View Full Version : New Horizons (IC)

2011-05-18, 02:17 AM
With the sun barely peaking over the horizon, you each one by one come to the door of the appointed Sky dock. The Sky dock is a large tower, wide at the base and tapering upward until it bulges suddenly, creating a massive oval bubble at the top in which the Astral Galleon is docked. The tower’s large double doors have a copy of the recruitment poster affixed to them, with the address crossed out and the word “HERE” Scrawled beneath.

With the sun slowly rising behind, someone finally finds the wherewithal to knock on the door, and as soon as the third rap is finished the doors swing open, revealing a massive doorman. He stands near eight feet tall, with stony grey skin in mottled patches. In several places over his bare chest and bald head there are small rock like warts, each of which has been pierced and from which dangles a charm depicting a crescent moon over the bending of the horizon. His piercing blue eyes scan the knocker, as well as the small crowd of other recruits who gathered round after the doors opened.

The large man steps out of the way of the door and bows slightly, still towering above most of those who enter. “Please, Enter. Recruits are meeting on the second floor.” His voice is as deep as a mineshaft, but he has a pleasant politeness to his tone.

Entering the tower you can see the wooden floor of the story above you, and the hole that pierces through the center of it, as well as all the other floors. This central chute goes all the way up to the ships underside, but offers to little sight for any details. A spiral staircase climbs the inside of the outer wall, leading to the second floor.

Upon reaching the second floor you see that the spiral staircase continues upward on the opposite side of the room, travelling up to a flat landing that overlooks the room like a balcony, from which the staircase continues. There are many tables and chairs set up in this room, and several windows provide ample illumination with the rising sun.

After some time waiting in this room, with many other recruits arriving in the interim, a slam is heard from the lower floor, and the goliath climbs the steps into the room. He crosses the chamber silently and begins heading up the second flight of stairs. When he reaches the bottom of the third flight of stairs he stops, and again with his deep voice he calls out “Captain! The recruits have arrived.” He then steps back and puts his back to the wall.

Within moments a door is heard opening and a trio descends from the third floor. In the lead is an older human man, with a neatly trimmed grey beard and long grey hair in a ponytail bound by various remnants of flags jutting out from beneath a brown bandana. He wears a long coat whose many pockets almost all have a bright metallic chain dangling from them. He walks fairly well, but supports some of his weight on a finely crafted wooden walking stick shaped like a hand whose fingers are interwoven with his own. His face is the kind that once, long ago before many voyages and battles, was handsome. Despite the wear he has a look of pride and vitality, as well as dignity and respect for the many people he sees gathered here.

Behind him walks a very small woman whose wide eyes seems out of place against her dark, sunken eyes and short cut raven black hair. Her clothing is practical in the extreme, with pants and coat covered in pockets crammed with various devices, a belt so covered in tools it is hard to see any leather, and an odd apparatus for a headband, with several varying pairs of spectacles and monocles hanging from repositionable arms, all of which can rotate around her head.

Finally the last of the group is another human male, but one whose appearance is hard to explain.

Or would simply be done better justice by his player.

Once the three of them join the goliath on the balcony the first one steps forward to the railing and looks out over the crowd. “Welcome, all. Thank you for responding to my anonymous recruitment, I have often found it more advantageous to remain so. But no more anonymity henceforth, my name is Vurn McHollis, and further henceforth I am Captain Vurn McHollis of the Astral Galleon Novus Horizon. You have already met Mar’tuk, my first mate. These two are Ieliosa, our ship’s artificer, and Thaddeus Illiaster, who has agreed to be our pilot.”

The captain slowly begins walking toward the stair that will bring him to the lower level. “The first order of business is one of clarification. The Recruitment poster you read was not meant to be metaphorical, or symbolic. It meant what it said and I second those needs here and now. I need a crew that is fearless, because I intend to sail to places that have scared off sailors since the dawn of the tradition. I need a crew that is Determined, so that no detriment shall hold them back. And most of all I need a crew that is loyal, because out there in the unmeasurable vastness of the Astral Sea, only one commodity has value, and it is trust.”

He stops at the top of the steps, and turns around. “Don’t take me likely. I mean what I say. The ship you see above you will carry us to the edge of the known universe and beyond, into darkness and light of forms that no man, woman, child, gith, or flayer has ever seen before. We will likely be forced to fight all manner of raiders, ghost ships, alien monsters, eldritch creatures, and horrid nightmares. We will restock by exploring spheres that no Travelers before us have ever stepped foot on, and by trial and error figuring out what can be used and what will cause us bodily harm. And we will not turn back, not for despair, not for losing our way, maybe not even for starvation. Only victory will send us back to port. What is victory you might ask? Even I do not know, for what we seek is the unknown which by its very nature is something we cannot yet identify. But rest assured my friends, we will be victorious, and the names of all who sailed the great Novus Horizon shall be rembered as legends and spoken of for eons in every bar from Whitespire to Veldangryos.”

Having reached the upward staircase in his pacing, McHollis turns his back on the gathering below. “At this time I ask that any of you who find my mission to vague, the dangers to great, or the voyage undesirable, please leave and you will not be thought of worse for it.”

The captain stands utterly still, and as he does more than half of the gathered recruits exits, almost all of the most experienced or most nervous applicants are now gone.

When the pattering of footsteps ends, the captain turns and smiles. “Now that we’ve got those spineless guppies gone how about we lighten things up. Mar’tuk, Please fetch the ale.”

“Aye Captain McHollis.”

While the Goliath moves upstairs the captain and his entourage move down to the lower area, and sit at the nearest table. "Now , I’d like each of you too introduce yourselves to me. Come forward, get a drink, and let’s see what kind of crew I have.”

As each applicant approaches Mart’tuk produces a mug of ale from a keg and the captain asks a few general questions.

“What’s your name?”
“How much experience on the Astral Sea do you have?”
“What do you think of the Ale?
“What special skills would you bring to my ship?”
“Why would you want to risk life and limb on my ship?”
“Do you prefer Rum?”
“Do you swear to follow orders in line with the chain of command regardless of how counterintuitive or outright suicidal they may seem?”
“Can you remain calm in the face of danger?”
“Personally I prefer wine, but we can’t all be connoisseurs can we?”

Each of you can answer in any order, and He’ll respond in kind to each of you. Everyone will need to post before we can move on. Also Thaddeus feel free to hop in during the conversations and describe your appearance for us. WELCOME TO THE GAME YALL!!

2011-05-18, 05:00 AM
A short, slender human woman slips around to manage to be one of the first to speak to Mart'tuk.

"I am Torrallen. I grew up where the water was pure, and alcohol was...discouraged. I know little of it, except that it tastes bitter." She shrugs at the mate helplessly, as if she is at a loss for words. "The Astral Sea is as familiar to me as this city, and I seek to join you because life in the wild reaches seems a far more palatable proposition than life in this tiny realm. There is nothing that frightens or shocks me, you can rest assured, sir. And special skills? I am an asset when fighting ascetics and flayers, for I know the secrets of resisting some of their most devastating attempts to disable their enemies."

She pauses and gives the mate a considering look. "And begging your pardon, sir, but telling us you must trust us, and in the next breath, demanding we be willing to trust our very lives to you with little reason...does not inspire confidence. Give me a reason, and you may very well find that I can follow such orders." She scowl, briefly. "But rest assured I won't upset the order on your skiff."

2011-05-18, 01:00 PM
A sturdy looking golden-scaled reptilian creature is the next to step up. He has brown eyes and is shouldering a steel flail with a white grip and a hefty looking bag of equipment. Leathery wings emerge from his chain armor. Hesitantly, he accepts the proffered mug of ale and begins politely taking sips of it. When he finely speaks, his voice is surprisingly soft and well-mannered for such a monstrous looking creature.

