View Full Version : [Pathfinder] Barbarian build

2011-05-19, 07:59 PM
Hello everyone, I am interested in making a fairly specific barbarian build. The build idea is an intimidating tripper that controls the battlefield and can dish out some hp damage. I have a set of feats and rage powers that I'd like, the problem is my lack of experience with melees in general and there's too many choices for feats.

I tried my google-fu but I couldn't find any hand books for something like this. So without rambling on too much, the gist of it is this: help me optimize a fear tripping barbarian. The stipulations are that I want to single class, I hate dips from a roleplay perspective (dual class is ok), and no spell progression.

So far I have this:

half orc barbarian, with the chain fighter acf (to get martial spiked chain prof. and save a feat, as well as 1 extra round of rage per level)

feats in no particular order (12 feats!!):
Combat expertise
combat reflexes
coordinated maneuvers
dazzling display
imp trip
gr trip
weapon focus
power attack
furious focus
ferocious tenacity
intimidating prowess
stand still

My rage powers in no particular order:
Intimidating glare
quick reflexes
roused anger
strength surge
terrifying howl
unexpected strike
lesser, normal and greater beast totem (for da pounce)

I haven't read through all of these too carefully, so some of it might be redundant. Help me sort out the wheat from the chaff, suggestions are welcome!

2011-05-19, 08:05 PM
Spiked Chain is no longer a reach weapon in Pathfinder. Save yourself the need to take an ACF and use a Guisarme.

2011-05-19, 08:07 PM
Oh poop
A question then: can you use claws when wielding a 2 handed weapon? I would think no... but you never know.

2011-05-19, 08:47 PM
Oh poop
A question then: can you use claws when wielding a 2 handed weapon? I would think no... but you never know.
Consensus when I asked a similar question on the Paizo boards was "no". You should probably go with good old spiked armor if you want to threaten adjacent.

2011-05-19, 09:13 PM
You can grab the Lunge feat for an extra five feet of reach as well, if you don't mind a -2 to AC.

2011-05-19, 09:20 PM
I wonder if you could effectively combine Combat Patrol with Terrifying Howl -- scare everyone into fleeing, and take AoOs all over the place.

2011-05-19, 10:22 PM
Wow thats.. actually kind of a neat idea. The problem is Combat Patrol is a full round action.

Really you need somone else in your group to have it.

2011-05-19, 10:30 PM
Also PF standstill is adjacent creatures not threatened creatures, so reach won't work with it.

2011-05-20, 12:53 AM
I wonder if you could effectively combine Combat Patrol with Terrifying Howl -- scare everyone into fleeing, and take AoOs all over the place.

combat patrol is at least 2 more feats, and this build is already short on them. It is pretty neat though, I wonder if it would synergize with lunge, a guisarme and a potion of enlarge. If they all stacked, at lv 10 you'd have a 30' threatened zone.

Also PF standstill is adjacent creatures not threatened creatures, so reach won't work with it.

Thats a good point. One feat down I suppose.

2011-05-20, 09:03 AM
combat patrol is at least 2 more feats, and this build is already short on them. It is pretty neat though, I wonder if it would synergize with lunge, a guisarme and a potion of enlarge. If they all stacked, at lv 10 you'd have a 30' threatened zone.

Yeah, it was really an idle thought. As Mojo_Rat suggested, you should convince someone else in your party to take it. Clearly it would need to be someone with a really high Dex, so Combat Reflexes meant something.

Now, if only "panicked" included losing your Dex bonus to AC, it would be an utterly devastating barbarian/rogue team-up trick (with the bleeding sneak attack rogue talent? yikes). As it is, it's merely neat and effective.