhaling rings of smoke into the hazy Mexican evening. "And a commentator. I am here merely to say you are losing the war for this world, filth. As you have lost it before."

"You mean when you betrayed us all those years ago? When you betrayed the revolution."

"You seem to have a faulty memory," Gabriel muttered, with the slightest hint of remorse in his voice, the smile falling from his lips. He dropped the stub of the cigar onto the ground, and snuffed it out with his boot. A second later, the smile reemerged on his face. "But no matter. Tell your master that the Father is watching this world, and is pleased by your incompetence. That is all."

Baal shouted an order and twenty demons dove into the circle at once, grasping at Gabriel with their claws as the man disintegrated in a burst of light and flame.

For a second, Baals scowl fell, and then returned with infinite malice. His ordinarily hidden fangs dripped with acidic saliva as he barked orders to the men.

"Well?" he shouted. "What the f**k are you looking at? Get back to work! Redouble efforts! This. World. Will. Burn!"

2011-06-28, 07:26 AM
Both representatives are given accomadations in the Capital Hotel Beijing, each will be staying in their own guest suite to stay in. The meeting is scheduled to occur in the VIP meeting room at about 9:00 in the evening, after a dinner of native dishes. They will meet with the President and a member of the Politburo Standing Committee, though who that will be is not specified. Both have been infored of their lodgings and are asked if they wish any changes or have special requests.

2011-06-28, 12:09 PM

So long as the suites incorporate internet access, there are no other special requests. Yuki is used to this kind of treatment, but Rani tries to spend the few hours of free time she has to relax and enjoy herself. It's not often she gets to see luxury.

Poor Sensei has no time to relax. The sheer amount of both angry and supporting feedback, messages and tasks being piled upon her is ridiculous. Somehow her shield of anonymity being gone seems to make her much more approachable, which would generally be a good thing but when it's millions of people approaching you...

During the past few days she has realized that she would've been way more comfortable with her voice modulator and a hood. But that's not really the right etiquette for a high government official.

Imperial Psycho
2011-06-28, 12:09 PM
Report to the Commonwealth Secretary-General
This report is a summary of all fronts in which Commonwealth military forces are engaged.

RAF and Mixed Naval forces have commenced Operations against the 'Fourth Reich'.

The RAF precision bombing of 4R positions has seen some success, but resistance from 4R Air Forces is fierce. So far, minimal RAF Casualties.

The Commonwealth Navy has seen more success, being practically unopposed in the Baltic, and able to bombard 4R positions with impunity. However, risk of civilian tactics has reduced the effectiveness of this tactic, as it is difficult to find a location clear of German Civilians.

The Expeditionary Force deployed to France has, in co-operation with EU forces, rescued many civilians. However, their numbers are small, and our military relatively untested against the 4R. Recommend deployment of additional forces where possible.

No recent action in Asia. Indian and New Zealand security forces remain on high alert for attacks by the Z-Virus and Great Hunt, but no attacks seem forth-coming at the moment.

Nothing to report. Some uneasiness about the dealings of 'Set' and 'Anubis' to the north. However, currently no impetus to be involved.

North America:
South African and Canadian troops maintaining quarantine and investigating the Northern rift. Unsettling reports about what is in the mist. Quebec may be amenable to reabsorbtion into Canada in exchange for protection. Recommend immediate reinforcement.

South America:
Guyanan security forces are struggling to maintain control from Communist revolutionaries. No immediate concern. Limpeza Chama request to use their own forces to protect Guyana. Recommend further investigation.

2011-06-28, 04:37 PM
Phalanx Foundation

The Geomantic Ritual

The Geomancers of the Phalanx Foundation and Underground gathered around the intersection of the Earth’s power lines. Specifically, the power lines that run all the way into the Maine and Canadian quarantine zone. Together they’ve extended their senses to the power and merged with its flow. The charged sand, rocks and soil held in their hands served as the conduit for the greater power, drawing in the energies produced by whatever was happening in the Quarantine Zone and beneath it. Only the light of the planets, stars and moon shone above the ritual site. There were no artificial lights in the area, since they would distort the readings. The ritual has begun as the Geomancers directed the flow of energy, drawing out the forty eight numbers in three separate circles. It lasted until the breaking of the dawn. The numbers were ready and the computers were put to work, interpreting the numbers with the speed, the Geomancers of old would have greatly envied.

The questions were prepared ahead of time, finely crafted to take advantage of the Geomantic readings and produce the most pressing answer – what can stop the horrors, happening in the Quarantine Zone.

