View Full Version : Interesting Support Character Concept: Help Requested

2011-05-12, 05:47 PM
Okay, I'm wanting to make a character that is in the support role. However, I'm wanting to do it in a non-standard way. Please read carefully, some of these things may throw you for a loop.

* No 'primary caster', but all the oddball classes (MoI/LoM/Completes/DM...) are allowed. So no 'ClericZilla lulz' or 'dragonwrought kobold sorcerer lulz', but if I can find a way to make, say a DFA or warlock or one of the Incarnum users to pull it off, that would be perfect. In fact, spells higher than 6th level spells simply don't exist.

* No limited use item dependency. I'm not wanting to be dependent on wands and the like. So to questions like "How can I get a Haste effect", I don't want to see 'Get Wand of Haste lulz'.

* NO EARLY ENTRY TRICKS. Thus says the GM, thus so shall it be.

* NO FLAWS. Thus says the GM, thus so shall it be.

* Character is starting off at level 6, with appropriate WBL. Builds that can hit all the points at level 20 is not going to be looked at as seriously as those who are effective at all levels.

* No Leadership or other forms of extreme cheese. I'm trying to be effective, not a show-stealer.

Okay, now then, the actual build:

I'm needing a character that can be a party buffer. Party already has a Bard doing the IC/DFI thing, so morale bonuses are nearly worthless to me, since they don't stack. Effects I'd love to have are:

* GMW/MV. For obvious reasons, able to be done on the whole party. I don't know if it *can* be done, but if there's a way, let me know. Other than that, some way to stack bonuses on allies that are consistant.

* Haste. Also, for obvious reasons, it's a very useful ability when you're running with a bunch of beatsticks.

* Healing. Again, I note that gear-dependent healing, while a lot of people consider it better than class-based, is NOT something I'm looking for. If I can get party-wide Fast Healing (keeping in mind that no clerics, so no DMM Persist Lesser Vigor shennanigans), that would be perfect. Failing that, some kind of non-resource-intensive method of out-of-combat healing. I'm more worried about topping off the tanks than I am about in-combat burst healing.

* Any kind of giving allies immunities is a major benefit. This can be as easy as being able to drop a Protection from X, as long as I can spam it, to make the party effectively immune to mind-affecting. In a perfect world (in which we do not live), I'd also like to drop Death Ward and Freedom of Movement effects on allies, but I realize how difficult that might be.

A couple of ideas I had, and why I haven't just gone with them:

Dragon Shaman. I like the fast healing, but it is of extremely limited duration, and only heals up to 1/2 of total HP. Blarg. Also, only one aura at a time (unless I get Double Dragon Aura from Dragon Magic), so almost no 'buffing' ability. Give him the ability to toss off GMW/MV and Haste, and I'll happily go there.

Dread Necromancer. At least I've got tons of minions for Bardic Music to apply to? I dunno, I kinda like the concept. Only problem is a) no spells over 6th level, b) would require the party bard to invest yet another feat just to synergize, and c) no real healing (since I'm not going to demand the whole party go undead). They do get Death Ward, though.

Suel Archanamach. Now this class has me very interested, however it kind of starts off late. It requires BAB of +6, which means either a full BAB progression for entry, or it's gonna take forever to get into. I like the buffing ability they have, although they never get Magic Vestments. Might be able to pair it with War Weaver for party buffing. The other problem are the two completely WORTHLESS feats required for entry. That's a fairly steep feat cost, unless I've got bonus feats comin' out my ears. Also, the question is 'what do I stack this on', preferably something with either healing or other party-wide effects.

Incarnum. There might be a solution here, I have the book, but it's like trying to decipher hieroglyphics. If anyone has any ideas from here, PLEASE let me know.

Thanks, in advance, for any help offered.

Keld Denar
2011-05-12, 06:17 PM
Honestly, if you have a DFI bard, I'd say you're best bet would be to go regular IC bard. All of the things you hope to accomplish, a bard can accomplish. Since you don't want casting higher than 6th, thats fine. Take Lyric Thamateurge all the way though, skipping Sublime Chord. IC stacks with DFI delightfully, and having both of you together able to do it means you get both effects up in one round, rather than waiting 2-3 to get them and Haste up. Just because you are both bards doesn't mean you have to have the exact same build.

I just don't really see how you are gonna get the Haste + buffs + healing + immunities all one one character otherwise.

