View Full Version : Sorcerer Build

2011-05-17, 08:10 PM
Ok well since we got a new guy last saturday to join the group and he had a bard already made up for the campaign I'm gonna have to make a different character but will keep Raphael in the works for later. So now I have decided to build a sorcerer since we don't have one but like bards I've never built a spellcaster so I'll need your guys help with this. X3

Also sadly our DM just did a major nuke to alot of our characters Y.Y Everything from ebberon and tome of battle book of nine swords = banned which sucks, and we can't use anything unless we have the physical book period. Which leaves us with DMG 1, PLayers handbook 1, Draconomicon, races of stone, races of the dragon, oriental campaign settings, complete adventurer, complete scoundrel, monster manual 1-3, savage species, and Races of destiny still alot to work with but not as much as I would like.

Anyway this is what I have to work with

Character Description:
Name: Laucian Siannodel
Race: Dragonborn or spellscale at his point I can decide whether I should do a straight spellscale or a dragonborn who was at one point a spellscale.
Level Starting: Level 9
Alignment: Neutral

"Comming soon"

Stats: These where rolled and then the stat ups from level 4 and 8 where added.

Str: 12
Dex: 18
Con: 16
Int: 14
Wis: 15
Cha: 19

Starting gold: 27000 this is the standard gold our DM starts us with when building our characters.

So any and all suggestions of builds, feats, Spells, and items would be most helpful.

Also our DM is requiring us to have at least some ranks in profession (sailor) because its a water campaign.

Keld Denar
2011-05-17, 08:49 PM
Since you are Dragonblooded, I'm a HUGE fan of Practical Metamagic for Fell Draining on a Sorcerer. PMM is available from 6th level on up, so you can get it easy. I'd go...

1st Improved Initiative (or other feat you qualify for)
3rd Fell Draining (Libris Mortis)
6th Practical Metamagic (Fell Draining) (Races of the Dragon)
9th Rapid Metamagic (Complete Arcane)

Now you can tack on Fell Draining to any spell you have that deals damage with no casting time increase and inflict a negative level on anyone. Foes hard to hit? Fell Draining Magic Missile. Large cluster of foes? Fell Draining Fireball. Foe immune to nearly everything? Fell Draining Sonic Snap.

I could come up with a decent 9th level spell list too, based around that, if you'd like?

2011-05-17, 10:16 PM
Since you are Dragonblooded, I'm a HUGE fan of Practical Metamagic for Fell Draining on a Sorcerer. PMM is available from 6th level on up, so you can get it easy. I'd go...

1st Improved Initiative (or other feat you qualify for)
3rd Fell Draining (Libris Mortis)
6th Practical Metamagic (Fell Draining) (Races of the Dragon)
9th Rapid Metamagic (Complete Arcane)

Now you can tack on Fell Draining to any spell you have that deals damage with no casting time increase and inflict a negative level on anyone. Foes hard to hit? Fell Draining Magic Missile. Large cluster of foes? Fell Draining Fireball. Foe immune to nearly everything? Fell Draining Sonic Snap.

I could come up with a decent 9th level spell list too, based around that, if you'd like?

Fell Drain Hail of Stones. Yes, you take negative levels. Yes, even then.

2011-05-18, 02:46 AM
Wow as fun as that sounds i do not own libris mortis so my dm wouldnt let me use that.

2011-05-18, 02:52 AM
Wow as fun as that sounds i do not own libris mortim so my dm wouldnt let me use that.

buy. it. now.

2011-05-18, 02:58 AM
Lol im broke and need to finish this character by saturday.

2011-05-18, 10:21 AM
Lol im broke and need to finish this character by saturday.

There was a thread about running a brothel...invest.

2011-05-18, 11:37 AM
Hmmm ... what design/playstyle goals do you have for the character?

Looking at the books you have I think it might be fun to try a [Dragonborn?] Dwarven Sorcerer/Earth Dreamer (Races of Stone). I'd probably try make use of the various wall spells and the few good sorcerer only spells in races of the dragon and just flavor all my casting as very "Earth" themed.

And Low Rider just came on the radio ... so maybe I'll tack more on this later ... but for now ... must ... Dance!

2011-05-18, 12:18 PM
For spells try googling spell list site:giantitp.com . That's what's most important to the character anyway. It's nearly the same for any arcane caster so you can yoink suggestions from everywhere. Do also grab tons of low level scrolls for utility spells.

2011-05-18, 04:46 PM
Hmmm perhaps but lets not forget that I will be mostly on a boat in the middle of the ocean for this campaign. So i'll probably wanna grab a bunch of electricity based spells as the water will make them area effects and what not.

