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2011-05-19, 03:16 PM
Tar-Karas is an oasis town near the Great Wall of the Azure Empire. It's warmer than most other places in the Blue Desert, there is food and water for everyone and a somewhat nice place to live unless you get on the Emperor's face.
Of course, 'not venerating me as if I'm a god' is already getting on the Emperor's face, so most people are not exactly happy in Tar-Karas, even though trade is going fine.
The Resistance had a base in Tar-Karas, a few months ago. Their leader was killed and gutted by the empire quite easily, though. Now, they were trying to start anew. Gabriel had been there for a while and managed to find a safe hideout. There, he had to receive the new members who would under his command and inform them they already had a new mission - one of the Emperor's sons, Yazad the Ruthless, apparently had a secret lover in town. That was the perfect opportunity to get him with his guard down.

2011-05-19, 06:15 PM
I'd like a Bardic Knowledge check. Seeing as how he's one of the sons of the Emperor, and thus a potential candidate for that lofty position, he would certainly be a notable person, if not legendary.

So, pray tell, what manner of glory does this Yazad, known as 'the Ruthless' by his foes, wreath himself in? Does he wade gloriously into battle, shoulder to shoulder with his fellow soldier? Does he wear odd bits of garb which strengthen him in combat, taking on aspects of this or that thing? Is it his mind whom his enemies should fear? Does he prefer a tactical flank to an outright attack? Does he draw upon the power of chancy spirits, using circles and diagrams of power to coerce their cooperation?

For the Son of the Emperor must surely have many grand and glorious tales of victory and conquest. With an epitaph declaring his ruthlessness, surely this man's man, this epitome of masculinity, must have won that title in combat...

For as the great General Sun Tzu once said... Know thine self, know thine enemy, and you have already won.

[roll0](glah, I really need to get some Int one of these days...)

2011-05-19, 07:33 PM
"You're the new blood, then?" the azurin male at the head of the table asks, frowning at the motley crowd. He is very monochrome- everything on him except a circle of runes around his brow and his glimmering blue eyes seems to be a shade of brown. Curled in the corner is something blue, with large dragonlike wings. He pays it no mind."I don't remember asking for quite so many elves." He manages to hold the disapproving look for about three more seconds, before his expression changes abruptly into a large grin, looking much more at ease than before. "Anyways, I'm Gabriel, and the blue thing in the corner is Verasali."

The 'blue thing' uncurls slightly to reveal a female, elven in basic body shape, clad in what seems to be a robe and little else. The wings sprout out of her back. Her skin is like cerulean mercury, and her eyes resemble nothing so much as blue marbles. Long arms fold across her chest and her fingers are tipped with inch-long claws. "I am not a thing," Verasali says, glaring around at each of the people at the table in turn.

"Fine, fine. Anyways, we're looking for Yazad's secret lover, because apparently people are never on guard when they've got romance on the mind. He'd be fairly vulnerable at least-no one brings guards on a tryst, especially not guards that have to report to their dad at the end of the day. I'd like to know your names, because I can hardly call you 'human', 'elf one', 'elf two', 'dragon guy', and 'beard guy'." It is clear Gabriel means well, but the last sentence isn't completely inoffensive. In the corner, Verasali mutters something that sounds a lot like 'Io preserve us' in an exasperated tone.

2011-05-19, 08:28 PM
"You're the new blood, then?" the azurin male at the head of the table asks, frowning at the motley crowd. He is very monochrome- everything on him except a circle of runes around his brow and his glimmering blue eyes seems to be a shade of brown. Curled in the corner is something blue, with large dragonlike wings. He pays it no mind."I don't remember asking for quite so many elves." He manages to hold the disapproving look for about three more seconds, before his expression changes abruptly into a large grin, looking much more at ease than before. "Anyways, I'm Gabriel, and the blue thing in the corner is Verasali."

The 'blue thing' uncurls slightly to reveal a female, elven in basic body shape, clad in what seems to be a robe and little else. The wings sprout out of her back. Her skin is like cerulean mercury, and her eyes resemble nothing so much as blue marbles. Long arms fold across her chest and her fingers are tipped with inch-long claws. "I am not a thing," Verasali says, glaring around at each of the people at the table in turn.

"Fine, fine. Anyways, we're looking for Yazad's secret lover, because apparently people are never on guard when they've got romance on the mind. He'd be fairly vulnerable at least-no one brings guards on a tryst, especially not guards that have to report to their dad at the end of the day. I'd like to know your names, because I can hardly call you 'human', 'elf one', 'elf two', 'dragon guy', and 'beard guy'." It is clear Gabriel means well, but the last sentence isn't completely inoffensive. In the corner, Verasali mutters something that sounds a lot like 'Io preserve us' in an exasperated tone.

I think you put your cart before the horse. He clears his throat, then makes a bow Allow me to introduce myself, I am Awzie. The rest of your name would probably only be confusing, but some call me by my initials, ACDC.

Now, I would caution you, before charging in where angels fear to tread. Would a man with an epitaph 'the Ruthless' be falling in love in the first place? Granted, I have no doubt the title is, in every way, accurate, but just think a moment. What sort of man is it who willingly embraces such a title?

His shudder is over-emphasized, clearly an overly-dramatic expression, but nonetheless one designed to prove a point.

