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2011-05-12, 12:07 PM
At the crack of dusk on a warm Friday eve, a knock came to the door. Then a louder knock.

Even as the last sliver of the sun was going down the car was moving, tinted windows keeping the day’s final wrath away.

Within half an hour, five kindred were gathered from all corners of the city, to be presented before the Princess herself, and the Primogen. The chamber was lit by candles, the noxious smell of a hundred different soapy scents filling the air. If any of the elder kindred noticed, they did not show it. The mood around the room was grim.

Las Luz had only been established five years ago. There were only around a couple dozen kindred in the city, twenty-seven to the more knowledgeable whom belonged to the Camarilla. In the aftermath of the last millennia, much had been lost. It was the Y2K of kindred society, the thought that all was coming to an end. Perhaps the end was coming. There was a new group out saying the world would end of May 21st, 2011. There were more looking forward to the end of the Mayan Calendar. Perhaps either of these groups had it right. Probably not though, and so now jihad continued, with new cities and new battlegrounds to be fought.

The first arrival was Henry Rett, one of the richest kindred in the city, one of the least loved as well. Not only did he have the curse of his clan, his appearance that of skin wrapped tightly around a skeleton, but he was also into more material matters, focusing more on his own drug enterprise than assisting the building of the city. Still, he was more an asset than a burden, and everyone appreciated someone to be the butt of their jokes. Across from Henry sat the Rag Queen, a wretched smelling thing who behind a patchwork of blankets and soiled cloths held two bright, red eyes. The more observant could tell she was crying, silently.

The second guest sitting with the arrivals had been there long before the others. He was Sebastien Richter, the appointed sheriff of Las Luz. His look was grim, for no doubt he had already heard the news the others were to receive. Still, he kept his silence. As was unspoken tradition, the Prince and to a lesser extent the Primogen had their right to keep their subjects in the dark for as long as they desired. Sebastien himself was reported to be quite powerful, one of the strongest kindred in the city. None knew, for this was the first time he would be tested. Across from him sat the Tremere primogen, Jacues lorrain, a Frenchman who was dull, apolitical, and distant. How such a man who cared not for anything but a his research got such a position, few could say. Then again, there were very few kindred in this city, and the only other kindred who could lay claim to being Primogen was its Sheriff.

The third guest was known only as the Doctor. He was a poor soul, one who did not even believe in the World of Darkness despite being a part of it. Then again, it was easy to see why sometimes, this gathering of eclectic monsters a strange sight for any skeptic. If it wasn’t known who his sire was-curse the bastard and all he loves-he would have been thought to be a particular tame and unhinged Ravnos, his ability to twist and turn illusions a must sought after gift. After all, who would not want to turn down the blessings of the Ravnos without having to deal with the Ravnos themselves? Across from him sat Princess of All Things Wonderful, Jessica Lighthouse. Embraced when she was only ten, she was cursed to live in the body of a child. One of the youngest Princes of the Camarilla, she had made a name for herself in some far away Camarilla dungeon. What vicious methods she used to extort information and retribution from the enemies of the Camarilla only a select few knew, and none of them were present this night.

The fourth kindred was Teresa Reye, a rare Lasombra anti-tribu. She was a force to be reckoned with, something that made her as many enemies as friends. However, Las Luz was an ideal place for her, a place where she could start in a brand new city where she could establish herself before crusted old malcontents could dismiss her due to her Clan. Not only that, but she was born in Las Luz, and had been a serious factor into helping the Camarilla gets its hooks into the city’s flesh these past few years. She had even become Sebastien's deputy. Across from her sat Shane Loveless, Primogen of Clan Toreador. What hellhole Shane came from was uncertain. Some had described him as Boy George, that is, if Boy George had a slight asymmetrical face with a deeply grey hue, sharp, metal needles implanted to replace teeth, and tattoos depicting acts of bestiality all over his face and reveal upper torso. He was a jovial kindred.

The fifth guest was Anjela, who had come to more or less rule the docks. She was not happy to be there, but was there nevertheless. She was perhaps the oldest, or close to it, in the entire city, and was rightfully feared. Some said she was close to the beast, close enough that she would not be able to go back, and it was only a matter of time. Some said she was just a typical Gangrel. Across from her stood Freddy Castobel, undisputed leader of the city’s gangs. ‘Young Freddy’ looked as troubled as ever. Of the forces that the Camarilla had got rid of, from the pair of lupines, to the flesh-eating witch, one anarch force remained, the Samedi. Freddy and the other Brujah were still working their end of the deal,to quell, chase off, or kill off the Stiffs. He was a year past due already.

The last of the arrivals was the wretched Caitiff, Ron Irving. However, Jessica Lighthouse was generous to the Clanless and he was allowed to stay in the city, to even have his own feeding grounds. Not a single one of the other Primogen here would have done the same, save for maybe Shane, and who would want to pay his price for such a gift? Across from him sat the newest Primogen, only arriving in the city a few months ago. Melanie Forest, a Ventrue, was a young but ambitious kindred like much of her Clan. Beautiful, professional, and very, very unobtainable in any meaning of the word to someone like Ron. However, all knew that she had little interest in the city, only using it as a stepping stone.

“Friends, welcome.” Jessica nodded once to recognize those gathered. “You have all been called here because we are being assailed by the Sabbat.” She let her words sink in as she picked up a large kitchen knife. She cut open the knuckle of her left thumb. “Sal, childe of the Rag Queen, is dead. Luckily his ghoul survived and was able to tell us what happened. We do not know their full numbers, or their strengths, but know that they are using the docks to stage their attacks.” She looked to Angela at this while she cut her right cheek, letting the blood flow down her face freely. She then turned to Shane Loveless to let him continue.

Shane stood up, his belly jiggling slightly as he did so. His smile was genuine, but it was no less comforting. “As you know the Brujah have been having trouble on the west end dealing with Stiffs. Apparently the Dominicans knew of the Sabbat before we did so are putting some pressure on our Freddy. Not only this, but certain… political obligations Jessica has have several of our other more capable borthers and sisters chasing some Assamite across town. Apparently she caused quite the stir in Miami.” Shane laughed at some unspoken event at Miami.

Jessica nodded in approval, her arms and face now a bloodied mess. “Yes, so what it comes to is that the few remaining kindred we have left to defend against the Sabbat are you six. The others are… not warriors. You must push the Sabbat out before they gain a foothold over the weekend using any means necessary. We put their numbers anywhere between eight and twenty-five, though in the aftermath of the shifting millennia’s madness, there should only be a few who pose any real threat.” She stood up, along with the all of the other Primogen save Melanie. “Now please excuse me. I have suddenly grown thirsty, and we must prepare ourselves. Should you six fail, it will fall upon us to defend the city. Melanie, as the newest and youngest Primogen will be more than happy to answer any of your queries as well as give you our one and only lead.” She began to take a step back, but then turned her head around, and empathetic expression on her face. “I hope you know it hurts me more to have you all do this, than it will you.”

As the others left, Melanie sat, tapping her long, pearl-painted nails impatiently on the table, waiting for any questions they had. She did not want to do this.

2011-05-12, 05:09 PM
Henry felt the rush of excitement already. Damn that felt good, talking about taking on the sabbat. He tried to keep a rational mind and think about the danger, but in his mind he was already in the docks. His lack of sense of self-preservation always got him into trouble, and this time would be no different. He was sure of it, but he wasn't sure he cared about not caring.
The only thing that stopped him from getting to the docks this minute was the thought of Sal sobering him up. He never talked to him, maybe even never met him, but since he was the Rag Queens childe, he must be family. Well, Henry would not lose much sleep over the loss, but Zachery would, and that still made him feel bad.

"Do you have the layout from the docks, could the Ghoul identify any disciplines the assailants used, and do you have any more intel?"

Henry asked the primogen briskly. Had she mentioned a lead? His chest stung from the old bullet wound, and had distracted him while Jessica introduced her. He healed it superficially every night, never too much, since you never knew how hard to come by new blood would be.

2011-05-12, 06:36 PM
Melanie glanced at the Nosferatu, then looked the other way. Either she was too young to have gotten used to the sewer rats, or had never even bothered through the years.

