View Full Version : Arena Tournament, Round 104: Lucian vs. Godfrey of Hallglade

2011-05-14, 05:19 PM
Arena Tournament, Round 104: Lucian vs. Godfrey of Hallglade


XP Award: 300 XP
GP Award: 300 GP

Lucian (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=284140) - Sanity702
Godfrey of Hallglade (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=285411) - Mysterious A

All Combatants, please roll initiative and declare final purchases, if any

2011-05-14, 05:29 PM
Ahh, the mirror image/color spray magician. Nice to meet. :smalltongue:

Initiative: [roll0]

Considering purchases.

2011-05-14, 09:25 PM
Refs -

1st -
Fist of Stone
Color Spray X2
Silent Image

Init -

I need something for that stupid hide check... so yea considering purchases. Need to find something. Though this should be interesting.... :smallamused:

2011-05-14, 09:47 PM
You should have seen my last match. Whisper Gnome with chameleon tattoo (+28 hide or something close). Speaking of which...

Purchase: Psionic Tattoo of Chameleon ML-1 (-100 gp)
Purchase: Small Cammo Net matching the arena for round 104 -25 gp


2011-05-14, 09:58 PM
You should have seen my last match. Whisper Gnome with chameleon tattoo (+28 hide or something close). Speaking of which...

Purchase: Psionic Tattoo of Chameleon ML-1 (-100 gp)
Purchase: Small Cammo Net matching the arena for round 104 -25 gp


What does the make your total hide mod? and yes there are reactionaries.

Just not sure yet

2011-05-14, 10:05 PM
My hide mod is as per the sheet (+13+2-1 for +14), and if I tap the tattoo it rises to +24. Cammo net has no influence on Hide bonus, it just enables me to make hide checks without cover or concealment spending a move action to use it.

2011-05-15, 02:08 PM
Ref question -

Does protection from arrows protect from thrown daggers?

The warded creature gains resistance to ranged weapons.

IF so does it also prevent the sneak attack damage?

2011-05-15, 02:46 PM
Lucian:Yes to both.

2011-05-15, 05:32 PM
Refs -

Thank you and excellent

now one last question -
Does he have to reroll his hide check every round?

If not what would happen if I walk into him?

2011-05-15, 08:50 PM
Lucian:A new hide check is only needed when some action involving physical motion is taken. As for walking into him, if he's aware of you, he has the option to let you pass by unhindered and unknowing; otherwise, you get informed that your attempted movement was illegal.

2011-05-15, 09:48 PM
Lucian:A new hide check is only needed when some action involving physical motion is taken. As for walking into him, if he's aware of you, he has the option to let you pass by unhindered and unknowing; otherwise, you get informed that your attempted movement was illegal.

Refs -

Well that was good news followed by bad news. One more question then,

Could I get say a potion of detect good (would be 50 gp correct?) would it alert me to his position, if he was within 60 ft?

2011-05-15, 11:39 PM
Lucian:Detect Good does not target one or more creatures, and thus cannot be made into a potion.

2011-05-16, 03:10 PM
One last time, Refs -

Question about summon monster II what kind of creatures can I summon, anything that is one step away from my alignment correct? So could I summon a NE creature?

Also they would last for three rounds, correct? Would I be able to control them? IE send them off in the direction I want?

Purchasing -
1 scroll of protection from arrows - 150

Waiting on one more answer before purchases are finalized

2011-05-16, 03:28 PM
Lucian:You can summon creatures of any alignment. They would last for three rounds, yes, assuming a scroll of the default CL. You can give them whatever orders you wish as long as you share a language.

2011-05-16, 03:56 PM
I get to react to that, right?

Purchase: Dagger x5 (-10 gp)

As it seems I'll be needing more than two shots to take you down. :smalltongue:

2011-05-16, 07:06 PM
Excellent.... well

Also purchasing a scroll of Summon monster II - 150 gp

Ready to rumble.

2011-05-16, 07:25 PM
Go right ahead.

2011-05-16, 07:39 PM
Refs/Los -

Start in n-25 scroll of protection from arrows in main hand
Scroll of summon monster II in off hand. Assuming you can cast a scroll with only one hand if not in belt
Scythe in belt.

Cast protection from arrows

Move - open door.

End turn -

Will post stats after work.

2011-05-16, 10:40 PM
Godfrey of Hallglade, Round 1


Start in N-2 holding dagger on right hand, dagger on mouth and cammo net on left hand.

Swift action to activate Travel Devotion.

Standard action to tap Psionic Tattoo of Chameleon (assuming it can be done with the left still).

Move action to open door.


HP 7/7
AC 19(3 armor, 5 dex, 1 size), Touch 16, FF 14

Travel Devotion (10 rounds)
Chameleon (60 rounds)


2011-05-17, 12:14 AM
Refs/LOS -

Move to O-19
Free drop the empty scroll

cast a spell -

mirror image -


Free yell - Come on lets not do this the hard way! Come out and play!

Stats -

Hp: 5/5
Ac: 13
FF: 10 Touch: 13

Protection from arrows 0/30 damage 300 rounds
Mirror image 0/10

2011-05-17, 06:31 PM
Refs:Listen for Godfrey: [roll0]

Godfrey:The camo net is worn, not held, so you don't need a hand for it. You hear a yell of "Come on lets not do this the hard way! Come out and play!" to the south. Your opponent's door is open.

