View Full Version : The All Cleric Adventure IC

2011-05-18, 09:00 PM
Waterdeep. You could get lost in it for days just trying to walk a straight line and still never see the end of it. Guarded by immense statues, and home to multiple ports, it's practically the world's largest hub for trade and barter.
Great heroes have called it home, and have fought on and for it's streets.
Some of them have even been put to rest here. Their enemies many, and with the constant danger of looting and defilement, protecting the graves of the wealthy, famous, and infamous is an industry unto itself.

Mages and Priests can earn quick coin for setting wards or blessings. Trapsmiths find a lucrative, honest use for their skills rigging family tombs. Even the martially inclined can earn a stipend for working shifts around the gated grave-towns set aside for the influential or the wealthy.

Usually, this accounts for some of the cushiest posts for the city watch, or for more elderly, respected members of the fighter's guild. Thieves are often easier to catch when they have to carry around a shovel than some cutpurse in the market.

Even still, occasionally there is something of note that crops up. An incident once or twice a year. Sightings of a spirit, or strange sounds at night.
While you'd think this would be more common, being a graveyard, you'd be wrong.
The many churches of waterdeep have a vested intrest in the district of the dead, and as such have put much of their differences aside to the task of maintaining the grounds, and ensuring those put to rest find it undisturbed.
It takes a very brave, skilled, and foolhardy man to cross the ironworked gates with the intent to plunder or deface the dead. They often end up joining them instead.

Even so, lately there have been some disturbing reports. A member of the City Watch stationed just inside the gate went missing last week. Strange sounds have been reported by two of the mercenaries working at the Arunsun family crypt over the last few days. Rumor was soon to follow.

Taking this matter seriously, the Churches of Waterdeep quickly sent Clerics to investigate this matter. However, a heated spat between one of Mystra's seekers and a cleric of Grumbar over how far the investigation could be taken before it becomes defilation of the dead almost flared into armed combat, before an arbitrater from the church of Kelemvor intervened.

Pressured by the high mage Lord Blackstaff, the various churches have recognised the need to resolve this issue quickly, but due to the differences in doctrine and practice, they've been forced to agree to send a delegate each. At least publicly. These delegates will work in teams covering the respective areas their combined churches are responsable for.

You've each been sponsored by your respective church for this task.
The church of Lathander has sponsored an outside reprisentitave, oddly. But they insist it's all legal.

You find yourselves in an appropriated funeral home, devoted to Ao. It's about as neutral as things are going to get. The place seems like it was once more prosperous, but has slowly begun to wear down for lack of funding. Ornate gilting surrounds slightly-faded stained glass portraits of each of the major gods on the third story, attribuiting dim light to the room despite the noonday sun outside while brass braziers propably account for the thin skin of dust on the pale red velvet drapes. The worked stone floor bears some old stains. Ashmarks on the walls near the inset torches look like they could be worked out with some good, hard scrubbing.

An old, slightly portly and balding man with specticals fusses about, polishing and dusting in an attempt to look busy while he tries to keep an eye on the clergyfolk invading his place of business.

(You may now talk amongst yourselves and make introductions)

2011-05-18, 10:25 PM
Missed a spot there, Alaric notes to he man playfully before turning to examine his future allies. He was young, too young for comfort, especially his own, and this was his first important task since he joined the order of Silvanus, and the humor was just a defense mechanism to hide his nervousness.

His thin body looked bulkier that it really was, green traveler cloak wrapped over a layer of armor. His companion, Fang, was not with him - the large dog worried the caretakers too much and had to be tied outside, and this also worried the young priest. He just hoped the dog won't get into too much trouble.

Well met, he addressed the other members of the assembley. I am Alaric Silverleaf, humble servant of Silvanus.

2011-05-19, 04:14 AM
The middle aged, by his people's standards, Mythras inclined his head to Alaric and offered what some would call a smile though his contorted face made it look more like a grin.

"I am Mythras of the Bedine" he said in heavily accented Common. "I serve the Mother of Magic and have been asked to represent her. Well met Alaric" he continued and inclined his head.

The man's presence was somewhat disturbing to say the least. His dark bown skin that had been further sun burned, despite the natural resistance it should offer, along with his horrible scar that had claimed one his eyes leaving it milky white to stare at those he spoke too made it difficult for many of his fellows to be at ease around him. The fact that his clothes were all but tattered rags, though this was evidently from over use and the faded colors spoke of a richer fabric, while the armor underneath was gleaming added even more to this strange appearance.

Turning his one good eye towards the others he also inclined his head

"And you brothers? What are your names and your calling?"

2011-05-19, 06:12 AM
Amelia-Bridget Joanne, at your service, greets the odd priestess. Her fair features and diminuitive stature give the impressin of almost a child were it not for that faint hint, that glimmer, of wisdom within her eyes; ever seeming to stare at and through her companions. With a pleasant chortle, she courtseys, her rags straining at their ever thin bindings in a pathetical play at clothing. Indeed, among her possessions, her travelling cloak was the least crude - worn to be certain, but there was a hint taht it was once fine, while what she wore on her back was unmistakably of unkempt origins. As she regains her posture, a lonesome silver piece slips from the fabric and falls to the ground, leaving her with the oddest look of disgust. If perhaps Sir Mythras would care for more comfortable apparalel? she remarks, holding the piece aloft, lest I should perish without making some small donation. It is immediately apparent that she is worse dressed than her companions.

She notes the once fine make of the clothes in question and immediately shrinks back to a yet quieter persona. Apologies if I offended, dear sir. she says, pocketing the coin in exchange for an odd relic one can only guess was a Holy Symbol. I have an awful habit of running my mouth.

Ahem. You may address me how you will - I am no priestess of an order any one of you would recognise, and hold no sway over your tongue. Though as it may be important to the task at hand, I am here as representative of the Church fo Lathander. However, I am but my own purpose; in the service of empathy and the protection of the meek. To that end, I should be pleased by your company and, if I may be bold, assistance.

Taking on a yet calmer disposition, she fastens the symbol around her neck by way of another frailed piece of string. The symbol is likely the best crafted item in her possession, and it is hardly spectacular - naught but a simple symbol of an outstretched hand carved upon wood. Who would take such an impoverished soul as representative in ANY matter, you may wonder, further positing that perhaps the Church of Lathander is insulting you. Yet she is too cheerful to rebuke, so most assume the best of young Amilia.

And how shall I know of you, gentlmen?

2011-05-19, 04:31 PM
The balding man takes note of Alaric's gesture, and dusts carefully around the area. He seems to be taking his time, finding things to do that keep him near to the assortment of Clerics.

2011-05-19, 04:50 PM
Ah, how do you find today, my good man? Amilia greets the old man, radiating almost unnatural friendliness. She produces once more the silver piece leaving it atop the nearest surface to the apparent caretaker as a gesture of diplomacy. Would you care to aid us in our task?

2011-05-19, 05:11 PM
The fellow takes your silver with a grin.
"What kinda help do you be needin'?"
He flips his oilcloth over his shoulder, not needing a pretext to stand around and evesdrop any longer.

2011-05-19, 05:23 PM
Would you care to tell us what you know of these rumours of late? A disappearing watchmen seems to have been confirmed, and perpheral details of varying degrees of truth have trailed that fact around like a foul stench. Disregarding the dreadful murmurs I hear, for hearsay is unsuited to evidence, I think it best to personally investigate. Is there anything of note you care to share with us? We are trustworthy company, I assure you.

2011-05-19, 05:32 PM
"Well, the watchman was a young lad, think his name was Derrik. Folks are sayin' that there's been some weird sounds and lights in the graveyard at night. Not the normal ones, you understand. Normally I'd just chalk it up to someone dropping some gold into Ghaldrin's Pot, but that's nowhere near where these sell-swords were stationed."

Edit: Knowledge (Local) or Knowledge (History) for Ghaldrin's Pot.

2011-05-19, 05:49 PM
You'll excuse me for my lack of knowledge of local customs, having myself spent little time within this area, but what is this Ghaldrin's Pot?, Amelia asks, as much of her companions as of the old man.

2011-05-19, 05:58 PM
The smile falters on his face. "Ye never heard of old Ghaldrin?" He fidgets slightly.
"Well, Ghaldrin was a travelling minstrel. Came to live in Waterdeep a span after the time of troubles. Helped a lot of good folk, he did."
He clears his throat, looking around at the clerics somewhat hesitantly, as if waiting for someone to interject.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-05-19, 07:00 PM
"I heard about Ghaldrin," a young man with short black hair, simple clothes, and a chain shirt said. "His pot was for people to put coins in when he performed on the streets. He'd donate some of the money to charity."

2011-05-19, 07:07 PM
He grins towards Jason. "Right! Ghaldrin was a right good sort. Hated to see folks go hungry. His pot sits up on his gravestone. Folk say if you drop some gold in, he'll rise from the dead and play you a song."

He looks momentarilly puzzled. "'Course, Ghaldrin's buried on the southeast side of the yard. The boys got spooked near the center. Not close enough to put a scare on 'em, I'd think."

2011-05-19, 07:15 PM
Hmm... are there any other distinguishing features of the graveyard?

2011-05-19, 07:29 PM
"Features? Well, if you take a walk near the center court, that's where all the important folk get to be buried. Well maintained, grand sculptures. a Few displays of magic. West side's for the ordinary folk. Further north is where they bury prisoners. Any feature you're looking for in particular?"

2011-05-19, 07:40 PM
I suppose any given area is worthy of investigation, it is just a matter of which we should start with first...

She withdraws a moment, turning as she fidgets with her holy symbol and mutters. The sighting occured near the centre, but for all we know the whole place is desecrated and that just happened to be the only place iwth people within it. On the other hand the... she shortly spirals off into incomprehensibility.

Very well, I have my heart set on the centre, if my companions should consent. Has anyone important been buried recently? And is there anyone else who would witness anything unusual within the graveyard, besides those guard, at night in particular?

2011-05-19, 08:19 PM
"Well, there is the city watch. They've got a post at the eastern entrance to the graveyard. 'Course, one of them went missing a week back. There's been about three burials since then, but I don't know what you mean by important. Nobody in the center plot, if that's what you're askin' "

2011-05-19, 08:30 PM
Hmm... very well. If you don't mind, gentlemen, I left a some of my potential spells unprepared until I was clearer on the details. Though I find myself no closer to the truth, my gut informs me I shall likely have little chance prepare for a situation in advance. The last of the dawning sun awaits me - call me when you have devised a plan.

With that, Amelia leaves the building and sits upon a tuft of grass, her eyes closed and facing the now almost unveiled sun as she near-silently chants, he ragged clothes looking all the more pathetic as she curls up upon the ground, yet teh coldness seemed to make her no worse for wear.

2011-05-19, 09:54 PM
Jerik Ironfoot bursts into the room, panting. "Huff huff... sorr' I'm late," he apologizes, sweat dripping down his face. "Uh go'bit lost... we clerickin' yet? I'm Jerik Arnfoodt. I'm hayre aboh't da pro'lem needin' the reps from the gods?"

2011-05-20, 07:31 PM
Nice dog, Alaric. A pity it's disturbing my chanting, cooed Amilia from outside, in quite too moderate a tone to be interpreted as a complaint as she went about petting the beast.

2011-05-20, 09:54 PM
Having finished the round of introductions, Alaric is encouraged by the speed with which his new associated have gotten down to business. Well, he says, we can't do without visiting the graveyard, and better start while there's still light. For myself, he adds shyly, I'd like to hear that legendary bard play, if the stories are true.
He bites his lip, thinking he probably shouldn't have said that. Now he looks like a supersticious childish fool...

To Amilia, a moment later, he replies, Disturbing? I hope not, he's quite tame. Maybe he mistakes your chant for a lunch signal?

2011-05-21, 03:48 AM
Amilaia chortles.

Perhaps I am too easily distracted from the task at hand. I hardly think, however, there is shame in finding the joys in life, however fleeting. Speaking of, I believe we can hazard a trip to the southeast for that old bard's grave. I wish to sense if there is any magic to the thing, and I daresay there is nothing wrong with leaving a donation to the prestigious Ghaldrin. Perhaps you would care to walk your dog over there presently while I go about preparing myself, preferably briging your dog as my will to stop myself from petting the lovable thing seems poorer than it would be to resist the greatest Archmage's enchantments! Though some to think it, perhaps it is just lulling me into a false sense of security, for having seen a flash of his teeth, I see his namesake of Fang...

2011-05-21, 04:22 AM
Mythras nodded to the talkative funeral worker and to the new arrivals introducing himself again. The possible desecration of the graveyard did not sit well with him. In this place, biggest of all cities he had even seen, it was stange to imagine that the dead were allowed to walk.

"By the way good man. I have heard this AO name before but what is he exactly? Why is this home dedicated to his name? " he said remembering the question he wanted to ask.

"And also comrades. I do not think we need a comprehensive plan or anything. Being spontaneous is what works best! We should start our investigation by searching the area around where the attack happened and the soldier went missing. Plus, I know it may be superstituous but my people believe at night is when ghosts come so though we can do our search during light it may be more useful to also stay at night... so I propose we go for an initial scan of the area for a few hours, then find a spot to rest and then continue at night."

2011-05-21, 04:39 AM
That was my intention, said Amilia with a short applause. I suppose I'm done here, and with that she stood up and stretched, once again straining her rags.

Let us make towards the place where taht guard was spirited away, and perhaps we shall split up from there.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-05-21, 08:58 AM
Mythras nodded to the talkative funeral worker and to the new arrivals introducing himself again. The possible desecration of the graveyard did not sit well with him. In this place, biggest of all cities he had even seen, it was stange to imagine that the dead were allowed to walk.

"By the way good man. I have heard this AO name before but what is he exactly? Why is this home dedicated to his name? " he said remembering the question he wanted to ask.
"Ao is a deity beyond us. Us mortals didn't even know of his existence until the time of troubles, when he single-handedly cast down all the gods, and trapped them in mortal form. And he doesn't grant spells to worshippers."

"And also comrades. I do not think we need a comprehensive plan or anything. Being spontaneous is what works best! We should start our investigation by searching the area around where the attack happened and the soldier went missing. Plus, I know it may be superstituous but my people believe at night is when ghosts come so though we can do our search during light it may be more useful to also stay at night... so I propose we go for an initial scan of the area for a few hours, then find a spot to rest and then continue at night."

"Okay, sure."

2011-05-23, 10:15 AM
"Gah," Jerik groans, holding his head. "I don' really know why, bu' I'm gettin' a headache. I don' thin' its 'cuz of ever'one talkin' or tha' 'nnoying chantin'... sorry to be so rude if I'm." He then looks around and asks, "Wha'zacly we supposed to be doin' here?"

OOC: Sorry about the annoying accent. I know not all dwarfs have accents like this, and that it must be hard to read. I'll write normally from now on.

2011-05-23, 04:19 PM
The Proprieter looks to Mythras.
"Well, Ao is the biggest deity up there. He cast down the other gods during the time of troubles, and given that my humble funeral home exists in territory contested by three churches, it seemed like the best idea to avoid... offending anyone."
[if you're all agreed to go to the graveyard, please just post that you're going and I'll fast forward the walk :p]

Hiro Protagonest
2011-05-23, 04:21 PM
((agree'd in going to the graveyard))

2011-05-23, 06:30 PM
As the group seems to reach an agreement on their next step, Alaric exits and unties Fang, getting ready to move out to the graveyard.

2011-05-23, 07:11 PM
Amilia rushes her chanting and preperation of spells, ready to move out.

2011-05-23, 08:18 PM
The walk through Waterdeep at midday is noisy, but peaceful. Hawkers on street corners yell out their wares from carts- either too poor to affoard the tax for a stall or shop in the Merchant's district, or seeking to garner a higher price for the "Conveniance" of buying closer to home.

As you approach the massive conglomeration of graveyards known somberly as the "City of the dead", the first thing that stands out is that the place is well maintained. It seems almost cheery- sculpted clay or stone statues and gravemarkers immortalize the names and deeds of generations past.
Getting closer, you can make out the three main gates to the graveyard proper- one north, west, and south.
From a clear, open sky warm sunlight creates an aura of serenity and peaceful rest.
Guards stationed in small houses at the gates seem to maintain this peace, stopping the party to question you about your business.

"From the look of you, you're here on church business. Please sign in the log book here" The guard says, pulling out a large tome and stylus. "If you've got any questions or need directions, you just let me know. Name's Cyrus."

2011-05-24, 09:17 AM
Mythras follows the group taking in the more and more wonders of the city. Once they arrive he looks at the guy who asks them to sign curiously but eventually does so.

"Names have power" he says very seriously to the man. "Be careful to whose hands you entrust this book" he continues.

"We are indeed on official business Cyrus. We are here to investigate if something is amiss here. Could you tell us what you know about the guard that disappeared recently and about any other such dark rumors?"

2011-05-24, 09:34 AM
Jerik almost gets left behind as the group of clerics seem to ignore him and continue on their own. "Agh, guys," he groans, "I thought I lost ya. The Church of Reorx wouldn't like it if I didn't do my duty. So, what did I miss? This guy's collecting our autographs?"

((OOC: I should change my name. I found out that someone made an "Eric Ironfoot", as a LARP character.))

Hiro Protagonest
2011-05-24, 01:35 PM
Jason signs the logbook.

2011-05-24, 05:15 PM
Cyrus nods as the two sign the logbook.

"You mean Jason? Night Shift? Yeah. He went missing a little over a week ago. Transferred here from the docks around midwinter. Quiet guy, didn't talk to him much. Anything in specific you wanna know-"
He looks to the book, then back up "um.. Mythras?"

2011-05-24, 10:13 PM
Alaric also signs the book, entertaining for a moment the thought of letting Fang scratch a mark as well .. nah, they won't appreciate it.

I wonder, he says, if we could visit the exact place he was stationed at. Maybe Fang can pick a trail or scent... although a week sure is a long time.

2011-05-25, 03:57 AM
"Yes. Mythras. The name has been passed on through generations from my tribe. There can be only one. Why there is something the matter?" he replies to the man.

2011-05-25, 07:54 AM
Amilia produces a single piece of charcoal from her rags in compliance. For a moment, she hesitates, her eyes darting upwards as if recalling something, or perhaps imagining, before scrawling her name.

2011-05-25, 10:14 AM
"Okay," Jerik says, "I'll sign." He signs the logbook much more elegantly than many would expect him to. "There. Now, what's next?"

Forgery roll: [roll0] to forge his own signature. Or maybe not. :smalltongue:

2011-05-26, 05:32 PM
Cyrus nods. "Sure, he was stationed at the south gatehouse, just inside the graveyard"
he looks at Mythras; "Nothing the matter, sir. Just wasn't sure how to pronounce it right. 'sall."
As Jerik scrawls an almost unreadable print on the book, a half-elf with shining eyes approaches the guardhouse.
(Artorien can make his introduction here, then I'll forward the party to the south gate)

2011-05-26, 09:38 PM
"Greetings all, glad to know I made it just in time." He signs the logbook as well.

"Artorien here, representing the temple of Solonor Thelandira. I can act as the scout and spotter, if need be." He hefts his bow slung across his shoulders. "Shall we proceed?"

2011-05-27, 04:51 PM
Cyrus escorts you southward, curving slightly west as he follows the wrought-iron fence that borders the graveyard. Traffic is understandably light, with the majority of the few people you pass being on the other side of the street.

As you enter the graveyard and walk toward the guardhouse, you can't help but feel like you're being watched. Cyrus talks with the guard on duty, gesturing at the party, then leaves, presumably to go back to his post.

The current guard nods to you, then goes back to writing up paperwork

2011-05-27, 07:05 PM
"About time you showed up," Jerik growled. "Took you awhile. Gah, whatever. The name's Jerik. Glad you were able to make it." He extended his hand.

2011-05-30, 02:18 AM
Mythras nodded to all new additions to the team offering a short inclination of his head and introducing himself once more.

"Shall we explore the area first to get an idea of what is around here?" He said to his companions as he started walking around.

2011-05-30, 03:30 AM
"Sounds good. I'll take a look on the perimeter first." Artorien moves on past Mythras on the outside of the fence, observing and looking inside occasionally for anything of interest.

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

2011-05-30, 05:17 PM
Taking a moment to survey the area, Artorien notices a young boy darting into an alley on the outside of the graveyard.

Nothing else in the immediate vacinity seems particularly unusual for a graveyard.

You are currently on the Southeast edge of the city of the dead, going further south will also carry you gradually west.

2011-05-30, 05:57 PM
Alaric lets his dog loose to run around. C'mon boy! Pick a scent for me! Fang skitters here and there, sniffing about.

[roll0] Survival

A minute later, he returns with a dead rat in his teeth. Hmm. Not quite what I had in mind. Anyway, good job, Fang. Alaric looks around, wondering if there's anything else he could do.

2011-05-30, 06:12 PM
"Anyone notice a strange feeling," Jerik asks, "as if the night is staring at you?" He looks around, clutching his holy symbol. "Not that I'm scared or anything, mind you, but if something is about to attack us, I'd like to be ready to attack first, y'know?"

2011-06-01, 08:21 PM
[Track attempt fail]
The feeling seems to pass as the boy dissappears into a crowd on the other side of the alleyway. A slight wind picks up, rustling what few leaves mark the carefully maintained lawn inside the graveyard.

2011-06-04, 10:05 PM
Alaric nods at Jerik. I feel the same myself. We need to do something, can't just stand in one place. Any ideas where to proceed from here?

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-04, 10:07 PM
"Let's head to the center of the graveyard," Jason says, holding his axe.

2011-06-05, 04:32 AM
"In general" Mythras comments "lets keep within visual distance but spread out... we will cover a larger area this way".

He moves forward with purpose and care and looks around for anything that seems out of place or just strange. This is fairly difficult considering he is from a diffrent land with diffrent customs and as such most things around look strange.

Master DM... try to push us through... it seems the group posting rate is slow in general so its up to you to push us through scenes. We dont have to interact with everything and you are as always allowed to GodMod a bit and move us along...

If we lose more momentum this will die and the idea is actually very good and I would hate for that to happen.

2011-06-06, 03:44 AM
Artorien comes back with a hangdog expression, "Couldn't see whoever it was who disappeared into the crowd. Oh well. Might as well proceed and see what is inside...." Artorien draws his bow and nocks an arrow, placing himself 15ft diagonally behind Mythras.

2011-06-06, 02:51 PM
"Gh... let's continue," grumbles Jerik, heading forward. "Just be ready to fight." He then sees Artorien preparing his bow, and slightly grins. "Someone has the right idea." He clutches his morningstar tightly, ready to strike.

2011-06-06, 05:14 PM
Very well. I was worrying about that myself, but I don't want to railroad folks. If I do move through a scene and you wanted to do something, PM me and I'll get you a result.

Moving deeper into the graveyard, the atmosphere quickly loses it's outward pleasantry, becomming more somber. As you pass the long rows of headstones, you can't help but notice the empty feeling of loneliness settling around you like a mist. Despite the carefully maintained lawn and cobblestone paths, the names carved into these stones have likely gone unread for years- the names and deeds of those buried here so easilly forgotten.

The path splits, one going north, towards the center of the graveyard where the odd noises were reported, or going further along the east, towards where Ghaldrin supposedly rests.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-06, 05:19 PM
"Let's go to where Ghaldrin's grave is."

2011-06-06, 05:29 PM
Mythras follows feeling similarly subdued.

Very often he somehow delays the party as he stops to read a tombstone and the name and he even speaks it simply so that it is heard.

"It is difficult to imagine these poor men and women are forgotten. I hope their families have strong oral traditions and do not let their memory fade" he mutters loudly enough to be heard remembering the ways of his own land and the oral traditions of his ancestors.

He continues towards where their man is buried.

Personally I dont mind a bit railroading in pbp... it makes sense that you cant expect 100% active participation since we are not gathered around the table. From me feel free to push us etc when needed or if we are stalling.

2011-06-06, 06:38 PM
Heading further east, the path starts to curve around a small grove of trees. On the other side, the left half of the lawn continues in rows of headstones. The right hand side showcases a rather large private plot. Only one grave marker rests in the shade of the spruce grove, and it's oddly shaped. Squat, and round like a millstone, with a brassed beggar's pot resting on top. The pot is lidded, with a small slot through the middle.

The grave marker reads "Ghaldrin the Bard", with a year of death but no year or place of birth. The pot itself holds an inscription:
Wood Rots, Metal Rusts, and children grow old
yet there is one thing even death can't hold
it isn't something one can simply be told
but I can show you for merely two gold"

2011-06-06, 09:01 PM
"I distrust this," Jerik says to his fellow clerics. "I distrust a lot of things, mind you, but just to be safe... Turn Undead!" As he shouts this, he points his holy symbol at the jar, concentrating positive energy into it.

Turn Undead

2011-06-06, 09:16 PM
The sound of a forgehammer rings out like a bell as Jerik presents his holy symbol. The air stills, and a soft tranquility passes through the area.
[No change. Turn attempt expended.]

2011-06-06, 09:43 PM
Alaric shakes his head and silences his dog's growl. I know, Fang, I know, but my curiosity is getting the better of me. Two gold? Darn if I have this much left, but maybe if we all chip in? Alaric puts one gold piece into the pot and raises an expectant brow at his allies. If no one is curious enough to hear what two gold will bring, he will, after a while, take the coin back.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-06, 09:54 PM
Jason also puts in a gold piece, holding his battleaxe in his other hand.

2011-06-06, 11:15 PM
[Alaric and Jason, Listen checks please]

As the second coing clinks into the pot, you see a semitranslucient, lavishly dressed nobleman sit up from the grave plot. He tumbles backward into a flip, flies through the air, and lands behind the headstone and pot with a rogueish grin.
"Ah, it seems I've been called back for an encore" he says, reaching into the stone and taking out a spectral lute. He begins tuning it, glancing up every now and again as though taking the measure of a crowd.

"What shall I play? The Ballad of Garril Gallowglass?" he strums a chord, seeming dissatisfied.
"A Fire at Thaymount?" he plucks a few more notes, then shakes his head.
"You look like a dreadfully sullen crowd, how about I play 'Wine, Wenching and War'?"

Setting one foot on his own headstone, the spectre of Ghaldrin begins to play a jovial melody, shattering the silence of the graveyard as though taunting death's inability to silence him. After a few moments, he starts singing in accompanyment, letting go of the lute, which strums of it's own accoard. The song is fairly simple, detailing the life of a common soldier as he pursues the three things mentioned in a title, which also happens to be the last line of the chorus.
Those among you who enjoy his performance find it hard not to sing along.

[If you wish to attack Ghaldrin or interrupt his performance, please include a Will save with your initiative roll.]

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-06, 11:27 PM
Jason tries hard not to get too caught up in the performance, in case it's a trap.

Will save if required.


Listen check.




2011-06-06, 11:52 PM
when you dropped your coin into the pot, you heard a faint, almost mechanical clicking sound. Also a 20 beats the DC, and if you interact with Ghaldrin you realise he's an illusion.

2011-06-07, 02:37 AM
"Huh, if the turn effect has no effect on it ... maybe a trick of the eyes?" Artorien stares hard at the spectre, waving his hands through it and attempts to disbelieve it.

Will Save [roll0]

2011-06-07, 07:58 AM
Amilia is entertained, but brought to some decisiveness by her companions; following their lead, she gives the bard a studious glance, though seems too complacent to act further after a moment - joyful just to have something to break the silence.

2011-06-07, 08:34 AM
Alaric allows himself to flow with the music, mesmerized by the performance. Fang deals with the situation the only way he knows - by growling and barking.

Listen [roll0]
Alaric forgoes his save, but Fang on the other hand ... [roll1]

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-07, 12:35 PM
"It's an illusion, triggered by a mechanism that activates when you put in two coins. It might double as a distraction."

Jason turns his head to look behind him.

2011-06-07, 07:13 PM
The Illusion of Ghaldrin continues his revelry, dancing in a broad circle while his lute plays. As the music reaches a crescendo, a female head pokes out of the grass near the trees. "Ach! You're playing loud enough to wake the dead! Get back in your box and let us all rest!" she yells. Ghaldrin's lute falls back into the headstone, and Ghaldrin looks to you with an apolegetic shrug.

The music cuts out as he lays back down into the earth.

Jason sees the path behind him, quite empty. Rows of headstones continue on.

Alaric definately heard the same clicking noise. Fang fails his will save, despite the +10 bonus from Jason pointing out it's illusitory.

Artorien successfully disbelieves, and the remainder of the performance seemed wispy and shallow, a barely seen thing made of mist and spider silk.

Amila sat through the performance, and is affected by Inspire Courage as used by an 8th level bard for the remainder of the day.
Fang is also thusly affected.

[Each player in the party gains 185 Xp.]

After a few moments, Jason does make out the form of a mercenary guard coming down the path, from the same direction you used to get here. Presumably to investigate the noise.

2011-06-07, 07:21 PM
"That was... weird," Jerik says, slightly confused. "How does that answer that rid...le... Uh... there it is again. I feel like I'm being watched again, but the eyes feel more alive. Anchored to a body, rather than floating on the wind..."

[roll0] Spot check, or
[roll1] Search check, whichever is applicable to spotting or searching for whom he believes is watching him.

2011-06-07, 08:38 PM
You definately see a man in armor walking down the path towards you.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-07, 09:00 PM
Jason watches as the man comes closer, holding his axe on his shoulder, and in a relaxed stance.

2011-06-07, 11:57 PM
((Was the female head an illusion too?? Otherwise I would want to investigate that particular head from the bushes...))

Artorien steps forward and calls out to the guard. "Greetings in the name of the allied representatives of the various faiths in Waterdeep. Who is approaching us?"

Spot Check to notice anything strange about this "guard" [roll0]

2011-06-08, 11:02 AM
Well, it's the little joys in life, Amilia says as she stands, stretching out after the performance. Well, hello there, she mutters, following the indication of Jason to the guard. Perhaps such he knows something. But first, I'm not best pleased by whatever it was that disturbed that performance. Ahem, hello? She grasps her holy symbol, ready turn if need be as she looks around the trees.

Listen check [roll0]

2011-06-08, 01:29 PM
Who'd dares to interrrupt such inspiring performance? Now Alaric has a feeling of ... incompleteness, of something unresolved, that may haunt him all day. Come Fang, let's have a look. He takes his dog to sniff around the place where the woman appeared.

Not sure what I should roll, or if it's even relevant. :smallconfused:

2011-06-08, 04:36 PM
Mythras is a bit lost at all this. He looks kind of amazed at the idea that someone would construct a mechanical and magical devise to resemble a ghost and although the tune was inspiring he was a bit taken aback.

To make matters worse his eyes grew wider when he heard the other voice calling the illusionary bard to stop playing and indeed it was so. His simple mind said that this must also be part of the device or spell since indeed the bard vanished but his patience was growing thin.

"Someone is using magic in such a trivial and casual way that it makes my blood boil as if I was caught in a Sunblast" he said angrily turning to look towards the approaching stranger.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-08, 04:46 PM
"Calm down, it's just to make a small profit for some entertainment. It's not like magic used by a caster with a bit of skill in illusions is all-powerful and must be handled with the greatest respect," Jason says to Mythras. He then turns his attention back to the man coming down the path.

2011-06-08, 06:10 PM
"Why are you so angry," Jerik asks Mythras. "It's just a performance by illusion. And we have a guest." He gestures towards the man approaching them. "No time for hostilities. There will be time for those soon..."

2011-06-08, 07:46 PM
I've had worse ways to spend gold... And certainly worse ways to use magic.

2011-06-09, 07:02 PM
[yes, the female head was part of the illusion.]

[Wow, that's a high spot. Guard is carrying a Halberd, wearing a chain shirt and an adventurer's outfit. He has a small purse on him. He seems past his prime, but definately not geriatric. Propably late 30's early 40s.]

[if you wish to investigate the area where the woman's head popped out, that would be a search. I assume you want to dig, in which case it's going to take a while, unless you brought a shovel.]

The guard ambles down the path and takes stock of you, eyeing Jason in particular, while leaning on his Halberd in a manner that isn't menacing in the slightest, but keeping it at the ready.

"Ho there, come to see Ghaldrin, ave ye?" He chuckles. "Looks like Berkley owes me two copper. Come to pay your respects, or just here for the show?"

2011-06-09, 08:17 PM
Alaric gives the place a cursory search. He doesn't have a shovel, so can't dig, but is on the lookout for signs of previous excavation.

Search [roll0]

2011-06-10, 03:59 AM
Greetings to you. I am Artorien, a priest from the temple of Solonor Thelandira. The rest of them, he sweeps his hand around him, are also representatives from various faiths. We heard there was some sort of trouble around these parts? Are you one of the guards here? Could you direct us to where the trouble areas are?

2011-06-10, 10:07 AM
"And I be Jerik Ironfoot, stereotypical dwarf cleric of Reorx. I am also here to investigate the mysterious happenings." He looks around before extending his hand. "It is most likely nice to meet you."

2011-06-10, 10:57 AM
Amilia-Bridget, at your service. My good man, perhaps you would care to aid our investigation?Diplomacy [roll0]

2011-06-10, 05:33 PM
The guard shakes Jerik's hand, trying not to sneak glances at Alaric.
Stepping back to speak to Artorien and Amelia without having to waggle his neck, he replies;
"Yea, I'm a guard fer the private lots. Name's Bashir, and if the lady 'ere wants an escort around the yard I'd be 'appy to oblige."

The guard begins walking back along the path, taking the north fork towards the middle of the graveyard. The road begins to take an incline, as you begin climbing a sloping hill that crests right in the middle of the graveyard. Large, worked stone walls a good two feet thick encircle the hill, providing a measure of security for the private crypts and mausoleums that dot the hillside in almost orderly rows. The guard walks up to a small group of three others, similarly clad, and says something to them. [Listen check if you want to hear it, or you could choose the impolite thing and just stay within 5 feet of him :p]
The four of them make quite a spectacle, armed guards and worked stone walls with wrought iron gates in the middle of an otherwise still and silent graveyard.

2011-06-11, 07:24 AM
Curtseying before setting out, Amilia walks astride the guard as she looks over the graveyard.

From this architecture, this place seems almost as a fortress... I may have underesitmated how much importance the locals put in this place, to have walls so thick alone testifies to that.

My contention is that the guard seems to like me, so may not mind my close company - therefore I get to hear what he says.

Failing that: Listen check [roll0]

2011-06-12, 01:45 AM
Listen [roll0]

Artorien stops when the others do and eyes the surrounding area for anything out of the ordinary.

Spot [roll1]

2011-06-12, 02:54 PM
Jerik listens intently, trying to hear what the guards are saying.

listen [roll0]

2011-06-13, 09:42 AM
Alaric returns to the group, not having found anything of interest. Why would they need such security? To keep people out, or to keep someone in?

2011-06-13, 09:55 AM
Essentially ignoring the question about why he considers the use of magic as an illusion of a dead bard in a cemetery a bad and wasterful thing Mythras follows a bit annoyed but silent.

When Alaric makes his question he grins. He knew that one.

"Important people are afraid of death more than normal people since they generally have a better life and are worried what will happen to them after death. More importantly, important people have important friends and in a silly attempt of honor or whatever they call it they bury them with important gear. In my tribe off course we know that a corpse doesnt really need magic, so generally we used to leave the dead for the sand to claim. No equipment were left behind." he paused unsure where he wanted to end up with what he was saying.

"Oh ... and well... there are such things as grave robbers that come and steal the stuff of the important people to use or sell... so in this wasteful cycle you have other people hiring guards to guard the dead peoples corpses and most importantly the gear buried in them so that they are not _defiled_ somehow" he said his contempt on the whole practice obvious.

And then, not that versed in social interaction he walked towards the guards to hear what they were talking about.

Going away from us and talking with his friends while leaving us behind with not even a "sorry, need to confer with my friends for a moment" is also rude!!!

2011-06-13, 09:53 PM
Spoken to the Guards, for those who made listen checks (DC15) "Berkley! Ye owe me two copper. These folks are 'ere bout the weird sounds."

One of the guards seems to take an intrest in what Alaric was saying.
"Now, the dead aught to be treated with respect. We're not just here to keep them undisturbed by looters. Powerful people make powerful enemies. Don't want anyone comin' round and defiling them into some miserable undead lot."
He spits, shudders, and the rest of the guards seem to finish with a minor monetary transaction.

Shuffling over to the party, Bashir makes a round of introductions. The guards seem amicable to answer any questions you may have, and open the gate for you.
"Be sure to be out 'fore it gets dark!" Bashir cautions when the gate is opened.

Artorien Inside the gate, near the door to one of the crypts, is a piece of worked stone path that's sitting a little askew.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-13, 10:03 PM
Hm, these guards might be just betting, but there could be something else...

"Why? We could be more likely to find supernatural activity in a graveyard at night, and Tempus gives me strength to fight undead."

2011-06-14, 12:25 AM
"So you have been hearing wierd noises? Could you describe them and the timing? Do they appear regularly or during some particular time of the month?"

He then points one of the crypts where he spotted the askew stone path. "Whose crypt is that?"

2011-06-14, 06:58 PM
Bashir scratches at his beard, his voice catching a bare moment. "It's bad luck y'know. To be out in a graveyard at night. Just not right..."

At Artorien's question, two of the guards look at the Crypt. One grunts, the other turns back to you.
"Not rightly sure, sir. Not our job to know the history of the families and all, just to make sure nobody goes in or out what's not supposed to."
His compatriot grunts again, elbowing him. You recognise the one that spoke to be the guard Bashir referred to as "Berkley".
"Right. In, I mean. Nobody goes in what's not supposed to."

[For a bit of metagame, the guards failed their assisted Know: History. I gave +2 for working there. In-world, it's propably never come up before, for that particular pair of guards.]

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-14, 07:02 PM
Something's going on here...

2011-06-14, 10:50 PM
"Right. If you guards do not mind, I shall take a look."

Artorien enters the opened gate and inspects the pathway. After which he examines the engravings on the crypt.

Spot for pathway [roll0]

2011-06-14, 11:54 PM
[That is a remarkable spot check. However, there's no monsters hidden in your locale, and I already told you about the stone. If you meant for that check to be for the stone, I'll let you keep the roll and apply it to a search, but the guards may take umbridge at someone digging around in there :p]

The engravings on the crypt are very old and weathered. Flecks of gold dust are still visable in some of the less worn engraved letters, and an ancient looking olive tree has grown up alongside the entryway.
[Decypher Script for the name on the crypt.]

2011-06-15, 03:33 PM
Amilia pokes around for a bit, her interest aroused.

Decipher Script [roll0]

2011-06-15, 08:44 PM
Taking a sidelong look at the crypt, and squinting to try convincing the shadows to twist the other way, Amelia makes out the word "Numpton"

The same guard who spoke mostly in grunts from before calls in with a hint of cynacism; "The noises weren't coming from INSIDE these walls."

2011-06-16, 07:29 AM
Oho? Fascinating... What are your thoughts on how we should proceed, gentlemen?

2011-06-16, 03:23 PM
The loose stone looks interesting. I'll have Fang take a look. Alaric wastes no time on pleasantries with the guard. Or a sniff, rather.

Survival [roll0]

2011-06-17, 05:54 AM
Indeed. I'll help your, uh, companion.

[ Search check 18 (taking 17 from previous roll and +1 from Int) ]

2011-06-17, 05:02 PM
"Need me to examine the stone as well," Jerik asks, "I'm good with understandin' stonework." He then stares at the loose stone intently.

Search roll, bonus due to stonecunning: [roll0]

2011-06-19, 08:55 AM
The same guard scoffs. "Well, you could go down to the guard post where that boy went missin'. Wait around at night, see what YOU hear."

Fang does pick up an odd scent, but can't seem to track it very far.

Wiggling the stone a little until it slides out of it's setting, Artorien finds a sack partially buried in the ground. The sack contains 400 silver.

The guards watch as you take the stone away, muttering amongst themselves.

2011-06-20, 02:48 AM
"Ah..." Artorien lifts up the sack of coins and jingles it. "A worthy donation to the churches who are risking life and limb in this place."

"Missing boy you say? What missing boy?"

2011-06-20, 04:13 AM
"Perhaps they are reffering to the guard that was lost? If I recall he was young but I may be wrong... my memory isnt my best feature" Mythras said rather seriously.

"In any case comrades, I doubt we will get more help from these guards... they dont seem to know alot or be very cooperative... Shall we wait until night? I doubt the hordes of the shambling dead will come while the sun is still high..." he continued just loud enough for the guard to hear the second part.

Acanous feel free to pick the pace and god-mode us a bit if we are going too slow... at least from my perspective that is totally okay.

2011-06-20, 06:22 AM
Very well. To pass the time, might we make a donation to the needy with this bounty? I see little other use for it, as we each have our stipends for expenses. The needy will look more favourably upon you. In any case, that is where my share shall be allocated.

2011-06-22, 09:26 PM
The guards seem wary as you walk out with a sack full of coin pilfered from grave dirt, muttering prayers and that same, unnamed as of yet guard slipping in at least one obscenity.

After divvying up your shares (Which you all can do) and getting through the rest of the day (PM, Post here, or in the OOC thread with anything you want to do) you return to the graveyard, notice the guards have changed shift at the entrance, and have to re-sign on the visitor ledger.

The two guards on shift at the south entrance don't look particularly suspicious, but if you'd like to ask them anything, feel free.

The graveyard at night is a much more eerie place. Mostly pitch black, with a few, magical lights on certain graves far in the distance providing a faint, beshadowed glow that conceals more than it shows.

Some visceral part of your brain cautions you that it would be a good idea to stick together.

2011-06-24, 09:12 AM
Don't worry, Fang, it's just flickering shadows. Nothing to be afraid of. Alaric whispers, probably trying to encourage himself rather than the canine. He grips his holy symbol tighter and takes a careful look around.

2011-06-24, 09:25 AM
"I don't like the looks of this," Jerik sighs. "I feel something is... off. Probably just my imagination, though. Not that I have one, mind you."

This graveyard seems suspicious. I think it's up to something. Sense Motive on the graveyard: [roll0] :smalltongue: , Spot check [roll1], Search Check [roll2]

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-24, 01:06 PM
Jason takes out his axe.

Spot: [roll0]

2011-06-24, 02:48 PM
Nice night to be out. Dark ... cool .... hunt or be hunted. Artorien draws his bow and begins moving forward while looking out for danger.

Move Silently [roll0]
Spot [roll1]
Listen [roll2]

2011-06-26, 06:23 AM
After a hard day helping starving children, Amilia manages to gather up a functional quarterstaff and a crooked lantern. Attaching the lantern to the staff, she stays close to her allies, her hand playing at her holy symbol once more.

Still enchanted by that bard's song, she hums it playfully as they walk through teh rows of teh dead, hoping to cheer them somewhat as she senses their tension. She hopes to bring some small levity.

Did we all have a good day, gentlemen? Rest assured, no matter what lurks within this place is no match for us!

2011-06-26, 08:52 AM
(Huh. Well, remind me never to try sneaking up on Artorien...)
as you proceed through the graveyard, you again get that feeling of being watched. After several minutes of walking toward the interior, Artorien catches a glimpse of a black-clad figure jumping behind a gravestone, roughly 40 feet away. The light of Amelia's lantern paints him for a breif second against the slate grey gravestone.

Roll for initiative.

2011-06-26, 02:41 PM
Mythras had also felt as if they were spied upon but did not feel a shred of fear. Only anticipation as finally after more than a day of searching around and finding nothing something seemed to be happening.

initiative: [roll0]
spot: [roll1]

woohoo! amazing rolls!

2011-06-26, 05:16 PM
Oh dear.

Initiative: [roll0]

Amilia's voice is suddenly filled with an unprecedented authority as she calls out to the darkness, standing ready to fight. Hark! Who goes there?

2011-06-26, 08:12 PM
Unknown's Initiative: [roll0]
Right. So feel free to act if you roll above a 5. What's with all these low numbers? :o

You stand on the path, with rows of gravestones on your left. To the right the path winds up towards the mausoleums, roughly 1200 feet away. Behind you it streightens out towards the fork from before, and in front of you is clear lawn.
The spotted figure is somewhere in the row of stones, and if anyone who spots him cares to spend a partial move to point him out, the rest of you will enjoy a circumstance bonus to spot him.

2011-06-26, 10:10 PM
Initiative [roll0]

Artorien peers closer to see the black clad figure lurking in the graveyard.

Move action: Spot [roll1] // ((Point him out if I have spotted it with my previous roll))

There it is! Someone hiding there! Solonor guide my arrows! he shouts before firing at the figure

Std Action: Fire arrow!
Attack roll [roll2]
If Crit [roll3]
Dmg [roll4] x 3 if crit

2011-06-26, 10:57 PM
Who goes there, friend or foe? Deciding not to wait for an answer, Alaric prays to summon the help of every root and blade of grass to hold the intruder fast.

Entangle spell centered on the figure, Reflex 15 to avoid

2011-06-27, 05:29 AM
Spot: [roll0] PLUS whatever the circumstance bonus is.

Dear oh dear...

2011-06-27, 05:42 PM
Artorien's arrow strikes true, and the man emits a half-scream as he flops onto the grass before being entangled in foliage.
Enemy Turn
[roll0] (1 to stabilize)
Mono's turn, then back to the top of the round.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-27, 07:11 PM


2011-06-27, 07:15 PM
that beats a 5. If you want to confirm a kill, stabilize the mystery person, or do anything else, go ahead :3

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-27, 07:22 PM
Jason goes up to the man and touches him, sending a small amount of divine energy into him.

Cure minor wounds expended.

2011-06-27, 07:52 PM
The arrow that had caught the young girl in her clavicle glows with warm, holy light as Jason's spell forces it out of her body and cauterizes the wound behind it. She seems to be stable, now.

Mongoose, please roll a sense motive, DC 13

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-27, 09:39 PM
Sense motive: [roll0]

2011-06-27, 10:07 PM
Jason: She's feigning unconsiousness.

2011-06-27, 11:12 PM
Seeing the intruder drop down and Jason approaching him (her), Alaric dismisses the Entangle spell*

Who is it? He asks Jason nervously.

* Because otherwise Jason would become entangled himself, won't be able to reach the girl, and we'd have to retcon the last batch of posts.

2011-06-27, 11:50 PM
((Are we still in combat rounds?))

Artorien approaches cautiously, keep his bow and arrow aimed at the figure on the ground.

That scream sounded rather high pitched. Mythras, Amilia, please keep a lookout around us while we investigate the body.

2011-06-28, 08:10 AM
I'm a better negotiator than lookout, but very well. Be careful with that one!

2011-06-28, 06:45 PM
Jerik just stands there with a stunned look on his face. Finally, he speaks. "What's wrong with ya? Shooting at shadows without verifying that your aiming at something bad? That's just... you..." He shakes his head, and grips his holy symbol. "Okay... healing seems to be taken care of, now anyone have a Detect Evil spell readied? Hopefully, we hit someone that deserves to be hit, but it sure doesn't LOOK like it..."

2011-06-28, 07:53 PM
[yes, you are still in combat rounds. Anyone with darkvision 60 or greater is currently entitled to a spot check. Please make listen checks for something that will happen next round, on initiative [roll0] :3]

2011-06-28, 08:17 PM
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2011-06-28, 09:31 PM
you can see two figures cautiously approaching from behind you, as though they were following you up the path. Both are wearing black, hooded garments which conseal their faces. One is raising a small crossbow in your general direction, while the other, armed with a shortsword, seems to be watching your group, as though unsure weather or not to attack you. The one with the shortsword is of slight build and may be female. Hard to tell with folk this lean and willowy.

2011-06-28, 11:46 PM
Artorien sneers at Jerik's naivety. All dressed in black sneaking around in a graveyard? Can't be up to any good. Best to shoot first and heal later.

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]
Knowledge Devotion (Local, assuming they are humanoid) [roll2] (+1 dmg and attack)

Looks like we have two other guests behind us! He shouts a word of warning to the others as he waves his bow about, ready to fire at a moment's notice.

((Ready Action to shoot at the unconscious girl or those behind us if they attack us))

2011-06-29, 02:19 AM
[abadguy: I'm reading that as Ready action: Attack (Whoever of the three attacks you first). If this is correct, great. If not, clarify for me in the OOC.]

They are Humanoid. I double-checked the entry just in case.

Zyborg: The one with the shortsword does something to the blade, and starts moving forward, diagonally into the row of gravestones. He seems beshadowed, even to your keen dwarven senses. The other figure maintains hold on the crossbow, but does not move.
abadguy: You see and hear the same things as Zyborg, of course.

2011-06-29, 02:38 AM
Mythras being his usual slow self had not yet reacted to all that had been happening.

He had heard everything the others had said and realised that a girl was already hit without any provocation although indeed hiding in the dark in a cemetery was more tha suspicious. He wondered how these people could actually see so well in the dark when they were relying on torches and lanterns.

"Whoever is out there" he called after hearing the new warning from the archer-priest "be warned we are armed and ready to defend ourselves. Your wounded friend is in no danger but if you do not show yourselves we shall unleash the full might of the combined forces of all our Churches on you" he said as he stepped forward.

At work so no mythweavers access... could you add my modifiers for me?

spot [roll0]
listen [roll1]
diplomacy [roll2]

Action wise I am readying vs attack. If anyone of them attacks any of us I am casting a spell in responce.

2011-06-29, 04:23 AM
Indeed! Amilia swerves around to take cover behind Mythras. You first then.

Amilia clears her throat. Slip back into the night or else surrender, for there is no chance of our defeat while yet we hold the magic of our faith in unison. Retreat and we will cause your ally no further harm and be on our way, that you might retrieve her, lest I fail to restrain my allies from your hide.

Listen [roll0]
Diplomacy [roll1]

2011-06-29, 08:52 AM
"Aye," Jerik says, "she's right. We all have immense powers alone, but together, you are facing a force given strength by many gods! I, personally, am a Cleric of a weapons god, so fighting me is unwise. Perhaps you could tell us what you want, and we may use our powers for you instead of against you..."

Diplomacy [roll0]

Bluff [roll1]

...those rolls sucked. a 6 and a 1...

2011-06-29, 10:33 AM
Amilia cringes before composing herself. Perhaps you had best leave the talking to me, Jerik

2011-06-29, 11:19 AM
"Yeah," Jerik grunts, "Prob'ly righ'. Peoble seem ta have trubble un'erstan'in' mah acksent for some reasen. Why kin nobo'ey un'erstan' wha' ah'm sayin'?"

2011-06-29, 12:16 PM
Maybe you should try learning a different language? I've been thinking of studying elfish for a trip. But for now, stand at the ready, Jerik!

2011-07-01, 02:14 AM
Zy and Badguy:
The elf with the shortsword begins to encroach upon your position, making a slow curve through the headstones rather than a straight line.
Everyone else:
The light shed by Amelia's lantern seems not to reach as far, as though a curtain of darkness has begun to slowly push at the light in a crescent. Roughly 10 feet of "Shadowy" light is immersed in total darkness.

2011-07-01, 02:50 AM
If you deign to speak, creatures in shadow, then let us converse with pointed sticks! Artorien fires 2 arrows in quick succession on the approaching elf.


Full round Rapid Shot at the elf

Attack 1
Attack [roll0]
Dmg [roll1]

Attack 2
Attack [roll2]
Dmg [roll3]

2011-07-01, 07:29 AM
Crossbowman uses held action to fire on Artorien
if hit
on the off chance of a crit
[roll2] confirmation with
[roll3] crit damage.

Artorien's miss chance (Darkness) -anything below 20 on a d100 is a miss-
[roll4] shot one and
[roll5] shot two.
You may roll your own miss chances for the rest of this combat.

The approaching elf is shot in the neck by Artorien, and goes down with a muffled thump. Only his Dwarven companion has the fortune to see how horribly the second shot misses. Everyone else just sees the elven-looking cleric with the glowy eyes become a blur of motion, and hear someone in the darkness fall.
A soft Twang echoes out of the black, and a bolt whizzes past Artorien's shoulder ineffectively.

2011-07-01, 09:41 AM
Since they attacked this triggers my ready action.

As such I cast Nimbus of Light (Complete Divine page 170).

I cant fire it this round since casting is a standard action but it appears.

Mythras saw the crossbowman raise his weapon and he quickly brought forth his holy symbol and muttered a small invocation.

As the last word was spoken A glittering corona of sunlight surrounds his body at a few inches distance. This nimbus of light glows like a lantern,
shedding bright light in a 30-foot radius (and dim light for an additional 30 feet) from him.

"This is your last chance to repent." he called out as this divine struggled to push back the approaching darkness.

2011-07-01, 04:46 PM
So aadjusting initiative for readied actions, Mythras will be going first next round, followed by the unknown, then Artorien. All other initiatives remain as they are.

2011-07-03, 08:30 AM
Can I shoot at the crossbow man? I mean do I see him?

2011-07-04, 06:12 AM
You can see him if you have darkvision. While he isn't hiding, he is 40 feet away and affected by a "Darkness" spell, so 20% miss chance. If you have Low Light Vision, you can make out a hazy outline, -2 to hit. If you're useing nothing but the torchlight, you're at -4 to hit, and need to make a listen check to figure out where he is (Which you've already done)

2011-07-05, 01:42 AM
((Posting action ahead of time))

Rapid shot on Remaining Humanoid in Darkness
Attack 1
Attack [roll0]
Dmg [roll1]
Miss [roll2] 20 and below is a miss

Attack 2
Attack [roll3]
Dmg [roll4]
Miss [roll5] 20 and below is a miss

2011-07-05, 06:42 AM
Please confirm target: Rapid shot on Dwarf is targetting a fellow party member.

2011-07-05, 11:51 PM
sorry for the delay :)

Also Acanous dont be nasty! You know we are all humans!!!!

