View Full Version : Input on non-traditional resurrection...

2011-05-12, 06:43 PM
The half-orc barbarian died some months back in a campaign I'm running. This is no big surprise, considering the amount of times he's run blindly into battle, ignoring the constantly frustrated cleric. After taking a crushing boulder to the face from a frost giant (he rolled through the obstacles I placed to encourage a dialog solution, too bad his last roll wasn't so good :smallfrown:). Fortunately there was an NPC companion that had been with the group so I gave the player this character to use to keep the game going.

I decided that I would create a short side-campaign for the player to give him an opportunity to work his way back to the living since the cleric can't resurrect for several more levels. My game has a bunch of planar shifting nonsense going on, so it's not unthinkable. I was wondering if anyone here might have some cool concepts to run with.

2011-05-12, 06:55 PM
Some possibilities:

a) His god is having a competition against some other god or gods over who has the strongest fighters. Character is added to his god's team - if they win he gets a free ressurection.

b) His god is unhappy with how he died - ie. stupidly. Character is pitted against some trials to see if he is worthy of the afterlife. If he performs well enough he'll be returned to life.

c) Some other force requires the services of a powerful fighter, he is given a chance of ressurection if he lends aid.

d) He reaches the afterlife, but it's under attack from an enemy of his god. They have established portals into that realm and he can use one to escape.

2011-05-12, 07:12 PM
Some possibilities:

a) His god is having a competition against some other god or gods over who has the strongest fighters. Character is added to his god's team - if they win he gets a free ressurection.


d) He reaches the afterlife, but it's under attack from an enemy of his god. They have established portals into that realm and he can use one to escape.

Thanks! These two provide a certain level of epic'tude and can totally be worked to accompany the larger story at hand. :smallsmile:

2011-05-13, 06:37 AM
b) His god is unhappy with how he died - ie. stupidly. Character is pitted against some trials to see if he is worthy of the afterlife. If he performs well enough he'll be returned to life.

You could even run this as a standard game. Tell the player that semi-ghostly avatars of his friends will be brought in to help, since he was with them when he died. Ask the other PCs to play up to stereotypes of themselves, and let the barbarian run the show, just for this week.

Set the trials up in such a way that the character is shown the error of his ways, and resurrect him when he's learned his lesson.

Meanwhile, the rest of the party is having the strangest dream about the barbarian, when they find themselves woken by a blinding light...

2011-05-13, 06:50 AM
You could even run this as a standard game. Tell the player that semi-ghostly avatars of his friends... dream about the barbarian, when they find themselves woken by a blinding light...

"I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide" - Clak the barbarian

2011-05-13, 07:24 AM
I'm glad it had a happy ending :biggrin: