View Full Version : Best magic weapons

Half-orc Bard
2011-05-14, 12:19 PM
What are your favorite magic weapons. I have to say my favorite would be the keen shocking burst rapier

2011-05-14, 12:20 PM
Keen Returning Greataxe. They be fun.

2011-05-14, 12:36 PM
Anything with the Smoking enchantment, because unlimited concealment for the cost of a +1 enhancement is funsies.

2011-05-14, 01:02 PM
+1 splitting collision force psychokinetic energybow

About as good as versatility gets in bowform. Now just buy speciality arrows to suit your needs and bam.

2011-05-14, 01:57 PM
+1, Evil Outsider Bane, Chaotic Outsider Bane, Holy Longbow (Demons Beware!)

2011-05-14, 01:58 PM
+1 Large-sized Greatsword. 8 of them.

Psionics are awesome :smallbiggrin:

2011-05-14, 02:01 PM
Exit Wound is an awesome enchantment. Nothing quite like gunning down an entire line of mooks with one shot.

2011-05-14, 02:01 PM
Heirloom magic weapons. I got a 75,000 GP great sword for free, even though I was only level 4. NOTE: My GM "turned off" its powers... kinda makes it a little less fun.

It's a +6 Sword of Thunder: Berserking Sword Curse +2 (attacks anyone who isn't a specific bloodline, yadda yadda yadda) / Inspired Wisdom +2 / Shocking Burst +2 / Concealed Dagger/ Masterwork / Eternal Bear's Strength.

2011-05-14, 02:50 PM
+1 spell storing daggers, TWF, quick draw and instant summons just in case I ever need to leave them behind. Ratatatatatatat, "You hit him with how many empowered magic missiles?!"

2011-05-14, 02:51 PM
If we're talking about non-epic weapons, I like to have my +5 before I put anything else on the weapon. After that, it starts to depend heavily on the campaign and the character. A character who isn't a melee specialist might only get +2 on his weapon, like my upcoming Bard-Warchanter, who is going to have 2 +1 Harmonizing Morningstars and a masterwork dagger-whip because he needs the money for other things. A melee specialist might end up with a +10 weapon by the end of the campaign, like my last Barbarian and his 'Wyrmscourge, the Drakebane of Dragonslaughter' (+5 Brash Berserking Brutal Surge Adamantine Ysgardian Greataxe of Fierce Dragon Bane Dragondoom).

The first thing I go for is bane, then fierce bane....provided that it can pay for itself. For example, the last campaign I was in always had dragons as the toughest monsters, and the entire story was about Tiamat and Bahamut fighting over something, so my Barbarian developed an immense hatred of chromatic dragons, as well as a desire to make their heads into an outfit, and specialized his axe to be anti-dragon. Now, if I was in a campaign where almost everything we fought was an aberration, I would've gone anti-aberration instead.

The next thing I look for is stuff that works with specific class features. Brash, for example, increases the duration of a barbarian's rage by 3 rounds and makes him fearless while raging, and Berserking deals an extra d8 of damage when the user is raging. Likewise, Harmonizing lets a bard maintain his bardic music for 10 rounds without actually having to play.

After that, I go for the more general ways of increasing damage. My favorite means of doing so is slapping on electric and sonic damage, because electric is the least commonly resisted of the big 4 elements and sonic is so rarely resisted that if I were to say that 'nothing can resist sonic damage without a spell being put on it', it would take you some time to prove me wrong.

As for epic weapons? Well, then I just pile stuff on.

2011-05-14, 03:02 PM
I'm fond of the Discipline (ToB) weapon enhancements. +3 to hit for +1 enhancement? Sign me up.

Smoking (LoM) and Keen are also fun. Everbright (MIC) protects your precious from rust and acid for a fixed cost of 2000gp.

2011-05-14, 03:10 PM
-2 Adamantine Cursed Swords are nice for Wizards. If you ever get captured and they take your spellbook, you have a weapon that can break prison bars and can't be disarmed. :smallbiggrin:

For a Psion, Manifester Crossbow Shuriken are invaluable. 17,310 GP for 250 free PP (granted, only five can be used on any one power at a time, but still).

