View Full Version : Beat You With My Magic Wellness Stick!

2011-05-10, 12:45 PM
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-wVHt3YMIRMo/TYuVh-6zn-I/AAAAAAAAGUA/GAxnDklcbjg/s1600/Police%2BMedic%2B-%2BHe%2527ll%2BBeat%2BYou%2BWell%2BWith%2BHis%2BMa gic%2BWellness%2BStick.jpg

So lets say you wanted to make a build inspired by the above.

Here's what I've got so far:

Necropolitan (template): You lose a level, and gain the undead type. Now your allies can dump Uttercold or Enervated spells in the middle of combat to heal you and harm (non-undead) enemies. The down side is that you must be very, very careful when fighting enemies with Turn/Rebuke Undead. Libris Mortis.

Saint (Template): +2 Con, +2 Wis, +4 Cha, Fast Healing = 1/2 HD, DR (improves with HD), Circle of Protection, Lesser Globe of Invulnerability, Wis bonus to AC, Fire Resistance 10, Immunity to Acid, Cold, Electricity, and Petrification, and a bunch of other perks. Although the +2 LA is a big investment, the special abilities that this template grants are ridiculous. Book of Exalted Deeds.
Classes and Prestige Classes:
Binder: Noteworthy in that a single level of Binder with the Improved Binder feat can get Dahlver-Nar and his Share Pain ability. Tome of Magic.

Crusader: Has access to the Divine Spirit school, the delayed damage pool of Steely Resolve, and bonus To-Hit/Damage from Furious Counterstrike based on his Steely Resolve absorption. Tome of Battle.

Frostrager: Healed by cold damage when you Rage. Tag team with a full caster who has Energy Substitution, and he can dump Cold Fireballs in the middle of combat to heal you while harming enemies. Frostburn.

Hellreaver: Gets immunity to Fear, Mettle, and the ability to heal 10, 20, or 30 hit points (depending on your level) to yourself or any Good ally within 10 feet every round of combat as a Swift action. Fiendish Codex II.

Incarnate: Though he lacks the ability to heal by smacking others, he has a metric ton of other defenses, such as DR, massive bonus hit points, retributive damage, etc. Magic of Incarnum.

Psychic Warrior: There's at least a dozen great healing tank powers, with the big standout being your standard King of Smack (Claws of the Beast + Claws of the Vampire + Karmic Strike). Expanded Psionics Handbook.


Combat Focus + Combat Stability + Combat Vigor: +4 Will Saves, +8 to resist bull rush/trips/grapple/etc, and Fast Healing 4 while in combat. If you just take Combat Focus and Vigor by themselves, it's only Fast Healing 2. PHBII pg 87.

Minor Shapeshift: As long as you have any Polymorph spell of 4th level or higher memorized, you can spend a Swift Action to give yourself temporary hit points equal to your Hit Dice. Good for Gish builds. Complete Arcane pg 45.

Stone Power: You gain temporary hit points each turn in exchange for lowering your To-Hit, limited by your BAB to a max of 5. Requires one Stone Dragon maneuver. Tome of Battle pg 33.

Tomb Tainted Soul: The poor man's Necropolitan. You are healed by negative energy and harmed by positive. (But you don't get any other immunities, undead type, etc). Libris Mortis pg 31.

Acererak: Immunity to Cold and Electricity and healed by Negative energy, plus Detect Undead, Paralyzing Touch, and Speak with Dead. Notable in that you are still healed by Positive energy as well as Negative. So this is the Uttercold combo component for people afraid of enemy clerics. 5th level vestige, Tome of Magic.

Aura of Triumph: You and an ally heal 4 points of damage whenever you hit an Evil target. Devoted Spirit 6, Tome of Battle.

Aura of Tyranny: At the end of your turn you can deal 2 points of damage to each ally within 10 ft, and heal 50% of it to yourself. Only useful if you have some sort of Animate Objects nanobots thing going on. Devoted Spirit 6, Tome of Battle.

Claws of the Vampire: You heal 50% of the base damage you deal with your claws. Really easy to pump up with Claws of the Beast. Psychic Warrior 3, Expanded Psionics Handbook.

Crusader's Strike: Hit someone and you or an ally heals a small amount of damage. Devoted Spirit 1, Tome of Battle.

Dahlver-Nar: Shield Self ability lets you pick one target (ally or enemy) within range, and as long as they remain in that range, you take only half damage from all effects that deal hit points damage, and they take the other half. 2nd level vestige, Tome of Magic pg. 28

Hostile Empathic Transfer: Lets you transfer massive amounts of damage from you to an enemy. Requires a Touch Attack, and a Will Save for half (which is awesome, because unless they have Mettle you still damage them for plenty of damage and heal your wounds). If you augment it, it can effect ALL creatures within 20 ft of you (including allies). Telepath 3 or Psychic Warrior 3, Expanded Psionics Handbook.

Immortal Fortitude: Whenever you're reduced to 0 or fewer hit points you make a Fort Save. If you pass, you're reset to 1 hit point. There are several methods of auto-passing Fort Saves out there. Devoted Spirit 8, Tome of Battle.

Martial Spirit Stance: Heal 2 hit points to you or an ally whenever you hit enemy. Devoted Spirit 1, Tome of Battle.

Rallying Strike: You hit an enemy, and heal yourself and all allies of a modest amount of damage. Devoted Spirit 6, Tome of Battle.

Revitalizing Strike: You hit an enemy, and heal yourself or an allies of a modest amount of damage. Devoted Spirit 3, Tome of Battle.

Share Pain: Splits hit point damage between you and a willing subject. Lasts hours per level. Psion/Wilder 2, Expanded Psionics Handbook.

Vampiric Blade: Like Claws of the Vampire, but much harder to pump up. Psychic Warrior 3, Expanded Psionics Handbook.