Though he cant make his target very clearly Mythras focuses at the end of the glow and tries to send it against his opponent, the man with the crossbow.

He offers a quick whisper to Mystra to guide his hand as the shot is a tough one due to the limited visibility.

Ranged -touch- attack with the -4 you mentioned [roll0]
in case of crit confirm [roll1]

damage [roll2] x 2 in case of crit.

Also using a faith point to get an extra [roll3] on my attack roll.

I am using that IF my attack roll is below 12 (you can choose to use the faith point after you have rolled but before you know if you hit... since this is a forum I am declaring it upfront :D )

Edit: Pitiful damage woohoo!

2011-07-06, 07:39 AM
Unsurprisingly enough, Mythras' shot in the dark does not find purchase in the flesh of the crossbowman, going a bit too high to hit it's mark.

2011-07-06, 05:28 PM
Just to clarify I take it that came from the miss chance right? Cause that was a touch attack of 15...

2011-07-06, 07:14 PM
Yes, that was the miss chance. Actual touch AC on the target is 11.

2011-07-07, 08:30 AM
Amilia prepares to cast a spell. (if, by my initiative, we haven't dropped someone, I'll spontaneously summon a monster)

I'm 19 today. And dreadfully ill. Ugh.

2011-07-08, 05:42 AM
[Gratz on 19, sucks you're sick D:]
Stabilization check: [roll0] (1=stable)
The figure runs and takes cover behind a headstone (Double move, 40 feet west. Is now 70 feet from the party, and has partial cover. Is no longer within Darkness)

Artorien's shots arc into the night. You hear one plink off a gravestone. (Cover bonus to AC brings his AC to 20)

Amelia begins summoning something, motes of energy coalescing around her form. [Monster shows up before your next initiative as per summon monster]

2011-07-11, 02:33 AM
Artorien moves in closer, bow at the ready. Halt in the name of the combined Churches of Waterdeep! Raise your hands and do not attempt to run unless you wish to join your unconscious friends!

Move 30ft toward dwarf
Ready to shoot if it attempts to cast a spell, attack or flee.

2011-07-11, 09:16 PM
you REALLY don't like Dwarves, do you? I'll remember that for later ;)

Artorien's voice echoes into the night [make an Intimidate please] and the energy around Amelia moves down to the ground in front of her, taking on shape and substance.

[Zyborg, you're free to act, I've been assuming you're defensive near the downed girl from your lack of posted actions.]

2011-07-12, 05:30 AM
((If I imagine everything to be dwarves, it helps me smite better. Intimidate [roll0]))

2011-07-12, 06:17 AM
The figure Flees! "EEEEEEEE" he screams, in a loud, emasculating tone as Artorien's held action goes off

2011-07-15, 11:08 AM
"So," Jerik sighs, "what exactly are you doing here? Trying to steal from priests? Not exactly the most honorable thing to do, eh?" He winds up like he is about to strike the girl with his Morningstar, but freezes. "Please don't make me hit you. You are injured enough. It is obvious that you are bait for a trap - most likely willingly, but whether you deserved to be shot is still to be decided."

2011-07-15, 08:23 PM
The girl looks up at Jerikslowly, ashamed or embarassed that her trick didn't work.
"I'm not bait! I don't wanna be shot, nobody was supposed to be here!"

Hiro Protagonest
2011-07-15, 08:34 PM
"Why are you here at all?"

2011-07-16, 02:40 AM
[Combat is *Effectively* over, regardless of Artorien's roll, unless you choose to run down the fleeing combatant and kill him. Artorien does get an attack roll, he can choose weather or not to take it]
"I'm just here to drop off some coin, and pick up a package!" says the nearly-unconsious girl. Getting a closer look, she's rather malnourished and wearing ratty clothing.

2011-07-18, 10:48 PM
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Artorien shoots at the fleeing figure. "I gave fair warning!"

If the figure drops, Artorien will run over to check on the body, otherwise he looks for the other one he shot.

2011-07-20, 01:53 PM
[Combat is *Effectively* over, regardless of Artorien's roll, unless you choose to run down the fleeing combatant and kill him. Artorien does get an attack roll, he can choose weather or not to take it]
"I'm just here to drop off some coin, and pick up a package!" says the nearly-unconsious girl. Getting a closer look, she's rather malnourished and wearing ratty clothing.

"Drop some coin to where and for what purpose?" asks Mythras as he approaches closer.

"And what were you going to pick up?" he asks after a few long seconds.

"Oh and who sent you?" he concludes.

2011-07-20, 03:54 PM
[Posting this here so no one misses it. On holiday in paris for rest of the week - scarce internet access. Someone take over Amilia 'til I get back - summmoning and and trying to be humble about covers it. See you later!)

2011-07-20, 08:31 PM
[argh, I posted a reply yesterday, but apperently it didn't go through D:]
Artorien's shot is good, and the figure does drop.

Answering Mythras, the girl tries to address his queries.
"I was going to drop it off behind Farah O'Quade's gravestone. Then Pick up the box that's there. Then I go back to Mr. Black and he gives me some coin.
Please don't kill me, I have a sick brother and he needs the money for medicine!"

(And here's a bluff check. For something up there :p)[roll0]

Hiro Protagonest
2011-07-20, 09:25 PM
Sense motive: [roll0]

2011-07-20, 10:03 PM
Mongoose, and anyone who beats the DC 14 Sense Motive:
She's lying about her brother

2011-07-20, 10:06 PM
Artorien goes up to check on the body (expending a Lv 0 spell to stablise if needed), going through its pockets and bodies for any sort of identification.

2011-07-20, 11:53 PM
your spell is expended, the figure is stable. (If you went to the one you just shot, that is >.>)
Please roll a search check, and specify which dropped opponent you're searching :3 (Crossbow or Sword-wielder)

2011-07-21, 01:58 AM
((Since we're out of combat, I will check on both, stabilizing the other one too if necessary. Yes checking facial features too to determine gender and race))

Search Rolls
Crossbow [roll0]
Sword [roll1]

2011-07-21, 04:05 AM
The one holding the Sword is a Drow Female. She's carrying the sword, obviously, and 3 gold, 7 silver. Inside her robes you find a little pine box. Inside the box is a little glass vial.
The other is a Drow Male, he's carrying the Crossbow, 6 bolts, and he's wearing a leather collar.

2011-07-26, 08:09 PM
(*Prod* is everyone going on hiatus until Minx gets back?)

2011-07-30, 11:10 PM
((I will be away too til the 13th Aug on a training stint))

2011-07-31, 04:39 PM
[Okay, I'm back. Give me a chance to catch up before Amilia does much, 'kay?]

2011-08-01, 04:58 AM
Mythras looks at the girl with some distaste.

" Who is this Mr. Black? Can you take us to him?" he asks

"And get up, walk slowly and take us to the grave you mention. I have the feeling the box you were supposed to find is the one that Drow woman had but we cant be sure until we check" he says and motions for her to get up.

"Which reminds me, hand over the coin..."

2011-08-01, 07:55 PM
"Mr. Black is a businessman, I can take you to him. I'm sure I'll be able to take you faster for a few coins."
She nods, and slowly (Because she's still at 0 :p) leads the party to a nearby gravestone. There is no package there.

Upon being asked for her coin, the girl looks at Mythras like he just sprouted the many heads of Tiamat.
"Hey! I'm cooperatin', I haven't done anything wrong! You shot me and now you're robbin' me too??"

2011-08-02, 12:43 AM
"Well you can always go to guard! Tell them that as you were walking in the graveyard at night, a graveyard where murders were committed recently, in order to deliver blood money for stolen goods or for smuggling someone attacked you and stole yours.... if they actually dont laugh I will give you a platinum for your troubles..." he says and smiles.

2011-08-02, 04:33 AM
She looks at you first with hope, then incredulously, and finally with a hint of challenge.

"Platinum, eh? Well it might be worth it for a platinum. I'll do it if I can keep my money."