It could be a cleverly laid trap to exterminate the remains of the so-called 'Resistance', much good as it has done. After all, any zealous-minded boy who wishes to strike at the heart of the Empire would be falling all over themselves over this rumor. It would be a trivial thing for the Empire to set up a honey-pot in a snare. With a lady who is entirely expendable, perhaps even an unknowing dupe. It would be like the Empire to sacrifice people thusly.

For a brief moment, his gaze hardens, remembered sacrifices of his former friends dance in his memories, a cold hatred wafting off like a chill wind. But only for a brief moment, before his face becomes stern, but animated.

For that matter, if he is so ruthless, how has this knowledge come to pass by ears as humble as ours? No, I fear there is more to this rumor than meets the eyes. Let us do research on this esteemed prince, his habits and tactics, before we look into the reputed lady of the picture. I have no desire to bite off more than I can chew.

Having said that... his voice as chill as the winter wind Give me a clear opportunity, not a trap nor a setup, and I'll kill him myself, with my own bare hands if necesary.

2011-05-19, 11:45 PM

Jin's grin is a bit more toothy than most people are comfortable with. "Dragon guy" would do, but my name is Jin, sometimes known as The Gardener, though I am but one of the many.

Now, pardon me for being intrusive, but what is… she? Jin nods towards the big blue.

2011-05-19, 11:56 PM
Gabriel opens his mouth to respond, but Verasali reacts first. "She has ears. I died a while ago, for the same cause you've signed up to fight for now. Due to various rituals and the actions of a mildly insane incarnate-" "Hey!" "-my soul is now housed in this constructed form made primarily of essentia and arcane magic, she says mechanically, seemingly oblivious to Gabriel's interruption. "Given that my body was crushed into a rather sandy pulp by the guards some years ago, it is quite unsuitable for any use at this point."

2011-05-20, 12:21 AM

Jin tilts his head. Well, that certainly is unusual. But, hey, you get to fight the good fight twice, that's quite something, eh?

The tall figure turns back to others. So, do we know anything of this lover of that filthy mongrel?

2011-05-20, 01:52 AM

Jin tilts his head. Well, that certainly is unusual. But, hey, you get to fight the good fight twice, that's quite something, eh?

The tall figure turns back to others. So, do we know anything of this lover of that filthy mongrel?

Awzie gives a soft smile and raises a hand in polite rebuttal

My friend, or at least enemy of my enemy, you are assuming that she is, in fact, in love with this... as you so appropriately phrased it, filthy mongrel. Although that is something of an insult to filthy mongrels, mind you.

With a title like 'the Ruthless', it may well be that she is an innocent here, indeed could be a damsel in distress to rescue from his unwanted advances. For whom could really turn down a Prince of the blood, hmm? No matter how wretched and decayed that flow might stem from, and I certainly hope to find out how his blood flows one day, had she given any token of resistance, she would surely have been tortured in the most horrific means possible. She had no other choice.

I'm not saying that this is the case, of course. Merely that we need data before we judge. Particularly when judging someone as harshly as claiming they fell in love with... that.

Check your assumptions. In fact, check your assumptions at the door. The soundest tactical minds are most easily defeated when they are certain they know what is going on.

At this point, all we know is that there is a rumor of a conveniently placed romantic engagement. I'd rather learn more about the target than the, at best, unwitting accomplice who has the unfortunate taste to fall for such a monster

Frog Dragon
2011-05-20, 10:10 AM
"I'm Thenar" Thenar bowed slightly, as if to a superior, despite Gabriel's informal tone. However, he didn't feel very talkative after that, waiting as the others debated the proper approach Finally, he decides to pipe in. "I agree." He says, glancing Awzie in assurance. "Most people affiliated with the government aren't bad people. She's likely a victim like many others. We shouldn't run headfirst into what could be just a trap, especially when we don't know why his rumored lover is where she is. We need more information than this."

2011-05-20, 11:49 AM

Oh, I never said "voluntary lover". Jin stretches his wings before continuing. I also note that you're making an assumption every time you refer to this person as "she".

As for titles and nicknames, Jin shrugs, the Emperor's sons ought to know how to advertise, and how to false advertise.

2011-05-20, 12:26 PM
"I agree, we definitely need a lot more information before charging into this," Gabriel says. "Now, does any one have any ideas about where to get this information? Rumors, now, are not particularly reliable sources, as Awzie has mentioned. However, rumors are what we have at the moment, and not many of those either. I also find myself in agreement with Jin; the sons of the emperor should know better than to reject an epitaph that inspires such fear in others."

2011-05-20, 04:48 PM
Awzie shrugs Some prefer to rule by fear, others by respect. Fear will keep you in power for as long as you have the power to keep it. Respect will keep you in power for generations. If they wish to be short-sighted, we shall show them the err of their ways. Then again, if they ruled by respect, we'd have never been in this position in the first place, eh?

He begins pacing the room, clearly impatient to act, yet smart enough to hold back

It would be easiest to gather information about this beast we wish to bring down. After all, his glorious deeds should be a matter of public record, aye? And these will tell us the manner of his skill, which will tell us the manner we need to defeat him.