Lucian:Your opponent's door is open.

2011-05-17, 06:48 PM
Ref question:

Cammo net description says moving negates the effect. But is that moving as part of the move action to hide, or is it referring to all movement during the round? (if it is the former my thoughts are that I could use swift travel to move my speed, then a move to hide in place, and then still have a standard action?)


2011-05-17, 06:51 PM
Godfrey:It's any movement after you've hidden. Swift move, hide in place with the net, and standard action works fine.

2011-05-17, 09:15 PM
Godfrey of Hallglade, Round 2


Swift action to use Travel Devotion to move to N-8.

Move action to hide with cammo net.

Hide: [roll0]

Standard action to ready:

Move if Lucian casts spell within LoS.


HP 7/7
AC 19(3 armor, 5 dex, 1 size), Touch 16, FF 14

Travel Devotion (9 rounds)
Chameleon (59 rounds)

Done (will probably need LoS again).

2011-05-17, 11:21 PM

Godfrey:No LoS.

Lucian:No LoS.

2011-05-18, 02:10 AM
Move to R-16
ready an action -
Move if he becomes visible/attacks

End turn

2011-05-18, 10:51 AM

Godfrey:Lucian moves to R16 and readies an action.

Lucian:No LoS. Also, please post your turns in the proper format.

2011-05-18, 01:56 PM
Godfrey of Hallglade, Round 3


Ok so based on his previous matches his main form of defense is through Mirror Image. I'm going to assume he already has that running (if I were him I would, as rapid shot sneak attack gives Godfrey an average damage of 16 in one round, piercing protection from arrows, which he likely has cast as well, for just about the damage needed to bring him down).

Anyway, as I have no intention of getting a color spray and a scythe to the face, put me down to "waiting". Just hope he has actually accounted for rapid shot, and isn't really saving mirror for when I reveal myself...

Maintain hiding with cammo net (a move action?)

Ready action:

Attack if Lucian casts spell.


HP 7/7
AC 19(3 armor, 5 dex, 1 size), Touch 16, FF 14

Travel Devotion (8 rounds)
Chameleon (58 rounds)


Edit: Don't think we'll need a Los check this round, by the way. Lucian can't possibly spot Godfrey with what he rolled, and he has done nothing to reveal himself.

2011-05-19, 12:56 PM
Refs/los -

Read a scroll -

Small fiendish monstrous scorpions

when they are summoned send them out 60 feet apart crap was hoping for more than one... :smallfrown:

End turn -

Stats -

Hp: 5/5
Ac: 13
FF: 10 Touch: 13

Protection from arrows 0/30 damage 300 rounds
Mirror image 2/10
5/5 lucians
Summon monster
0/3 rounds

2011-05-19, 01:08 PM

Godfrey:Yes, sorry, there are 5 Lucians. And no action is required to remain hiding, just a new check if you take any action involving physical movement. Lucian begins casting from a scroll, triggering your readied action, if you wish to take it.

Lucian:No LoS.

2011-05-19, 02:50 PM

Hm, guessing that would be his summon. Probably something with an alternate means of detection, which I had sort of expected. Anyway, attacking wouldn't really do much for me (should have stuck to readying a move in case it is something that can detect me...).

Godfrey will not take the readied action. Let's see where this goes, and if he can survive long enough for Mirror to run out...

2011-05-19, 03:01 PM
Godfrey:It's a round-long casting, so Godfrey's turn.

2011-05-19, 03:57 PM
Godfrey of Hallglade, Round 4


Swift and move action to move hiding with -5 penalty for moving more than half movement to the H-2 square.

Hide: [roll0]

Move action to hide in place using cammo net.

Hide: [roll1]


HP 7/7
AC 19(3 armor, 5 dex, 1 size), Touch 16, FF 14

Travel Devotion (7 rounds)
Chameleon (57 rounds)


2011-05-19, 04:34 PM

Godfrey:We only use one Hide check a round in the Arena. No LoS.

Lucian:No LoS.

2011-05-19, 07:42 PM

send the creature q-10

refs/los -

move to p-12
ready an action -

move if attacked/los/creature gives info

End turn

stats -

Hp: 5/5
Ac: 13
FF: 10 Touch: 13

Protection from arrows 0/30 damage 300 rounds
Mirror image 3/10
5/5 lucians
Summon monster
0/3 rounds

2011-05-19, 08:09 PM
Lucian:Please specify where the scorpion appears. Also, since any orders have to be spoken, please state what orders you are giving it.

2011-05-19, 08:29 PM
refs -

summon in Q-15
then have it move to p-9

Move to the north west and attack if found.

2011-05-19, 09:05 PM

Godfrey:A small fiendish scorpion moves to P9. The five Lucians move to P12.

Lucian:No LoS.

2011-05-20, 11:31 AM
Godfrey of Hallglade, Round 5


Swift and two move actions to move hiding at -5 penalty to the E-13 square.

Hide: [roll0]

Quick question, when you receive a timed effect does the round you received it in count against the duration of it? So say a summon monster casting with one round duration, do you cast it, have the creature act, and then have it disappear the round after?



HP 7/7
AC 19(3 armor, 5 dex, 1 size), Touch 16, FF 14

Travel Devotion (6 rounds)
Chameleon (56 rounds)


2011-05-20, 12:06 PM
Refs:Scorpion sees Godfrey briefly when he loses cover, and will follow him next turn if not given other orders.

