View Full Version : Cool Feats [3.5]

2011-05-12, 08:18 PM
I'm trying to get some of the coolest feats I can find. What do you guys think are the coolest feats?

Lonely Tylenol
2011-05-12, 08:26 PM
Leadership has always been a favorite of mine, so much so that I devoted an entire encounter during the climax of my story arc to an optimized Leadership feat user.

In another campaign, where I PC'd (and will resume PCing if the DM gets things going again), I gained a small following through force of intimidation ("my bodyguard is bigger than you"), but plan on taking Leadership anyway, for general usefulness of the cohort, but also the fluff of actually leading a small province of devoted soldiers who act as guardsmen, shopkeeps, and the like, and who can, in turn, exert my will over a larger array of commoners.

2011-05-12, 08:30 PM
Leadership has always been a favorite of mine, so much so that I devoted an entire encounter during the climax of my story arc to an optimized Leadership feat user.

In another campaign, where I PC'd (and will resume PCing if the DM gets things going again), I gained a small following through force of intimidation ("my bodyguard is bigger than you"), but plan on taking Leadership anyway, for general usefulness of the cohort, but also the fluff of actually leading a small province of devoted soldiers who act as guardsmen, shopkeeps, and the like, and who can, in turn, exert my will over a larger array of commoners.Always fun!

Also, I'm not restricting this to core by any stretch of the imagination. Love Blessed of Tem-Et-Nu? Go for it.

Lonely Tylenol
2011-05-12, 08:39 PM
Well, I've never used a divine character, but Trickery Devotion looks extremely fun--create a doppelganger of yourself as a free action, control it independently, gang up on foes (as long as it doesn't get killed, and it will), and all other sorts of fun shenanigans! Probably my most favorite thing about it is the fact that you can trick the enemy into thinking the doppelganger is you, meaning you can use it as bait to send them rushing headlong into a trap (like chasing you down a narrow, rutted corridor, provoking attacks of opportunity by yourself and the sneaky rogue hiding behind the walls).

Seems most of my favorite feats involve "power in numbers", or just being tricky and deceptive in general.

2011-05-12, 08:39 PM
Always fun!

Also, I'm not restricting this to core by any stretch of the imagination. Love Blessed of Tem-Et-Nu? Go for it.

Oh gods yes that. Break your oath? Take damage as if bitten by a hippopotamus. Best feat ever.

Then there's Frozen Wild Shape, a really cool feat...:smalltongue:

2011-05-12, 08:40 PM
I've always been a big fan of Animal Devotion. One feat that gives you a menu of ace-in-the-hole options, including a strength boost, wings, speed increases, and a venomous bite? Yes please.

I'm also a big fan of martial study + martial stance in order to grant a steady stream of self-healing through any fight.

2011-05-12, 08:43 PM
Shape Soulmeld and Martial Study can be rather nice.

2011-05-12, 08:43 PM
Leadership has always annoyed me because I don't see why it should be a feat and because having cohorts everywhere bogs down play.

2011-05-12, 08:44 PM
On Fire (http://dsp-d20-srd.wikidot.com/on-fire). Definitely On Fire.

On Fire [Psionic]
When you do something particularly amazing, your confidence manifests itself as bright flames.

prerequisites: Charisma 13+, Psionic Body

Benefit: While in situations where taking 10 on skill checks is impossible, if you make a successful attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, and the result of that roll is at least equal to your character level +20, your surge in confidence causes you to burst into psionic flames. These flames do not harm you or anything you hold, shed light as a torch, and last for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma bonus (minimum 1).

While On Fire, you gain a +1 morale bonus, +1 per 5 character levels, to attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. You also deal 1 point of fire damage, +1 per 5 character levels, to enemies who strike you with a natural or unarmed attack and to enemies whom you strike with a natural or unarmed attack. Finally, your spells or powers gain a +1 bonus to their save DC, if any. You may choose to not benefit from this feat even if you fulfill the conditions required.

Additionally, you may artificially elate yourself enough to start fires by expending your psionic focus as a move action. Doing so causes your hand to ignite as a torch for one round, during which time you may use it to light any nonmagical, unattended, flammable objects on fire if you succeed on a touch attack. These flames do not injure you or anything you carry either, unless you want them to.

Special: Particularly spectacular or cinematic actions in difficult situations, as determined by the GM, may also activate this feat, even if the normal activation condition isn't met. As a general guideline, if it's especially awesome , and it's successful, it's worth going On Fire.