2011-05-12, 06:26 PM
paladin with his lay on hands has some okay healing power, but the best part here is paladin has a few decent buffing spells, which is why you prestige into pious templar. you get mettle, you get more spells for more decent buffs.

you hang with beat sticks? you are also a beatstick. no nansy-pansy sit in the back and let the big boys handle everything. also, with high charisma, you are also everybody's best friend. i am pretty sure they always nominate you for medals, and at the bar after every fight, everyone toasts to you. wenches think you are awesome too.

dont like the paladin feel of it? enter with ranger. or cleric if you want some better spells (you wont get your higher level spells, which i think is what you were going for anyway)

2011-05-12, 06:28 PM
Honestly, if you have a DFI bard, I'd say you're best bet would be to go regular IC bard. All of the things you hope to accomplish, a bard can accomplish. Since you don't want casting higher than 6th, thats fine. Take Lyric Thamateurge all the way though, skipping Sublime Chord. IC stacks with DFI delightfully, and having both of you together able to do it means you get both effects up in one round, rather than waiting 2-3 to get them and Haste up. Just because you are both bards doesn't mean you have to have the exact same build.

I just don't really see how you are gonna get the Haste + buffs + healing + immunities all one one character otherwise.

Yea, I honestly wasn't expecting everything, but was hoping I could cover multiple bases. Oh well.

2011-05-12, 06:48 PM
Arcane Swordsage, Adaptive Style, Heroics as a maneuver known.

1. Initiate Heroics to gain Martial Study, temporarily gain any spell you want as a maneuver.

2. Adaptive Style to ready that new spell and to recover Heroics.

3. Initiate that spell, then dismiss Heroics.

4. Repeat steps 1-3.

Hour/level and 24 hour duration buffs are particularly good, such as (Greater) Mage Armor, GMWeapon, GMWallop, Heart of Air/Water/Earth/Fire, Greater/Superior Resistance, etc. 10 minute/level duration buffs are also good to pass around just prior to diving into a dungeon crawl, particularly Protection From Energy and Magic Circle against Evil. During combat you can still have all of your combat strikes and boosts, since you only spend one maneuver known to get all the buffs you'll ever need.

2011-05-12, 07:02 PM
Arcane Swordsage, Adaptive Style, Heroics as a maneuver known.

1. Initiate Heroics to gain Martial Study, temporarily gain any spell you want as a maneuver.

2. Adaptive Style to ready that new spell and to recover Heroics.

3. Initiate that spell, then dismiss Heroics.

4. Repeat steps 1-3.

Hour/level and 24 hour duration buffs are particularly good, such as (Greater) Mage Armor, GMWeapon, GMWallop, Heart of Air/Water/Earth/Fire, Greater/Superior Resistance, etc. 10 minute/level duration buffs are also good to pass around just prior to diving into a dungeon crawl, particularly Protection From Energy and Magic Circle against Evil. During combat you can still have all of your combat strikes and boosts, since you only spend one maneuver known to get all the buffs you'll ever need.

Great idea. I think it'd get books thrown at me for trying to bring it to the table, but I'd never thought of that before. We're trying to keep this down to a Tier 3/4 type game. This seems a bit too cheesy for me to use, despite (or, more accurately, because of) the awesomeness.

2011-05-12, 07:09 PM
Great idea. I think it'd get books thrown at me for trying to bring it to the table, but I'd never thought of that before. We're trying to keep this down to a Tier 3/4 type game. This seems a bit too cheesy for me to use, despite (or, more accurately, because of) the awesomeness.

I almost forgot, as soon as you can get 6th level maneuvers learn Ruby Ray of Reversal, and always have it readied.

2011-05-12, 11:08 PM
Sounds like a build where you could get good mileage out of a Chameleon. Throw some Factotum on at the start, and some Warblade at the end, you'd be set.

2011-05-13, 08:44 AM
Binder gets Spell Resistance and infinite summoning (ie, unlimited healing and tackle dummies) from Zceryll (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/frcc/20070718), and a potent Fear aura and the ability to grant an ally a free move action during your turn with Freedom of Movement or Gaseous Form with Vanus (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/dd/20060407a). Unfortunately both don't kick in until 10th level, so in the meantime you'd have to be content with something like Paimon (Dance of Death and Whirlwind Attack), Astaroth (at will Suggestion and a debuff breath weapon), and Malphas (cool scouting abilities).

Similarly, starting at level 7 the Incarnate is a strong party buffer, thanks to his Share Incarnum Radiance ability augmented by the Planar Chausible soulmeld. It grants you and your allies a +5ish bonus to Hit, or +5ish to AC, or +10ish to damage, or +50ish to movement, depending on your alignment. You're a decent backup healer thanks to Lifebond Vestments, and have access to a wide variety of Skill buffs for yourself, an infinitely replaceable Necrocarnum Zombie to use as a tackle dummy, and have a boatload of personal defenses (Magic Circle, Spell Resistance, Evasion, DR, bonus hit points, etc) allowing you to play as a front line tank and draw attacks away from your more squishy friends.

Both are just outside your build parameters, but you might want to consider them.

