View Full Version : Alter Self + Multiattack = ?

2011-05-11, 11:07 PM
So Alter Self specifically does not grant additional attacks. Gotcha. I've read a couple of posts, though, saying that the Multiattack feat somehow overrides this limitation. Is this actually so?

Say I Alter Self into a troglodyte (2 claws, 1 bite, multiattack), how many attacks do I get in a full round action?

2011-05-12, 12:37 AM
Hmm, I did some digging and may have just answered my own question.

Wizard's Article "Rules of the Game: Polymorphing (Part Two) (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/rg/20040518a)" says the following:

"A body with extra limbs does not allow you to make more attacks (or more advantageous two-weapon attacks) than normal.

Many DMs and players find this rule puzzling. Essentially, it means that if you suddenly find yourself with two extra arms you can't just pick up four weapons and wade into melee, use a four-handed weapon, fire and reload a heavy crossbow (even a repeating heavy crossbow) in the same round, or perform any other combat tricks that come to mind. You can make attacks that are "normal" for you or normal for your assumed form, but you can't combine them."

Sounds the troglodyte example does, in fact, get you your natural attack sequence, as this would be "normal for your assumed form."


2011-05-12, 04:02 AM
That sounds about right.