"Greetings, Captain McHollis. I am Arjunah of Ioram. I have traveled the Astral Sea for some years now, and have experience with the wonders of the multiverse. As far as what I can do for you, I feel I am accomplished warrior and I have some skill with magic. I am also strong and willing to do hard, demanding physical labor. But my greatest talent...

It would not surprise me to hear that you and your crew have not heard of Ioram. In my years on the sea, no one has. It was attacked by terrible creatures, and in a moment of hopelessness, I simply...walked away"

To demonstrate, Arjunah closes his eyes and seems to shimmer and for a moment vanish, appearing a few feet to the left with a "shumph!" (invoking Planeswalker's Jaunt, Know: Geo check: [roll0]. )

"I am what is known as a "Planeswalker", and can will myself and others across the Astral Sea. While it is exhausting and not without its perils, many captains have enjoyed the value of being able to move a small advance party down to the surface of a strange new world without risking their entire ship.

The loss of my world is what inspires me to stay. For many of my fellow sailors, the idea of heading into uncharted space, facing unimaginable horrors and risking starvation or worse is unconscionable. I do not think less of them for it, and they are probably the wiser souls. For me, however, it is essential. That Ioram is not listed on any chart or known by any captain I have met implies that it lies 'off the beaten path', as it were. Only by joining ships such as yours can I have any hope of discovering the location and the final fate of my home

I have witnessed much and have no doubt that I can remain stalwart in the face of whatever nightmares we may endure. I have the utmost respect for you as captain of this ship, and as long as your orders are fair and show respect for new life and culture we encounter, I will have no problem obeying them no matter how dangerous they may be to myself."

Over this time, Arjunah has barely touched his ale. "I am sure this is a fine drink, Captain, but I do not have much taste for the alcoholic beverages I have encountered thus far. My sincerest apologies. If I were to pick, however, I do prefer white wine". Arjunah offers a small bow and his best attempt at a friendly smile.

2011-05-18, 01:45 PM
A short, slender human woman slips around to manage to be one of the first to speak to Mart'tuk.

"I am Torrallen. I grew up where the water was pure, and alcohol was...discouraged. I know little of it, except that it tastes bitter." She shrugs at the mate helplessly, as if she is at a loss for words. "The Astral Sea is as familiar to me as this city, and I seek to join you because life in the wild reaches seems a far more palatable proposition than life in this tiny realm. There is nothing that frightens or shocks me, you can rest assured, sir. And special skills? I am an asset when fighting ascetics and flayers, for I know the secrets of resisting some of their most devastating attempts to disable their enemies."

She pauses and gives the mate a considering look. "And begging your pardon, sir, but telling us you must trust us, and in the next breath, demanding we be willing to trust our very lives to you with little reason...does not inspire confidence. Give me a reason, and you may very well find that I can follow such orders." She scowl, briefly. "But rest assured I won't upset the order on your skiff."

Mar'tuk shrugs at Torralen's refusal of the drink, and downs the glass himself. When she finishes speaking of herself the captain bows his head. "Forgive me my dear, I meant no disrespect. And in all honesty inspiring fear is a good way to thin the ranks as you just noticed. It is good to know though that you are willing and able, however, and a fine sword or spear is never out of place on one of my vessels. Thank you for coming today."

A sturdy looking golden-scaled reptilian creature is the next to step up. He has brown eyes and is shouldering a steel flail with a white grip and a hefty looking bag of equipment. Leathery wings emerge from his chain armor. Hesitantly, he accepts the proffered mug of ale and begins politely taking sips of it. When he finely speaks, his voice is surprisingly soft and well-mannered for such a monstrous looking creature.

"Greetings, Captain McHollis. I am Arjunah of Ioram. I have traveled the Astral Sea for some years now, and have experience with the wonders of the multiverse. As far as what I can do for you, I feel I am accomplished warrior and I have some skill with magic. I am also strong and willing to do hard, demanding physical labor. But my greatest talent...