(OOC – I don’t know if Emanations of Sankrosti are helping the ritual. Also, I don’t really know how to do Geomantic rituals)

USSL/Great Hunt - Balkans

The situation in the Balkans required an immediate action. The forces of the Coalition were facing the Fourth Reich and their withdrawal and redeployment would take time. The nations of the world had their militaries stretched thin, battling various hostile anomalies. Millions were going to die, before help had any chances of arrival. And Phalanx couldn’t let it happen.

The contacts Phalanx made with the USSL and Great Hunt were used to call for their aid. They have committed to reclamation of Australia, after Phalanx Foundation convinced the Anomaly Powers of the irredeemable evil nature of the Z-Virus. Would they help in Europe? It was a tiny ray of hope, but it was all that the people in the Balkans had.

2011-06-28, 04:55 PM
Biotech Institute, Messina

Maria Oliverio paced back and forth in her office. The more results she got, the more baffled she was. They had been studying the Z-virus here in Messina for some months now, and some of the results were so frightening that the facility directors had ordered them kept secret.

But secrecy didn't fit well with Maria. She plopped herself down in the comfy chair behind her desk and opened her laptop. Then she logged in through a variety of routers and filters and finally reached the outside world.

She had long since bypassed all the guards the facility placed on it's connections. Signing up with her nick, EppurSiMuove, on a website where those like her had gathered results from similar studies all over the world, she glanced at the pages.

Z-Virus General

There are several strains of the Z-Virus. One is a stealthy infection, that spreads from person to person on contact and remains dormant. The symptoms are easily missed. This is extremely dangerous, as it is unlikely a careless user of the Zombie-scanner would notice such a thing, making it possible a few of the infected would pass through checkpoints.

This was why they had ordered all frontline checkpoints to be extremely careful, and commit full inspections on anyone who showed even the slightest signs of possible infection in the scans, no matter how minor.

It eventually evolves into the strain, that turns people into Z-s. After person turns, he spreads the strain, that turns people into Z-s by biting. Z-s don't actually eat people. They make several bites, until the person has enough of the infection inside them.
Z-s have a numbing agent in their spit. The bites don't hurt, so a scratch would be missed. A large enough bite will paralyze the person, until the transformation is completed.

This was why all soldiers in Z-infected areas would wear clothing that covered the full body, and hopefully armour on top of that. Plus, they were to check each other from head to toe after every single encounter. No-one was to check themselves alone, for there was the chance that a person would intentionally tell himself that it was nothing after having noticed a small scratch, out of fear.

But she opened a few more pages, and wrote in an on-going discussion:

EppurSiMuove: I believe, and our results in Messina support, that our hypothesis on somebody having engineered this virus specifically and then having spread it on the most destructive possible way is correct. The chances of this being an ordinary anomaly originating in a rift is still likely, but I would have to say that there are people out there spreading it and we must find them.

A while later, she logged off. It was time to go check the results of the most recent batch of autopsies. The most dangerous thing was that it seemed possible the Z-virus was evolving. She shuddered at the thought.

Falkland Islands

Thomas Merrina read the newest post by the woman in Messina almost right as it was sent. He'd been lurking this site, and some like it, for quite a while. He had it all set up in his head, he knew exactly what was going on.

The Outbreak Zero in Australia was covered up by the government, everybody agreed on that. But it was clear to him that it also originated within the government. Secret weapons development turned awry by the Rift? Probably.

But it wasn't the Australians who were the only ones in this. It was the Sword, who had inherited this joint project of biological weapons development from the previous US government. Everybody knew those things went on all over the world. And the US outbreak had been sudden and total, as the Freemasons or the Illuminati or whatever you wanted to call the insane cult spreading the disease had already been settled in, having the stores for the weapon already present within the country and all.

The attack into Syria was the first use of weaponized Z-virus in the public. This proved that somebody had weaponized it, and understood it much earlier than any scientists working on it 24/7 on all continents. Who else could do this but the creator?

Japan, the outbreak originated within the refugees from Indonesia, deliberately infected by the Cult through Australia. Even though these refugees were screened for diseases, the Z-virus remained hidden because of the stealth strain. Obviously the Cult had used it's contacts within the Japanese border security to get them to pass. The US intelligence service had the keys to Japan's security, that much was certain.

South America? Well, that place was in chaos. The US government had a ton of spies in every country down there, obviously, ready to eliminate troublesome governments. It would've been easy to spread the virus there.

Another angle he had considered for a moment was the Order of St. Thomas. They had arrived in the same areas and at the same time as the Outbreak. But the Pope had declared him the Sword of God in South America. Thomas was a devout Catholic, and believed in the wisdom of the Vatican.

And Germany? Well, the Nazi scientists working for the Cult would have been happy to work with the new Reich as well, spreading the means to infect people. Now they'd done the same in the Balkans, as well.