Godfrey:No LoS. Correct on the duration; a one-round duration summon will only have a single round in which it can act.

Lucian:No LoS.

2011-05-20, 12:06 PM
Refs -

Lets see it has a radius of 60 ft and I am guessing he is not within reach of it so to the east, maybe? well here goes nothing I got two rou:smallfrown:nds.... this so isn't going to work...

Move to the east and if you sense him move towards him... if you get to him stop and turn in a circle, and point towards him with your stinger

Wait for the creature to move before taking my turn

2011-05-20, 12:11 PM
Lucian:The scorpion takes a double move east; you lose sight of it when it leaves X9 to the east.

2011-05-20, 12:25 PM
refs -

Crap... I did say east balls oh well meant west... damn it

Refs/los -

Double Move to y-11
Free Pray to Pudding!!!!

2011-05-20, 12:35 PM

Godfrey:No LoS.

Lucian:The scorpion is in Y9.

2011-05-20, 01:12 PM
Can I act again? (didn't see an "end turn" so holding)

2011-05-20, 01:25 PM
you sure can forgot to add that


2011-05-20, 03:28 PM
Godfrey of Hallglade, Round 6


Hm. One more round to go I'm thinking. Gonna try to see if I can reattain Los without revealing myself.

Swift and move action hiding at -5 penalty to get to D-21 square.

Move action to hide with cammo net.

Hide: [roll0]


HP 7/7
AC 19(3 armor, 5 dex, 1 size), Touch 16, FF 14

Travel Devotion (5 rounds)
Chameleon (55 rounds)


2011-05-20, 03:31 PM

Godfrey:No LoS.

Lucian:The scorpion is in Y9.

2011-05-20, 04:29 PM
Ref question -

Can I maintain a silent image, and make a move action?

2011-05-20, 04:59 PM
Lucian:Yes. Concentrating is a standard action.

2011-05-21, 11:00 AM
Refs -

Move south and if you find him stop do a circle and point in the direction of him with your stinger.

Also can I change the silent image during my turn ie make an illusion of 5 of me then in if he attacks me have it lose an image?

Waiting for one thing hold on

2011-05-21, 03:43 PM

Godfrey:The scorpion moves to Y21.

Lucian:The scorpion moves to Y21. The spell makes no mention of changing the nature of the image, only moving it.

2011-05-21, 09:48 PM
refs/los -

Cast a spell

Silent image of 1 lucian

Send the image towards the spider

End turn

2011-05-21, 11:06 PM
Lucian:Specify? Where exactly are you placing it?

2011-05-22, 01:45 AM

Conjure image in x-11 the have it move to y-18 and appear to ready an action.

2011-05-22, 01:56 PM

Godfrey:The scorpion is in Y21.

Lucian:No LoS. Please post your turns in the proper format.

2011-05-22, 03:36 PM
Godfrey of Hallglade, Round 7


Whew. Look like Godfrey's safe for now, as there can't possibly be more than one turn of scorpion left. Now to circle around and try to find the magical magician. As soon as mirror runs out, he'll be in for some serious sneak attack damage. :smallamused:

Swift and move action hiding at -5 penalty to get to C-12 square.

Move action to hide with cammo net.

Hide: [roll0]

Edit: Typo in the roll. Should be 1d20+19, so 21 result.


HP 7/7
AC 19(3 armor, 5 dex, 1 size), Touch 16, FF 14

Travel Devotion (4 rounds)
Chameleon (54 rounds)


2011-05-22, 04:43 PM
Refs -

if He were to think he had killed me, aka my silent image then leave the arena would I win?

Refs/los -

move to U - 14

direct image to x- 9 and appear to ready an action.

End turn

Stats -

Will fill in latter at work. :/

2011-05-22, 06:20 PM

Godfrey:No LoS.

Lucian:The fall of a combatant is announced to all players, so it's not really possible to trick someone in that manner. No LoS.

2011-05-25, 09:48 AM
Godfrey of Hallglade, Round 8


Swift and move action hiding at -5 penalty to J-8.

Move to hide with cammo net.

Hide: [roll0]


HP 7/7
AC 19(3 armor, 5 dex, 1 size), Touch 16, FF 14

Travel Devotion (3 rounds)
Chameleon (53 rounds)


2011-05-25, 10:50 AM

Godfrey:Upon entering D8, you see a single Lucian in X9. You may revise your turn from this point.

Lucian:No LoS.

Still Godfrey's turn.

2011-05-25, 11:06 AM
Godfrey of Hallglade Round 8 (revised)


Aha. The wizard is unprotected. Now I just need to get close enough...

Procceed movement to H-10.

Move action to hide with cammo net (same hide roll).


HP 7/7
AC 19(3 armor, 5 dex, 1 size), Touch 16, FF 14

Travel Devotion (3 rounds)
Chameleon (53 rounds)


2011-05-25, 11:16 AM

Godfrey:You see Lucian in X9.

Lucian:No LoS.

2011-05-25, 12:22 PM
refs -

question do I have Los on my image?

Also if you gain LoS you can read there refs/LoS correct? Meaning he will read the spoiler and have known I was using an image? ((sorry this just occurred to me as he could of seen the image last round and now he knows, :smallfrown:))

2011-05-25, 12:31 PM
Lucian:Only LoS spoilers posted after you gained LoS, so you can just label your spoilers as refs-only and wait for LoS checks. And yes, you can see your image.