"Layout of the docks? No, that's what the Gangrel is here for." She motioned over to Anjela. "She knows the docks in and out that's why we went out of our way to ask her to come. As for what we know of the enemy, it's in these documents." She laid out three file folders. "The ghoul received a text from his former master about being chased by shadows, leading us to believe there is a Lasombra, something which shouldn't be a surprise. We also believe there is a Nosferatu with them, hence why they could catch Sal so easily. Know your enemy and such. As to the others? That is where our lead comes in. We believe the other Caitiff in this city, Desmund Fritz, is an agent of the Sabbat. Lately his hunting grounds have been in turmoil. Disappearances, sightings, a series of murders over the past three weeks. Unfortunately as reckless as he was with the kine, he was good at covering his tracks. Zachary Baker only pinpointed his recent location this afternoon, resorting to travelling by day to catch up. Given that Damian's new hideout is in the abandoned Best Western by the docks, it would appear that he has been trying to embrace as many kindred as he can, and is now awaiting his new masters."

She pushed the folders closer to Sebastien. She strummed her fingers impatiently waiting to see if there were any more questions.

Details of the docks will be given shortly. How much you know and don't know will be up to you.

2011-05-12, 06:51 PM
Ron Irving stayed seated until everyone else had stood up. He never was sure exactly how to act around other vampires, but tonight he's rather slow on the uptake. He was thirsty, not enough blood to work with if he understood what he was being told to do, and The Prince cutting herself up like that was not helping him think straight... Such a waste... He nervously swipes back his short, formerly reddish-blonde hair as he stands up. He is rather scrawny and currently rather pale, despite generally looking rather healthy for a living person.

Avoiding talking to the annoyed lady speaking with Henry, he moves towards the closest to him, Anjela. Catching "Caitiff" on his ears does give him some pause though, he had no idea there was another of his kind in this city.

"So, we're fighting then?" He says lowly, hopefully under the hearing of Melanie. He reaches into his pocket and takes out a switchblade. "I haven't really been told how we die, but I have this."

2011-05-12, 07:06 PM
Melanie's eyes shot to Ron. She had heard every word. "Yes, you are fighting, among other things.: She looks at the switchblade, and for a moment the progessional beauty lost her composure a bit and had to stifle a cruel laugh. "Yes, well that could do some harm." She turns her head to see a man walk in. He's tall, wearing aviators, and has a clean cut goatee. Melanie snapped her finger and the kindred stepped forward with several suitcases in tow. He placed them onto the table, revealing several bags of blood. "I had almost forgotten. It would be rather foolish of us to not send you off on a full stomach. You may need it tonight and the next."

2011-05-12, 08:20 PM
Henry smiled while the blood was being brought in. "Thanks, I have my own."
He then turned suddenly to Ron. "So mister, it looks like were a team." He put on a smile. It looked out of place and carefully rehearsed.

"I'm Henry Rett." Another smile. Again it looked rehearsed. He extended a hand and suddenly looked thoughtful at the bones quite visible underneath the skin.

"Sorry, forgot for a second. If you all don't mind..." and suddenly he seemed to gain weight, his eyes popped a bit more out of their sockets, and a slender nose and ears were suddenly visible on his face. Now he looked like a malnourished druggie, but it was a lot better than the alternative.

"Ah, got distracted. Call me Henry.". rehearsed smile. "Who're you?"

2011-05-13, 01:05 AM
"Be that as it may," the clear, very articulate voice of Sebastian Richter, the appointed sheriff of Las Luz, rang out. "This is hardly the time and place for private introductions; time is of the essence, and we will have plenty of time for conversion on the way." His sharp gaze turned towards Ron and Henry.

"For those unaware, I am Sebastian Richter -- Sheriff of this city. This effectively means I am taking charge of this operation, though rest assured that you are all needed tonight and will have your say."

And with that he accepted the folders with a respectful nod to Melanie and calmly proceeded to open each of the three and lay out its contents on the table. He had orders to proceed immediately with the briefing, after all, rather than take it elsewhere as he normally would have done. Unless anyone opted to speak out or Melanie had something to add, he would begin giving a concise explanation of the dock area, of which a basic map was found within the folders in addition to the other documents.

"As to further details of the area, as has been stated -- Anjela here will serve as a guide. We will all follow her lead."

2011-05-13, 01:58 AM
Teresa Reye was a known face in Las Luz, because she had been moving many of the corporations and assets (or rather asked mortals kindly to move corporations and assets) that had helped the Camarilla secure the city, because she had been a regular at Elysium ever since, because she was what she was and because she had recently been appointed Richter's deputy, but tonight she looked rather disheveled when compared to her usual self. Her hair was hanging freely and not done up and there was something off about her makeup... She was still her usual stunning, self-confident self, but it showed that she had had close to no time to prepare, or have Erica work on her, before being dragged to this meeting.

She leaned back in her chair and listened to the introductions with an aware but just slightly bored expression. If she was curious about the strange group gathered by Prince and Primogen she didn't show it. In truth she guessed that someone was in deep, deep trouble and hoped sincerely that it wasn't her. Her new appointment at least made it very plausible that she was only present in her new capacity.
Then the Prince declares that Las Luz is facing a Sabbat attack.

Suddenly the Lasombra antitribu isn't so bored any more. She sits up straighter, more attentively, and her shapely eyebrows climbs almost to her hairline.
A first stab of fear is quickly followed by anger over being afraid and a fierce determination, though, and suddenly she's scowling fiercly. She would NOT be chased out of another city. No, that was NOT going to happen. Inside she can feel the Beast stirring, growling. It was all she could do not to growl menacingly herself. The dangerous gleam in her eyes she could do nothing about, growing all the more obvious when the presence of another Lasombra is mentioned. "But we know not if the shadows were simply moving or if they were doing anything more?" Teresa asks with a dangerous edge to her voice. Dangerous for the Sabbat. Around her shadows seems to be moving on their own accord too. Some are crawling up her dark blue dress like vapours or tendrils seeking something, other to writhe around her feet.

Glancing over to the caitiff, malk and nosferatu, and she already know who they are, Teresa quickly explains. "I am Teresa Reye, Richter's assistant." Her tone is short and sharp, not wanting to waste time when there's Sabbat in the town, or maybe because her boss has said that they have no time for introductions. Over all her english is immaculate General American, but when she tells her name there's suddenly a strong hint of spanish to it, even after that she sounds, for a few words, like the latina she was born as. But she moves on and the dialect melts away again. "Where to first? I'd say Fritz. We need to cut of their supply lines and we really shouldn't let a traitor live to see the next sunrise unless he's greeting it from the rooftops."

2011-05-13, 08:29 AM
There were a lot of things Anjela didn't like. But two of the things she liked the least were being in close proximity with strangers and being out of her little realm. She was now being forced to endure both of those at once and the strain showed.

She didn't sit. Instead she stood behind Sebastian's chair and paced back and forth in small, tight circles. Her hands opened and closed rhythmically. Her nostrils flared. Her eyes had a wide, glassy look, like she was holding herself in with only the strength of her will.

Only Sebastian could have gotten her to come this far from her home. She would do what needed to be done, if only so she could repel the invaders and make all the others go back to their homes and leave her in peace.

2011-05-13, 11:55 AM
Melanie only smiled at Teresa's inquiry.

The folders contaiend several pictures as well as layouts of the waterfront and marks where sightings had been seen. Teresa noticed almost rihgt away one picture, that of a twisted looking shadow, one that did not match the lampost, nor the park bench, nor the beggar.

There was a second picture, one of two men who looked completely identical. With shaved heads except from a small bit on chin stubble on the two of them, and nearly identical clothing, save one of their red shirt had a upside down cross, and the other had an evil smiley.

The only other pciture that was acutally useful, was a photo taken long ago of an attrctive looking woman. The picture was white and born, as were most of the early 20th century. The name next to it said 'Belle Walker' and a list of her past crimes against the Camarilla were there, starting from the Victorian Age. Tzimisce, affinity to spiders, fleshcrafter, lewd. These were but some of the descriptions used.

The docks were normall split up into three parts geographically. There were the Old Docks, along the northern edge of town. These were the docks that existed before Las Luz became a city. This was where they were headed towards if they wanted to corner Desmund Fritz. The poorest part of time, few lived there, and none did so thankfully. No ships came to this part, only a few rusted out containers still remained on the edge.

