View Full Version : Edge of Chaos IC

2011-05-09, 08:05 PM
The sun hangs high in the noonday sky, an angry scion of flame. The heat is oppressive, as is the throng of people bustling about. You are in the Market Green, and colourful stalls and people of every stripe crowd the meadow. Describe what your character looks like, and what he's doing.

2011-05-09, 08:39 PM
At the edge of the Green on an upturned crate between two stalls sits a dwarf. His hair, beard and even eyebrows are the palest grey, almost white. He is dressed in a cloak that was evidently once white but is now worn and dirty. Its large hood hangs loosely on the dwarf's back.

In the dwarf's hands is a book, and his lips move silently as he reads from it. A closer look, however, reveals the dwarf to be watching the hustle and bustle of the market, although he turns the pages of the book at regular intervals as he continues his noiseless recitation.

Against the wall next to the dwarf rests a staff, largely nondescript in its appearance. At its tip, glinting in the sun, is an emblem of Bahamut.

Turk Mannion
2011-05-09, 11:56 PM
Kol walked casually through the crowds, the excitement and energy invigorating him. His large maul was slung over his shoulder and he would periodically reach back to ensure it was still there. He wandered with no true purpose or direction, calling out boasts and good-natured challenges to those around him. Only those wearing a holy symbol of some kind received a quiet nod...the rest were fair game.

Seeing a group of children playing a game of kick-stones, he joined in for several minutes, running around like a carefree youngster himself. Laughing loudly and a bit out of breath in the oppressive heat, he paused for a moment, looking around for a vendor selling drinks.

2011-05-10, 07:38 AM
Amandre has just finished up with a courier job that brought him to the city and now walks slowly through the streets. Folded over his arm is a green cloak; the warmth it offers is of no benefit under the scorching sun. As he enters the market green he stops for a moment, the crowed of people is oppressive, the noise loud. He slowly walks through the crowd, clear blue eyes observing everything in his immediate area. A few people glance at him, particularly at the massive bow hanging at his back. Bigger than the bows most people are used to seeing, the engraved leafs and wines hints at its elven make.

2011-05-10, 01:18 PM
Zil had awoken late that afternoon, rubbing his eyes and yawning as he stepped into the Market. The changeling had spent the entire night scouring the city for any possible sign the Queen would send him. Yet there had been nothing. So that begged the question: what does a bored assassin do?

Well killing people’s out of the question, he had thought to himself. There would be no way he would bring the Queen’s will into his own hands. So the next best thing would be to work on his alias. Indeed the changeling had become known as ‘Marcus Finn’, a human with a passion for collecting junk, throwing knives and a nasty rumor saying that he’d been a pirate from the coast, if the serpent ‘tattoo’ on his arm was any indication. Overall, Zil hadn’t worked on him too much, and he felt like a project unfinished, a person incomplete.

And so today he decided he would do a bit of people watching and perhaps be seen himself. The square was already filling up with an interesting crowd, he had already spotted a goliath standing head and shoulders above the lot of them, playing with children, of all things? That made Marcus laugh. “Aye, ye ain’t too old or too tall fer a bit o’sport, are ya?”

2011-05-10, 03:32 PM
Leif wanders awkwardly through the crowd, trying to blend in as much as possible, a feat made difficult by being covered from head to toe in the sweltering sun. He rests his longspear on the ground like a walking stick.

After perusing a few stalls, Leif buys some fruit. He makes his way to the quietest corner he can find, where he settles down to eat, laying his spear on the ground and lowering the scarf from his mouth.

2011-05-10, 06:37 PM
A half-drunk dwarf sits in the shade outside the local inn. He plays for short intervals on his lute, somber riffs with a gruff undertone, much like himself. Each time he stops playing he takes another puff of smoke of his pipe, or a bite of his fruit which sits in the table next to his pipe.

He stops, brushes some pipe-weed off his red jacket, adjusts his left wrist guard and slouches back down in his chair. He leans back, balancing on the back two legs of the chair, looking around at what he might change to music to accompany.