2011-05-25, 12:47 PM
refs -

ok so I am going to move to W-11 and attempt to hide as part of my move
[roll0] (assuming I am reading hide skill right if not drop the hide)
then have my image ready an action

Should I post end turn now or afterwords? Do I need to post anything as LoS/Refs for turn or just end?

2011-05-25, 01:37 PM

Godfrey:You see Lucian in X9; he readies an action.

Lucian:No LoS. Just post your turn in the proper format and label your action spoiler for Refs instead of Refs/LoS.

2011-05-25, 01:53 PM
Assuming it's my turn again.

Godfrey of Hallglade, Round 9


The halfling move in for the kill. :smallamused:

Swift and move action to R-10 hiding at -5 penalty.

Move action to hide with cammo net.

Hide: [roll0]


HP 7/7
AC 19(3 armor, 5 dex, 1 size), Touch 16, FF 14

Travel Devotion (2 rounds)
Chameleon (52 rounds)


2011-05-25, 01:54 PM

Godfrey:You see Lucian in X9.

Lucian:No LoS.

2011-05-25, 02:59 PM
Refs -

attempt to hide [roll0]
ready an action

should image die move

Have image ready an action

End turn

Stats -

Hp - 5/5
AC - 13
FF: 10
Touch: 13

mirror image: 8/10
Protection of arrows 3 hours 30 damage

2011-05-25, 03:10 PM
Lucian:Maintaining concentration on the Silent Image is a standard action; you can't do that and ready an action. Please revise your turn.

2011-05-25, 04:12 PM
refs -

drop readied action maintain the spell

2011-05-25, 04:31 PM

Godfrey:You see Lucian in X9; he readies an action.

Lucian:No LoS.

2011-05-25, 04:46 PM
Couple'a ref questions:

Firstly, sniping is a standard action, correct? So I could use a swift action to move half-speed hiding, attack immediately hiding again, and then use a move action for it to be with the cammo net?

Secondly stepping out into T-9 or U-9 with said swift move would mean in the short time between the movement and the attack Godfrey would lose cover and thus his hiding, correct? (Lucian doesn't seem like he's gonna move anytime soon, so that might change my plans a bit...)

Thirdly if Godfrey were to attack him now would his protection from arrows apply to sneak damage? (second level scroll being 20 damage the spell can soak up, correct?)


2011-05-25, 05:13 PM
Godfrey:First: Sniping requires an extra move action after the standard action attack, so no.

Second: Correct.

Third: It does apply, and it's 10 damage per CL, so 30.

2011-05-25, 05:31 PM

Hm, so yeah, I seem to have missed something on the usage of scrolls (the caster level for a second-level one being 3, namely). Changes things a bit as I don't think Godfrey can last long enough to deal that with a +4 to hide after sniping...

Guess I'm gonna have to wait, then? Would it be possible to skip a certain ammount of rounds (in this case about three hours worth of them..) if there's not a chance of detection and both combatants say they have nothing else they would do in that time?


Godfrey of Hallglade, Round 10


Swift and move action at half-speed hiding to M-9.

Move action to hide with cammo net.

Hide: [roll0]


HP 7/7
AC 19(3 armor, 5 dex, 1 size), Touch 16, FF 14

Travel Devotion (1 rounds)
Chameleon (51 rounds)


2011-05-25, 06:07 PM

Godfrey:No LoS. Skipping several rounds by mutual consent has been done before, but I suspect hours' worth would draw down the meteor.

Lucian:No LoS.

2011-05-26, 01:47 PM
refs -

Have image ready an action again

Keep hide score and keep silently praying to pudding that he isnt going to keep this up for ever and he doesnt see the real me.



Hp - 5/5
AC - 13
FF: 10
Touch: 13

mirror image: 9/10
Protection of arrows 3 hours 30 damage

2011-05-26, 01:54 PM

Godfrey:No LoS.

Lucian:No LoS.

2011-05-26, 02:35 PM
Godfrey of Hallglade, Round 11


Hm, suspected as much. He is way too well positioned to try and approach, though... going to have to try something else.

Move action hiding at -5 to P-6.

Move action to sheath dagger on right hand (still one on mouth).

Hide: [roll0]


HP 7/7
AC 19(3 armor, 5 dex, 1 size), Touch 16, FF 14

Chameleon (50 rounds)


2011-05-26, 02:55 PM

Godfrey:You see Lucian in X9.

Lucian:No LoS.

2011-05-26, 04:15 PM
Refs -

Keep image reading an action and stay hidden

Can he wait three hours? I would hate to have this happen for three hours...

Also mirror image has officially ended

End Turn

Stats -

Hp - 5/5
AC - 13
FF: 10
Touch: 13

Protection of arrows 3 hours 30 damage

2011-05-26, 05:03 PM

Godfrey:You see Lucian in X9; he readies an action.

Lucian:No LoS. And no, the threat of meteor would kick in long before three hours were up.

2011-05-26, 05:08 PM
Godfrey of Hallglade, Round 12


Two move actions at half-speed to climb tree hiding (should be 7.5 feet of movement overall).

Hide: [roll0]


HP 7/7
AC 19(3 armor, 5 dex, 1 size), Touch 16, FF 14

Chameleon (49 rounds)


2011-05-26, 05:10 PM
Forgot a couple of rolls...