2011-05-12, 08:46 PM
On Fire (http://dsp-d20-srd.wikidot.com/on-fire). Definitely On Fire.That's fantastic :smallbiggrin:

There's a vaguely similar feat in Sandstorm that makes you immune to fire in rage, glowing all DBZ style.

big teej
2011-05-12, 08:46 PM
some of my favorites

Earth Sense - find out where things are if they're touching the ground. I like it ^_^

Mad Foam Rager - Ignore damage, spells, etc. just long enough to kill whoever killed you.

Quick Draw - almost every. single. character. has it =D

that's all I can think of off the top of my head.

2011-05-12, 08:46 PM
I'm a big fan of Wild Cohort, free scaling mount/flanking buddy? Yes please.

Shape Soulmeld (Sphinx Claws) and Open Least Chakra (Hands) are also like the perfect feats for any non-humanoid companion. Pounce with natural weapons for the cost of two feats and some minor bonuses on strength checks is a pretty sweet deal.

2011-05-12, 08:50 PM
There's one that lets you share the effects of Rage with your animal companion. I think it's called "Shared Fury" or something.

It works beautifully with bear warrior.

In the same vein, there's a feat that lets you share a soulmeld with your animal companion, which can result in flying, acid spitting, flaming bears following you around.

2011-05-12, 09:36 PM
Can't remember what it was called but there's a feat in Heroes of Horror that makes all unintelligent( not necessarily mindless, just moderately stupid) undead treat you as if you were another undead. Whole town suddenly overwhelmed by undead? With this feat not only can you just waltz down the street unmolested, but you can go around singing 'All we wanna do is eat your brains'.

2011-05-12, 09:55 PM
There's one that lets you share the effects of Rage with your animal companion. I think it's called "Shared Fury" or something.

It works beautifully with bear warrior.

In the same vein, there's a feat that lets you share a soulmeld with your animal companion, which can result in flying, acid spitting, flaming bears following you around.

Mounted Fury. It's here (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031125a), and it works on any mount, not just an animal companion. You liked the Bear Warrior combo too, eh? I'm proud of that one. (I can't prove that I was the first to come up with it, but after I submitted Ogar, I saw a lot more people talking about that feat and that combo . . .)

Anyway, Blessed by Tem-Et-Nu has already been stated. Keen-Eared Scout (PHB2) is a favorite of mine. Crank that Listen check up amazingly high, then make your GM recite the subtypes of that group that just walked by. Awesome.

Netherese Battle Curse is one I've always wanted to use but have never really had the chance to. Hidden Talent can add a hell of a lot of versatility to a character (never underestimate Psionic Minor Creation 2/day). I've always wanted to take the feat Mad Alchemist (primarily just for the name), but it's never fit a character or a build.

2011-05-12, 09:59 PM
I love love love the Spirit Sense feat from Heroes of Horror. Used it to great effect in a campaign, because it gave us the flexibility to no longer need to worry about taking an enemy alive to interrogate them. The look on the DMs face was priceless when I used it the first time... after a while, he started using things that didn't have a spirit so that we couldn't interrogate them.

2011-05-12, 10:03 PM
Darkstalker (LoM) foils blindsight and tremorsense. Creatures with those abilities must make spot and/or listen checks to locate you. Pair with hide in plain sight, either from a class ability or the super awesome collar of umbral metamorphosis (ToM), and any divination blocker, and you're nigh undetectable.

2011-05-12, 10:04 PM
I love love love the Spirit Sense feat from Heroes of Horror. Used it to great effect in a campaign, because it gave us the flexibility to no longer need to worry about taking an enemy alive to interrogate them. The look on the DMs face was priceless when I used it the first time... after a while, he started using things that didn't have a spirit so that we couldn't interrogate them.

Ooh, I forgot that one! I've always wanted a chance to use that one.

Also, Sand Dancer, from It's Hot Outside. I like adding a chance of status effects and/or debuffs to melee attacks.

Snap Kick's pretty cool. The BAB requirement is harsh, but it's a damn nifty feat.

2011-05-12, 10:08 PM
Mounted Fury. It's here (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031125a), and it works on any mount, not just an animal companion.

Shared Fury (http://dnd.savannahsoft.eu/feat-2577-shared-fury.html) is a separate feat on top of that.

I played around with a bear warrior build after reading about the idiosyncrasies of the "Return to Nature" spell.

Combine that spell with those two feats and bear warrior. You can have a fine-sized half giant riding a grasshopper with a mouse companion that all turn into dire bears when they get angry.

Aron Times
2011-05-12, 10:12 PM
Versatile Spellcaster
Arcane Strike
Able Learner
Knowledge Devotion
Obtain Familiar
Rapid Metamagic

2011-05-12, 10:13 PM
Shared Fury (http://dnd.savannahsoft.eu/feat-2577-shared-fury.html) is a separate feat on top of that.

I played around with a bear warrior build after reading about the idiosyncrasies of the "Return to Nature" spell.

Combine that spell with those two feats and bear warrior. You can have a fine-sized half giant riding a grasshopper with a mouse companion that all turn into dire bears when they get angry.

Ah, Return to Nature. I don't know what they were thinking when they printed that.

No, seriously. I have no idea.

2011-05-12, 11:00 PM

If your DM is cool with you using SBG, build yourself and your party a cool pad with free* money.

2011-05-13, 08:08 AM
Evil and/or Vile feats, found mostly in the BoVD, Elder Evils, and Exemplars of Evil. There's a bunch that suck, but notable standouts include:

Abominable Form: Frightful Presence with a DC based on the number of Deformity feats you have, and not your Charisma like most other Fear effects.
Deformity (Madness): You take a -4 penalty to your Wisdom, but gain immunity to mind-affecting effects (ie, 90% of Will Saves). Once per minute you can add 1/2 your character level to any Will Save.
Deformity (Tall): +5 to your base reach. With this feat and any reach weapon, your threatened area is 20 feet.
Insane Defiance: As an Immediate Action when you are targeted by a Mind Affecting spell or spell like ability, you can take a point of Wis damage to redirect it to another target.
Chosen of Evil: As an Immediate Action take a point of Con damage to gain an Insight bonus equal to the number of Vile feats you have (including this one) to any attack, Save, ability check, or Skill check.
Dark Speech: A potent low level Fear effect. Can also raise caster level by 1, effect item hardness, or command a Swarm. Deals Cha damage to you each time you use it.
Dark Whispers: Augments Dark Speech, making it Confuse enemies with higher HD then you.
Evil Blessing: As a Standard Action you gain a Profane bonus to your Saves equal to your Cha score for 5 rounds. If you damage to an enemy with a Good subtype or aura, the bonus is doubled. (Hint: Play a Lawful Evil Sorcerer or Binder who plays by the rules and is loyal to his friends but is willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done. Use this ability and then "accidentally" include the Good cleric or incarnate in area of effect spell/vestige).
Maiming Strike: You can trade Sneak Attack damage for Cha damage. Kills most animals and magical beasts in one hit.
Slave to Evil: Gives you evil aura and a list of benefits that improve as you gain hit dice. Eventually you can improve Spell Resistance against Divine spells by 5 and can prevent Divine spell casting.

Most of the above work particularly well for Binders and Incarnates, who can easily heal or prevent ability damage and generally don't want to invest in a specific melee combo feat chain because they can change roles (tank, scout, skill monkey, trapfinder, blaster, etc) every morning by changing their vestiges/soulmelds.

2011-05-13, 08:42 AM
Ask your DM first, 'coz they're kinda overpowered:
Toughness: +3 hp. You'll be unkillable
Dodge: +1 bonus to AC. You'll be unhittable
Alertness: +2/ spot, +2 listen. You'll be unsurprisable.:smalltongue:

2011-05-13, 09:16 AM
I like feats that provide greater benefits as you gain more levels. The classic example here is Power Attack.

Craven (Champions of Ruin, page 17) adds +1/character level to your sneak attack damage. This keeps boosting your sneak attack if you multiclass, and the benefit (because it's not in the form of dice) gets multiplied on critical hits.

Savvy Rogue (Complete Scoundrel, page 80) provides extra benefits for every Rogue special ability. Take this feat at level 12, and you'll also get better use of all the Rogue abilities you acquire later. I like to "take 12" for skill checks (in or out of combat), and deal STR damage every time I hit even sneak-immune foes.

big teej
2011-05-13, 09:21 AM
Ask your DM first, 'coz they're kinda overpowered:
Toughness: +3 hp. You'll be unkillable
Dodge: +1 bonus to AC. You'll be unhittable
Alertness: +2/ spot, +2 listen. You'll be unsurprisable.:smalltongue:

verily, now that you have brought these mighty feats to mine attention, my character builds will never be the same! my party will hate me for my munchkiny goodness!

2011-05-13, 09:36 AM
Reserve feats are also a ton of fun. If you take enough of them you can turn your wizard into a wizard that is also a warlock.

2011-05-13, 09:41 AM
Reserve feats are also a ton of fun. If you take enough of them you can turn your wizard into a wizard that is also a warlock.

Surely you mean a witchalok (http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2009/1/21/)...