It would not surprise me to hear that you and your crew have not heard of Ioram. In my years on the sea, no one has. It was attacked by terrible creatures, and in a moment of hopelessness, I simply...walked away"

To demonstrate, Arjunah closes his eyes and seems to shimmer and for a moment vanish, appearing a few feet to the left with a "shumph!" (invoking Planeswalker's Jaunt, Know: Geo check: [roll0]. )

"I am what is known as a "Planeswalker", and can will myself and others across the Astral Sea. While it is exhausting and not without its perils, many captains have enjoyed the value of being able to move a small advance party down to the surface of a strange new world without risking their entire ship.

The loss of my world is what inspires me to stay. For many of my fellow sailors, the idea of heading into uncharted space, facing unimaginable horrors and risking starvation or worse is unconscionable. I do not think less of them for it, and they are probably the wiser souls. For me, however, it is essential. That Ioram is not listed on any chart or known by any captain I have met implies that it lies 'off the beaten path', as it were. Only by joining ships such as yours can I have any hope of discovering the location and the final fate of my home

I have witnessed much and have no doubt that I can remain stalwart in the face of whatever nightmares we may endure. I have the utmost respect for you as captain of this ship, and as long as your orders are fair and show respect for new life and culture we encounter, I will have no problem obeying them no matter how dangerous they may be to myself."

Over this time, Arjunah has barely touched his ale. "I am sure this is a fine drink, Captain, but I do not have much taste for the alcoholic beverages I have encountered thus far. My sincerest apologies. If I were to pick, however, I do prefer white wine". Arjunah offers a small bow and his best attempt at a friendly smile.

The captain listens to the first part of Arjunah's tale, then after seeing his special talent, he claps exitedly. "A planeswalker! Useful talents indeed, I almost wish now I hadn't spent a small fortune on an anchor." He chuckles lightly.

After listening to the Dragonborn's history and motivations, he holds his chin and closes his eyes. "Ioram...Ioram...I'm sorry, I am not familiar with such a world. I will hope we come across this world, and that my belief in nightmarish monsters will prove ill founded."

Then as Arjunah walks away the captain can be heard saying "White it is then."

2011-05-18, 02:03 PM
The man called Thadeus stood behind his captain. Tall and sleek, his face bore the marks of many years upon the sea. Dressed in a brown leather trench, vest, white shirt and pants, and a black tri-corn hat. His gray eyes twinkle mischeviously, as though he knows something the rest of you do not. "Greetings, and well met, Torrallen, Ajunah. I am, as the dear captain has said, Thadeus Illiaster. It is good to meet two who are as familiar with the sea as I. This shall be a long journey, and it will be good to have new voices to speak with." Taking his customary glass of whiskey from Mar'Tuk, Thadeus gave the first mate a thanking nod, and continued to speak. "As to why you should trust this man, Torrallen, the simple fact is that there is no more masterful captain sailing the Astral Sea in these times. Captain McHollis has saved my life more times than I care to admit. He is a good man, and a better sailor. If any can bring us safely to the end of the Sea, it will be him."

2011-05-18, 02:16 PM
Jumi Keten is somewhat of a professional adventurer, and he looks the part. In a shining Elven Breastplate, he stands a finger short of six feet tall. Various weapons bristle from his form, from a short sword in a fine sheath, to an assortment of small throwing spears, to a massive greatsword, which he holds, unsheathed and menacing, over his shoulder. A large pack cleaves to his back, stuffed to the brim with breads, and cheeses, and dried meats, and his belt carries torches and water enough for two. Curiously, he's missing rope of any kind...

His fingers tap along the lengthy haft of this sword, beating out a tuneless rhythm, to a wordless song his waking mind had forgotten long ago and far below. His eyes shift uncomfortably around the room, as if being indoors was something he'd rather be avoiding, if he could. As the captain begins his speech, Jumi wanes bored - he'd been tempted by the void before, heard its journey-song, felt the familiar paths of ship and crew - He'd assumed this would be another routine run, another bar of melody, to tide over his wanderlust.

