View Full Version : Suggest Wacky and Unusual Builds!

PairO'Dice Lost
2011-05-14, 09:07 PM
I'll be playing in a new campaign this summer, and am in need of a PC that gets away from the same ol' standard builds to try something a little more "out there." As a DM, I've run tons of NPCs of pretty much every class combination and schtick, and on the rarer opportunities I've had to play instead of DM I've played everything from buffers to tanks to blasters to chargers and everywhere in between, so I'm trying to find something new and quirky to play that still lets me contribute. (I was even desperate enough for build variety that I attempted to play a truenamer in part of my last campaign, but that got old pretty damn fast. :smallwink:)

So I've come to the Playground to ask for ideas for strange and unusual builds that you've thought of but never had a chance to play, or ideas that you think wouldn't work in a "real" game. Any WotC sources are open, we'll be playing from low to high levels, and I'm the most rules-knowledgeable in my group, so anything goes rules-wise. Tons of RHD is fine, multiclassed monstrosities are fine, equipment-dependent builds are fine, anything quirky is fine as long as (A) it's not something that's already popular on the boards (like Hood or Haberdash the Masked) and (B) it's neither a one-trick pony nor overly ineffective at what it does--it's kinda fun to try to optimize CW samurai and truenamers to be playable, but the former only does one thing well and the latter is uninspiring even with a +Yes to Truespeak checks.

Suggest away!

Elric VIII
2011-05-14, 09:21 PM
Haberdash the Masked (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=88633) is a cool build by Person_Man that always seemed interesting to me.

The Glyphstone
2011-05-14, 09:23 PM
Awakened Goldfish Psion/Thrallherd?

2011-05-14, 09:25 PM
Maybe a bit weak for you, but I was just reminded of an old funny build of mine. I've dubbed him Serenity:

Monk2/Paladin4/Argent Fist2/Shiba Protector1/Argent Fist+8 (not sure about the last 3 levels, maybe slap on Saint).

Feats: IUS (monk 1), Combat Expertise (monk 1), Travel Devotion (1st level), Monastic Training (monk 2, for paladin), Alertness (3rd level), Serenity (6th level), Iron Will (from Otuygh Hole), and the rest is pretty free. One could nab Intuitive Strike (and use simple weapons or unarmed strikes) and Zen Archery for rounding up, and Snap Kick is almost a given. Stunning Fist & Extra Smite might be amusing control option.

Highlights of the build include Wis to AC (even while in armour and carrying a shield), Wis to Saves (with Evasion and later Mettle), Wis to attack, Wis to damage, Turning attempts based on Wis to fuel divine feats and rather nice unarmed damage die (only one level behind straight monk). Also other minor cool stuff.

The suggested race would be arctic lesser aasimar. Cheesy? It's a monk/paladin for gods' sake! :smalltongue:

2011-05-14, 09:33 PM
Sparrow Hengeyokoi Knight with Underfolkot (nice obscure catch on that too, Greenish) Combat and related feats and an optimized Challenge DC. Fly around twittering while your enemies swat at you and hit eachother instead, or trip over you.

2011-05-14, 09:39 PM
Underfolk Combathttp://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/rod_gallery/86314.jpg


PairO'Dice Lost
2011-05-14, 09:40 PM
Haberdash the Masked (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=88633) is a cool build by Person_Man that always seemed interesting to me.

...anything quirky is fine as long as (A) it's not something that's already popular on the boards (like Hood or Haberdash the Masked) and


More seriously, I've already run what amounted to a toned-down version of Haberdash as a long-term antagonist for one of my parties, and I'd rather not repeat myself.

Awakened Goldfish Psion/Thrallherd?

Hmm. The awakened [weird animal] part is interesting, and I'll keep that in mind, but my last PC was a full manifester and I've done thrallherd/leadership abuse before.

Maybe a bit weak for you, but I was just reminded of an old funny build of mine. I've dubbed him Serenity:

While the Wis SADness is quite nice there, in play it basically boils down to a basic unarmed fighter. I'm looking for something that's fun and quirky in play, not just fun and quirky to build.

Sparrow Hengeyokoi Knight with Underfolk Combat and related feats and an optimized Challenge DC. Fly around twittering while your enemies swat at you and hit eachother instead, or trip over you.

Now that idea has promise! I haven't run a dedicated screw-people-bigger-than-you build in a while, and the image of a sparrow flying around in full plate is a quite attractive one. Thanks!

Keep the ideas coming, everyone.

2011-05-14, 09:45 PM
Another Underfoot Combat/Confound the Big Folk option: Fire up Compression on a Psychic Rogue (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040723b) with the Mind Cripple ability. Crawl into your opponents' ears and carve their brains out.