Then there was the New Docks. It was a mixture of a tourist center and of an actual working dock place. Professional fishermen and transporters mixed in with the local partygoers. There was a half-made amusement park, all of the games, none of the rides, as well as a long string of restaurants and markets.

Finally, there was the Estates. A few affluent neighborhoods of people willing to pay top dollar to live by the waterfront. Though only a few select hosues actually being on the water, jsut south of the new docks, the Estates were generally considered the same part of the city given that further west, the income level dropped dramatically, just enough houses to protect the affluent from the smoke and smog from the industrial sector. Since the wealthier residents didn't want to be associated with their poor neighbors, their homes got lumped into the docks.

Besides Angela, there were two other kindred who made the docks their home. The first was Jamesun Blot, a Malkavian seller of bits and baubles. Living in the Old Docks, he was considered harmless. Dumpy, portly, easily spooked. The other kindred who lived along the docks, was Heinrich. None of kindred gathered had met him, only heard of him. An outast from the Tremere, he was allowed to meek out an existance somewhere alogn the docks until such a time that he was allowed to show his worth once again. It was reported that he did nto want ot be bothered by anyone.

A profile of Desmund Frit was also included. He was a young-looking man, and fairly handsome as well with blonde hair, and blue eyes. However, his eyes seemed dead in the photo, and those kindred who had met him knew that he seemed a very apathetic type, like all the life in him had gone away with his embrace. The details of his embrace were not included, not surprising for a Caitiff. It was included though that he knew some animalism, as well as dominate. If he knew a third discipline, it was not certain.

Melanie stood up, feeling as if she had spent enough time already. The last thing she held up was a bag of cheap cell phones. "The phones are labelled one to six. Should you need to split up, you should be able to contact each other. Number zero on the list of contacts is an answering machine which the little Princess can connect to from a distance to keep track of your progress." She paused for another second, waiting to see if any of those gathered were going ot bother her any more, and also to include one last tidbit. "As Jessica said, you are the only ones who can save this city from Sabbat rule. If the kindred of another city have to intervene all of us will suffer the consequences." She glanced briefly to Ron, something almost as difficult to her as looking at the sewer rat. "You should be glad Jessica holds your kind in high esteem. When we discovered young Desmund to be a traitor, the rest of us thought it safe to give you final death as well. You're here to prove us wrong, trash."

Unless there was something else to be said, the Ventrue was off with her subordinate, no doubt finding refuge form the coming storm.

2011-05-13, 01:05 PM
Wow, this was new. Lizanne always was going on about Henry introducing himself, smiling, taking an interest in other people, while he just wanted the information they provided, then talk about other stuff if he had the time. Now, he finally found people who felt the same way about extensive introductions being a waste of time. He liked that.

He snatched a cellphone up, while Melanie was threatening the... Caitiff? Melanie seemed to imply the man was a Clanless, but maybe she was just insulting him.
All right. He knew the Sheriff and his deputy, the man beside him could be a Caitiff, he knew the stories about a Malkavian with a general description like the fourth vampire, even though he thought the Malk belonged to the Sabbat, but maybe he was a double agent. The fifth vampire, however, eluded him.

Oh well. Back to business. He could already feel the excitement.
"Okay, I vote for the capturing Fritz plan!" then he sobered up, adrenaline temporarily forgotten.

"Only problem... does anyone has a ride? Mine is... a bit... unsubtle... for this kind of operation..."
He picked up cellphone number: [roll0]

Lady Tialait
2011-05-13, 01:09 PM
The Doctor silently watches everything around him. He didn't seem to want to say anything afraid he would change or miss something. However, he silently soaked in the proceedings.

2011-05-13, 10:31 PM
When Mealanie shouted at him the first time, Ron almost jumped, catching his switchblade on the way down. He was not the only one who death had granted keen senses it would appear, he kept forgetting.

He regains his composure a bit and turns to find Henry, and takes his hand, a slight relief that its no longer so skeletal. "Eh Ron, my name's Ron Irving." Distracted by the blood brought into the room, which he takes as soon as he deems proper (After Melanie's second insult to him).

Ron uprights himself and wipes some crimson from his lip "I have an old Lincoln, but It's really only made for four... And its not exactly nice, though a couple decades ago it was a luxury car." Ron seems oddly proud of that last statement, giving a little grin.

2011-05-15, 02:18 AM
Henry looked at the Sheriff and the Deputy. He then first closed the bullet wounds so he wasn't distracted by the pain anymore. He needed all his attention dealing with them.
"So, eh... so Sheriff, what d'you think? Should we split up to cover more ground? If somebody comes with us, I and Ron here should be able to take out a Caitiff..."
Henry has now 12 bloodpoints left. (he heals himself to injured level every night before feeding, and has now healed himself to bruised.)

2011-05-15, 12:19 PM
Sebastian's reaction to Melanie's offer of cellphone was rather quick, as he stared at the thing in distaste for a moment as if she had thrown a dead rat in front of him. He leveled his gaze to the Primogen, examining her with a cool expression.

"Thank you, Melanie, that will be all. Your assistance is appreciated, but I will take it from here." So far, the Sheriff had found the Ventrue Primogen quite refreshing. He himself knew all too well the various needlessly elaborate rituals and games of rank within the Camarilla and had little taste for them, but this was different. She was undermining him as the one responsible for this little shindig and he would not have it. Though the same could be said of the Prince, she was above him in station and of the Moon Clan -- some eccentricities could be excused.

It was true that he was new to the position; his prowess had yet to be tested. And he really had had no interest in the position, finding himself maneuvered into having to accept it, as he could hardly refuse when asked by the Prince. And both his professionalism, as well as his pride, would not allow him to perform with anything but excellence, so he would prove that he was a force to be reckoned with. After all, had he not already gained a powerful ally in the Gangrel behind him, who might even be the eldest Kindred in the entire city? Had he not gained the confidence and service of one of the Camarilla's most elusive yet potent bloodlines in Teresa? It was time for him to use the knowledge and skills he had acquired to now protect this city.


Once the disrespectful woman had left, the bespectacled Tremere adjusted his posture, placed both of his hands on the table and glared sharply at those three here he had not specifically called here himself: the Nosferatu, Henry; the Caitiff, Ron; the Doctor, of course.
"You need not worry about transportation, equipment, or weapons. Cease your chatting for a moment and listen."
Sebastian then stood up from his seat, eyes narrowed as he examined them. "You lack discipline and come unprepared. You are neither warriors, nor soldiers. I understand and will respect that, but when we are out there your very existence will hinge upon being able to do as I, or in my absence my deputy here, tell you." At that last statement he glanced towards Teresa. "Don't view this as a chore, but rather an opportunity. If we succeed -- and if you survive, of course, which I will do my best to ensure -- you will have not only the gratitude of the Prince, the Council of Primogen and me, the Sheriff, but also that of the Camarilla as a whole. I'm certain I need not explain the benefits of this."

His eyes briefly focused on Ron. "Acceptance and respect are a rare commodity amongst the clanless," he remarked. "You in particular have much to gain."

He sighed, then, pinching the bridge of his nose briefly. "As for our approach, you are correct in that we must pursue the traitor. Understand, however, that he is a secondary target – whilst apprehending him would look good for us, he has certainly already shared what information he has with his new allies. He is our lead and we must use him to find the intruders."

Now that he had spoken at length, those unacquainted with him and more perceptive and knowledgeable in matters of language might notice the very slight accent with which he spoke. It was hard to pinpoint as he had spoken it for many decades, but the occasional appearance of a rather harshly spoken consonant when he sped up hinted at possible German origins. Perhaps Austrian, if taking his clan into consideration, though it was possible that not all at the table were aware of his bloodline.

"Now. Despite current events indicating otherwise, I don't enjoy holding long speeches. I have prepared a car large enough to carry all five of us. It also holds the equipment we need -- those cellphones are unnecessary." He stared once again at the equipment given by Melanie. "We will dispose of them on the way." While he himself might be able to afford to, those neonates were hardly in a position to risk the anger of a Primogen, so he couldn't simply leave them there.

He adjusted his glasses by pushing them back slightly, then thought better of it and took them off with one hand, neatly folding the frames sides together and placing it into the inside pocket of his vest.

"Anjela: meet us at the location here, we'll go separately." He pointed at the map, more for the benefit of the others than Anjela's, as he had already described the place he meant to her in advance.

He knew well that the Gangrel couldn't abide the inside of rooms, much less cars. With her intimate knowledge of the area she probably wouldn't cause a noteworthy delay and her presence and assistance was well worth a little accommodation. The Tremere didn't tell her to stay on guard; he trusted her to do so on her own.

"From there, we will trace Fritz' location and acquire the information we need. Now, let's go."

2011-05-15, 03:43 PM
With the sheriff's command, the group set out.

The drive to the abandoned Best Western was uneventful, yet something in the air was unsettling. Perhaps it was the coming rain, maybe the news of the Sabbat had put the group on edge.

Those who looked out the window saw as the city changed before them, like patchwork from commerical to residential, from high society to bottom of the wrungs, from new to old. The part they were heading ot was the oldest part of town. The Best Western itself was in shambles, the sign was missing, and no one had come in to take it over. The front doors were open.

Any with keen smell sniffed death in the air, emanating from inside. There were no lights on within, and the parking lot was abandoned. It was the perfect location to hide away from the outside world, no reason why anyone would simply wander here.

2011-05-16, 07:56 AM
Anjela had responded to Sebastian with an inarticulate grunt and made her way from the building. Relief coursed through her undead body as she reached the streets.

And then she walked her way to the rear of the nearest alleyway and, withing a half-minute, a large shaggy grey wolf pads its way out of the entrance. She did this not from any concern over the Masquerade or for fear of reprisal from the Camarilla (both of these concepts cast only the vaguest of shadows over her mind), but because she felt naked somehow, changing shapes, and she possessed an almost human-like desire for privacy.

As a wolf she flew through the night-time streets, keeping to the shadows when she could and caring little for them when she couldn't. Moving at her speed she would appear more like a large (very large) dog than anything else and so long as she was moving she elicited little comment. When circumstances required that she stop, however, her true nature became evident for anyone who cared to look and more than a few screaming crowds of fleeing kine marked her trail to the docks.

She felt it the moment she re-entered the boundaries of her ancient realm. She knew every rock and stone here. Every shadow and smell. As she made her way toward the meeting point five large, stocky shadows joined up behind her. Her pack, coming now from the far corners of her territory to do her bidding.

Their whispers filled her ears as they ran, filling her in on what had passed while she was away.

2011-05-16, 01:14 PM
As Sebastian briefs the motley group Teresa settles back, with a glass and a bloodbag, getting her temper under control with some effort. No need to act like a Brujah with a toothache. She's still seething, but keeps it under controll as she pours vitae into a glass, preferring to behave like a civilised cainite if she can. She drinks up quickly, realizing that she had let her temper burn blood beyond that which she had lost when she had regained consciousness but has still only finished the bag when the briefing is done and they leave. Quickly she scoops up another bloodbag and every cell phone left, as per Richter's suggestion, and follows her "employer" out.

Outside they meet up with Erica, Teresa's ghoul, chauffeur and confidante but she is swiftly told not to follow at the moment but to stay outside the docks district and wait. She'd be called should she be needed. After that the deputy of Las Luz gets into the car provided and gears up.

On their way Teresa only give quick glances at her companions and usually keeps a sharp eye on the surroundings as they speed towards their destination.
When they get there Teresa quickly gets out and starts scanning their surroundings.

A quick perception+alertness roll, should the ST want one.
Edit: Let's hope that the roll wasn't needed. Or at least had a target number higher of six or lesser. :smallbiggrin:

2011-05-16, 02:23 PM
The car the Sheriff provided was a rather inconspicuous model, definitely beyond its better days but with plenty of room to spare. It was driven by what to all intents and purposes appeared to be a human servant, while Richter himself took his place in the back with the others.

His arms crossed in front of his chest, he drummed the index finger of his right hand against the inner side of his left arm impatiently. "Now, before we talk equipment and roles assigned to each of you -- any particular skills I should be aware of? Weapon or intelligence training, perhaps? Any particular advances in Cainite abilities? As the sheriff, I am of course aware of who you all are and could have acquired more detailed information myself, but I have neither time, nor inclination nor the luxury at the moment."

His cool gaze briefly rested on each of the three Kindred sitting there, passing over the Lasombra briefly and harmlessly as his words had not been directed towards her.

Lady Tialait
2011-05-16, 03:23 PM
The Doctor had been silent till now, but when asked about his skills he would respond. "Well, I can alter the perceptions of those around me. This is not a surprise, given the situation. I am surprised that it is just the perceptions." He then scratched his chin and shrugged going back to just observing.

2011-05-16, 04:12 PM
Henry straightened his glasses. Okay, the suited Kindred was almost certainly a Malkavian, except the description of his powers didn't really fit well with dementation. And Henry assumed that if he was a double agent, he would have spouted some more information. There was something fishy going on...
Oh well, he would find out the potential dirty little secret later, he always did.

"Well, typical Nosferatu here. I can alter my face, but not always reliable, turn invisble, but not yet when somebody watches, and to this day I didn't meet a lock that kept me out of somewhere I wanted to be. And, if we find ourselves somewhere we don't want to be, let's just say I should be behind that wheel."

He nodded to the driving seat of the car. Then he remembered his lessons again.
"... with the deepest respect to your driver, of course."

He then opened his trenchcoat to show off the sword, stakes and shotgun.

"For the rest, I can handle myself in a fight with these, but... when people hit me, my bones tend to break quite easily. So, I always try to not get hit."

2011-05-17, 12:55 AM
Sebastian's right eyebrow shot particularly high when he saw the weapons the Nosferatu demonstrated. "You brought all these? Interesting." His gaze turned hard for a moment, before softening just a little. "It appears I won't have to give you anymore weapons, at least. And your skills will be useful. I suggest that, for the most part, you remain unseen -- a little surprise for our intruders; hopefully they won't see through it."

He then turned to the Doctor. "Change perceptions? Be more precise, please, Doctor. I assume you speak of the ability our comrade here demonstrated earlier?" Briefly, the Tremere uncrossed his arms and pointed at Henry to emphasize his words; the Nosferatu had, after all, adjusted his appearance and thus 'changed perceptions'. Sebastian had, of course, heard the rumors about this 'Doctor', and a little more than those, but it never hurt to get the information right from the source.

Lady Tialait
2011-05-17, 01:04 AM
The Doctor nodded his head, "That too." he then realized that this must be part of his nightmare that he must explain his lucidity again. He often wondered why his dream tried to get him to announce what it already knew. This was a part of his subconscious he didn't understand. "I have a measure of power over this nightmare. I am in a lucid dream, however I have found that the fragments of my subconscious call it Illusion. I cannot figure out why, and quite frankly I am tired of repeating it."

2011-05-17, 01:10 AM
Ron's head leveled during the drive, the rush from replenishing himself subsiding. He had hoped that showing that all he had was a knife that they'd just send him home; who would of thought that simple knife could do anything here? He was through with all this, and yet, here he was again; though still lingering to a quickly fading hope that the night would end without any confrontation beyond shouting. Still, this might possibly be punishment enough for his years running the lab.

"This was my world in life, where we're going, Sheriff. I can't really do much of this supernatural stuff, but I know my way around a slum, and can get around without people seeing me, or at least by mortal senses, and I have some keen ones of my own. Beyond that, I've been in my share of fights, can fire a gun but I'm more confident in a knife fight. My supernatural capability is limited to dealing with animals." His response is quick, almost rehearsed and he goes to getting his bearings of the neighborhood by looking out the window.

Perception 3 + Alertness 2 (Also Auspex 1)[roll0]

2011-05-17, 01:55 AM
Teresa gives quick glances at each of the other kindred when they tell Richter about their strengths. Especially the Nos gets a hard, appraising look when he shows them the small arsenal he had been bringing. But she doesn't speak and returns to scan ahead. Richter knew her strengths and weaknesses already and the others didn't really need to know.
She was no fighter really, although a few lessons here and there during her unlife had made sure she were at least somewhat familiar with firearms. She'd take a gun and if it got too close she'd be screwed.
Well. Except for the fact that there was ALWAYS shadows during the night and that she'd quickly show people not to underestimate her.