I also personally like Morphing weapons (MIC), especially on Warblades with Exotic Weapon Proficiency. Not only can you wake up and choose your weapon for the day, you can change your regular magic weapon to match, and you can always switch it to a Martial weapon if you need to change it right away.

Violet Octopus
2011-05-14, 03:52 PM
I loved my keen prismatic burst scimitar for being able to send inanimate objects to other planes in an average of 20-25 attacks. The same character had a throwing teleporting psychokinetic shortsword, mostly because I'd been playing too much Eternal Darkness.

2011-05-14, 06:34 PM
Anything with the Smoking enchantment, because unlimited concealment for the cost of a +1 enhancement is funsies.

Downsides: Smoking only affects a 5ft square. So a large creature (or medium on a mount) needs to have 4 Smoking weapons active to affect every square he occupies. Shield spikes, Armour spikes, Main weapon, and... Off hand weapon?
Also, a downside, the smoking doesn't come into play if you're moving. Say taking an AOO while in the middle of a charge. Only in the square where you start your turn, and the square where you end your turn is it useful.
Still, that's often enough for the Leap attacking Shocktrooper.

Depending on character archetype/build.
Splitting for my bows.
Shatterspike +smokign for chargers (dont' always sunder, but when I do...)
My ToB characters use a combination of the schooled weapons. Say Shadow hand and Stone Dragon, for a character that typically uses a stance from the one, and a lot of maneuvers for the other. +6 attack? Thank you very much.

Half-orc Bard
2011-05-14, 07:00 PM
Hm those sound cool

2011-05-14, 08:59 PM
I really like Bloodfeeding in MIC. Every time the weapon hits a living target, it stores one "blood point", up to 10. Any time you like when attacking, you can spend its points to gain two damage each, with a maximum of 5 points spent at once. So essentially, in the first two attacks of every battle, this +1 enhancement adds 10 to your damage. If you're fond of Keen/Improved Critical falchions and other damage multiplication, you can take that extra damage very far very easily.

Also a worthy +1, Magebane. Against arcane casters and invocation users, the weapon's enhancement bonus is two higher and you deal 2d6 extra damage. Which is very much like the Ranger ACF from Complete Mage, and the two together make you very deadly at killing arcanists. I like Bane weapons for similar reasons, although it's harder to guess what you'll come up against (Humanoid: Human, Aberrations and Undead are nice).

Explosive (CW) is pretty good too if you can avoid its damage, via evasion or otherwise. AoE on every individual attack is nice, and superb for ranged attacks (that's right, it can be on a bow!). I can't remember how but there was also something that lets you take a 5ft step every time you succeed on a Reflex save or something like that, which is incredibly cool synergy.

2011-05-14, 09:53 PM
Greathorn Minotaur hammer with impact(MiC), Collision, and whatever else I can afford. A pair of them when I play a Diopsid.

I'm actually partial to the Martial discipline enhancements from ToB. +3 to hit just for being in a stance? Sign me up.

2011-05-14, 10:06 PM
In no order:

+5 deadly precision marrowcrushing Abyssal bloodiron ripper
+5 souldrinking thinaun
[I]+5 magebane greater dislocator impact cold iron warhammer

2011-05-14, 10:07 PM
I really like Bloodfeeding in MIC. Every time the weapon hits a living target, it stores one "blood point", up to 10. Any time you like when attacking, you can spend its points to gain two damage each, with a maximum of 5 points spent at once. So essentially, in the first two attacks of every battle, this +1 enhancement adds 10 to your damage. If you're fond of Keen/Improved Critical falchions and other damage multiplication, you can take that extra damage very far.

Amen. I really like bloodfeeding.

Another favorite is brutal surge. Smacking opponents away is awesome. It also helps that it gets a bonus on the roll if it's a two-handed weapon.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-05-14, 10:08 PM
I really like Bloodfeeding in MIC. Every time the weapon hits a living target, it stores one "blood point", up to 10. Any time you like when attacking, you can spend its points to gain two damage each, with a maximum of 5 points spent at once. So essentially, in the first two attacks of every battle, this +1 enhancement adds 10 to your damage. If you're fond of Keen/Improved Critical falchions and other damage multiplication, you can take that extra damage very far very easily.