This boredom disappears entirely as the captain - his captain, no matter what, now - continues his speech. To visit the unknown, ply himself against a universe untamed, and see sights never before seen...

Jumi finds himself answering the Captain's questions amicably and absentmindedly. His eyes are full of stars, a small melody humming its way through his body, echoed by his fingers and the glow of his sword.

2011-05-18, 03:14 PM
“What’s your name?”
“How much experience on the Astral Sea do you have?”
“What do you think of the Ale?
“What special skills would you bring to my ship?”
“Why would you want to risk life and limb on my ship?”
“Do you prefer Rum?”
“Do you swear to follow orders in line with the chain of command regardless of how counterintuitive or outright suicidal they may seem?”
“Can you remain calm in the face of danger?”
“Personally I prefer wine, but we can’t all be connoisseurs can we?”

Jumi works through the questions as they come, keeping his answers simple and without embellishme- well, that would be lying now, wouldn't it?

"Jumi Keten, Sir. I've fought with the Elves on a dozen planets, scoured the Astral Sea for void-iron, and had my share of the finest Dwarven stout. Your ship is taking risks and going places that others simply won't, and frankly, if you didn't take me on I'd stow away. As long as you respect my limits, I'll follow your orders to the best of them. I've a bottle of Elven pear-wine aging for me in a secret grove, if I might brag a little. It should be ready for me by the time I'm ready to move on, if you catch my drift. I can't wait."

2011-05-18, 10:54 PM
A female the height of a tall man joins the group just before the captain begins speaking. She clearly has some kind of dragonblood to her, as she is covered from head to toe in scales, ranging from almost crimson near her hands to a bronze color around her face. Large wings are held close to her, so as not to cause much bother in close quarters. She wears loose robes, of a non-descript sort, though covered with the wear and dirt of travel.

Gani inclines her head at the captain's greeting, and listens intently at his description of the voyage ahead. However, instead of being discouraged by the list of potential horrors and mysteries that surely await, she grows more determined that this is the right place for her to be. She politely refuses the mug of ale offered to her, and when the time has come for her to speak directly to the captain she holds his gaze carefully as she speaks.

"I am Gani Aujir'Ixen, the clan name means Bronzefire in the common tongue, so if you have any problems pronouncing it, Bronzefire will suffice. I am a practitioner of magic, chiefly of the sort best suited for combat. Fire is my sword, and acid my lance, though I'm not a complete stranger to more conventional weapons either. I am also well-acquainted with the intricacies of magic, the understanding of which might be useful for a voyage such as this. I don't claim to be a scholar, but I do know quite a bit about the arcane arts.

You have no need to worry about whether or not I am fearless. I have fought and killed my share in the past. I will give you no reason to doubt my mettle. The dangers and troubles to be found on the Astral Sea aren't something I'm afraid of...I'm looking forward to them." She opens her mouth in a grin that bears slightly pointed teeth.

"I am always on the lookout for something new, new horizons I haven't crossed. New places I haven't been. In the past decade and a half, I've traveled most of this world and seen many things. They now bore me. I am now constantly having to be on the lookout for new things. The sights, wonders, and even the terrors of the Astral Sea are what have my interest now, which will not soon be slaked.

I no longer drink or otherwise indulge in intoxicants, because they've caused me to miss other opportunities in the past and otherwise dull the senses. However, as far as being a connoisseur, I found that settling for something lesser is never as fulfilling as what you really want."

As the conversation turns to more serious matters, her face hardens and her orange eyes narrow. "As for the question of orders, I will obey them as long as can I see the purpose behind them. Generally though, so long as you don't order me to do anything vile or suicidal, then you will have my obedience. I don't look to start any trouble that's not already coming my way.

However, I will make it clear that if you do take me on, I will be as loyal to you as you are to me. For as long as we sail together, I will take the risks needed to protect the ship and the crew. I won't claim just now to be willing to lay down my life for you, but I'll certainly put it on the line and do my best to ensure that I keep it."