2011-05-14, 09:45 PM
If you like the idea of oddly sized people doing funny things, I suggest a halfogre bard. Not a lot of complexity, but certainly an amsing idea. And as a bard just place your highest ability score into charisma and then making her beat up people that don't like her singing. (Yes, I said her). Make her sing whenever appropriate, as well as when there is no reason for her to start singing.

The Glyphstone
2011-05-14, 09:49 PM
Well, the point isn't thrallherd abuse so much as having a servant to carry its goldfish bowl around all the time.

Abuse of Major Titan Bloodlines on Tiny/Fine/Dimunitive creatures is always entertaining. For example, a Stone Giant with Return To Nature cast on it 5 times is Fine, but with a Major Titan Bloodline, it can still wield that Gargantuan Warhammer, and still has the lifting capacity as well.

2011-05-14, 09:55 PM
Not that I advocate everyone playing the coolest build I've ever co-made...but you should play Donkey Monk.

Donkey Monk is an awakened donkey with crazy hoof punching power..and a penchant for carrots.

2011-05-14, 09:56 PM
I don't know if The Amazing Hulk build(s) are popular on the playground, but those seem funny to me.

Divide by Zero
2011-05-14, 10:03 PM
Werecat assassin.

PairO'Dice Lost
2011-05-14, 10:06 PM
Well, the point isn't thrallherd abuse so much as having a servant to carry its goldfish bowl around all the time.

True. I'll think about that.

Abuse of Major Titan Bloodlines on Tiny/Fine/Dimunitive creatures is always entertaining. For example, a Stone Giant with Return To Nature cast on it 5 times is Fine, but with a Major Titan Bloodline, it can still wield that Gargantuan Warhammer, and still has the lifting capacity as well.

That's another fun idea, though that doesn't come online until higher levels, so that'd have to be an add-on to another build. Hmm.

Can anyone think of any other individual feats (or spells or powers or whatever) like Confound the Big Folk or the Titan bloodline that do unusual things that one could base a build around?

2011-05-14, 10:08 PM
True. I'll think about that.

That's another fun idea, though that doesn't come online until higher levels, so that'd have to be an add-on to another build. Hmm.

Can anyone think of any other individual feats (or spells or powers or whatever) like Confound the Big Folk or the Titan bloodline that do unusual things that one could base a build around?

I'd love to see a build based around Blessed by Tem-et-Nu...

2011-05-14, 10:09 PM
Tashalatora on a Soulknife with Reshape Mind Blade (Unarmed Strike) enables you to gain unarmed damage like a Monk and simultaneously advance your unarmed attack as a Mind Blade. Lots of feats like Scorpion's Grasp (basically Improved Grab) have hilariously exploitable wording like "if you make a melee attack or unarmed strike". Throw Mind Blade functions as normal. As per the Grapple rules, you move into the creature's space on success and "This movement is free and doesn’t count as part of your movement in the round.". So basically, tele-grappling.

Unarmed Strikes can be any part of your body. The NPC I made threw 'shadow projections' of his whole body, like Shadow from OMF 2097 (or I guess Noob Saibot in Mortal Kombat). He was pretty strong, but I really had to pull things together from everywhere to make him so:

Race: Tashalatora
Classes: Soulknife 6 / Atavist 5
Feats: Hidden Talent (Expansion - he can augment this because his race grants 1pp/level!), Monastic Training (Soulknife), Practiced Mind Blade, Improved Grapple, Tashalatora, Scorpion's Grasp, Reshape Mind Blade (Unarmed Strike)
Gear: Monk's Belt (13000gp), Fanged Ring (IUS, Improved Natural attack, 1 Con damage on a crit 10000gp)

The Atavist is a Kalashtar-only prestige class which advances unarmed strike and mind blade; its advantage over straight Tash Soulknife was that Practiced Mind Blade winds up giving you double Mind Blade advancement for four levels, and on the fifth you gain +5ft reach. Without that the Mind Blade Bonus Feats ACF that replaced Psychic Strike makes Soulknife levels more appealing.

Overall I was really happy that the poor Monk and Soulknife classes could actually combine in a productive way that really made it the sum of its parts.

2011-05-14, 10:25 PM
I had a more obscure/unusual version of the Wis SAD build...

Unarmed Swordsage 2/Sentinel 2/Shiba Protector 1/Dragon Warrior 10/Unarmed Swordsage 5

Gets you Wis to AC twice, Attack, Damage, Saves, and 10x Wis mod to HP. Also gets you an IL of 10 for some versatility (or 17 depending how you read prestige class rules), a cool/arguably better version of Barbarian's rage. A lot of your early feats will go to prereqs (Otyugh hole helps), but later on Item Familiar (which gives you Alertness, which you need anyways) helps you pimp out your greatsword even more, and you SHOULD be able to cram the PA/Leap Attack/Shock Trooper trio in if you really try/finagle it. If you need extra feats, feel free to drop some SS levels and swap 'em out for fighter or monk or more levels of Sentinel (using the ACF for bonus feats instead of spells.

A more interesting build, predicated on teleporting around killing everything:

Death Jr.
Necropolitan (base human) Swordsage 10/Teflammar Shadowlord 6/Swordsage 4

This requires "common sense DMing" to allow Assassin's stance and SHadow Blink to count as Sneak Attack and Dimension Door (if not, stick some Rogue and Totemist levels in there to fill the gaps), but eventually you have a Swordsage (with 2 level 9s) teleporting around, full attacking three times every other round by combining the Shadowlord's Shadow Pounce with the Swordsage's various Shadow teleportation maneuvers. I built him with a scythe, as a hitman believing himself to be the next Grim Reaper (hence the name), but really the core trick is "teleport around full attacking lots of times per round", and you can tweak the specifics however you like. Also, thanks to Shadow Discorporation he's hard to permanently kill, so you might actually get a recurring badguy who isn't wiped out when the PCs roll a few 20s.

2011-05-14, 10:37 PM
Werecat assassin.Who would they kill, high level commoners? :smalltongue:

Can anyone think of any other individual feats (or spells or powers or whatever) like Confound the Big Folk or the Titan bloodline that do unusual things that one could base a build around?Mountain Rage makes you Large, no questions asked. With Stoneblessed, you can grab it as pretty much any race, say, muckdweller (normally tiny). Slap in a few PrCs that require Large size (war hulk and/or hulking hurler) and you have a tiny critter that grows to huge (figuratively) and gains a bunch of stuff when it gets angry.

I'd love to see a build based around Blessed by Tem-et-Nu...Conquer the world with your army of hippos! But wait, first you must defeat a hippopotamus in single combat! If you break your oath, you take damage as if bitten by a hippo!

Feats: Hidden Talent (Expansion - he can augment this because his race grants 1pp/level!)Does he have the ML to augment it?

Divide by Zero
2011-05-14, 10:43 PM
Who would they kill, high level commoners? :smalltongue:

No, it's an assassin. Obviously you'd go for aristocrats :smallbiggrin:

But seriously. Good stats for a rogue-type, damn near impossible to Spot, and you could pretend to be the wizard's familiar or something in social situations so nobody would even know there was another party member.

2011-05-14, 10:48 PM
Does he have the ML to augment it?

:smalleek: no, he apparently does not. I was lucky in the encounter I ran because I actually forgot about his having access to Expansion at all. Anyway as a player I'd probably use regular Expansions more than augmented, just for the uses per day.

edit: Actually... from the EPH on ML:

The variables of a power’s effect often depend on its manifester level, which is equal to your psionic class level.
And Soulknife is a psionic class, isn't it?

2011-05-14, 11:05 PM
Master of Nine with Unarmed Swordsage. Monk 2 (Sleeping Tiger variant) / Unarmed Swordsage 6 / Mo9. You're Aang from Avatar! There's no character build out there that I desire to play more. Still waiting to try it...

I've always wanted to do a Higlander build. You're only allowed to take a single level in any class. Alternatively for a bit more leniency, a Duos build, where you must take only two levels of each class.

Finally, there's OMGPOnies' Iron Chef winning entry, Dulcinea. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9321125&postcount=154) Such an elegant build with fun options!

2011-05-14, 11:17 PM
And Soulknife is a psionic class, isn't it?Is it really?

Psionic characters fuel their abilities through a pool, or reserve, of power points.

The ability that your powers depend on—your key ability score as a manifester—is related to what psionic class (or classes) you have levels in: Intelligence (psion), Wisdom (psychic warrior), and Charisma (wilder).

2011-05-14, 11:39 PM
Both the SRD and page 17 of the EPH call it psionic. It does get a PP reserve and needs such to manifest the blade.

Edit: Tash also requires manifesting first-level powers, but Hidden Talent takes care of that.

2011-05-15, 01:18 AM
Tibbet Swordsage with a focus on Setting Sun. Having a little kitty hurling people around is awesome and never gets old. It takes some work to optimize the trip check to get past the size penalties, but it's worth it.

Binder/Incarnate, Chameleon optional. Reinvent yourself every day. Put max ranks into Bluff and Disguise and don't actually tell people what you are. Just act like you've always been a Cleric (full plate, healing, buffing, wrath of god, etc.). The next day, act like you've always been a Sorcerer (familiar, aura of flames, lightning attacks, etc.). Then act like you've always been a Rogue (sneak attack, trapfinding, sneakiness, social skills, etc.). And so on. This is entirely possible with just Binder and Incarnate, but Chameleon makes it even easier.

There's always Bloodstorm Blade. You can do some weird stuff with Bloodstorm Blade. Throwing your body parts (unarmed strike!) is just the beginning. Throw those weird exotic weapons that can grapple their targets, for example. Be creative.

