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The Rugi
2011-05-13, 01:31 AM
I've seen some free D20 Modern stuff on WotC, and as cool as it is, it reminds me more of Fallout than really D&D. So I was wondering if there was any D20 source, free or otherwise, that anyone knew of that was a modern setting (and not future setting) that used all the usual D&D elements.

e.g. A half-orc barbarian with a minigun, a human paladin with a holy chainsaw (excellent for mowing down zombies!), an elf ranger with an assault rifle and a dog animal companion, a halfling rogue/engineer (maybe an electrical engineer?), and a dwarf uh...wizard...with ranks in Scribe Software driving down the interstate when they get ambushed by kobolds on motorcycles.

Anything like that at all anywhere? Where it retains all the usual classes and races, but it takes place in modern times? Well, you know, also incorporating modern elements too of course.

2011-05-13, 02:40 AM
Well, one of the default settings in the core book is sort of like that I believe, but with a masquerade. You see a orc, most see a really beefy, hairy, human. Personally, I want to try it sans masquerade or at least that particular one.
The idea I had was for an alternate version of the town I live in presently.

2011-05-13, 02:50 AM
Here's the d20 modern srd. (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=d20/article/msrd) I'm not seeing the Fallout in it, so I'm going to assume it's not what you were talking about.

Edit: I checked it and that site's a mess. This (http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/resources/systems/pennpaper/modern/smack/srdhome.html) should be more usable.

2011-05-13, 04:57 AM
The Urban Arcana setting has the most D&D-ish flavor - it suggests that many of the D&D races have strayed into the modern world.

There's PRCs like "Holy Warrior" in that campaign book for those who want a paladin-like character- as well as various races for players.

Kuma Kode
2011-05-13, 11:00 PM
As has been stated, Urban Arcana is pretty much exactly what you were looking for, but the power might be off. Most of the classes you could want to play from D&D 3.5 are available as either advanced classes or prestige classes in d20 Modern (Mage/Wizard, Acolyte/Cleric, Holy Warrior/Paladin, Wildlord/Ranger, etc.)

If you want to have D&D classes from the start, though, you pretty much can't use d20 Modern. It assumes a much different power level. However, its equipment might be useful to convert (look up one of the many GP to Purchase DC threads.)

D&D was never meant for modern settings, that's why WoTC made D20 Modern, so you won't find any official D&D books for a modern setting.

2011-05-14, 04:11 AM
There's a whole bunch of stuff on this:

D20 Modern, D20 Future, D20 Past, plus a handful of splatbooks for each "setting".

If you want free or cheap there's the free SRD someone posted a link to, and then there's an iphone app that was like $1 and had all the D20 Modern & Future stuff rolled into it.

2011-05-14, 04:13 AM
There's a whole bunch of stuff on this:

D20 Modern, D20 Future, D20 Past, plus a handful of splatbooks for each "setting".

If you want free or cheap there's the free SRD someone posted a link to, and then there's an iphone app that was like $1 and had all the D20 Modern & Future stuff rolled into it.

2011-05-14, 04:23 AM
There's a whole bunch of stuff on this:

D20 Modern, D20 Future, D20 Past, plus a handful of splatbooks for each "setting".

If you want free or cheap there's the free SRD someone posted a link to, and then there's an iphone app that was like $1 and had all the D20 Modern & Future stuff rolled into it.

Kuma Kode
2011-05-14, 05:50 AM
Post problems? :smallamused:

Anyways, despite the name, d20 Past is only good for recent past. I think the earliest it does is Victorian era. It's designed for Colonial America and World War I more than it is for Medieval, though you can combine what it provides with the weapons in Urban Arcana to hack together medieval, as I am currently doing for a d20 Past horror.

The Rose Dragon
2011-05-14, 06:07 AM
Post problems? :smallamused:

Anyways, despite the name, d20 Past is only good for recent past. I think the earliest it does is Victorian era. It's designed for Colonial America and World War I more than it is for Medieval, though you can combine what it provides with the weapons in Urban Arcana to hack together medieval, as I am currently doing for a d20 Past horror.

The earliest it does is Renaissance and Age of Exploration, actually.

2011-05-14, 07:11 AM
Yeah, the thinking with d20 Past seems to have been that if you want a medieval campaign you can use D&D. I think there are some third party attempts at PL 0-2 (Stone Age to Medieval) settings out there.

May I suggest you take a look at the d20 modern database (http://d20moderndb.com/). As well as the SRD, it's got a bunch of good homebrew and a moderately active community.

Fax Celestis
2011-05-14, 08:08 AM
Isn't there also Arcana Evolved?