2011-05-18, 04:55 PM
Well the nice thing about being a sorcerer is you can grab a couple different electricity spells (maybe one targeted, one area, or one chain or etc.) plus empower or maximize spell and now you still have room for plenty of other spells while still being able to spam electricity. You don't need to prepare multiple copies of the same or similar spells.

You might want a ring or gloves to boost your swim modifier and maybe water breathing, though with a good con you can simply hold your breath for con score (not modifier) rounds in combat, or twice that if you only take a move action each round. There are also magic items that grant a swim speed so you can move faster. If you plan on salt water only then the cloak of the manta ray is the best deal. Though if you don't plan on going overboard much some cross-class swim ranks, a +5 item and a high con should be plenty.

2011-05-18, 05:18 PM
Mhmm all true sadly i'll have to avoid things that give swim speed and underwater breathing though the dm wants us to avoid all that.

Aron Times
2011-05-18, 07:33 PM
Let's talk about what books are and aren't allowed first. Going for just Core, my ideal sorcerer spell list for level 9 would be:

1 - Ray of Enfeeblement, Mage Armor, Grease, Charm Person, Silent Image
2 - Glitterdust, Mirror Image, Alter Self, Invisibility
3 - Haste, Greater Magic Weapon, Stinking Cloud
4 - Evard's Black Tentacles, Polymorph

2011-05-18, 07:38 PM
Not allowed: Ebberon, book of nine swords, and books I do not have.

What is allowed: DMG 1, PLayers handbook 1, Draconomicon, races of stone, races of the dragon, oriental campaign settings, complete adventurer, complete scoundrel, monster manual 1-3, savage species, and Races of destiny. As these are what I have.

Aron Times
2011-05-18, 09:08 PM
Mhmm all true sadly i'll have to avoid things that give swim speed and underwater breathing though the dm wants us to avoid all that.
Would you kindly explain why your DM is banning situational spells that are useless in anything other than a water-based campaign? If you're a ship mage, then your captain would've hired you because you can cast spells relevant to your situation. A ship mage that doesn't have Water Breathing to save crew members who fall overboard is a pretty lousy one.

2011-05-18, 09:17 PM
Because he doesn't want us having any advantages thats why he also banned aquatic races. He's doing alot of the things he is right now because there is a member in our group who likes to break the game, and often times go out of his way to mess with the campaign.

Aron Times
2011-05-18, 09:34 PM
He's punishing the entire group for the actions of one player. The ideal solution to this problem is to ask the powergamer to not try to break the game. Tell him that he's ruining the game for the rest of the group, and if he doesn't stop, you'll kick him out.

The Playground is full of skilled powergamers, but most of us, for the lack of a better term, "only use our powers for good." Remember, it's not the ability to optimize or otherwise break the game that's the problem but the attitude of the player in question. Literally all of my characters (see my signature) are optimized, but I rarely, if ever, clash with the DM and the rest of the group because I'm not obnoxious about it.

2011-05-18, 09:57 PM
Trust me we have tried it --.-- He plays his characters perfectly but he causes problems like not wanting to go along with the obvious set ups or..in the case of last week we are doing a pirates campaign he A. Sold the bronze serpent we where gonna use as a diversion. B. got an entire navel base after us because he pissed off the commanding officers, and C. Put my character in adamantine Manacles without a key --.--

Aron Times
2011-05-18, 10:06 PM
Then kick him out! If he's unwilling to play nice with the rest of you, why are you still playing with him?

2011-05-18, 10:09 PM
It comes down to senior member of the group, and the DM's bestfriend. Out of all of us he's been there the longest.

Keld Denar
2011-05-18, 10:41 PM
Nepatism is no excuse for douchewafflery.

Other than that, Joe's list looks sound. Might want to swap out GMW for Fireball at this level. Fireball, with it's range of like, a 1/4 mile, is amazing for ship-to-ship combat, especially since sails qualify as "combustable materials" under the description of fireball. GMW at level 9 only gives a +2 bonus, and most people should be bringing +1 weapons, so the benefit is rather low. You can always get it later.

2011-05-18, 10:49 PM
Agreed but not much to do about it other than find a way to keep him from scewing me again. Also can't be helped add in I am the new guy so I am getting hazed more than the rest ^^; I'm still figuring this game out myself. Oh well thanks for the tips on the spells now lets try to finish this guy up by saturday whats left, items, skills, and feats. Ouch XD

2011-05-19, 02:24 AM
Well if nobody gets swim speeds or spells to breathe in water, then the next time his character messes with your character, your character throws his overboard. Problem solved!

On topic, if you're set on electricity spells, you can :
a) take Lightning
b) take the Energy Sub feat so you can turn spells to deal electricity on the fly.