It was obvious, and he went to post his theory on another forum...

Turku University Campus

Christ, these conspiracy theorists... But Project Hermes had proven it's worth time and time over, and if it listed this result as one of the important ones for his investigation, Nordberg was going to read it, however useless it seemed. The US government? Why did everybody blame the US government?

But the point about the Order of St. Thomas was a new one that they hadn't considered. Anton knew more about the thing in Syria than this guy had, after all he had listened to the reports about the confessions the Solaris troops had tortured from the captured criminals along with Mossad operatives tracking down all possible leads. He had blanched and been shaken, listening to the screams and sobbing, but he had listened to them.

And this 'Herr Doktor Quisling' figure that those psychopaths in Germany had cited. Somebody had picked quite a name. But the 'Doktor' part was what made him wonder. It sounded too much like fitting the kind of a mad doctor psyche the profilers had come up with. The kind who'd think about the zombie virus. The Nazi sympathizers didn't all like the idea of the Z-virus infecting entire Germany, but the idea had been fed to their organization from the top down, and it had taken root strongly.

The diabolical intelligence behind the Zombie outbreak was vast and global. The US infection had been done in the span of one week, in one stroke infecting communities across the entire nation, collapsing any semblance of order, and, because the attack vector had been through infested livestock, further hastened the collapse of agriculture in North America that Gaia had started. Never had there been a more effective attack, and it had destroyed the world's foremost superpower instantly.

He also had data from collaborators in the Russian governments and agents in the Chinese intelligence department that they had also been offered the weaponized form of the Z-virus early on, before anyone knew enough of the virus to do that. Syria had taken the bait, Russia and China luckily hadn't.

In conclusion. The organization spreading the Z-virus had to be large. But it couldn't be large, because he didn't believe there would be very many people willing to do it if they knew what they were doing. Most likely, then, it was a big organization whose leadership and a few key figures on the field knew what their purpose was. Kind of like the Underground, except that he was part of the Underground leadership and knew they weren't doing it. The Emanations shrines were widespread, but they had began appearing way later than the Z-virus operations.

Governments? No. They would be too distrusted by people to work globally like this. The US intelligence apparatus, or maybe the Chinese, might've been capable of it. But the US wasn't behind it, they knew that for sure. And China wasn't really a likely prospect either. China was selfish, but predictable. No, it was not a nation. Religions? Unlikely. None but the Emanations had been acting up at all, for some reason. Well yeah, the Catholics a bit, but that was just laughable. The Pope ordering the spread of Zombies all over? Ridiculous.

No. He knew. How to get people to meddle in the affairs of others and do grievous harm without knowing it and while believing they were right? By telling them they were doing good. Humanitarian organizations. NGOs. Phalanx Foundation, Church of St. Thomas and the like. Doing good on the front, but a few key personnel could easily be spreading the virus at the same time. He knew - the Underground had been formed on the basis of doing just that, undermining world governments and corporations and forcing out their message. But they had been diverted from that path early, thanks to the Rifts.

Sighing, Nordberg lifted himself out of the chair, took out his phone and began making a few calls. The investigation was about to get redirected. They had shut out most of the possibilities, and the remainder was about to be put under a tight scrutiny by the largest and most powerful espionage network the world had ever known. And he was at the reigns... it made him afraid, afraid of what he would become. He joined the Underground to fight these kinds of networks, the secrecy and half-truths, censorship. What had happened, for him to create one more powerful than any that had come before it? The combination of all the Secret Services in the movies, all the world-wide Illuminatus cults that controlled world governments. Now it was real, for the very first time, and he knew that it was needed for their survival.

But in his mind, the words rang hollow.

"It's for their own good."

"The People have to be kept ignorant of some facts."

"We know best what must be done."

A tiny part of his mind was screaming.

"Do we have the right?"

2011-06-29, 08:37 AM
Several hours after they arrive and get comfy, they are called down for the dinner prepared for them. The main course of the meal is a Peking roast duck, served with sides of egg dumplings, Basi digua, chinese fried rice, deep-frid mantou as dessert, and a drink of either water, tea, or Yellow wine. After they have finished there is a fifteen minute waiting period, before PRC President Gao Liang arrives along with the Secretary of the CPC Central Political and Legislative Committee, Le Zhen. Both give a friendly greeting before taking a seat and beckoning the pair to do the same. They then await to hear the demands of the pair.

2011-06-29, 02:20 PM
Chinese Meeting

From the eyes of an outside observer, the situation would probably look hilarious. Some of the most powerful individuals in the world facing each other - ruling elite of China, a middle-aged Indian businesswoman and a Japanese girl who looks barely eighteen. But the expressions on the faces of the people weren't particularly humorous.