Climb: [roll0]
Climb: [roll1]

2011-05-26, 05:44 PM

Godfrey:You see Lucian in X9.

Lucian:No LoS.

2011-05-28, 10:50 AM
Refs -

Sigh same thing

Have image ready an action.

Wait and silently pray to PUDDING....

End turn -

Hp - 5/5
AC - 13
FF: 10
Touch: 13

Protection of arrows 3 hours 30 damage

2011-05-28, 08:44 PM

Godfrey:You see Lucian in X9; he readies an action.

Lucian:No LoS.

2011-05-29, 08:28 AM
Godfrey of Hallglade, Round 13


Ok, new idea! New idea! Old idea was bad idea, but new idea is hopefully less bad (well, it's my last plan before "surrender" so I might as well give it a try, right?) I'm going to assume what he has readied is a move. And so I will enter his Los without hiding to trigger that move. He will move after me and spend his next round on another move to get into 15ft range and shoot color spray. But I will also have a move readied to get away from that 15ft range. This solves the matter of his location, although Godfrey will still need some fast thinking and a lot of luck to keep sneak attacking without getting hit back. In retrospect an oil of magic weapon would have been a nice idea. :smalltongue:

Free action to drop to the ground at R-7 (less than 10 feet so I assume no damage?).

Move action to draw dagger (one on each hand now).

Free action to yell. "Hey Lucian! How do you fancy getting beat into the ground by someone half your size?! Come on closer and I'll show you!"

Standard to ready action:

Move if Lucian moves.


HP 7/7
AC 19(3 armor, 5 dex, 1 size), Touch 16, FF 14

Chameleon (48 rounds)


2011-05-29, 01:08 PM
Refs:Listen for Lucian: [roll0]

Godfrey:You see Lucian in X9.

Lucian:No LoS.

2011-05-29, 01:52 PM
refs -

So bored with this plan... :smallfrown:

he has to have seen either me or my image by now... yet I cant figure out why he hasnt attacked me or the image by now... :smallannoyed:

So I guess keep with the plan
Stay hidden
have image ready an action.

End turn

stats -

Hp - 5/5
AC - 13
FF: 10
Touch: 13

Protection of arrows 3 hours 30 damage

2011-05-29, 04:38 PM

Godfrey:You see Lucian in X9; he readies an action.

Lucian:No LoS.

2011-05-29, 07:24 PM
Godfrey of Hallglade, Round 14


...huh. Disappointing. Guess he had color spray readied then. But what is he readying now?... (if he had magic missile prepared he would have already cast it, and I don't see any other spells that it would make sense to ready instead of simply cast) Maybe he just expects me to walk into spraying range? :smallconfused:

Move action to S-11.

Standard ready action:

Move if Lucian comes within 15ft.


HP 7/7
AC 19(3 armor, 5 dex, 1 size), Touch 16, FF 14

Chameleon (47 rounds)


2011-05-29, 07:29 PM

Godfrey:You see Lucian in X9.

Lucian:No LoS.

2011-05-29, 07:42 PM
Refs -

Still no attack? sigh,

Have image take total defense

and keep hidden, I just need him to waste daggers I don't think he could kill me if he wasted daggers on my image.

End Turn


2011-05-29, 08:12 PM

Godfrey:You see Lucian in X9; he takes a total defense action.

Lucian:No LoS.

2011-05-30, 01:40 PM
Godfrey of Hallglade, Round 15


Alright, he's clearly taking the reactionary approach to this (and with his protection spell it's likely he -can- afford to just sit there all day). But if I can maybe force a reaction out of him, and then react to that... Hm. :smallamused:

Move action to V-9.

Standard action to ready:

Move if Lucian casts spell.


HP 7/7
AC 19(3 armor, 5 dex, 1 size), Touch 16, FF 14

Chameleon (46 rounds)


2011-05-30, 02:53 PM

Godfrey:You see Lucian in X9.

Lucian:No LoS.

2011-05-31, 10:34 AM
Refs -

Have image take total defense

Keep hidden

End Turn


Hp - 5/5
AC - 13
FF: 10
Touch: 13

Protection of arrows 3 hours 30 damage

2011-05-31, 10:43 AM

Godfrey:You see Lucian in X9; he takes a total defense action.

Lucian:No LoS.

2011-05-31, 01:49 PM
Godfrey of Hallglade, Round 16


...ok, I'm starting to think something's not quite right here. I just went through his other matches and there's no precedent of him doing it, but he -is- an illusionist, and he -does- have the spell for it... could it be an illusion? :smallconfused: The lack of responsiveness is what's mainly throwing me off (and also, now that I think of it, the fact that the refs didn't just say Los estabilished when I dropped my hide). I guess that could be him just playing it cool though...or maybe he -wants- me to think it's an illusion when it's not?... :smallconfused:

Probably just paranoia yeah, but better safe than sorry. I'll try to play in a way that doesn't compromise me in either case. Let's see, let's see... (if this isn't Lucian then he could be showing up any moment now...)

Move action hiding to W-9.

Hide: [roll0]

Standard to ready:

Move if Lucian casts spell.


HP 7/7
AC 19(3 armor, 5 dex, 1 size), Touch 16, FF 14

Chameleon (45 rounds)


2011-05-31, 04:34 PM

Godfrey:You see Lucian in X9.

Lucian:No LoS.

2011-06-01, 12:06 AM
Refs -

Starting to wonder if there was a better way to do this.