Does he wade into battle, heedless of risks, dealing blows which would fell the mightiest foes? Fine, give him something false to vent his anger on, while the dagger slips from behind. For every tactic, there is a counter. But first, we need to know what tactics he uses.

He sighs, finally landing heavily into a chair.

As for this rumor, for this point, unless you have your own contacts in the area, I'm afraid I'm fresh new myself, the best we can do is keep our ears open and our mouths shut. No sense in giving ourselves away, eh? But if anyone does have such contacts, now would be a good time to use them.

Perhaps we could learn more simply by going out among the citizens, and seeing what rumors are still flying?

2011-05-20, 06:28 PM
I track, I sneak, I fight, but such scouring of information isn't among my strengths. Jin spreads his wings slightly to lean against the wall more comfortably, then, after a pause, addresses Awzie. Can you play that mandolin you're carrying? If you can, you could certainly go around asking about the mongrel's deeds on the guise of wanting to write a song of praise.

If you're good enough, you might even get some of the powers that be to… Jin pauses for a moment, then finishes his sentence, grinning, Sing, so to say.

2011-05-21, 01:28 AM
I track, I sneak, I fight, but such scouring of information isn't among my strengths. Jin spreads his wings slightly to lean against the wall more comfortably, then, after a pause, addresses Awzie. Can you play that mandolin you're carrying? If you can, you could certainly go around asking about the mongrel's deeds on the guise of wanting to write a song of praise.

If you're good enough, you might even get some of the powers that be to… Jin pauses for a moment, then finishes his sentence, grinning, Sing, so to say.

You track, you say? I can ask around about his deeds, in the hopes of writing songs of praise. You see if you can follow him. Shouldn't be hard. He's probably got a whole honor guard with him, shouldn't be hard to track their common movements, where he is taking up residence, that kind of thing. We meet back up and discuss what we find. Sound like a plan?

Umm... we got a result from that Bardic Knowledge check I asked for earlier?

2011-05-21, 05:51 AM
I tend to stand out in a crowd, especially around here, but I'll see what I can do. Anyone else familiar with sneaking?

2011-05-22, 10:24 AM
Sheenekey, no luck on that bardic knowledge check.

2011-05-22, 10:22 PM
The xeph looks slightly uncomfortable surrounded by so many people with whom he is unfamiliar. He'd been sent here through contact with a sympathetic person who'd found him hiding from the Emperor's guards, but he didn't know anyone. Despite himself, he represses his concerns, knowing that he needs these people for what they want to do (and there aren't many out there willing to take action like them). He goes to the place at the table where Gabriel, Awzie, Jin, and Thedar are speaking, acknowledges them with an inclined head and introduces himself,
"I am Vach Sarinkan. Did you say something about needing someone skilled in stealth? I am more than adequate as a scout, sneak, and a set of eyes and ears that move unseen. I can go places where I'm not meant to be and get back out again.

I agree that the most important thing we need to do is to get information. There's a lot to be said for seeing if this "lover" is someone we can make use of. What were you thinking of in particular? I can't say I know much of my way around this place, but you'll find I'm quite committed to the cause."

2011-05-22, 10:50 PM
Gabriel shrugs. "Can't say I was thinking about much of anything specific. What we need is more to work with. Who is this mysterious lover? Where does she-or he, I suppose-meet with Yazad? If we can locate and manipulate the lover, whether that love is faked or not, we might be able to get Yazad." He tips backs in his chair as Verasali slowly uncurls from the corner and walks up to the table somewhat hesitantly.

"There are obvious reasons I'm bad at stealth," she says, pulling at the tip of one large wing with her claws. "But I'm not horrible at it." Her expression shifts from somewhere between annoyed and amused to downright feral. Next to her, Gabriel stiffens as if in shock.

<You aren't going to->


Gabriel opens his mouth, perhaps to interrupt Verasali, but she speaks before he can get out more than a squeak in edgewise. "I've fought what you, Jin, call the good fight well over a dozen times by now. As an eidolon, I literally cannot die until that one over there does," she says, tapping Gabriel on the nose with one long claw (was it shorter before? You can't quite remember). "I've been stabbed, shot in the eye, ripped to pieces, pummeled into the sand, dismissed, chewed on, and burned alive," she says, ticking the various methods of death off on her fingers. "And yet, I seem to be here still. Fascinating how that works. Immortality is never a bad thing. Now, my summoner isn't the best planner in the world, and death's done a number on my mind. But I'm sure one of you can figure out how to best utilize an immortal."

2011-05-23, 01:28 AM
Jin picks his teeth absentmindedly. Are you edible? There's a lot of desert and awfully little prey out there. He then winks. Lets not go straight to the dying part, should be plenty to do before.

So, Vach, was it, you'll blend in better than I do. The easiest thing that comes to my mind is to wander about the town. The mongrel and his entourage shouldn't be hard to spot, should they be here. We ought to tail them and see which places they visit, and why.

Jin slowly flaps his wings, causing small whirls of air and dust to dance about. I may not blend into the crowds as easily, but I know a thing or two about hiding myself. We should divide the town between us, to try to see if the mongrel is here, and if we'll find him, Vach will tail him around, with me as a backup.

