View Full Version : Necromancer (B) IC

2011-05-15, 10:06 PM
In the kingdom of Ashcen, magic is feared and hated. The king, Zuhrin the Magebane, has outlawed and lead several campaigns

against it.

At the end of the day, that doesn't matter to you. You are a farmer's child, and have no magic that you know of. You live in a

small, dirty hut at the edge of a small village called Hackevir. Your mother died giving birth to you; your father cares little

for you.

You wake up this morning, April 21 7th Year of the Hammer. The sky is grey and overcast, and you can smell rain in the air. You've

worked hard the last month planting, and the rain will be a much desired respite. You struggle to get up off your dirty straw bed.

2011-06-12, 12:40 PM
Aliandara puts her hands together, stretching them over her head as she wakes, rubbing sleep from her eyes. Dressing quickly to race out the door of the shack to gaze up at the overcast sky, Aliandara smiles for the first time in days. Rain meant a break, which also meant she would not be exhausted again by day's end.

Aliandara walks through the field, her feet barefoot against the soil as she checks for weeds. She bends over every once in a while to pick one out of the ground, leaving the young plantlings to grow in peace. After completing the task, Aliandara finds her way back to the house, hoping to find herself something to eat and perhaps a book she hasn't read too many times now to pass away the time as the coming rain falls.

2011-06-12, 02:05 PM
As you head back to your hut, you see your father loading the donkey with some form of bundle.
"Had to make my own breakfast this morning. Where've you been?" His voice is sharp and derisive. As his voice raises, rain starts to fall. He slowly shakes his head. "I'm going to town, stay here. Not much can be done in the rain."

2011-06-13, 12:54 PM
Aliandara simply stares at her father, unresponsive to his question. Once given a dismissal, she races into the hut, flopping herself back onto the straw bed with a dramatic huff. "Where have you been?" she mocks in a high-pitched voice, fighting the urge to punch her own pillow.

Still fuming, though less so, Aliandara finds something to eat for herself before sitting down outside in the rain to eat. Letting the rain wash away the anger she felt before, she sits quietly in the field simply to be. After watching the road for a long while, Aliandara goes inside to dry herself off and decides for once she was going to do something for herself. She puts on her shoes, rubbing at them to try and get some of the dirt off, managing only to smear it more, before heading down the road to town if only for a short time.

2011-06-13, 01:47 PM
You head to town at about 2 o'clock, arriving as the brief respite in the rain ends with a gentle drizzle beginning again.

Hackevir, nestled beside a river unimaginatively of the same name, sits in the shadows of the Norsepeak Mountains. While the mountains are clearly visible, they are many leagues away still, and the land is still flat. This part of the country is mostly prairie; you pass a few trees on the path.

You arrive at the village proper. You pass several thatched-roofed cottages before the wood shops. You notice that your father is correct; dozens of brigands in black-and-white raiment have seemingly materialized since you were here last. They seem to be the only ones out, walking briskly to their destinations, apparently eager to get indoors. A pair stand guarding a large bell in the town square. A parchment notice is fixed to the wooden frame of the bell, although you are one of few who can actually read it:

The Witch Bell tolls of its own when magic is cast within the village. This bell is a gift from the king to his people to protect them from foul arts.

Notable locations include the smithy, stables, general store, butcher shop, warehouse, tannery, and the tavern. The tavern seems to have been co opted by the soldiers as a barracks, and if your father is doing business with them, he will likely be there.

2011-06-13, 04:26 PM
Aliandara silently reads the notice while trying to recall if she'd ever heard a story of the bell ringing while younger. Giving up on the notion, she heads into the general store if only to take a look around.

2011-06-13, 06:12 PM
You enter the general store, and find you are the only one in the room. The flicker of candles illuminates the various goods within, along with a counter near the door. The place has an earthy smell, from the many dry goods, mixed with the aroma of burning beeswax candles.

As you browse, you hear someone enter the main room from the back. Tamia, the daughter of the store owner, is at 15 a couple years younger than you, with a petite form and long, auburn hair. She nods at you as you browse the goods.