View Full Version : Fallout 3 - reccomend me some mods, please?

2011-05-15, 04:02 AM
Pretty much what the topic says - having gotten myself a slightly better machine I grabbed a spare Fallout 3 copy and I am now wondering what mods to apply to it, before wandering further, to increase my gameplay experience. So far I've installed Fellout (begone green tint!), Mart's Mutant Mod (judging by description it seems nice) plus a few miscellaneous ones. Anything else that's worth grabbing?

Few notes:
- Graphics enhancers are probably out of the question - my computer isn't exactly top of the line
- Likewise anything that requires FOSE is out - apparently polish FO3 distributor decided to gut the game out of GFWL and apply a different copy protection that clashes with FOSE. This also means no DLC related stuff :smallannoyed:
- I'd rather avoid complete overhaul mods/realism mods - I'm looking here to enchance the gameplay and perhaps fix things that might require fixing, not to turn the game on it's head (in other words something like mod balancing experience gains - which I've heard repeadetly are quite too fast - could be interesting for me, while something like Fallout Overhaul Kit would probably be a bit much)

Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions.

2011-05-16, 11:21 AM
Look for "Slower Degradation" , "No Rads Sanitizer" , Weight rebalance & mark and recall.

2011-05-16, 11:39 AM
The only problem I know of with Slower Degradation is that it doesn't help with DLC weapons, it stopped being updated before then.

Amplified Crippling Effects is good.

I put up a Chem Weight and Chem Weight Heal Over Time mod I made for someone else.

Jet Pack never got out of Beta, but it's still tons of fun.

Scoped Hunting Rifle combines the best of the Sniper Rifle and the Hunting Rifle. You'll never need any type of ammo but .32.