2011-05-19, 10:04 AM
We've tried that X3 He's got great slieght of hand, and escape artist checks so if we try to throw him overboard he usually snags something of ours, and then slips free. Stupid Kender --.--

2011-05-19, 02:56 PM
We've tried that X3 He's got great slieght of hand, and escape artist checks so if we try to throw him overboard he usually snags something of ours, and then slips free. Stupid Kender --.--

You're a *sorcerer*, he's a *rogue*. You have more ways of making him regret his existence than he has coins.

Enervate the bastard into oblivion.

2011-05-19, 05:02 PM
i'm not a sorcerer yet x3 I need to finish this character first.

2011-05-19, 05:50 PM
i'm not a sorcerer yet x3 I need to finish this character first.

Okay, so let's get crackin'.

Spell list provided is for suggestion and consideration only, and should not be considered to be any sort of demand.

We will be going Core only for spells, just to make sure your GM cannot retroactively ban the source.

8 5 4 3 2
Spell List:

0th level:
Detect Poison (with this jerkface, you may need it)
Detect Magic (naturally)
Read Magic (of course)
Dancing Lights (to send coded signals)
Mage Hand (all kinds of handy)
Prestidigitation (too many uses to not take)
Mending (really handy. Sail torn or burned? Instantly fix it!)
Open/Close (dubious looking chest? Fine, let the trap take out the jerkface for you)

1st level:
Shield (Shield bonus to AC plus immunity to magic missiles)
Grease (best 1st level spell out there, IMO)
Magic Missiles (5d4+5 guaranteed damage)
Ray of Enfeeblement (best 1st level damage reducer there is)
Feather Fall (because taking fall damage is for noobs)

2nd level:
Mirror Image (best defensive spell in the game)
Glitterdust (Will save or Blind, plus outlines invisible/hiding)
Rope Trick (most broken spell for it's level equivalent, keeps jerkface from knifing you while you sleep)
Hideous Laughter (Single-target shut-down)

3rd level:
Dispel Magic (d'uh)
Phantom Steed (at CL 10, it gets Water Walk, at 12th it gets Air Walk, and at 14th, it simply flies)
Stinking Cloud (Fort save or LOSE)

4th level:
Enervation (Do I need to go any further)
Black Tentacles (Grapple checks that shut down anything other than a beatstick)

Suggested equipment:

Necklace of Adaptation: this is water breathing + immunity to gas-delivered poisons. Get it.

+1 Twilight Mithral Chain Shirt. Beats Mage Armor any day of the week, with 0% ASF.

You also need something that increases caster level by 1, so your mount can use water walk. Ioun Stone is 30k, that's out of your budget range.

Ring of Sustenance. No need to eat means never worrying about someone poisoning your food. Plus, only sleeping two hours a day is pretty useful.

You can't *quite* afford a Cloak of Displacement, minor. When you can, get it. Concealment miss chances negate sneak attacks.

Wand of Fireball is 11,250. A steep price, but it *does* let you blast someone's sails without wasting a spell known on it.

Dust of Sneezing and Choking. Stun for 5d4 rounds. It's one of the nastiest weapons around. If you can't kill him in that many rounds, you don't deserve to play a Sorcerer.

2011-05-19, 05:54 PM
Coolness :3 Now for feats lol! Lets focus on the feats, and skills for now then we will worry about weapons, and equipment.

2011-05-19, 07:02 PM
Coolness :3 Now for feats lol! Lets focus on the feats, and skills for now then we will worry about weapons, and equipment.

Feats are gonna be a bit more difficult. Quite frankly, most of your options stink, unless there's more books available than what you have said in your OP.

2011-05-19, 07:40 PM
Hm. Spellscale Sorcerer 5/Dracolexi 4(RotD pg 79).

1. Sorcerer(Dragonblood sub level[RotD pg 107])(Eschew Materials)
2. Sorcerer
3. Sorcerer(Draconic Breath)
4. Sorcerer
5. Sorcerer
6. Dracolexi(Silent Spell)
7. Dracolexi(Still Spell)
8. Dracolexi
9. Dracolexi(open)

You lose a caster level, but with your sources it's the best PRC I can find. Take ssearth and vor for your Draconic words.

Spells Known:
1. Grease, Power Word Pain, Silent Image, Ray of Enfeeblement, Mage Armor
2. Mirror Image, Glitterdust, Alter Self
3. Dispel Magic, Stinking Cloud, Power Word Distract(Dracolexi 3)
4. Enervation

2011-05-19, 07:53 PM
Feats are gonna be a bit more difficult. Quite frankly, most of your options stink, unless there's more books available than what you have said in your OP.

