View Full Version : Of Iron Men and War Machines

2011-05-14, 10:23 PM
I made an "Iron Man" style character. The armor, not the man-in-armor. Warforged Warlock. Super awesome.

I want to throw a level 12 version at my party for fun. Alas, my wonderful creation is missing two essential components:

1) Giant Laser Cannon of death, aka BFG. The type that takes an entire round just to charge up before annihilating everything in front of the barrel.

2) The self-destruction explosion button. It's in the mech rulebook, I can't ignore this.

So, how does a warforged warlock lvl 12-15 accomplish this? I'll DM homebrew this if I must, but I'd prefer a kosher method if there is one.

EDIT: If it helps, this is what he looks like at the moment:
Iron Man
Warforged Warlock 12

1. Mithral Body (to be shiny)
3. Point-Blank Shot
6. Maximize Spell-like Ability (Eldritch Blast)
9. Precise Shot
12. Extra Invocation

Invocation Known: 8 (3/4/1)
Least: Eldritch Spear (pulse bolts), Entropic Warding (repulsor shield), Hideous Blow (Falcon PUNCH!)
Lesser: Fell Flight, Eldritch Chain, Flee The Scene (holograms), Beshadowed Blast (blinding blast)
Greater: Repelling Blast

Haven't given him any gear yet.

2011-05-14, 11:05 PM
Wish I could help, but no kosher rules come to mind.

The self destruct could be a form of Death Throes?

As far as the BFG, I can only think of something from the D20 Modern?

Sorry I can't be more helpful.

2011-05-15, 02:37 AM
The "Self Destruct" could be the "Final Strike" feat from Savage Species... just say that it has the same effect as if he had the Earth Subtype. The flavour fits.

As for the "BFG", I'd look at giving your Warforged a Wand Sheath, and then putting a wand of whatever spell you want in there (level four spell though) and then pick up the feat "Cull Wand Essence" from Magic of Eberron, allowing you to burn a charge to do a 10d6 blast of damage to a single target. If you want to hit multiple targets, just say he can burn more charges to hit more targets, but it takes him a full round action.

Doktor Per
2011-05-15, 05:52 AM
And put the wand sheeth in his chest. (Because you need the glowing part)

2011-05-15, 12:16 PM
Have you seen the Magitech Templar (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=176276)?

Also, if you're the DM, why are you bothering with rules? If you want your Warforged blaster guy to have a giant laser cannon and self destruct explosion, just write up what you want and add them to the character. You are the DM.

2011-05-15, 09:01 PM
Have you seen the Magitech Templar (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=176276)?

Also, if you're the DM, why are you bothering with rules? If you want your Warforged blaster guy to have a giant laser cannon and self destruct explosion, just write up what you want and add them to the character. You are the DM.

Wow, that class looks very cool! I'll have to try it sometime.

I try to stay away from DM fiat because I have an obsession with being fair. I'd rather make things with the rules so that if anyone asks what I just did, I can point to my source. It's pretty silly though, come to think of it.

Final Strike is exactly what I wanted. It'll either be Fire or Electricity. The BFG idea looks perfect too. Wand Sheath DM'd to be in his chest, and as a "casting time: round" he changes it to a 60ft. cone with explosive metamagic added to it.

Thanks everyone. I'm very excited for the next session :smallbiggrin:

2011-05-16, 04:15 AM
For the BFG you could always model it with a line breath attack, even model it on the dragonfire adept's or apply a template to get it. An 11th level dragonfire adept's line is 60' long, which is pretty decent. The maximise breath feat in dragonomicon takes a full round action to initiate but it maximises all effects, so that's kind of what you want right there. I guess taking an action to power up before unleashing it on your next action could increase the strength of the blast by a few dice.

2011-05-16, 07:36 AM
Make sure it has one level in bard.

So it can play Black Sabbath and divebomb the whammy bar as it does, of course. :smallbiggrin:

2011-05-16, 08:21 AM
So it can play Black Sabbath and divebomb the whammy bar as it does, of course. :smallbiggrin:

I lol'd.

Although of course a warforged would be into heavy metal ><

2011-05-18, 12:57 PM
I'd suggest hellfire warlock for a bigger gun and a personal energy shield, though you'd need some way to negate the con damage...

Hey, there's something. Instead of a BFG that takes a round to charge, it's a BFG that you can shoot immediately, but shuts down for a round to recharge while you heal yourself with a wand.