View Full Version : Land of the Genie (FR, D&D 3.5)

2011-05-15, 07:32 PM
Important Information:

The year is 1372, during the Autumn Equinox. The story begins in the lands of Calimshan, within the city of Memnon.

An unusual place as any to stake one's claim, the city of Memnon is a place filled with deceit and cruelty. The very sun itself threatens to drain the life from your body. Ruthless sands are met with even more ruthless bandits. From the extravagant life style of the Pasha, to the pitiful existence of the lowly beggar, Calimshan is a place of hopelessness and intrigue. Only those with strong wits or a strong arm can make a comfortable living in the cruel merchant-dominant society of thieves and crooked men.

Our story unfolds in a tavern, unassuming in it's location and design. Nestled in the heart of Memnon, and placed just out of the way of most guard posts, the area is a breeding ground for seedier clientele. The sounds, and smells, of the tavern blend with heat of another late-summer day in the desert lands.

The usual sounds of the tavern elude you, as you turn your attention towards a more promising commotion. A band of black-leather dressed men, no doubt thugs or bandits, have entered the tavern disrupting the usual atmosphere. A sizable group of ten, each armed and notably capable looking humans, they move to the center of the tavern, where one of the men, possibly their leader, shouts above the noise of the place.

"Good calisites and carefree bar patrons! Heed my words, for I bring a matter to your attention of dire importance! This city has had it's time, the watch have often failed us, giving in to corruption and looking down on those who would work honestly. We stand before you today, the Children of Efreeti with a promise! A call to arms to all those capable of lifting a blade, and willing to see the city of Memnon, perhaps all of Calimshan, brought to justice! We do not seek to defy the law however, and would have no quarrel with our neglectful watchers. All who see this proposition as promising may come find our guildhall, hidden within the desert sands not far from Memnon. For those both brave and capable enough, we offer promise of a new life, new law, and a new land!"

The man steps down from his perch atop one of the Tavern's counters, walking back through the tavern, a wicked smile on his face. What few guardsmen who had been present, had been too distracted by the speech to act immediately, and even now the band of ruffians, out-numbering the guards, give off the crude sneers and glances that would freeze even the bravest warrior in their place.

As the last of the bandits leave, the tavern's atmosphere changes, it's mood far more electric. Talk of this new band is interesting, and their speech seemed to inspire many, even those who look as if they would have no way to defend themselves from the wicked ways of the world.

This is when a serving wench comes to your table, offering to take your order.

(Had to spell it "calisite" because apparently the proper term is offensive. *shrug* :smallannoyed:)

2011-05-15, 08:25 PM
"Your finest Dwarven ale please." Thorik says, he cracks his neck then feel his shining shield and hammer, comforting him that they're still there. He looks about the tavern seeing what there is to be seen.


2011-05-15, 10:23 PM
Gemish looks at the serving wench as she comes to the table Nothing for me right now, thank you miss, I think I'm going to stretch my legs for a bit. With that said, Gemish gets up and decides to start questioning The Watch, to see if they have any clue about those who just came in with their announcement.

Gather Information check: [roll0]

2011-05-16, 11:27 AM
Valas caught only half of the man's speech, so focused he was on his drink. The flavor and scent of Calimsham's brew was nothing like he thought would be. A bit confused, he approaches the dwarf, looking for information.
Greetings, master dwarf. He says under an honest smile. My name is Valas, pleased to meet you. I fear I may have misheard what that fellow there said just now. Would you please tell me what he did say? I tend to get distracted.

2011-05-16, 11:38 AM
@ Thorik:

The tavern is bustling with activity now that the talk of the recent commotion settles. From gambling to drinking games, gossip and tests of strength, and simple barting. However one thing catches your eye more then the rest. A single figure, back along a far wall, half-cloaked in shadow with his cowl pulled over his head, seems to be intently focused in your direction. Although it could just as easily be a mistake...

@ Gemish:

The watch is composed of two men, dressed in the appropriate armor and symbols, but noticeably out of their element. One of the guards had quickly ran off immediately after the bandit's speech. The other remains bound to his duty however, greeting you when you approach.