Nope thats all I got ^^;

Hm. Spellscale Sorcerer 5/Dracolexi 4(RotD pg 79).

1. Sorcerer(Dragonblood sub level[RotD pg 107])(Eschew Materials)
2. Sorcerer
3. Sorcerer(Draconic Breath)
4. Sorcerer
5. Sorcerer
6. Dracolexi(Silent Spell)
7. Dracolexi(Still Spell)
8. Dracolexi
9. Dracolexi(open)

You lose a caster level, but with your sources it's the best PRC I can find. Take ssearth and vor for your Draconic words.

Spells Known:
1. Grease, Power Word Pain, Silent Image, Ray of Enfeeblement, Mage Armor
2. Mirror Image, Glitterdust, Alter Self
3. Dispel Magic, Stinking Cloud, Power Word Distract(Dracolexi 3)
4. Enervation

Why dracolexi?

2011-05-19, 08:39 PM
Hm. Spellscale Sorcerer 5/Dracolexi 4(RotD pg 79).

1. Sorcerer(Dragonblood sub level[RotD pg 107])(Eschew Materials)
2. Sorcerer
3. Sorcerer(Draconic Breath)
4. Sorcerer
5. Sorcerer
6. Dracolexi(Silent Spell)
7. Dracolexi(Still Spell)
8. Dracolexi
9. Dracolexi(open)

You lose a caster level, but with your sources it's the best PRC I can find. Take ssearth and vor for your Draconic words.

Spells Known:
1. Grease, Power Word Pain, Silent Image, Ray of Enfeeblement, Mage Armor
2. Mirror Image, Glitterdust, Alter Self
3. Dispel Magic, Stinking Cloud, Power Word Distract(Dracolexi 3)
4. Enervation

Mage armor is worthless, when +1 Twilight Chain Shirt does the same thing, only better. Switch out for Shield, at the very least.

If he's worried about a jerkface sniping him at night, he needs Rope Trick more than he needs alter Self. Besides, the GM would nerf Alter Self into oblivion, with the way he's been acting.

Not familiar with Dracolexi, I take it they specialize in the power word spells?

At 9th, if you are focusing on metamagic feats, you NEED Rapid Metamagic to bring the time of casting back down to a standard action.

Draconic Breath is the worst feat ever. Unless it's a prerequisite for the PrC, I highly advise against it.

2011-05-19, 08:53 PM
I see o.O well I think I should go straight srocerer as I've never done a mage before so I don't want to do anything to complicated. Rapid Metamagic? Got it.

2011-05-19, 09:17 PM
Why dracolexi?

Because there aren't really much better choices given your limited sources(well, you could go Rogue1/Sorc4/Unseen Seer4(CS), but you need Practiced Spellcaster to make that work, and that's not in your listed sources).

Mage armor is worthless, when +1 Twilight Chain Shirt does the same thing, only better. Switch out for Shield, at the very least.

If he's worried about a jerkface sniping him at night, he needs Rope Trick more than he needs alter Self. Besides, the GM would nerf Alter Self into oblivion, with the way he's been acting.

Not familiar with Dracolexi, I take it they specialize in the power word spells?

At 9th, if you are focusing on metamagic feats, you NEED Rapid Metamagic to bring the time of casting back down to a standard action.

Draconic Breath is the worst feat ever. Unless it's a prerequisite for the PrC, I highly advise against it.

I see your point about the spells, I only went with Mage Armor because I wasn't sure he could get the chain shirt. Rapid Metamagic isn't in the listed sources unfortunelty. I only added Draconic Breath to give him some blasting ability, it can easily be dropped for something else.

I see o.O well I think I should go straight srocerer as I've never done a mage before so I don't want to do anything to complicated. Rapid Metamagic? Got it.

Straight sorcerer gets you nothing but familiar progression(and not even that with the dragonblood sub level), if you're not Prc'ing you'd be better off with Wizard, as you'd at least get bonus feats.

2011-05-19, 09:35 PM
I guess but I've never done a mage before I'm used to melee characters and my buddy said that sorcerer would be easier to pull off than wizard.

2011-05-19, 11:15 PM
I guess but I've never done a mage before I'm used to melee characters and my buddy said that sorcerer would be easier to pull off than wizard.

If you had access to Complete Mage, you could combine the two quite readily. Unfortunately, Abjurant Champion isn't on the list of sources. Which sucks. Paladin2/Sorcerer4/Spellsword1/Abjurant Champion5 is an excellent Gish, with his casting stat applied to all saves.

However, the primary point is: PrCing costs you *nothing*, and gains you *something*. For this reason alone, it is practically mandatory.