Have image take total defense

Keep hidden

End Turn


Hp - 5/5
AC - 13
FF: 10
Touch: 13

Protection of arrows 3 hours 30 damage

2011-06-01, 01:07 AM

Godfrey:You see Lucian in X9; he takes a total defense action.

Lucian:No LoS.

2011-06-01, 02:36 PM
Godfrey of Hallglade, Round 17


...Yeah, ok, I am now completely convinced that that's either not the real Lucian or the real Lucian pretending to be a fake Lucian (asking the refs to not estabilish los yet to be able to try it). I don't see what he could hope to gain from the latter, though... So at the risk of falling for a double-bluff, I act (I'm thinking he's either east or possibly south as silent has a rather long range).

Move action hiding at -5 to Z-11.

Standard to ready:

Move if Lucian casts spell.

Hide: [roll0]


HP 7/7
AC 19(3 armor, 5 dex, 1 size), Touch 16, FF 14

Chameleon (44 rounds)


2011-06-01, 03:32 PM
Refs:Spot for Godfrey: [roll0]

Godfrey:Z11 is atop the wall, but you see a second Lucian in W11 when you enter Y10, in addition to the Lucian in X9. You may revise your turn from this point.

Lucian:Godfrey moves to Y10.

Still Godfrey's turn.

2011-06-01, 03:51 PM

From the srd text on Color Spray:

Sightless creatures are not affected by color spray.

Is it correct to infer this applies not only to creatures naturally without sight but also those temporarily sightless (such as those under a temporary blinded condition?)

2011-06-01, 04:13 PM
Godfrey:Correct. I believe we have ruled, however, that just closing one's eyes is not sufficient to protect against Color Spray, and a blindfold or actual blindness is required.

2011-06-01, 04:29 PM

Ok, then can I use a sack as an improvised blindfold? :smalltongue:

Actually, that would proably cost me some move actions. Say, if I were to ready an action to move upon him casting a spell and he cast Color Spray (15ft reach), my moving out of his reach I understand would make it so I wouldn't be affected by the spell, but would the spell still be cast? (what I'm asking basically is if a trigger action can be changed upon something being triggered off of it).

2011-06-01, 05:00 PM
Godfrey:The action taken can't be changed (although the target of a spell can be), so yes, if you move out of range, the spell will still be cast to no effect.

2011-06-01, 05:49 PM

That's...absolutely terrific news. Thanks. :smallsmile:

Godfrey of Hallglade, Round 17 (continued)

"Howdy, you magical magician you. Now I think it's about time this little dance-off of ours actually got started. Wouldn't you agree?"

Continue movement to X-13.

Standard to ready action:

Move if Lucian (the second one) casts spell.


HP 7/7
AC 19(3 armor, 5 dex, 1 size), Touch 16, FF 14

Chameleon (43 rounds)


2011-06-02, 02:52 AM
Lucian turn

grumble grumble grumble, guess only one way to end this now...

Draw sling and fire


poof goes image

free drop sling

End turn


Hp - 5/5
AC - 13
FF: 10
Touch: 13

Protection of arrows 3 hours 30 damage

2011-06-02, 04:31 AM
Bah, got my movement wrong. Oh well.

Godfrey of Hallglade, Round 18

Five-foot step to W-12.

Standard to attack Lucian with dagger.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]


HP 7/7
AC 19(3 armor, 5 dex, 1 size), Touch 16, FF 14

Chameleon (43 rounds)

Done (think you may have the drop of me on this one).

2011-06-02, 01:05 PM

Unfortunately I should not of cornered myself cause now you are going to get a drop on me.

however if I am reading this right the highest concentration check you can force me to make is 15 if you can hit me. So might as well just take the AoO.... I know I will end up regretting this.

5 ft step to x-11

Cast everyones favorite spell that requires a will save! DC 18

if you fail



2011-06-02, 02:02 PM
Hmm... after I lose this I think I'll be retiring Godfrey (my first charater he is, so there's already a lot of other stuff I'd like to try).

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Will save: [roll2]

Edit: Holy carp. I gave a "meh" to the attack roll, but then I looked down...you read about halfling luck but wow.

2011-06-02, 02:14 PM
Godfrey of Hallglade, Round 19 (back in the game! oh yeah!)

Move action to Y-11.

"Oh come on Lucie! Let's not do this the hard way! Tell you what, try that again and let's see if you can unleash the power of the rainbow before I get a dagger to you. Sound good?"

Standard to ready:

Move if Lucian casts spell.


HP 7/7
AC 19(3 armor, 5 dex, 1 size), Touch 16, FF 14

Chameleon (42 rounds)


2011-06-02, 02:28 PM
:smallannoyed: with a side of :smallmad:

gah so not fair/so lucky.

anyways 5 foot step back draw sling and attack



End turn

2011-06-02, 02:36 PM
That misses my AC by 1.

Back where, can you specify?

2011-06-02, 04:11 PM
apologies about that w-12
and I noticed. This game has been like this :smallannoyed: the whole game for me.... :smallsigh:

2011-06-02, 04:34 PM
To be fair Godfrey does have a history of winning through pure dumb luck. :smalltongue:

Godfrey of Hallglade, Round 20

Five-foot step to X-12.

Standard to ready action:

Move if Lucian casts spell.