You could go for a Barbarian with a whole bunch of the transformative rage abilities (Bear Warrior, Frostrager, Mountain Rage, etc.) with Mounted Fury and/or Shared Fury (the former is online and lets you share all the effects of Rage with anything you're riding; the latter is from RotW and lets you share all the effects of Rage with your animal companion, riding or not). You can end up with some really funny effects. Bear Warrior is the best, but not the only one.

Any of those help?

2011-05-15, 01:27 AM
Anthropomorphic Horse Centaur Paladin with a horse for a mount. What?

2011-05-15, 05:00 AM
I had an extremely silly and not really that optimized Fighter build idea that utilized 3-4 Weapon Style feats, TWF, Quick Draw and Stormguard Warrior to some effect, which went like this:

First round, thanks to a one level Barbarian dip, you charge and pounce on your opponent, using a nonmagical sword, axe, mace and hammer (dropping and pulling out when needed with Quick Draw) to activate both Anvil of Thunder, High Sword Low Axe, Hammer's Edge and Three Mountains. You also use Stormguard Warrior's Combat Rhythm while doing this, making each of these attacks touch attacks. The result of this round is that you invoke three Fort saves against nausea, prone and daze while getting a trip attack as well. You also accrue a +5 to damage for each attack you land for your next round, in which you'll probably be free to full attack because of all the status effects you deal.

Second round, your target probably can't do much, and you pull out your REAL weapons (probably Valorous), teleport back 10 ft. via Anklets of Translocation and pounce, full attacking and multiplying that +30 something damage you gathered in the first round with Stormguard Warrior on each attack. Due to what weapons you choose, you'll probably invoke new saves with one of those Weapon Styles again, but that's just extra.

Yeah. Incredibly feat heavy, most probably not worth it but I find it amusing nevertheless.

2011-05-15, 06:46 AM
I always loved the idea of a character who is built around the Survivor Prestige Class. Here's what one build could look like, melding the idea with a Dwarven Defender (For pure amusement). Level 21 would boost your DR by 3 to 9/-, but hey, this is a 1-20 build.

Korobokuru (Dwarf from Oriental Adventures)
Hexblade 8/Unarmed Swordsage 2/Survivor 5/Dwarven Defender 5

1: Dodge
3: Endurance
6: Improved Toughness
9: Improved Unarmed Strike
12: Ascetic Mage
15: Greater Resiliency
18: ?

So what you'd have, is a small and tough, but not bright Dwarf who runs around wearing a Mithril Breastplate and getting his Charisma to his AC and his Saves Vs Spells, plus Mettle, Improved Evasion, Improved Uncanny Dodge, DR 6/-, a few spells and some maneuvers.... etc. You'd have trouble hitting things, but you're not worried about that, your job is block the enemy.

2011-05-15, 07:57 AM

Meatshield build!

Make the Int low enough so that they walk into an obviously trapped area for the lulz and there is no longer any need for a rogue in the party.

2011-05-15, 08:03 AM
Eberron Specific, but I've always wanted to play a cabinet trickster (RoEb).

anything 5/warshaper1/cabinet trickster 5/mindspy 5/warshaper 4

you are basically a super spy, able alter self at will, constantly reading everyone's minds, sending stun/confusion signals to their brains, anticipating every attack + warshaper goodies.

very much a party face type of build.

2011-05-15, 08:26 AM
Fiend of Possession, from Fiend Folio. That class is absolutely awesome.

2011-05-15, 08:53 AM
You know, I've never been quite sure how to go about building it, but I've always wanted to make a character with a really powerful intelligent item- and the item would in fact be the real character, not that most people would know that.

I've thought the Ego rules for magic items could come into play, perhaps- have an item with a really large ego that takes control of its wielder, and go from there, for example.

An intelligent item would make for an interesting character though, if built right. Much of your power would be more focused around how you spend your gold, and you'd have access to a very wide array of powers (because an intelligent item can use all of the powers they are enchanted with- so they could potentially get spells from all kinds of classes, and that's just as a start).

It's always seemed to me to have a lot of mechanical problems though, which is why I've never actually gone about it. Still, I've always longed for just this one moment when its wielder died, and some unknowing enemy would laugh dramatically, pick up the dead knight's mighty sword, and suddenly the joke is on them, and you've got a new body. How do you like your new magic item now, sucker? :smalltongue:

The Glyphstone
2011-05-15, 08:59 AM
Reminds me a bit of my first-ever entry into the official Homebrew Design Contest, back when they used to run them...an entire 'adventuring party' of evil intelligent items.

2011-05-15, 09:15 AM
The Dabblemaster: This character never takes more than one level of any class, and has access to casting, incarnum, blade magic, vestiges, rage, etc. etc.

Something combining Master of the Unseen Hand, Hulking Hurler, and Bloodstorm Blade.

2011-05-15, 09:59 AM
Fiend of Possession, from Fiend Folio. That class is absolutely awesome.

Fiend of Possession is fairly popular on the internet, not that it isn't cool. I'd love to see one of the other Fiend PrCs represented. Fiend of Corruption, say. Yuan-ti Cultist and Slaad Brooder are both chock full of flavor too.

2011-05-15, 10:16 AM
The Dabblemaster: This character never takes more than one level of any class, and has access to casting, incarnum, blade magic, vestiges, rage, etc. etc.

Something combining Master of the Unseen Hand, Hulking Hurler, and Bloodstorm Blade.

A functional version of the Dabblemaster could be a Factotum/Chameleon with a few dips.

2011-05-15, 10:21 AM
Half the stuff in my "Creative Build Requests" thread should qualify.... :smallcool:

PairO'Dice Lost
2011-05-15, 10:48 AM
Binder/Incarnate, Chameleon optional. Reinvent yourself every day. Put max ranks into Bluff and Disguise and don't actually tell people what you are. Just act like you've always been a Cleric (full plate, healing, buffing, wrath of god, etc.). The next day, act like you've always been a Sorcerer (familiar, aura of flames, lightning attacks, etc.). Then act like you've always been a Rogue (sneak attack, trapfinding, sneakiness, social skills, etc.). And so on. This is entirely possible with just Binder and Incarnate, but Chameleon makes it even easier.

Ooh, I like this one. I've done a factotum/chameleon, but binder/incarnate (maybe with an ardent and swordsage dip for kicks) would be even better considering my group isn't all that familiar with binders and only one person has played an incarnate.

You could go for a Barbarian with a whole bunch of the transformative rage abilities (Bear Warrior, Frostrager, Mountain Rage, etc.) with Mounted Fury and/or Shared Fury (the former is online and lets you share all the effects of Rage with anything you're riding; the latter is from RotW and lets you share all the effects of Rage with your animal companion, riding or not). You can end up with some really funny effects. Bear Warrior is the best, but not the only one.

I've run one of these before, Bjorn the Bearbearbearbearbearbearian. Twas quite fun.

I had an extremely silly and not really that optimized Fighter build idea that utilized 3-4 Weapon Style feats, TWF, Quick Draw and Stormguard Warrior to some effect, which went like this:

Ran this one as an antagonist in a gestalt campaign as a mostly fighter//feat rogue with every weapon style feat I could find and Bloodstorm Blade levels. Good times.

You know, I've never been quite sure how to go about building it, but I've always wanted to make a character with a really powerful intelligent item- and the item would in fact be the real character, not that most people would know that.

I ran a party with an intelligent item PC, and another PC was the wielder. They had a lot of fun when they were captured and the BBEG's minion decided to steal the warblade's weapon when it pinged as "really freaking magical" on detect evil.

The Dabblemaster: This character never takes more than one level of any class, and has access to casting, incarnum, blade magic, vestiges, rage, etc. etc.

Been there, done that. Three times. :smallcool:

Half the stuff in my "Creative Build Requests" thread should qualify.... :smallcool:

I'll take a look at that, thanks.

2011-05-15, 11:15 AM
How about Crusader5/Hellreaver5/Incarnate1

Hellreaver uses a holy fury resource to fuel its power suite: Hellreaver level + CHA / Encounter.
The cutest power of them all is Divine Succour. Swift action to heal yourself or any good aligned creature in range. At level 5 you can heal 20 hp/round in this way, a bit less earlier. You also gain access to the recharge mechanism, Switft action and 2 CON damage recharge.
I think Mettle is in there somewhere as well.
Which is where Incarnate comes in. Strongheart Vest to soak the CON damage. Incarnate also has Know: Planes as a class skill and 4 ranks is required to enter the PrC.
There is one feat req but everyone gets that feat anyway.
The idea is the combine Divine Succour with the Crusaders soaking and healing maneuvers and stances.

You get where you are going early and you are effective along the way. It's combat healing that kind of works.
You still have 9 levels and all your feats to spend.

Though it is a lot cooler with a Lucerne Hammer.

2011-05-15, 11:20 AM
Way back when, I put together the idea of a swashbuckler/ninja were-deinonychus with a warforged warlock cohort.

The idea was to get a dinosaur/pirate/ninja that can surf around on a flying laser shooting robot. Could easily make the cohort a druid instead to ride around on a transformer though.

Probably could change it into a were-deinonychus rapier wielding swordsage with some level adjustment buy off these days, but I didn't know about Tome of Battle at the time.

Divide by Zero
2011-05-15, 03:07 PM
Vecna-Blooded Illumian Wizard/Archivist/Psion/Mystic Theurge/Psychic Theurge/Cerebremancer. He knows all of the secrets. Gets triple 9s at level 27 (assuming you buy off the LA) with early entry shenanigans. Almost played this character for an epic game, but went with an Anima Mage instead.

