View Full Version : Weird Request

2011-05-16, 04:47 PM
Alright, I'm trying to help a player in a party of non-optimizers.

Background is this guy's character died and he wanted to play a new character. He decided to randomly roll what class he would play and he is playing Dragon Compendium's Jester.

He formed some ideas and he likes the idea of playing a jester that juggles a bunch of daggers and other dangerous weapons like you see at medieval fairs and figured he could juggle them and then in combat his fighting style would be dagger tossing.

I know there are a few builds that let you toss ridiculous amounts of daggers in a round and I was trying to find out ways that I could help him out.

He is currently level 7.

Jester 5 / Master Thrower 2

While he has fun he wanted me to look into ways to get stronger as well so he doesn't fall behind or anything.

As such I'm trying to help him out by asking you playgrounders to come up with ways to help this guy.

All stats I can give at the moment
Human, Jester 5 / Master thrower 2

feats: Two-weapon fighting, point blank shot, precise shot, weapon focus (dagger)

The last three are pre-reqs and he can change two-weapon fighting if he needs to. He also has quick draw thanks to master thrower.

So...if the playground can help him out, thanks. He's currently partying with a Paladin, an unarmed swordsage, and a factotum.

2011-05-16, 04:49 PM
Dip barbarian 1 for whirling frenzy. That's 1 extra attack /round when he frenzies.

2011-05-16, 05:24 PM
Alright, I'll mention that. What are some other ways to throw multiple daggers? Or is he limited to just palm throwing to throw two per attack?

Fable Wright
2011-05-16, 05:33 PM
Alright, I'll mention that. What are some other ways to throw multiple daggers? Or is he limited to just palm throwing to throw two per attack?

If you're willing to houserule items in... Gloves of Splitting. Essentially, give the Splitting quality to all thrown weapons this character uses while wearing the gloves. Thus, twice the knives...

2011-05-16, 05:41 PM
Give me a reasonable price and I'm willing to fit it in. I'm pretty good to my players.

So if he gets these gloves then at the moment (he only has one attack) while wielding two daggers (two-weapon fighting), he could palm throw with each attack (thus throw four daggers) and splitting would turn each dagger into two more (thus 8 daggers per round at level 7)

2011-05-16, 06:01 PM
If you allow ToB material, Bloodstorm Blade is pretty good for this.

2011-05-16, 06:06 PM
Well, one of the players is an unarmed sword sage :P

I looked at it and didn't see why people loved it? What exactly does it add?

The Rabbler
2011-05-16, 06:06 PM
If you allow ToB material, Bloodstorm Blade is pretty good for this.

this will require a warblade dip however (not that it's a bad thing by any measure)

2011-05-16, 06:12 PM
It's a martial adept class focused on throwing. What more do you need? :smalltongue:

The first level ability treats any weapon you throw as having the returning quality. That alone is worth the dip.

2011-05-16, 06:16 PM
Either a warblade dip or feats. Though I'm not sure he'll have enough feats. I'm afb whats the pre-reqs for it again?

Also the problem I had with the class was having to spend Iron Heart maneuvers. So just a dip you'd only have a few points to spend wouldn't you?

The Rabbler
2011-05-16, 08:00 PM
Either a warblade dip or feats. Though I'm not sure he'll have enough feats. I'm afb whats the pre-reqs for it again?

8 ranks of balance, point blank shot, and both 1 Iron heart strike and 1 Iron Heart stance.

Also the problem I had with the class was having to spend Iron Heart maneuvers. So just a dip you'd only have a few points to spend wouldn't you?

Like I said, you'd have to dip warblade before taking bloodstorm blade. As for spending manuevers, If you aren't going to actually be using your maneuvers, why does it matter that you spend them? Also, I'm probably wrong when I say this, but by my reading, Returning Attacks requires you to get rid of a maneuver to give your weapons returning for an indefinite amount of time. You, as the DM, could interpret this to mean that it lasts until the end of the encounter or for a couple of rounds or simply for a single round.

And, lets not forget that taking warblade gives the player access to weapon aptitude, which lets him/her swap what weapon his/her weapon focus (or similar) feats apply to. Hell, with a single EWP, your player gets access to any and all exotic weapons (one at a time, mind you). And, if you allow it, the player could throw around crescent knives (just to get cheesy).

2011-05-16, 08:15 PM
Heh, I'll mention that option to him and look into more.

So, I'm horrible at the custom item cost. What price would someone say the gloves of splitting would be worth?

2011-05-16, 08:29 PM
If you are friendly and he already uses several +1 daggers (so that it doesn't violate the +1 before enchantment rules) it would be a +3 enchantment normally so 18,000gp. Which is a bit much for now but a good target for later maybe.

Or you treat his gloves as the ranged weapon and the daggers as ammunition and then simply apply normal weapon costs to them.

2011-05-16, 09:42 PM
The gloves seem like a cool idea. So I'd guess 18,000 for the gloves that bestow it to the ammo? (that's being pretty nice, but I'm a nice DM and its his first game). Or each dagger being a +3 weapon would be 18,000.

2011-05-16, 09:55 PM
Basically I meant it as follows:

1. The Gloves bestow the enchantment on the daggers. For this the daggers themselves have to be +1 already. Potential downside would be that a dagger with a lot of enchantments might go over the maximum pre-epic limit.

2. Treat the act of throwing daggers as shooting a bow. For this make the daggers the same as arrows (ammunition) and the gloves the same as the bow. He would then basically need +1 gloves of splitting, which comes to a +4 bonus and 32,000gp.

2011-05-16, 10:08 PM
Ahhh, yeah I meant making the gloves as the "bow" idea.

So +1 gloves of splitting would be 32,000. Well then, he'll be waiting for a bit lol.