Ivan spots a Goliath playing ball with some kids; with a deep chuckle he plays a lively tune of Halfling origin. He glances up and spots the pirate-man looking over the balcony, he plays a sea fearing song. He looks to his left and sees a man eating a fruit next to him, covered head to tow, he dances his fingers on the strings, putting out a tune he once heard when he was out in the sand-filled lands.

He sighs, puts down his lute next to him and smokes his pipe, eyes closed. It's as if this old Ivan McGuffin was waiting for something.

Arq Kujos
2011-05-11, 09:46 PM
A very drunk man stumbled backwards out of the local tavern, exhaling loudly after hitting the ground. Another man went flying out of the bar a moment after him. Then, from the tavern came a large man wearing a set of worn, old looking scalemail. A large, broad tipped spear was strapped to his back and helmet was strapped to the top of his pack. He held a mug of ale in each hand, and he quickly finished one. "Now, I bet you two won't try anything that stupid again, will ya'?" He casually drank both mugs of ale before slamming them together, shattering them.

The two men crawled away as quickly as they could, and no one came out from the bar after the large man. He cracked his neck and then let out a loud belch. He stumbled a bit before regaining his balance. He laughed for a bit before noticing the dwarf sitting there playing music. "Hey dwarf! Play something a bit more jaunty! Its too hot slow songs!" He walked, a bit unsteadily, over to the dwarf and slammed into the wall. He laughed a bit, as if landing into the wall barely affected him.

2011-05-11, 10:17 PM
It'd be me pleasure." Ivan mumbled. He thought for a moment, then started playing a strong tunes, tapping his feet to simulate a drum. And with a deep voice, the dwarf sang an old victory song from his homeland.

"And it's row me bully boys
we're in a hurry boys
we've got a long way to go
and we'll sing and we'll dance
and bid farewell to chance
and it's row me bully boys row!"

He continues on, enjoying the old tune. The singing and playing grows in volume and commitment, until Ivan is dancing a little next to his chair.

2011-05-12, 11:02 PM
Suddenly, through the noise of the crowd and merriment of the music, the sounding of a horn cries out from nearby, roughly southwest of the market green. The Horn sounds twice more in rapid succession, the signal that the town is under attack. The crowd scatters, women and children fleeing for their homes, and the men scrambling for weapons. A guard stumbles onto the Green, an arrow embedded in his shoulder.
"Kobolds... attacking the quay... need... help"
He coughs a few times, then collapses to the dirty ground.

2011-05-13, 04:18 PM
The chaos distracts Leif from his discomfort at the nearby drunken singing. He swiftly grabs his spear, letting his half-eaten food drop to the ground, and heads towards the quay, pulling his scarf back up around his face.

2011-05-13, 06:07 PM
Amandre reacts quickly and runs toward the quay, dodging past still stunned people with ease. While on the run he moves the greabow from his back to his hand in a swift and secure motion. By the time he reaches the fallen guard the market is in chaos with people fleeing in all direction. He kneels down next to the guard to check on his condition.

Turk Mannion
2011-05-13, 07:55 PM
"Someone say kobolds? I love playing with kobolds!" Kol began charging toward the quay, paying little attention to the townspeople running in panic.

2011-05-13, 09:41 PM
In a single motion Galdain leaps from the crate, grabs his staff and stows the book he was reading within the folds of his cloak. Rushing to the guard through the panicked crowd, Galdain kneels before him. "Are you in need of aid," asks the dwarf, "or is the attack on the quay more urgent?"

Arq Kujos
2011-05-14, 06:20 PM
"Kobolds! Now that sounds like a good bit of sport!" Reddic runs back inside the tavern, and then rushes back out, holding a mug in each hand. He finishes them both at the same time, spilling as much as he actually drinks. He slams the cups on the ground before undoing his spear. "Let's go!"

2011-05-14, 07:13 PM
Zil sat on the railing on the balcony overlooking the Green, smirking faintly as the dwarf played a bit of a sea-tune as their glances met. Guess Marcus is convincing enough, Zil mused to himself as his leg swung absently from the side.

All seemed relatively calm, with the exception of what seemed like a tavern brawl, and for a moment the changeling almost drifted off to sleep; thats when the horn sounded. Of course.