After the friendly greetings, there's a short moment of slightly awkward silence. Rani and Yuki glance at each other, and then Yuki nods slightly and turns to speak.

"Well. I'm sure you have an idea on why we are here. There's a fair bit of differences between our political agenda and yours, after all, which has lead to some... unfortunate incidents in the past few years.

We're hoping to put all that behind us. Frankly, we must. Our entire species is in danger, and China needs the world as much as the world needs China. Only by working together can we stem the tides.

Japan has already committed it's navy to supporting your fight against the Locusts. We will begin sending soldiers once we have cleansed the zombie infestation on our land. But we wish that you would reciprocate by allowing more transparency in your government, agreeing to join the international cooperation in researching these threats and weapons to combat them, and having your intelligence agencies support our own in tracking down threats. We know that a mysterious organization has offered you a weaponized version of the Z-virus. You didn't take it, of which we are grateful, but Syria did, and somebody in the Balkans. Maybe the USSL. We must track down this organization and eliminate their ability to spread even more destruction on our people."

2011-06-29, 04:11 PM
Z-Virus, Quislings

Unspecified Location, Countryside

The barn was a dirty, decrepit looking place. The light was shining through several holes in the roof and despite the light breeze passing through them, the stench inside was simply revolting. Doctor Qusiling had a perfumed handkerchief, firmly pressed against his nose, when he entered. The farm animals and a few humans, at this stage indistinguishable from the beasts surrounding them, stirred and shuffled a bit, but quickly calmed down. Their dull eyes didn’t even bother to follow Doctor’s movements. He preformed the next round of injections and took samples of flesh, then quickly exited the second most important laboratory they had.

He run into a surprising sight on his way back. William Trent was standing in front of him, wearing a huge grin and holding a small piglet in his hands.
''Back already from Canada. And what’s up with the pig?'' asked Doctor Quisling, a bit irritably. The stench was still on him and he really wanted to take a shower.
''Back already. And you are looking at Sir Oinky-Oinky, the new mascot of Phalanx Foundation.'', as impossible as it seemed, Trent’s grin grew even bigger.
‘’What are you talk...’’ Quisling stopped and really looked at the piglet. ‘’He recovered’’, he spoke softly.


''But James, you’ve recovered!'', Jessica pronounced excitedly. She was three years younger then him, twenty already, and seemed to possess boundless energy.
''It was bound to happen. This is how plagues and genetic diversity work. Among the millions infected, one person will have the immunity.''
''So you possess a superhuman immunity system. My brother, a genuine superhuman.'' Jessica half turned from the laptop and gave him thumbs up. She was wearing a tee-shirt with the large ''U'' logo on it. ''U'' for Underground.
''It’s not a big deal, really.''
''But, I bet some scientists can use your blood to make a cure.'' She returned to typing furiously. The old laptop took a lot of punishment, ever since he gave it to her as a gift.
''There is already a cure.''
''A lame one. New Age Medicine is all bullcrap. Ours will be much better then Emanations''. When he got infected, she locked him inside a van and drove it through a no man’s land to the nearest Curing Temple. He told her, that they won’t make it in time. That she risked prison term or worse, if people decided, she was smuggling one of Them in. She refused all his reasonable arguments. And she cried, when she heard he voice and not one of Their moaning from the van.
''Or they might shoot me, to make sure I don’t turn after all. People are very trigger happy these days, Jess''.
''Well, I think Underground should know. We won’t be alive right now, if I wasn’t such a fan of theirs.'' Jessica embraced the Underground as soon as it announced itself to the world, reading everything they posted on the anomalies and trying to convince other people to pay attention. James didn’t know for sure, but he always believed her efforts saved lives, when the USA got hit by the plague.
''Just wait. Underground is no longer the same. They are no longer fighting the Man. They are the Man. We can’t just blindly trust them.''
Jessica sighed and shook her head ''Paranoia doesn’t suit you James. You are way cooler, then that.'' She stopped typing, as she spoke ''I know you will be mad at me, but it’s too late to stop me. I’m sending the message to the Underground right now''

The iron smashed through her head, the terrible blow at the base of the neck. Blood splattered all across the room and her hand fell from the keybord. The ‘’Enter’’ key remained unpressed. James pulled the computer plug.

Us and Them

They lived in a half empty building and everybody should be away at the time. Nobody could have seen what happened from the window or heard it. He wiped the blood off the TV screen. A cartoon was on, where Sir Oinky-Oinky was teaching the children to run from ''Them''. It was sponsored by Phalanx Educational Initiative.

Us and Them

He dissolved the body in the bath tube and eliminated all the evidence of the crime. In the chaos, that was happening in the USA, another missing person would be lost and forgotten. Emotions no longer interfered with the survival and the Calm receded. He wept for the sister he murdered, until his tears run dry. And he wished for the Calm to return and take away all the pain. It slowly crept back on him. Idleness was unacceptable. His mind slowly grew clear and logical once more. He quickly went through the information he had in his possession and options open to him. All evidence pointed to the existence of Others. There was strength in numbers. He had to connect with them.

Us and Them.

Two Weeks Later…

He signed his name under the recruitment form.
''Welcome aboard James. We always need more volunteers'', smiled the Phalanx recruitment manager.
''I just feel, like I have to do something'' replied James, looking at the large poster on the wall.

Do The Right Thing.
Join Us.

To GM Only

I sort of need EU's nano tech, to progress with my plans, so an update would be welcome. If I can’t steal it, I’ll use other means at my disposal.

2011-06-29, 05:58 PM
Secret Government Holding Camp, Hokkaido

He was calm. He stared at the small blue crystal on the pedestal. Calm. Collected. Cool.

There was nothing flashy going on here. The meditative practices were all about staying calm. No matter the situation.

The freezing wind touched his bare skin, but he didn't flinch or shiver. Calm.


Oh how the man had screamed about his innocence and rights once he'd finally been caught. ShoGunGod's men had done it, the Triads had a good control over the Chinese criminal underworld. With his connections, they'd fished out this guy. And they had, for once, perfectly clear evidence for his guilt, clear enough to hold in any court twice over. It was half a miracle the guy'd slipped up that badly, but it would be a good lead to get farther in the investigation. Heheh, the Triads working with the Yakuza working with the Government cops. What a conspiracy.

He had kept talking about how he'd done nothing wrong until they'd gotten tired of it and showed him the evidence. After that, he'd gone silent, with a small unnerving smile. The man thought they'd never break him, and even if they did, he'd have nothing left to tell them. Let them try, he liked pain, he enjoyed inflicting and receiving torture.

He'd grown a bit bored in this empty cell. Tied to a chair, unable to move, glaring at the ceiling. Grey concrete. Very cliché. He heard the door finally open and his smile widened. Now it'd begin.


Akira walked up to the man. The strange mask wasn't obstructing him at all. Nor were the strange clothes. He was calm, cool and collected as he surveyed the criminal tied down in front of him.

He heard just one word. "Begin." The man did not hear it, he just stared at the weird masked Japanese guy incredulously. But soon, his features began to twist.


What was that? He felt something weird as the ridiculous masked guy was staring at him. A strange feeling... it wasn't fear. He did not feel fear. It was like cold water flowing down his spine, trickling. Drop, drop, drop, from his brain.

And his brain began to recall the meetings. With the other guys, preparing for the shipment to be moved. He was in the Chinese group, but the others were working in Indonesia. Why was he remembering this now? He might let something slip. Then again, the weird guy still hadn't asked anything. Just staring.

The feeling intensified. Faces, names, details. Suddenly, he realized what it was. He shut his eyes, screaming. "No! Get out of my head!"

But the assault continued. He couldn't stop himself, he couldn't move his own body. His eyes were forced open, seeing the terrifying mask again.

"Oh God! No! Stop it!" The trickling feeling was now a flood, a flood of pain and horror as his memories and thoughts were ripped away from his brain. Sobbing, the man trashed around in his restraints. "I'll tell you! Just don't do this! I'll tell everything! Help me somebody!"


Calm. Collected. He had gotten what he had been told to get. The man's drool, spit and blood trickled out of his open mouth. His eyes were glazed, staring at nothing. He would be nothing but a vegetable from now on.

Akira shut the man's eyes and walked out of the room to detail what he now knew. Soon after, another man walked in and put a bullet in the head of the criminal. No records, no trial, no identity. This man had never existed.

Calm. Cool. Collected.

2011-07-03, 01:37 AM
South Rift

Wastes. Wastes were all they could see. They could feel the gamma emissions plunging through their very bodies, despite the fact that they had no true genes to be damaged.

Gravity itself was ignored by this madness, but there were far worse things in reality than a bit of spacial tearing.

Ngor, of the Aoke Caste, moved through the fields of floating pebbles, across the spiral bridge, and through the abstract veil. Only then did the Fireborn of the Aokin find a stable region, a place safe enough and isolated enough to call home.

And thus the Voice of Aokin was born on Earth.

