View Full Version : Question on monster class progression

King Atticus
2011-05-17, 02:37 AM
I was looking into the possibility of putting a Draegloth together and had a question specifically on how their HP works. They have an ECL of 10 with 6 racial HD. According to the progression chart laid out in CoR their HD come in to play on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th & 10th. My question is this; on the 3rd, 5th, 7th, & 9th levels do they still add their CON mod to their HP total or is that only for the levels where the HD progresses. Thanks for the help.

**PLEASE NOTE**This post is meant to be of a limited scope. I'm not trying to discover the merits or lack-there-of of playing a monster class or whether or not the CoR stats are legit or not (As I've found this info in previous threads)

EXCEPTION: The one other question I had on this was in the progression chart, and it concerns it's natural armor. Is it meant to cap at +5 at 10 level or is that meant to be stacked with the previous N.A. gains at 2 & 7 for a total of 9? (CoR pg 10)

Thrice Dead Cat
2011-05-17, 05:11 AM
I'm not sure if natural armor stacks or if you simply take the highest bonus listed, but I know that for ability scores, each +whatever bonus stacks on top of any previous listed bonuses. That said, my gut reaction is that it overlaps rather than stacks.

As for the hit-dice, that column is there to show the total HD of the creature. So, a Dreagloth 10 would have only rolled 6dwhatevers for HP, not another 4 dwhatevers at level 10 of his Dreagloth class.

EDIT: Only levels where they gain an actual HD do they add their con modifier. Thus, with this hypothetical 10th level Dreagloth, he would have 4dwhatevers+4XCon mod. When he takes his first class level, he'd add HP like normal.

2011-05-17, 05:23 AM
Each level presents your total natural armor at that level.

King Atticus
2011-05-17, 03:12 PM
Perfect, thanks guys I appreciate it.

Thrice Dead Cat
2011-05-17, 03:30 PM
No problem! Always happy to help. That said, if you are set on playing a Draegloth, I'd recommend using it with Tome of Battle. While you're behind in maneuver levels, you can at least use your racial HD for more than just bloody skills, saves, BAB, and HP while being a fighting type!

That, and it looks like another Tome of Battle thread is on the horizon!:smallwink: