View Full Version : The Cleanse IC

2011-05-10, 03:00 PM
The great paladin Ranault is dead. Channeling his life and soul into the construct know as the Serpent of Garisol, he attempted to end the corruption that was tainting the world. The forces of evil gathered together though and drew the very essence of the Abyss itself forth to crush the Serpent underneath the darkness of pure evil. The desicated husk of the greatest defender of good lies dormant now, occupied by the forces of evil. Without their great leader the forces of good have fled. Locking their doors, the gods of good have made it impossible to gain entrance to their ralms. Evil is rampant, but there are whispers. Rumors that the forces of good are gathering, prearing one last ditch attempt to restore order and balance to the world. You gather in a seccret council of the most evil beings in existence. The dead nation of Kerisol, destroyed by the Serpent before it was brought down, serves as your meeting ground. In the war chamber of what was the first truly openly evil nation, you plan for the future.

2011-05-10, 04:19 PM
Chysgoda looked about the hall in which this council had been called. Those present certainly seemed to fit the part of the darkest this realm had to offer. A demon, an undead insect, one of the fabled Daelkyr, a human with elemental traits, and of course, himself. "So. These are the greatest powers in this land today. Well, I am not unimpressed. I had expected decay during my long imprisonment. But you have maintained such power as mortals possess.
So, we have a task ahead of us. The forces of the celestials even now march upon our shores. We go to stop them. Are we ready?"

2011-05-10, 05:02 PM

Zarabeth sits casually in the room, next to the "insect", the only 'clothing' she has on would be hardly be classed as such, filmly dancing silks that hide nothing. Even someone used to the unearthly beauty of a succubus would have to admit that Zarabeth tops pretty much every one they have ever seen. But theres something different about her, something you have never seen from a succubus before.
Shes armed. And not just with the silly, ceremonial daggers that a succubus might favour. She's got long swords, and not just one, shes got two. Both of them look well used as well. Even moreso, there is an oily sheen to both of them, something that seems to shimmer and shift, as if it was trying to adjust to whatever it sensed.

I am as ready as I always am. And yes, we do find ourselves with a major task to perform. I have found, that when a group is just thrown together such as ours has been, it always helps to know what each ones capabilities are. I am a warrior. I do possess some slight magical talents, but they are almost exclusively devoted to making me an even more dangerous warrior. Except when I feel that seducing someone would further my cause even more.

2011-05-10, 05:46 PM

"Greetings, friends. So nice of you to let me out of my cage."

Says an increasingly elated Thyrmn, his blood red eyes twinkling oddly in the hell-light from the near by torches.. as far as things looked, this strange, almost otherwordly, boy looked to be nothing more than a mere human, the only tale of anything strange being his blood red eyes, but Tieflings had that, and they were hardly a threat.

"As for me? HEHEHEAHAHAHA. Well. You'll see in time. I guess you could classify me as a form of living lightning. Swift as light, as deadly as hellfire, and with a voracious hunger for destruction."

Halna LeGavilk
2011-05-13, 02:42 PM
Kik'Thoon sighed at the one who appeared to be insane, his mandibles quivering at the smell of flesh. Well, this one will not last long, not unless he has some special power, anyway....

He stood up and looked over at Zarabeth. <<Would you mind translating for me, Zarabeth?>> He then clears his throat. <<I am Kik'Thoon, master archer and ghoul. I specialize in ranged combat, fighting while moving and hiding in the shadows.>> He then sat back down, folding his six clawed arms across his tall, lanky body.

2011-05-13, 02:50 PM

Zarabeth translates Kik'Thoons opening remarks exactly as he stated them to her.

2011-05-13, 07:37 PM

"Hmm, elven. It's been awhile since I've heard that. The flowing syllables did always grate on my ears."

Thyrmn says with a sadistic smile as he awaits the last person to speak...

2011-05-14, 09:10 AM
"Hmph. Elven. Never had much use for the elves. Far too long in their living for me to have much contact with them." Turning to the insect, Chysgoda repeated a phrase in each of the other languages he knew. First Infernal, the Abyssal, followed by Celestial, Dragonic, and Undercommon.
"Can you understand me, fellow Eternal?"

Halna LeGavilk
2011-05-14, 09:28 AM
Kik'Thoon just looks at Chysgoda for a moment, then mutters something under his breath in Thri-Kreen.

2011-05-19, 09:35 PM
A flash of light in the corridor leading the the room you are in is then only warning before a man comes stumbling into the room. He is clutching his stomach, which is red with blood. He seems utterly flabbergasted to see anyone else. RUN!!! he screams, bolting past you to smash his hand into a brick on the wall, causing a wall to slide back, revealing a tunnel, which he flees into.

2011-05-19, 10:11 PM
A flash of light in the corridor leading the the room you are in is then only warning before a man comes stumbling into the room. He is clutching his stomach, which is red with blood. He seems utterly flabbergasted to see anyone else. RUN!!! he screams, bolting past you to smash his hand into a brick on the wall, causing a wall to slide back, revealing a tunnel, which he flees into.

"Good idea."

Thyrmn then withdraws a silvery lance from his back, the razor edge bordered with two cross guards to allow him to parry, the long slender handle gave it more the image of a spear, but the elongated tip, and conical shape of the blade tells you it is a lance.. a weapon of most impractical design.

Until you saw him raise a hand, silver grey armor enveloping him, chitinous plates of black layering themselves upon his chest, and in that moment a halo appeared above his head, the white corona filled with black and flecked with the light of stars, the edges flickering and frayed. What was once a boy, now had eyes that glowed with hellfire, and stood as tall as a giant.

He raised the lance as if to throw it, and he was gone, having moved.. impossibly.. fast. There was no magic movement method used, he merely touched a foot onto the air, and he was gone, the only hint he was there being that of the smell of burning ozone.

Underneath his mask, Thyrmn smiled, it had been so long since he had been allowed to kill.

Using my blade release to go to second stage, activating abberant armor, and using a move action to go about.. 540 feet(30 Base, +50 Abberant Armor, +10 Monk's Belt, X2 Boots of Swiftness, X3 Speed of the wind.)

If that doesn't cover the distance needed, than multiply that by 4 for my run speed.


Standard: Trigger Unbound Shape

Swift: Assume first Release Stance

Free Action: Activate Abberant Armor

Move: Cross the distance to engage.

2011-05-20, 07:06 AM

Good, a chance to get to know each other in battle.
With barely a thought, a ghostly wall of force appeared in front of Zarabeth, and almost immediately faded into obscurity, although she seemed confident that it still was there. At the same time, she produced a vial of powder out of nowhere, sprinkling the contents on herself with a few muttered arcane words. Satisfied with the effects, she drew her swords, ready for battle.

Swift Action: cast Shield on self, AC:70, Touch: 44, Flat:61
Standard Action: cast Stoneskin on self
Move Action: draw swords

2011-05-20, 09:12 PM
"A chase? Goody! I haven't had a good chase in such a long time!" Taking his improbably large scythe, Chysgoda slashed a hole in the wall. And walked through it. He emerged through a hole in the air somewhere behind Thyrmn. Opening up his prayerbook, Chysgoda brought forth a shield of dark energy for the coming battle. If there was to be one. Which wasn't-
Ah, who was he kidding? It was time to reap. He needed food.

Using one use of Reality Tear, the Dimension Door function, so I port 480 feet towards wherever Thyrmn ended up. Then, I pull out an Unholy Aura spell. Lasts for 24 rounds, and anybody within 20 ft also gets some boosts to AC, saves, and SR. Oh, and Protection From Good stuff. I don't know if anyone's around to get that, but hey.

2011-05-23, 03:10 AM
Four glowing creatures materialize from thin air. A great shout goes out from one of them, FIND HIM, WE WILL DESTROY ALL EVIL!!!

2011-05-23, 08:24 AM

Zarabeth rushes to engage one of the glowing creatures.
If you want to fight evil, you can start with me, Im plenty evil enough for you.

[roll0] initiative

Halna LeGavilk
2011-05-24, 11:19 AM
Kik'Thoon draws all of his crossbows and prepares to attack, chittering away in fury.

Init: [roll0]
Quick Draw all six of his crossbows.

How many HD do I have consumed for the purpose of my stoof? All, some, or none?

2011-05-24, 03:45 PM

Thyrmn begins a mad dash towards the figure, his feet impacting the pavement at impossible speeds as he begins to take off, dashing forward at a speed that left several rings behind him in addition to an earth shattering Kaboom as he vanished, moving faster than the eye can see as he blurred between planes, and then he was in front of the solar, a manic grin splitting his armored face, blood flowing from his mouth as his jaw tore the wire cables that sealed his jaw.



Initiative + charge description so I can continue into attack on my action.

2011-05-24, 05:57 PM
Chysgoda smiled at the glowing creatures. It was funny, how things thought they could just waltz in and start killing folks. That was his job. Let's see what he could dredge up on these things. Knowing more about their weaknesses would let him use his larger size to his advantage. Wait a minute. I'm not bigger than they are. Let's fix that. Flipping through his prayerbook, Chysgoda found the spell he was looking for. Muttering the dark phrases, unholy energy poured through Chysgoda's bones, causing him to grow to much larger size.

Dark Knowledge Check [Tactics](Religion):[roll0]
Casting Righteous Might. Now, let's break some solars.

2011-05-27, 02:56 PM

Zarabeth is a whirl of action as her dancing skirts billow out to befuddle any attacks by the glowing beings, while she calls on the power of her goddess to aid her powerful strikes
Divine Might

[roll0] & [roll1]
[roll2] & [roll3]
[roll4] & [roll5]
[roll6] & [roll7]

[roll8] & [roll9]
[roll10] & [roll11]
[roll12] & [roll13]
[roll14] & [roll15]

2011-05-27, 02:59 PM
and one critical to confirm, attack #4, primary

[roll0] confirm, +4 from power critical
[roll1] extra damage

2011-05-27, 08:19 PM

Thyrmn's grin split as he moved himself into position, blood flowing from each side of his mouth, his body twisting and contorting at odd angles as he raised the Lance that was his spiritual weapon, air seeming to spiral around the tip as a feral howl parted his ragged and torn mouth, then, a leap.. an impact, and a shock wave with enough force to shatter stone shook the avatar, and again, again, and again. Ravaging blows aimed at maiming, at destroying. Every blow was enough to shake the world with it's force, but the savagery took it's toll on the monster's ability to actually hit.

Slippers of Battledance, Snowflake Wardance, all active.

Using Pouncing Charge maneuver. Leap Attacking for -25 to AC, giving me +50 damage on each attack.












[roll10] + 50

[roll11] + 50

[roll12] + 50

[roll13] + 50

[roll14] + 50

2011-05-31, 02:07 AM
Two of the beings fall disappearing into motes of light. This light converges on the remaining three beings. Who grow physically larger, shining brighter than before.

OOC: It's Halna's turn, then TheChangers.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-05-31, 11:08 AM
Kik'Thoon raises all of his crossbows and fires them, a stream of nearly invisible bolts firing out, swarming out, attempting to break the glowing globes.

Bow 1:

Bow 2:

Bow 3:

Bow 4:

Bow 5:

Bow 6:

2011-05-31, 03:51 PM
Chysgoda stood, feeling the wind of the thirty or so bolts flying past his head. It was an exhillarating feeling, seeing his enemies impaled by a multitude of sharp sticks in the space of a few seconds. Even though Chysgoda couldn't understand him, the insect would come very much in handy.
Raising his scythe once more, Chysgoda smiled. He knew what these were. "Avatars of Pelor, you stand on unhallowed ground. Darkness has claimed this place, and you are not welcome here. You will not be allowed to leave. You will die where you stand, and your master shall feel your essence slip away from him as I devour it. Fear me, for I am the Shadow of the Grave." A useless speech, but Chysgoda enjoyed it. It also distracted the Avatar he was approaching from the energies of pure chaos building up in his scythe, which was then forthwith brought down upon the globe's upper region, where Chysgoda assumed a head-ish place would be.
Charging the nearest Avatar. Pulling a Greater Entropic Bladed Scythe attack. If the attack succeeds, the Avatar must make a DC 32 Fortitude Save, or loose its form. Which means, since the orbs don't appear to have much in the way of items, its speed is reduced to 10 ft. or 1/4, which ever is less, it can't cast spells/use magic items, takes a -4 on attack rolls, and a 50% Miss Chance on top of that.
Now, attack roll. Taking a -2 to Hit for a +6 to Damage, thanks to Full Swing, cause I can.
Now, damage. 3d6 for a Huge Scythe, thanks to Righteous Might. 2d6 Profane Burst(Since it's a Good Outsider), 1d6 Vampiric, +12.
So, that's 33 damage. >_> I heal 6.
I'm gonna cast a spell next time.

2011-06-03, 12:50 PM
(Row, row, nudge the thread for the last damn time.)

2011-06-03, 01:10 PM
(Im not convinced there is any hope for this game)

2011-06-03, 06:33 PM
Many of the motes disappear as they are shot down by Kik'thoon. One of the beigns falls, breaking into similar motes. The two remaining avatars absorb them growing larger. One of them steps forward, reaching forward and grasping Chysgoda.

OOC: Make a will save. Also, sorry, my computer had a meltdown, I've been posting from my phone and must have missed this game.

Also, next turn starting now. Same order as before.

2011-06-03, 09:26 PM

Its hardly a step for the dancing beauty as she moves gracefully to the next avatar, once again, her blades flashing in a deadly counterpoint to her dance, augmented as they are by her goddess power once again.

Another use of Divine Might

[roll0] & [roll1]
[roll2] & [roll3]
[roll4] & [roll5]
[roll6] & [roll7]

[roll8] & [roll9]
[roll10] & [roll11]
[roll12] & [roll13]
[roll14] & [roll15]

(Factoring in the +2 referred to OOC)

2011-06-03, 09:29 PM
Attack #2, hand #1 is a threat

[roll0] & [roll1]

2011-06-03, 09:50 PM
The creature flies apart in to motes of energy, you manage to destroy half of them before they join with the final avatar.

2011-06-12, 08:28 PM
Chysgoda stood before the giant glowing beast, positively pulsing with anger. That had hurt. He was done with games. "You think, just because your god has taken up the side of "Good", you can just waltz in here and simply destroy things? You think, just because you have glowy lights, you can come in and slaughter me and my new allies? You think you can just blow a hole in my planar boundaries? Well, LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING YOU BIG, GLOWING BALL OF HOT AIR!" Chysgoda raised a skeletal hand, his anger coalesing into a ball of pure and utter darkness. "THAT. IS. MY JOB!" Boom. Two spheres of black energy flew from Chysgoda's hand. One crackled with dark lightning, and spread all over the light emitting from the Avatar of Pelor. The other let loose Chysgoda's entire speech, repeated over and over, in every damned and forgotten tongue ever spoken, directly into whatever passed as this thing's ears. The words were infused with purest evil, driving the forces of good from Chysgoda's pressence.
Two spells. First is Harm. 150 points of damage. Will save Halves. DC 21. I expect the Avatar will make it.
Second spell is Blasphemy. It's not the main affects I'm concerned about. I'll bet he has enough HD now to avoid death, or paralyzation. No, it's the Banishment affect I want. He's a Good Outsider. DC 26, or he's off my turf for 24 hours. Get. Out. You. Sodding. Blighter.

2011-06-13, 08:32 AM
The creature stands firm against your assault, shrugging off some of your magical power.

(Waiting on Fan's turn now.)

2011-06-13, 11:24 PM
Thyrmn opens his mouth now, a single lance of black energy issuing that impacted the Avatar like a falling star, the air vibrating and the ground shaking beneath him from the impact, the blocking point where he rose his arms spreading down to the sides to form a cross as it broke through his defenses, but the intent of this was not to kill, but to buy time.

In an instant Thyrmn was there, murder in his mad eyes, that glare not of an animal, not of a demon, or even a devil, but that of pure unequivocal madness, and then a single blow, one of unequivocal power and force that sought to shatter the world beneath it's strength, focused onto a singular being.

Ranged touch for quickened Avasculate (spell liiiikes)


Fort save: DC 39 or be stunned, take an automatic Half HP if it hit.

and then Charging Two Handed Power Attack Leap Attack Battle Jump Shock Trooper for -25 (coming out to +75 damage) AC

Forgot to hit.


2011-06-15, 01:38 AM
The being shudders at your blows, it steps back, vanishing into a portal of absolute light. As it goes it drops a small metal object.

2011-06-15, 06:49 AM

Zarabeth examines the object, without touching it for now. She focuses her spell energies, and attempts a Detect Magic on it. After that, she prays for a moment, casting an Augury

Augury: Will touching this object cause me any form of harm?

2011-06-15, 07:22 AM
The power of items magical aura is powerful. You get the result weal and woe.

2011-06-15, 12:07 PM

Thyrmn decides NOW is a better time to pick it up than never, and bends down to touch it, attempting to pick it up, the metal receding into nothingness as he is once again the human looking boy.

2011-06-15, 06:30 PM
The items is a small metal cross of an unidentified metal.

2011-06-15, 08:08 PM

Zarabeth looks the item over, trying to identify if it is a religious symbol some kind.