Vampiric Touch: Your touch deals 1d6 points of damage per two caster levels (max 10d6). You gain temporary hit points equal to the damage you deal. Lasts hours per level, and doesn’t allow a Save. Sorc/Wiz 3, PHB.
Bloodflower Salve: Cure Minor Wounds when anyone nearby speaks the command word. Very handy at low levels. 25 gp, Serpant Kingdoms pg 149.

Bloodstone weapon enhancement: Stores and casts Vampiric Touch just like a spell storing weapon, except that it's automatically empowered. MIC

Millennial Chainmail: Really good magic chainmail with a very high max Dex bonus that also provides Fast Healing 3. Requires True Believer feat and 7 HD. 18,800 gp, Complete Divine pg 99.

Nychyaella’s Healing Spear: Vampiric Touch three time per day. 44,392 gp, Player’s Guide to Faerun pg 121.

Spell Storing weapon enhancement: Can store a Vampiric Touch or similar spell. +1 bonus. SRD

Vampiric weapon enhancement: Each hit heals a small amount of damage. +2 bonus. Unapproachable East or Magic Item Compendium.

What am I missing? And assuming your goal is to heal yourself or your allies by hitting other people, and in general just be really hard to kill without wasting actions on healing, what would you do?

Also, does anyone have a good list of retributive damage options? (Karmic Strike, Rob's Gambit, Mantle of Flame, etc)

2011-05-10, 12:50 PM
Crusader really seems perfect for this. I know you've already got it, but I don't know that I'd even bother with the rest: Devoted Spirit seems to give you all you need.

2011-05-10, 12:54 PM
The sword of life stealing could work for this, if you manage to pump the critical range high enough.

Sword of Life Stealing

This black iron +2 longsword bestows a negative level when it deals a critical hit. The sword wielder gains 1d6 temporary hit points each time a negative level is bestowed on another. These temporary hit points last for 24 hours. One day after being struck, subjects must make a DC 16 Fortitude save for each negative level or lose a character level.

Strong necromancy; CL 17th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, enervation; Price 25,715 gp; Cost 12,857 gp and 5 sp + 1,029 XP.

2011-05-10, 01:00 PM
Soul Eater.

Life Drain? (afb, feat in lbris mortis that adds to THP gained by inflicting negative levels).

Necrotic Focus enhancement on the wellness stick.

Not quite healing, but should provide a buffer equivelant to DR, except that it stacks with DR and can't be bypassed.

Fouredged Sword
2011-05-10, 01:11 PM
Now that just makes me think it would be awsome to have a warblade / desiple of dispater that used kuni and blood in the water to turn into a negative level crit fishing machine.

Also good to note, Stone Power is a very powerful way to get 5 temp hp on demand. It is avalible at level one to any full bab class and mixes well with crusader to absorb that delayed damage pool when it hits you.

It makes a crusader very hard to kill at low levels, basicly ignoreing five damage every round.

2011-05-10, 01:37 PM
Probably not what you're looking for, and it's technically homebrew, but I've allowed players to create a "Sap of Healing." Functions as a normal sap, but also as a wand with 50 charges of Cure (X) Wounds. It discharges when you whap somebody with it and speak the command word. It's been very popular with Clerics of St. Cuthbert. Creation price is as the wand, plus 301gp for the MW Sap.

2011-05-10, 02:00 PM
The Weapon Augment Crystal Lifedrinker that heals some hp with each hit upto a certain amount per day. MIC

There is also a spell where you mark a target and each hit heals 2 hp per hit for the duration of the spell. I can't think of the name though.

2011-05-10, 03:38 PM
Wrathful Healing (+3 melee weapon bonus, enemies and allies pg. 20) heals you for 1/2 damage dealt, in positive energy.

Healing, (+8000gp armor enhancement, MiC 12) heals you 2d8+5 1/day (no action) when dropped down to -1 through -9.
Greater is +24,000, 3d8+15, and 2/day.

Amulet of Retributive Healing (2000gp, MiC 69) 3/day swift action heals you for amount you heal someone else. This works with the healing maneuvers AFAIK, since it just says "the next effect you use before the end of your turn that heals another creature..." rather than specifying

2011-05-10, 03:48 PM
Can't you just use Wandstrike to do this with a wand of cure serious wounds? You burn a charge to deal 1d6 damage and hit them with the spell, which immediately heals them for a bunch. It's literally a "Magic Wellness Stick".

2011-05-10, 03:53 PM
evolved undead, perhaps, for fast healing 3?

2011-05-10, 04:04 PM
Probably not what you're looking for, and it's technically homebrew, but I've allowed players to create a "Sap of Healing." Functions as a normal sap, but also as a wand with 50 charges of Cure (X) Wounds. It discharges when you whap somebody with it and speak the command word. It's been very popular with Clerics of St. Cuthbert. Creation price is as the wand, plus 301gp for the MW Sap.

I seem to recall that there's a Healing Shiv Club in an orc-related sourcebook somewhere which does 1d6 damage and heals for 1d8. Healing people involves giving them a beating of their lives, and sometimes people die instead. :smalltongue:

"First, do no some harm."

Alternatively, there's the Arrows of Cure Light Wounds. Make them tiny and they are practically hypodermic needles.

2011-05-10, 04:23 PM
If cutting out the bad parts of a body works, then just cut out all of your wounds. Preferably with a healing shiv.

2011-05-10, 05:40 PM
Reminds me of FF6 where you could give the Genji Glove, two healing rods and a cure ring to someone to have them attack the party with healing every round.

2011-05-10, 06:00 PM
Reminds me of FF6 where you could give the Genji Glove, two healing rods and a cure ring to someone to have them attack the party with healing every round.
That is an awesome combo, I wish I'd thought of that.