"Well met citizen. I can honestly say I have no idea who the band, or their leader was... They are just as much a mystery to you as to me. However I do know one of the faces that was in the band. The small man, in the rear left, his name is Kellish I believe. He has a place not far from this tavern actually, just down the alley a ways, take a left at your first turn, another left, then a right, then keep going till you find the shack with the single round window."

2011-05-16, 12:06 PM
Thorik keeps the person half-cloaked in shadows in the corner of his eye. "Hello, I'm Thorik, Thorik Stoneshield." The dwarf nods his head. "As for what he said, he seamed to be wanting to 'legally' overthrow the watch and government." He spits. "Sounds like a bunch of nonsense to me."

2011-05-16, 02:56 PM
Ahh, very useful information to know. Thank you, good Watchman. Here, take this for your help, perhaps in the future I can contact you for information again should I need it. Oh, one last thing before I go, would you happen to have heard any rumors of a Band of Marauders that travel up and down the Sword Coast and that might have recently been here in Calimshan? with that said, Gemish slides a gold coin into the Watch-mans hand, then after listening to his answer, returns to his table to digest the information given.

Gather information Check: [roll0] AND Diplomacy Check to make the guard like Gemish more: [roll1]

2011-05-16, 09:32 PM
As the men exit, Bael looks them each over carefully from his place near the door, scanning for any identifying marks or insignia, as well as class indicators like spell component pouches, religious symbols and such. His eyes flicker briefly, revealing any magical auras to be found.


Detect Magic

2011-05-16, 09:49 PM
@ Gemish:

The guard seems to improve in attitude at your company. A small smile crosses his face, however briefly, and his tone is slightly more upbeat.

"Hmm, sorry, can't say I have heard of such a band. But I'll keep ya in mind if I hear anything."

@ Bael:

As the man walk past you, completely oblivious to your eyeing presence, you manage to pick out specifics about their attire and any magical auras. Among the group you notice most to be simple fighters, perhaps a few more skilled in stealth then in direct combat. You also notice a fair few magical aura's admist the group's equipment. The most notable is the leader, who radiates magic himself, perhaps in-tune with some sort of sorcery. The other's seem to carry a variety of magical weapons and items, no single school of magic stands out above the rest.

60% of them are Fighters. 40% are Rogues. The leader is a possible sorcerer/ other inherit magic user.)

2011-05-18, 02:30 PM
Looking around the tavern, Gemish notices two people at a table whom look like adventurers, one a stout and powerful looking dwarf, the other a Human. Seeing as how they appeared to be the only other adventurers in the bar besides himself and another man standing off by himself, Gemish walks over and introduces himself Greetings good dwarf and human, I am Gemish the Gnome. Quite an interesting performance those men gave in here, don't you think?

2011-05-18, 06:50 PM
Bael, returning his attention to the room at large, quickly notices a small group of adventurers beginning to form at the table next to him, its discussion initiated by an entirely too friendly gnome... in Baels experience its always the most seemingly open ones that have the most to hide... then again, all drow have something to hide...

In any event, the promise of talk of the recent goings on peaks his interest and he strides over to join in,

"Interesting is one way to put it. It did seem a bit... lets go with far fetched... but they do seem to be skilled, or at the very least capable combatants, and their leader is most definitely a mage of some description... so who knows... Oh, I'm Bael by the way"

2011-05-19, 03:02 PM
Greetings, fellows., he bows slightly. My name is Valas. I think this matter deserves a little attention. I'm not familiar with the land, but the government seems decent enough as of now...

2011-05-19, 10:47 PM
Greetings young Valas, it is a pleasure to meet you sir. I agree, the government around here seems fine enough. I got some very interesting information from the guard I was talking to earlier. One of that group is a man named Kellis, who even lives very near here, in a shack with a single round window. Turning towards the man who approached the table after he himself did, Gemish introduces himself Hail there mysterious stranger, my name is Gemish. I'm guessing you must be an adventurer as well, like myself and these other two fine people. Interesting to know that their leader was a mage. Probably someone we should be wary of until we know more about him and his group.. With all that said, Gemish falls into silence, looking at the others at the table.

2011-05-21, 03:08 PM
Unjust, he says? Perhaps.

The figure sipped form a cup, water with a shot of ale to distill it. Inexpensive, and not terribly pleasant. It wore a hood and long traveling cloak, hiding it's appearance too passive looks.

She was not worried, not this one. Of course, when nature itself would come too your aid, a few thugs were less intimidating. She brooded for a time, mulling over options. She could just ignore it for now, but that would likely get her no where. And what if these men had the right of it? It wasn't a call for simple violence after all, and she had in her short time in this city not been impressed with the living conditions she'd found.

Investigation was warranted, the figure finally decided, and looked up, giving the room a once over as she decided if she would act alone.

The group of a drow, Gnome, Dwarf, and a human stood out, and she moved her way over too there table, staff and drink in hand.

"Greetings, gentlemen. Is there perhaps room for one more in this conversation?"

2011-05-21, 04:13 PM
@ Gemish Fair enough. Still, it is likely worth checking out, though perhaps not directly.

he is interrupted from his train of thought by the arrival of a 5th person to the table, a woman of amazonian proportions, easily the tallest among them. Best not to get on her bad side...

@ Selena And who might you be?

2011-05-21, 04:54 PM
"A servant of nature, good, and balance, in that order." Selena replied in a calm voice.

She takes a seat at the table, setting her drink down and laying her staff across her thigh.

"At the moment, my curiosity is perked by our, recent visators. Can the same perhaps be said of the rest of you?"

The Elfs eyes were, different, to put it mildly. Selena for the life of her couldn't remember ever seeing eyes like that on another creature. It was, interesting, to put it lightly.

2011-05-21, 11:03 PM
Once everyone introduces themselves He speaks up. "I'm Thorik Stoneshield, It be a pleasure to meet you all." He cracks his neck, his holy symbol, the hammer and anvil of Moradin shines in the light."I am a cleric of the revered Moradin and traveler, I've been feeling to itch to explore for a while now."

2011-05-21, 11:23 PM
Gemish eyes up the proclaimed Druid. A Druid eh? Can you turn into different shapes? I've met so many druids in my travels, but only a few could actually turn into animals. Such a neat little trick, useful too! Yes, my curiosity is piqued right about now, in more ways then one turning towards the elf and speaking Oh, certainly, but I think if we are going to investigate this, we should start by visiting the man the guard told me about. Less dangerous, but still, hopefully, in the know. he says. Turning and addressing the rest of the group So, I don't know about all of you, but this seems like it could be a very fun affair, and maybe profitable if we handle it right. Would you all like to form an adventuring band and investigate this group? Fun, adventure, possibly loot and fame as well! What more can a person ask for? At that last bit, Gemish winces and a close observer might notice a bit of moisture in the gnomes eyes.

2011-05-22, 09:27 AM
A toast! Valas raises his glass of wine. To another servant of good and balance. Valas Dragonbreast, pleased to make your acquantaince.
In his excitement, Valas always reveals his secret organization. With a sip of wine, he swallows his excitement.
A diverse bunch of adventurers if I ever saw one. Tymora has smiled upons us, friends. I believe fate has brought us together for a reason.

2011-05-22, 09:06 PM
Hmm, an enthusiastic response. This lot would do well indeed back home if they could take the cold weather, and assuming there skills in the field were as good as they chatted here at the table. Selena had no real reason to doubt them, but it would hardly be the first or last time someone or something attempted to make it self seem more formidable to onlookers then it really was.

But for now, they certainly deserved a chance form her as much as she deserved one from them, and indeed, they were apparently offering such. It would be bad form not to do the same.

Selena raised her cup, brushing a strand of golden hair out of her blue eyes as she did.

"I'll drink too that Dragonbreast. And too answer your question, little master," At this she cast a friendly gaze too Gemish.

"I can do such, but I would still consider myself a novice in that discipline. But it is usually enough that it allows me to protect myself when I must. And then there is Amaranth,A companion of mine form my homelands. You'll meet her when we prepare to set out. The Inn's keepers didn't much care for the idea of letting her in, afraid she'd scare off business no doubt."

Finally, she turns and nods toward ThoriK. "A mutual pleasure, it would seem master Stonesheild."

