View Full Version : the big bang theory: a mean little man!

2011-05-17, 10:41 AM
I quite liked the last episode I saw.. the engagement reaction.
it was very much like seeing a couple old friends and finding they'd learned a few new tricks.
playing up on Sheldon's hypocondria, Raj's humour and the Wolowitz mame outrgrossing the relatively gross Howard.. yes yes..for once I can't really say there were any low points in the episode... and it's also nicely keeping track of the overall story, instead of feeling very much as a stand alone episode.

2011-05-17, 02:42 PM
I almost had no idea what the heck you were talking about.

2011-05-17, 04:03 PM
I almost had no idea what the heck you were talking about.

Agreed. You might... want to choose another thread title or people won't look in here.

Anyway, yeah, I also enjoyed the new episode. I'm actually surprised Penny and Priya start to get along. I was actually expecting her to be dropped in the season finale but maybe the are going to expand the cast again. Not that I'd mind or that I'm sure of it but it might just happen.

2011-05-17, 04:59 PM
I almost had no idea what the heck you were talking about.

What the heck is he talking about?:smallconfused:

2011-05-17, 05:07 PM
What the heck is he talking about?:smallconfused:

The Big Bang Theory.

2011-05-17, 05:09 PM
The Big Bang Theory.

That would have been useful to know.

The Glyphstone
2011-05-17, 05:12 PM
I thought it was the "thbbt" text representation of the noise you make when you stick your tongue out at someone.

2011-05-17, 05:20 PM
I hopes he did this on purpose, 'cuz if he didn't he's in for a surprise.

2011-05-19, 04:06 AM
duh...silly me.
I'd just been reading on a forum where it was the main subject, so didn't think that most other people wouldn't get the acronym's meaning :smalleek:

2011-05-21, 02:38 AM
i too loved this episode however it did not capture the sheer magic of episode 19 of season 4 where sheldon's WoW account got hacked

2011-05-21, 03:58 AM
Well, this was the season finale, wasn't it? You know, they... well, they didn't get me, but I didn't think they'd actually pull that stunt. Just seemed like... well, not totally OOC but... I don't know. It kind of nags me.

Maybe because even Raj gets more booty than I do :smallfurious:

Apart from that... it was a fun episode. I liked Howard and Bernadette especially.

2011-05-21, 05:10 AM
my favorite part was raj waking up with penny and not being able to talk to her

2011-05-21, 05:36 AM
my favorite part was raj waking up with penny and not being able to talk to her

Well, no need for me to be cautious about what I say, I guess :smallwink:

Yeah, that was pretty funny, I still didn't like the plot point.

2011-05-21, 10:39 AM
my favorite part was raj waking up with penny and not being able to talk to her

what the frack!
spoilers, man!

2011-05-21, 11:19 AM
See? See? It's a good thing to use spoilers when something is just three days old. Ha!

2011-05-21, 02:08 PM
duh...silly me.
I'd just been reading on a forum where it was the main subject, so didn't think that most other people wouldn't get the acronym's meaning :smalleek:
It still probably would be a good idea to edit/expand the title :smallannoyed:

I'm not sure if this is even still worth spoilering as geimbold already blurted it, but the thing about the whole Penny/Rai deal I'm most interested in is what it might mean for Rai. Not that I think they will hook up or anything, but I can think of worst things then for the show to focus alittle more on him. Really, he's by far the most unappreciated character in the show, to the point where the show was starting to get under my skin.

2011-05-22, 06:36 AM
i agree with your list bit bibliorook
in particular i would like it if they featured more of his difficulties with women thats among my favorite parts of the show

2011-05-22, 08:59 AM
I thought that in the last couple of episodes they were exploring his sarky, comedic veing quite nicely, giving him a bit of an edge..but yes..I'd love to see more of him

2011-05-22, 12:53 PM
He may have been featured, but almost never actually developed.
As with the the rest of the cast (obviously with the exception of Sheldon and Amy, but even that I imagine is just a matter of time) Raj's ultimate goal basically is to get a girlfriend. It was different when Howard was also single because then they equally shouldered the comical relief of being 'awkward, undateble geeks', but with him now engaged it now all falls on poor Raj. They even now made him pick up Howard's old shtick of being something of a creep letch.
I mean, the most he actually ever progressed in a romantic sub-plot probably was way back in the first season with Sheldon's sister of all people. Actually, that seemed to me to just be begging for a call-back, I can't imagine them laying the groundwork for something like that then never using it again.

2011-05-22, 04:27 PM
Oh come on, guys. Raj always was the one with the best odds when it came to women. He goot ths shot at Sheldon's sister, he got the best shot at... uh... River, was it. He picked up a date at the Halloween party in the first season. Yeah, he never had a relationship but he got enough attention. And yeah, he didn't evolve, but none of the guys did. Problem is, you can't have a relationship if you need to drink to talk to a woman. That's only natural. So they give him this thing and they stay true to it. It's not that I dislike him but I don't know what they should do with him. He's not the main character and a relationship with Penny... god, please don't.