2011-05-16, 02:48 PM
Vecna-Blooded Illumian Wizard/Archivist/Psion/Mystic Theurge/Psychic Theurge/Cerebremancer. He knows all of the secrets. Gets triple 9s at level 27 (assuming you buy off the LA) with early entry shenanigans. Almost played this character for an epic game, but went with an Anima Mage instead.

Meh. Eventually you will get bored with breaking reality only once per round and seek out the action economy to slay before its family.

No brains
2011-05-16, 03:54 PM
One thing that's fun to remember as the DM is that many, many NPCs can cooperate on a build that has an exotic flavor. You don't need to actually be a caster to use spells in a build, you just need your wizardly squire along to give you the boost you need to do really crazy carp!

2011-05-16, 05:51 PM
I'm curious how awesome a dedicated telekinetic grappler build could get. I'm thinking of a psionic adaptation of Master of the Unseen Hand, perhaps, with a secondary focus on Dispelling, so as to counter Freedom of Movement shenanigans.

Improved Grapple, Solicit Psicrystal (so you can grapple two victims at once), Practiced Manifester (to offset the ML loss of MotUH), and some source of Constrict (Incarnum or ToB feats) would be givens.

I was even desperate enough for build variety that I attempted to play a truenamer in part of my last campaign, but that got old pretty damn fast. :smallwink:
Did you lose your ability to taste ice cream?

I'd love to see a build based around Blessed by Tem-et-Nu...
Urpriest wins the thread.

2011-05-16, 06:27 PM
I'm currently building a character for a game that might be of interest. Basically just a Dragonfire Adept / Warshaper who focuses in the Humanoid Shape invocation. I've been thinking about adding in Master of Masks for fun. I'm not really sure what the character is supposed to do in combat, but its not a bad platform to start from.

2011-05-16, 06:49 PM
A thrallherd psion with a half fiend gelatinous cube as a thrall that you ride around inside, using burrowing power to manifest against your enemies.

Awakened Ur-Priest Velociraptor. Velociraptors hate gods. Known fact.

2011-05-16, 09:46 PM
I'm not sure it actually is mechanically legal, but my DM from ToH was really hoping I'd play a half-dragon dire rat bard. Paladin or barbarian are good for more mental images.

(Frickin' noobs means I play the wizard, whoo creative <.<)

2011-05-16, 10:22 PM
Suel Arcanamach. It's an often under-utilized PrC. Now slap it on something fun like, oh say... Dragon Shaman. Now you've got a party buff-bot. Particularly if you go Suel into War Weaver. Toss on something with Bardic IC, and you've got a nightmare when surrounded by minions.

2011-05-17, 12:04 AM
I want to play a Mongrelfolk Barbarian with willing deformity-obesity and stack con like a BAMF.

2011-05-17, 12:56 AM
Meh. Eventually you will get bored with breaking reality only once per round and seek out the action economy to slay before its family.

If you need something to inspire you to break the action economy....

Monk2 Cleric7 Sun+Travel Domain
At lvl 6 you qualify for Sun School - attack after teleport
At lvl 9 you qualfiy for Dimensional jaunt - teleport at will.

Travel Devotion is to get a 4th level teleportation spell that you can hold in reserve. At level 1 you can use Divine Alacrity, to start zipping around the battlefield and give everyone a taste of things to come...

Depending on what order you do them in (Cleric 3, Monk 2, Cleric 4) you can take the fiery burst reserve feat at level 3 so you have some 'blow stuff up'-ability at low levels. Heat Metal is lots of fun too. Take Extend Spell at level 1... at level 7 you can do 0+1+8x2 = 17d4 damage before they get their metal armour off...

Then go and seek out various magic items that let you teleport as move or swift actions....

2011-05-17, 01:03 AM
If you need something to inspire you to break the action economy....

Monk2 Cleric7 Sun+Travel Domain
At lvl 6 you qualify for Sun School - attack after teleport
At lvl 9 you qualfiy for Dimensional jaunt - teleport at will.Move & attack as a standard action is pretty minor.

2011-05-17, 01:07 AM
Zeus the Dragonborn (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=199467) that I've made recently is pretty out there, in that it dabbles in dozens of sources, and dips into so many places he has a good customer discount at the clinic.