2011-07-03, 02:13 PM
Cairo, Egypt

The first three days of the Solaris-led peace conference consisted of a thousand simultaneous private negotiations throughout the convention complex--a spread of thirty city blocks in downtown Cairo. The entire cite was shut down for the duration of the conference, with anarchist protestors violently thrown out of the perimeter dozens of times. There had been minor skirmishes--overturned police cars and the like--but a handful of mass arrests had taken care of most of the problems.

In the midst of these political maneuverings, the greatest news broke with the public announcement of the so-called Solaris Compromise. After brutal negotiations between Palestinian, Israeli, and Solaris diplomats, Israel finally agreed to the recognition of a Palestinian state, under strict international assurance that Palestine would cease operations to the majority of state run groups alleged with anti-Israeli terrorism.

Like all great compromises, both sides are outraged. The Israelis are angry they have to cede strategically significant land to the Palestinians, while the Palestinians feel they are being forced to surrender the only bargaining chips they have for the expansion of a Palestinian state in the future.

Solaris Compromise Map:

The territorial agreement will be gradually actualized over a period of two months. After that, Palestinian territory will be officially recognized and legal borders will be drawn. This expansion puts East Jerusalem in Palestinian territory, a point of major contention.

After this news broke, police issued a 12-hour curfew between dusk and dawn, and strengthened security around the conference area.

Four days into the event, the public portion of the conference was brought into effect, with hundreds of world leaders speaking their prepared remarks in person. This lasted well over a week, with some of the more verbose world leaders seizing all of the time.

Lycanthrope Premier Silas Kuznetzov himself gave a four-hour long rambling speech about the benefits of both Lycanthropism and Socialism before concluding with remarks about the Balkan, promising that waves of Lycan troops would soon be rolling into the Balkan, beginning a pacification and purification process that will be short. Balkan representatives were outraged at this announcement. Several stood and walked out while the Serbian President threw a mug of hot coffee at Kuznetsov, and the Montenegrin president actually stormed the stage, shouting obscenities. Both were forcefully ejected from the room before talks could continue.

Up next...

[anyone can join in at this, say basically anything]

2011-07-03, 04:08 PM
Gao Liang speaks first, "Since Japan is joining us in our fight against the locust threat, we request that there be open communication between the commanding officers of both sides to better co-ordinate our forces. Our general in command of the locust front, Cui Yong, has devised several operations planned that he believes may succeed with the help of the Japanese forces, and will obviously require open communications for this to occur. As for our cooperation in combating these threats of supernatural nature, consider it done, we must all support each other if the human race is to survive, and we would also like open communications between our intelligence agencies when it comes to tracking down the ones responsible for dealing out the weaponized Z-Virus. Now as for your other demand, my associate can address this better."
He nods to Le Zhen, who returns the nod, and begins to speak. "We have already taken measures to restore our people's faith in this government, as I am sure you are aware of the numerous internal purges our party has underwent to root out corruption within all levels of the state. I know what you mean by transparency, and I can assure you two things, our new administration has only the best interests of our people in mind, we will have them survive this crisis no matter what, and that we will not introduce democratic elements for the duration of this crisis. Democracy is inherently weak as what was once the United States proved, breeding incompetence and petty squabbling within its system, and any new introduction will open our country to weaknesses. We need a strong nation to survive this crisis, and a strong nation requires a strong government. Now, this does not mean we will become a totalitarion state, and our nation has been gradually pulling back on censorship, so our people have a voice to express their ideas and concerns. And, we shall cease to outlaw your organization 'The Underground' so they may continue their beneficial work within our nation, however, you must promise to have them cease any subersive or revolutionary activities within our country, or we will bring down the hammer on them."
With that he slightly reclines and awaits to hear the inevitable counter argument.

2011-07-03, 04:56 PM

"The only thing worse than a weak leader is a strong one."

Sensei waves RaniX down. "Regardless, that's a concern for more peaceful times. I trust that, despite the differences in our views and ideals, a common foe will bind us together.

I am not in charge of the Japanese army but I can be sure to get the cooperation underway. As for the intelligence operation, we've got almost all of the old network of the United States salvaged. In addition, we have combined the Japanese, European and most of the British intelligence. I know you don't like giving up any independence, but I would still ask you to work under our priorities and objectives here. Efficiency is important.

As for subversive or revolutionary activities, our organization has never condoned to, let alone supported, such activities in China. As you know, we aren't centrally led so we cannot possibly control every single act that is done by some tech-kid somewhere under our name. But our highest priority in China has so far been the smuggling of those of our members you have been tracking down out of the country. Nothing more."