2011-05-23, 01:32 AM
Gabriel shrugs. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]"I've fought what you, Jin, call the good fight well over a dozen times by now. As an eidolon, I literally cannot die until that one over there does," she says, tapping Gabriel on the nose with one long claw (was it shorter before? You can't quite remember). "I've been stabbed, shot in the eye, ripped to pieces, pummeled into the sand, dismissed, chewed on, and burned alive," she says, ticking the various methods of death off on her fingers. "And yet, I seem to be here still. Fascinating how that works. Immortality is never a bad thing. Now, my summoner isn't the best planner in the world, and death's done a number on my mind. But I'm sure one of you can figure out how to best utilize an immortal."

Awzie quirks a brow

Very interesting. Immortality, a thing most mortals would crave unto insanity. However, there is a very good reason why we do not wish to utilize your... ahhh... inability to be permanently killed. To whit: it would tip them off that someone IS spying on them.

Ideally, we'd pull this off without anyone, not even Yazad, knew the identities of his killers. Speak With Dead is a simple Cleric spell, after all. For that matter, so is Raise Dead.

That is another point that I'd like to bring up, by the way. It is cursedly difficult to kill someone and keep them truly dead, if that someone has access to the resources of an Empire. Heck, there's even rumors that the Emperor has, within his vaults, means and methods of bringing back the dead without needing the remains. If we succeed in our mission and slay this oppressor of people, he will likely be back to his old tricks within a week.

However, it will bolster the morale of the oppressed, and let everyone know that wherever you have an oppressive tyrant, there are those who will stand up against them.

We have a couple of individuals who specialize in stealth, and at least none of us clank around in 'here I am, shoot me now' armor. I'll try to see what I can find out about this villian, while those more suited to the task can see if they can track his movements.

We'll also need to see if we can secure supply lines, sympathizers who are willing to 'lose' arms and armor for the right price. Casters willing to enchant things with 'no questions asked' in the contract. That sort of thing. Taking on an Empire is hard enough. Doing so without supplies is suicidal.

Any ideas on where to begin?

2011-05-23, 10:04 AM
About True Ressurection, since 9th level spells are as rare as artifacts, it's almost impossible to find it. Ressurection, on the other hand,can be cast by Healers.

2011-05-23, 10:32 AM
About True Ressurection, since 9th level spells are as rare as artifacts, it's almost impossible to find it. Ressurection, on the other hand,can be cast by Healers.

Yea, but this *IS* the Emperor's Son we are talking about. He's got resources not available to 99.99% of the rest of the world. Anything's possible.

But yea, I forgot you aren't allowing over 6th level spells, post edited to reflect this concern in the proper light.

2011-05-23, 04:50 PM
Kill all of his mongrels, and sow their ashes to the wind. Not even the Emperor's coffers are bottomless. Despite his brash tone, Jin sounds unconvinced by his own words, then continues with his usual grin. As for supplies, many paths are open to those with means. Without a doubt this Yazad is willing to support the cause, once we separate his head from his neck.

2011-05-23, 11:43 PM
Vach regards the eidolon curiously, he didn't think he'd want immortality. After a while, what would be the point? Things would only get old and boring. He chose to keep this to himself as she recounted a number of deaths and trials that he hoped that he'd not have to personally endure.

He is slightly put off by the viciousness that was coming from others. He also had a grudge against the Emperor, but he was less than enthused about "sowing the ashes" of his foes. He didn't think that it would be bloodless work, but that didn't mean he'd enjoy it.

"As for where to start, I still think the most important thing is information. Perhaps if we can get an idea of what the Empire's position in this area is, then we can find a way to make the best of it. Perhaps find people who might have reason to act against them, but fear to do so openly and use them for supplies or news.

Keep in mind that the moment we actually move against this Yazad, we need to have a plan. Not only will we need to get him without tipping him off beforehand, but as soon as he's dead the heat will truly be down upon us. Unless we're prepared, that'll be as far as we go."

2011-05-24, 01:39 AM
Keep in mind that the moment we actually move against this Yazad, we need to have a plan. Not only will we need to get him without tipping him off beforehand, but as soon as he's dead the heat will truly be down upon us. Unless we're prepared, that'll be as far as we go."

Awzie nods his head and dramatically points at Vatch, pacing around the room again

Precisely my point! We're planning, to be blunt, an assassination of a Son of the Emperor himself. Do not doubt for a moment that all available Imperial resources will be brought to the task of finding the ones responsible for this, and making an example. You thought what they did to the last Leader was bad? All he did was a bit of mostly impotent dissension. They'd almost be forced to make a public example of us so horrid as to cow the populous for the next generation.

Also, since we're going to kill him, we might as well make it as inconvenient as possible for him to come back. Any ideas on how to get rid of the body so they can't just Raise Dead? I hear a Portable Hole and a Bag of Holding has some very... interesting... possibilities, if a bit expensive. Then again, permanently disposing of the body might be worth the expense. It would certainly be a novel jest.

Awzie's grin was as grim as it was fierce, then he shrugs, and plops down in a chair.

So, information. Who wants to try to track the imperial forces in the area? I volunteer to search for information on our topic, under the guise of wishing to craft a ballad in his honor.

2011-05-24, 10:28 AM
Gabriel sighs. "I'm competent at poking around, though I'd definitely have to dismiss Verasali. As for the actual assassination, I can call Verasali back to my location and some others with her if I have to. One way teleportation for two people and Verasali isn't the best we could have, but it works to get us out of sticky situations."

2011-05-24, 03:57 PM
Any ideas on how to get rid of the body so they can't just Raise Dead?I wasn't being poetical when I mentioned sowing his ashes to the wind. Let the Emperor comb through every grain of sand in the desert if he wants to bring his son back.

After the mongrel's done for, the ones of us who survive ought to leave the town. There's plenty of empire to operate in.

2011-05-24, 05:02 PM
I wasn't being poetical when I mentioned sowing his ashes to the wind. Let the Emperor comb through every grain of sand in the desert if he wants to bring his son back.

After the mongrel's done for, the ones of us who survive ought to leave the town. There's plenty of empire to operate in.

Awzie takes a bit to consider the words, then shakes his head

Do you know how long it takes to burn a body to ash? Way more time than we have. Although if we have some sort of extradimensional carrying capacity, we could always stuff the corpse inside and burn it elsewhere. We'd have to worry about them tracking it via Locate Object, though.

I am of two minds about leaving town afterwords. On the one hand, you are right, they will be coming this place top to bottom to find the culprits. By that same token, however, once the inquisition passes, the town will be the safest place to be, having already been 'vetted'. And we can establish a base of operations in an area most sympathetic to our cause.

That is something we will have to discuss and debate at a later time. For now, we need to act. And our first act will be learning more about the situation presented to us.

He looks over at the Eilodon, and strokes his chin in contemplation.

Say, could you maybe do a fly-over and get a lay of the land? Knowing what streets go where could be invaluable, if you could map it from above. It might not be perfect, but it would be better than nothing.

He looks back at the summoner, with a gleam in his eyes

For that matter, do you share senses with your summons? Dogs would be not worthy of notice, nor would ravens or rats. We could scour the city and no one the wiser!

2011-05-24, 05:16 PM
Gabriel grins goodnaturedly. "The only thing I summon that is bonded to me in such a way is sitting in this room," he comments, gesturing at Verasali. "In any case, the other creatures only stick around for six minutes or so."

"I am capable of doing a 'flyover', as you put it. It seems like a good idea, though writing up there will be a challenge, to say the least."

2011-05-24, 06:10 PM
Gabriel grins goodnaturedly. "The only thing I summon that is bonded to me in such a way is sitting in this room," he comments, gesturing at Verasali. "In any case, the other creatures only stick around for six minutes or so."

"I am capable of doing a 'flyover', as you put it. It seems like a good idea, though writing up there will be a challenge, to say the least."

Ponders the information a moment.

Well, if you two share senses, then one flies while the other maps. Oh, just as a suggestion, you also might want invisibility for the flyby. Wouldn't want to let anything out of the bag, so to speak.

2011-05-26, 07:35 AM
Just wanted to say that I'm liking every post of yours. Well done, guys.

2011-05-26, 11:03 AM
Gabriel shakes his head. "I can map while Verasali flies, but our bond is primarily telepathic-I can only immerse myself in her senses for a short amount of time. Telepathy should be enough to communicate the basics of the map, however." He sighs, and runs a hand through his short hair. "I can't do anything with invisibility either. Most of my spells are from Verasali, and she didn't know how." "Never thought it all that important when someone else in the group could cast it," Verasali points out, shrugging. "Not much we can do about that."

2011-05-26, 03:29 PM
Well, then you should probably wait 'til twilight. Jin adresses Verasali. Unless the transformation weakened your vision, I know mine did.

The draconic figure stops leaning to the wall and stands straight. So, we are to make our inquiries. Unless there's something else to be discussed, we should get to it.

2011-05-26, 03:33 PM
Verasali inclines her head. "Sadly, yes. It is odd-my new sight pierces even total darkness, but only to a certain extent." She shrugs and looks up to catch Jin's eyes with her own blank blue. "Why did you choose such a transformation? I know in life I would never have asked for such a thing-though it doesn't matter much now."

2011-05-26, 06:51 PM
Jin looks puzzled. Why wouldn't I accept the embrace of Bahamut? It is a noble aspiration indeed to become closer to dragons, the noblest creatures on earth.

2011-05-26, 08:07 PM
[glah, I just noticed, Invisibility is only Minutes/Level, which sucks considering it automatically goes if you make a hostile act, so probably not enough to cover a sortie anyways]

Well, if her sight works just as well at night, then by all means, make night-flights. And if you see a huge group of impies marching around, well... make note of them.

Awzie ponders a moment, then mutters under his breath I really do need to find a better method of long-distance communication for everyone, if we are going to coordinate over longer distances. Hmmm....

[If discussion is primarily over, shall we move to the action phase? Would you want me to be rolling Bluff or Diplomacy or Performance checks for my part? I'm afraid I don't have Gather Information. Perhaps another Bardic Knowledge check?]

2011-05-27, 12:11 AM
Verasali's eyelids flutter once, twice. It is the only indication that she feels any emotion at all. "The loss of your birth form, elven senses, elven grace..." She grimaces at her own hands. "To be honest, this musclebound form does not appeal to me much, though the fact I am bipedal does mean something."