2011-05-17, 01:16 AM
Beguiler (Shining South) Beguiler (Players Handbook II)

Defensive Fighting Fencer

Human or Strongheart Halfling Monk 2/ Swashbuckler 3/ Thief Acrobat 5/ Duelist 10 (BAB 17 at 20th level)
1. Carmendine Monk, Combat Expertise, Dodge (Cobra Strike Monk)
2. Mobility (Cobra Strike Monk)
3. EWP Broadblade Shortword (*pre-errata version), Weapon Finesse (Swashbuckler)
6. Deadly Defense
9. Einhander
12. Combat Reflexes
15. Robilars Gambit
18. Karmic Strike (or maybe Spring Attack)
19. Deflect Arrows (Duelist)
Trait: Cautious

* If pre-errata version is not avaiable move later feats earlier in the build and add in Spring Attack or some other feat (Evasive Reflexes or War Devotion). If using gestalt go with Warblade on the other half and fit in the Stormgaurd Warrior feat to combo with Combat Reflexes and Robilars Gambit.

Whisper Gnome Shadowcaster 5/ Assassin 3/ Noctumancer 7/ Arcane Trickster 5 (advancing Shadowcaster caster)

2011-05-17, 02:57 AM
Move & attack as a standard action is pretty minor.

Yeah. I prefer shadowpounce + ToB for 3 full attacks/round.

2011-05-17, 03:33 AM
Anthropomorphic Horse Centaur Paladin with a horse for a mount. What?
Anthropomorphic Bear Paladin with a horse mount.


2011-05-17, 08:23 AM
How about the Scion of Tem-Et-Nu (Sandstorm pg 82). He has mostly weak but interesting class abilities - water walk, temporary hit points, fast healing, divine power, control water, restoration, and flash flood. The only problem is that most of his class abilities only function while he is standing in a river.

But what is a river, exactly? Well, here's what the dictionary says:

1    [riv-er]


1. a natural stream of water of fairly large size flowing in a definite course or channel or series of diverging and converging channels.

2. a similar stream of something other than water: a river of lava; a river of ice.

3. any abundant stream or copious flow; outpouring: rivers of tears; rivers of words.

I'll leave the rest to your imagination.

2011-05-17, 08:25 AM
3. any abundant stream or copious flow; outpouring: rivers of tears; rivers of words.

I'll leave the rest to your imagination.

You're a monster. This is superb. No, astonishing. Wait, no, jaw-dropping.

It's jawstonishperb. Ing.


2011-05-17, 09:09 AM
3. any abundant stream or copious flow; outpouring: rivers of tears; rivers of words.
Would an upturned decanter of endless water work?

2011-05-17, 09:58 AM
Would an upturned decanter of endless water work?

Again, it depends on how literally your DM defines river. If he needlessly clings to common sense and the plain English definition of the word, it would require "a natural stream of water." If he's willing to embrace the metaphorical definition of the word, then it could be almost anything.

2011-05-17, 11:19 AM
Awakened Dire Weasel Sacred Fist

2011-05-17, 12:00 PM
Warforged with a Throwing Battlefist. Rocketto Paunch!

2011-05-17, 01:39 PM
Move & attack as a standard action is pretty minor.

Charging faster than normal through walls at people. Meh.

Preparing swift spells and having the PHB II wizard ACFs mean you can squeeze all that you deserve out of your round. Other players might begin to throttle you if you take too long resolving the spells however. You have been warned.

2011-05-17, 01:42 PM
Anthropomorphic Horse Centaur Paladin with a horse for a mount. What?Either someone else out there understands that ACF or someone's been peeking at my ubercharger record.

Oh wait, anthopomorphic horse can't take centuar paladin so I g

2011-05-17, 03:04 PM
Warforged Artificer/Reforged/Renegade Mastermaker: I voluntarily lost my armor plating and realized I made a horrible mistake....

Tentacle-focused grappling Sorcerer: All your limb are belong to us....

Arros Winhadren
2011-05-21, 05:06 PM
This took a deal of homebrewing/DM fiat, but I once made a Large intelligent Animated Bathtub with Dominate Mind and Charm Person as spell-like-abilities (though any way of getting them works). It partnered up with a Gelatinous Cube (which rested in the tub) and used illusions to make the cube appear like water and to create the image of a jolly, naked king sitting immersed in suds in the tub. The tub would use mind-trickery (generally Suggestion) to convince adventurers to take a relaxing bath . . .

I called it King Bidgood's Bathtub.

2011-05-22, 12:31 AM
There is this: Take the race Human and the class Aristocrat (which costs nothing to take by this system (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=186479)) than spending the 12 saved to get 18 bonus feats.

With the 20 feats (1 from being Human, 1 from character creation process itself, and 18 from the 12 CMPs spend), select these feats:

Born Psionic (Dungeons and Dragons Wiki)
Natural Skill (Dungeons and Dragons Wiki)
Ur-Soul (Dungeons and Dragons Wiki)
Academy Graduate (The Savage Tide Adventure Path)
Amphibious (D&D Wiki)
Brutish (D&D Wiki)
Child of the Sea (D&D Wiki)
Extra Training (D&D Wiki)
Glamorous (D&D Wiki)
Intuit (D&D Wiki)
Ithan (D&D Wiki)
Knowledgeable (D&D Wiki)
Natural Immunity (D&D Wiki)
Nimble (D&D Wiki)
Superior Build (D&D Wiki)
Word of Truth (D&D Wiki)
Able Learner (Races of Destiny)
City Slicker (Races of Destiny)
Education (E) (Eberron Campaign Setting)
Landless Nobility (Dragon #315) that I wanted taken to test out said system.

