View Full Version : Gothic (IC)

2011-05-17, 12:06 PM
- In the name of King Rhobar the Second, I sentence those convicts to the life sentence in the ore mines of Khorinis. You'll mine ore for the war against the orcs, until the war ends or you die. The Barrier won't let you out anyway. May Innos have mercy on your souls.

None of the three new convicts paid any attention to the judge. After he finished his speech, guards ordered them to step on the elevator on the edge of the cliff, promising that if anyone refuses, he'll just be thrown down from the cliff. Convicts stood on the elevator, among the crates and barrels that King sent to the Colony. They weren't tied or handcuffed, but there was nowhere to run anyway. Convicts looked down and saw a small pond beneath the elevator, and four men wearing red plate armor on it's shore.

One of the paladins that was with the Judge ordered to lower the elevator and... they lift went down. Each of the convicts shivered as they passed through the barrier, it was like diving in the ice cold water. The first thought after passing through magic barrier was - "There is no way back"!

After a few moments they were already on Colony soil. Men in red armor grinned as they saw them. One of them chuckled and stepped forward.

- So we got fresh meat! Well, lads, you must be some great warriors or mages. Wait, I know - you are paladins! Can you show me some of your combat abilities, paladins?!

Four men surrounded the elevator and arrivals and all escape routes were cut off. The greeting of new faces had begun.

2011-05-18, 04:18 AM
Ol' Pete hunches over slightly, adding an extra layer of world weariness to his aged complexion. "Oh, please, let an old man just enjoy his last years in piece." He gives his voice a wavering tone, as if frail and scared. He takes a brief look around for any sort of weapon, just in case it comes to that.


2011-05-18, 06:04 AM
The man grinned even wider,

- Knowing your place already, grandpa? Good for you! But we don't feed those like you if they aren't working. But first your pals. So lads, who are you?

2011-05-18, 12:01 PM
Paladins ? HA ! I'm no gods-damned paladin. Those bastards wouldn't throw one of their own in this craphole.

2011-05-18, 12:11 PM
Pao would just smirk to them cause if they truly believed he was a paladin and was helpless he was in for a surprise that was for sure. Pao was ready to fight as he did not mind spilling blood and these fools would be so worth it. He would stare down the leader "I recommend you move I have better things to do then deal with trash like your self" he was calling the groups leaders bluff in his attempt to intimidating them since they where new to the prison colony.

2011-05-19, 07:49 AM
Instead of replying with words the man kicked Pao straight to the groin. As he collapsed, the man said,

- Watch your tongue, punk, or you'll die where you stand! I ask again - WHO ARE YOU?! Answer, quick!

All four men drew out their blades.

OOC: Do you really want to fight four men in plate armor and of MUCH higher level?

2011-05-23, 11:06 PM
"Come on, leave the lad alone, we've all had a bit of a rough day, I'm sure you can understand."


2011-05-24, 01:09 AM
he would groan and roll around on the ground as he was kicked in the groin. He take a minute to recover before getting up and looking to the man " all you need to know is my name is pao" he would state in spite tone to the man that cheap shoot him in the groin.

2011-05-25, 06:03 AM
- Enough, - said guard and added, - Get up, punk!

(After gets up)

- Welcome to the Colony, lads. I am Levet, one of Gomez guards. We are from the Old Camp - the best and largest settlement in the Colony. If you are wise, you'll come with us - otherwise scavengers and goblins will kill you for sure. Everyone, grab a crate or a barrel and come with us.

2011-05-30, 01:50 AM
[occ: what happed to bayer he posted once and vanished]

He would look to the man that called him self lavet and looked to the others as he was sure like him self they will need his back up to survive the first few days here. He would look to the one that stood up for him "my name is Pao what is ours" this of course was not to be kind but it is useful to get name of a person that you might need to use in the future plus it is good to know people that help you survive the colony if it is as bad as the rumors say it is.

2011-05-30, 09:48 AM
"Pete," Ol' Pete grumbles as he grabs a barrel. "And if you learned one thing today, lad, is that respect where respect is due. These men have survived here well enough, despite their methods. Until you can prove yer worth, best keep yer eyes open and yer mouth shut."

2011-05-31, 08:09 AM
Grabbing a crate and lifting it up on his shoulder, the other convict spoke: "Name's Liam. Hopefull we'll avoid future confrontations with the people in charge here." Walking closer to Levet: "There is more than one settlement in the Colony ?