2011-05-21, 03:45 AM
"Jumi Keten, Sir. I've fought with the Elves on a dozen planets, scoured the Astral Sea for void-iron, and had my share of the finest Dwarven stout. Your ship is taking risks and going places that others simply won't, and frankly, if you didn't take me on I'd stow away. As long as you respect my limits, I'll follow your orders to the best of them. I've a bottle of Elven pear-wine aging for me in a secret grove, if I might brag a little. It should be ready for me by the time I'm ready to move on, if you catch my drift. I can't wait."

The captain listens to your story, intently taking in the underhanded detail and laughing heartily at the humor. "Experience is always welcome, I don't believe you need stowaway my good man." And he finishes your discussion with a chuckle and a handshake.

"I am Gani Aujir'Ixen, the clan name means Bronzefire in the common tongue, so if you have any problems pronouncing it, Bronzefire will suffice. I am a practitioner of magic, chiefly of the sort best suited for combat. Fire is my sword, and acid my lance, though I'm not a complete stranger to more conventional weapons either. I am also well-acquainted with the intricacies of magic, the understanding of which might be useful for a voyage such as this. I don't claim to be a scholar, but I do know quite a bit about the arcane arts.

You have no need to worry about whether or not I am fearless. I have fought and killed my share in the past. I will give you no reason to doubt my mettle. The dangers and troubles to be found on the Astral Sea aren't something I'm afraid of...I'm looking forward to them." She opens her mouth in a grin that bears slightly pointed teeth.

"I am always on the lookout for something new, new horizons I haven't crossed. New places I haven't been. In the past decade and a half, I've traveled most of this world and seen many things. They now bore me. I am now constantly having to be on the lookout for new things. The sights, wonders, and even the terrors of the Astral Sea are what have my interest now, which will not soon be slaked.

I no longer drink or otherwise indulge in intoxicants, because they've caused me to miss other opportunities in the past and otherwise dull the senses. However, as far as being a connoisseur, I found that settling for something lesser is never as fulfilling as what you really want."

As the conversation turns to more serious matters, her face hardens and her orange eyes narrow. "As for the question of orders, I will obey them as long as can I see the purpose behind them. Generally though, so long as you don't order me to do anything vile or suicidal, then you will have my obedience. I don't look to start any trouble that's not already coming my way.

However, I will make it clear that if you do take me on, I will be as loyal to you as you are to me. For as long as we sail together, I will take the risks needed to protect the ship and the crew. I won't claim just now to be willing to lay down my life for you, but I'll certainly put it on the line and do my best to ensure that I keep it."

As he hears what Gani says about her name he chuckles before saying, in perfect draconic:
"The white hot fire of the Bronze Dragon's Lightning shall engulf all other flames."
"I have dabled in the dragon's tongue." After fulfilling the conversation he smiles. "My dear I promise new things and more aboard my vessel. Thank you."

After all the recruits have met with the captain and his comrades he asks Mar'tuk to bring out yet another keg of ale for the group to share, while he and his closest crew retreat to the balcony to discuss the applicants.

PM incoming.

All: God wouldn't you know it that I finished writing this post at exactly 1:01 am Pacific time, just in time to need to wait 30 mintues for the data backup! Well...at least I've leanred not to try submiting those posts, lest they be lost as tribute to the great creature that devours lost posts. Instead I waited an extra 15 minutes, forgetting to hit the submit button!! ok, post time.

2011-05-21, 04:55 AM
Torrallen sips desultorily at the ale, using the drinking as a cover for examining the other recruits. Allies or competition; it's not yet sure what she'd view them as. It takes only a minute before she begins tapping her feet and pacing uncomfortably.

2011-05-22, 02:06 AM
"Right as always my friend, the more the safer then. But no time for rest as of now (it is dawn after all), nows time for the tour of the vessel!"

