View Full Version : creating undead from an angel

the clumsy bard
2011-05-12, 10:45 AM
Hey playgrounders,

In my campaign I am currently playing an evil character who's cohort is a level 20 necromancer.

I can give exacts if need be, but this is more a general question on possible monster entries I may be missing or spells perhaps.

I was wondering if there is a spell or a specific monster creation method I am missing such as fallen angel etc... that requires

a) corrupting a planetar angel or anything considered an angel
b) spells or again undead creation that require using a good outsider as a base

Anything will help as I am really hitting the wall in terms of my google - fu

I keep getting the same article posted everywhere saying outsiders make good zombies etc...

2011-05-12, 10:51 AM
Well the Erinyes Devil is supposed to be a fallen angel, so you'd likely get something like that. There's no RAW way of getting an angel to fall as far as I know though.

As for undead, I don't think there are any templates that specifically require outsiders. A Death Knight outsider sounds pretty cool to me, but I'm AFB right now. I'm not sure if it can be applied to Outsiders.

There's always homebrew (Or presumably at your level, epic spells.).

2011-05-12, 11:23 AM
Strictly speaking, Undead, Outsider, and Construct are at the top of the template-stacking chain, according to Savage Species. That is to say, a humanoid half-dragon is a dragon, not a humanoid, but a half-dragon skeleton remains undead.
However, Libris Mortis gave us rules for the Lichfiend, a fiend who chooses to become a lich. You could easily adapt that onto an Erinyes or even a true celestial, without too much trouble.

As for your question, though, I do not believe there is a spell or creation method for a necromancer to create his own undead outsider, outside of DM fiat.

2011-05-12, 11:43 AM
Third-party, but this book (http://www.montecook.com/cgi-bin/page.cgi?mpress_Angels) gives several templates for corrupted and fallen angels.

An Angel of Decay (Libris Mortis) might be a cool result for an undead angel, even if there isn't really a way to make angels undead.

the clumsy bard
2011-05-12, 11:46 AM
Thanks I'll take a look at anger of angels. Seems to perhaps have what I am looking for.

Admiral Squish
2011-05-12, 03:42 PM
I had heard that outsiders didn't leave corpses. They just sorta dissolved into the substance of their plane.

2011-05-12, 04:38 PM
it does not say anything about that in the srd entry for outsiders.
and savage species was 3.0 the zombie template wich can be applied to outsiders but not constructs supersedes it.

2011-05-12, 04:42 PM
In The Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss there is a table for how demons bodies respond after death. 1/100 sticks around and could therefore be reanimated.

Angry Bob
2011-05-12, 04:43 PM
There's an undead creature in the Libris Mortis called an angel of decay. As written it's not what you're looking for, but it could easily be made into something you are.

2011-05-12, 05:50 PM
Outsiders can be made into undead just like anyone else, assuming they meet type requirements. For example, you can animate ghaele corpses into rather impressively statted skeletons. :smallamused:

2011-05-13, 12:29 AM
Hey playgrounders,

In my campaign I am currently playing an evil character who's cohort is a level 20 necromancer.

I can give exacts if need be, but this is more a general question on possible monster entries I may be missing or spells perhaps.

I was wondering if there is a spell or a specific monster creation method I am missing such as fallen angel etc... that requires

a) corrupting a planetar angel or anything considered an angel
b) spells or again undead creation that require using a good outsider as a base

Anything will help as I am really hitting the wall in terms of my google - fu

I keep getting the same article posted everywhere saying outsiders make good zombies etc...

I doubt this is what you're looking for, but it does remind me of a plot point in Paul Kemps Erevis Cale trilogy, in which the BBEG(who wasn't really that Evil to be honest) summoned and kept Angels and Demons alike and drew their power from them over a period of time. He eventually used that power alongside his own to Block out the Sun entirely by drawing a set of stars in front of it, all so he could walk the earth during the daytime.