And here is the same character better fleshed out with tweets: Take the race Human and the class Aristocrat (which costs nothing to take by this system (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=186479)) than spending the 12 saved to get 18 bonus feats.

With the 46 feats (1 from being Human, 1 from character creation process itself, and 18 from the 12 CMPs spend +24/26 possible feats from flaws +2 from bonus for taking other feats), select these feats:

Born Psionic (Dungeons and Dragons Wiki)
Natural Skill (Dungeons and Dragons Wiki)
Ur-Soul (Dungeons and Dragons Wiki)
Academy Graduate (The Savage Tide Adventure Path)
Amphibious (D&D Wiki)
Brutish (D&D Wiki)
Child of the Sea (D&D Wiki)
Extra Training (D&D Wiki)
Glamorous (D&D Wiki)
Intuit (D&D Wiki)
Ithan (D&D Wiki)
Knowledgeable (D&D Wiki)
3 Dimensional (feat I'm trying to get passed on this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=197924))
Nimble (D&D Wiki)
Superior Build (D&D Wiki)
Word of Truth (D&D Wiki)
Able Learner (Races of Destiny)
City Slicker (Races of Destiny)
Education (E) (Eberron Campaign Setting)
Landless Nobility (Dragon #315)

Celestial Ancestry [pick Angel subtype] (Dungeons and Dragons wiki)
Projectile Vomiting, Acid (Dungeons and Dragons wiki)
Talented Invoker (Dungeons and Dragons wiki)
Product of Infernal Dalliance [pick Tanar'ri subtype] (Dungeons and Dragons wiki)
Sting of the Scorpion (Dungeons and Dragons wiki)
Versatile (Dungeons and Dragons wiki)
Desert Dweller (Dungeons and Dragons wiki)
Human Bastard [pick Elf - immunity to magical sleep effects] (Dungeons and Dragons wiki)
Lunar Heritage (Dungeons and Dragons wiki)
Magically Inclined (Dungeons and Dragons wiki)
Intellectual [pick Wisdom] (D&D Wiki)
Natural Alchemist (D&D Wiki)
Politician (D&D Wiki)
Studier (D&D Wiki)
Apprentice [pick Criminal] (Dungeon Master's Guide II)
Jinnbond [pick Dao] (Dragon #319)
Kihu-Sherem Guardian (Ghostwalk)
Noble Born (Dragon #333)
Psionic Prodigy (Web)
Sherem-Lar Sorcery (Ghostwalk)
Sherezem-Lar Sorcery (Ghostwalk)
Spellcasting Prodigy [Charisma] (Player's Guide to Faerūn)
Spellcasting Prodigy [Wisdom] (Player's Guide to Faerūn)
Spellcasting Prodigy [Intelligence] (Player's Guide to Faerūn)
Spellfire Wielder (Magic of Faerūn)
Wisdom Breeds Caution (Underdark)

The traits shout be Lefty (Dungeons and Dragons wiki) and Hermaphroditic (D&D Wiki)

And these seem to be the best way to take advantage of my homebrew feat for flaws:

Dastardly Nature (Dungeons and Dragons wiki)
Quadrimurfractiphobia (D&D Wiki)
Reincarnated Misfortune (D&D Wiki)
Verbal Tic (D&D Wiki)
Short Attention Span (D&D Wiki)
Perfectionist (D&D Wiki)
Secret voices (D&D Wiki)
Merciful (D&D Wiki)
Magical Schizophrenia (take the immunity over the bonus feat here) (D&D Wiki)
Incontinence (D&D Wiki)
Horrible Luck (D&D Wiki)
Helpful Hallucinations (D&D Wiki)
Haunted (take quest over the bonus feat here) (D&D Wiki)
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia (D&D Wiki)
Hopeless Collecter (pick clothing) (D&D Wiki)
Dark Premonition (D&D Wiki)
Disorganized (D&D Wiki)
Ghost-Warped (D&D Wiki)
Curious (D&D Wiki)
Clumsiness (D&D Wiki)
Autophobia (D&D Wiki)
Blood Rage (D&D Wiki)
Compulsive Skinny Dipper (D&D Wiki)
Insomniac (Dragon #328)
Honorable Challenge (Dragon #324)
Code of Arms (Dragon #324)

And I'm sure a guy as creative as you can come back with quite the back story for a being like that.

p.s. This is just for character level 1.