2011-05-17, 01:10 PM
"Excellent, Ron, that'll serve you quite well," the Sheriff surprisingly praised the young thinblood. "I'll want you to communicate with the local wildlife and listen for any warning calls -- Anjela will certainly do that, as well, but it can never hurt to have more listening." He leaned back into his seat, closing his eyes for a moment to concentrate. After a few seconds passed they snapped open again quite abruptly. There was no sigh to accompany it, or a change in his breathing. For, one could easily tell in this close proximity, he did not breathe, he didn't even attempt to fake it. "I already mentioned she will be our guide; she is also the strongest combatant we have available at the moment," he continued, "and you would do well to remember that. Stay close to her in any confrontations."

The Sheriff coughed briefly, nodding towards a briefcase underneath the driver's seat. "I have arranged for simple sidearms for all of you to carry; low-caliber, nothing special. We still have a masquerade to preserve, after all, and against our kindred opponents anything lesser than automatic weapons won't be very effective. These are for intimidation, distraction and potentially human thralls." The Tremere briefly rubbed his neatly trimmed beard, black interwoven with grey. "Though I doubt they will have many of those, if any. I have taken the liberty of bringing a number of shortswords -- they're light, sharp and should be simple enough to slash and stab with, even for a beginner. Certainly more effective on our kind than bullets. You'll get them from the trunk, along with a couple of heavy coats that should allow you to blend in more easily," he noted, "and hide those swords, too."

"As for the rest, you'll find communication equipment in the briefcase, as well. They're not cellphones, but small walkie talkies with earpieces. Of course not military grade and they have a much shorter range, but we'll constantly be connected, provided they aren't turned off." He pauses briefly, but then a frown appears on his face and he quickly adds, "And you're not to turn them off."

He indicated towards Henry, who sat closest to the briefcase. "Please help yourself and give them to the others; you're free to take an additional gun yourself, by the way -- and you all can keep them afterwards, if you like. They aren't registered."

His gaze flickered towards Teresa, then to the Malkavian who so far had posed the biggest question mark of them all, even beyond the thinblooded Caitiff.

"I fear I've already located our problem child," he remarked with a hint of dry amusement. "Tell me, Doctor; this is all a lucid dream, you say? Would you agree that this is all a rather internally consistent, continuous dream that builds upon itself? In which actions have consequences that are consistent with the rest of this dream-world? Though, before you respond to that, please allow me one further query of interest, and please respond to it first: have you felt pain within this oneironautic experience?" His tone had become very detached, very much like a scientist probing a subject during an experiment. To some it might be obvious that he was leading up to something, and expected to more or less know what the Malkavian would reply. Perhaps that was folly in itself, however, considering the blood within.

2011-05-17, 01:44 PM
With a crooked halfsmile Teresa listens to Sebastian's scientific way of speaking to the malk, he had something up his sleeve, she'd bet a good deal on it. And it'd be interesting to hear what the good doctor would make of it. While she listens she picks up a radio and a gun, strapping it to her left side. She was glad that she had followed the curt advice she'd been given upon rousing "Dress for mobility" indeed. As a result she was wearing black jeans and a polo neck sweater in the same colour, but what if she had been wearing one of her usual dresses? She'd have nowhere to put any of the equipment provided, not to mention that the high boots she wore now where a lot better to run in than heels. So she straps the gun to her side with a slight sensation of relief. And a slight wish that she'd brought some firepower of her own. As for the promised heavy coats, well, unless they offered better protection than her heavy leather coat she'd use something a bit more... fashionable.

Lady Tialait
2011-05-17, 01:51 PM
The Doctor sighed, he was really tired of explaining this, perhaps it was his own mind trying to sow the seeds of doubt, perhaps it was his coma trying to continue. He was just tired of answering the same line of questions night after night. "Yes, I have felt pain. This doesn't mean anything, if I was simply sleeping, this would be odd. However, I am in a coma, but you know that don't you? I think I have found the part of my subconscious that wants me to be diluted. If you are trying to get me to accept this dream as reality, that is folly, if you are trying to say there are danger, and if I die here I die really, I know. I am fighting for my life simply by acknowledging you. I have chosen to be active in this dream instead of passive, if you ask me about my mind again, perhaps I will simply become a passive dreamer?" The annoyed Doctor found a seat and closed his eyes, he really was tired of these questions.

2011-05-17, 02:07 PM
Rolling in advance to see how it'll play out, I'll edit the actual post in afterwards.

[roll0] difficulty 6; activate Mastery of the Mortal Shell 3.

"Not quite," the Sheriff replied with an annoyed edge to his voice. "Nevertheless, thank you for the confirmation, good 'doctor'."

He leaned forward, his gaze locked firmly onto the Malkavian, eyes widening just a little as a dangerous edge crept into his voice.
"My intention is only this: if you fail to take my instructions seriously since, as you say, this is only a dream, your continued dreamscape will be a nightmare incomparable to its current state."

He leaned back once again, his expression turning normal. Almost friendly. "Allow me, as an example, to present you with an iota of what I speak of."

A moment of concentration. A quick, precise gesture with his right hand, vaguely indicating in the Malkavian's direction and for a brief moment, unless he was somehow resistant to the Tremere's magics, all the muscles in the vampire's undead body would spasm and lock up, an intense pain shooting throughout his body for barely more than the blink of an eye ... before it stopped, and everything was normal once again.

"A reminder," Sebastian noted calmly. His controlled, unnerving expression hadn't changed at all, and if one hadn't paid attention one might have missed that anything had happened at all. "You needn't worry, I only expect everyone to take this seriously and act to the best of their ability. And, of course, to show the proper respect." The last remark was clearly directed towards the Doctor.

Effectively, for one round, he had a dice penalty of -4 and took one soakable bashing damage, if he didn't actually soak it it should be gone by the time we arrive. Bashing heals fast.

Lady Tialait
2011-05-17, 02:48 PM
The Doctor cries out in pain, then he shakes off the pain, "That was unnecessary. I am well aware that you are in charge. I am also well aware of your role." The Doctor adjusts himself. "As for making this a nightmare, I don't think so. I have been forced to harm those who I would have once helped. I have had to deal with dark foes, and darker allies. No, you cannot make this any more stressing. You can make it more painful, but that hardly a reason for me to continue to be around you." His eyes flash with realization, "You are my sadism made manifest arn't you? Very well. I will deal with this."

2011-05-17, 02:59 PM
Ron's eyes widened momentarily in surprise, the two big dogs seem to be propping him up for something, though given the ire everyone else holds for him, it might just be a bigger fall. "Thank you, Sheriff, I'll keep to that."

He silently grabs a sword and handgun, these are the "bad vampires" he guesses, so its justice of a form. That could be a benevolent act... maybe. He then silently thanks his lucky stars that he's not the "problem child." These people could just wave his hand, and he'd be dead.

2011-05-17, 03:16 PM
After that reply, Sebastian remained quiet for a good while. When he spoke again, he opted to simply speak to the others and ignore the Malkavian, who he now assumed to simply be stark raving mad. "As you may have noticed, I am no psychologist. I'm sure you have realized what this man's condition is by now; I was trying to use it to reinforce his ability to work with us rather than have it hinder his performance, as all our existences may well depend upon him sooner or later tonight. But it appears we have neither the time, nor knowledge of the subject to actually do so."

For the rest of the drive, he spoke very little, only giving the Caitiff, Ron, one further piece of advice. "When we face our enemies, do not look into their eyes under any circumstance." Anyone with a modicum of empathy could easily that the Austrian didn't help Ron out of the goodness of his heart; rather, he wanted to make sure that the Thinblood would provide some benefit in tonight's venture.


Once they arrived on-site, stopping in a small and dark side street, he would proceed to open the trunk and hand out the weapons and coats he had promised earlier. Now they only needed to wait for Anjela to arrive before they could get started.

2011-05-17, 05:49 PM
Henry picked up the briefcase and handed it's contents around. Well, the night seemed to promise humongous amounts of the adrenaline he craved so much, which was good, but the thought of becoming the 'problem Kindred' himself if he stepped out of line made him very cautious for the first time in his life and the unlife after that.

He put in the earpiece, inspected a handgun and pocketed it. If he learned something in the last 52 years, it was that you never have a surplus of guns in situations like this.

He still has the cellphone Melanie gave them. Even though he's rich, he can't seem to stop hoarding free goodies!