2011-06-02, 12:14 PM
Adventurers picked up some crates, two of the guards did the same. Other two, one of them Levet stayed armed and ready. Then the party started descending from the mountain by the long and curved passage.

After the party passed through a gate, with another two men in red armor guarding it, Levet started explaining.

- Old Camp is the largest and most civilized town in the Colony. Hell, it's the only place that can be called TOWN. There also New Camp - it's a cave full of rogues and bandits, anarchy rules there. And there is a big swamp camp of Brotherhood. They are all crazed lunatics that worship someone called Sleeper. No, lads, if you want a good place to live in, you'll stay in Old Camp. We need fresh blood. There can't be too many miners, you know.

The party passed near a small pack of non-flying birds. Each of them was as tall as man. The birds made aggressive sounds, but were afraid to attack such a large group of humans.

- Scavengers, - explained Levet, - one of the main sources of food in here. But beware, if you aren't armed, you'll become food yourself.

The trail continued to descend.

- I recommend you to become ore diggers, - continued Levet, - you'll work in the mine, we'll feed you for free and you'll mine ore for Gomez. More ore, means more stuff from outside. Or if you are really good you can become a Shadow, a low rank member of Gomez servants. And if you are superb... What the f***?!

A wolf rushed out from the shadows and tried to bite one of the guards. Luckily, his friend shot the beast with crossbow. As one of the guards came closer to the bush where wold hided, he yelled:

- There is a dead New Camp bandit here!

- Really?! - answered Levet and came closer, - yeah, right. And there two more dead beasts here. The bastard wanted to ambush us, but wolves ambushed him. Hm... his stuff is useless to me, but you lads can take it. Who knows, maybe there are more bandits around. They are really seen so close to Old Camp, but you can never be sure. I don't care if you get armed, pals, but if you only TRY pointing it on us, you are dead. All three. So, he has a skinning knife, a short blade in horrible condition and a shortbow. Who takes what?

Lavet wasn't kidding. Even armed, adventurers were no match to guards.

2011-06-05, 08:02 AM
"I'm more skilled with a boat than with a sword, so I could take that bow. That skinning knife could come in useful later on. Did that bandit have arrows by any chance ?

2011-06-05, 04:42 PM
After picking up a barrel and following his fellow prisoners he would stay back and listen to the man that helped them out. He would listen and learn this information might be useful to him later on if not right at the moment. He would watch as a wolf appeared and soon was shot down with a bow and moved closer and looked at objects only things useful with his training was maybe the knife or badly shaped short sword through his fist might be more deadly then it but he grab the mans clothing even through it was bloody and recked of the man it may come in handy one day for him. he would look to other two and almost complete nude man that had the weapons and his underwear left to be claimed "the rest is ours the clothing might come in handy in the future".

2011-06-10, 11:41 AM
- I don't think you could use this armor for disguise, - said Levet, - all New Camp bandits know each other by face. It's also too damaged to be repaired or refined. But if you want, see our smith, Huno, once we are at the camp.

And yes, the pal had about thirty arrows left. After you finish robbing the dead, let us continue.

2011-06-10, 01:01 PM
Pete picks up the sword, weighing it and takes a few practice swings. "Can't say I used much better... This one has a few less dents than my last one."

2011-06-17, 08:54 AM
After looting the dead, party continued to descend. Facing no more surprises, they soon found themselves in a valley. A wooden palisade was seen in a distance and guards moved towards it. The party crossed a shallow river by a hand-made bridge and came closer to the gates.

Two guards near the gate waved to their friends, then looked at new arrivals as trying to understand what can be expected from them. But anyway, everyone was allowed in.

Inside the palisade, adventurers found themselves in the Old Camp. Although it was a criminal colony, it still looked like any other small city in Myrtana or even Varant. The Old Camp was in almost ideal round shape, with a stone castle in the middle. Guards near the inner gate were much better armed and armored.

- Here we part, lads, - said Levet, - we will take the goods from here. Thank you for your help! Go see Snaf, our cook, he is to the left from here. Go far enough and you'll see him. Tell him I sent you and he'll give you a free meal. And then I suppose you find yourself a hut and a job.

Saying no more, guards disappeared inside the castle gate.

OOC: I am very sorry, I didn't understand that all of you made your moves already. Please, forgive me.