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View Full Version : Names for them Parents

Morph Bark
2011-05-17, 09:37 AM
So I'm DMing a pirate campaign now (journal here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=192028)) and I'm thinking of including some of the PCs' parents at some point. So I figure, I'm going to need some names. (Perhaps also some ideas for the parental figures on their backstory or personality, but that can come later.)

Aaron: Aaron's background story hasn't come to me yet, so I don't know anything about his relatives.
Annie: Started the game with amnesia - so I'm thinking of just throwing in something like her parents either being royalty or crazy elven scientists.
Atrox: Outcast from kobold society, neither parent is named.
Boagetash: Other than him being a half-fey forest elf, little backstory.
Nadia: Mother's name is Meliana, who is a warblade/binder/dread pirate and in whose footsteps she is following. Father is unknown.
Vido: Nothing needed for this guy, as his backstory was the most worked out of all of them (not a hard thing to do, but he had two full pages even).

2011-05-17, 04:53 PM
When I need to come up with names, I usually use baby names sites.

here (http://babynamesworld.parentsconnect.com/) for instance. Just use some of the less common names. You can use the feature to search by origin and assign same-origin names to the same fantasy race or culture.

Words of advice? Unless you want your significant other to have an heart attack, tell him/her in advance what you're using the site for....:smalltongue::smallwink:

2011-05-17, 05:11 PM
Or you could ask them to come up with the names since it is their characters and they created them.

Morph Bark
2011-05-17, 05:17 PM
When I need to come up with names, I usually use baby names sites.

This is usually a great idea and I often do that. Sadly it's hard to find original names and non-humans in DnD tend to have wildly different sorts of names. I could nab some for Aaron from such sites though.

Or you could ask them to come up with the names since it is their characters and they created them.

I did so at the very start. I have explicit permission from about half of them to make up backstory NPCs and implicit for the other half. Considering Atrox' backstory though (hatching from an egg stacked together with other eggs), his parents are least important.

So that leaves Nadia's father, Boa's parents and Annie's.