2011-05-18, 01:05 AM
After belting on the shortsword provided Teresa eyes the rough looking coats. They were... ugly. With a wry twist of her mouth she opts to pull on her own coat again instead. She was probably not going to do any "blending in" here anyways. And even if there, against all odds, would be mortals unrelated to the night's work present a chick in a good coat would be their least problem. Humongous Masquerade-breaches would probably be a much bigger problem. Or in other words: "If you're going to screw things up: do it with style."
Easing the sword in it's sheath she looks around. "Right. Let's do this thing."
Suddenly the shadows around her crawl up her again, but this time they're holding still, they only makes her look more menacing than before, and a bit harder to spot.

Burning three blood points. Boosting Dex and Stamina to 3 and starting Shadow Play for an extra die to Stealth and a penalty to hitting her in ranged combat, or an extra die to Intimidate, depending on the circumstances. Right now they boost her (non-existing) stealth.
That is unless the ST decides it's blatantly supernatural (the text doesn't seem to say so), in which case I might wait with it.

Also, I put colour tags on her speach to differentiate it from what is supposed to be more of a quote.

2011-05-18, 02:00 AM
Well, he was looked at enough for today, Henry thought.

"I'll be around...."

Henry steps out of the car, climbs under the car for cover, turns invisible, and crawls out again. He then reached under his trechcoat and felt for the reassuring piece of wood. Sword or stake?, he wondered. Well, as long as he stayed under the radar, a stealthy stake here and there would probably be better. He felt giddy of all the adrenaline. This was going to be fun!

He burns one blood point to remove his bruised health level

2011-05-18, 07:46 AM
Just then a large grey wolf padded out of the shadows with five large dogs at its heels. The pack pulls up to the crowd of Kindred in front of the hotel and and, in a moment, the wolf was a woman again. The dogs alkl sat at her heels, growling and yipping at the scent of so many undead all in one place.

She walked up to the group that had gathered. She spends a moment considering the building. "This one remembers when this was built," she says, to no one in particular, "This one knows the smells of it."

She walked until she was down-wind from the building and she opened her keen, keen senses and allowed the night to flow through her. Smells, sounds, sights all flooded her mind and she stood for a moment, simply breathing.

EDIT: I cut and pasted this from my prior post...

Gonna use my Auspex and my Keen Senses Merits to see if I can get anything of value from the inside. Humans/Kindred - there/not there - anything else I can smell like explosives or gunpowder, fresh blood, whatever.

Perception + Alertness. [roll0]

2011-05-18, 11:21 AM
Everyone who tries to sense what's inside fail to do so, save for a cold, chilling feeling that something is indeed inside, save for Anjela.

She can sense almost everything in the motel. There are at least a dozen dead bodies in there. There are a few ghouls, one of them hiding behind the receptions desk just isnide, and she can smell the Caitiff. There is dried blood, and several other bodily excrements that have been left uncleaned.

Everyone's rolls were pretty dismal save for nimdyd who got several successes, hence why Anjela got all the information.

2011-05-18, 12:30 PM
Anjela's face twists up in disgust. Kindred or Kine, elder or neonate, it's just wrong to foul your own nest in such a manner. She looks back over her shoulder. "This one smells many dead inside. Old blood. One Kindred, pale and youg and weak. And several... ghouls." She has to reach for the word. It has been maybe decades since she's had to use it.

She scents the air again.

"They know we are here. They are ready for us."

She looks to Sebastian. As Alpha here, he would say what was to be done.

2011-05-18, 12:48 PM
A brief smirk revealed itself on the Sheriff's face as he once again pulled out the pair of glasses he had placed into his jacket's inside pocket. Flicking the bows open, he put it on and fixed his gaze on the entrance door. He himself had not bothered to grab a weapon; neither gun, nor short sword. Indeed, he hadn't even taken the jacket. As far as he was concerned, if he was actually being shot or stabbed at in this part of tonight's activities he was doing something wrong.

"Anjela," his calm voice called out to the Gangrel, "how do you feel about some light exercise? Go in, kill their entrance committee." His smirk turned into a brief grin at the thought. He hated fools who made a mess, both of themselves and others. Cleaning them up was so very satisfying; and even if he originally hadn't wanted the job, Sebastian was one to take his few pleasures where he could.

"But remember: the Caitiff must remain capable of speech if we're to catch all the intruders as soon as possible." He raised his hand to indicate that there was more coming, though, so she wouldn't charge right in once he had said those words.

"Henry? You'll accompany her right from the start and watch her back; only reveal yourself if she appears to be in trouble. If that hasn't happened by the time we reach Fritz and you're still hidden from sight, restrain him."

He wasn't looking anywhere in particular as he said that, his gaze remaining steadily locked onto the entrance.

"The rest is with me. Once we're inside and the doors are safely closed, Teresa -- throw up a small globe of darkness. Keep it moving with you but stay at our back. We may have to assist. And we'll need to see properly to do that."

He lowered his hand. "Ready? Go."

Sebastian will be buffing his Stamina from 2 to 5 now, meaning he has spent 4 BP so far, this expenditure included. I'll describe it at the start of my next post.

2011-05-18, 01:06 PM
Henry shrugged. Not that anyone saw it, but sometimes you just need to shrug for your own sake. Waiting until the gangrel appeared in trouble? How boring...
Well, at least it looked like he wouldn't have to waste too much precious blood now. It was always such a hassle to come by...
He peered inside the darkness of the door. Maybe those ghouls hade a stash, that would be convenient. He could always quit his habit, of course, but blood tasted so much better with it. He really could quit. He was sure of it.
Henry stays close to Angela like Richter said. When Angela reaches mauled health level, cries out someones name, or is up against more than two kindred/four ghouls he takes action.

2011-05-18, 01:21 PM
Nodding to show that she had understood her part in the whole thing Teresa pulls a hair band from her coat pocket and gathers her black hair in a loose pony tail. She wouldn't want it in her eyes soon enough she'd wager. After that she pulls out the pistol, racks the loading mechanism and nods again. "Ready."

And again she guides the vitae in her through her body, heightening both her reaction times, hand-to-eye-coordination and hardiness.

Burning two more blood points. Dex & Sta to 4.

2011-05-18, 01:38 PM
Anjela smiled a decidedly unpleasant smile. She snarled a command to her pack. Two of them broke off and ran around to either side of the building to prevent, or at least inhibit, anyone from escaping that way. The other three lined up behind her as she rushed the building.

Already she was sinking into the red haze of the Beast.

Initiative: [roll0]

One the way on I'll spend two Blood Points to raise Strength two points and a third to sprout my Claws.

Depending on how many ghouls is 'a couple' I may let the dogs handle them and run for the Caitiff. At the very least the dogs are going over the desk at whoever's behind it.

Lady Tialait
2011-05-18, 01:52 PM
The Doctor follows behind silently watching everywhere. His eyes cold as they flicker with supernatural senses.

[roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] Activating Heightened senses: Sight

2011-05-18, 02:29 PM
Ron steps out with the rest, slipping his last arm into one of the coats Sebastian lent the group. He takes a deep breath, to find disappointment that it no longer gives him a calming effect. As soon as he gets an opportunity (so, right when Sebastian is done speaking) he draws his handgun, and lets out a call just like that of a bird, for all of the nocturnal birds nearby that he can.

The Beckoning: [roll0]

2011-05-21, 12:27 AM
The wrath of kindred befall the emptied motel. Hounds fuelled by unnatural vigor leapt over the counter and they could hear muffled screams. Those who were listening in could here Desmund's muffled name. Dozens of birds began to flock towards the motel. As soon as Anjela stepped in, she could see al before her. There was one ghoul dying to her hounds, another was hiding upstairs with some sort of firearm, heavy with sweat. Desmund was on the first level with the last ghoul, where the indoor pool was. There were somwhere between eighteen, and twenty bodies that littered the entire motel, some in individual rooms, but most were in the same room as Desmund.

Ghoul behind the counter is dead in a serious way. He was the one who rolled intiative 14, so scratch him off the list.

2011-05-21, 02:27 AM
Not entirely sure whether Henry had gone in or not yet Teresa hesitates. But only for the blink of an eye, after that she steps in through the door and immediately takes to the left so that she's out of the way for the nosferatu or any of the others. Scanning the room, with her pistol raised, she waits by the door for the others to enter, and pass her.

