View Full Version : Fusing weapons to yourself?

2011-05-17, 06:48 PM
As the title states, is it possible to permanently get your weapon fused to your arm?

2011-05-17, 06:56 PM
Warforged can do exactly that.

There are demon/golem/undead grafts that you can apply to a character, which does give you a slam attack but tends to drive the character insane. I don't recall which book they are located in, though. There are also prestige classes that involve attaching specific things to your body - the Pale Master attaches skeletal plate mail and an undead arm, I believe.

I don't recall anything that allows you to stick your weapon of choice to your body, though. How would that even work?

Kensai PrC allows you to enchant anything as a weapon, including your fists/body, if you just wanted weapon enchantments on yourself.

2011-05-17, 07:07 PM
Graft Weapon (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/graftWeapon.htm) has a 24 hour duration, which means it's easy to maintain 24/7. Is that permanent enough?

2011-05-17, 07:16 PM
1. Chop off hands.
2. Cauterize wounds.
3. Attach a Nemean Cestus from God of War III to each stump.
4. ????

2011-05-17, 07:38 PM
Dragon 359 has rules for "combat mods", including ways to implant light or one-handed weapons.

2011-05-17, 07:44 PM
Warshaper. It isn't fusing weapons to yourself, but you are the weapon now.

2011-05-18, 02:36 AM
Fiend Folio page page 213 has an illithid graft that allows you to attach a weapon to your arm in place of a hand. It costs 1k gp + the cost of the weapon and is permanent. Unfortunately the weapon becomes a natural weapon, meaning you can't enchant it after grafting it on.

2011-05-18, 03:30 PM
Fiend Folio page page 213 has an illithid graft that allows you to attach a weapon to your arm in place of a hand. It costs 1k gp + the cost of the weapon and is permanent. Unfortunately the weapon becomes a natural weapon, meaning you can't enchant it after grafting it on.

Hm. The text doesn't specify the kind of weapon other than "normal, masterwork or magic melee weapon". I guess you could graft a spiked chain onto your stump, then bump up the damage with levels in Warshaper. If you are proficient with the chain beforehand, you'd get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with it by virtue of the graft, but aren't creatures automatically proficient with their natural weapons?

2011-05-18, 03:35 PM
Fiend Folio page page 213 has an illithid graft that allows you to attach a weapon to your arm in place of a hand. It costs 1k gp + the cost of the weapon and is permanent. Unfortunately the weapon becomes a natural weapon, meaning you can't enchant it after grafting it on.

What about sunder and disarm attempts?

I suppose there is always the regenerate spell.

'See this hand? It's a fightin' hand! Like all of my other hands to date...'

2011-05-18, 03:41 PM
What about sunder and disarm attempts?

I suppose there is always the regenerate spell.

'See this hand? It's a fightin' hand! Like all of my other hands to date...'
Natural weapons cannot be sundered or disarmed. That's an advantage of the graft over the combat mods I posted earlier, which can be attacked separately.

2011-05-18, 03:51 PM
Natural weapons cannot be sundered or disarmed. That's an advantage of the graft over the combat mods I posted earlier, which can be attacked separately.

So that graft counts a natural weapon?

What about monks? They count as both don't they?

That means that you can throw a monk's unarmed strike! And if it misses, somebody else can pick it up and use it!

2011-05-18, 03:56 PM
Fiend Folio page page 213 has an illithid graft that allows you to attach a weapon to your arm in place of a hand. It costs 1k gp + the cost of the weapon and is permanent. Unfortunately the weapon becomes a natural weapon, meaning you can't enchant it after grafting it on.

Could you enchant it before you graft it and have it retain its magical effect?

2011-05-18, 04:51 PM
Hm. The text doesn't specify the kind of weapon other than "normal, masterwork or magic melee weapon". I guess you could graft a spiked chain onto your stump, then bump up the damage with levels in Warshaper. If you are proficient with the chain beforehand, you'd get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with it by virtue of the graft, but aren't creatures automatically proficient with their natural weapons?

Natural Weapon proficiency actually seems to be dependent on type. Animals are proficient with only natural weapons, while humanoids are by default proficient with all simple weapons, or whatever their class says.

Could you enchant it before you graft it and have it retain its magical effect?

The specific relevant text says "The weapon actually becomes a natural weapon, though its other properties are unchanged", and since it mentions that magic weapons can be grafted on, I don't see why not.