View Full Version : Quick Question

2011-05-20, 09:49 AM
Hopefully at least. My only outlet for gaming right now is online games. I have a few ideas for characters that I'm not sure would work well online, but wanted to ask people with more experience first. Basically the ideas can be summed up as crafters. (Alchemists, Artificers, etc.) I've had fun with characters like that in RL games, but I'm not sure that those would work well online. What do you guys think?

EDIT: Sorry, I meant PbP. And I guess my question boils down to whether crafters feel like a viable choice in PbP.

2011-05-20, 10:11 AM
By "online games" do you mean MMORPG's, or other online gaming or do you mean PBP, PBE type games?

If the former, crafters are usually viable to some degree, but focusing on it generally not a great way to really get immersed in the game.

If the latter, it largely depends on the game the GM is running. Some games are crafter friendly with plenty of available resources and downtime, but some are not.

2011-05-20, 10:56 AM
I have exclusively been playing PBP's for the last couple years (since I moved away from my group), and the one thing I can tell you is that PBP's are very very slow.. much slower than RL. It might take a month (or three) to get through a single nights gaming session (in my group we tend to get major updates twice a week). That means you end up waiting a LONG time to use your crafting ability. Is it as viable as a RL game, absolutely... as long as your prepared to wait months (potentially) between craft uses. I love crafting homemade items so all my spellcasters usually have CWI, but I certainly don't get to use it as often as I would like.

2011-05-20, 11:08 AM
That's what my instinct was telling me. I guess I'll try it and see if it's bearable or not. Thanks for the input guys.