All: The crowd hushes in time to hear the words "Tour of the Vessel" drift over the crowd. When Captain McHollis notices the calm he strides with it stepping up to the rail. "Thats right good ladies and gents. Having discussed it with my partners we have agreed to take all of you on board. And the day is young! So we've plenty of time to introduce you to the finest maiden yet to sail the Astral Sea. Onward and upward my friends!" And he takes off up the stairs at quite a pace, Mar'tuk close on his heels.

Sighing, the little gnome grabs something on one of the front pockets of her coat and extends it up. It becomes a thin brass ring which stays propped in front of her face. When she speaks into it her voice is projected out over the crowd, despite sounding like an incredibly quiet, almost raspy tone. "He's quite serious. Everyone upstairs for a tour of the vessel. Also allow me to apologize on his behalf. Captain Mchollis is a bit drunk on finally getting the voyage of his dreams." She collapses the device and then takes off after her taller comrades with short, quick steps.

A few of the now hired sailors begin taking strides up the staircase.

2011-05-22, 05:21 AM
Torrallen spurs herself out of her nervous energy, although when she starts moving, it is with measured steps and no particular excitability, as if trying to belie the impatience she has already demonstrated.

2011-05-22, 04:37 PM
Jumi climbs aboard, stealing a snack from his bag to munch on during the tour. It's been a while since he's sailed...

2011-05-22, 10:48 PM
Arjunah quietly sets the remainder of his ale down and follows the crowd aboard. As they walk he offers a friendly smile to Gani, saying in what she would hear as accented but fairly clear Draconic "Greetings friend. Nice to see a friendly face aboard. From what world do you hail?"

2011-05-23, 11:28 PM
As he hears what Gani says about her name he chuckles before saying, in perfect draconic:
"The white hot fire of the Bronze Dragon's Lightning shall engulf all other flames."
"I have dabled in the dragon's tongue." After fulfilling the conversation he smiles. "My dear I promise new things and more aboard my vessel. Thank you."
She holds up her red scaled hands to the level of her bronze colored face and replies calmly in the same language without missing a step:
"Glad you picked up the language, it's dead useful when it comes to any number of things. As for the name: it's a rather long and involved story. Suffice to say, spellscales such as my clan are...less than fractious when it comes to some matters that keep people apart. Perhaps sometime I might tell you, but now is neither the time nor place."She is delighted that the captain seems amenable to her, and that she is one great step closer to her visions of adventures out on the Astral Sea.

Hearing his comment, she smiles and ruffles her tucked-in wings toward the dragonborn (a motion looking much like the shrug of shoulders) by way of a salute between those of similar form. Rather than continuing in the same language, she replies in Common. While his Draconic was accented by his natural language, she had the opposite problem: her Common bore obvious traces of Draconic.
"Greetings to you, as well. I'd prefer not to stick with that language just now, if you don't mind. Nothing wrong with it, but if I get my head into speaking it, I'll forget that not everyone does.

What world? I hail from this one, though I've joined this crew so that I can spend some time seeing others. And yourself?"

As she talks, she begins falling in with the rest of the newly-hired crewmembers for the tour of the ship.

2011-05-24, 02:02 AM
The stairs wind around the outside of the tower, creaking slightly from the weight of so many traversing them at once. They hold fast, and you quickly rise past two more floors, both covered in supplies for the ship. Then finally you reach the docking floor, where you can finally see the ship. She is a long galleon of three masts and three pairs of wings stretching out from her lower reaches. The Maidenhead is a solid oak sculpture of a beautiful woman, one hand holding up her flowing gown and the other out stretched and reaching for the distance. Two docking bridges extend from the port (left) side of the vessel attaching cleanly to a deck you are approaching.

As the captain and his confidants walk onto the ship and the newly appointed crew follows, he begins speaking in a loud and clear voice. “Welcome friends to your new home, Novus Horizon. Quickest and most important lesson is one of direction. Port is left, Starboard is right, Aft is backwards, and ahead should be obvious. Less obvious are Skyward, which is up, and Loward, which is down, and I cannot stress that enough. Out on the astral sea there is no real up or down, direction is based on whichever way the vessel points, so best be good with directions.”