2011-05-23, 10:46 AM
Sebastian quickly stepped through, a determined expression sitting well on his face. Scanning the room briefly for any further trouble or clues, he proceeded to the center, not sparing more than a brief glance for the poor ghoul's corpse, to confirm his death.

As he stood there he listened for any further clues; ragged breath, the cocking of a gun, anything to indicate where the next threat awaited them.

Rolling to locate the ghoul hiding upstairs. Auspex 1 (which, if you use the lowering of difficulties part, would reduce it by 1), and the Acute Sense Merit for hearing, which reduces all difficulties by (an additional?) two.

2011-05-23, 06:03 PM
Before going in, Ron locks eyes with any birds that might come to his call. He makes a series of chirps and coos to each one, which essentially amount to "Follow me, there will be food." If it doesn't take too long, he goes in behind Sebastian, hopefully with birds in tow.

Ok, looks like if I got any, I got two, rolling two batches of Manipulation + Animal Ken. If I need to divide it up due to combat, each gets 2 rolls, and I forfeit the last for movement. (That is how it works, right?)


2011-05-24, 02:45 AM
Ron's chirps have a dramatic effect, the birds going into a frenzy. Several fly into the side of the building, while many others go for the door, both successfully and not. Sebastian can hear the second ghoul. He is just out of sight, atop the stairs and down the hallway. Sebastian can hear the poor soul muttering "Oh God... dear God..." It was an interesting patron for a ghoul to choose to call to.

The pool is on the first floow though, off to the right on the first floor, just a short walk away. Anjela can hear a young woman, or perhaps an old girl, laugh. It was probably the third ghoul.

Situation: There is one scared as hell ghoul trembling at the top of the atairs, and Desmund and third ghoul are in the opposite direction. I am assuming that eveyone die what they wanted in the first round (correct me if I am wrong). Feel free to go either upstairs or to the pool. The dogs are going to keep mauling the now dead ghoul for at least another turn or two.

2011-05-24, 05:17 AM
When they're all inside Teresa closes the door and suddenly a cloud of rolling... Darkness, the abyssal, inky Blackness that nightmare must be made of rolls out from... everywhere. From her, from the shadows around her. In a matter of moments she is completely enveloped by a darkness deeper than the darkes, most starless night imaginable. One that not even the eyes of kindred can pierce. Well, except for her of course.
Smiling sardoincally Teresa looks first towards the stairs and then at the general direction of where the pool is and thinks hard. A single ghoul would probably not be that dangerous to either of them, and least of all to her or the gangrel, but they could hardly let that one stay there alone, it could flee and then it'd probably tip off the sabbat pack, break the Masquerade or both. Killing him would be self preservation, really.
In her mind she was probably best suited for the deed, since Angela had it's own job cut out for it. As sickening as it might be it was probably for the best.
A large part of her cringes at the thought but she works very hard to remain callous. That meant seeming colder and more detached than she felt by far. But appearances was important, not only so that the rest of the cainites she was to fight with would understand that she was a force to reckon with in Las Luz, but to keep that part of her that pitied the ghoul upstairs gagged and bound.
From the cloud of Blackness Teresas voice suddenly comes, a bit muffled, but just as melodic. It's almost a throaty purr: "Split up? I don't relish the idea of either Desmund OR his servant escaping into the night. I can take care of the ghoul upstairs and join up when our backs are clear."

A big part of her continues to cringe at that but she doesn't let that sway her, or touch her voice any more than can be helped. And suddenly a more... primal part of her raises it's head, with Blood in the air. A part of her really do look forward to a straightforward hunt, the thrill of the kill.

2011-05-24, 12:38 PM
Sebastian barely raised an eyebrow at the shadowstuff that spewed forth from Teresa; and why should he? After all, he himself had requested many times for her to demonstrate her abilities. While certainly educational, it also had the effect of desensitizing him to the wrongness that the Abyss-stuff exuded. After all, when working with her, he had to make certain that he wouldn't panic when placed inside one of her globes, or surrounded by 'friendly' tentacles.

"No," he said with a curious tone to his voice. "I think this calls for a little diplomacy. They already know we're here and that they are vastly outnumbered and outmatched." He wasn't speaking quietly now, actually a little louder than normal -- just loud enough that the ghoul upstairs might be able to hear him.

"Listen well: surrender yourself now, aid us in convincing him to do the same and your master will survive this night! There is no other choice for you -- denying me means death! Discard your weapon and step out!"

I'm going to try and intimidate the ghoul into surrendering himself. I'm assuming Charisma+Intimidate here. If you'd rule it's Manipulate instead, he has the same score in both, so it's all the same as far as the dice pool goes.

2011-05-24, 01:17 PM
Wow, those dogs really knew their business, Henry thought while staring down at his trenchcoat. He still felt a twinge of regret for the loss of life, even after thirty years, but quelled it quickly. Looked like Angela didn't need much help, but he should still stay focused.

Henry jerked his head up. The sheriff said they would talk instead of getting him out?
That's so... boring... Well, maybe Desmund would be stupid and Henry would be allowed to rough him up a bit. He liked fighting Kindred. No blood, plenty of excitement, and they couldn't accidentally get killed.

2011-05-24, 02:01 PM
Ron's eyes widen momentarily in surprise, it's a bit unnerving how zealous animals can get when it comes to food. He hoped they'd come back for his plan, but he doubted it, poor... whoever it was they found. They are the bad guys though, so it's not as if it was random innocents, it's not that bad... For the greater good and all...

His train of reassuring himself was disrupted as Teresa... became a shadow. He didn't quite like the vibe of it, but he had assumed along the lines with her previous shadow play. At least it wasn't fire...

He relaxes at Sebastian's call for surrender, lowering his gun. Maybe this would go through peacefully now.

So yeah, he does nothing really, waiting to see what happens.

Lady Tialait
2011-05-24, 07:08 PM
The Doctor doesn't seem to notice he is standing the middle of a warzone he adjusts his suit and pats some dust off his pants, then starts walking around the building seemingly oblivious.

Actually, The Doctor is hiding, and that is Chimerstry!

Spend the willpower to make it effect all senses, and to last till The Doctor leaves it.

Stealth + Dex


2011-05-25, 08:19 AM
Anjela pauses in her forward motion. She was just about to command her dogs to split again and move toward the remaining targets, and herself toward the kindred. But Sebastian's command brought her up short.

She stopped, a smile playing about her lips at the ripping and snarling sounds that filled the air. She looked back at Senastian, eyebrows raised.

What now? she seemed to be asking. And she waited at his word

2011-05-25, 08:39 AM
"Bait," the Tremere mouthed quietly in Anjela's direction, a cruel smirk playing on his lips; after a second or two had passed since his original ultimatum, he loudly demanded an answer from his ghoul quarry yet again. "Well?!"

------- OOC Note -------
Rather short, but I wanted to reply to Anjela before the ghoul acts in response.

2011-05-25, 09:21 AM
Despite Sebastien's threatening words, the ghoul does not heed them, instead using the threats to give him the courage to fight for his master. WIth a war cry more akin to a squeal, the sweaty, dumpy-looking ghoul with a more-than-noticeable stain running down the right leg of his bluejeans, jumps from out of the cover and fires his rifle at Sebastien.

Damage: [roll0]

EDIT: Sebastien takes 5 bashing damage. Roll for stamina to reduce down.
OOC: Ghoul's a natural coward, but sharp enough to know when his master's in danger.

2011-05-25, 09:46 AM
The Tremere's eyes widened as he heard the gunshot, almost deafening to his sensitive ears. He raised his arm as if trying to ward off the bullet, but his reaction was far too late -- undead flesh had already been penetrated; a clean shot directly through his left arm that would have done some serious damage to a mortal, but Cainites were made of sterner stuff. It didn't even hurt that much, luckily, as the wound began to heal almost immediately.

So the successes weren't enough? Damn. So much for diplomacy.

Sebastian had buffed his Stamina to 5 earlier, and bashing damage is reduced by half after the soak, so we'll see how much he actually takes. I'll edit my IC post in once I see how much damage he actually gets. Might take a bit since I have to leave work in a couple of minutes and will be editing from home.


Three successes, so we're down to two bashing damage. So Sebastian takes 1 normal damage. On his next turn, he'll heal the 1 damage -- I'll have to roll Stamina for that if I want to do it reactively if I remember things right, and go for his Thaumaturgy since the guy is now within sight.

2011-05-25, 12:32 PM
"Tan burro." Well, so much for diplomacy. Grumbling under her breath, something that doesn't even carry outside the smothering Darkness around her, Teresa puts her fists on her hips and concentrates hard.

Suddenly two patches of shadow behind the ghoul stirs, stretches and lashes out. One twines itself around the ghoul's neck, the other around the gun, yanking it upwards as the first pulls back hard.

I think I act simultaneously with the ghoul. :smallwink:
Will expand the IC post after this roll:


Edit: Also I'm burning two additional blood points to boost the tentacles' strength by one each.

2011-05-25, 05:18 PM
"Whoah, they're shooting!" Ron exclaims as he stumbles backwards with unwarranted surprise. He quickly recovers when he is reminded of just how little a bullet effects the Kindred. Still he didn't want to be the next one tagged and began toughening himself up as he lifted his gun again. After the slightest hesitation, he pulls the trigger at the ghoul.

Bloodpoint spent, Boost Stamina by 1/2

Gunshot at ghoul: [roll0] Damage, if successful: [roll1]

2011-05-28, 02:01 AM
Henry winced when he heard the shots. Let's hope the sheriff wouldn't get... irritated by being shot at.
He wondered if he should take the ghoul out or not. The Sheriff had told him to stay invisible, and he didn't want to be the one disobeying orders.
He put away his stake and drew his shotgun, just in case however.

2011-05-28, 09:09 PM
Stamina rolls
Gunshot: [roll0]

The shot rings true, missing the heart, but catching a lung. The ghoul tries to cry out, but his throat fills with blood and only a meek gurgling sound emits. The tentacles freely pull the gun away from him and break a fe bones in the process. The ghoul will be dead within the minute, unable to speak, unable to breath.

Maybe in the next life he would have a better fate.

All that remains is the final ghoul and the Caitiff Desmund. Anjela can hear the hot tub turned on.

2011-05-29, 02:29 AM
Shaking her head in dismay Teresa stays hidden in her shadows. She wasn't sure that she could have killed the man. It was self defense and everything, but to date she had just killed a handful of times, always in self defense and once by mistake and this was hardly an unlife threatening situation. She wasn't sure she could have given her extra arms that cold blooded order to squeeze the life out of the ghoul.
When the ghoul is shot the thing is solved for her and a part of her was grateful for it. They would never be able to take him to a hospital and would probably not reach any in time anyways. Sighing softly, another sound that doesn't carry out of the black miasma surrounding her, the Lasombra lets the tentacle hand the gun over to her. That meant walking over to near the ghoul of course, and she picked her way carefully so as not to blind any of her allies.

2011-05-29, 11:03 AM
Sebastian stared at the dead ghoul with a distasteful expression for a moment, while the wound in his arm quickly mended itself. "Pity," he noted, while idly examining the front hole in his arm sleeve. "The forceful solution it is, then."

The Tremere snapped back to attention, and quickly headed towards the stairs. He purposely moved towards their side, though, as he proceeded to give some commands: "Anjela, Henry; you're the advance party, as before. Remember, the traitor must be interrogated. Take his arms and legs if you have to, but do not destroy him. The rest of us will follow suit."

Oh, yes, almost forgot to note, despite describing it. Sebastian spends that 1 BP I mentioned in the last post to heal the 1 damage he just took.

2011-05-30, 08:10 AM
Anjela is already moving as Sebastian comes to her side. Her keen, keen ears picked up the sound of a running tap and the smell of fluourinated water fills her nose. As she starts down the hall she barks out a harsh command to her dogs. In response, two of them leave off tearing the meat from the ghoul's bones and come to heel behind her.

She flies down the hallway and up the stairs with supernatural speed, ready to subdue the Caitiff.

Spend one Blood Point to activate Celerity, and then full move toward the Caitiff.

Also, spend my remaining two this round on Strength.

2011-05-30, 11:41 AM
The two dogs run in ahead of Anjela, stopping right beyond the doorway, growling, holding their position. Anjelas bursts through next and the stench of death is all over the air.

There are thre dead bodies in the pool, another five hanging upside down from the ceiling. Out of place is the final ghoul, a young girl maybe fifteen or sixteen soaking in the hottub and drinking from a bottle of Absolut. Then there is Desmund, sitting on the opposite end of the pool from Anjela. He is sitting on one of the white platic recliners now painted in blood. He is hunched over, his bangs almost covering his bright green eyes.

Desmund is handsome, young, and his eyes breem with intelligence if not an empty callousness. As a kine he would have endless possibilities, as a Caitiff he has none. Next to him rests an industrial saw, the kind used to cut meat in the factories. He looks up at Anjela as if she was just the passing breeze.

"Vana, is that you?" He peers more closley. "No. You are the dog lady." He gives a sigh, but it seems more acted than legitimate. "How are you this evening? Do you want to joing the fun? Are you here to replace Miki?"

The ghoul gives a drunk squeal at the last remark.

2011-05-30, 02:24 PM
Henry was torn. On one hand, the ghoul could still provide information, on the other hand, he could hardly be left alive if his master was a traitor.

He glanced at Anjela, running with inhuman speed.
He decided he would disable Desmund as fast as possible, and when that was fast enough, he could still race back for the ghoul. While running after Anjela, he stowed away his shotgun and grabbed his stake again.

Boosting dex by 2. Three rounds left before it drops back to six.

2011-05-31, 11:48 AM
Henry moved around the pool, unnoticed. After a few long moments, Desmund scoffed at the Gangrel across from him. "What? Something bothering you?"

Right, so feel free to stake him now, Caylus.

2011-05-31, 12:04 PM
Henry felt the rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins. Figuratively, of course, because he doubted whether he was still producing hormones. He gripped his stake tighter, and looked for the right spot to strike. He concentrated, and struck.

Do I still automatically succeed? If not, here are the rolls! I like rolling dice :smallbiggrin:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + 1 automatic success from potence.

2011-05-31, 12:47 PM
Henry appears from nowhere and strikes the Caitiff true, immoblize the Caitiff before he had the time to even notice. His pet ghoul shrieks at seeing her master staked and drops her bottle into the hot tub. As it appears this last ghoul is nothing mroe than a toy, the motel is secured.

2011-06-01, 07:37 AM
Anjela backs away from the staked Caitiff, oddly disturbed. Something about how vulnerable the Kindred looks, lying there, touches on her faraway and fragmentary memories of her own past. Her teeth pull back in a low snarl.

Wordless, she stalks out of the room and calls to her dogs. She sends them to search the building, top to bottom, sniff out every room, and report to her if anyone else is here.

And she leaves the talking and planning to those better suited to it and leaves the building, walking around the entrance, looking, scenting the air. Waiting.

2011-06-01, 09:51 AM
Letting the Darkness linger over the doorway Teresa steps out of it and into the rest of the room surveying the scene with a detached expression. Inside she fights down nausea that makes her almost feel human again. She didn't have a lunch to loose but it sure felt like it. The screaming ghoul draws her attention though and she glares at the woman. "Hey!" she shouts, trying to cut through to the ghoul. When the ghoul looks her way she looks her straight in the eyes and barks two commands, with distinct pauses between them. "Sit." A pause. "Silence."

Dominate 1 FTW! (Hopefully)
First dominate attempt, to make the ghoul sit down:
Second dominate attempt, to make her shut up:
Edit: Unless she has really good willpower (I doubt it) she'll sit down a long while, but won't be quiet for as long. :smalltongue:

2011-06-01, 10:36 AM
The ghoul falls silent and does as she says, sitting and staying silent, still in the motel hot tub. She will be under Teresa's command for at least a minute or so.

2011-06-01, 12:00 PM
Henry stared at the stake protruding from Desmund's chest. Well, that was less than satisfying. Not even one scream. Then he snapped out of it. There was this a ghoul dying which may have useful information. He ran back, and stopped only to say "Ghoul on the stairs, may still have useful information, OK to revive him?"
to the Sheriff and if he doesn't protest and the ghoul isn't dead yet, Henry saves the life of the ghoul with his Vitae and medical skills.
Use a bloodpoint to keep ghoul alive.