2011-05-23, 09:26 PM
careful not to glance too suddenly at Gemish's slight wince, Bael takes note of the suppressed gesture... its always the open ones he thinks again...

still, no matter the gnome's secrets, his offer is a tempting one. it would be good to get out of the city. too many things to worry about. not to mention the burning curiosity that the nights events had sparked.

leaning back in his chair, Bael reaches across to his old table, surreptitiously pulling his glass the last half foot or so into his hand with a mental command, the small hand shaped amulet around his neck growing faintly warm with the channeled energy.

returning to the conversation, he raises the glass, joining the toast,

"hear hear! and may this unlikely alliance prove... profitable."

2011-05-23, 10:14 PM
Well met, friends., declares Valas after a sip of wine. Now, what should we do? If we intend to discover anything about this so-called revolutionaires, we need to attend to their proposed meeting, I believe.

2011-05-24, 05:26 AM
I think, before we rush blindly into their meeting, we should go and interrogate the one I got information about from the guard. For all we know, we could be walking into a trap of some sort for the unwary. A nefarious blood sacrifice ritual in order to summon a powerful demon. I know it's unlikely, but better to oil the gears then risk a cog slipping as my grandma always said! Gemish said, looking around the table at the others.

2011-05-25, 02:01 PM
"I believe I have a solution too our problem. I have a spell that would allow me to use a none discript creature to scout either the man Gemish's guard mentioned too us, or the meeting of these other men who were in here moments ago. Thus allowing the rest of us too pursue the other objective at the same time."

Many people were impressed when Druids used natures power to summoner elementals, barrage enemy's with lighting bolts, or transform into terrifyingly lethal opponents. But as often as not, it was the smaller things, sending a spider to scout for you, for example, that proved the most valuable.

2011-05-25, 05:42 PM
Thorik looks at Selena. "A handy trick, I'm sure it will be most useful to us." The dwarf gives her a wink then takes a sip of his ale. "As for what I can contribute, I can provide healing and solve some transportation issues, as long as we need to get through stone or over a lake. I might also add that I can hold my own in combat, should the need arise."

2011-05-26, 07:25 AM
Exciting. Now we have wrongs to right, I believe.

2011-05-27, 04:44 PM
Agreed and agreed. Before we move on out, let's take a quick vote. Who thinks we should interrogate the member I learned about, and who thinks we should head to the meeting ourselves? The Druids familiar will handle the information gathering on the other end of things. I vote we interrogate the single member. Not much we can do at the meeting, we'll be sorely out-numbered if we tried anything, but we can easily intimidate a lone man into giving up information.

2011-05-27, 07:08 PM
Either way is fine by me. Since Gemish already has a plan, I'm agreeing with him.

2011-05-28, 12:40 PM
If I recall there was no specified meeting time (or even place), just an open invitation. we may as well take our time and gather information (such as the location) ourselves before going to meet the full group... no need to do only one or the other.

2011-05-28, 08:03 PM
Selena Nods toward Bael as he mentions this.

"Indeed, this is a point I had not considered. And it further makes sense that if there goal is as stated too force a change of considerable signifigance too the local government, then it stands too reason that they would not have a specific time that you must arrive too them at if you are too offer there assisstance too them. "

2011-05-29, 03:16 PM
Gemish hops off his barstool. Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's go find the man the guard told me about. Best to start with him so we know what we are getting ourselves into! With that said, Gemish heads toward and through the door, looking over his shoulder to make sure his new companions are following.

2011-05-29, 04:48 PM
With a nod and a grin, Valas follows Gemish.

2011-05-29, 05:42 PM
(I am going to assume no one will object to following Gemish and move the game along. If that is alright)

The crowded streets of Memnon prove daunting as the hordes of citizens move along in a chaotic manner. However even with your slowed progress you find yourselves outside of the mentioned home in not even a half hour. The house, or rather shack, proves remarkably unassuming. To those who would not have been searching it would have seemed impossible to even see. Even with the provided description you nearly pass the place by trying to locate it. The place is wood-worked, unlike most of the stone houses of the city, and has been fashioned out of what would appear to be rubbish and ruined materials. The place would either have to belong to the second poorest man in the city, or to an expert thief, with a knack for designing hideouts.