2011-07-03, 05:21 PM
The truck convoys rolled through the demon border without incident. That did not surprise Colonel Fernando. The entire point of Delta project had been to rewrite what was normal for his soldiers after all. Still he sighed as he considered what had happened. He had known it would be necessary some day, but he rather wished that it hadn't been quite so soon. Losing the 6th battalion had put a hole in his forces. And what allies they had. Through his window he could see a squad of demons playing with what he could only hope was an animal. They weren’t all like that no, but none of them were what he could call orderly.

With one last sigh of disgust he ordered his convoy on. They had a lot of work to do.

Over the next few days Limpeza Chama forces rolled north through Central America. Engineering battalions began clearing the Panama Canal while other forces began restoring order. Whenever possible they seized control of villages peacefully convincing the inhabitants that they were not demons, but in fact there to protect them from the legion. And where the villagers were too insane to listen Limpeza Chama soldiers gunned them down with the machine like efficiency that had come to mark them. Occasionally a soldier would break and refuse to fire. Which was regrettable, Colonel Fernando hated typing up the requisition forms for reinforcements.

Atlantic Ocean
Deep in the Atlantic a submarine hung in the depths. Its former crew would probably have been surprised to see it so far down. It had at one point been a standard diesel sub, and would have been crushed by the weight of the water at its current depth. But that was in its past. Long lines of crystalline plating reinforced its hull and the light of purple runes shown across two figures in front of it. One was Dr. Rodriguez, encased in the pressurized diving suit necessary for humans to survive this far down, the other was a naga.

Shaking her head Dr. Rodriguez frowned. Communications were difficult, just barely possible using speakers. She dearly wished that they had been able to scrounge up a few translators for this, but they were all needed elsewhere. Still she did what she had to do. Activating her speakers once again she tried to fit her vocal cords around the Naga language. "Greetings, it is necessary for us to speak. Please take me to your leaders."

Fortress Bastion, Brazil
A Few Days Later
In the deep reaches of the fortress in the vast cavern that had been carved out for it Father Hjalmar surveyed the monolith. He no longer needed to ask his experts its status. He could feel it humming with stored power. At long last it was complete. It was only a shame that it had taken so long. Around him he could feel the eyes of the many scientists and workers who had labored to prepare it. They were all watching him, waiting for him to activate the monolith. He dearly wished Dr. Rodriguez had been able to make it. Not that he didn’t trust Dr. Veraz with the final checks, but well he just wasn’t as good as Rodiriguez. Chiding himself for wasting time thinking about small matters he took a deep breath and focused. Normally this would require an entire conclave to activate, but he had specifically been chosen to lead this mission for his ability to do it alone. Chanting words that no human was ever meant to even understand much less say he began to glow with a unearthly purple light. And then with one last breath he plunged his hands into the monolith.

Instantly the light spread to the monolith. Shuddering it broke loose from its moorings and began to rise into the air. Only a few feet, but that was all it needed. Following the designs he had laid down for it the monolith began adjusting itself. Ripples passed through its surface as it changed to the match the exact geometric configuration necessary for the ritual. And as it changed the humming grew louder and louder. Out of the corner of his eye Hjalmar could see some of the lesser scientists begin to be pushed back by the waves of power radiating from the monolith. And just when Hjalmar himself began to feel the pressure everything suddenly stopped. The monolith simply vanished leaving behind a silence even more overpowering than the humming it replaced. In the same instant the fabric of space tore open and a rift appeared over the Fortress. And although he couldn't see it Father Hjalamar smiled. Raising a hand which now crackled with purple lightning he began laughing. It had been too long since he had felt a proper connection to home.

After watching the initial sparks of purple light fade from his skin Colonel Fernando turned to the rest of his command staff with a grin. "It's been a long time coming, but it looks like we've finally reestablished contact. Now let's go out there and show Commander Hjalmar the sword division is just as good as the staff."

Atlantic Deep Ocean
Even through her suit Dr. Rodriguez could see the purple light that was lighting up her hand. Ignoring the fact that there wasn't anything capable of hearing her for a long, long way she grimaced and muttered, "Bah I told Dr. Veraz to retune the polymorphic grid. I'm getting far too much resonance. I'll have to make sure the feedback loop is smaller in the next one."

Sword Naval Base
Captain Black snarled as the American soldier that had been escorting him around the base gaped the lightning crawling down his arm. What a time for the higher ups to initiate the contact project. Reacting instantly he grabbed the soldier and snapped his neck. As he pulled the soldier into a nearby closet he clicked out a new code on his radio. This would put a major dent in the operation, but he trusted his men to react appropriately. Within minutes explosions began rocking the base and the captain hurried off. He had places to be and things to do.

As the short man finished eating his meal in the small local restaurant he paused as the image of himself in a nearby window caught his attention. His eyes appeared to be glowing purple. Hastily putting on a pair of sunglasses he glanced around to see if anyone else had noticed. Satisfied that it hadn’t caught anyone’s attention he got up and began walking away. It would be best to carry out his mission before anything else untoward happened.