HP 7/7
AC 19(3 armor, 5 dex, 1 size), Touch 16, FF 14

Chameleon (41 rounds)


2011-06-02, 04:41 PM
Yea I think you'll win cause of that save

5 ft step to v-13

drop sling

Draw another and fire


damage - [roll1]

end turn

and my crappy rolls continue

2011-06-02, 05:24 PM
You can't five-foot step through a corner.

Edit: I think. Could get someone to confirm.

2011-06-02, 05:40 PM
You cannot, but the tree squares are passable, as I recall.

2011-06-02, 05:47 PM
Ah, thanks, did not know that.

Godfrey of Hallglade, Round 21

Five-foot step to W-13.

Standard to ready:

Move if Lucian casts spell.


HP 7/7
AC 19(3 armor, 5 dex, 1 size), Touch 16, FF 14

Chameleon (40 rounds)


2011-06-05, 11:25 PM
full retreat to X-16

I can't corner myself now...

2011-06-06, 04:27 AM
That provokes an attack of opportunity if I read the rules correctly (only the square you started out in is not threatened).

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-06-06, 01:21 PM
I read that so wrong if that had been the case I would of done that differently doh well

try to blink that hit away.


2011-06-06, 01:27 PM
Sorry, "blink"?

2011-06-06, 01:42 PM
Godfrey of Hallglade, Round 22

Move action to W-15.

Standard to ready:

Move if Lucian casts spell or shoots sling.


HP 7/7
AC 19(3 armor, 5 dex, 1 size), Touch 16, FF 14

Chameleon (39 rounds)


2011-06-06, 01:46 PM
ref question -

if he takes the AoO from say me casting a spell does his readied action resolve? Or does he have to take that first?

and blink it away by using brief figment. It basically allows me to make a clone of myself and give me a 50% chance to avoid being hit.

2011-06-06, 05:08 PM
Using Brief Figment would interrupt your movement, so Lucian should still be in W14. Godfrey may revise his turn in light of that.

2011-06-06, 05:21 PM
Godfrey of Hallglade, Round 22 (revised)

Move action to X-14.

Standard to ready:

Move if Lucian casts spell or shoots sling.


HP 7/7
AC 19(3 armor, 5 dex, 1 size), Touch 16, FF 14

Chameleon (39 rounds)


2011-06-06, 05:30 PM
Lucian:Readied actions resolve first.

2011-06-06, 06:54 PM

Right so if he opted to take the AoO he couldn't move afterwards?

and if it interrupted my move couldn't I finish it?

2011-06-10, 11:19 AM
One quick question -

If I use my 'blink' to avoid a hit would that cause my spell to be interrupted?

2011-06-10, 11:49 AM
Lucian:Correct; an action is readied only until your next action, so if you take an AoO, you lose it.

As far as I know, there is no precedent allowing one to continue an action after interrupting it with an immediate action. If you find some, however, let me know and we can work it out in the Waiting Room.

2011-06-10, 12:01 PM
refs -

Ok I am going to do a search for that when I get off work then, though I think you may be write that it would ruin the spell.

2011-06-20, 03:21 PM
Lucian:Alright then, I think I can at least make a final ruling on the second half of the question. Yes, using a spell-like ability in the middle of casting a spell will ruin the spell.

2011-06-23, 01:03 PM
Ok Lucian turn

five foot step to v-14
cast a spell Dc 16 spellcraft -

fist of stone

End turn


Hp - 3/5
AC - 13
FF: 10
Touch: 13

Protection of arrows 3 hours 30 damage

2011-06-23, 01:34 PM
Lucian:Correct; an action is readied only until your next action, so if you take an AoO, you lose it.

As far as I know, there is no precedent allowing one to continue an action after interrupting it with an immediate action. If you find some, however, let me know and we can work it out in the Waiting Room.

both of that strike me as wrong.

An AoO is a non-action, so shouldn't invalidate a readied action

Regarding the second: agreed on spell-likes, though not immediates/swifts in general

Kyeudo: free actions can be taken in the middle of other actions (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=8449304#post8449304)

SRD: (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/actionsInCombat.htm) "You can take a swift action any time you would normally be allowed to take a free action."


maybe not what Big K intended, but by the letter I'd say the argument is flawless

2011-06-23, 02:14 PM
Godfrey of Hallglade, Round 23

That triggers my readied action. Right before Lucian casts his spell, Godfrey moves to W-14, gaining an AoO from his spell (I believe).

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Assuming that doesn't kill Lucian (which it very probably doesn't), Godfrey takes his round:

Standard to ready:

Move if Lucian casts spell, readies action, shoots sling or ends turn.


HP 7/7
AC 19(3 armor, 5 dex, 1 size), Touch 16, FF 14

Chameleon (38 rounds)


2011-06-23, 02:34 PM
ok assuming fallen is correct attempt to blink, brief figment, the damage away


if fail concentration check.

2011-06-23, 02:36 PM
god damn really?:smallannoyed:

next round lucian

five foot step to u-14

cast a spell dc 16 spell craft

color spray.

2011-06-23, 03:29 PM
Godfrey of Hallglade, Round 24


Okay, this is a tough one. It basically boils down to: what does he have prepared? I was half-expecting the first spell to be a Color Spray, but since Godfrey isn't currently being introduced to the floor, it doesn't seem like it was. But then, why wouldn't it be a Color Spray? Maybe he just didn't prepare more than one (I can hope). In that case I can see two spells being used (both without a visual consequence): Mage Armor or Fist of Stone. The first would be a terrific choice: it basically gives him 10 rounds to shoot Godfrey up likely unscathed (and Godfrey would keep at it since he wouldn't know about the spell). Second one could also prove good: he could take the fight to Godfrey with a solid stone-fueled whallop!