The front door is the only feature not obviously in ruin. It seems polished even, which is a bit odd. With a cursory glance you notice no locks or handles, and no other obvious way to open the slab of wood.

2011-05-29, 08:35 PM
Bael walks up to the curious door, gesturing his companions to wait before approaching.

His eyes flash briefly before he begins to chuckle softly.

very clever... beware, this door may not lead to the other side of the wall as we expect. there is some kind of dimensional magic on it... well... that or there may be some kind of summoned trap. likely nothing too powerful though... still, be on your toes

he then leans in and knocks on the door (hesitantly)

pre edit:

He then carefully checks for potentially threatening magical auras before reaching out and knocking

(the latter action obviously relying conditionally on there not actually being any of the aforementioned threatening magical auras.

-if there is an aura but it is neither strong nor malevolent seeming he will go ahead and knock anyways)

2011-05-30, 09:22 PM
@ Bael

You rap on the aged wood, the sound softened by the worn material. The first knock was hesitant, showing no results, another knock, fueled by your growing confidence, also reveals nothing. It is on the third and final knock that the magics within the portal react. You can feel it as the aura of the door flares to life, reacting to your presence, the third knock causes the door to open inward, slowly and methodically, as if a presence were pulling it.

@ Everyone

The interior of the house proves to be in worse condition then the outside. It's as if no one has lived here in centuries. The few items, most of which are antique furnishings, are layered with a heavy coat of dust. If ever someone lived here, it was not for many many years prior.

2011-05-31, 01:40 AM
How very very odd. I know this is the place the guard told me about, yet it looks as though no-one has lived here in ages. here Gemish pauses and wipes his finger through a coating of dust, holding it up to prove his point I wonder, perhaps the guard is a member of that group, and was told to send people asking nosy questions to this place, either as a test, or as an ambush. Regardless, I'd suggest everyone be on their guard, trouble is likely to lurk in here. With that said, Gemish looks around the room, searching for any magical effects that might be in place.

Knowledge Arcana check: [roll]1d20+8[roll]

2011-05-31, 01:37 PM
Selena remains Quiet, narrowing her eyes as she peers in, and perking her ears, straining to catch any relevant sounds in the room or the house in general, or even anything in the street that might signal an attack too the rear.

1d20+15 Spot check.

1d20+15 Listen check.

2011-06-01, 09:36 AM
[roll0] Spot check.

[roll1] Listen Check.

2011-06-01, 02:18 PM
@ Selena

You peek into the room, taking a quick scan before entering. Everything seemed fine, which did little to comfort your nerves. It is when you noticed the smallest of indentations at the far back of the room, a noticeable difference in the cracked wooden floorboards, that you began to relax. It was obviously a trap door, or a trapped door. In either case you felt confident that it was trying to be hidden, disguised under debris, books, and years of dust. Obviously someone did not want the common child or vagrant finding it.

2011-06-01, 06:27 PM
This smells like trouble. Valas grabs his wand of shield and activates it, protecting himself.

2011-06-01, 06:39 PM
Selena indicates the door with a finger, and whispers just barely loud enough to be audible too her companions.

"Door, just there, well hidden. Might be trapped. Almost certainly hiding something, or maybe, just maybe, someone. So, any suggestions on what we do with this tid bit?"

2011-06-01, 10:19 PM
If I can get a peek down through the door, I can teleport to the other side and perhaps unlock it or disable any traps that might be waiting? I don't want to risk it if I can't see where I'm going though, I could end up in a wall or something.

Bael moves in cautiously, unsettled by the eerie stillness, peering at the door for any cracks or openings in the boards, and taking note of any magical auras he sees while doing so.


2011-06-05, 03:09 PM
Gemish walks into the room, looking around at the thick layer of dust that covers everything. Spying the secret trap door that the others are gathering around, he makes a quick decision, and casts a spell to reveal any magical auras in the room.

Cast Detect Magic

2011-06-07, 09:47 AM
Thorik move in and off to the side, drawing his warhammer and shield, then casts a spell, looking for poison.

Casting detect poison.

2011-06-07, 10:37 AM
Valas goes in behind Thorik, a little distracted by crackings on the ground.