Gabriel raps the table, once, twice. Not loudly, but loud enough to call attention. He sits somewhat more like a leader, and you can see the flashes of impatience he once must have had as a pure azurin. "We will have to make do with the telepathic bond Verasali and I share until we find a more suitable method of communication. Now that our plan and roles within it have been decided, let us adjourn for the night, and enact each of our parts. We will meet here again two nights from now." It is not a question.

As one, Gabriel and Verasali stand. Their eyes meet, and Gabriel traces the glowing rune on his forehead with one finger, erasing it. Verasali's form flickers and dissipates, turning into a blurry amalgam of bright blue essentia and wine-purple magic. The blur flows into Gabriel's outstretched palm, and sinks into it. For a moment, his eyes flare a brighter blue than seen on even most incarnates, before fading into the more typical blue-tinged green. He waves goodbye, breaking most of the imposing leader image he had swiftly built up, then leaves, pulling his hood up far over his head.

2011-05-27, 09:22 AM
Awzie simply nods, not wanting to spoil the exit, then digs in his bags for an incredibally garish and gaudy outfit, though clearly lower-class inexpensive. It had eye-searing colors which still seems to blend well together, despite the day-glow tones. Knots of lace poorly conceal ill-mended tears, the vest being a patchwork of nearly every color of cheap hide in existence, and the pants being a very tight fit, but a bit worn in certain places. Out comes a fancy had with a ridiculous looking plume that might have once been a noble thing, but has definitely seen better days.

His Darkwood mandolin is stowed carefully, in favor of a cheap lute, clearly once a beautiful piece of work, but the neck has clearly been broken at least once, and inexpertly mended. The strings held, but it seems as though it is the luck of the gods themselves that keeps one from popping on him at any moment. Yet, for all the inexpensive appearance, it at least holds a sweet note.

In short, he looks like a common minstrel who was once at a higher station, and is trying desperately to regain that status.

Of course, he would eventually wind his way to any place which might have official and public records that his persona would be allowed access to with sufficient wheedling.

2011-05-27, 11:28 AM
OOC: OK, time for those checks.
Ajadea, I will need eight Spot checks from Verasali.
Greenish and Sinfonian, I will need six Hide checks for each of you.
Shneekey, I'm going to need a Disguise check for your impersonation, a Performance (stringed instruments) and if you get 10+ in bith of those, you'll give Thenar a +2 on his Gather Information test.
Frog Dragon, Thenar currently has the highest Gather Information available, so I'll need to roll a Gather Info check.

2011-05-27, 05:26 PM
Disguise: [roll0]
Perform: [roll1]

2011-05-27, 10:52 PM
Vach will make use of Chameleon while he is doing his tailing, to ensure that he doesn't tip off the people he's following. Let me know how many uses it would take to cover the effort (at 10 minutes per usage), I will use as many PP as is necessary, for up to 2 hours of following.

Hide checks:

2011-06-01, 06:17 PM
Awzie disguises himself as a common minstrel, wandering all over Tar-Karas, always around the places Thenar looks around asking for info. They get a few hints here and there, and it would be hard to disguinsh fact from fiction for most people. Thenar had it easier. Though he had no particular experience on the field (not more than your average man) his psionic abilities flowed beautifully into his work. Of course, his half-elven nature helped. With the song from Awzie and a few hints from the bar, Thenar eventually pinpoited two possible lovers for Yazad, their current target - Kyum'en, a dwarf, barkeeper in the Imperial Soldiers outpost and Sayid, a very rich jewel designer that lived in a big estate downtown.

Vach and Jin shadowed Yazad across the city. Jin would have to remain hidden now and again to avoid being seen, but like a living shadow Vach slithered through the oasis city, hiding under tents or stands or even behind people. In any given work day, it seems like Yazad follows a simple procedure - he goes around the city, inspects the troops, visits merchants, lunches with the troops in the central plaza and then excuses himself from his sentinels. At this point, he simply vanishes.

Verasali and Gabriel had less luck. While she tries to map the city, she discovers the army has soldiers in the rooftops with powerful longbows - and they can see invisibility. After a single devastating hit (24 damage), she tried to hide from them in any way she could, but the spell ended. It didn't look like she would get better luck.

2011-06-02, 07:36 AM
Asking for IC knowledge of the results of following him:
Where and how did Vach lose track of Yazad? You say vanished? As in, there one second and gone the next? Turn a corner and gone when Vach caught up? What was he doing when last seen, before excusing himself of his guards? About how many sentinels were there?

Also, assume all 12 PP spent?

2011-06-02, 09:28 AM
Where and how did Vach lose track of Yazad? You say vanished? As in, there one second and gone the next? Turn a corner and gone when Vach caught up?
He disappeared. There one second, gone in the next.

What was he doing when last seen, before excusing himself of his guards? About how many sentinels were there?
At least two sentinels at a time. He was just talking to them, you were not close enough to know what they were talking about though. (well, roll a Liste check, maybe you`ll get lucky)

Also, assume all 12 PP spent?

2011-06-02, 02:07 PM
Listen check:

2011-06-04, 12:47 PM
So... guys. What now?

2011-06-04, 01:10 PM
So... guys. What now?What's going on? Where are we? Who are you? :smalltongue:

What does the prince look like?

Also, how many sentinels does he have trailing along on his forays?