Also a worthy +1, Magebane. Against arcane casters and invocation users, the weapon's enhancement bonus is two higher and you deal 2d6 extra damage. Which is very much like the Ranger ACF from Complete Mage, and the two together make you very deadly at killing arcanists. I like Bane weapons for similar reasons, although it's harder to guess what you'll come up against (Humanoid: Human, Aberrations and Undead are nice).

Explosive (CW) is pretty good too if you can avoid its damage, via evasion or otherwise. AoE on every individual attack is nice, and superb for ranged attacks (that's right, it can be on a bow!). I can't remember how but there was also something that lets you take a 5ft step every time you succeed on a Reflex save or something like that, which is incredibly cool synergy.

If you can try to get the CArc version of Magebane (I am well aware that RAW you should use MIC version), since it works on anything with arcane SLA's so pretty much everything at higher levels. Though the MIC version is still fine.

Another favourite of mine is bloodfeeding, empowered Vampiric touch, yes please.

2011-05-14, 10:50 PM
If you can try to get the CArc version of Magebane (I am well aware that RAW you should use MIC version), since it works on anything with arcane SLA's so pretty much everything at higher levels. Though the MIC version is still fine.If you can wing older versions of things updated in MIC, Parrying from EPH.

2011-05-14, 11:57 PM
Wrathful Healing Weapon from Enemies & Allies is awesome. Spell Storing is obviously awesome. Spellblades, while specific, are awesome. And Splitting and Valorous are just wrong (at least Splitting is a bit more reasonably costed but both are frankly ~+5 quality).

2011-05-15, 02:15 AM
I love comboing the Fleshgrinding and Masterslaying properties on any throwing weapon. Throw, stick, grind, they pluck it out and get hit flatfooted by an automatic crit. Priceless.

2011-05-15, 10:14 AM
-2 Adamantine Cursed Swords are nice for Wizards. If you ever get captured and they take your spellbook, you have a weapon that can break prison bars and can't be disarmed. :smallbiggrin:

Until the prison guards pull your arms off. Leave prison breaks to things like Abrupt Jaunt.

2011-05-15, 10:18 AM
Amen. I really like bloodfeeding.

Another favorite is brutal surge. Smacking opponents away is awesome. It also helps that it gets a bonus on the roll if it's a two-handed weapon.

Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention Brutal Surge. I had it as the old fashioned 1/day template thingy. It's really nice when you're a Shock Trooper....unless you're up against something with a huge AC, you never have to choose between attacking and bull rushing.

But kid....if you're looking for advice on what to put on your weapon, always remember that what you need on your weapon is unique to your character build.

2011-05-15, 02:19 PM
Smoking (LoM)

Lords of Madness?
What page?

Dusk Eclipse
2011-05-15, 02:35 PM
Lord of Darkness actually ( a FR sourcebook)

2011-05-15, 05:58 PM
I love Lifedrinker from the DMG. Two negative levels per hit is amazing, and if you're undead there's no drawback. I'd rather put that enchantment on another kind of weapon of course... Keen Enfeebling Lifedrinker Aptitude Kukris are a scary thing indeed.


2011-05-15, 06:24 PM
I love Lifedrinker from the DMG. Two negative levels per hit is amazing, and if you're undead there's no drawback. I'd rather put that enchantment on another kind of weapon of course... Keen Enfeebling Lifedrinker Aptitude Kukris are a scary thing indeed.


What? There's no Lifedrinking in the DMG. Perhaps you mean Souldrinking from BoVD?

2011-05-15, 06:26 PM
What? There's no Lifedrinking in the DMG. Perhaps you mean Souldrinking from BoVD?

Can't confirm DMG 100%, but the srd has it http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicWeapons.htm#lifeDrinker

2011-05-15, 06:59 PM
It's a unique weapon, not found in the standard list but rather right after it. MiC however does allow for moving unique enchantments to other weapon types and augmenting such weapons.