2011-05-13, 12:57 PM
Binder gets Spell Resistance and infinite summoning (ie, unlimited healing and tackle dummies) from Zceryll (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/frcc/20070718), and a potent Fear aura and the ability to grant an ally a free move action during your turn with Freedom of Movement or Gaseous Form with Vanus (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/dd/20060407a). Unfortunately both don't kick in until 10th level, so in the meantime you'd have to be content with something like Paimon (Dance of Death and Whirlwind Attack), Astaroth (at will Suggestion and a debuff breath weapon), and Malphas (cool scouting abilities).

Similarly, starting at level 7 the Incarnate is a strong party buffer, thanks to his Share Incarnum Radiance ability augmented by the Planar Chausible soulmeld. It grants you and your allies a +5ish bonus to Hit, or +5ish to AC, or +10ish to damage, or +50ish to movement, depending on your alignment. You're a decent backup healer thanks to Lifebond Vestments, and have access to a wide variety of Skill buffs for yourself, an infinitely replaceable Necrocarnum Zombie to use as a tackle dummy, and have a boatload of personal defenses (Magic Circle, Spell Resistance, Evasion, DR, bonus hit points, etc) allowing you to play as a front line tank and draw attacks away from your more squishy friends.

Both are just outside your build parameters, but you might want to consider them.

Actually, that sounds almost exactly like what I'm looking for...

Looking at the linked article, Zceryll summons from the Summon Monster list, and automatically applies the psudonatural template to it. There's nothing on the Summon Monster I-IV which heals that can have Psudonatural applied to it.

2011-05-13, 01:46 PM
Does Chameleon count as a primary caster? They cap at level 6 spells.

Races of Destiny. Can cast arcane spells from any list...but lack automatic spell aquisition. Which means if you want to cast a Trapsmith's level 1 Haste, your gonna have to find a spellbook.

Even without the cheese, you should still be fairly able to fill in roles as neccesary. Either by casting spells or in combat. Only difficulty in qualification is if you wanted to play something other than a Human or Doppleganger. Some people let human typed creatures qualify for the prerequisite feats, so the PrC may be open as well (half elves&orcs, changelings, tieflings, etc.)

2011-05-13, 04:41 PM
Actually, that sounds almost exactly like what I'm looking for...

Looking at the linked article, Zceryll summons from the Summon Monster list, and automatically applies the psudonatural template to it. There's nothing on the Summon Monster I-IV which heals that can have Psudonatural applied to it.

There are Summon Monster variant rules in Unearthed Arcana, which is included in the SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/magic/summonMonsterVariants.htm), and IIRC there are variant Summon Monster lists in the various Monster Manual and environment books (Sandstorm, Frostburn, Stormwrack).

You can also just buy a Vampiric weapon (IIRC it's a +2 enchantment from the Magic Item Compendium). Summon anything and beat it to death. Repeat until fully healed. When a friend needs healing, let him borrow the weapon. It's not efficient in combat, but it's infinite out of combat healing for a reasonable price. (IIRC, you can pull off the same trick with a Reserve feat from Complete Mage).

2011-05-15, 05:46 PM
There are Summon Monster variant rules in Unearthed Arcana, which is included in the SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/magic/summonMonsterVariants.htm), and IIRC there are variant Summon Monster lists in the various Monster Manual and environment books (Sandstorm, Frostburn, Stormwrack).

You can also just buy a Vampiric weapon (IIRC it's a +2 enchantment from the Magic Item Compendium). Summon anything and beat it to death. Repeat until fully healed. When a friend needs healing, let him borrow the weapon. It's not efficient in combat, but it's infinite out of combat healing for a reasonable price. (IIRC, you can pull off the same trick with a Reserve feat from Complete Mage).

The linked variant still doesn't have access to anything that heals. He just has to pick and choose from the list available.

A Vampiric weapon is well outside the WBL of a 6th level character.

Also, the Icarnum's ability to buff allies is dependent on allies being the same alignment as him. This is not a guarantee, by any means.

2011-05-15, 08:03 PM
Erm, technically, a Truenamer can cover most of the bases you've listed.

Healing: Any of the Word of Nurturing line
Haste: Greater Speed of the Zephyr
Freedom of Movement: Inertia Surge
Energy Protection: Energy Negation (resist 10) or Greater Energy Negation (immunity, and doesn't specify that it has to be one of the big 5)

MW/GMW isn't happening, sadly.

I mean, this probably isn't something I should recommend. One of the biggest problems is that you have no way to affect multiple allies with the same utterance at once. Also, there's no pre-buffing . . . everything has to be done right when you need it. Oh, and there's still the fact that you're a Truenamer, with all that such things imply.

Technically, though, it might help. Just . . . be careful, OK?

2011-05-15, 08:56 PM
Dreamscarred Press's Worldthought Medic (http://dsp-d20-srd.wikidot.com/worldthought-medic) is a nifty class does some interesting healing and buffing, dropping stuff like mass Vigor, Expansion, Oak Body and Haste from low levels. I think that would cover most of your requirements. It needs to blow a feat for Metaphysical Weapon, though.