He peered closely as the man collapsed from his wounds in the square and the dwarf ran to aid him as others took off in the direction of the quay. Perhaps this was the sign he was waiting for? Nimbly hopping from the balcony into the vacated square below, he stode over until he was beside Galdain.

"'E gonna make it? If no' I suggest we get our arses over to tha' quay a'fore more kobolds make pincushions 'o folk," Zil said with a sympathetic grin, only half-joking.

2011-05-15, 11:27 AM
Ivan McGuffin

He stumbled out of his chair, falling as he does so. Scrambling to get his lute and axe, he starts walking off to the quay, attempting to stay standing. "Oy! Ye best get goin' o' we'll miss all te fightin'." He said in a deep voice as he passed Gildain and Marcus. Ivan picks up the pace of his hobbling a bit more and swings his lite over his back, as he grips his axe tightly.

2011-05-15, 07:12 PM
The guard is still conscious, and is only bleeding slightly from the arrow wound in his shoulder.
"I'll be fine, just get over to the quay! When I left, those bastards were halfway across the river!"
The rest of you run through the streets until you reach the quay. A long wooden walkway follows the riverbank, and a few boats of small to mid size are tied up, though many are burning, to some degree. Arrows are stuck into every wooden surface at the quay, some on fire. A small contingent of 15 or so city guards have erected a makeshift barrier of overturned rowboats and crates, and are repeatedly loosing off arrows and crossbow bolts at the invaders. You see about 15 or so shoddy, makeshift rafts and rowboats crossing the river, each crammed to the brim with kobolds brandishing a bevy of crude but lethal looking weapons. On the far bank, an array of kobolds are firing arrows at the defenders on the quay, with limited success.
(Roll for Initiative, I'll get a map up in an hour or so.)

2011-05-15, 08:45 PM
"Tha's the spirit!" The young man called out to Ivan as he passed before turning to the other dwarf and the injured guardsman."Welp, you heard tha' man, let's go take care 'a some scalies!" Zil said, patting Galdain heartily on the shoulder before drawing his kukris in a flash, givning one an experimental slash before heading off down toward the quay.

The attack was... slightly more than Zil had expected. But with the people who had gathered to defend the city, a dwarf, the drunken spearman, an elf, the goliath from earlier and a man of indiscernable race, plus one dwarf incoming, the changeling figured they stood a reasonable chance. "Well... so glad I ain't missed tha' party."

Initiative: [roll0]

2011-05-15, 09:44 PM
Ivan McGuffin

Ivan stumbles forward, putting a hand on Marcus to stabilize himself. "Need ta snap out a this." he said in a slight drawl. Then noticing the incoming kobalds, Ivan immediately turns into a fury! He belts a low and bellowing war-cry.

Initaitive in OOC


Turk Mannion
2011-05-15, 11:47 PM
"Is that all?" Kol bellows as he sees the boats coming across the water. "Three gold to the one who drops the most!" Not to be left out, Kol prepared to rush at the oncoming foes.

Initiative: [roll0]

I will post up an action once I see the map and initiative order.

2011-05-16, 02:09 PM
Leif stands still for a moment, surveying the scene, before dropping into a combat stance, ready to repel the incoming kobolds.


2011-05-17, 10:20 PM
And here is le map.

Symbols wise, I thought shapes would be best to distinguish the PCs, so:
Triangle represents Marcus/Zil,
Diamond represents Ivan,
Cross represents Kol,
X represents Leif,
The chevron represents Reddic,
And the concentric circles reprsent Amandre.
Guards: [roll0]
Archers: [roll1]
Spear Kobolds: [roll2]
Wyrmpriest: [roll3]
Its been a while since I made a message board roll, I probably did it wrong.

2011-05-18, 08:59 PM
Here is the map (https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0BwBu_Ui0knnvZDBlM2U5Y2ItNmJkNS00NGI0LWJmYjU tODM0N2I5NGY4NmYz&hl=en), for real this time. The initiative order is:
Ivan: (19)
Leif: (19)
Guards: (19)
Reddic: (13)
Kobolds: (for some bizarre reason, all got 8)
Amandre: (8)
Zil: (5)
Kol: (3)
Sorry salt3d, I thought I was missing someone! I put in a big ol' G not in a circle for Galdain. Letsa go!

2011-05-21, 12:03 AM
Ivan McGuffin

"I'm up fer that bet, Goliath!" Ivan runs down to the makeshift bunker and takes a deep breath then blows into his orcarina. A high pitched note rings out, rattling the nearest kobald's head.

Vicious Mockery on nearest kobald in boat
Attack vs Will: [roll0]
Hit: [roll1]
Effect: -2 attack penalty ENT

2011-05-22, 08:12 AM
Leif watches the boats from his current position, bristling impatiently.

Delaying Initiative until after the kobolds make land.

2011-05-23, 11:05 PM
You dash forwards towards the guards' barricade, and make it roughly half way. (Your Vicious mockery is 6 squares out of range, you can choose to do something else with this action)
You see the kobolds' teeth gnashing as they row furiously to get at you.

The guards who are still capable to do battle wind their crossbows, and poke their heads above the barricade long enough to loose off a volley at the oncoming invaders.

2011-05-23, 11:17 PM
The crossbow bolts fly at the nearest rowboat. One was fired too hasty, and thuds into the shoddy wooden craft, the other three however, find their mark, and the two kobolds howl in pain.

No ready, keeping track of monster hit points and effects, yadda yadda yadda.
Kobold 3: 17 damage
Kobold 2: 3 damage.
Guard 1: 20 damage

Arq Kujos
2011-05-25, 08:05 AM
Reddic rushes forward to where the first boat will land and readies his spear. "Oy! You weak kneed, spineless geckos! Come on over here and taste my steel if ya' dare!" He also reached under his belt and chugged from a flask he had hidden in a pouch.

2011-05-27, 08:55 PM
The kobolds paddling the boats kick in a burst of energy, diverting all of their attention to rowing. As soon as their crude vessels bump into the quay, they jump out, snarling, weapons at the ready. The archers on the far bank take aim at the defending guards, and fire a salvo.


2011-05-27, 08:57 PM
One of the guards is still getting down after firing his crossbow, and is caught twice in the upper arm, and three other arrows ricochet across his helmet and pauldrons, bruising him and stunning him. The remaining arrows thud into the wooden barrier.

2011-05-27, 09:25 PM
Apparently messed up the rolls by previewing the post

2011-05-27, 09:40 PM
Amandre stands watching the battlefield for a moment. He considers returning fire upon the archers on the other side but quickly decides to fire on the Kobolds that has just hit shore instead. He positions himself for a clear shot on the Koboldts. Without a word he lifts his bow, and single out the nearest Koboldt.

Minor action: designate as quarry.

Twin Strike:
Attack vs AC: [roll0]
Attack vs AC: [roll1]


Hunters Quarry damage added to the highest attack roll:

2011-05-27, 10:44 PM
Galdain plants his staff firmly on the ground with his left hand, and extends his right towards the kobolds. He closes his eyes and begins to whisper, his lips barely moving. A glow appears in the centre of his palm which spreads outwards to his fingers. As the glow reaches them, beams of dazzling light erupt from his fingertips in the direction of the invaders.

Hand of Radiance
Ranged 10
Target: One, two or three creatures

Attack vs. Reflex:

[roll3] radiant damage.

2011-06-11, 05:18 PM
Leif growls as he charges the nearest kobold, lunging his spear forward when he gets close.

Charge, Howling Strike in place of melee basic attack:
Attack vs AC: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]+[roll2]

If the kobold is reduced to 0 hit points, I'd like to use Swift Charge on the next closest kobold. :P In which case, Howling Strike again.
Attack vs AC: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]+[roll5]

Turk Mannion
2011-06-12, 12:51 AM
"Took you runts long enough to get here, time to play!"

Kol's actions mirror his companion, as he charges the nearest kobold with a bloodcurdling howl, his maul raised high over his shoulder, poised to strike.

Charge nearest kobold
Howling Strike [roll0] vs AC.
Damage: [roll1]