2011-05-15, 09:18 PM
One bike riding fighter-nut I played had a +5 Frost-Fire-Acid-Shocking-Sonic Adamantine Lance as his main weapon. He called it Shockwave, because of the booming sound the monsters made when he hit them. It was great for working out which energy type the casters should use. :smallbiggrin:

All these suggestions here are awesome, I particularly like Bloodfeeding and Masterslaying.
What book is MiC by the way?

2011-05-15, 09:23 PM
Isn't the Sonic enchantment a +2 cost?? And how come you didn't put Valorous on it? Double damage on all charges? Yes please.

MiC is Magic Item Compendium.

El Dorado
2011-05-15, 11:19 PM
Crystal echoblade. Not too expensive and the sonic damage scales as your bard increases in level.

2011-05-15, 11:24 PM
Lord of Darkness actually ( a FR sourcebook)Eh, Lords of something or other. There are too many similarly named sourcebooks.

Exemplars of Evil, Lords of Madness, Lords of Darkness, Champions of Ruin, blah blah...

2011-05-15, 11:42 PM
Eh, Lords of something or other. There are too many similarly named sourcebooks.

Exemplars of Evil, Lords of Madness, Lords of Darkness, Champions of Ruin, blah blah...

Never really saw Lords of Madness as fitting the pattern with the others.
Isn't LoM about 'evil cthonic aberrations and their societies' while the others are more about Political or Racial groups dedicated to specific aims? (World domination, driving lesser races away, evil crime groups, etc)

2011-05-16, 12:02 AM
Range shield enchantment from MIC. Lets you throw your shield at opponents with the returning property. For a mere +1 you're Captain America!

2011-05-16, 12:22 AM
I have a standing rule in my games that all magic weapons with anything more than a +1 bonus must have a name to function. I likes to add me some flava to my campaigns! Here are some of my favorites.

Thundercall +2 Keen Shocking Burst, Thundering Greataxe

The Crimson Shard +1 Keen, Bodyfeeding, Large Deep Crystal Great Falchion (my wife's half-giant Psychic Warrior's prized posession)

The Fangs of Bahamut - 2x +6 Keen,Holy Avenger, dragonbane Great Falchions with the sunblade property to make them one-handers (back before MiC and Strongarm Bracers) for my half-dragon ranger/paladin/tempest.

Mr. Fix-it - my gestalt dwaven artificer/fighter's dwarven waraxe. Had a giant cog where the blade met the haft that I'd rotate to different 'settings' whenever I used Weapon Augmentation infusions. Never bothered to get it enchanted though, never felt the need.

2011-05-16, 12:44 AM
Vicious-Spell Storing(always loaded with vampiric touch).

2011-05-16, 06:55 AM
Greater wounding scourge of fangs of speed if you take a full round action it inflicts to 12 con damage of wounding :smallsmile: I'll bleed you dry

2011-05-16, 09:05 AM
The Fangs of Bahamut[/U] - 2x +6 Keen,Holy Avenger, dragonbane Great Falchions with the sunblade property to make them one-handers (back before MiC and Strongarm Bracers) for my half-dragon ranger/paladin/tempest.

My barbarian obtained an actual fang of Bahamut as a spearhead. The shaft was made from that special wood that gives it the ghost touch property, and the entire spear was Sanctified and ignored the DR of all dragons.

2011-05-16, 09:10 AM
+X Throwing Returning Gauntlets.

... what? :smallconfused:

Dusk Eclipse
2011-05-16, 09:11 AM
Vicious-Spell Storing(always loaded with vampiric touch).

If you like Spells storing Vampiric touch, I suggest looking at Bloodstone enhancement. It works as a spell storing weapon; but it can only store Vampiric Touch and it empowers it, for free.

2011-05-16, 01:10 PM
Cake-Devourer, my friend's character's weapon. In exchange for a share of their gp, I offered to enhance their weapon to make it magical. One casting of Magic Aura later and it registers as magical for anyone who casts Detect Magic on it. Sometimes I also cast light on it to make it seem more magicky. I rolled high on that bluff check.

Why is it called Cake-Devourer? The character's battle cry is 'I demand cake! Cake made from the souls of the good!'