But then there is also the second spell... and since he just cornered himself in a pretty inviting way it's safe to assume it is a decisive one. These two were his last spells, I think. So if he didn't prepare another Color Spray I'd say them to be just a combination of the ones above: Mage Armor and Fist of Stone to turn Lucian into a capable fighter, ready to pound on an unsuspecting Godfrey.

But would he really do that? The character's primary way of killing stuff, and in fact the only one he's exhibited to perform well, is Color Spray. Two of his previous matches have him readying more than one CS (the one against Veri is the only one where he readied just one). But that, I would believe to be because he felt in that match he needed damage dealing more than disabling. Godfrey is by far more similar a character to Oskar and TheBeast than to Veri, so it would make sense that his setup here would be similar to what he had on theirs... (but then again those were both earlier matches, from which his style might have developed, yes...)

Albeit it does not make much sense to me that he would cast any other spell instead of Color Spray, had he readied it, for his first spell, I must admit the possibility that he does have it prepared as a sort of last resource. Thankfully, though, as I am still betting on Mage Armor, there is a course of action that works whether he's about to blast Godfrey or pound on him.
Because for everything, in conclusion, there is "running away". :smalltongue:

That triggers my readied action. Godfrey moves to Y-10.

Need to know what happens before I can continue my round.

2011-06-23, 04:56 PM
Fallen:On the first, I thought I had precedent there, but it seems I was misremembering the context of a previous ruling.

On the second, I was actually aware of both of those lines, but I wasn't about to set a precedent for allowing swift-action spells and Abrupt Jaunts mid-run without a Waiting Room discussion first. :smalltongue: Said discussion does seem to have leaned toward allowing them, though, yes.

2011-06-23, 08:26 PM
well shoot... I expected you to come and end me... Thats a wasted color spray. :smallmad:

I figured if I casted the frist spell and it wasnt a color spray you would risk the second one... Looks like I should of gone with the color spray first. :smallsigh:

2011-06-23, 09:24 PM
Oh whew, I took a bit of a chance there. But it did strike me as rather odd that you would corner yourself like that (throughout the match your movement has been admirably clever in the way of avoiding a clumsy Godfrey, so when I read the square you moved in I sort of went into alert!)

Godfrey of Hallglade, Round 24 (continued)

Move action to V-14.

Standard to attack.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

"Come on now, Lucian. It's been a good match. A fitting end to it, though, would have to be a duel! Draw your scythe, I won't attack you while you do it. Something tells me luck just might see it your way in the last minute."


HP 7/7
AC 19(3 armor, 5 dex, 1 size), Touch 16, FF 14

Chameleon (37 rounds)


Edit: If Lucian blinks this away and draws scythe, Godfrey does not take the AoO from it. Setting that up in advance.

2011-06-23, 10:11 PM
I have to make this or I lose.


2011-06-23, 10:18 PM
whew that was... close

Alright then... We settle this like men. However you will excuse me if I save my scythe for latter, when I can just attack you with my hands!

Lets see if I am reading this I can make two attacks 1 from my hands and one slam.

Full attack

Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

Attack 2 - [roll2]
Damage 2 - [roll3]

prays to the god of dice.

I just cant catch a break can I? I don't think I have rolled above a 10.... well except on my -3 to hit this is just depressing.

2011-06-23, 10:54 PM
Lucian, you appear to have the miss-chance standard backward. It's always miss on low, so the attack during your spellcasting missed and this one hit. Furthermore, since you interrupted your casting with an SLA, you lost that spell, so you don't have a slam attack available at the moment.

2011-06-24, 10:58 AM
Oh, so the first one I supposedly hit was a miss as well. That should put Lucian at 3 HP, I believe.

Waiting on a revision of Lucian's Round 24...

2011-06-26, 05:30 PM
sorry for the delay will post either later today or tomorrow promise

2011-06-28, 05:55 PM
both of that strike me as wrong.

An AoO is a non-action, so shouldn't invalidate a readied action

Regarding the second: agreed on spell-likes, though not immediates/swifts in general

Kyeudo: free actions can be taken in the middle of other actions (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=8449304#post8449304)

SRD: (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/actionsInCombat.htm) "You can take a swift action any time you would normally be allowed to take a free action."


maybe not what Big K intended, but by the letter I'd say the argument is flawless


So is it ruled this way or the other?

2011-06-28, 06:39 PM
Lucian:Firstly, when you're in one of your own match threads, you shouldn't be reading spoilers that aren't addressed to you.

That aside, it's irrelevant, since both of us agreed that using SLAs would disrupt spellcasting.

2011-06-30, 07:44 PM
Due to an increased work week I am going to have to say that I am out of this one I just dont have time most of next week and it would be unfair to continue this. So GG


2011-06-30, 07:48 PM
:smallfrown: :smallfrown:

Well, this has been a great match, and really a lot of fun. Sad to see it end without a conclusion, but mostly just hoping you manage to juggle everything alright.

Good game, Sanity.

2011-06-30, 08:15 PM
High Ref Sallera

Godfrey harries Lucian into a tactical withdrawal for the victory.