[roll0] Know: Religion

2011-06-15, 08:18 PM
You have no knowledge of this being a religious symbol.

2011-06-16, 12:37 PM
The items is a small metal cross of an unidentified metal.

Very well, time to attempt ye olde use magick device.

Thyrmn picks it up, and gives it an experimental flick.


2011-06-16, 02:04 PM
You discover that the item is able to be twisted into different shapes. Nothing noticeable happens.

2011-06-17, 06:54 AM

Does anybody have an Identify spell? Im a sorceress myself, but sadly my magic is almost entirely dedicated to making me an even better warrior

2011-06-17, 04:03 PM

Does anybody have an Identify spell? Im a sorceress myself, but sadly my magic is almost entirely dedicated to making me an even better warrior

"I don't cast magic sadly. It's a talent that either comes to you naturally, or you have to study.. I've always been more for burning books than reading them, and well. Ahahahaha. I'm no natural spellcaster."

He says, that familiar glint of insanity in his eyes, but at the same time it seemed almost comforting to be around him.. an odd mixture that mostly left the average person feeling uneasy.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-06-18, 01:17 PM
Kik'thoon chatters in Thri-kreen, and then shrugs his shoulders. You think he might mean 'no'.

2011-06-18, 09:31 PM

If none of us can cast on it, I suggest taking it to someone who can be convinced to help us. At my establishment, there are plenty of men, and even some women, who will do just about anything for me. A simple identify shouldnt be a problem for one of them.

2011-06-20, 05:44 PM

Thyrmn will shrug half heartedly, and follow, he honestly didn't see what the big deal was about a little piece of metal, but he'd like to figure out why exactly it was left behind.

2011-06-22, 09:42 AM

Zarabeth will teleport herself and all others who wish to come back to her private quarters in The Golden Rose. Once there, she will check on the various parts of the establishment to see if any of the wizards or sorcerers that she knows are presently visiting. If none of them are, she will extend a personal invitation to her most favourite one to come for a special treat.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-06-22, 09:58 AM
Once he is there, Kik'Thoon will start checking on defenses and guards, making sure nothing overly bad happened.

2011-06-22, 10:42 AM
None of them are there at the moment. Out of respect, your most intimate friendly arcanist sends you a message, I cannot come to you at the moment. There is a shift in the planes, all arcanists are gathering in the home of the God King to determine the cause. When we convene I will be happy yo come to you with all due haste.

2011-06-22, 11:08 AM

Zarabeth immediately gets in touch with all of her contacts to see if they have any information about this "shift in the planes" or a meeting at the home of the God King. To her partners, she says...

If you have a network like mine, see if you can dig up anything about this...or if you have divinations that could keep us ahead of the loop, use them now. If avatars of Pelor are somehow showing up, that would cause a shift in the planes, and we want to be in the know on it

2011-06-22, 07:25 PM
You receive several interesting tidbits. The God King is apparently leading the conference, calling in all arcanists that have any power of note. They are attempting to determine what is happening. many high profile leaders and their minions are being ambushed by forces of light long thought gone. It is rumored that the God king himself may have been injured in such an attack.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-06-22, 09:04 PM
Kik'Thoon is disturbed at the news, and turns to Zarabeth. "<<You want me to get more guards?>>" he asks quietly.

2011-06-23, 07:00 AM

Zarabeth chitters back to Kik'Thoon in his own language
<<Yes, please get some more, who knows whats coming for us. And you'll have to change the punishment for dereliction of duty from being eaten by you to something a little less severe. We cant afford to lose anyone at this stage of the game, not until we know what we are up against>>

Zarabeth also sends a message to her pet arcanist about the attack on her by avatars of Pelor, including what happened and how they defeated them.

So did any of your efforts yield results? (to the rest of the group)

2011-06-24, 02:12 PM

"God King eh'? Never cared much for the notion of gods. All they are, are powerful outsiders. Nothing more. Tip of the iceberg as far as REAL power goes. But still, if someone is out killing Gods, and the forces of "Good" are on the move again. Then we have only a few options. Most of which involve a lot of blood."

Halna LeGavilk
2011-06-24, 11:02 PM
Kik'Thoon quickly sets out for his normal place (wherever that might be) for hiring guards and mercenaries.

2011-06-26, 12:42 AM
Kik'Thoon arrives at "The Guild of The Illustrious Blade."