And finally, are we back to the hideout?

2011-06-04, 05:18 PM
So... guys. What now?

Which brings me to a question: Does this city have a sewer? If we can't go up, perhaps we can go down. More will be discussed IC as Awzie, familiar with military tactics, espouses on the other tactical considerations with enemies with see invis and ranged weapons commanding views of large parts of the city.

Also, did Awzie pick up any hints as to what this guy can do? Any rumors of military prowess describing awe-inspiring feats of leadership? He's trying to get a feel for what kind of offensive and defensive abilities the good Prince has.


a) Does this place have a sewer or other subterranian system one might use to avoid, bypass, or otherwise get around the see-invisible sentries?

b) Did I pick up any tales of what this guy can do/has done?

2011-06-04, 10:09 PM
Did Verasali manage to communicate any useful information at all before she got shot down by the archers?

2011-06-05, 12:08 AM
Having finished his attempts to follow Yazad, Vach waits back at the base for the others to return from their own tasks. He attempts to puzzle out how it was the Emperor's spawn had gotten away without him seeing how. Even so, some information is better than none, and the others might have some input on the subject.

2011-06-05, 05:26 AM
OOC: Sorry everyone, I seem to have missed a few posts. I'm sorting it all here.

The info Verasali got is that there are archers and they are well equiped. The other stuff he gathered you alreayd knew - it's an oasis-based town, with a lot of trade and heavy presence of the Empire's army.
The city does not have a sewer system. Waste disposal is done in cans that are retrieved by slaves every noon. The slaves carry these big waste tankards on their backs and some times as they walk it spills on them, striping their skin with the waste. Therefore, they are kwonw as "tigers" by the common people. As in "the tigers will be coming soon, put that in the waste barrel".
Yazak is tall, slender, with thin blue scales on the back of his arms. His eyes are yellow, his nose is long and pointy and he uses his black hair long and greased. He wears a dark blue mithril breastplate with matching mithril dastana as well and he is never without his long flowing crimson cape, spit shined black boots and his trusty darkwood bow.
Tales of Yazak the Ruthless - he is a sadistic young man. He likes using his claws to kill opponents, though he does have weapons at ready. He seems to be skilled with a bow - it is said that he hit a fleeing slave from a distance that none of the guards with him could even see him. Like all army officials, he has a wide array of magical items. Some say he grows stronger the more people he kills.

And yes, back to the hideout.

2011-06-05, 12:58 PM
Gabriel comes back shortly after their disastrous reconnaisance attempt, looking rather the worse for wear. He sits down heavily and rubs his temples, waiting for all to arrive. Once they do, he looks up and asks "What did everyone find out, then?"

2011-06-05, 09:53 PM
Awzie's expression is grim as he gets rid of the ridiculous hat that was part of his costume

Well, I learned something about Yazak, anyways. He likes to use his claws to rend his opponents in melee, although he does have weapons, and the tactical wit to use them when the become necessary. One of the tales spoke of him striking a fleeting slave at a distance that none of the guards could even see him. Even accounting for a bit of histrionics and exaggeration, that's potentially a problem. He's got both ranged and up close and personal covered. So he doesn't have any range weaknesses we can exploit.

Of course, he's got a compliment of magical items. His Darkwood bow, for example, he is never seen without. Typically uses Mithral Breastplate and Dastana for armor, which tells us something about how nimble he is. Were he more nimble, he'd use a mithral chain shirt, but that he IS nimble, or he'd be sporting full plate instead. His 'oh shoot me now' red cloak is rather impressive looking, and probably heavily enchanted, as well as his black boots.

One of the rumors I find disturbing is that it is said that he grows stronger the more people he kills. Considering his race, I cannot help but wonder if he has taken the path of the Necrocarnate? But meh, it is too faint a rumor to really speculate much on.

Awzie shakes his head, then starts pacing again, doffing his disguise in favor of his regular outfit

We do know this much, though: He lives for combat. And so far as anyone knows, his attacks are physical in nature. If he uses magic or psionics or incarnum or anything like that, it is for buffing and support. Which means, when we attack him, we need to be guarded against that. Mirror images tend to work well for such things, I know I can do so for myself.

When we strike, he will hit hard, and hit fast. As a tenative plan, summoning a swarm of lesser minions, boosted by my songs, would likely be effective as a distraction. While individually not very threatening, when boosted up with my music, they become a creditable threat he must respect, or be taken down by a dozen swipes, each more powerful than a typical Fireball. They probably won't last long, of course. Despite the damage I can help them achieve, it does nothing for their durability. They will be 'one-hit wonders', the epitome of 'glass cannons', but they will at least slow him down and tangle him up enough that the rest of the group can focus-fire him down.

He looks over at the summoner with a quirked brow
You look much the worse for wear, my friend. And I do not see your little friend with you either. What has transpired in the skies?

2011-06-05, 10:37 PM
Gabriel buries his head in his hands. "She was shot down by the archers. Due to her distance from me at the time, she was nearly slain. Again, as she is so eager to remind me." He sighs and looks up. "There was no time for her to communicate anything else of note. I had to dismiss her at once, or risk her death. As for your idea of swarm tactics...that is certainly valid to a certain extent. Two to five badgers flailing at him with claws and bite are nuisances and easily destroyed, but empowered with your songs, they are fatal weapons that he must take the time to slay. It would mean not being able to immediately summon Verasali, of course, but the temporary delay we will have in escaping may very well be worth it."