2011-05-16, 02:24 PM
Never really saw Lords of Madness as fitting the pattern with the others.
Isn't LoM about 'evil cthonic aberrations and their societies' while the others are more about Political or Racial groups dedicated to specific aims? (World domination, driving lesser races away, evil crime groups, etc)

It's a part of the Monster Books; Lords Of isn't really a series in and of itself hence being inconsistent when thought as such :smallwink:

2014-09-28, 12:15 PM
I found a +1 longbow with a pretty nifty enchantment (which I'm pretty sure is custom). Basically every time I fired a arrow I roll a d4 and my arrow splits into that many arrows after 5m, but only one arrow has the +1. It's really awesome when haste is active and you just pepper an entire squad of orcs at range.

2014-09-28, 12:18 PM
Thread of Necromancy +1

2014-09-28, 12:25 PM
For my mounted halfling paladin I would have loved a cold iron +1 Holy Holy Burst Evil Outsider Bane Chaotic Outsider Bane lance, + 9d6 damage against demons.

I think there was a combo of Seeking and Heart-Seeking enchantments for bows that would literally negate anything except total cover.

Also, don't forget the wizard who casts Invisible Spell Wall of Iron, then Fabricate to make invisible longswords and then enchants them with fire and/or lightning and found the Jedi order.

2014-09-28, 11:06 PM
+1 splitting collision force psychokinetic energybow

About as good as versatility gets in bowform. Now just buy speciality arrows to suit your needs and bam.

Pretty much the same thing, but melee: a +5 collision/force glassteel sword. Basically a lightsaber in that it can cut through anything. Force comes from the arms and equipment guide, but it would be nice if you could blend it with the force enhancement that you're talking about (the one that people use with bows all the time).

+1, Evil Outsider Bane, Chaotic Outsider Bane, Holy Longbow (Demons Beware!)

I personally go +5 anarchic/holy/fiendbane (for devils).

My favorite character uses both, the first as an elven courtblade, the latter as a bow/arrows combination (with the other force enhancement).

2014-09-29, 10:38 AM
Toss up between the signature weapons for my two favorite characters.

The first belonged to my halfling paladin. I'm trying to remember everything about it, but I believe it was a +2 Keen Sonic Burst Thundering Flametouched Iron tangat. I think it was flametouched iron. I know it overcame DR/good, and I think thats the only material in the ECS that does it. At the end of the game, turns out that it wasn't actually that material, but was made from one of the claws of Dol Arrah, and overcame the DR of any godly being.

The second was actually a pair of weapons for my TWF ninja. Both were ninja-tos, basically shortswords that did slashing instead of piercing. The first was +1 keen holy anarchaic adamantine/alchemical silver alloy, and the second was +1 keen unholy axiomatic adamantine/cold iron alloy. Both had egos to control anyone who held one, but hold both and they cancel each other out. Only a TN character could use them together. I know that you're not supposed to be able to make alloys out of special materials, but they were given to me by the DM, so it worked for the game.

2014-09-29, 01:37 PM
My Ubercharger likes his +1 Valorous (+1) Wrathful HEaling (+3) Heavy Flail. When combined with Steadfast Boots, a +1 Soulfire Chain Shirt with a Greater Crystal of Arrow Deflection, Knockdown and Robilar's Gambit Feats... he is a Melee Tank Monster.

Valorous (Unapproachable East) does x2 damage on a charge attack.
Wrathful Healing (enemies & Allies, p.20) allows you to heal for half the damage you inflict on each strike

Between these two things a level 6 Barbarian/Fighter can do the equivalent of a Cure Critical Wounds on every hit. No need to decide whether to take a round to heal, or keep causing pain.

Steadfast Boots keep you on your feet, make any two handed weapon treated as if it were readied against a charge (regardless of whether the weapon could typically be readied against a charge)
Knockdown lets you free trip anyone to whom you've dealt 10 pts of damage
Robilars Gambit allows you to take a swing at any enemy that attacks you in melee.
Greater Armor Crystal of Arrow Deflection gives you a +5 against ranged attacks, and lets you deflect 1 ranged attack/round.

2014-09-29, 06:38 PM
The Mod Wonder cast Turn Undead!
It's very effective!