Though his words echo cleanly around the large space for the sky dock he waits for the ship’s deck to be filled with the crew before continuing, having taken position on the upper deck near the steering housing along with his confidants. “Today my crew, take a look around the ship, acquaint yourselves to its pathways and layout-

“But don’t get too friendly with any of the machinery!” the small woman’s voice quickly breaks through.

“Indeed, my dear. This day is one to gain familiarity, both between the crew and the ship. Our launch date is four days from now, also at dawn. In the following three days, you will learn or relearn everything you know about sailing on the astral sea, and on the fourth day, we leave this world behind us, to seek our fortunes far away. To the ship!”

“To the SHIP!” the first mate roars out, inciting a similar reaction from several crew members.

After a bit of roleplay (feel free to react with some NPCs, I’m not too caring on their attitudes or personalities yet) I’ll post the lessons and then we’ll get this vessel under way!

2011-05-25, 12:27 AM
Arjunah nods to Gani. "Too true; common is not my native tongue either but I find that even those that understand our tongue find my pronunciation and vocabulary somewhat off-putting. I hail from a world known as Ioram, which I have sadly lost. It is my hope that I find it on this journey. What brings you aboard the Novus Horizon?"

Arjunah says all this without breaking a sweat as he surveys the ship they have arrived on.

2011-05-25, 02:11 PM
Jumi takes a swig of water to wash down some bread at the back of his throat. While he admires the vessel, for surely it's among the most splendid he's seen of its size, the thought of unexplored lands holds him by the very core of his being, calls to who he is, from his ancestry to his waking mind. "I don't think I can wait," he murmurs. Turning to the two conversing together, he asks, "Think you can teach me that?"

2011-05-26, 10:33 PM
Arjunah turns to Jumi and extends a hand, smiling (or at least, grinning toothily and trying not to appear too menacing). "I'm eager to be off as well, although it never hurts to receive additional training in the ways of the seas. And I'd be happy to try to teach you the tongue of my people. It's incredibly useful and spoken by many races great or small. She may be more help to you, however, as my dialect isn't the Draconic language that most sailors speak"

2011-05-27, 11:01 PM
Gani turns her head slightly at the request, then nods briskly. "Perhaps, at some time, I might, though it'll take quite a while to even work on the basics. I can't say I've ever taught a language before, though I have learned several. It might make for an interesting challenge. Keep in mind that there are certain, difficulties in pronunciation. It would be most troublesome."

2011-05-28, 12:25 AM
"I'm a quick learner," he says in Elvish, and then in Dwarven, with a smile, "I've got a knack for these things - I'll pick it up as we go along, just keep talking and I'll keep learning."

2011-05-28, 05:41 PM
"My, I should say so!" chuckles Arjunah.

"I'm afraid even I didn't recognize that last tongue. I'll be happy to do what I can to teach you as well."

2011-05-28, 06:00 PM
Rather bemused, Gani responds with a toothy grin.
She begins in Elven, "I'm quite glad to hear that you're a speedy learner." Without missing a beat, she then transitions to Dwarven, "Still, I must hope your determination to learn will last beyond infatuation." And after a moment of hesitation, she finishes in Gnome, "Very well, I will do what I can to teach you the tongue. Be ready to practice." She continues to smile as she dips a quick bow in Jumi's direction.

2011-05-28, 06:14 PM
Laughing, he waves farewell as he jaunts off to study another section of the ship. "Just keep talking, I'll pick it up."

2011-06-19, 03:03 PM
My grandmother died this morning (Sunday, June 19, 2011). I'm going halfway across the country to her funeral, and will be largely unable to post for the next week. Sorry for the inconvenience. If this game is still alive, DMPC me as a Gypsie King should the need arise.

2011-06-20, 02:14 AM
I'm so sorry to hear that chrisrawr :smallfrown:. My condolences, have a safe trip.

I'm still up for this game if our dm is still around, although I'm fine holding a week. We've held almost a month; what's a few more days?