Forum Explorer
2011-07-04, 11:05 PM
A convoy of Limpeza Chema trucks rolled up to the next town in line. This time they were greeted by a man in a stained bussiness suit. As he spoke to the convoy he would periodically pull something out of his jacket and begin munching on it.

Hello Amigos. While its good to see a friendly face in these parts my soul couldn't bear it if I didn't give fair warning. You should leave this place and head home. The locos managed to beat the demons in this town, but they still on warpath. Still you could handle them while your guns still work. But that won't much longer. And if ya insists on staying then the madness will get you as well. Only the demons are immune to the madness it seems. Figure its something in their blood, prevents the madness from taking root.

The man shakes his head trying to clear it.

Anyways you should get going. Adios. The man heads back into town for a bit before turning and seeing what the convoy will do.

2011-07-04, 11:31 PM
Seeing the man in the suit and remembering his orders the captain in charge of this particular section orders the convoy to a halt. Then he leans out his window and yells at the man.

"What do you mean our guns won't work. We haven't had any problems with them so far. Is there some kind of new anomaly up ahead?"

Forum Explorer
2011-07-05, 12:11 AM
Its some kinda demon weapon we think. Knocks out all modern tech. Even older techs won't work.

2011-07-05, 07:09 AM
St. Petersburg

"Hah! I never thought I'd be doing something like this. Or that it was so easy!"

His fingers were flying on the keyboard. Two screens, both full of status reports, were his primary focus. A few other machines ran nearby, doing their own thing without needing much guidance. Smart Tech.

Soon enough, this phase would be over. It was strangely liberating. And hilarious.

2011-07-06, 12:47 PM
The captain shrugs, "Oh that, yeah we knew about that, but it hasn't affected our guns. As far as we could tell it only affected new technology. This is the first we've heard of it affecting older things."

As far as I know the gremlins only affect electronics. Have they expanded to other things?

2011-07-07, 09:53 AM
Gao Liang nods, "Very well, for the duration of this crisis, all the resources of our intelligence service shall be devoted to aiding this coalition of spies, and we will ensure that communications are kept open for maximum efficiency. And if what you say is true, then your Underground movement can focus time and resources elsewhere, as we will no longer try to root out your organization within our borders. However, if any individual attempts revolutionary or subversize activities, we will hunt them down, that I can assure. Thus I simply ask you spread the word and talk reason into them, for our mutual benefit."

2011-07-07, 12:15 PM


Assuming there's nothing else pressing, let's talk about some details."

"We have... three major research projects ongoing, and any resources you can provide would help our entire species survive this crisis. We have the overviews of the aims and methods of each project on a file with us."

RaniX pulls out an ordinary-looking, though small, memory stick. She pushes it over the table.

2011-07-12, 01:23 PM
Gao Liang takes the flash drive and tucks it away saying,"I believe that the discussion of the details of these projects would best be left to those researching currently, and our scientists who will soon join them. We have several projects concerning the locusts as of right now, that they would like to discuss with the Japanese scientists, as the most brilliant minds from both our countries could easily solve a problem concerning this nearby threat. Now then do you have anything to discuss further?"

2011-07-13, 01:05 PM

"Nothing more for this meeting, really. The rest is just details."

A small sigh. Details is what she likes playing with. The curse of perfectionism was common among the Underground. Oh well, another lesson learned from harsh reality - sometimes, there's just not enough gain for the time lost.

2011-07-22, 08:05 PM
With a few handshakes and farewells, the two Chinese leaders depart from the hotel in a black unmarked van with many security agents. The pair from the underground are informed that they will be free to stay at the hotel as long as they like or they will be scheduled for the next flight, whatever class they like.

Several hours later, the project details within the flash drive are passed around among top CCP officials who begin consulting with scientiffic and military advisors, which lasts many hours, ultimately deciding that the projects undertaken by the EU would prove most beneficial to certain projects they are working on. Now they simply wait for the Japanese military to open communications with their own, much needs to be discussed.

2011-07-23, 04:14 AM

The two women take flights back to their home fields. So much to do, so little time.

Japanese High Command contacts the Chinese soon enough. They're currently working on eradicating Z-pockets from the more far-off metropolitan areas, but situation indicates that the deployment of Navy assets is on the table right now and, once plans are drawn, the Army units in the Home Islands will be able to cycle with those on Korean mainland, get some rest and filter into the Locust theater.


The Powers that Be looked down on Earth.

They blinked.

And then there was nothing. Berkeley was right all along.