2011-06-05, 11:16 PM
Archers? Jin curses, then flaps his wings. So much for these, then.

We tailed him around, and he has a routine he follows. The problem is, at certain point, he simply vanishes. Hitting hard, hitting fast, that's all good, but if he can just teleport to safety… Jin trails off and shrugs his shoulders.

Then again, no one said this would be easy.

2011-06-06, 04:19 AM
Awzie's brow furrows as he contemplates their reports

Archers with see invisible up on the rooftops? That is... exceedingly troublesome, for more reason than being unable to get a decent overhead view.

He shakes his head, and pulls a badge out of his backpack, and begins polishing it

Archers with magical backup with commanding views of the roads, and skies... that's a serious problem, people. It means we can't just sneak around town invisibly, going about whatever errands we wish. In fact, wandering around invisible will likely draw more attention than it would avoid. Scratch that plan off the list...

Second, it means we absolutely cannot jump this guy out in the open, no matter how ideal the situation presents. We'd be targeted by every archer in the city, and exterminated with extreme prejudice. Nor, for that matter, can we do much in the way of rabble-rousing without being targeted by the... ahh... entirely too devoted archers.

He puts the badge back away in the pack and begins polishing his sword, which seems to be made of crystal, resonating with a hum as he pulls it from its sheath.

We need to watch our own movements. Placing scouts on the rooftops is just what the Army would do to track the movements of rebel groups. If anyone had any associations with the previous movement, take it as granted that you are marked. Do not underestimate their paranoia , nor their oppressive tactics. We have almost no way to move through the city unseen, save by mein skill, such as these two worthies have.

Awzie nods to the two who were trailing and gathering information respectfully

So your information of archers on rooftops is definitely a valuable insight. It is a clear warning that this city is under... suspicion. I used to be military, before I... ahh... finally got to be too much of a pest and earned a discharge. An honorable one, thanks to a spot of blackmail. And I warn you now... I've seen them completely eradicate a town, if they feel it is truly in the Empire's best interests. Probably the only thing saving this town after the former movement was discovered was all the trade bringing in supplies and income to tax. But don't trust that too far, if they deem this place too dangerous, they'll burn it to the sand, and all the inhabitants with it.

2011-06-06, 10:44 AM
Gabriel groans. "I was there, so I can definitely confirm that. I was lucky enough to escape with my life. The others weren't. One idiot was all that was necessary to destroy months of planning and preparation. There were eight of us then," he says, eyes slightly unfocused. "Two escaped, and considering one was Verasali, it might as well have been one for the purposes of how difficult it'd be. I have no desire to risk that a second time. We have to be careful, very careful. Now Vach, Thenar, what did you find?"

2011-06-06, 11:26 AM
Hmm... one wonders about the bodyguards. After all, he just up and vanished from the middle of them. And they didn't seem too surprised, I would assume? Okay, where did the guards go from there? For that matter, did he show back up with them, or did he appear with another set of guards...

Short-ranged teleportation. That could be anything from a Soulmeld to Psionics, to outright magic. Heck, could even be Shadowcasting, I think. If that's the case, we need to find a way to incapacitate him. Stun, nauseated, terror... something that keeps him from acting long enough to put paid to the bastard. I don't have any way to bar teleportation, that's wizard business.

You know, I wonder if he is a meldshaper of some sort. It's not that uncommon in the Empire. It would make sense, anyways.

But, it might also be some high skill in remaining unseen, and hiding even under direct observation. That would appear to be vanishing as well.

He continues pondering

You know... I'm not a bad hand at being... convincing. Completely mundanely, you understand. I could walk into an anti-magic field, and still be able to convince someone the sky is purple. Outside one... well... I hope to soon be able to even foil a Zone of Truth or such means. I wonder if I could strike up a friendship with a few of the archers. It'd be nice if the eyes in the sky were a bit more friendly, eh?

2011-06-06, 11:51 AM
Knowledge (the planes) DC 26 to open
Janni get invisibility as a spell-like ability.

2011-06-07, 02:09 AM
No way I could make that check. I only have Knowledge (Arcana). Even a nat 20 wouldn't give it to me.

2011-06-07, 02:11 AM
Same here. +5 to Knowledge (the planes) isn't worth anything with a DC that is one above anything I can do.

2011-06-08, 04:06 AM
Vach, having already related the information from her own trek while following Yazad, has still been ruminating on the possibilties behind the sudden disappearance of the man. He ventures a potential solution to the group, "Forgive me if I misunderstand the various intricacies, but as I understand it, what shuts down magic should shut down most of the possibilities that allow our target to slip away. I thought even melds and psionics go wonky with that kind of thing. Is there anything along those lines that might work? Such spells are very rare...but might be worth looking into.

Regardless, this means that however he's doing it, we need a very careful plan for when we go after him. As I said before, once we've made our first move there'll be no stopping the storm that'll follow. We might be able to avoid it, or weather it, but it'll come."

Re:Knowledge Check, no chance I'm making that.

2011-06-10, 08:00 AM
OOC: Go on, go on.